#bronya rand  :  threads .
wcvensouls-archive · 1 year
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although their relationship had a bit of a rocky start, bronya had indeed grown rather fond of the astral express crew  —  even if they did not have many opportunities to simply relax together even after everything was sorted. " i assume you all will be leaving soon, correct? "
@avaere : starter call .
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sakuyomihana · 7 months
⋆˙⟡ Tangled Threads Of Hearts ⋆˙⟡
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Hello everyone~! The update for chapter 1 is finally up, sorry for keeping you guys waiting! Thank you for all your support, I was honestly not expecting so many likes on my prolouge chapter! I'll do my best to continue updating this series, stay tune~ *Disclaimer: This is an original work done by me. Pls do not steal it or repost it anywhere else. Thank you and have a happy reading day~!
Chapter 1: Reunions & First Meetings
Year 2023, Spring
Location: AstralEx High School
  Excited chatters could be heard from the students around you as they made their way through the school gate. Many were about which classes they were in, some were even about them being nervous about starting as first year students.
AstralEx High School is a prestigious school known for churning out many excellent, talented and outstanding students every year. And it really lived up to its name.
Looking over the time sheet that was provided by the school at the start of the year, you scrolled through the contents and found what you were looking for.
‘Guess my first period is homeroom with Mr Yang’'.
Smiling to yourself, you were glad that your homeroom teacher was Mr Welt Yang yet again. He was a very interesting, wise and intriguing teacher that you had looked up to since your first year here and you enjoyed the subjects that he teaches in.
Just as you were about to head into the building, you heard a familiar voice screaming your name excitedly from behind. You didn't need to turn around to know who it was, as the figure immediately glomped you into a bone crushing hug.
“[NAME] CHAN, I missed you so much~!”.
“Quiet down, March.. Hah, it hasn't been that long since we last saw each other…”, another familiar yet exasperated voice interjected.
“Ahaha, it's alright Dan Heng. Sure, it hasn't been long but I missed you too~”, you chuckled and returned the hug with one of your own.
“Bleh~, see [Name] Chan agrees with me~!”.
“*sigh*.. What am I gonna do with the two of you..?”.
The familiar sight of your two best friends fooling around with you, had made your day even brighter. The bright and energetic female, March 7th and the cool and reserved male, Dan Heng had both been your closest companion since day one. The sight of the two bickering over you had never failed to make you smile everyday.
“Now, now.. Why not join us in this group hug, Dan Heng? It's warm and fuzzy~”, you decided to tease the stoic male a little.
“!”, a blush immediately crept out to his ears and cheeks.
“Yeah~! Come on~!”, March chimed in.
You both knew that he has a soft spot for you and using that on him wasn't fair but he still agreed, while it may be embarrassing for him to admit.
“*huff* Fine..”.
And thus, the three of you ended up in the group hug.
Feeling warm and fuzzy from the contact, the three of you finally separated and began heading for your first period. Funnily enough, you all were in the same class yet again for another year.
Chatting again like old times, the three of you walked to class together. Meeting familiar faces along the way, you exchanged greetings and wished each other all the best for whatever's coming up. Amongst them, were your childhood friend, Gepard Landau; fellow literature club member and the student council president, Bronya Rand and her childhood friend, Seele.
It was a surprise that all of you ended up in the same class for your final year, not that you mind but you really appreciated all the company and support that you are getting for you to survive yet another year in this school.
Picking the seats that were the closest to the window, with you in the middle, March and Dan Heng beside and behind you respectively, Gepard in front and the other two somewhere else in the room, you guys took your seats and got ready for homeroom. Mostly everyone that were currently in class, were familiar faces that you had seen before but there were also a few in particular that you had never met before. An example would be this silver-haired male that you had never seen before your entire life. He was standing around and looking for a seat albeit nonchalantly.
“Who is that? I have never seen him around school before..”.
Girl took that question out of your mouth, just as you were about to ask the same thing. What can I say, great minds think alike. But Dan Heng would beg to differ that you were definitely better than March.
“Maybe he's a new student.”, Dan Heng replied, not looking up from the book that he was reading.
“Wow, transferring in straight at the start of the third year. He looks kinda hot actually~”.
“March..”, we all deadpanned.
Lightly chuckling at March's usual antics, you slowly turned to look out of the window, taking in the beautiful view of spring in front of you. Seemingly lost in thought for a moment, Gepard spoke for your mind.
“Itching to recreate this scenery, are you?”.
“Aha, you got me.”.
Smiling sheepishly at how easily it was for him to read you, you turned away from the male in front of you and back to the scenery before you.
“It just looks so beautiful.”.
“Yeah, it sure is.”, he acknowledged.
‘But not as beautiful, without you in the picture.’.
He kept that thought to himself, hiding it with a light chuckle.
Beaming back at him, you took out your sketchbook and began to sketch. Your smile had always had an effect on his heart, he wanted to protect it so bad. Trying to keep himself sane, he turned back to the book in front of him as he held back the blush that had already crept up to his ear. Thankfully, nobody had noticed.
Gepard and his older and younger sisters, Serval and Lynx had known you since you were little as your parents knew each other and were friends. Thus, hangouts became very frequent. The both of you did everything together before you were separated in middle school. The young man had already fallen for you when he first laid his eyes on you and he just fell harder as you grew up. You could say that you were his love at first sight, something that started out as a crush before turning into full blown affection, when you guys grew older.
He did try to make his move on you twice upon the urging of Serval, so that she would stop teasing him about it, however, those attempts had failed as your very over-protective older brother that loved you too much had always been the third wheel, interrupting the moments where you two were together.
Not that he wished to give up but he was bidding for the right time to tell you how he truly felt. And now still wasn't and so he waited.
The school bell finally rang, signaling that lessons were about to begin.
You had just managed to finish a rough sketch of the final product and began keeping your materials as Mr Yang took his place at the front of the class.
“Good morning, everyone. I am Welt Yang and I am your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year. To all the students that had been with us since the very beginning, I hoped that you all had a great holiday and a good rest and now it's the start of a new year here in AstralEx High. All of you are now third year students, I truly hoped that whatever we had teached you over the span of two years had not been forgotten and will be put to good use.”.
Everyone in the classroom felt the weight of the words spoken and we resolved ourselves yet again, to not disappoint his expectations of us.
“Now, seriousness aside, I would like to welcome some of the new students that we have here with us today. Let's start off with some short introductions from our lovely students and get to know one another a little better.”.
Each individual student took turns to introduce themselves and what are some of their hobbies, through a game of lottery.
Gepard: “Hi, my name is Gepard and my hobby is taking care of plants and cooking.”.
Bronya: “My name is Bronya and my hobby is reading books.”.
Seele: “The names’ Seele. Er, Hobbies..? Nothing really..”.
March 7th: “Hi, I'm March 7th! But you can call me March! I like to take pictures of all the cute and memorable things in the world!”.
Dan Heng: “Dan Heng and reading..”.
‘Ah, this is so boring..’, someone thought.
 ‘Ah, this is so boring..’.
The silverette yawned for the 4th time since the day had started. Rude, you all may say but that's just how he felt about all of these.
Caelus had been transferring in and out of different schools for as long as he could remember, as his mother was constantly moving around to different countries due to her job. Not that he could blame her but he's just kinda sick of all this constant moving. He hoped that this was the last, quote unquote hoped, you never know what life brings you.
Due to this, he never bothered making many friends as it was just too bothersome and he didn't need to touch on his emotions. This was not the first time that he had experienced this introduction thing that apparently was a requirement for him to get to know his classmates better.
Stifling another yawn, he watched yet another student introduce themselves to the class. But this time, he was starstruck.
You: “Hello, my name is [Name]. And I like to read and draw in my free time.”.
‘Who was this goddess that had just descended upon him?!’.
You were an ethereal beauty, a sight to behold. He had never met someone whose beauty could ever surpass yours in his life before. Your gentle eyes, smile and voice were like music to his ears and heaven to his sight.
Unable to tear his eyes away from you, it took like a few coughs from Mr Yang, from a light one to a hard one, to snap him back to his senses. Feeling all eyes on him, he started feeling nervous and his palms began to sweat. It didn't help that there were a few piercing glances sent his way and especially yours, he found himself stumped.
Taking in a deep breath, he pulled himself together and stood up..
“H-hi, the names’ Caelus. and er.. my hobby is gaming?”.
He swore that he saw something lit up behind Mr Yang's glasses but he couldn't care less about that now. Fuck, he just wanted to dig a hole and hide in there after such a embarrassing display(>д<)!
Location: AstralEx High School, School Gate
  The first day of school had just flown by like a blur... You were now walking towards the entrance of your school with your friends, as excited chatters filled the previous hallways after such a long day.
You were grateful that Headmasters Himeko and Pom Pom decided to let all the students off earlier today, thus allowing you to head home with all of your friends.
“Mmm! So what will you all be doing after this?”, March asked as she stretched her sore arms a little.
“Seele and I will be heading off first, there's somewhere that we want to go to.”, Bronya was the first to respond.
“Aw man, just as I thought we could all hang out together today.. *sigh*”.
“Maybe next time, March~”, Bronya chuckled lightly at the dejected girl.
“I'll be heading home directly.”.
“Sorry March, Gepard and I have to go somewhere too.”.
“Aw man~”.
Everyone chuckled at the poor girl. 
Truthfully, you wanted to accompany your friend, however, you already had made plans with Gepard to visit Serval's repair workshop and later on have dinner with both families, yours and his.
Gepard on the other hand.. seemed slightly distracted by something and that did not go unnoticed by Seele.  
Deciding to tease the man a little, she linked arms with you and Bronya, snickering as she did so.
“Looks like someone is a little distracted~ Why don't you join us, [Name]? Man doesn't seem to remember that he has a date with you~”, she snickered teasingly.
Catching on to what Seele was trying to do, Bronya decided to play along too.
“Ufufu, that's very true~ Shall we?”.
“E-er, wait what?!”, that finally snapped the man out from his stupor.
Seeing his panic expression, everyone burst out laughing, including the usual aloof Dan Heng.
“Ugh..”, the blonde groaned from embarrassment and face palmed himself to hide his blushing face. 
It did not help that you were laughing as well.
“Ahahaha, come on guys.”.
Just hearing your laughter was enough to make the latter redder than a tomato and his yearning heart flutter. The intense laughter died down after a while, as they tried catching their breaths.
“Come on man, just what were you thinking or so distracted by, that you completely zone out on us?”, Seele asked as she wiped away her tears.
“Yeah, Geppie! Tell us tell us!”, March exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes.
“Urgh.. Please don't call me that.”.
“Now now, girls. Stop teasing him already, I'm pretty sure that he has a good reason, right?”, you quickly interjected.
“Alright, alright~ Whatever you say but I'm pretty sure we all know the answer. Right, Cold Dragon Young?”, the purplette finally gave in but not before teasing the other male first.
“Hmph..”, the latter chose not to respond.
The conversation finally let up after a gruesome amount of jokes and teasing. With the sky slowly turning an orange hue in the background, the little group began to disperse and everyone left on their merry way.
After the rest had left, it was only just you and Gepard left at the school gate. The once noisy atmosphere had now turned into a comforting silence between two friends.
“Are you sure you are alright though? If you are not feeling well, I can let Brother know that maybe we can shift this annual dinner to another date.”, you asked, breaking the silence as you shared your concern.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Really.”, he replied with confidence.
“Yes, really. Thank you for your concern but I'm really fine now.”, he chuckled as he ruffled your hair.
Puffing up your cheeks at how he had just ruined your hair, (to which he found adorable) you let out a little sigh before smiling again as you fixed your hair. Just as Gepard was sending Serval a message, notifying her that you guys were going to head over to her shop soon, you suddenly remembered that there was someone that you were supposed to meet.
“Oh right, I forgot that I was supposed to meet Tingyun for a little bit after class ended! Sorry Gepard, do you mind waiting here alone for a bit? I'll be right back.”.
“It's alright, go on ahead. I'll be right here if you need me.”.
“Thanks! I'll be back in a jiffy!”.
And off you went. He honestly didn't mind following you to find your friend but he thought you girls might need some girl time, so he chose to keep his mouth shut and let you go on your own. Taking this time alone, he thought back to events that had happened earlier in the day...
Location: AstralEx High School, Classroom Hallways
  There were still students frolicking around the hallways and classrooms as you traced back your steps to find your friend, Tingyun. It was unfortunate that this time around, the both of you didn't share the same classes, thus leading to this moment.
You sent the girl a text message as you continued down the hallway, praying that she would respond asap. You were already running a little behind schedule and you didn't want your blonde friend to wait for you for too long, so you quickened your pace. Thinking back to earlier, you wondered what exactly had gotten your male friend to be so out of sorts. He may have said that he was alright but you were still a little concerned. Unable to pinpoint exactly why, you gave up and returned back to the task at hand.
“ Tingyun <3
                                     Hey, I'm here. Whr r u?
Hi love! I'm outside the classroom that's next to yours~
                                     Okay~ I'm heading over now! “.
Picking up the pace, you headed straight for your classroom. Upon reaching your destination, you finally caught sight of your foxian friend's familiar silhouette. As you got closer, you realized that she was having a conversation with another student, deciding to not intrude on them, you stood a little ways further from the two.
It did not take long for your friend to notice your presence behind her, with that she quickly wrapped up the conversation with the student and headed over in your direction. She bided her time a little and after making sure that the student had already left the premises, she then pounced on you without restrain.
“Love~!!! You are finally here, it’s been too long~!”.
“Hehe, yeah~ I miss you too~!”, you returned her tight squeeze hug with one of your own.
Nuzzling you as her fluffy ears and tail twitched with affection, you felt ticklish from the contact that you let out a cute giggle.
“Ahaha, Tingyun stop! It tickles~!”.
She kept on nuzzling you for a few more minutes and finally letting go when you were out of breath.
“I can’t help it~ You are just too cute to be denied~”.
“Oh, Tingyun~ my love.”.
And she started nuzzling you again.
She kept at it for another few minutes or so when she finally stopped. By the time it was over, you were panting and wheezing from the lack of air. Taking in and letting out a deep breath as you calmed yourself, you managed to regain your breathing.
“Gosh, that was awful.”, you pouted at your friend while she giggled in amusement.
Smiling wryly, you then proceeded to take something out from your school bag. Emerald eyes shimmered in anticipation as you passed it to her, a small white envelope. You could tell how excited and happy she was with the way her eyes lit up in appreciation, *sigh* the things you would do for her.
“It was kinda hard trying to lie to Brother about this, especially when he knows how adamant I am to his affections, be it at home or in public.”.
“But you still did~ Which means that he didn’t suspect a thing~!”.
Well, at least she’s happy, that’s all that matters.
“Now~ don’t worry your pretty little head~ I’ll of course keep my end of the bargain!”.
Yes.., that’s all that really matters.
“Wait for my good news~! Bye, love~”, with a little wave and there she goes.
‘Well, with that settled, let’s head back. Gepard should be starting to worry by now.’, you thought to yourself as you imagined his panic expression when he finally sees you, given how late it was.
Lightly chuckling to yourself, you set foot back to the school gate..
‘Hah~ The day is finally over.. Let’s hurry home and- Hmm? Is that-’.
End Of Chapter 1: Reunions & First Meetings.
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*Author's Note: I'm sorry for the message part of the story for mobile viewers, the entire paragraph was made to fit for desktop!
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mxdarling · 8 months
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: just who are these people who live beyond the cosmos and stars? well, question no further for the fable of stars shall tell you their tale.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 1052
ೃ⁀➷: reference/inspiration: fable of the stars #1
[part two]
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me.
[warnings:] bad metaphoric writing, bad attempt of character analysis, lowercase, not spoiler free, can be considered a x reader work if you squint, noah tries explaining HSR character lore (and failing miserably).
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she is the embodiment of something to be greatly feared, yet the very concept of fear is none of any familiarity to her. coming from a planet wherein not knowing fear is the norm, she embarks a journey as a stellaron hunter to search for value in life. she's a kin to a spider, weaving and intertwining several threads of fate—turning into another one of destiny's thousands of faces, pulling you in, luring you in, till you find yourself caught in her web of whispers, at the mercy of kafka herself—unable to get out of the web she has created for you.
creeping and crawling, she is a master of not letting you expect what her next move shall be, wondering what she will do next leaves you quivering with anticipation and anxiety. slipping past the fingers that have tried to put her in a cage to be captured are left with just a mere glimpse of her, one might say she holds excellence in leaving you on a cliffhanger. she is the unknown danger that many have fallen victim to, the reason why wanted posters are loitered across the streets to remind you to proceed with caution in mind once you've caught sight of any appearance of her.
mysterious and alluring, the lack of information shrouds her in many secrets, how many do she have, how many do we actually know, the mass amount of questions she evokes is a feat itself—she really is a compelling yet treacherous individual. just by looking at her alone, she already attracts your attention to her, not even a finger has been lifted, this force beckons you to her, this curiosity begging you to see past the soulless eyes of hers—perhaps there's more that meets the eye.
"a member of the stellaron hunters. a dashing, collected, and professional beauty. used the enchantment of spirit whisper to set up a trailblazer to absorb the stellaron. her hobby is shopping for and organizing her collection of coats."
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born in the underworld, she was chosen from the masses of children, to be taught and to be trained to lead belebog to its peak. as the chosen heir, she is the diamond among the rough, fortunate enough for her shine to pass through the gaps of thousands of rocks. through the rigorous education she has received, the young and capable princess you see now is trying her absolute best to not fail her people, to lead them into a life of prosperity, and to make belebog the better place she has envisioned her mind since she was a child.
'make the world a better place' a thought that pushed her to go through countless of lengths for her people, her determination is one like no other, she is one admirable commander—setting her eyes on a goal, finding a path that gives her the most leeway to that goal and if she doesn't find one, she makes one instead. despite the countless praise and leadership she holds, she too has seeds of doubt implanted into her mind. she is as human as the rest of us, questioning whether her training she's received is enough to lead her people to the lives they've always dreamt of.
discovering her mother's secret and losing her in that same process, bronya has a lot to shoulder—she has worn many heavy silvermane guard armour for most of her life, yet nothing has ever been more heavier than death itself. she recalls the first funeral she ever attended, her savior that sacrificed his life to save hers—at the cost of her being alive, he died in her place instead. she couldn't even see the face of the person who traded his life for her safety, she wishes that their places could be swapped, yet what difference would that make? one out of the two would still be dead no matter what. learning to bear these heavy burdens is the only way to become a true leader, the young captain had told her in the past, and to that she replies, he's right.
"heir apparent to the supreme guardian of belobog. she possesses pride befitting a princess, but also the determination and integrity of a soldier."
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the girl who was lost, who walked and walked in the dark night till she lost her footing and fell straight to the mud. the girl who was a college freshman and majored in interstellar travel dynamics, the one who saw the express drifting in the ocean—lost and alone, just like her. the one who repaired the express when it hit her homeland, the express asked her whether she'd like to travel the stars together, she pondered what kind of journey they would embark on. a journey to the beginnings, it says—let's go then, she replies with no hesitation, just as you brought me home, so would I take you home, too.
she packs her treasure in a suitcase, molecular saw, an escaped satellite, and countless other contraptions. she carries her suitcase around as proof of the many things she's discovered and set her eyes on. a history of all the planets and adventures she has gone through and the many more she'll encounter in the near future. she knew how lonely this journey would be, passengers would come and go in the express, even if she got to know them on a deeper level, even if they stayed with the express to start till finish, it's all but momentary.
her memory serves her well, no matter how many companions she comes across, she remembers all of them like she just saw them yesterday. the little habits, the little routines, the all-nighters that dan heng pulls to organize all the docs in the data bank, march 7th's habit of sleeping in the most, welt's expression when he first taste her handmade coffee, her chit-chats with pom-pom, she remembers them all—the birthdays, the anniversaries, hobbies. when the day comes they all depart from one another into separate ventures, the moment they all say their goodbyes, she'll smile as their travels have come to an end.
"the one who repaired the astral express. to witness the vast starry sky, she decided to travel with the astral express. her hobby is brewing handmade coffee."
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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[author's note: saw a hsr tweet about these revelation cards and my hsr obsessed ass said "imma write about that" and so i made this. you might noticed i didn't write march and that's because i wanna do three people per fabe of the stars instead of four so it be even, yknow. i can't guarantee a part two to this but if my motivation is up for that challenge i might do a part two who knows.]
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wcvensouls-archive · 1 year
* TAG DUMP / star rail .
dan heng  :  threads . dan heng  :  visage . dan heng  :  about . dan heng  :  aes . dan heng  :  closet .
gepard landau  :  threads . gepard landau  :  visage . gepard landau  :  about . gepard landau  :  aes . gepard landau  :  closet .
bronya rand  :  threads . bronya rand  :  visage . bronya rand  :  about . bronya rand  :  aes . bronya rand  :  closet .
herta  :  threads . herta  :  visage . herta  :  about . herta  :  aes . herta  :  closet .
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