#brookie lost the rest of his hair between then and now
trapdoornumberthree · 4 years
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Some of the boys when they were young and some colored selections from sketches of @sillyandquiteawkward‘s charas (flushed emoji)
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yesloverboy · 4 years
can you write a brooke thompson x female reader imagine please
 The bonfire glows brilliant orange against the inky night sky, its flames twisting and licking against dried wood and crispy pine needles. You look up towards the sky as you take another gulp of PBR, the cold beer chasing a chill up your spine. Xavier was telling another one of his ghost stories, the blazing fire turning his tanned face into pure gold. You roll your eyes, it’s a story you’d heard a million times before– some bullshit about a man with a hook for a hand –but you had to admit, Xavier was an actor through and through. He never broke character, not even for a second.
 “Trying to set the mood, the guy turned on the radio only to hear...Breaking News! A crazed sex maniac has escaped from the insane asylum just on the edge of town...” Xavier was gesturing wildly, his bright blue eyes dancing between each of the counselors as he tried to decide just how much more drama to lay on. 
 You followed Xavier’s gaze, trying to see if anyone was actually buying into his very elementary idea of horror. Scoffing, your eyes fall on Montana and Trevor, her petite frame perched haphazardly in his lap as her manicured hand creeps closer and closer to the ever-prominent bulge in his shorts. 
 If this were like the movies, they’d be the first to go, you think as you will yourself not to laugh. Searching around the rest of the campfire, you realize that you see Trevor and Montana, but no Chet. Frowning, you realize that he probably ran off with Brooke somewhere. You drain the rest of your beer bitterly, hand plunging into the icy cooler in front of you for another. 
 Oh, beautiful, beautiful Brooke. You had met her through Xavier, and usually just watched from afar as she pranced from the locker room to his jazzercise class in an array of neon leotards. You even had them memorized; yellow on Mondays, blue for Wednesday, and purple on Fridays. The entire time, you assumed that you’d kept your little crush on the down-low, always ducking into your spin class before anyone could catch a glimpse of your eyes following Brooke’s chestnut ponytail bouncing away. At least that’s how it was until Xavier came into the picture. 
 For as much of an airhead as he came across to be, Xavier shockingly wasn’t stupid. He had observed your flushed cheeks and nervous glances from a mile away and approached you in the instructor’s lounge with a simple proposition:
 Come to Redwood, get your chance with Brooke. 
 So much for that plan. One very important thing Xavier failed to mention was that Brooke had been lusting after Chet all along, and he was everything you could never be. Strong, charming, and–worst of all–a guy. And now you were stuck in Redwood for an entire summer, watching idly by as Brooke and Chet would either inevitably fall in love or fall apart. 
 Just as you’re about to sink back into your lawn chair and think of all the ways you lost your chance with Brooke (if you ever even had one), a commotion from the woods startles you into a standing position. There’s a chorus of shrieking and crying that you can only discern as belonging to Brooke, her feet pounding against the dirt trail as Chet follows loosely behind. 
 “Whoa, what the fuck happened to you guys?” Montana asks. She’s still glued to Trevor’s lap but her face becomes one of concern, an emotion you honestly weren’t sure was capable of. 
 Brooke’s run turns into a stumbling gallop as she approaches the fire, and, before you can even register what’s happening, she falls straight into your awaiting arms. Heart hammering in your chest, partly from fear of the unknown and partly because Brooke is sobbing into your chest, you stiffly wrap your arms around Brooke’s trembling form. Her usually perfect hair was entangled with leaves and sticks, her candy-striped sweater torn haphazardly at the shoulder. 
 Chet yanked a beer from the water cooler beside you and flops angrily on a fallen log. “I don’t fuckin’ know, man. I was headed to the bunks to get Xav’s bag of hash and when I got back to the trail she was already freaked.”
 You sigh in irritation at Chet’s crassness, and take a small step back from Brooke, trying to get a good look at her. Her dainty fingers are still clutching at your mustard yellow tank top, doe eyes stained with pitiful tears.  
 “Brookie, hey,” you whisper, brushing a stray piece of hair away from her face, “Wanna go back up to the bunks and talk about it?” 
 She says nothing and instead nods her head eagerly, as if getting away from the group is suddenly the only thing that matters. 
 You turn away from Brooke but keep one arm secured around her shoulders, “Hey guys, I’m gonna walk Brooke back up to the camp. Don’t wait up, okay?” 
 “Sure thing,” Xavier smirks, “You and Brookie, have a nice night.” 
 If Brooke wasn’t so dependant on you for balance right now, you would have walked over and slapped the stupid grin right off Xavier’s face. Instead, you just turn to Brooke and give her a small nod, “Ready?” 
 As you and Brooke make your way up the darkened trail, she stays close by your side, jumping and startling at every rustle and creak the woods have to offer. 
 “Hey, it’s okay now,” you offer weakly, arm still firmly resting on her shoulders, “You’re safe, I promise.”
 To your surprise, her slender arm snakes around your middle, hugging you closer to her side as her head lolls against your shoulder. Your heart thuds relentlessly in your ears, and you hope to the stars pricking the sky that Brooke doesn’t notice. 
 “I saw someone,” Brooke finally blurts out, breaking through the eery silence. “And I know it sounds crazy, but I think it was Mr. Jingles because I heard the keys and everything and I don’t know it could be someone just messing with us but–”
 You stop walking, making Brooke’s feet stumble a little as she turns to look at you. “Look, you don’t have to explain anything to me. I’m not Chet, okay? I believe you.”
 I’m not Chet, okay?
 The phrase echos in your head, the words far more bitter than you intended them to be. Your face grows hot despite the cool night air and you wonder if Brooke can see how flustered you are just by her being there. 
 Before you can suggest to Brooke that she can just tell you everything in the bunks, she turns to face you, her deep brown eyes staring warmly into yours. Without warning, she hovers on her tiptoes and places a gentle kiss to your sun-tanned cheekbone. 
 “Thanks, Y/N,” Brooke smiles, her own cheeks rosy, “Xavier was right about you, you know.”
 “R-right about what?” you stammer as your blood runs cold with worry. He couldn’t have told her, could he? Xavier was the only person in your entire life who had ever caught on to your liking for girls and the very idea that he could tell anyone made you fraught with worry. 
 Brooke laughs, really truly laughs for the first time since she ran crying into your arms and, despite how scared you are for what might be coming next, you can’t help but think she’s never looked more beautiful.  
 “Don’t worry, it’s nothing. He just said you were a really good friend and he’s right.” 
 The worry in your chest deflates into relief, and now it’s your turn to laugh in spite of the craziness of the night. You’re just about to start back up the trail when Brooke’s sudden grip on your hand stops you. 
 “Now your crush on me, on the other hand,” she murmurs, her face leaning in close enough to touch, “I figured that out all on my own.”
 And with that, Brooke tiptoes up to kiss you for the second time that night, only this time her lips fall softly onto your own. 
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mosquitotoes · 6 years
What Makes a Family
Chapter 5: Baby’s Firsts-part 1
Thanksgiving-Nov. 28, 1991
John was driving to Bobby’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Usually, on Thanksgiving, he would pass out on the couch, holding a bucket of chicken but he decided to do something different this year. Besides, it wouldn’t hurt his boys or him to have a home-cooked meal.
“Alright, boys, leave your stuff in here.” He said, pulling into Bobby’s driveway and turning the engine off. “Yes sir, They said in unison, opening their doors and getting out with John. Grabbing Brooke and her stuff they headed up the stairs of the front porch “Yay, you’we back!” Called a little voice when the front door swung open.
“Hey Vanessa” He chuckled, walking up the steps with the boys. Bobby smiled “Y’all are just in time. The turkey and ham are about done.” He informed, shutting the door once they were all inside. “Good, I’m starving” Sam said, setting the diaper bag on the couch. “I’ll help you set the table, Bobby” John said, taking the cooler to the kitchen.
Once the food was done and the table was set they were all sitting around the big table that Bobby put out. “Daddy, we gots ta say what we’we tankful fow!” Vanessa reminded him from her seat between Sam and Dean. “Do you wanna start us off, darlin’?” He asked, carving up the ham.
Vanessa nodded excitedly “Yeah!” She exclaimed, kneeling up in the chair. “I tankful fow my new fwen Wooke!”  Bobby chuckled, carving up the turkey “Alright, what about you, Dean?” He asked, looking over at the boy. Dean grinned, his candy apple green eyes lighting up “I’m thankful for all this food!” He said happily, making John and Bobby chuckle.
After the rest had said what they were thankful for and their tummies were filled everyone gathered in the living room to watch the Dallas Cowboys versus the Pittsburgh Steelers. “Pack your pie up, boys. It’s getting late and we need to go.” John said, getting up from the couch as Sam and Dean went to the kitchen. Vanessa toddled over to John “I have hug?” She asked, putting her arms little arms up. “Of course, sweetheart” He smiled, bending down to pick her up.
As soon as he lifted her up he felt a sudden sharp pain in his back. Quickly putting her down John groaned in pain and held his back. “You alright, John?” Bobby asked, getting up from his armchair. John slowly sat down on the couch “I think I threw out my back.” He strained, putting a pillow behind him.
“I’ll get the heating pad” Bobby said, walking off toward the bathroom. Vanessa frowned “I sowwy, Unca John.” The man looked at her “It’s not your fault, honey. I’m just old.” He assured her, earning a grin from the four-year-old.
As it turned out getting pinned to a tree and sleeping on a small couch for three days straight wasn’t a good combination at all.
December 24, 1991-Broken Bow, Nebraska
Dean looked at Sam from where he stood at the window of the motel room. “What is that?” He asked, noticing his younger brother wrap something in newspaper funnies on the couch. “Present for Dad” He replied, folding up the edge. Dean scoffed “Yeah, right. Where’d you get the money? Steal it?” Sam taped down a piece “No! Uncle Bobby gave it to me to give to him. Said it was real special.”
“What is it?” Dean asked, looking back at the snow. “A pony” Sam sassed back. “Very funny” Dean said, walking over and sitting down on the couch. “Dad’s gonna be here, right?” Sam asked as Dean picked up a comic book. “He’ll be here” Dean assured him, nodding. “It’s Christmas and Brookie’s first” Sam reminded him, nodding to the bassinet on the coffee table.
“He knows and he’ll be here like he is every year.” Dean said, going back to his comic. Sam nodded “Where is he anyway?” He asked. “On business.” “What kind of business?” “You know that. He sells stuff.” “What kind of stuff?” “Stuff” “Nobody ever tells me anything.” “Then quit asking” Dean said, getting up and moving to one of the beds. Sam kneeled on the couch, resting his arms on the back “Is Dad a spy?” Dean looked up from his comic “Mhm. He’s James Bond.”
“Why do we move around so much?” Sam asked. “Cause everywhere we go they get sick of your face and Brooke’s stinky diapers” Dean told him, continuing to read his comic.  Sam hopped over the couch and leaned on the back. “I’m old enough, Dean. You can tell me the truth.” He insisted. “You don’t want to know the truth. Believe me.” “Is that why we don’t talk about...mom?”
“Shut up! Don’t you ever talk about mom! Ever!” Dean snapped at him, getting off the bed. When he yelled Brooke woke up and started fussing. Dean turned and headed for the door “Wait, where are you going?” Sam asked. “Out” Dean stated, opening the door and slamming it shut once he walked out.
Sam looked over at Brooke “What did I do?” He asked, walking over and picking her up gently “Do you know what I did?” By the time Dean came back it was somewhat dark. “Thought you went out” Sam said, looking up from a comic. “Yeah to get you dinner” Dean replied, tossing him a bag of Funyuns “Don’t forget your vegetables” He told him, heading to the beds.
Sam followed and sat across from him. “I know why you keep a gun under your pillow” He said as Dean opened a can of soda. The older boy lifted his pillow and saw his gun where he had left it. “No you don’t. Stay out of my stuff” He said, putting the pillow down. “And I know why we lay down salt everywhere we go.” Sam informed him. “No, you don’t. Shut up.”
The younger boy leaned back and pulled John’s book out from the mattress, putting it on the nightstand. Dean stood up “Where’d you get that? That’s Dad’s! He’s gonna kick your ass for reading that!” Sam looked up at him “Are monster’s real?” He asked. “What? You’re crazy” Dean scoffed. “Tell me” He urged him.
Dean looked at him and sighed “I swear if you ever tell Dad I told you any of this, I will end you.” Sam nodded “Promise.” The former sat back down on the bed “Well, the first thing you have to know is we have the coolest Dad in the world. He’s a superhero.” Dean started. “He is?” “Yeah. Monsters are real. Dad fights them. He’s fighting them right now.”
“But Dad said the monsters under my bed weren’t real.” “That’s cause he already checked under there. But yeah, they’re real. Almost everything’s real.” “Is Santa real?” Dean scoffed “No” He shook his head. “If monsters are real they could get us. They could get me or Brooke.” Sam frowned.
“Dad’s not gonna let them get you two” Dean assured his little brother. “But what if they get him?” “They aren’t gonna get Dad. Dad’s, like, the best.” “I read in Dad’s book that they got Mom.” Dean sighed sharply “It’s complicated, Sam.”
“If they got Mom, they can get Dad. And if they get Dad, they can get us” Sam reasoned. “It’s not like that” Dean told him, getting up and sitting next to him. “Okay, Dad’s fine. We’re fine. Trust me. You okay?” He asked, patting his shoulder. “Yeah” Sam whispered, looking away from Dean.
This was a lot for an eight year old to take in. Sam felt as though he had been lied to. “Dad’ll be here. Just like he always is” Dean promised. “I just wanna go to sleep, okay?” Sam sniffled, turning around and laying down with his back to Dean. “It’ll all be better when you wake up” Dean told him as Sam cried quietly. “You’ll see. Promise.”
An hour after midnight Sam woke up to Dean shaking him gently “Sam, wake up. Dad was here. Look at what he brought” Dean told him, nodding to the small Christmas tree. “Dad was here?” Sam asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes. “Yeah! Look at this. We made a killing!” He grinned. Sam yawned “Why didn’t he try to wake me up?” He questioned.
“He tried, like, a thousand times.” He replied. “He did?” Dean nodded “Yeah. Did I tell you he would give us Christmas or what? Go on, dive in!” He encouraged. Sam quickly got out of bed, excited to see what he got, and grabbed two gifts, heading to the couch. Dean picked Brooke up gently from her bassinet and sat next to Sam as he started opening the biggest one “What is it?” He asked once Sam got it unwrapped.
“Sapphire Barbie?” Sam asked, showing him the box. Dean chuckled “Dad probably thinks you’re a girl” He teased. “Shut up” Sam laughed, opening the other gift and pulled out a sparkly baton with ribbons sticking out on each side. “Dad never showed did he?” The hazel eyed boy asked, looking over at his brother.
“Yeah, he did. I swear. Maybe that’s for Brooke” He reasoned, nodding to the baby in his arms. Sam gave him his signature bitch face “And what’s she gonna do with it besides drool on it?” He asked “Dean where’d you get this stuff?” Dean looked away from him and sighed “Nice house up the block. I swear I didn’t know they were chick presents.”
“Look I’m sure Dad would’ve been here if he could” Dean reassured him. “If he’s alive” Sam said, looking down. “Don’t say that. Of course he’s alive. He’s Dad.” He told him. Sam nodded, reaching over and grabbing something he wrapped in newspaper funnies. “Here. Take this” He said, handing it to Dean.
The older boy shook his head “No. No, that’s for Dad” He replied. “Dad lied to me. I want you to have it.” “You sure?” “I’m sure.” Dean put Brooke in his lap gently and took the small package from him, opening it and pulling out a necklace with a black cord and a golden head with horns. “Thanks, Sam. I love it” He smiled, putting on.
Sam nodded “Welcome. We should wrap these back up and take them back to that house. At least they can have a nice Christmas.” He said bitterly, picking the wrapping paper up and getting started.
Little did the boys know that John was stuck on the side of the rode with no gas. Luckily he had called Bobby and he’d be by in a few minutes. He would’ve called the boys but he lost reception before he could make a second call. John waved as Bobby pulled up “Sorry to call you out here on Christmas, Bobby” He said as his friend got out of his truck. “That’s alright. Vanessa wanted to spend Christmas with the boys anyway” Bobby smiled, getting his gas can out of the back and filling up John’s car.
“Hi Unca John!” Vanessa said, leaning out the opened window. John smiled, ruffling her hair “Hey, kiddo. Excited to see the boys and Brooke?” He asked. The four year old nodded excitedly “Yeah!” Bobby chuckled, finishing up “You’re all set, John. Let’s go see those rugrats of yours.”
March 17, 1992-Akron, Ohio
John shook both his boys awake gently “Get ready for school, boys. There’s breakfast sandwiches on the table.” He said, turning on the lights. Dean rubbed his eyes “Do we have to go to school, Dad?” He asked, sitting up. John nodded as he fed Brooke “Yes, you have to” He replied. Even though they moved around alot John still wanted them to have a good education and get good grades.
After both boys ate and got ready John drove them to school. They got to Garfield High first since it was closer to the motel. “Have a good day at school, dude” John said as Dean got out. The thirteen year old slung his backpack over his shoulder “Thanks, Dad, I will.” He smiled, shutting the door and walking up to the entrance. John smiled back “Sammy, you can come sit up front with me if ya want” He said, looking at him from the rearview mirror.
Sam shook his head without looking up from his book “No, thanks” He said, turning the page. John nodded and started driving toward Robinson Elementary. Sam was still mad at John for keeping the whole monsters thing from him. And rightfully so but boy could that kid hold a grudge.
“Have a good day, kiddo” John said, parking in front of the school. Sam closed his book, nodded and got out of the Impala, shutting the door. John sighed as he made his way into the building. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him, Brooke.” He said, looking down at the three month old.
Brooke cooed and gave him a toothless grin as she chewed on her little gloved hand. John chuckled, driving out of the school parking lot and back to the motel. Once they were back John took off Brooke’s gloves “I know, angel. Let me get you a teething ring” He said, heading to the kitchenette as Brooke fussed. “It’s a good thing I picked some up when I got breakfast, huh?” He stated, opening the freezer and giving one to Brooke.
As soon as the ring was in her little hand she started crying and threw it on the floor. “It’s alright. Shh. We’ll go a different route” He soothed, bouncing her in his arms and opening a cabinet. John grabbed a whiskey bottle and set Brooke in her bassinet. Once he gently rubbed a droplet or two on her gums she calmed down. “See? All better” He smiled, laying her back down gently in her bassinet.
John had done that with his boys before so he really didn’t see a problem with it. “Daddy’s got some research to do so I’m sure you won’t mind watchin’ some Wiggles” He said, making a little fortress of pillows on the bed. Just as he was about to turn on the TV he heard Brooke wheezing. Walking over he saw that his little girl’s cheeks were red and splotchy and her eyes were getting puffy. “Oh shit” He whispered, grabbing Brooke and his keys.
The man bolted out the door, not bothering to lock it or put on his coat, and got into the Impala. John held Brooke close as he floored it to the hospital, praying the whole way. What would’ve been a sixteen minute drive from Econo Lodge to Summa Health System turned into only a five minute drive. John parked at the entrance and busted into the hospital, almost running into a doctor in the process. “Please help my baby!”” He said frantically, practically hyperventilating at this point.
A nurse took her gently from his arms and brought her to one of the exam rooms. The doctor put his hand on his shoulder “We’ll help, sir. Just take a deep breath and explain what happened.” When the doctor put his hand on John’s shoulder the latter felt a sense of calm wash over him. Dr. Custodio guided John to the seating area as he breathed deep “Alright, now what happened?” He asked, sitting down next to him.
Once John told him what had happened the doctor nodded “I’ve seen this pretty often. It’s likely your daughter is allergic to alcohol.” He said, standing up “I’ll go see how I can help and check back with you.” John nodded, standing as well “Thank you, Doctor” He said, shaking his hand. “No problem sir” Dr. Custodio smiled, letting go of his hand and walking off to the exam room.
“How is she, nurse?” Gabriel asked, shutting the door behind him. “A little better now. I’d do more but I’m afraid I’ll activate her powers before she’s ready.” Pele replied with her hand on Brooke’s stomach. Gabriel nodded, rolling up his sleeves “Alright, lemme take over” He said, walking to the other side of the table.
His usual honey colored eyes were bright blue as he put a glowing hand over the tiny baby before him. “Huh, not only is she allergic to alcohol but she also has asthma. Oh and Synesthesia.” Gabriel diagnosed as he continued to heal her. Soon Brooke’s cheeks and eyes were completely clear. Brooke cooed happily, grabbing at his big golden wings. Young kids and babies could see an angels wings.
Some adults could too but that meant that the angel was their guardian. Gabriel chuckled “You like those, huh?” He asked, bouncing her gently. Pele smiled “She’s growing up so fast” She remarked, playing with her curls. “Wanna hold her while I go give him an update?” Her friend asked. Pele nodded “I’d love to” She smiled, taking her gently from him.
Brooke cooed happily, grabbing at her mom’s long curls as Gabe stepped out and headed to the waiting room. John had not stopped pacing back and forth ever since the doctor went into the exam room. “How is she?” The worried father asked, chewing on his thumbnail nervously. “She’s doing just fine right now. We ran some tests and found that she is allergic to alcohol. She also has asthma but that shouldn’t affect her until she’s older.” He explained.
“Thank God” John said, looking up and breathing a sigh of relief that he didn’t know he was holding in until now. “What do I do about her teething then?” He asked, looking at the doctor. “I suggest a cool washcloth and if that doesn’t work then tray a warm one” Dr. Custodio recommended. John nodded “When can I take her home?” He asked, switching his weight to one foot. “I’d like to keep her here for a day or two to keep an eye on her. But you’re welcome to go ahead and see her” He smiled.
John nodded, smiling back “Thanks again, doctor” He said, putting his hand out for him to shake. Dr. Custodio shook his hand, patting him arm “No problem, sir” He said before walking off down the hall. The nurse walked out of the room just as John was walking over “I’ll be by later to bring her some formula.” She smiled. The man nodded, smiling back and looking at her nametag “Thank you, Ember” He said. “It’s no problem. Oh, I need your names” She told him.
“I’m Archer Yar and she’s Natasha.” He replied. Ember nodded “Alright, thank you, Mr. Yar.” She said, heading over to the receptionist’s desk. ‘Of all the names you could’ve picked, John, you decide to go with some from Star Trek? What a nerd.’ She thought, chuckling to herself. John walked in and gingerly picked his babygirl up “Hey, princess. You doin’ alright?” He asked softly, sitting down in the little rocking chair by the bed. “I’m sorry for what I did, sweetheart.” The Hunter told her, kissing her head gently.
Pele stood by the door out of John’s line of sight and smiled, knowing she made the right choice. John rubbed her cheek with his thumb gently “You don’t know how much I love you, pumpkin” He whispered as he rocked in the chair. Brooke grinned slightly, slowly dozing off. John chuckled, glancing over at the clock and seeing it was nearing three. Grabbing his phone from his shirt pocket he dialed on of his friends.
It rang a few times before a man’s voice came through “Hello?”  John held the phone between his shoulder and ear “Hey, Caleb, it’s John. Are you anywhere near Summa Health in Akron?” He asked. “Yeah, I just got done with a hunt in Cuyahoga Falls, why? Something happen?” John got up, bouncing the sleeping baby in his arms “Long story short Brooke’s allergic to alcohol and they wanna keep her for a few days for observation. I just need a favor from you. Do you mind picking the boys up from school?”
“Course not. Just give me the directions and I’m there, man.” A few minutes went by and two young boys walked in with a man “Excuse me, ma’am” He smiled at the receptionist. “Can you tell me where Archer and Natasha Yar are?” The man questioned. The receptionist looked up from her magazine “Room 12. Right down the hall” She replied. Caleb nodded “Thank you. C’mon kiddos” He said, heading down the direction with the boys.
Caleb knocked on the door before opening to reveal John in the rocking chair feeding Brooke. “Hey, boys” He greeted as they ran in. “Hey, Dad. What happened?” Dean asked, getting on the bed with Sam. “I screwed up.” John said simply. “You remember when I would rub Sam’s gums with alcohol to help ‘em?” He asked. His eldest nodded “Yeah I remember” He said.
“Well, as it turns out Brooke’s allergic” John said, putting the bottle on the nightstand and patting her back gently. “Not really your fault, Dad” Sam spoke up. That was the first full sentence he had gotten from him in awhile. John smiled “Still I should’ve had her tested like I had you both tested for your allergies. I knew better but I assumed she’d be alright.” He told them. “And do you know what happens when you assume?” Their father questioned.
Both boys grinned “You make an ass out of you!” They said in unison. “That’s right” John chuckled. Caleb smiled “So is she gonna be okay?” He asked, leaning against the doorframe. John nodded “Yeah, she’ll be fine. The doctor fixed her up real good” He said. “Does that mean we have to spend the night here?” Dean asked.
John nodded “Fraid so, dude” He replied. “Or I can take em back to the motel and watch em until y’all come back” Caleb offered. “You sure?” John asked, looking up at him. The younger Hunter nodded “Positive. It’s been awhile since I’ve hung out with these brats” He said jokingly. John chuckled “Alright, thanks, man.”
Once the two days were up everything went back to the way it had been before.
Easter-April 19, 1992
The Winchesters were in Cape Elizabeth, Maine to visit John’s mom, Millie, and his stepdad, Oscar. They both owned a bed and breakfast called Sandcastle Cove. The fifty-seven year old woman waited on the front porch eagerly despite it being cold. Once the Impala pulled up Millie jogged over “I’m so happy to see you!” She smiled, hugging Sam and Dean tightly once they were out of the car. The boys hugged her back, smiling “Good to see you, too, Grandma” Sam said.
They really didn’t get to see each other very often but John tried to visit every Easter. Millie kissed their heads “You’ve both gotten so big!” She observed as John got out of the car. “Now, what’s this I hear about a new grandbaby?” She asked, turning to her son. John smiled, raising up the bassinet that had a four month old Brooke nestled inside.
Millie beamed “Oh, my goodness! She gorgeous, Johnny” She declared, gently scooping her out of the bassinet. Brooke cooed, grinning at her and showing off her first tooth. “Come on inside. There’s cookies waiting for you” She smiled, walking up the pathway with them. “Where’s Grandpa?” Sam asked, opening the door and walking inside. “He’s down at his auto shop. He’ll be back in a little bit” Millie told them, shutting the door once everyone was inside.
Oscar was the one who taught John everything he knew about cars. “If the weather permits would you two like to go hunt for Easter eggs with some of the local kids?” Millie asked, rocking Brooke gently and holding her close. “Yeah!” The boys exclaimed, munching down on their cookies. Just then the front door opened to Oscar. “Grandpa!” The boys said happily, running over to hug him. Oscar laughed heartily “Hey, boys! Have a good drive?” He asked, hugging them back.
“Yeah! We got to explore the lighthouse yesterday!” Sam grinned. “Ah, Two Lights. I know it well” Oscar nodded, smiling and ruffling his hair. Millie smiled “Ozzy, come meet your granddaughter” She said. Oscar walked over and gently took the baby from Millie’s arms “She’s beautiful” He smiled, looking down at her.
Once they all got acquainted Millie took the kids to the back porch to let them try their hand at whittling. They had learned when they were there last Easter. Millie sat in the rocking chair, feeding Brooke while they whittled. “You boys remember what to do right?” She asked. Sam and Dean nodded “Yes, ma’am” They said in unison, getting started.
After whittling their creations they showed them off to Oscar and John. “I tried to make the Impala” Dean said, holding it up to show them. John smiled, taking it from him gently “It looks just like it. Good job, son” He said, clapping his back. Dean smiled happily “Thanks, Dad” He beamed. “What’d you make, Sammy?” John asked, looking over at him.
“A box!” He smiled, holding it up for them to see. John smiled, taking it from him “Very nice, Sammy” He praised. “We’ll have to sand em down and lacquer or paint em” Oscar smiled. Millie looked out the window “You guys’ll have to do it later because the kids are coming. You boys ready to hunt some eggs?” She asked. “Yeah!” The boys exclaimed, grabbing a basket each.
Millie took them to the big backyard where the kids were gathered. “It’s good to see you all again!” She smiled, looking at them all “I only have one rule: Have fun!” With that the kids were off to look for eggs and Millie went back inside. Sam saw a bright green egg by the swing set.
Once he got close enough to it one of the bigger kids shoved him out of the way and picked it up. “Hey, that’s mine! I saw it first!” Sam glared, getting up and dusting himself off. The boy shrugged “So? I got it first, squirt” He smirked, pushing him again. “Hey! Give it to him and leave him alone!” came a voice.
The boy turned around and was met with candy apple green eyes glaring at him. If looks could kill the older boy would be dust. “Or what, freckles?” He taunted, pushing him slightly. “Or this!” Dean said, punching him square in the jaw. As soon as he punched him he felt pain in his knuckles.
The older boy grabbed his throbbing jaw and glared at Dean “You asked for it!” He declared, tackling him to the ground. The other kids gathered around chanting for them to fight as Sam ran inside to get someone. By the time John had come out Dean had the upper hand. Wading through the sea of children John pulled Dean off the other kid.
“Whoa! Whoa! Hold it!” He raised his voice, holding the other boy back with one hand as the chanting died down. “You have some explaining to do, boy” John said sternly, looking at Dean. They walked back inside with John’s hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Go back to hunting eggs, everyone” Millie said before pointing to the boy that started it all “Except for you. You can go home.”
John handed Dean a bag of ice and sat down next to him at the kitchen table. “Wanna explain what happened out there?” He asked as Dean iced his hand. His eldest son nodded, looking down. “Kid was picking on Sammy then he pushed me. So I punched him and he tackled me.” He explained.
“Am I in trouble?” He asked, looking back up at him. John shook his head “Nah” He said, smiling slightly “But I am gonna teach ya how to punch without hurting your knuckles, though” John chuckled, ruffling his hair.
That was an Easter they’d never forget.
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brookepxlmer-blog · 7 years
Why would I even buy a new dress, just to impress? | Self Para
Week 1:
Know I said it’s true, I can feel the love, can you feel it too?
When she was small, she remembered drawing on the floor of her mother’s office. They would always be something magical, featuring a woman with hair spun of gold. She would watch as her mother wrote on paper, spoke on the phone, a soft smile on her face when she saw her daughter. She thought her mother was the strongest person in the world, nothing could ever bring her down. But as she got older, the place didn’t hold as many good memories. Her hand rested on the doorknob. It had become a place of yelling and arguments, of thrown glasses and shattered objects. Brooke had no idea what she was going to see when the door opened. It still creaked as she pushed on it.
“Mom?” She said softly and the woman looked up from the paper in her hand. Her mother looked up before there was a crash of a chair and her mother had her wrapped in a hug. Brooke held her tightly, tears springing into her eyes, a strangled sob coming from her. “My baby. Shh, it’s okay. I’m here.” Her mother ran her fingers over her now dark hair softly as Brooke held tight. She heard her father burst through the door before she felt him hug her as well. “Papa.” She said softly, letting go of her mother before gripping him tightly. “I’m here, Brookie. I’m here.” They held her and Brooke cried. “You’re safe, you’re safe.” Her father kept saying it over and over and for the first time, she felt protected.
Time passed and her mother still hadn’t let go of her, her arm wrapped around her daughter. They sat in the lounge, Sophie rather uncomfortably, and Brooke drank her tea deeply, Grayson sitting across from them, his eyes shut. Lincoln wasn’t there, she knew he’d be with Cameron, the family still didn’t really know about that. Her eyes looked over the room, her father with a glass of whiskey in his hand, her mother with her bright eyes looking down at her, Grayson, finally relaxed after everything they had gone through. Her hand reached for Sophie’s.
She was home.
Her mother sat in her room, a small frown tugging on her lips. “Do you have to go out tonight?” Brooke put another coat of gloss on. “Mom…” She said warningly and her mother sighed. “I worry about you, baby. You know I do. You seem better but what if this…” Brooke put the cap back on the gloss and smiled softly at her mother. “I’ll be okay. I’ve been shot, Mom. There’s nothing I can’t handle anymore. It’s just a drink with some friends. I’ll come home, I’ll be okay.” She grab her mother’s hand and held it tightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow. We have lunch plans, remember?”
The flashing lights, the thudding music, Brooke was in her version of heaven. There were throngs of people and Brooke found her way to the bar with Sophie. It didn’t take long for there to be a hand on her ass and a drink in her hand but she was up for something fun tonight. Someone was already chatting up Sophie as well and Brooke just grinned. She didn’t know why she looked up across the bar, she didn’t want to think about who she was looking for. Brooke just tipped the drink into her mouth and grabbed the stranger’s hand, leading him to the dance floor. 
Brooke was moving to the sound of the fast beat. It thrummed through her, hard and loud, the sound a heartbeat put to music. Her ass pressed against the crotch of her partner, her back against his chest and his hands sat on her hips, pulling her to him. He was panting in her ear, barely being able to keep up and Brooke sighed before she pushed him back, aiming for the bar again. Her sequined black dress sparkled in the light in the low light. It was impressive, watching her dance in the tight number, towering in six inch spiked heels. Her hair fell in loose, dark curls down her back and she licked her cherry lips as she ordered another round of tequila shots.  
Suddenly, a pair of eyes found her and Brooke held his gaze. Something prickled across her skin and Brooke was fixed to the spot. He walked over, dodging people like they weren’t even there and Brooke never lost his gaze. There was something about him, the look he was giving her. It was as though he was seeing into her soul, gazing at the damage in it. His hand slipped in hers, his skin cool and dry and Brooke allowed herself to be dragged away from her favourite place.  He didn’t press to the back of her, he pulled her to him, chest to chest. He danced with her slowly, his hands gliding up her sides, his forehead pressed against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and breathed in. The warmth between them was growing more powerful by the second and she found herself being pressed impossibly closer. Her hips moved in sync with his and Brooke’s hands drifted down his arms. “Come home with me.” He murmured against her lips and Brooke only nodded. She pressed her keys into Sophie’s hand and gave her on the kiss. Sophie just grinned and shook her head.  “You’re shameless, Brooke.” “I know, babe. I know.”
His name was Archie, he drove a sleek black car and his hand didn’t leave Brooke’s thigh as they drove. He pressed her against a door, pinned her hands up the door and she groaned into his mouth. They separated for a moment and Brooke spoke her usual sentence. “You get one night.” She said softly and Archie chuckled, connecting their mouths again. “It’ll be a long night.” He finally replied and Brooke grinned at the promise. 
She woke up and Brooke sat up slowly, looking at him sleeping beside her. It hadn’t been perfect, it wasn’t exactly what she wanted but he had done well for the night. As she gazed at him longer, she saw the flaws. His nose was crooked, his hair had too much product, he was no longer a mystery as he had once been. This illusion hadn’t been worth it. She began to find her things, pulling on her dress and looking at her phone. Two hours before her lunch with her mother, that was enough time.  “Not even a coffee?” Brooke looked up at him, hair ruffled in bed, desperation on his face. Brooke just rolled her eyes before she walked out, the door slamming behind her. 
He’d get over it. 
Week 2:
God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts I guess the loneliness came knocking No one needs to be alone, oh save me
Her arm would always ache in the morning, a constant ghost pain that would have her gasping awake. Her hands ran through her hair, gripping it as she tried to get her breath back. It was always the same. Blood. Loss. Screaming. Pain. “Miss Palmer?” Edward seemed to always know when she needed him. He wasn’t a butler to her, he was just as much family as any of them.  “Sorry, Eddie.” “You were screaming again.” He said softly. 
That explained why her throat was feeling so scratchy, Brooke crumpling within herself in a moment. He sat at the edge of her bed and Brooke’s arms wrapped around him.  “I thought it would be over. It’s over. Why can’t my mind know that?” Edward just gripped the small girl tightly, kissing the top of her head. She breathed in deep, smelling peppermint and old spice. It was the best smell in the world. It took a long moment before Brooke could bring herself to let him go.  “You’re going to go back, aren’t you?” She could hear the fear in his voice and Brooke was reminded of all the times Edward picked her up from places that screamed pain and trouble, the times he would ask why she was drinking, why she was falling apart. Edward was the only person she had truly tried to stop for and she remembered each disappointed note in his voice when she failed. She nodded.  “I have an idea now, I know what I want to do. I know what I’m good at.” Edward raised his eyebrow and she just smiled.  “I’ve never liked reality. I found something that means I don’t have to put up with it.” It took Edward a moment before he smiled.  “Illusions. Truly?” “Yes, I want to do it.” “And there’s no reason for that?” He said, Brooke only laughing.  “I want to try, Eddie. Really try now.” His hand found hers and he squeezed before he let go.  “I have faith in you, Miss Palmer.” 
Sophie and Brooke were at the spa, both of them getting manicures. Brooke had gone for her signature deep purple as Sophie went for a forest green. Brooke was texting with her free hand, Sophie rolling her eyes.  “I thought you weren’t going to worry about them.” Brooke passed her phone over, a photo of Nic and Cole smirking at the camera, a gorgeous sunrise behind them sitting on the screen. She could already see the tans on their skin. Maybe she shouldn’t have fucked it up with Nic and Cole before she left but it was done and she’d deal with the fall out when she got back. “I’m not. They seem absolutely fine.” She leaned back in the chair before looked over at Sophie again. “Do you have to leave? It’s been so much fun having another girl in the house. I mean, chocolate and horror movie night was quite possibly the best time I had in that house.” Sophie smiled softly as Brooke looked at her with puppy dog eyes.  “I gotta see Liam, we’re finally in an okay place. I don’t want to fuck that up. Besides, you’re off to the Greek Isles. That’s too expensive for me.” ���You know I’d pay in a heartbeat if it meant you were coming with me.” Sophie just put her free hand over Brooke’s wrist. “I’ll miss you too, babe. We’ll see each other in a week and a half.” 
Brooke sighed as her best friend rolled away with her suitcase down the drive, her Uber already there. She had hugged her twice, told her to call her when she landed and hugged her again.  “I love you. For everything. Thank you.” She whispered into her ear, pressing some macarons in her hand for the flight before letting her go. She might have been overdramatic, might have taken it too seriously but Sophie was the first girl that didn’t judge her insane life style. Other girls pretended not to but she knew how they spoke behind her back. Slut, whore, bitch. None of those words ever came from Sophie. 
She watched at the window as the car drove away.
Week 3:
Love it when I’m play-pretending Fuckin’ up my happy ending But I can take bullets to the heart
Brooke took a photo of her lounging in a chair, next to the Mediterranean. Her skin was slowly turning a dark brown, her white bikini standing out in stark contrast. She scrolled through her photos, smiling softly. The stress lines were fading from her face, her smiles were becoming more real. Sometimes it was being in a foreign place that could heal you. Home reminded you of who you were. Other places reminded you of who you could be. 
Her week in paradise was almost up and she was pouring over the texts that she had to read for class. Magic based around music was more complex than she realised and Brooke found herself looking up things that she was sure she once knew. Playing guitar wasn’t going to be enough, there was so much more to it. But something had changed in the girl, something was beginning to click. It wasn’t going to flow off her fingertips as easy as make up, fashion, sarcasm did. If she wanted anything, she was going to have to work for it, to begin trying, to give herself a damn chance first. 
“Beautiful and smart. Full package.” Brooke looked up to find the owner of the accented voice. Her breath caught in her throat. “Hello, Jacob.”  Her voice didn’t betray the emotion that was rolling under the surface. She felt sick, vulnerable, alone. She wrapped her towel over the top of her, hating that he had seen her like that. But his eyes didn’t move from her face.  “You look well, Brooke.” She moved her gaze to the ocean. All the places in the world, all the spots she could have hidden and he found this one. Jacob. “You can piss off now. I believe the restraining order is quite clear. You stay away from me. Even here.” “Oh, surely we’re over the little incident.” “Of course you call falling in love with you and then finding out it was all a con a little incident.” “Ah, but Miss Palmer. You were the only one that caught me. Call me insane but that intrigues me.” Brooke scrambled her books together, shoving them into her bag. Her hands could barely stop shaking. He never had that accent when he was with her. It had been American, slightly Southern when she had first met him.  “Fuck off. Fuck you being intrigued. Fuck all of this. You don’t get to ruin me anymore.” “How could I have ruined you?” He said with a smirk. “That implies there was something to ruin.”
Brooke almost hunched in on herself, but she knew better than this. She could handle Nic Carey insults, this was child’s play. Her eyes narrowed and she drew herself up to her full height. She wasn’t a 17 year old, still believing in love. She was 21, she was strong and she was going to beat this motherfucker within an inch of his life. 
“Listen and listen closely.” Her voice was harsh but soft, drawing in his attention more. Her eyebrow twitched and a curl of magic was around her fingers. “I will snap every joint in your body if you come near me. You will grab your things and you will leave this hotel. If you do not… well, I’m sure that the owners of this hotel will be very interested in the fact that there is a con man trying to win his way into their daughter. Oh, you didn’t think I thought you were here for me, did you? Please. Catching you was easy. Do you know why? Because you’re predictable. You showed your hand to me. Now I know every trick. I destroyed you once and I will do it again. So you can fuck off now.” She flicked her hand and Jacob’s shoulder was dislocated out of its joint. Her hand pushed on his chest and he went crashing into the pool, yelling in pain. 
Brooke smiled.   
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