#brother anandaymoy
opalstream · 1 year
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O my Guru,
In the stillness of my soul
I humbly bow before Thine omnipresence,
Knowing that Thou art ever leading me
onward and upward on the path of Self-realization.
The Guru’s Inner Help
[Paramahansaji] used to say to us, “The guru is always present in the kutastha (spiritual center between the eyebrows, seat of the spiritual eye) of his disciples. Another time he said, “The guru is always present in the heart of his disciples at all times, helping him spiritually. In your meditations, and whenever you choose, you can be in that presence, because he is right within you and around you, everywhere. As Sri Daya Mataji has said, “The greatest way of honoring the Guru is to practice his teachings.” So I would urge those of you who are following these teachings: Put them into practice. They are a special divine dispensation; the sacred Kriya Yoga that had been lost has been given again. The techniques given by Guruji as part of the Kriya science - the Energization Exercises, Hong-Sau, the Aum technique of meditation, and Kriya Yoga - lead you steadily and surely to the perception of divinity within. You will never be satisfied until you have that realization. You can seek fulfillment in people and the things of the world, but you will not find it there, because you are the soul - an individualized spark of God - and you will not be at rest until you realize that consciousness. Keep on! Every time you meditate, you are advancing toward the sublime goal of Yoga: oneness with the absolute, infinite, eternal bliss of God.
-Bro Anandamoy, SRF Mag Summer 1995 p 44;
Affirmation, M Meditations p 31
* May the blessings of God and Guru ever light your way to the Eternal Goal. OmLove, Annie
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