#brotp: numbermatsu
Rating: T (a swear word, some implied dark things, a fleshlight) Relationships: Sweet, sweet, brotherly Suujimatsu Characters: Jyushi, Ichi Summary: A week before high school graduation, Jyushimatsu finds his brother at the playground.
♥-♥ Happy Suuji Day (1/14)!! ♥+♥
I wanted to celebrate this very special day for my favorite Matsu duo, so I whipped up this quick thing. Unfortunately I ended up posting it minutes after 12AM, so it’s the 15th here now orz dammit
I don’t really have much to say about it tbh, other than please enjoy it! Look out for the bonus at the end, especially! ;) pls watch poputepipiku
Special thanks to @nodelinquent for being my beta for this! I can’t thank you enough ;v;
Please do tell me what you think!! ^^
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Me: I'm happy that Nenchuu was featured in last week's ep and I hope they get to bond more over and become a little closer over the course of the season! :)
Also me: @ Ososan staff please don't replace Suuji
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nature’s s2 wishlist item # 114
make me hurt and cry over Suuji
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Found this on YouTube some time ago. The Azumanga Daioh soundtrack works for Ososan quite well, doesn’t it? :D
what I’d give to see Ososan tracks edited into AzuDaioh the same way lol
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Just popping in for a short while because there’s only a few minutes left of 1/14 day here in Japan whoops
♥♥♥♥ Happy Suuji day!!! ♥♥♥♥
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I’ve combed my blog, and so far I have 33 pages worth of brotp: numbermatsu content on my blog.
This is a good thing.
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for the fic thing: "light and shadow"? wwww idk
lol I see what you did there
I’m thinking a Suuji fic yet again for this one. The idea I have is that there was once a time where, when they were kids, Ichi liked the daytime, while Jyushi liked the nighttime. They have their reasons, although I’m not sure what they are yet. However, as the boys grew up, especially during high school, things get rocky with identity crises and bullying and all, and Ichi and Jyushi find that they can’t find solance in daytime/nighttime respectively anymore, so things start to shift - Ichi starts to find darkness and shadow appealing because he can hide there, Jyushi starts to find sunlights and sunny days appealing because they’re clear to see and are hopeful, etc. The fic would end with the two now in their current ages, with their daytime/nighttime preferences completely reversed. And they’re probably never switching back.
Did… did any of that make sense? Ahaha it’s nearly 5AM here orz
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
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