#bruh ... not to be lik e that ...
king--atlas · 7 months
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I did a silly little redraw of something from @witch-sweets 's Haunted Prince AU. I love their "constantly at each other's throats" dynamic a lot in this. (Original under cut btw) I hope you like it :P
I guess this is a little ironic for Valentine's Day, huh.
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
learning kinks your muses like is fascinating and horrifying.
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bulletproofthroat · 1 month
stop no i love myself sm let me flex on yall losers
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yall hoes be like not all heros wear capes but iowa flags🐺🐺😭😭😭
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i feel like this pic if anythin be iowa related like go kys bruh that shi fire so fire i disassociated it from slipknot like sk whooo???😴😴
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you know shi be fire when the pic comes in -140p 🐺🐺🐺
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i lowkey got a fetish for posting random pics here 😴😴😴
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luckycaricature · 4 years
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Mallek, despite being a cr1pto nerd, is apparently the only troll on the entire gatdam train that isn’t a frikin con artist
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good-or-bad-luck · 4 years
too many things to say!!! not enough words!!!
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genderfluiddoppio · 4 years
im so sick of this shit
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nattikay · 5 years
First Thoughts on Desperada
-Oh dear, a love hexagon episode -_-
-Ok I still don’t and never will romantically ship Adrigami, but I’m here for the “mmm officially we’re at fencing practice but we uh ‘‘‘‘got the wrong address’‘‘‘ ;) ;) ;) so we can hang out with the rest of y’all ;)”  friendship angle XD
- “Psh, nah, Luka’s just a friend!” ok I’ll admit I snickered 
-Whoa, so Jagged Stone has some history with Anarka? Interesting, very interesting...
-Oh Marinette...Marinette no...w hy are u lik e t hi s.....oohhhh Marinette nooo….
-Ah, so this is gonna be Vipireon’s premier episode, alrighty
-So it seems like the number of times the Snake can go back is pretty much unlimited as long as it’s within the 5min window before transforming back. That confused me in Party Crasher so it’s nice to have that cleared up
-Ladybug noooo….w hy….DX
-Adrien’s goo goo eyes when Ladybug needs him tho XD Oh this silly smitten kitten
- “This is my chance to get [Ladybug] to love me as myself, ‘Adrien’! I don’t care what costume comes with it, I have to try!” Nail in the coffin for the “Chat Noir is Adrien’s one True Self™ ”, ya’ll
-Hmmm don’t much care for Aspik’s head design; sorry Adrien ^^” Needs moar floof hair
- “Scales slither!” mmmm yeah I still really wish they just stuck with “transform me”
- “Y’know, Ladybug...I’m actually also Chat Noir and I’ve been in love with you since our eyes first met” (immediately resets time) Oh now they’re just mocking us lol
- “I’ve been trying for months” that’s uh...that’s hyperbole right? There’s no way he’s actually been doing this for the equivalent of months...r ight...? That would take way more than 5 minutes, even with frequent resets...unless the reset also restarts the 5 minutes? In which case yeah the snake is HECKA powerful. But wouldn’t he have to still take care of basic functions; eat, sleep, the like? Or does the Miraculous take care of that too? He still has his memories each time though...so does that mean he’s spent conscious months not eating, not sleeping, just trying and failing to save Ladybug again, and again, and again, and again, constantly? Good golly gracious, that must be absolutely brutal on his moral. Someone save this poor boy. :(
- (points at Vipireon) See? The design is so much better with floofy hair! haha
-...….why has it taken me this long to realize that the guitarist’s miraculous weapon is a lyre. how have I not noticed that before. Like I was aware that Luka played guitar and Vipireon’s weapon is a lyre and that Luka is Viperion all as individual facts but didn't quite make the connection of how suitable that was until he actually started playing it in the battle. gosh heck
-All this talk about “Oh, you better choose, Marinette! Choose one soon! Adrien or Luka, have to choose one soon, w h o ’ s  i t  g o n n a  b e ???” like bruh just cut the bull already; we all know Adrienette is endgame and Luka’s just here for temporary drama :P
-...still worried about Adrien’s mental state after months of literal continuous failure, seriously guys please help him ;_;
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bruh I’ve only been up for like 12 hours but I’m SO tired lik e????????
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completetrashforyou · 5 years
yes! it's an unpopular opinion b/c everyone is so quick to cancel people, but I'm still here for Nate. He reminds me of every other popular boy in high school who has always gotten his way b/c of his parents and doesn't know what to do when he doesn't. The same way Rue is rude to EVERYONE but Jules (she treats Lexi, Fez & her mom like garbage) but we're still open to her redemption. I'm still open to Nate, him and Rue have different demons but they are still kids trying to find their way.
Exhibit A: stalked a guy and beat him to a pulp for making out with his girlfriend (a VERY willing gf) who wasn't even his girlfriend at the time. batshit crazy stuff. He clearly has psychopathic tendencies from that incident alone.
B. Verbally assaulted Jules from inside of his truck while Jules was on her bike, causing her to fall and get hurt (yelling things like: why dont you ride on this dick)
C. Molested Rue when they were in junior year to which he didn't receive any punishment. I mean thats a horrible fucking thing to do man. Idc if thats my son, im yeeting him straight to jail.
D. Manipulated Jules for months as a different person, and convincingly so, only to hold it as a threat above her head. He snapped at her (anger issues) and we all thought he was gonna throw her into the lake. Psychopathic incident numero dos!
E. He constantly verbally abuses Maddy, saying shit like: why are you dressed like a fucking prostitute? Go home and come back dressed like a normal person. LETS NOT FORGET HE CHOKED HER. LEFT BRUISES THAT WERE SO BAD THE WHOLE SCHOOL GOT INVOLVED.
F. HES ALSO A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR AND AN INSANELY GOOD MANIPULATOR. He somehow had the guts to convince Maddy he loves her literally just after ratting her out for taking molly?? Not to mention he claimed to not do any drugs (a lie, the first episode proved that) and that it wasn't him who choked her.
And thats not even all of it. I'm not even going to go into how Rue and Nate are different. Bruh. The girl has mental illnesses she was born into the world with and continues to struggle. He doesn't. Every decision he makes is calculated precisely and with a shit ton of anger.
So yeah, its an unpopular opinion thank God but if you ask me, it shouldnt be an opinion at all. Throw his ass in jail first and THEN we can talk about this "redemption" for his character.
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seokjins · 7 years
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xolotoofficial · 5 years
so wat hapnd 2 ur boi marvus rite ok so buckl the FXXK up cuz we n it 4 da long hawl
ok so der i waz mindn my own biznz chatn up sum cute lil shizz wat slid n my dms, thursty for attention as i am wont 2b, n i hear a knockn @ da door
itz jus me n da boiz in my big azz crib so i’m lik cum on in ya walkn nookchewr becuz me n da boiz good lyk dat but here n cumz wun of our new broz, sum freshie dat got asignd w/ me or w/e and he all shakn and sweatn and i’m like dude hey? regretn calln him nookchewr cuz he but a new baby clown like :o( my b
so he’s like ummmmm the 12 lookn for u and im puzzld af like LOL whats the empire doin darknin my doorstep leme see deez goons right
imagine MY surprize when itz da HiBlud Dissenter Collection Unit rite?? and they sayz 2 me, marvus ur under a whole ass rest (my wordz not theirs lol) and i’m out here confused like what??? me????? dissent? neva im a well lovd thot out here in these intergalactic highways
so next thing I KNOW im on the fuckn ground cuz sum chucklfuk tazerprongd the SHIT outta me and i’m dizy, voodoos goin off hard, ppl in a sexymurder frenzy, all ov itz bad rite then 1 of dem fishbois grabs me by my armz and it mite a been jus me bein tazed but i sock him cuz i think he copped a feel so he on the ground, im on the ground, fishfuk 2 is screamn bout resistn arest and i FEEL the head ache cumin on - o wait no that was a jakbootd fXkr stompn my skull in lol
so then i wake up in a holdr while da empire wonderz if it wants 2 off me while weighn if killn me would b Worse Actuly becuz uhhhhh famous boi lovd by evry 1 who layz eyes on me???? hela riots from all dem ppl what want a piece rite
so wat dey do, dey send me to a fukn *workn* prison. like... i get it mayb dey think jus cuz im a performin clown i aint as tuff but lyk.... performin? is? a ton of work??? lol hi chuklefux itz ur ability 2 think talkn here
so there i am in dis hiblood dissenter prison getn workd 2 death and they like keep bringn me in for questions an i’m like “bruh idek y im here” and cours dey dont care they jus keep askn me bout sum resistance shyt and i’m like “I DON’T KNOW SHIT YALL WDYM Y AM I HERE” an finaly they break becuz i am irresistible an unafraid of shyt and also voodooz
bruh, my boy ruthle$$ x tried an ratted on me lyk what a lil bulgegoblin! aint no surprize da empire tried 2 plant the mos symp purp dey culd find and sumhow pickd a cumPLETE fuck up!!!! but i’m keepn my cool cuz i aint bout to be workd to deth on da word of a nark so i put on my best Good Boi face and start spinnin my bes yarn bout how dis was a misundrstandn and that im the empress’ favorite naughty boy an shit (gag) and dat i dont dissent shit (gaggag) and that it’s all a shtick i been doin since i was a wee hi
yall dey kept me 4 PERIGEES sayn i needed sum1 2 vouch for me and my boyz were havn a hella problem getn 2 me considerin they took my fukn tour shuttle like???????? yooOOOOO!!!
so ya, i finally get out cuz my tru boyz are da best, smoke evryday and are mad nook magnetz and dey make it where i am, vouch for my a$$, and spring me from da big house
but here’s part 2 of course: i got a nark to kill right???
parently ruthy boi ran off FAST and it’s been perigeez, how ever will i find him??? LOL SIKE i aint nothin but a killa and i can hunt a lil punk ass fxxn BITCH like a trained laughsassain so dat’s wat i up an do
joke of a fukn empire luvs huntn purpls but cant be damnd 2 giv a shit bout us murdern each othr. all gud doe, makes tha job easier
so there i am huntn ya boy and all it takes is a coupl weeks to drag him kickn an screamn 2 where i keep my showbait if i got a lil grudge 2 solve.
he next on my chopn block, so dats gona be my return show. fresh purple blood for all my bitter ass warm brothas n sistas becuz aint nothn ‘lower’ than a mothafxckn snitch
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.22
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21| 22
woke up feeling super drained and out of it this morning. thought maybe writing would help, but nothing was working, so we're here.
shoutout to @sunlitshowers​ because we looked up flavors of capri sun for an answer on my deh ask blog and she found so many great capri sun flavors and ads. it was amazing
i dont know whats happening here anymore but enjoy
nino: yo check out how many flavors of fucking caprisun there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capri_Sun#Flavors
ladybugfan2020: rip me apparently there was an akuma attack last night????? and i missed it??? oh it was on the other side of the city w/e then i got pics its chill whats this link nino?? caprisun?? holy SHIT i need 2 try alL OF THESE tag yourself im…….. monster alarm i am monster alarm
ladybugfan2020 has changed their nickname to monster alarm
nino has changed their nickname to mystic dragon
mystic dragon: what do you think mystic dragon tastes like
monster alarm: something fucking awesome
adrien: I have so many questions
mystic dragon: click the link my dude join us in this knowledge
adrien: What the hell??? Who thought that the world needed THAT MANY flavors of Capri Sun???
monster alarm: me this is amazing im living i love it hey marsh think u can pull some strings so we can get every single of caprisun ever
adrien: No offense but I don’t think my dad would be thrilled with buying Um 43 different flavors of Capri Sun
mystic dragon: did you just count those
monster alarm: MORE than 43 thats definitely MORE
adrien: Only 43 flavors are for sale! We don’t even live in the right country for some of these
monster alarm: come on rich boy!!!!! also,, nickanme
adrien: Fine fine
adrien has changed their nickname to multivitamin
mystic dragon: boy
monster alarm: why do i like you
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Hey Mari Guess what If we were a Capri Sun flavored, we’d be power team
8:02 in out damned spot
mystic dragon: has anyone talked to mari today????
monster alarm: not me
multivitamin: Nope
mystic dragon: do you think shes awake?
monster alarm: uh oh
monster alarm has renamed this conversation to “orange wake up mari!!!”.
mystic dragon: oh yeah thatll DEFINITELY work al good job
monster alarm: what am i supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!! i already tried calling she didnt pick up
multivitamin: I’ve got her
monster alarm: wait really??
multivitamin: Yeah sorry we might’ve called at the same time
monster alarm: cool see u nerds at school
mystic dragon: i feel so loved
PM between multivitamin and marinette
multivitamin: Mari Mari Mari are you going to wake up I know we had a really really late night last night I just want to make sure you get to school I’m gonna show up on your balcony don’t freak out I mean you aren’t going to see this if you’re asleep so you’ll probably freak out anyway Ok I’m just going to apologize now If you punt me to the other side of the country I totally understand
8:17 in orange wake up mari!!!
mystic dragon: mari!!!
monster alarm: soooo many things babe get here so we can explain
multivitamin: Get here faster Mari, I think Alya is going to explode
marinette: Fuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk Allso I hate ALL OF YOU WE ALL HAVE M NAMES THIS SUCK S
monster alarm: i can fix this change ur nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
marinette: excuse me??????
monster alarm: just do it!!!!!!!!!!
mystic dragon: bruh
marinette: FINE FINE!!
marinette has changed their nickname to elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: Are you happy???/
monster alarm: i am DELIGHTED
mystic dragon: hell yeah girl
multivitamin: Did you all know this chat is exhausting
monster alarm: MARI GET TO CLASS
elfentrank fairy drink: IM GOING
elfentrank fairy drink: Ok Nino Why the fuck were you on the caprisun wiki page at 3 in the morning
mystic dragon: what else are you supposed to do at 3 in the monring?????
monster alarm: thats teh most valid point u could make
elfentrank fairy drink: Remind me how to leave this sky pe group And this friendship
mystic dragon: wow
monster alarm: </3
PM between multivitamin and elfentrank fairy drink
elfentrank fairy drink: We are not calling ourselves power team
multivitamin: Dammit You going to bed soon??
elfentrank fairy drink: It is??? Only 15:25??????
multivitamin: Yeah but you fell asleep during lunch
elfentrank fairy drink: Its fine its fine Im getting used to the no sleep thing for sure You got the same amount of sleep that I did!! Less!!!!!!
multivitamin: I took a nap after school before my shoot It was great It was on the floor
elfentrank fairy drink: Your life is a mess
multivitamin: So is yours bug You were sleeping on your desk chair when I showed up this mornin g
elfentrank fairy drink: LiSTEN We got back at lik e 4 I hate so many thing s Hawk Moth is top of the list Hes not the entier list because I also hate like Homework and stuff BUt hes at the TOP
multivitamin: Go to bed Mari
multivitamin: Well for one thing they aren’t real And we are And I feel like a lot of superheroes have problems balancing but Al knows more about superheroes than I do
multivitamin: Hannah Montana had lots of money and also? Wasn’t fighting evil
elfentrank fairy drink: You dont know that
multivitamin: Ok that’s true
elfentrank fairy drink: Im literally Drowning in work I cant sleep I willl neve r be able to sleep again OH my go d
multivitamin: You ok buggy?
elfentrank fairy drink: No No?? I dont think so Ahhhhhhhh help IM so tired and I have all this physics whcih what hte fuck and Im literally going to break hawk mtohs face?
multivitamin: That’s relatable
elfentrank fairy drink: You NEVER breakdown about this how is that fair??
multivitamin: I mean I do Like all the time
elfentrank fairy drink: ??? Why dont  you tell m e?
multivitamin: Because I don’t like bothering people with my problems I have Plagg though and I’m used to dealing with things on my own
elfentrank fairy drink: Thats bullshit??? Im oyour friend and partner youre supposed to t ell m e this stuff
multivitamin: Ok Ok I will If you promise to go to sleep
elfentrank fairy drink: HA
multivitamin: I’m coming over We can talk about emotions because sleep deprived and exhausted is the best time to do that And we can nap I’ll try to help with physics but no promises because I wasn’t payinga ttention today
elfentrank fairy drink: Pfff Ive never paid attention to anything ayn whreer FUck typin g But thanks
multivitamin: Of course <3 Be there soon
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
The patients, nurses even the visitors will whispers n giggles when dr ignis walk pass by them on how handsome n a gentleman he is makes everyone melts so one day when ignis talks to a few nurses they sometimes giggle n blush even the mothers that wait for checking up their baby giggle when they see him n gladio came they were amaze by him too when he came to ignis n kiss him everyone loses it bc they just discover the hottest couple in Eos that they thought its impossible to exist -rose
This would be so accurate in real life, because...it’s Ignis. Ohmygod it’s Ignis, that’s one hella handsome man. Of course he would turn heads everywhere he went to. And with that doctor coat (that I don’t know how to name in english lmao), just ugh. SO. Attractive. I despice going to medical check-ups for personal reasons/PTSD of sorts, but if Ignis was the doctor I’d just go every month. I wouldn’t even need to be attended by HIM, I’d just love to see him pass by, haha.And then Gladio???? Geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, that’s one super handsome man, too. I also hate working-out, but if that was some trainer or instructor I’d just go to his workplace (if he works, that is) everyday for the same reason, ahaha. And like Ignis, I wouldn’t even need to treat with him, I’d just love to watch him pass. He’s so HANDSOME too, like ugh.
So that they are TOGETHER????
Like, there’s not only chemistry between their characters, they also happen to be so good looking? THIS is why this ship is so glorious,ohmygod. It’s PERFECT.
I betcha all the patients and people who found out that day were like “Ignis is so handsome”, later on like “Ohmygod that strange man is so handsome”, and when they find out they’re dating THAT’S EVEN BETTER. Lik,e no one is disappointed or sad that Ignis is already in a relationship, because his partner is just SO HANDSOME TOO that it’s fine and even better like that, ahahah.
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taggerbug · 7 years
su spoilers under the cut because i have a lot of feelings and theyre all about lars. also its incoherent
what kind of strength does it take??Lars’ offer to stay on homeworld and let the other gems escape to earth was already noble enough, but in reexamining the events LEADING UP to this, I can only regard Lars with AWE.
It all starts with the ube roll. Lars feels confident enough, in a burst of inspiration and with encouragement from sadie and steven, to make a family recipe and bring it to a potluck with the cool kids: in itself a terrifically brave move, as family recipes can be deeply personal AND the ube roll derives from Filipino tradition, so for Lars to even take a step in openly displaying any of that was incredible considering his insecurity!! but then!! ohh but then! Lars gets Too Anxious and trashes the ube roll (relatable) onlyto get abducted by Topaz and Aquamarine. Followed by abandoning Sadie in a moment of need to hide, and getting caught on the ship afterwards, THEN thrown into Steven’s trial and essentially gagged, and he doesn’t know what’s going on. OOOOH BUT IT’S NOT OVER YET!! after steven drags him out of there and throws them both into a highly dangerous environment, Lars (after realizing in a JARRING moment that he’s the only full human present) uses his LACK OF GEM to fight the DEATH RAY THINGS, leading to his ON SCREEN DEATH!!!!! ROBOT JUST BLOWS UP UNDER HIM AND SENDS HIM SMACKING INTO THE FREAKING WALL. HE DIED. THAT WAs A THING THAT HAPPENED. next thing he knows he wakes up, in steven’s sobbing arms, to be informed that he’s been BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE and also that he is PINK. BUT IT DOESNT END THERE FOLKS!!!!!! steven, although meaning well, proceeds to FREAK LARS OUT WITH THE WHOLE “hey do you feel any physical sensations, like at all” and “bruh your heartbeat is slower than the time it took those pants to arrive in the freaking mail” WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!! and if THAT WASN’T ENOUGH, steven THEN begins to offer an EXPLANTION lik e”hey i think i know whats going on here” gives lars HOPE and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lars finds out his HAiR is now an ALTERNATE DIMENSION and EVERYONE ELSE BUT HIM can escape to earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHAT DOES HE DO??? WHAT. DOES. HE. DO. HE IMMEDIATELY OFFERS TO SEND EVERYONE ELSE BACK AND TRY TO SURVIVE ON HOMEWORLD ON HIS OWN. HECK. and ofc everyone turns that down BUT DOES HE GET A HAPPY ENDING REGARDLESS??? NO!!!!!!! STEVEN, THE ONLY HALF HUMAN THERE, GOES BACK TO EARTH, LEAVING LARS TO LEARN SURVIVAL SKILLS FROM THESE BARELY-ACQUAINTANCE LEVEL ALIENS, TRYING TO FIND A WAY ACROSS HUNDREDS OF LIGHT YEARS BACK TO EARTH.(but even if he does make it back to earth, what then???? HE’S PINK!!!! HE’S DIFFERENT FROM BEFORE, HE’S NO LONGER A TRUE HUMAN AND HE DOESN’T FEEL HUNGER OR FATIGUE. WHAT DOES THAT KNOWLEDGE DO TO A PERSONS IDENTITY???) he literally cannot live a life among humans if he returns to earth. he doesnt have a chance in hell. he’ll face scrutiny and alarm if he so much as tries. UNLIKE the crystal gems, who have an ESTABLISHED PRESENCE as PURPLE AND PAPER WHITE ALIENS THAT EVERYONE JUST KIND OF ACCEPTS, LARS!! IS!! AN!! EXISTING!! PRESENCE!! he was a human being with tan skin who worked at the big donut and had orangey brown hair and liked baking and tried to hang out with the cool kids and tried to be have a meaningful (platonic or romantic i dont even remember at this point) relationship with sadie!!!!!!!!!!!!  HE HAS A MOM AND DAD!!!!! HE IS IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! I CANNOT IMAGINE THAT HE HAS ANY KIND OF ABILITY TO RETURN TO HIS NORMAL LIFE AND THAT IS GODDAMN TRAGIC. lars has been through so much in the past arc and i have a lot of feelings about it. thank you for your time
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y00ngless · 7 years
also my call earlier i was like bruh idk what i’m doing
and she was like
you’re really not supposed to be doing anything
and i was lik e??????
she said don’t worry you’ll be busy soon. okay.
also my trip to canada got pushed back a week but whatever
i’m still going
i don’t know how much of calgary i’ll get to see ‘cause i’ll be having to work but still. i’ll be in calgary and not here and that’s enough.
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harmonization · 7 years
hayaku14 mentioned you in a photoset “hayaku14: PRO MIYUSAWA PLS #lol i should write a sequel to pas de...”
#lol i should write a sequel to pas de deux where this happens#(no i’m kidding i think that fic is stronger as a standalone without sequels)#(but there’s no limit to the imagination)#sport
i should write a sequel to pas de deux
#I do agree that it's great as it is now#there's no need for a sequel#bUT LIK E U CANT TEASE ME LIKE THIS BRUH U KNOW I FUCKING LOVE PAS DE DEUX#NO FAIR DONT PLAY GAMES WITH MAH HEART HARMONY#lol#welp#guess it's time to reread pas de deux again#for the gazillionth time#haha#replies#prattles (via @hayaku14)
But you’re so sweet omg thank you so much I’m really happy that you still love the fic more than two years on and consider it worth rereading T__T It really made my day to read this
Please feel free to imagine a world in the future of pas de deux in which the photos you posted happens haha because you never know - I mean Eijun’s always pretty bold and has 0% embarrassment filters so it wouldn’t exactly be impossible / out of character for him to just grab Miyuki and plant one on him while everyone can see them on the super-screens lol
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