#bruh i edited the html of this text by hand on my phone ohmyfuck
saveme-ruinme · 7 years
Boyfriend Hyungwon
A/N: this was requeeeeested bc u can do that guys idk what to write give me ideas pls thank u also nsfw ahead mostly fluff but im always too thirsty for my own good
tall lanky bf thats way too good looking
Sucks when you got your period bc you cant look at him without crying bc hes so handsome
Dunno if youre crying bc youre so happy about being with hyungwon or crying bc hes too handsome and you feel ugly
Laughs when you get like that, hugging you against his body
Always smells nice so hugging his is really nice
So is kissing him
Sometimes you will ask for a kiss or hug and hyungwon will walk up to you like hes gonna do it then will dab and walk away laughing
Always come back saying sorry tho and making it up to you so you dont punch him in the throat
boy has got some nice ass lip they are so thick and pink and are probably soft as hell
Tbh makeouts with hyungwon are something that happens often
Just sittin on his lap grinding down onto him while his tongue is in your mouth and his hands digging into your skin
This got sexual so early whoops lmao
Lets keep this goin tho
Maaaaan i feel like hyungwon would willing to try anything
Like hes not that versed in kinky shit but is down to try anything you wanna try
So do ya boy and favor and introduce him to e v e r y t h i n g bc u know hes lowkey freaky he just dont know it yet
Or he does he just hasn’t had a chance ;) ;) ;)
But when its not like that hes slow and seductive using his good looks against you to turn you to mush
Its the worst but the best thing ever
Probably enjoys making you suffer aka either teasing the shit outta you and not letting you come or overstimulating you to tears
Laughs at you begging and whining pretending like hes doing nothing wrong
Highkey loves making you choke on his cock
Nice aftercare tho
Cleans you up and hugs you close and tries to make you laugh
hes so dumb will make stupid faces at you from across the room
And you gotta make them back ofc
So you two end up looking like idiots making dumb faces at each other and giggling and anybody who happens to witness is just like ?????? What the fuck??????
Its cool just pretend like nothing happened hyungwon is good looking so no one else believes it when they see him being normal
But then ur sitting there like gdi hyungwon now i look like an idiot by myself how dare u
And hyungwons just like mmm get rekt hun ;)
Dont take him on fancy dates dont do it he looks too good and will overshadow u
I mean do it bc he looks hella good but be prepared for everybody and their mother to be looking at him and forgetting about you
Like the waitress comes up all starry eyed focussing on hyungwon asking him what he wants and just being too much
And ur sitting like mm yes can i have some fucking respect back tf away hes mine knife emoji
Hyungwon laughs but promises to eat u out when u get home for putting up with it
Couple naps are a thing
Its gr8 bc some days when you dont wanna go out and youre tired hyungwons like yeah lets watch movies and sleep its a date
And youre like its not a date but fine im down
I read somewhere that napping with someone builds trust so there u go nap a lot with hyungwon and he might pour his soul out to you
You gotta take care of him bc hes lowkey useless and a whiny baby
I mean he works a lot so its not entirely unwarranted its just annoying
Bc when hes sick hes like noooo im fine i dont need u to take care of me im a man i can do it
And ur like u sound like ur dying i bet u havent eaten yet bc u dont want to get out of bed
He gets quiet at that so u go over and take care of him then he turns into the worst always whining at you and asking u to do things for him and its make u like ugh i knew i shouldve just let u die
Which makes hyungwon dramatically gasp that turns into a coughing fit and when its over hes like how dare u say that look i almost died you break my heart
And ur just like hyungwon…………. oh my fucking god
But when hes not being dramatic or dumb hes being super sweet bc he takes ur relationship seriously
Like doesnt forget things at all and always surprises you with nice things bc he has very high standards he holds himself at
And ur like hyungwon its cool you dont have to try so hard i really dont mind
But hes adamant about being the perfect boyfriend so will pay for you and buy you nice things and take you on nice dates
Its almost like a dream honestly
But your fave part is when its lowkey between the two of you
Like chillin at your place eating takeout with no makeup wearing sweats and talking about everything under the sun
Those are the nicest moments bc those are the realest
No need to be attractive or act a certain way toward each other
Just two people who love each other talking from the heart
Thats the first time he said he loved you was in a situation like because you guys were just talking about your relationship
Not being overly serious or expecting anything just talking about each other saying what you liked about each other and what annoyed you
He accidentally said that he loved the way you liked his stupid side as much as his idol side bc a lot of ppl see him as a pretty face and he does enjoy it but thats not all there is too him
And ur heartbroke a little for him but then u were like wait…. u love me?
Hyungwon gets all sheepish and starts to blush like ………. yeah i guess i do
It feels like your soaring through the heavens and u yell it back at him and accidentally spill your food all over the couch squashing it between the two of you when you go to hug him
He immediately tells you he wants to break up for ruining his expensive sweatpants
You punch him on the arm
Hes kinda the type to hold in his bad feelings so u always gotta break him out of that and make him comfortable so he will tell whats wrong
Always does. May take a while but always tells you.
Once he trusts you he really does trust you
Thats when he becomes serious with you and lets you know hes in it for the long run
This highkey made me emotional
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