#brujah anti
vitaae · 1 year
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happy pride from me and the losers i larp
Jackson Hemlock - Werewolf, Theurge, Shadowlord Briar Thornwood - Vampire, Brujah Anti, Sabbat Sapphire - Vampire, Caitiff, Anarch Dolly Ann-Marie, Vampire, Gangrel, Camarilla
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groveofhares · 7 months
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sims4studioofficial · 2 years
Studio updates with new beta versions (Windows & Mac)
Hi all, today Studio updates with new beta versions for Windows (Star) and Mac (Aurora). Wishes and Apple Blossom will be retained as Community Tested versions, but no new features will be added to them going forward.
Star (Windows) includes a new color palette feature that allows you to customize your Studio’s palette & the ability to clone/recolor platforms. This version is able to work with the latest Blender (3.3), it is 64-bit, and it has a tuning editor for CAS and object tuning modding. There are other changes necessitated by the inclusion of palette theming and an effort to reduce anti-virus flagging. Please read the full download post for more details.
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Aurora (Mac) is compatible with Apple Silicon Chips and Blender 3.3, it can clone platforms for recoloring, and it has a tuning editor for CAS and object tuning modding.
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Please note, the tuning editor is a beta feature, and Sims 4 contains far too many tuning elements for us to test them all. Thus, you may encounter issues using the tuning editor. If an unexpected or unwanted outcome occurs, please report this with as many details as you can (including the affected .package), so the editor can be perfected.
Thank you to Brujah, Feyona, and Mauvemorn for alpha testing the new version and to our lovely community for keeping us inspired with your amazing creations!
Choose your version to download HERE. Please be sure to read the full download post to learn the details of each Studio beta.
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shantyslimes · 1 year
Do you think that different clans try and instill different moral values? Like some are obvious, Brujah tend to be aligned with the Anarchs more so they probably are more likely to instill a sense of independence and stick with the ones who stand right by you, or Tremere who tend to be very Camarilla aligned likely try to instruct this sense of loyalty to their formers and secrecy about their clans secrets to all others, right
But I think other clans probably try and give something so fuck it here's what I try and have NPC clans typically teach in my games (note these are never universal and absolutely should not be treated as such)
Brujah: In modern nights they're usually kept as typically anarchs or short tempered rebels, but most punk movements or what are typically considered "violence driven" anti-authority groups tend to have pretty strictly agreed code without ever saying it out loud. So there's the rule to respect anyone from a distance, don't start a fight and you won't get in a fight. If someone starts a fight with you, fucking beat their ass and make it clear that starting shit is a bad idea. Don't go around acting like a big shot and nobody has to put you in your place, which will be the gutter.
Also special shoutout for the Cammy brujah who enforce the traditions but then also emphasise "but if they're being a dick, just don't start any fights you ain't gonna win."
Gangrel: Survive. More than anything, don't do something that will get you killed. That means follow the traditions, but don't make a fuss over them if you're in sabbat turf. Stand by the people who are good to you, but don't be gullible enough to trust them unconditionally. Top priority is do not get yourself killed. The secret to immortality is not pissing anyone off enough to have them kill you.
Giovanni: Look, you're going to inevitably do something fucked up, but just try not to break the law when you're breaking the law, yeah? You can trust the rest of the clan, probably, but just in case, don't be afraid to screw up and get a few things wrong as long as the worst case scenario isn't going to bite you in the ass, because it'll hurt a lot more than their bite ever could.
Lasombra: You are not human. Kine are not human. Forget about all of that. They are food. You are horror incarnate. Fucking act like it or you will be thrown aside and destroyed for failing.
Malkavian: Malkavians are taught the phrase "good luck with the psychosis" and then how to use psychosis like a gun. Morals are not a factor.
Nosferatu: You're a horrifying abomination, we don't feel bad, but if you can actually get a leg up on people, then you shouldn't feel bad. Legality and morality are not the same, but you really shouldn't care about either.
Toreador: Crimes are forgivable if you're hot enough.
Tremere: The greater good of the clan is more than yourself, you are but a part of a larger system. Hoard your power, yes, but remember that you yourself are part of the larger hoard of the clan's power.
Ventrue: There's a hierarchy in the world, and you're on top. Therefore, as the ones in power, we set the rules, we decide the game, and anyone complaining about either aren't worth your time. You stand on top, so look down on the rest because they have not earned the right to look forward and see anything more than your boot, ready to be cleaned.
Anyway those are just the ways I like to have clans raise their childer and teach eachother how to act. How much an individual listens depends on the specific Kindred, but also keep in mind I like to play a lot with expectations of your elders when writing cainites.
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inventakindred · 2 years
Toreador who gets really passionately involved in anti-fascist causes now because her artistic obsession is drag shows and she is fully willing to [REDACTED] to protect her favorite art.
The Brujah absolutely love her. They’d probably have mistaken her for one of theirs if it weren’t for the absolute Met Gala level outfits she wears to every meeting.
Brujah: Uh, are you sure you’re in the right place, Cammy?
Toreador, wearing Lady Gaga sunglasses and a dress the size of a small car: Oh I’m positively certain.
Brujah: …Suit yourself.
*Five minutes later*
*Chorus of cheers breaks out*
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pinkfey · 1 year
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i was tagged by my sweethearts @kirnet and @narshadda to post my spotify receipt ♡ tysm mwah mwah !!
beating the anti-european allegations AGAIN by having tananai in my top ten….. 😳
taggingggggg everyone @malefiicarum @rosebarsoap @lvllns @minaharkers @dreamsongtwentynine @shadowglens @gelvaan @saintjudegf @kymal @devilbrakers @aartyom @shadowglens @brujah @celticwoman @lexcanium @jendoe @bryoria @mrs-theirin @arklay @nuclearstorms @merry-harlowe @rosykims @anoras @druidgroves @risingsh0t @cultistbase @serenedy @mac-tir @calenhads @shellibisshe @indorilnerevarine @windupreaper @ladysanjo @aelyosos @yharnams @rivensbane @morrigano @lavinet @morvaris @waspgrave @statichvm @liurnia @pentaghast @solasan @sotc @necroticpetals @transkakashi @onewingedangels @dannyburke @umbertors @dantesparda @wrymbloods and you!!!!!
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feith-rikya · 11 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
a bit of fanservice from the boys!
Alastor Van Helsing: An apparent human of incredible strength and speed, achieved only by his ignorance and boorishness. The origin of his strength is not understood but a human-vampire fusion is suspected. Even the nature of his sword is shrouded in mystery, like its link with the East.
Rudolf the Vile: Ex soldier whose life and non-life are shrouded in mystery. The few people who have a close relationship with him know that his Embrace was neither the most conventional nor the most pleasant. He committed horrific war crimes when he was alive, but no one knows exactly what or why. His atypical Embrace and the atrocities committed in his life contributed to making him a monster condemned to forever be damned for his crimes and tormented by the innocent souls whose lives he had taken. He already suffered from a severe form of OCD when he was alive, a condition that only got worse after the transformation.
Samuel Sharabi: Sabbatical Archbishop based in Tel Aviv belonging to the Ravnos anti-tribe clan, a crazy, sardonic and lazy person, always ready to deceive others and take advantage of others. It was he who was robbed by Ranya of the dice and to a closer eye even a limb or two. It is not known how this individual rose through the Sabbatical hierarchy, and in fact some Cainites suspect that his role has simply been given to him and that someone is pulling the strings behind the curtain.
Anselm Godwyn: A True-Brujah who earned his position as Archon due to his ability to control time. He was given the task of keeping tabs on London when the signs of Gehenna were already evident, hampered by a rather peculiar group of vampires and the reappearance of a beloved face lost centuries ago.
Arthur: A former vampire hunter who saw the final nights approaching, realized that hunting was not the right tool to prevent Gehenna. He's unusually friendly with vampires, so much so that he's come to be like a father to some of them. Man seems to radiate a light of great comfort for these creatures of darkness.
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kentuckycaverats · 1 year
Pleabs may I have for Delphine: 👪FAMILY, 🍧SHAVED ICE, 🍃FALLING LEAF, and 🌪️TORNADO! I have seen glimpses of them... I desire more!!
YEAS tysm!!! delphine my beloved delphine
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👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
del is adopted! her parents are azumi and hikaru tsuga and she's a complete and total mama's girl. they call her "brilliant girl" and "my darling" and "my joy," and they love her unconditionally and are so proud of her always, and she would raze entire cities for them. they havent seen each other in 7 years--not since del fled the states after diablerizing her sire--but they're coming to edinburgh soon and del wants to introduce them to her new found family: the coterie and her girlfriend, tara.
she does still blame herself for the death of her current namesake, delphine tsuga; azumi and hikaru's birth daughter and our del's childhood best friend, who was murdered by del's sire the same night she was embraced. delphine tsuga meant the world to our del. they were best friends, sisters, soulmates, and for a long time del was completely consumed by the fury and grief of losing her. she's learning to live around it, but not a night goes by that del doesn't feel the ache of missing her.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
she fled the states abruptly the night of her embrace/diablerie, and didn't go home first to gather any of her things for fear of endangering her parents by association. she doesnt have anything with her in edinburgh: pictures, clothes, stuffed animals, mementos, nothing. but her parents have left her childhood bedroom untouched, so if she ever goes back...
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
in life she loved to be out in the sun surrounded by plants. her dad likes to garden and growing up she loved to help him while he explained everything he knew. she misses that terribly. her haven is filled with fake plants for some semblance of greenery but it just isn't the same.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
the initial del concept was much more cunning and manipulative and politically-minded. there was an early version of her who, rather than posing as brujah, was blackmailing a primogen into passing her off as their ghoul. that version of del was much more focused on trying to topple the camarilla from the inside. as she developed she became too openly anti-authoritarian and prone to emotional impulsivity for that to make sense for her, and instead became someone who was clearly not into the political bullshit and only "loyal" to the camarilla for the sake of its stability and resources. absolutely no one was surprised when she ""defected"" to the anarchs
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vtm-nightcity · 11 months
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"We are the small voice that whispers to you in the lonely hours of the night. We call to the darkness within all of you. We came from the dark, and to the dark we shall all return..." (-V:tM 3rd Ed.)
(Synn will return as a Cobra (Serpents of the Light), no longer a Brujah Anti. Will expand into a side blog, keeping this blog intact for archival purposes.)
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riotdyke · 2 years
Was watching a video about the history of the different clans in VtM and the dude got weirdly angry about the Brujah. Look at the rest of his channel and ofc he's an anti-communist wehraboo. Sad!
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thateepymissile · 5 months
Well I post here oftenish so I guess it's time for a bio post
First thing first. What is this blog about?
Mostly just my dumb ass thoughts aka shitposting
Warning: I do get horny on here so minors + ageless DNI
On the topic of DNI here's my take
DMS ARE OPEN TO ALL... Doesn't mean I'll be nice to you
⚠️ to all
Men who get angry at women who prefer the bear
Nazis (any right wingers really)
Pigs (oink oink ACAB)
Christians (plz do dm I promise I'm nice)
Now that that's all out of the way who am I?
Well... I don't really know yet I'm still trying to figure it out but for now
My name is Eepy, I'm a Enby transfem brujah (22, they/she)
⚠️I do bite⚠️
Hobbies include but not limited to
Video games
I'm a listen to everything type but my go tos are folk punk and metalcore
Favorite bands/artists
3 Days Grace
Motionless in white
David Rovics (Im scared to listen to his new album cuz notes from a Holocaust broke my heart as it should)
Pat the bunny
Bridge City Sinners (I swear I'm nice to Christians believe it)
Favorite games
Life is Strange
Kingdom hearts
Ratchet and clank (played a lot when I was young still one of my favorite franchises)
Warframe (god so much warframe, come play with me tho)
Tags I use (added as needed)
#Eepy can read? -posts about what ever books I've got going
#If you trust birds I don't trust you -probably something anti gov/anarchist posting
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problemsynth · 1 year
*chewing on my vampires and growing* I love them I love them so much.
i mean like I'll never play half of them but aaaaauuughhh.
Like theres the malkavians...
Tsiuri who was a victim of her sires ambition and tasked with creating shovelheads for a failed coup on a camarilla prince, and was a pawn in her own right that outlived her sire, broke under the weight of sentencing her childer to death after her last childe Mir was embraced with a knack (and later obsession) for fortelling death. Like she survived the fallout of her sires plot became fiercely protective of her spawn and their collective survival, to the point of turning to Mir who could forsee all their deaths. Proceeded to fall into a deep obsessive paranoia and need to eradicate any threats to her spawn and self, including killing her spawn off herself. Until only 2 out of 17 spawn were left and her own death came knocking in the form of a (former Hunter) lasombra that Mir let in to their home as a mercy to her sire.
Mirabell, the daughter of a French painter, who was the last of Tsiuri's spawn and has only the loosest grasp of herself beyond her obsession with death and destined ends. She once had a grasp of affection and love with Tsiuri and Marie and arguably still has a sort of twisted affection for both. But spends her nights after her sires death painting her own end and the ends of others and otherwise being a problem that no one likes but pays attention to regardless. Bc she's usually right even if her fanatic obsession and general everything is off-putting even to other malks and nos. If she's about you have problems.
There's Marie who is a problem in her own right and found herself in the palms of a tsimice flesh crafter at some point and like the others of Tsiuri's line fell into a pit of obsession. Particularly the need to have Mir, her former (and arguably current) lover. She's the only person who can stand Mir and her "affection" mostly revolves around taking Mir into herself via diablerie and fleshcrafting and the two tend to circle each other every few years being horrible together only to inevitably part due to Marie's master calling her back or being chased off by the cam for being generally awful and breaching the masquerade. Generally being "if I take you into myself we'll never be separated again"
There's my terrible toreaador Solaire who just adores revenge and arson, who grew up amists a hunter org up in Canada, saw the horrors they committed on her mother who'd been turned into a thin blood. Decided" yeah burning this place to the ground is the correct decision that's my mom they're torturing" and promptly made a deal with another vamp who was a prisoner and committed baby's first arson with him to rescue her mom. Watched as her mom now free couldn't cope with being a monster and chose to kill herself. And then continued to travel with the vamp shed freed until they were separated and she found herself during the events of bloodlines. Embraced alone committed to blowing up LaCroix as an anarch and then reunited with her terrible vampire friend with a renewed love of "the art of setting hunters on fire for fun and vengeance :)"
My brujahs...
Keenan who is unfortunately most of Solaires self-control despite his own temper and hatred of the cam and hunters. Mostly they travel killing hunters in entertaining ways (usually fire). He's more of the quiet hit the thing when he hates it type. And while he doesn't particularly care about the anarchs he does care enough about sol and hates the cam enough to go along with her whims.
There's taiga who is sugary sweet and easy enough to mistake for a toreaador, until she snaps and hits you with a crowbar. An agressively anti fash jazz musician who keeps her attitude and opinions held in until she either loses her temper or sets into motion a plan to undo you. The type to smile whole your face is being reduced into wine.
There are the gangrel
The ever free spirit Amelia that likes to to toy with her prey and is of the opinion that if it doesn't bite back it's clearly no fun. And also the gangrel tradition of embracing a particularly fighty morsel and abandoning them for a year to see if they live through it and are worth the effort of teaching.
And her childe Mouse, with the world's shortest temper. He's fighty and bitey and a disaster prone (at least in his early nights) to frenzies. With little idea of what he is, what he wantsand how to be kindred. What he does know is that he wants to be left alone. But to no avail as occasionally after his first year his sire shows up and dumps a job he can't refuse on him. And also his "friends" (sol and Keenan who saved his sorry ass in his first year) and the (not so) wretched little thin blood kid that was dumped on him by Amelia. Really people just keep dumping problems on him and he unfortunately cares too much about them to tell them no but he does really want them to stop.
Then the thin blood child Thirteen who Amelia stole from a cult and dumped on mouse mostly to fuck with him and has "just enough malk in him to argue with stop signs and be slightly useful to people who believe in that shit". Mostly the kid recites numbers, either dates or coordinates with little context as to what they mean. Amelia's was correct in her assumption that dropping the kid on mouse would upset him. But crucially not enough for him to do anything drastic about it.
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jessedylanfaden · 1 year
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Left is my VtM partner, a brujah named Roseanne/Rosie, who was a sheriff of a small Texas town that was burned by the townsfolk for “witchcraft”.
On the right is Morgan, my tired Tremere agent of the Federal Bureau of Control, a morbid and anti-social fella, Rosie handles the small talk and the brawny bits whilst Morgan snoops and sneers at the simple folk that reside in the small town of Angel, Texas.
So far, we have found deformed offspring, an untrustworthy reverend, had a high speed werewolf chase, the Second Inquisition and some uptight Camarilla bastards. Art by Sugar
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“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” -- Maya Angelou
(Special shout out to: bronxusa and praxis23 for your support! Thank you!)
Artwork by:  Carlos Kamyu Diaz
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demonicmiracles · 3 years
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I just love and adore my Vampire: the Masquerade character Vean. Ionno, ae just, feels very much like my transition goals even if ae can’t get full facial hair LOL. I hope y’all enjoy aer. :)
For some info on Vean, ae’s a brujah, who was sired by a Nazi named Abbadon. When Vean was younger ae fell down the alt-right pipeline and right into Abbadon’s group of influence, even started dating him. After realising ae’s a trans man, ae slowly came to the realisation that the situation ae’s in is super fucked up and attempted to disappear online, creating new social media accounts thinking that’ll keep Vean safe.
But one night ae got a visit in person, from Abbadon, even though Vean never told him where ae lived. Furious about Vean attempting to leave, he embraced aer, and subjected aer to years of attempted conditioning and abuse as a fledgling, to try and mold Vean into the perfect wife for Abbadon and fully induct aer into his religious Nazi cult.
Eventually though ae escaped the imprisonment of the psychotic Sabbat group and found a haven in an abandoned hospital complex from the 1900’s. Vean now spends aers time trying to atone for aer’s sins by using the new vampire powers to help out with antifa protests, whilst also trying to avoid Abbadon who’s actively searching for aer to bring aer back. Because of that, and being afraid of violating the masquerade, ae wears a disguise to the protests and speaks either using Norse code, or ASL (which ae is more fluent in) because aer’s voice is rather easy to identify as it’s pretty raspy.
Vean isn’t very well informed on the politics around vampires, but ae’d probably consider aerself to be aligned with the Anarchs. Once Vean gets more into vamp politics the more ae’ll desire to change the structure of the Camarilla as it stands today. Vean also 100% desires to meet a tzimisce willing to sculpt away aer’s breasts, because fuck having them.
Also, before you ask, yes, aer’s eyebrows are actually stuck in the position they’re in. Ae also has an underbite, as well as a warped nose. It can make hunting for blood…. Pretty difficult.
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denerims-archive · 5 years
debating making some playlists for different vtm clans 🤔
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