#bryaxis is my spirit animal
vidalinav · 3 years
More bryaxis as a cat pls 🥳🥳
Say no more.
Lol. For context, this is and possibly still will be a part of the October Hues world/fic, which I'll post in October. In that fic, Bryaxis is turned into a cat by accident by Nesta. Just part of that magic lore, which has always been a headcanon of mine. Bryaxis is... uhhh... rather unpleasant. This particular scene isn't in there yet, but we'll see.
“Nesta!” Cassian calls angrily, “Nesta!”
She can hear his boots stomping through the rooms, and Bryaxis huffs where he sits on her lap.
“You’re mate walks like an ogre,” the little cat notes. She supposes she should feel offended by the words, some innate part of her blaring with protective need. But Nesta’s far too relaxed to care about a lazy cat with temperament issues. She merely pets along his back as he purrs.
But then Nesta thinks, “What’s an ogre?”
“You’re mate.”
“Nesta!” Cassian screams again.
Nesta sighs and Byraxis snorts.
“How many Cassian’s does it take to find the living room? One...” He counts, “Two...”
Cassian bursts through the hall.
“Ahh, three.”
“Bryaxis peed on my boots!” Her mate rages.
Nesta only looks to the black ball of fur. “Bryaxis, did you pee on Cassian’s boots?”
The cat merely flicks his tail around and around. “I did no such thing.”
“Tell that to the boots, you beast!” Cassian holds out a pair of leather, and it sure does smell like cat. Nesta grimaces as she waves it away.
“You menace,” Cassian spits, “You did this on purpose. You never liked me.”
“Yes, but I never hid that fact.”
This times, Nesta does glare at Bryaxis. A look she learns from Feyre that must only come with motherhood. She has no problem picking it up though, and the cat shirks back at her gaze.
Nesta turns back to Cassian, her mate still raging over his smelly boots. There are scratch marks along the sides. Even teeth marks by the look of it. She tries to make her voice light as air. One he knows must mean apologies... forgive-me back massages... a bath drawn by candlelight with her sweet-smelling soaps... Then Nesta makes that expression she knows has his eyes softening whenever she does something wrong.
“Cats, spray to mark their territory,” she explains sweetly—a little somberly so he knows to pity the poor, homeless cat. “He’s just not used to the House, and you know they keep fighting... And, he doesn't have anywhere else to go.”
Cassian squints at the cat lazing on her lap, “Is he going to pee on you too?”
“Do you want me to bat boy?”
Nesta tries to hold in her sigh.
Her mate simply sneers, pointing to her. “Well, I think we should get a dog.”
At the words, Bryaxis jumps from her lap, his hair rising. He bares his teeth and Nesta eyes widen unsure of what to do.
“He hissed at me! Did you see that?”
Nesta doesn’t even get to voice a reply as Bryaxis raises himself on his hind legs. “I think you’ve forgotten I had you running out of the library. Well, I haven’t forgotten your girlish scream!”
At those words, Cassian drops the boots, and Nesta is sure that he is going to try and fight a cat.
“Bryaxis,” she calls in that voice she also learns from Feyre, “Cassian. Do you want me to get the broom?”
Bryaxis shirks back immediately, raising his chin.
“At this time, that is not necessary.”
Nesta wants to breathe a sigh of relief, but Cassian looks at her outraged, “Why did you call me? Was the broom for me, too?”
“No,” Nesta says, too quickly.
“Yes, it was,” Bryaxis croons, jumping up on the back of the couch. She can feel him rub against her neck.
“You were going to get the broom!”
Nesta raises her hands at his look of betrayal. “I swear, I was not.”
“She was,” Bryaxis affirms.
“Shut up Bryaxis!”
“You see! We need a dog.”
“We don’t need a dog.”
“How can you take his side?” He asks, waving his hands as if it might somehow prove his point.
Nesta gestures to the ball of fur, “He’s just a cat, Cassian!”
“Oh, and cats come before mates.”
Nesta rolls her eyes, “Oh my gods, you’re impossible. Are you jealous of a cat?”
Cassian scoffs, “Why do you always make it seem like I’m the irrational one? He peed on my boots!”
“He’s a cat!”
“So fucking what! I never liked him.”
“I know that.”
“I’m getting a dog!” He yells, kicking at his boots.
“No, you’re not,” She screams.
Cassian places his hand on the bridge of his nose, as if he’s exhausted by her, and the way he sighs has her seeing red.
“You started this not me.”
Cassian takes a breath, and she can see his nostrils flare, “you know what--”
“Are you walking away?”
Indeed, he is. He doesn’t even pick up his boots as he moves to their room. Nesta picks them up, following him as he goes. She has the sudden urge to chuck it as his head.
“Well, you clearly aren’t listening to reason and I’m done talking.”
“I’m not.”
“I’m getting a dog!” He yells as he slams the door to their room.
“No you’re not!” She screams at the offending wood.
When Nesta turns back to the living room, Bryaxis merely licks at his paws.
@arinbelle @angelicvoice19
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cherrycatexe · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions that are already here and add 1 of your own. Then tag your friends.
I was tagged by my fav youtuber and new Tumblr friend @inquillery ❤❤
1. Out of the 3 ACOTAR 📚, which one is your favourite?
ACOMAF cause the war ends, everyone is safe, Elaine kills the king of Hybern!, Nessian at the war❤, Rhys's lovely inspirational speech to the Inner court ❤, how can we forget about Feyre's punishment to Ianthe the actual b****, Feyre bringing back Rhys and Tam actually agreed to help! Oh gosh I can go on and on😍
2. Who is your favourite character and why?
Mor Cause she is an actual ray of sunshine! And obviously she has got a cool wardrobe and she is a queen! She never let negativety or what she had to go through dim her light, she kept shinning! ❤❤
3. Who is your least favourite character and why?
If you say villain then Ianthe she's a total bitch! And the other characters, I adore them all! All of them are sweetie pies
4. Top 3 favourite pairings?
Feysand (obviously they are love❤😍) Nessian (the cute tension between them yet they so clearly adore each other, everyone sees it except them lol)
Elucien or Elriel ?that's where the confusion lies (I literally like Lucien a lot and I don't want him getting hurt which he will if Elaine ends up with Az as he is her mate I think they'll make a cute couple, obviously I love Az as well how can I not and I wish him all the love and happiness which he totally deserve and if that happiness is Elaine and if it is possible without Lucien getting hurt then why not? Az is also perfect for her, ok I just realized I can make a separate post just on this 😂)
5. To what Prythian court do you belong?
Night Court and Summer court's magical combination!
6. One Unpopular Opinion about ACOTAR
that Tamlin is not actually a bad character no no don't attack me, but I think what he was doing was because of the trauma he went through under the mountains, yeah he was a total d*** with Feyre when instead of wanting to free her he wanted to have her one last time, but I have justifications and again I can have an entire post on it 😂
7. Place the Inner Circle into the Hogwarts Houses
Feyre - Hufflepuff.
Rhys - Ravenclaw.
Azriel - Slytherin. 
Cassian - Gryffindor.
Mor - Gryffindor.
Amren - Ravenclaw.
Elaine - Hufflepuff.
Nesta - Slytherin.
8. Favourite quote?
Oh there's a lot of them will write few
" I promise I will find you on the other side"
"hello Feyre darling" (oh our signature Rhys dialogue!)
" only you can decide what breaks you, curse breaker "
9. What are you hoping will happen in ACOFAS?
Nesta and Elaine finally agreeing to train
(That's literally the first thing that came to my mind 😂)
And of course Nessian
And maybe Elaine breaking the mate bond or thinking about accepting it
10. If you had to share a room with The Bone Carver, Stryga, or Bryaxis; which would you choose?
All! Bryaxis cause I would love to talk to him and tell him stories, he may seem a monster but is totally Adorable
Stryga Caz I would like to know her better and listen to her story
Bone carver because I would love to see in which form will he appear to me
11. Favourite Scene?
12. Least Favourite Scene?
Rhys dying 😭😭 (I almost threw my phone aside, I knew they can't let him die but still it's our baby bat)
13. Did you read Wings and Embers?
14. If there was a court spinoff, which one would you like to read more about?
Winter? I like Viv and Kallias and those adorable furry winter animals! 😍
15. If you could change one thing about the series what would it be?
I would like Surriel to be alive
16. Does Tamlin deserve a good redemption arc?
17. Do you have any specific dream cast/fancasting for any of the characters?
Nope I don't have any in particular I don't want ACOTAR being a film or anything because the world inside my head can not be put in the screen with casting real people, if we see the sketches and drawings of the people in this fandom I really prefer those over actual people, those are great! Shout out to all artists out there❤
18. If you could take the place of any character in the series, whose place would you take and why?
Amm no one because I am happy with my mate (my adorable boyfriend, @akgkn ) in the real world, but yeah if we can go there together, I will be Feyre he will be my Rhysand
19. What’s your favourite piece of fanart/fanfiction?
All are just amazing I can't name any one piece Cause that will b doing wrong to so many others I love them all! 💞
20. What’s your favourite ACOTAR headcanon you’ve seen so far?
Elaine and Lucien as well as Elaine and Azriel (I know I am a very confused person but I love them both 😅❤)
Question 21: Which character are you most like and why?
I will be Mor, because she has been through a lot and still chooses to shine! I try to be like that, no I'm not a bisexual that's a difference, but she is just so amazing! I just love her! And she loves her friends and is always cheerful! She is relatable and is graceful! I try to have the spirit of the Morrigan who's gift is truth❤
New Question 22: Elucien or Elriel and why?
( I really wanna see who all are as confused as I am or is it only me 😂)
TAGGING @writergash @krm00623
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