selccuth · 2 years
❝ Everything has been great since I left. Don’t you ever read the papers? It’s hard to miss this superrr display of mechanical genius. ❞ Whether well-received or the usual eyeroll, Franky flexes and poses in that familiar, endearing but over-bearing manner. The bright glint on the blue of stars atop metallic plates is enough to blind someone. Relaxed again, an abnormal pop of the neck as though more simulated than real, and a large finger finds itself pressed gently into Paulie’s chest without a thought given to personal space.
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❝ And you’re one to talk - yours pockets are probably empty right now! When’s the last time you had everything and everybody paid off? ❞ His tone is skeptical and oddly petty, undoubtedly played up in the moment. Still, what words hadn’t he drawn out for show when given the chance? A wide grin, as if it was a necessary clue in order to figure out precisely what he was up to in following. ❝ I bet you can’t give me a hundred beli right now. ❞
@bsrkr​ || because paulie
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sciass · 2 years
@bsrkr​ sent:  "Heh." The smirk Saitama wears is incredibly unnatural, warping his face into something that would be terrifying if it weren't for the light coming in through the window and reflecting off his bald head. "I've got you beat this time, dude." Cue the ungodly amount of button mashing, confidence building and- and ack! the B button is stuck and-- ah. The controller, broken. That confidence, waning.  // hi hi !! from saitama, obv :^)c | unprompted!
Isn’t this how it always goes? Saitama thinks he’s figured out some break in his defenses or learns a new combo or three for one of the characters he tends to stick to, whatever might finally give him that edge over King, and then... Well, to be fair, the controller getting busted isn’t usually what brings him back to reality. King tsks as he looks over at the broken button.
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“Man, one of these days I’m gonna ask you to go buy a new controller.” There’s no real venom in his voice, just resignation. He knows that’s never going to actually happen. Getting a 100-hit combo against him while he’s virtually unable to play is payback enough for King, fingers flying across his own controller and Saitama’s health bar inching lower and lower. Is this unfair? Definitely. Would he still be doing this even if the button hadn’t caved in on itself? For sure.
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crewisms · 2 years
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@bsrkr inquired // Buggy meet Abram's sythe. Sythe... meet Buggy.
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💀 — bug eyes stared hard at the scythe, face blank for only a moment ... before his face twisted into a grin. "w - what are you gonna do with THAT huh?!" it's not like abram could cut him ..... but he was still a bit paranoid.
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devilfoot · 2 years
@bsrkr​ asked:
just. picks him up. free kid to adopt? hates marines and will hunt pirates with him?? don't mind if he do.
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      this man was gigantic! was he from elbaf or something? sure shinra should be more worried about him just picking him up out of the blue like this, but wow! he couldn’t believe his eyes!
          “you’re huge!!!”
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mediicusvitae · 2 years
top 5 song associations : trafalgar d. water lamy.
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share the top songs in your playlist that most inspire / represent your muses the most.  bonus points if you include lyrics to go along with it.
woke up a rebel by reuben and the dark
I am wild, I am lost | I am sick, I am damned But I am holding redemption in the palm of my hand So I tighten my fist | And sharpen my teeth It's a promise I made | It's secret I keep
I am lookin' for trouble | And trouble I will find You will get what is comin' | I'll take back what is mine I'll set fire to this dream | I'll set fire to this dream And I will rise
the light behind your eyes by my chemical romance
So long to all of my friends | Every one of them met tragic ends With every passing day | I'd be lying if I didn't say That I miss them all tonight | And if they only knew what I would say
If I could be with you tonight | I would sing you to sleep Never let them take the light behind your eyes One day, I'll lose this fight | As we fade in the dark Just remember you will always burn as bright
war rages on by alex care
The war rages on You'll be at my side Through it all Through hardships unseen We'll still survive, fortified
Please don't pass me by Can't you hear me calling out your name? Forgive the things I do Don't turn your back when I need you The war rages on
help our souls by nihils
Living in fear, hell at my feet, heaven is out of reach And there's a fire that I once laid There's a fire but no fire brigade Help our souls tonight We are losing, losing this fight
Help our souls tonight Is there no one on our side? Who's gonna help our souls tonight? No one here to Help our souls tonight It's on me, it's on you To survive
landscape by florence + the machine
'Cause she's just like the weather, can't hold her together Born from dark water, daughter of the rain and snow Because it's burning through the bloodline It's cutting down the family tree Growing in the landscape, darling, in between you and me
tagged by: @killedarlings​ — thank you, dear! ♡✧( •⌄• )
tagging:  @muselexum ( any muse! ), @akagamiko, @medicus-mortem, @afailedkingsheart, @ikkaku-of-heart​, @pirateborn, @regensia ( any muse! ), @crewisms ( any muse! ), @bsrkr ( any muse! ) and everybody else on the dash!
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alcoholtm--a · 2 years
smoker vc: get arrested already
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          “nah, you would miss me too much.”
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regensia · 2 years
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@bsrkr​ / Zoro said . . .
❛  i’m  sitting  right  here ,  there’s  no  need  to  holler .    ❜ // zoro @ perona!
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     How annoying he was, every single day! They never had a moment of peace it felt like, no matter how desperately the stupid swordsman was searching for it. Yawning and looking so disinterested – it was obvious that he wasn’t listening to her! How rude of him to just ignore her like he was! Then that idiot had the audacity to insist that she was being loud.
     Lips pursed and cheeks puffed in an immature display of irritation, Perona crossing her arms as she regarded Zoro for a moment. It always was satisfying to cast a negative hollow through him and watch him crumple – but it also got old, and time and time again had they merely devolved into an argument.
     “I’m not yelling!” The delivered retort came along with a huff as she floated across his line of sight. As childish as it was, she just couldn’t help herself, driven by a need to simply always be right. Stubborn, meet bullheaded. “You’re just not listening! I bet you can’t repeat back a single thing I even said!”
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mtwiind · 2 years
I cant believe paulie won't buy kaku an electric banana cleaning machine for men.
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ephxmerall · 2 years
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@bsrkr . . .
✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting? , ✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started? : : source — accepting
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✉ A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
I don't have experience with any other fandom outside of OP. This is the only one I've actually engaged with lol. But! From what I've seen, the Pokemon fandom seems to be pretty open and accepting, which is nice considering how large that one is too.
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
It's a lot quieter. For a little while I thought it was dying out, but then picked back up just recently. There also seems to be a higher focus on plotted/longer threads than the one-two liners I used to see when I first started, though those are 100% still around and preferred by many. Other than that, it hasn't really changed. Formatting and aesthetics still seem to be the same.
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sciass · 2 years
@bsrkr​ sent:  “is that seriously your password?” // from saitama!
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“Do I not get any privacy in my own apartment?” He doesn’t sound upset or anything, but King does lean in, putting a hand over his monitor and the log-in screen popped up on it. His free hand continues to type single finger style. “If you wanna try this out, you have to promise to not laugh at that - or any names I use, or characters I play, or anything else.”
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crewisms · 2 years
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💀 — "nee--" the complaint passed her lips as her gaze trained on the silver haired man, eye half lidded in a lazy sort of way. "oji - san, are you here to take a nap too?" iva set her tachi down into the sand of the beach, plopping down without a single thought of hesitation. she paused, however, eye trained on the man a bit longer. "ah.... you look familiar." she's bad with faces, especially those whom may have been former superiors -
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what do u know theyre after the same pirate on the same island ~ @bsrkr
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muselexum · 2 years
@bsrkr​ // starter call (closed).
Mihawk had given Zoro ample time on his own to train. As much as Mihawk had agreed to help him hone in his craft, he did not interfere often and mostly left the young swordsman to his own devices. Their sword arts were different, Mihawk wielding a great sword while Zoro had developed his own three-sword art and due to Zoro’s art being entirely unique, it was up to him to forge his own path ahead. Mihawk took on the role of an observer, offering comments and critiques at the end of the week after he assessed Zoro’s progress with a spar.
Their blades were interlocked, Mihawk’s sharp gaze observing how worn down Zoro looked. His eyes were still fiery and determined, but his blades shook under the weight of Mihawk’s pressure on them. Mihawk had already been about to call the spar quits when Zoro had insisted they continue, and this is all he had left to offer?
Mihawk pushed forward, the force of it throwing Zoro several meters back. Mihawk closed his eyes, reaching with his blade over his back in order to sheathe Yoru. This was a waste of time. It was time to call it. This was over.
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“You have far past strained yourself, Roronoa. Your progress has deteriorated this week. I am disappointed. Allow your body to rest for three days and spend that time considering better methods of regulating yourself.” While he had yet to sing any praises to Zoro, this was the first time his assessment was overall negative. It was the first time he was intervening in concern for Zoro’s health. He needed a break or he’d only run himself into the ground further.
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solar-pxwered · 2 years
❛ dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are. ❜ // Zoro @ Sanji
          He was referring to himself, surely. He knew damn well he better not be talking about him!
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          "Aw, come on now, Zoro. You're admitting it and acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to recovery." He lays a hand on the swordsman's shoulder and smirks. "Although, in your case, I'm afraid it's terminal."
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alcoholtm--a · 2 years
@bsrkr​ paulie asked kaku on a date
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     eyes watched paulie intently to see if there was any trace of him joking around with him. if this was a joke, kaku didn’t like it one bit. hands were laying at his sides unsure what he should do with them at this moment in time.
     after everything the both of them had been through and kaku having come back after what he had done--the last thing he thought paulie would do is ask him to join him for a night on the city. he was sure the look he was giving the other was that of confusion, but who could blame him?
          “why?” okay, maybe that wasn’t the best way to start this conversation, like punching a gift yagara in the face, and maybe he had been back on water seven for almost a year--but---
          “after everything i’ve done, why would you ask me that? is this some sort of joke? or--or revenge for what i did?” paulie had to know how he felt about the other, how he still felt, so was this to tug at his heart only to rip him to shreds after? he hated thinking this way, but growing up the way he did, his mind always went to betrayal of others for that’s what assassins do.
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shibonzakura-a · 2 years
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Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have.
( accepting )
@bsrkr​ said:  📂
Tashigi during the two year time skip grew out her hair and changed her outfit so that she wouldn’t look like a certain Moss Head’s dead childhood friend. She was tired and angry of being called a Copycat and blamed about things that weren’t her fault so much that it influenced parts of herself that were discarded thanks to callous remarks in the past. The pink captain’s coat though was her own decision to stand out, showing that she wasn’t like the other marines ( insert ‘she’s not like other girls’ joke here ), who for the most part didn’t meet her ideals or weren’t practitioners of moral justice. The pale pink boots were a gift from Black Cage Hina, for reasons that will be a complete mystery to this day. Doesn’t help with her being clumsy and all because running and even walking in them is a daily struggle.
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regensia · 2 years
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@bsrkr​ / Smoker said . . .
“That really spooked you.” // @ koby from smoker
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Noticing Trauma sentence starters
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     Face was buried in his palms now that the fighting was over, Koby remaining in a crouch out of the way of the cleanup and arrests that were occurring. It was just a small break, he had told himself, but there was a familiar low voice that spoke out to him. Lifting his face did his gaze trace up to his superior, seeing stoic visage as usual; he was caught.
     It had been a fairly normal mission, capturing. and arresting pirates who had been terrorizing a portion of small islands, and perhaps G-5 was a bit overqualified for it, but they had been in the area and worked alongside Koby’s own unit in their own chaotic way. Frankly, everything had been going smoothly – right up until an oversized pirate had wielded a spiked iron club at him. The way the flashback snuck up on him so unexpectedly had rendered the young Captain nearly helpless, falling back and feeling quite like the tiny teenager he once was. Alvida was angry again. It was good that someone had kicked the pirate out of the way before any blow could connect to him, and from there had the pink-haired Marine defaulted to merely fighting to end things rather than keep his usual determined wits. At least he had a moment to himself to try to recover, or at least until Smoker came along.
     Now that his visage was revealed, it was clear Koby was pale and a bit dizzy, doing his best attempt to keep himself together as gaze remained distant, now downwards upon the smooth boards of the deck. He was staring into the past, a sad smile upon his lips as he spoke in quavering voice.
     “I-I... yeah. I thought I was over it. I-I’ll be okay though... it’s over, it’s over...”
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