kutemouse · 4 years
Not-A-Date Date with Jimin
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Disclaimer: The images from my header belong to BigHit and BTS, but I edited them together.
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Angsty fluff... I mean, it’s just a coffee date. Jimin’s still a vampy asshole. Swears?
Word Count: 1,627
Preview: And with that, I left you sitting speechless, your coffee not even half-gone. My stomach rumbled once more, and I clutched it, feeling the hunger roil through me like a monster all its own. “Soon,” I thought. “Very soon.”
Jimin’s POV
I spotted you before you spotted me. I took a draw from my coffee cup, swallowing the liquid that would warm my body and put some color in my cheeks so I’d look a little more human. Your gaze locked onto me and I appreciated the way you did a bit of a double-take. I’d let you know this was casual, but I’d dressed up a little more than I had for our last encounter. I wore tight black slacks with a belt, a collared white shirt which I’d neatly tucked in, the top few buttons undone just enough to catch your, and everyone else’s, attention.
You, in turn, wore jean capris with rips and tears along the legs, white sneakers, and a loose, black v-neck that stayed modestly above your breast line. So cute. So innocent.
“Hi,” you said, a bit out of breath as you slid into the seat across from me.
“You already ordered?” you said pointedly.
“Yes, but get whatever you want. It’s on me.”
“It better be,” you grumbled, getting up to order from the barista.
It had been quite the hassle getting you here, despite the fact I’d sworn up and down this wouldn’t be a date when I texted you.
Me: It’ll be more of a hanging out, getting-to-know-you thing I promise
You: I still have no idea why you want to “get to know me” in the first place
Me: Let me show you why. You don’t trust me? Fine. I’ll prove to you I don’t have any motive other than to find out more about you.
You took a long time to reply, leaving me on read for a good 24 hours before finally responding.
You: Fine. Coffee tomorrow. 3:30.
I had no idea what made you finally agree. You seemed dead-set on keeping your distance from me, but here we were. Technically, I didn’t lie. I wasn’t going to try anything during this meet-up. I truly wanted to get to know you. If you were going to be my main meal for the next however-long, I needed to know you were the type that wouldn’t get yourself into any trouble. And by trouble, I mean drugs, excessive drinking, sleeping with anyone other than me… I wanted your blood to be as pure as possible for my maximum pleasure.
You sat back down, a large iced coffee in your hand, glaring at me. You looked annoyed, but I could see through you. You were cautious, yet hopeful. Naive, but not to the point where you became a cliche. For me, it was the perfect mixture.
“So, I’m guessing you have a couple hours before work, right?”
“Are you stalking me now?” you said, rolling your eyes and biting down on your straw. I briefly wondered if you had an oral fixation and how fun it would be to exploit that.
“Not at all. Just guessing judging by your occupation.”
“Yeah, right.”
I leaned forward, locking our gazes together, causing you to stiffen. “Listen y/n… I’m here because I want to be. Do you think you could tone down the hostility a bit?”
You looked away and I caught a trace of guilt before you sighed. “Fine. I just… why am I here, Jimin?”
“It’s like I said, I want to get to know you better.”
“But why?” The words came out as more of a whine than a question. Cute.
“Because you caught my interest,” I said. Your expression changed then, going from pouty to almost a smile. Got you.
“Listen,” I continued. “Let’s play a game, shall we? I’ll ask a question, then you ask a question, and so on until you feel more comfortable with me.”
You nodded, taking another sip from your coffee.
“I’ll start. Are you a university student?”
You shook your head, the straw sliding out of your pretty mouth before you replied. “No. I wish. Tuition is… well, I’m saving up to afford it. That’s why I’m working so much.”
“Can’t your parents help out?”
“They aren’t really around… and that’s two questions,” you said, pointing a finger at me.
I chuckled. “You can ask me two questions then.”
You thought for a second before asking, “What do you do for work?”
“What do you think I do for work?”
You gave me another eye-roll. I was beginning to live for those. “It’s my turn to ask the questions, remember?”
I sat back, amusement making the corners of my mouth turn up. “I partially own a company that retains a large number of hotels and resorts around the world.”
“Partially own?”
“Yeah. My six childhood friends and I started the company together.”
“Six? Wow, I don’t even know if I have a whole six friends, let alone a group that I’ve known since I was a kid,” you said.
I chuckled once more. I was truly enjoying myself. Normally I’d have to fake my laughs and interest, but you were like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual company I kept. You were bold, blunt, sarcastic, and rude, and I can’t remember the last time I had to chase my prey this much. I hoped you’d be just as entertaining when you found out the truth about me.
“I somehow don’t believe that,” I said, reaching out to put my hand over yours. I stared into your eyes, delighting in the way your cheeks flushed pink. “You seem very personable to me.”
You scoffed, awkwardly sliding your hand from mine and hiding it under the table. “If you consider me personable, you really don’t know me at all.”
“Which is why we’re here… so I can get to know you.”
“Are you sure?” you asked abruptly. “I mean… I think it’s nice you’re taking me out for coffee and everything, and I liked how you didn’t push the whole date thing on me again… but why me? I mean, you could have any girl you wanted… why me?”
It was clear you weren’t going to let this go. I guess it was time for me to come clean. “Well, I do have a slightly ulterior motive for asking you here, but in my defense, I was going to wait until later to talk to you about this.”
You threw me a look of pure disgust. “I knew it.”
“Hear me out,” I protested, leaning towards you once more. “My company, Bangtan Enterprises, is looking to expand its interests.”
Your look changed from disdain to confusion. “And what does that have to do with me?”
I leaned in even closer and lowered my voice almost to a whisper. “This is top secret information. You have to promise me you won’t tell anyone else about this… except those whom I tell you to.”
You leaned in towards me as well. “I promise,” you said, your tone mocking but your eyes curious.
“Bangtan Enterprises is planning on opening a nightclub in the abandoned warehouse just a couple blocks from here.”
“Yes. We want to improve this part of town, and thought a nightclub would bring enough high-end clientele to swing the economy upward a bit.”
“Oh, so it’s purely philanthropic,” you said, smirking. “Gotcha.”
You hardly sounded convinced. I sighed. “Well, if people with more money come here and spend it, they will stay for a while and spend it in places like stores, markets, and then other places could start opening up, like boutiques and shops-”
“Alright, I get it,” you huffed. “But once again, how does a nightclub involve me?”
“I need a bartender,” I said simply, taking another sip of coffee. “And you’re my number one candidate.”
“What, why?”
Not going to lie, your constant need to know the reasoning behind everything I did was starting to grow tiresome. “Because you fit the personality of the club. You’re very pretty which will attract more customers, and you don’t take shit from people. You’re tough, you’ll be able to handle any pretentious assholes who come your way.”
You shook your head in disbelief, biting down on your lip cutely. I wondered how good you’d taste if it were me biting it instead. “You haven’t seen much of my actual bartending skills, though,” you said after a beat.
“I’ll train you if necessary,” I said, waving your insecurities off. I wouldn’t let you find an excuse to wiggle out of this opportunity. “And I’ll pay you double your salary.”
“Double?” you gasped.
“But… but what about Sejin? I can’t just leave him,” you said weakly.
“Sejin? You mean the owner of the bar you currently work at?”
You nodded.
“The same bar that will be closing soon because someone has hired him as the manager of a new nightclub?”
Your mouth parted in surprise. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. He’ll be your boss there too,” I said, throwing you a smile. “He highly recommends you, you know.”
“Well… well…”
I smirked, knowing you were about to give in.
“Well… thank you. I will… I mean, I’m happy to take this opportunity,” you finally said.
“Oh, and don’t think of this as charity,” I said loftily. “You’ll definitely be working hard to earn your keep.”
You nodded eagerly. “I understand.”
“Great. The nightclub opens in exactly three weeks from today. Sejin will be closing his bar two weeks from today, and then we’ll spend a week setting up the place and training. Sound good?”
“Sounds great.”
I tossed a few bills onto the table. “See you in two weeks… y/n.”
If you like this preview, check out the full story on my Wattpad profile!
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