btsfan15 · 3 years
Strange Danger
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A/N: Jin is so hot when he's mad. I always go feral. 😩✋🏽
"Wow, the nature here is beautiful." I said.
"I love it." Areum said.
It was a beautiful sunny day today and Areum and I decided to go for a walk together. It was hot, too. The guys were at home, getting some of their stuff done. Areum wanted Jin to come along cause she always wants us to spend time together, but Jin had stuff to do, so he couldn't come.
Thank god, cause we don't want to end up in another embarrassing place. There was a trail close by to the house, so we decided to walk there. I was holding Areum's hand so she wouldn't get lost.
"There's so much greenery here. It's gorgeous." Areum said.
"I know, right? We don't really get to see this where we live." I said.
"Navya, I'm glad we get to spend time together. Just you and me, without the other guys."
"Why? What's wrong with the other guys coming along?"
"I don't know. Maybe cause the maknae line always argues about the stupidest things."
"I mean, you're not wrong about that." I laugh. "But, it's fun to go both ways. With or without the others."
Areum smiles and I smile back. We continue to walk for a bit more until we stop for a rest. I had packed water bottles and snacks just case we get hungry. We both hydrate with water.
"It's so hot. I want the wind." Areum whined.
"I know it is, but we'll get through it. Good thing we both wore t-shirts and shorts."
We both took a selfie together and headed back to the house. Once we were out of the forest, we were in a place with buildings and stores. Then, Areum gasped.
"Navya, look! An ice cream shop! Can we get some? Pretty please?" She pouted.
"It's pretty hot today, so okay." I smile.
"Yay! Let's go!" She pulls me into the shop and we both choose what we want.
I ordered mint chocolate chip and Areum ordered Neapolitan. I payed and we exited the store and made our way home.
"Ooh, this is so refreshing!" Areum licked her cone.
"It is. I feel cool already."
We enjoyed our ice-creams and finished them. The wind was starting to blow and it felt really nice.
"Ah, finally the wind. Feels good." Areum giggled.
I let the wind blow on my face and hair. Suddenly, two guys step in front of us.
"Well, hello there, ladies." One said, stepping closer to me.
Areum grabs my hand and I hold her.
"Where are you two going?" The other one asks.
"Home." I said.
"Where do you live?" The first one asks.
"I'm not telling you. You're both strangers."
"I see and who's this little one?" He tries to touch Areum, but I push him away.
"Don't you dare touch her! I will call the police!"
"Oh, so you wanna play like that, huh?" The second one said.
"W-what do you want from us? We don't have anything for you."
"We don't want anything. Just you and your friend." The first one said.
"She's not my friend! She's my little sister! Now, back off!" I yell.
"Oh, you can't make us go away that easily." The second one tries to touch me, but I slap him and push him away, too. He falls to the ground.
"Leave us alone!"
Areum wraps her arms around me, scared to death.
"Navya..." She whimpers.
"It's gonna be okay, Areum. I promise we'll get out of this." I reason.
She nods and I glare at the two men. The one I slapped and pushed stands up with the help from his partner.
"Come here, you little-" He raises his hand and we both squeeze our eyes tight for the impact, but it doesn't come. I peek out of one eye and my eyes widen.
A man was standing in front of me, his hand grasping the guy's wrist. His fingers were long and crooked. Even though I was behind him, I could feel his glare.
A/N: I imagine something like this:
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I know only one person who has fingers like that.
"Seokjin oppa!" Areum beamed.
I knew it!
"Jin!" I gasped.
"Is that really a way to treat a girl and her sister? You should be ashamed of yourself. Both of you." Jin's voice was low and serious.
It's rare to see him like this. He's always happy most of the time, but this is a totally different side of him.
Daddy Jin, I call it.
Jin twists the man's hand, making him wince in pain. He releases and the man falls to the ground, holding his hand. Both our eyes widen.
"You messed with the wrong guys. C'mere, you little-" The other guy's fist comes right at Jin, but he brings his hand up and stops it.
Before the guy could react, Jin punches him to the ground, making me and Areum gasp in shock.
"Actually, you messed with the wrong man." He smirks.
Both men on the ground were now afraid of Jin. He bends down and smiles.
"I hope you two learned your lesson."
They both nod vigorously.
"Good. Now, you better not lay a hand on my friend or her sister EVER AGAIN. Do you understand me?" His voice was even MORE lower and serious. It scared me and made my heart pound.
"W-we promise." The first one said.
"Thank you. Now, get out!" Jin yelled.
The men flinched at his voice and instantly got up and ran away. My jaw drops open and my brain process what just happened. Jin turns to me and his face soften. He chuckles, seeing my reaction.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"Jin! Thank god!" I wrap my arms around his shoulders, sighing of relief.
Jin was kind of shocked by my hug, but he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I'm so glad you're here! I thought those guys were gonna kill me!"
"I won't let anyone touch you or Areum."
I break and look at him.
"How did you find us? We could've been anywhere."
"I also went for a walk on that trail close by the house and when I came back, I saw you two in trouble." He responded.
"But, how did you know it was trouble? Those guys could've been just friends of mine."
"Oh, I know danger when I see it. The way those guys were so close to you and the way they were treating you was not right. I knew it from that."
"Wow. You always come at the right time. Thank you again."
I give him another hug and break.
"You're welcome." He smiles and I smile back.
"Seokjin oppa!" Areum wrapped her arms around Jin's legs and he laughed.
"Hi, Areum. Are you okay?"
"Yes, because of you! I thought I was gonna die! I was so scared!"
"But, now you're safe and that's all that matters right now."
"Come on. Let's head home before anything else happens." I said.
Jin carries Areum and I laugh at that. Areum always walks, but I guess the incident kind of scared her. We told Jin about the things we saw and heard while walking through the trail and Areum was happily telling him about the ice cream we got . Jin and I both laugh at her excitement.
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"And then, Jin came and fought both guys." I said.
"Yeah! It was so cool! He punched them left and right and told them to go away and never touch me or Navya ever again!" Areum beamed.
"Wow, I'm so glad you're both okay." Hoseok said.
"All of us are. Who knows what those idiots could've done." Yoongi frowned.
"They weren't that scary. I mean, they were, but not the killing type, I guess." Jin shrugs.
"That doesn't matter anymore. We're just glad that you both are okay." Namjoon said.
"All thanks to Seokjin oppa! He's like a superhero, saving people from crime!" Areum giggled.
We all chuckle at that.
"No, I'm not a superhero."
"Yes, you are. You're our hero, Jin. He saved two wonderful girls from bad guys." I teased.
"Ah, Navya..." Jin shakes his head and turns red.
"Look, he's turning red! That's so adorable!" Areum pointed.
"I always turn red whenever I'm the center of attention."
"We know, and it's one of the cutest habits I love about you." I giggle.
Jin scratches the back of his neck, even more embarrassed. We all laugh.
"Oh, wait! I know the perfect song to dance to!" Areum ran to my room and brought my phone in her hands.
"What are you doing?" Jimin asked.
"You'll see." She grinned.
I took a peek and saw she was in my BTS playlist. She clicked on a song and we all laughed and clapped. It was Anpanman.
"It's perfect for something like this, so let's sing and dance!"
"Let's connect it to the speaker so it can be louder!" Taehyung grinned.
I connected it to the speaker and it sounded even more louder, like at a concert. Areum was dancing like crazy and jumping up and down.
"WAITING FOR YOUR ANPANMAN!!! WAITING FOR YOUR ANPANMAN!!!" She sang at the top of her lungs.
We all crack up laughing at her silliness.
"Wow, she's amazing." Jungkook smiled.
"She's got those moves, so you better watch out!" I said.
The song ended and we all clap and cheer.
"Thank you, thank you. You're too kind." She was blowing kisses and bowing like she just got crowned Miss World.
"Now, I definitely feel like a superhero now!" She put her hands on her hips.
I shake my head and laugh. We sit on the couch and chat for a while. Areum fell asleep on Jin and the guys all cooed.
"All that dancing and singing wore her out." Hoseok chuckled.
"Yeah, it's hard being a superhero, especially when you're still a kid." I chuckle.
Then, I started to feel sleepy. I was sitting right next to Jin, so I tried not to fall asleep cause I know the other members will tease us. But, as always, I couldn't keep my eyelids open for a while longer and I passed out.
"Look, Navya fell asleep. That walk must've wore her out." Yoongi said.
"Both girls fell asleep after that run in with those guys." Namjoon chuckled.
"Let them sleep, guys. They also need their beauty rest, too." Jimin patted his face.
Then, Jin passed out.
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"Hurry up and take it, Taehyung!"
"I'm trying to! Be patient, Jimin!"
"Be quiet! Don't wake them up!"
A sudden flash made us both wake up. I groan and rub my eyes.
"What are you guys doing?"
"They're both awake! Great job, Taehyung!" Jungkook said.
"Why are you blaming me?! You're the one who told me to do it!" Taehyung argued.
"Do what?" Jin raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing." Jimin didn't make eye contact with us.
"Wait, Tae? Why do you have your phone in your hands?" I furrow my brows together, then it clicks. "Did you take a photo of me and Jin sleeping together!?"
"No, II didn't!" Taehyung panicked. "I was...uh...showing Jimin and Jungkook something by an ARMY!"
"Taehyung." I gritted my teeth. "Give me your phone. Now."
"But I already told you what happened!" He whined.
"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I yelled, making them all jump.
He immediately hands me his phone and I scroll through his camera roll. Sure enough, there was a photo of me and Jin sleeping together. I gasp and show Jin the photo.
"Yah! What's wrong with you guys?! Can't you go one day without taking a photo of us?!" Jin said.
The other members and Areum come rushing into the living room, hearing all the commotion.
"Woah, what's going on?" Hoseok asked.
"Taehyung took a photo of me and Navya while we were sleeping!" Jin said.
"Why are you guys always like this?" Yoongi shook his head and sighed.
"For your information, it wasn't me. Jimin and Jungkook were the ones who made me do it, so blame it on them!" Taehyung crossed his arms.
"No wonder you guys are the maknae line. Always causing trouble." Namjoon said.
"I wanna see the photo! Pretty please?!" Areum came and sat her bottom next to me.
"Promise you won't say anything embarrassing?" I narrow my eyes to her.
"Promise." She smiled.
"Okay, then..." I show her the photo and she squeals (as always). She looks up at me with wide eyes and a grin.
"THIS IS SO CUTE!!! OMG!!! AHHHH!!! I CAN'T!!!" She yelled.
"Yes, yes. It's cute, now let's delete it."
I try to take Tae's phone, but Areum pulls it away.
"Why? It's a nice photo."
"Because I want all of us to be in it, not just me and Jin. It won't be that good to look at if it's just two people." I said.
Areum thinks for a minute, but then goes back on Tae's phone. She smiles and hands the phone back to me.
"What did you do?" Jin asked.
"I send it to Navya's phone, so that we can delete the one on Taehyung oppa's phone and keep the one on hers." She grinned.
"Ah, she's very wise, indeed." Namjoon said.
"Didn't I tell you? She's very intelligent." I smile.
"I'm gonna delete the photo now." Taehyung hits the delete button and it's gone.
"Let's go for another walk!" Areum beamed.
"Again? But, we just went this morning!" I said.
"I know, but I wanna go with all of you guys! It'll be so fun!"
"It does sound fun with all of us together." Yoongi said.
"Yay, let's go!" Areum grinned.
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The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. We were walking together along the sidewalk, downtown. It was actually fun with all of the guys, not just me and Areum. We were just spending quality time together.
"Wah, the streets looks so gorgeous in the evening." Hoseok looked around in awe.
"I know, hyung. It's why I always love going out in the evening." Jungkook said.
"Hey, let's split up so we can explore more around." Taehyung suggested.
"Okay, that sounds nice. Let's do it." Namjoon said.
We decided who was gonna go with who and guess who went with me?
That's right.
"I swear to god, you guys are suspecting something." Jin shook his head.
"Hyung, we choose you cause if those guys appear again, then you can protect her." Jimin said.
"Those guys have learned their lesson, so they won't come back for sure." I said. "Anyway, let's go before it gets dark."
We said bye to each other and headed our ways. I held Areum's hand as we walked.
"Ah, it feels nice to go with all of you guys. I really enjoy it." Jin said.
"We get to talk about our memories together and remember all the fun times we had." I smiled.
"Even the embarrassing ones! Don't forget those!" Areum giggled.
I laugh. "Yes, even those."
"Not gonna lie, those times were fun, too." Jin shrugged.
"Everything was." I turn and smile at Jin and he smiles back.
Suddenly, two guys step in front of us, making us stop in our tracks. We recognize them immediately. Jin narrowed his eyes at them.
"I thought I told you both to get out." He raised an eyebrow.
"We did, but now we have backup." The first one said.
"Yeah, you three ain't going anywhere." The second snapped his fingers and suddenly, more men appeared, giving us glares.
Areum clutched onto my arm in fright. I glare at them.
"I already told you we don't have anything you want."
"Oh, we know, but we just want revenge. Sweet, sweet revenge." The first one smirked.
"Boys, capture them!" The second one said and immediately, the men surrounded us in a circle.
I held onto Jin's arm.
"Jin..." I whimper.
I look at him and he looks back with a small smile.
"It's gonna be okay. We'll get out of this." He whispered.
I smile. "Okay."
He turns back to the men and turns all daddy again with that glare. All of a sudden, two guys grab us by the arm.
"Let us go!" I yell.
I tried to break free, but the guy's grip was too tight.
"Navya! Seokjin oppa! Help me!" Areum exclaimed.
"Don't hurt them! I'll call the cops!" Jin said.
"Too late! We got you in our hands!" The first one said.
"There's no where to escape now." The second one chuckled.
Suddenly, the guy holding Jin was knocked to the floor. Jin turned around and it was Yoongi.
"Yoongi!" We all said.
Then, I felt the guy holding me fall to the floor. I turned around and saw Jimin.
The other members also came and punched the men to the ground. The three of us were free and Areum came running to me, embracing me in a hug.
"Areum!" I looked her, worried. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Are you?"
We all gathered together and we hugged each other.
"We're so glad you guys are here!" I sighed of relief. "How did you know where we were?"
"Well, we came back the same way went and we saw you three captured, so we came to help." Namjoon said.
"They seriously came back with more men? Man, they should be put in jail." Jungkook said.
"Good idea. I'll call the cops." Jin took his phone out from his pocket.
But, before he could, we hear a gunshot. We all flinch and I hold onto Areum. We all turn and see one of the men pointing a gun to us. Seeing the gun, Areum clutches onto me.
"Wasn't expecting that, were you? Now, put the phone down or else, you die." The man said.
Our eyes widen at Jin's response.
That same glare was on his face again.
He has no idea how hot that look is and how it makes my knees weak.
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"What did you say!?"
"I said no." He said in a low, firm voice.
"You better take that back!"
"No, I won't. Instead, I'll make you a deal."
"What kind of deal?"
"If I beat you, then you leave us alone forever. If you win...you can capture us."
We all gasp.
"Hyung!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"I don't believe you. You're lying."
"Does it look like I'm lying?" Jin raised an eyebrow.
The guy puts the gun down. "Okay, I accept your deal."
Before Jin could fight him, we stop him.
"Hyung, that's too dangerous." Yoongi said. "You're gonna get hurt."
"You don't have to do this." Jimin said.
"I have to. It's the only way and besides, I have to protect you all."
Hearing that made me wanna cry. I could feel tears in my eyes.
"Jin, please. I'm begging you. Don't do it. I don't want you to get hurt." I bite my lip from crying.
"Navya, I'll be fine. Trust me." He gave me a small smile.
"Seokjin-oppa, don't go! Listen to us!" Areum exclaimed.
Jin knelt down to her level and smiled.
"Areum-ah, I'll be okay. Don't worry." He caressed her cheek.
We all looked at each other, worried. Jin stood up and looked at all of us.
"Do it. Do it for us." Taehyung said.
"I will."
Jin turned around and cracked his neck and knuckles.
"You're gonna go down, pretty boy!" The man cracked his knuckles.
"We'll see about that."
They both run towards each other and start fighting.
"Jin, please be careful!" I yelled.
We all watched both of them in worry.
If Jin gets hurt, I don't know what I'll do.
Suddenly, the guy punches Jin to the cheek and he's knocked to the ground.
"You idiot!" He shouts as he strikes Jin nonstop. "I'll teach you a lesson!"
"NO, JIN!!!" I try to go to him, but the other members stop me.
"Navya, no! It's too dangerous!" Jungkook said.
"I can't just leave him like that!!! He's gonna get beaten to a pulp!!!" I yelled.
I tried breaking free, but they had a tight grip on me.
Tears streamed down my cheeks and my heart hurt. The guy grabs Jin's collar, but he's not about to let him beat the crap out of him. Jin grabs his collar and pushes him off. He's now on top, left hand gripping his shirt as the other throws punches without mercy.
"You threatened a girl and her sister! Can you even call yourself a man?!"
"Jin, stop! Stop it, both of you!" I cry but they couldn't hear me.
The man, all of a sudden, pushes Jin off him and Jin falls to the ground, groaning. He gets on top of him and starts punching left and right. I could see his lips busted and wounds all over his face. The man gives one last punch to him and Jin gets knocked out cold.
"JIN!!! NO!!!" I scream in anger.
I couldn't hold in my tears anymore. I fell to my knees and let it all out. Jimin kneels down to me and I jump on him and hug him, clutching his shirt and sobbing. He hugs me back.
"Navya, look!" Namjoon exclaimed.
I turned my head and my eyes widened. It was Jin, and he was getting up. I wipe my tears as I saw the next thing that happened. He punched the guy hard and he fell to the ground.
The members helped me stand up and I was so stunned at what I saw. I ran to him.
He turned and I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and embracing him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around. I looked at him, our faces inches away from each other.
"You're okay! You're okay!" I hug him once more.
"Told you I would win." He smirked.
I chuckle and smack him.
"You almost died! Don't ever do this again! You scared me so bad!" I flicked him on the forehead and he winces.
"First of all, ow. Second, at least I defeated him."
I roll my eyes and he puts me down. The other members come to us and they all hug him. Areum wrapped her arms around Jin's legs.
"Seokjin-oppa! I'm so glad you're okay!"
Jin patted her head and smiled.
"Come on. Let's go home." Yoongi said.
"Before that, let's call the cops so they can take care of this one." Hoseok took his phone out and called the cops. He told them what happened and they said they'll take care of it.
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"Sorry. I'm trying to be careful."
"I know you are."
I was putting medicine on Jin's wounds in the bathroom. He was sitting on the toilet seat.
"Do you feel better?" I ask.
"A little. Thank you." He smiled.
"You're welcome." I smiled back.
It got quiet after that. I was still cleaning up Jin's wounds in the silence.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For making you and the others worry a lot and make you cry. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you all. I want to protect you guys at all costs, even if it means risking myself. You all mean so much to me and...I don't know what I'll do if any of you gets hurt."
I was shocked at his confession. I didn't know he was feeling all of this inside. I didn't know what to say at that moment. I had to process everything he just said to me. I kneel down, smile, and put a hand on top of his. He looks up at me.
"You and the other guys mean so much to me as well. You don't have to risk yourself to protect us. We have each other to look out for and nothing bad will happen if we stick together, okay?"
He nods and I pat his head. I stand up and put the medicine back in the cabinet. We both head to Jin's room for sometime. I look in the mirror and all the events that happened today come back.
I don't what I'll do if Jin didn't win that fight.
I turn to him and run over, wrapping my arms around his tiny waist, bursting into tears and sobbing loudly. He was surprised at my sudden outbreak, but wraps his arms around me.
"Navya, what's-"
"I was so afraid that you weren't gonna make it! I care so much about you!" I said through tears.
I sob and sob into his chest, hugging him tightly.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. Look at me." I look up at him and sniffle. Jin cups my face with his hands, staring right into my eyes.
"We won, didn't we? I didn't give up and neither did you or the others. Even we didn't, we would've still found a way to get you and Areum back. But, we didn't have to cause I won and now we're back home, safe and sound." He uses his thumb to wipe away the tears from my face. "All that matters now is us being safe together, okay?"
"Shh, shh." He whispers, rubbing my back. "I'm okay now, see? All better. It's just the wounds that need to heal."
I smile a little. "They are getting better." I sniffle.
"They sure are. Now, let's go to bed. It's pretty late."
I nod and remove my arms from his waist and gasp.
"Your shirt. It's soaked from my tears."
Jin looks down, seeing the wet stain. He chuckles.
"That's okay, it'll dry up. It's just water."
Suddenly, Jin puts his arm on my back and under my legs, picking me up. I gasp and hold on.
"What are you doing?"
"Carrying you to bed." He walks over to the bed and lays me down.
"I have legs, you know." He comes around and climbs on the bed, joining me.
"I know, but I figured after all that crying, you'd be tired."
"Why would I be tired just by crying?"
"I don't know." He laughs, and I facepalm.
"You're such a crackhead." I shake my head.
"I know." He grins. "Good night!"
He turns the light off and I roll my eyes, lying down with him. It was quiet again, but the difference was it was dark.
"Thank you for what you did. I can always count on you for anything."
"You're welcome. Know that I'll always be there for you. Good night."
I pout. "Good night."
Good night, my handsome prince.
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ifntelyinspirit · 5 years
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Joining the hype! Get the template on twitter @/tictactaetertot
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stufftwitterr-blog · 7 years
users pra twitter
BTS: @bangtanow @howbangtan @btsxme @btslaw EXO: @exoxme @exowolf @exoloverr @forlifexo FIFTH HARMONY: @fifthwho @harmonylives @fifthknow @slayharmony tá péssimo, mas tá ai viu galero
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archkaren · 6 years
Today marks the 4th year since I got myself into the ocean of self love and true artistry.. btsXme
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Best Friend's Sister
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I walk into the building where BTS lives. The security guard gives me a small nod.
I give a small nod and make my way onto the elevator. The large bags of food in my hands are really heavy. I can't wait to set them down.
"The things I do for these boys." I sigh.
The elevator doors slide open and I make my way to the dorm. I type in the passcode and enter.
Hoseok and Taehyung are sitting on the couch, scrolling through their phones. They look up when they hear me walk in.
"Navya!" They shout in unison.
"Guys, Navya is here!" Hobi announced.
Moments later, footsteps could be heard shuffling quickly down the hallway.
Five boys came rushing into the living room.
"She brought food!" Jungkook cheered and ran up, trying to grab the bags, but I jerked them away before he could get them.
"Aw." He frowned.
"Guys, give her some space." Yoongi said, pushing everyone aside.
"Aw, look at him being a protective big brother." Jimin chuckled.
"Ah, stop it, Jimin." Yoongi said, trying to force back a grin. "Navya, you can set all that in the kitchen."
I nodded and walked into the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter. All seven boys congregated around the kitchen island and watched me with big eyes.
One by one, I pulled out containers of the boys' favorite foods. As soon as I announced which food was for who, they grabbed the container and started to dig in.
I grabbed Jin's container of food out of the bag and walked up to him.
"I got steak for you." I said, handing the container over to him.
"There's also some steamed vegetables."
"Thank you, Navya." He grinned cutely and patted my head.
"Mhm. You're welcome." I blushed as he walked off.
I've had a huge crush on him since I first met him way back when Yoongi was a trainee. He was so handsome back then and he's even more handsome now. My feelings have only gotten stronger, but I've learned to hide them well. I have tried to give small hints to him, but it hasn't worked.
I pulled my own food container out of the bag and started eating. Jin and I aren't very close. We exchange a few words here and there and we've hung out together while I'm here visiting or at their concerts, but that's all. We don't text each other or call each other. He even has my number, but neither of us bother to initiate a conversation. Maybe he's just not interested.
I sigh and eat my food, lost in my thoughts as I do so, I feel someone hug me, causing me to jump.
"What's wrong, Navya?"
It's Jimin.
"Nothing. I just don't feel well." I lied.
"Hey, get your hands off her." Yoongi said, smacking Jimin.
"Sorry." He chuckled and stepped away.
"Do you need to go the doctor?" Yoongi asked, looking at me.
"No, I'll be okay."
I stayed and hung out with the boys for a while until I started to make my way home. All seven of them continuously thanked me for bringing them food. When I got home, I washed up and got ready for bed.
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I woke up and stretched before getting dressed and putting some makeup on. I had decided that I'd go visit the boys again today. The weather seemed a bit warmer than it's been, so I put on a light hoodie, leggings and some adidas. I decided to walk to the dorms today since the weather is nice.
As I get closer to the dorms, I can't help but feel like I'm being stalked. I quickly brush off my worries and walk a bit faster. Maybe nothing will happen. It's not nighttime. Why would someone attack in broad daylight?
All of a sudden, two guys step in front of me.
"Hey there, gorgeous." One says, stepping uncomfortably close to me.
"I recognize you." The other guy says. "You're Min Navya."
"Who's Min Navya?" The first guy asks.
"Idiot. She's Min Yoongi's sister."
"Min Yoongi from BTS?"
"Yes, you idiot."
While they were arguing, I had a chance to grab my pepper spray.
"Oh, so we've got celebrity here." The first one reached out and plays with a strand of my hair.
"You must have me confused with someone else." I said, stepping back.
"No, we don't. I've seen your Instagram photos. There's no confusion here."
"W-what do you want? I'm nothing special." I said.
"We don't want anything in particular." The second guy spoke up.
"Just you."
He started to grab me, but before he could, I pulled out my pepper spray and sprayed them both.
"Get away, you creeps!" I shouted at them before running away.
The boys' dorms are right at the top of this hill. I can see them from here. Maybe I can make it before those two recover.
I push my legs to run faster until I make it to the gated entrance of the dorms. The security guard recognizes me and lets me in. I immediately run into the building and into the elevator, tears welling up into my eyes.
I want Yoongi.
A few tears rolled down my cheeks as I replayed what just happened. If I didn't have my pepper spray it would have been worse. I exit the elevator and quickly type in the passcode for the dorm. I'm not sure why I'm running and in a hurry. Those guys can't get in here.
I guess I'm just paranoid.
"Yoongi!" I sob.
The dorm looks empty. It's quiet and no one is in the living room.
"Navya?" I hear a familiar voice ask.
Moments later, Jin walks into the living room.
I quickly pull my hood over my head and look down, trying to hide my face.
"W-What are you doing here?" Where's Y-Yoongi?" I try and sound calm, but it's no use.
"He's not here." Him and the others went out to get lunch. Are you okay?" He asked, walking towards me.
"I'm fine." I lied.
He pulled the hood off my head and lifted my face up to look at him.
His eyes widened.
"Navya, what happened?" He asked, worriedly.
"I-" This is so embarrassing. Out of all the people who could have been here, it's Jin. "These guys were harassing me and they recognized me and started trying to touch me."
Tears immediately started rolling down my cheeks.
"Did they touch you anywhere?" Are you hurt?"
I shook my head. "I used pepper spray before they could do anything."
"Did you call the cops?"
I shook my head again. "I was too scared. I just ran away." I sobbed.
"Come here." Jin pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back trying to comfort me.
I held on tightly to him and buried my face into his chest, letting all my emotions out.
"Come on." He led me to his room.
We both took a seat on the bed.
"I'm sorry that happened to you."
"It's okay." I sniffled. "You couldn't do anything about it."
"Hey, I know what'll make you feel better." He said, standing up.
"What?" I ask.
He goes to his sugar glider cage and carefully takes out Odeng and Gukmul.
I gasped softly as he brought the two sugar gliders over. He held his hand out and let Gukmul crawl into mine.
"He's adorable." I smiled.
"Yeah he is."
"I've never seen your sugar gliders."
"Really? I'm sorry. for never showing them to you."
"It's okay." I said as I watched the white sugar glider craw up my arm.
After that day, Jin started texting me and calling me all the time. Sometimes it was to make sure I was okay, but most of the time, we were telling each other jokes or talking about how our day went. We grew really close over a span of a month. He even took me out to eat a couple times. I'm starting to think maybe he likes me back.
Jin: Hey cutie, come over to our dorms. I wanna see you :(
Me: Okay. I'll be there soon. <3
"Guys." Yoongi sighed. "I think Navya has a boyfriend."
"I was thinking the same thing!" Jimin said.
"Yeah, me too." Jungkook agreed.
"I saw her giggling at her phone." Yoongi said.
"I wonder who it could be." Jin said, trying to act natural.
"What are you gonna do, hyung?" Jungkook asked Yoongi.
"Well...I don't know. She's an adult. She can date whoever she wants."
Jin bit his lip, holding back a smile.
"What if she dates one of us?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi turned towards Hoseok, glaring at him.
"I'm not asking because I like her or anything. I'm genuinely curious." Hoseok said defensively.
"I don't know how I'd feel about that. I know you all so well, so if she chose to date one of you, I'd know you guys would take care of her. But then, again it would be a little weird." He said, scratching the back of his head.
The front door opened and everyone looked to see who it was.
I opened the door and walked into the dorm, only to met with seven boys staring at me. I squinted my eyes and looked around at them suspiciously.
"I can't help but feel you guys were talking about me." I said.
"You're just imagining it, Navya." Taehyung said, laughing rather loudly.
"Yeah, we were just talking about..." Jungkook looked around the group.
"Dance practice!" Jimin spoke up.
"Mhm. Okay." I said, not buying it all. I decided to drop the whole situation and join the boys in the living room.
I sat in a chair across the room from Jin. We kinda chose not to tell the guys that we've been talking. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Jin.
Jin: Everyone thinks you have a boyfriend.
I bit my lip and try not to laugh.
Me: Oh, really?"
I looked up at Jin, holding back a smile. He was trying to hold back a grin.
I saw Jungkook eyeing the two of us. I quickly looked back down at my phone.
Me: Jungkook is looking at us. You think he knows?
Jin: I think if he knows, it'll be okay :) Hoseok asked Yoongi what would happen if you ended up dating one of us and he said it would be weird but he'd know that you'd be taken care of.
Me: Really?!
I looked up from my phone and Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook staring at me and Jin.
"What?" I asked, looking at them.
Jin looked up from his phone, his eyes widening when he saw the six boys staring at us.
"What's going on?" Namjoon asked.
"Is there something you're hiding?" Yoongi asked.
It was quiet for a moment until Jin spoke up.
"Yes. Navya and I have been talking and going out on dates for the past month."
Yoongi's eyes widened along with the others.
I blushed and looked down.
"How did this all even start?" Yoongi asked.
I explained the situation about the two guys on the street and that I ran to the dorms and Jin was the only one here and that he comforted me.
"You were getting harassed and you never told me?" Yoongi asked, sounding frustrated.
"Yes, but I had pepper spray."
Yoongi sighed. "Yeah. At least you're okay now."
"So, are you mad about Jin and I?" I asked, twiddling my thumbs.
"No. I'm actually kind of happy you ended up with him. He's a good guy." He smiled softly.
"Navya and Jin are dating!" Taehyung giggled.
I stayed and ate dinner with them. Jin and I sat next to each other.
"Look at them." Hoseok nudged Yoongi. "They're so cute just sitting there."
Jungkook giggled at the older member.
"Why don't you feed each other?" Namjoon teased.
"Shut up." I blushed, covering my face.
"Leave them alone, you guys." Yoongi said. "Let them be a cute couple in peace."
Later on, Jin and I were laying on his bed, cuddled up against each other.
"Can I make a confession?" I asked.
"I've had a crush on you since we first met."
"What?" Jin asked in disbelief.
I nodded.
"Can I make a confession?"
"I've had a crush on you, too. When I first saw you, I thought you were so pretty, but I didn't develop a crush until a few months later. I never told you because I didn't think you felt that way about me. You've always been so good to take care of us and bring us food. And, you're always getting my favorite food for me, I thought you were just being nice."
"I was trying to give you hints." I chuckled.
Jin shook his head and facepalmed himself.
"I can't believe I didn't notice. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I'm happy with the way things turned out." I said.
Jin looked at me with a fond look on his face. He leaned over kissed me, his hand cupped my cheek gently as he moved his plump lips against mine. He pulled away and smiled.
"Me too."
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Wrong Name
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"Let's go on that ride!" Areum said.
"Areum, we're all hungry. Let's have lunch first and then we go on the ride, okay?" I said.
"Okay!" She grinned.
We were at the amusement park, enjoying a great time together. We didn't know what to do today, so we all had the idea to come here. Areum, again, was with us. I knew she would love to go on all the rides with us. The sun was shining and it was hot.
So far, we've been on the Ferris wheel, roller coasters, and bumper cars. It was lunchtime so went to the food booth. We ordered what we wanted and sat down.
"I had so much fun on all those rides!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"Yeah, they were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" Jimin's eyes were wide.
"Too bad it had to end, though." Taehyung pouted.
"That's okay. We can always come back." Namjoon smiled.
Then, our food came and we dug in.
"So, what should do after we eat?" Jin asked.
"Well, Areum wanted to go on a ride." Jungkook said.
"Yes, I want to and it's a water one!" She said.
"Oh, that's perfect for a hot day like today." Yoongi said.
"Yeah, it would cool us all down." I said.
"Then, it's settled. We'll go there after we finish eating." Hoseok said.
We agreed and finished eating our food. Then, we headed to the place.
"Areum, what's the place called?" Taehyung asked.
"It's called the Grizzly River Run. It's a thrilling whitewater raft adventure that splashes you down a roaring river deep in the mountains."
"Wow, that sounds really fun! I can't wait to go on it!" Jimin said.
"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I run and the other members follow me.
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"Is everyone strapped in and ready?" Jungkook asked.
"Yes!" We say in unison.
"Let the fun begin!" I said.
The ride started moving and we enjoyed the view. We were all in awe at the beautiful trees and plants.
"Everything here is beautiful." Yoongi said.
"I know. Nature sure has a lot of things to see and hear." Jin said.
Then, we saw the drop ahead.
"Guys, get ready! The drop is about to come!" Areum said.
"Oooh, I'm so excited!" Taehyung grinned.
As we neared the edge, Areum couldn't hold her excitement. Her legs were moving up and down and she was grinning widely. Then, our boat went down and we got splashed with tons of water. We all laugh. Everyone's hair and clothes were soaking wet.
"We're all soaked!" Namjoon said.
"Yes, but that was so much fun!" Jimin giggled.
We got out of the boat and headed back into to the sun to dry ourselves off.
"Whew, that sure was something." Hoseok was in awe.
"I really enjoyed it! Can we go again?" Areum said. "Pretty please?"
"But we just went. You want to go again?" I ask.
"I know, but we might not come back, so I wanna enjoy it again."
"Good point." Jin said. "It was pretty fun."
"Yay! So, who's gonna go with me?"
"Jin-hyung and Navya." Jungkook said.
Jin and I both look at each other and shrug.
"Let's go, Areum." I smile.
She grins and the three of us head back into the ride once more.
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"Ahhhhh!" Areum yells.
The three of us get soaked even more again. We laugh in excitement and exit the ride. We head back to the other guys.
"Have fun?" Yoongi crosses his arms.
"Yeah! I loved it!" Areum said.
I take a quick glance at Jin.
Dang, wet Jin is hot.
"Let's play some games before we head home." Namjoon said.
"Good idea. We can win some prizes, too." Hoseok said.
So, the rest of our time, we played games and won tons of prizes. I'm really bad at any game, but I managed to win a huge teddy bear. I squealed when I held it.
"Omg, it's so adorable and soft!" I giggle.
Areum, too won a huge kitty cat. She also squealed.
"So soft and cuddly! It reminds me of Yoongi oppa!"
We all crack up laughing while Yoongi blushes.
Jin, on the other hand, was whining like a child cause he didn't get anything.
"Yah, how are you guys so skilled at these games?! I didn't get a single prize!" He pouted.
"Hyung, it's just a prize. Besides, we didn't get anything either." Taehyung said.
"I don't care! I want something soft and cuddly to hug when I'm sleeping."
We ended up playing one more game, hoping Jin would win something, and he did. He had a huge grin on his face and was giggling like crazy.
"Yahhhh, an alpaca! Like me!" He hugged it and we all just shake our heads.
Sometimes, Jin can be a kid, even though he's the oldest member.
After that, we headed back to the car and Jin drove home. It was a long drive that Areum fell asleep, with her cat plushie in her arms.
"She's so cute when she sleeps." Jungkook whispered.
"All that fun must've worn her out." I chuckle.
Eventually, the other members went to dreamland, including me. We were all exhausted after all that fun.
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"Guys, wake up. We're home." Jin said.
I open my eyes and rub them. I hear the other members and Areum starting to wake up. We all get out and I unbuckle Areum and she runs into the house.
"That nap did the trick!" I laugh.
We head into the house and settle down.
"How long has it been since we went to an amusement park?" Namjoon scratched his head.
"I don't know, but I'm glad we went today." Jimin smiled.
"Yeah, we all had so much fun together, including Areum." I said.
"Even our clothes are all dried up! We didn't even need to change!" Jin said.
"Maybe we can go again tomorrow!" Areum suddenly said.
"Maybe." I chuckle.
"Navya, can I take a bath?"
"A bath? Why?"
"Cause I miss being soaked. I'm all dry now and it's no fun." She pouted.
"Well, okay. Stay here and I'll get the water running."
"Yay!" She hugs me and I stand up and head to the bathroom. I turn on the water and wait for it to get warm. A few minutes later, the bath was ready.
"Areum, it's ready! Come on!" I shout from the bathroom.
I hear her running footsteps and she had a huge grin on her face. I close the bathroom door and I help her with her clothes. Once she's in the tub, I put soap in the water to form bubbles.
"Put more! I want lots of soapy suds!"
"Okay, if you say so." I laugh and squeeze more soap into the tub.
"This is so much fun! It's better than the ride we went on cause there weren't any bubbles!" She giggled.
Then, we heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I said.
The door opened, revealing Jin with a smile on his face. He came in and closed the door behind him.
"Looks like somebody's having fun." He chuckled, crossing his arms.
"She is and I was just about to wash her." I said. "Wanna help?"
"Me?" He pointed to himself.
"Yeah, I could use a little help."
"Well, okay. I'd be happy to help."
Jin kneels down next to me and we both start washing Areum. It was really fun washing her together. Areum kept laughing and splashing in the water. Then, I decided to have a little fun.
I'm gonna splash water on Jin.
I moved the water with my hand and threw it on him. He looked at me with a surprised face, his jaw agape, which made me laugh..
"Hey!" He did the same back.
"Don't get me wet!" I said.
"You got me wet first!"
"Oh, you're on!"
We both kept splashing water at each other, drenching out clothes and hair. We both kept laughing like little kids.
"Hey, let me splash you two!" Areum said.
She started and soon the three of us were splashing each other like crazy. It was so much fun.
"Okay, okay! Stop!" I said.
We stopped and catch our breath.
"Yah, I'm all soaking wet!" Jin exclaimed.
"I am, too! It's not a big deal!"
We both look at each other and I scan Jin. His hair was draped on his head and there was water dripping down his face to his neck and down his body. His shirt and pants were completely soaked.
Wet Jin is back again and is making my knees weak.
Suddenly, I see Jin's ears turn pink and his face turns red. I furrow my brows.
"What's wrong?"
"Your shirt. It's soaked."
"I know. Why?"
"I can see right through it..."
My eyes widen and I look down and sure enough, Jin was right. It was see through, showing my bra. I was wearing a white blouse with a black bra.
Bad idea to wear black and white today.
My cheeks flare with red hot.
"What did you see?" I mumbled, not making eye contact with him.
"Not much..."
"Do you mean her bra?" Areum asked.
Both our eyes widen and I swallow.
"N-no..." Jin whispered.
"Yes, you did! I-"
"Okay, Areum! I think it's time to get out now. You've been in there long enough."
I grab the towel from the hanger and wrap her with it.
"Jin, can you take her out?"
"Yeah." He grabs Areum and puts her on the floor.
I wipe her face and body. Luckily, I brought new clothes for her to wear.
"I didn't get to finish my sentence."
"I know and I'm sorry I interrupted you. I don't want you to catch a cold from staying in the water for too long." I booped her nose and she giggled.
"It's okay. I was gonna say it but I forgot what it was."
Jin and I both laugh.
"You're so cute." Jin pinches her cheeks.
"I know." She grins.
I help her get dressed and I give Jin a hug.
"Thanks for helping me. You always know when to come." I winked.
"Ah, don't mention it. It was nothing. I know how she drives you crazy. Sometimes." He chuckles.
He raises his hand and smiles.
"High five for a great job working together."
"And for getting wet." I laugh.
We both high five and smile at each other. We then head back to the other members.
"Did you have a fun bath?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes! There were so many bubbles and Seokjin oppa and Navya splashed each other, getting themselves wet! I also joined in on the fun cause I didn't want to be left out." She exclaimed and I chuckled.
"Oh, they did? I bet they were flirting, especially Jin-hyung." Hoseok giggled.
"Yah, J-Hope! Be quiet. And, no I didn't flirt. Don't make me use my hyung card." Jin said.
"I felt really relaxed with the warm water and soap bubbles!" Areum exclaimed. "I can't wait to do it again with mommy and daddy!
Areum put a hand on her mouth and her eyes were wide. Our eyes widened, too.
"She did not just-" Namjoon started.
"I-I mean to say Seokjin oppa and Navya! I don't know why I said that."
She looked embarrassed and guilty.
"Areum-ah, it's fine. Accidents do happen and we learn from them." Taehyung smiled.
"Yeah, it's okay if you say the wrong thing. We understand." Jungkook said.
"Really?" Her face brightened.
We all nod.
"Ah, thank you." She smiled.
Then, she started to yawn.
"You can't be possibly be sleepy. You slept in the car for an hour." Jimin said.
"I think the bath made me sleepy. I'm going to take a nap." She rubbed her eyes and headed to my room.
"I'll tuck you in." I follow behind her.
We both enter the room and Areum gets under the covers. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead.
"Sleep tight." I smiled.
She grabbed my wrist before I could leave.
"I think I know why I said mommy and daddy."
"Oh, why?"
"Cause sometimes I think your my mom and Seokjin oppa is my dad, but then I realize that you're my sister and Seokjin oppa is my friend."
"You think me and Jin are your parents? Is that what you're saying?"
"Pretty much."
"Wow, I had no idea and there's no way Jin and I can be your parents cause we're not married."
"That's easy to solve! Just start dating and one day, Seokjin oppa will get on one knee and say "Navya, I love you so much. Will you marry me?" and then you'll both kiss and happily ever after." She grinned and I chuckled.
"Don't go overboard, Areum. You're still too young." I smiled.
"Hey, it could happen! I'm just saying!"
"Okay, time to go to sleep now. Sweet dreams and I love you." I stood up from the bed.
"Love you, too."
We both smile and I close the door, sighing. I headed to the living room, seeing only Jin sitting there on his phone. He looks up and smiles.
"Is she asleep?" He puts his phone away in his pocket.
"She's just starting now. We were just talking this whole time." I sat down on the couch next to him, perhaps a bit too close.
"Oh, what happened?" He turned to face me.
I filled him about everything and he was surprised.
"Wow, I didn't know that. And she even talked about marriage at this age? Wow, she has a big imagination."
"I know, but we're getting used it. I think. Hey, where are the others?"
"Oh, they went to do their stuff, leaving me alone."
"Let me guess. Yoongi's sleeping."
"Mhm." He chuckles and I shake my head.
"I thought so."
I rested my head on the couch and my eyes started to droop.
"You look exhausted. Are you sleepy?"
"I am, but I'll manage. Areum's just really..."
"I know how you feel. You can sleep if you want. It's up to you. I'll be right here." He smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled.
I wanted to stay awake, but I couldn't. I was so tired after today that I just wanted to go to dreamland.
"Navya, come cuddle with me. You'll fall asleep." Jin opened his arms wide.
"That's sweet of you, Jin, but I'm fine."
"Navya, you are taking care of Areum everyday and you need to rest, so come over here, please."
There was no use in arguing, so I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me, his warmth making me feel cozy and comfortable. He was wearing a purple hoodie. I lean my head on his shoulder. I was feeling even more sleepy than before.
"How do you feel now?"
"Soft and warm. You don't have to do this."
"I know, but I want to. I feel like I always have to when you're sleepy."
"Shh. Enough talking and go to sleep."
"Okay." I giggle.
"Oh, and one more thing."
"Make sure you dream about me."
I burst out laughing and smacked his chest.
"You're so extra."
Then, it was just silence (besides the fan running). Just sitting there in Jin's comfort made me relaxed and calm. My eyelids shut and I fell asleep. I felt someone kissing my head.
"Sleep tight. princess."
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Love in London
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It was time for the encore of the Love Yourself in London. It was the last day and the members were getting ready, so I gave them their privacy. I was also dressed like them. Black LYS t-shirt, ripped jeans, and black Converse. My hair was curled and I had little makeup on.
Finally, the members rushed to the lift and got on.
"Good luck, guys! Have fun!" I say.
They all smile at me and give me a thumbs up. The lift goes up and So What starts playing. So What is really addicting. It's so good and I love singing along. There was a TV where you can watch them perform under the stage, so I dashed there and got settled. The lights were flashing beautiful colors and I could hear ARMY cheering.
I wish I could join them on stage....
It was sad to think about not being able to join them on stage, but I didn't let that get to me. I shook the thought and enjoyed the performance. I laughed cause Jin was behind Jungkook, being silly and swinging his ARMY bomb.
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The performance ended and Anpanman was next. This is one of my all-time favorite songs cause it's about superheroes and the song really gets me going, like So What. I was enjoying the performance when the camera showed Jin. My eyes widened and I gasped so much that I forgot to breathe.
His hair was thrown back, exposing his entire forehead. He looked really handsome...and hot.
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Every time I see Jin with his forehead exposed, he gets more hotter and handsomer. I go feral for his gorgeous forehead and here I am, controlling myself from screaming. I manage to enjoy the rest of the song without going crazy and I clap and cheer.
Now, it was time for the boys to talk how they feel. I listened to each member carefully. What they said made my heart hurt.
Awww...they really love their fans a lot.
I cheered for each member after they finished. I gasped and jumped out of my seat when Jin appeared. He was wearing glasses and holy shit, did he look even hotter.
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First the forehead, and now this?
Lord, kill me now, please.
I ignored my heart beating fast and listened to Jin's words. The rest of the members went and they performed the last song, Love Myself. They said bye to all their fans and confetti was falling all over the stage. I pouted. Saying goodbyes is always hard to see.
The lift comes down and the staff and I clap. The members all bow their heads and thank us. We head to the waiting room and I give each a member a hug.
"Amazing performance! I really loved it!" I grinned.
"Yep, we always put the best concerts ever!" Namjoon said.
"That's right! Our fans love our concerts!" Yoongi said.
We chatted for a while and the members went to do their things. Hoseok and Taehyung came up to me and we talked for a while. We talked about some funny things that happened during the concert and I laughed.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jin looking at me. I wanted to look, but I was busy with Hoseok and Taehyung, so I ignored him. A few minutes later, Jin came into our conversation.
"Hyung, why do you always interrupt our conversations?" Taehyung asked.
"Yah, no I don't! I didn't even say anything!"
"Always teasing the oldest, huh?" I giggle.
"It's a daily thing for us." Hoseok said.
I roll my eyes and shake my head. Jin shakes his head.
Then, Taehyung whispers something in Hoseok's ear and he nods.
"I think we should leave you two alone. We'll go back to the others." Taehyung said.
"Oh, you guys don't have to. You can stay." Jin said.
"That's nice of you, hyung, but we have other stuff to talk about. Let's go, Taehyung." Hoseok drags Taehyung, leaving me and Jin alone.
I stare at them for a little longer and turn to Jin. My eyes widen a little. He was even more beautiful up close than on the TV screen. My breath was taken away and I was staring at him, totally zoned out.
"I heard that you had fun." His voice snaps me back to reality. I smile at him.
"Yes, I did, but I think you guys had way more fun since you were the ones up there on stage."
"Yeah, it was! I really enjoyed being our fans. It makes me really happy."
"If you're happy, then I'm happy. I just want to see you all happy."
We both smile at each other.
"But, what?"
"It's just that...I really wish I was up there with you guys. It looked really fun singing and dancing with ARMY. I always think that whenever you have a concert, but I don't let it affect me. I want to be happy and see you all perform together. I know that it won't happen anytime soon."
I look down at my feet, not making eye contact with Jin. We just stood there for a while until Jin spoke up.
"Yes, it will."
I look up at him and there was a small smile on his lips.
"I said it will happen."
"How? I'm not Korean or a K-Pop star and there's no way Bighit will let me."
"I'll convince them."
My eyes widen.
"Jin, you don't have to-"
"No, Navya. I want to do this."
I could feel the tears coming, so I looked down. I didn't want Jin to see me cry. He took a step forward and put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. He stared right into my eyes and my heart was pounding out of my chest.
I blinked and the tears roll down my cheeks, but Jin cups my face with both hands and wipes the tears away with his thumb. His hands felt soft and warm against my face. His face was inches away from mine.
"Navya, there's no need to cry. Don't worry. You will get to be on stage with us, okay?"
I sniffle and nod.
"Thank you, Jin." I whisper.
"You're welcome."
Then, I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. He wraps his arms around my waist, squeezing me even more. I could feel my cheeks heating up, not to mention how warm and safe I felt in his arms.
"What would I do without you?"
He chuckles.
I break and look at him right in his eyes. The glasses on him...the forehead, god, he's so fine. And hot. Just looking at him made my knees weak. We both just stand there, staring into each other's orbs. Jin still had his arms wrapped around my waist and I still had my arms wrapped around his neck.
"Feeling better?" He asks.
"Yeah...I'm fine."
We both lean in and our lips touch. I feel his fingers rub circles on my waist. We break and catch our breath. I take his glasses off and put them on me. Jin laughs.
"You look cute in them."
A blush forms on my cheeks.
"No, I look like a nerd."
"Yah, don't say that!" Jin comes to my ear and his breath tickles.
"You're beautiful just the way you are." He backs away and I smile at him. I punch him in the chest.
"You really need to stop making me blush."
"Same goes to you."
We both laugh and I shake my head. We chat for a little longer and then join the other guys.
"Finally decided to join us, huh?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.
"We just wanted to join you." I roll my eyes.
"So...what did you and hyung talk about?" Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows.
"About the concert. What else?" Jin said.
"Oh, I think you know." Jungkook giggled.
"Shut up, or no food for you tonight."
Jungkook pouted and we all laugh. We chatted together for a while. The members kept on teasing Jin and I for all that lovey dovey stuff we did. Jin kept telling them that we're just friends, but they didn't believe him.
"Hey, guys! The fireworks are going off! Come on!" Namjoon said.
We all rush outside and gasp at the beautiful fireworks.
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"Wow, so pretty!" Hoseok exclaimed.
"OMG, I love all the colors!" I grin.
Then, I feel someone's fingers intertwine with mine. I gasp a little. I had a hunch on who it was and I was correct.
"They're so bright and beautiful."
I turn and see him smiling at me. I smile back and turn back. I rest my head on his shoulder and enjoy the rest of the fireworks. It felt like a dream, but it wasn't. I was standing right here, at the stadium, with my wonderful friends, enjoying the fireworks.
It was simply magnificent.
A/N: This is one of the LYS concerts I cannot forget cause of Jin's exposed forehead and glasses. I think we're all feral for his forehead and him with glasses on. 😅
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btsfan15 · 3 years
2nd Birthday Present
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We cleaned up the wrapping paper and I put my presents in my room.
"Guys, thank you so much for all the presents! I really love them a lot!"
"You already thanked us so many times! No need to do it again!" Taehyung said.
"Oh, I know, but all of you deserve it. You put so much effort into all of this without me noticing and yet, I don't have anything in return." I pout.
"Navya, you don't need to do that! Just enjoy the rest of your birthday with us!" Jungkook said.
I giggle and runs towards them, tackling them in a hug. They laugh and close the gap.
"You guys are the best friends ever."
"We're so glad to have you in our life." Namjoon said.
We stay like that for a while. I sigh and enjoy the comfort from them. We break and look at one another.
"So...what now?" Jin asked.
"I guess we can clean up the dining room. We can save the cake for another day." Yoongi said.
We all agreed and head to the dining room. I was about to take the leftover cake when Jimin stopped me.
"Uh, uh, uh. I'll do it." He smiled.
"I can do it, Jimin."
"The birthday girl doesn't have to help out!" Jimin shouts to the members. I chuckle.
"You don't have to be this nice to me. You all put these decorations up now let me take them down for you. Besides, it'll be done faster with an extra set of hands." I winked.
"She's right. Navya, help me with the streamers and banner." Taehyung said.
We all helped out to take the decorations off. It took a while to get everything, but we did it.
"High five!" I say.
The members all give me a high five.
"Great work, everyone! What should we do now?" Hoseok asked.
"I know! Let's go for a drive around Seoul! For Navya!" Jin said.
"A drive?! Well, okay! Since the sun is setting, we can see the lights!" I said.
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"Seoul is so beautiful when the sun sets." I stare out the window, my eyes twinkling.
"It sure is. I love watching the sunset." Jungkook said.
"The best part is the buildings. They all light up with different colors. It's simply gorgeous." Jimin said.
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"Mhm. I get so occupied in it that I don't even realize where we are." Yoongi chuckles.
It was really fun going for a drive at night with the guys. All of us in one car, just chatting along while enjoying the beautiful sights.
I turn to face the members. "Hey, is this another birthday present?"
"Do you want it to be?" Namjoon asked.
"Yeah, I guess. It's amazing." I smile.
"Hey, there's a beach up ahead. Why don't we watch the sunset from there?" Hoseok asked.
We all nod and Jin heads into the beach. He parks and we get out. It was warm with a little wind. It felt nice. We head to the ocean and sit down in a line.
I feel the wind brush on my face. It blows my hair out of my face.
"Now this is the perfect present." I said.
"You didn't like your other ones?" Jin asked.
"I did, but this one is something that we can all enjoy together." I smile at them.
"Hey, do you wanna go and enjoy the water?" Jin asks me.
"Sure." I smile.
We both stand up and head to the ocean. We put our feet in the water and I shiver. "It's cold, but refreshing." Jin said.
I nod. Jin and I stare at the ocean as the waves wash upon the shore. It was relaxing just to focus on this magnificent sight and nothing else (besides the party I had).
"Did you have a nice birthday today?" Jin asked.
"I sure did." I turn to face Jin. "You know, I knew it was my birthday, but I didn't even think about having a party until I saw what you guys did."
Jin chuckles. "Yeah, we know how much you love parties, so we decided to put one. Besides, birthdays come only once a year."
"That's right. Maybe next year, it'll be even bigger. Not at home, but somewhere else."
"We can even invite our family members so we can have more guests."
I chuckle. "Yeah."
Jin turns to face me. "I have another present for you."
I turn to face him. "Oh, what is it?"
He pulls out a black box and I just stare at it. I look up at him and he smiles. I smile back and take the box from him. I open it and cover my mouth with my hand.
Inside, there was a rose gold necklace with my name on it.
"Happy birthday."
"Jin, I..."
"Do you like it?" He puts his hands in his pocket.
"Like it? I love it! It's gorgeous!" I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. I squeeze him into a hug.
"Thank you so much. It's beautiful."
He smiles back. "Here, let me put it on for you."
I nod and turn around. Jin puts the necklace around my neck and locks it. "There."
"How does it look?" I look at it.
"It's beautiful. Like you."
My eyes widen. Jin realizes what he said and his eyes widen. His ears turn into a shade of pink.
"I-I mean the necklace is beautiful, not you! Wait, that's not what I mean! I mean, you are beautiful, but not as beautiful as the necklace. Wait, what?! No, I mean the ocean is-"
I cut Jin's words by crashing my lips onto his soft ones. My arms wrap around his neck while his hands rest at my waist. I pulled away, my face inches from his.
"You think I'm beautiful, huh? Well, I think you're handsome." I smile.
"Yes, Worldwide Handsome Jin." He winks at me and I giggle and shake my head. He laughs along.
Jin's finger traces down my face, sending a shiver down my spine. He leans in and connects his plump lips to mine again. His hands knead my waist while my fingers tangle in his locks.
It was just Jin and I, enjoying each other's presence.
It felt...magical.
He breaks and looks right into my eyes. My eyes get lost into his. He was so beautiful up close. I cup his face in my hands and stroke his cheeks with my thumb.
I bring his face and put my forehead against his and sigh.
"Thank you for the necklace again. You're amazing."
"You're welcome. You're amazing, too." He smiles.
"Hey, guys!"
We both turn and see the other members looking at us.
"Let's head home! It's dark out!" Taehyung said.
We run back to the other guys, joining them.
"Wow, pretty necklace, Navya." Hoseok said.
"Thank you. Jin got it for me as a birthday present." I smile.
"So, hyung finally had the confidence to give Navya her present." Jimin chuckles.
"Yah, I wasn't scared! I was just afraid that she wouldn't like it."
"But, in the end, she did and that's all that matters right now." Yoongi crossed his arms together.
We all nod.
"He was actually planning this a few days ago." Namjoon said.
"Really? Wow." My eyes widen.
"Do you think she'll love it?" Jin asks.
"Of course, hyung. It's beautiful." Jungkook said.
Jin was showing the other members the necklace he got for me.
"I'm just worried she won't. It's not that of a good birthday present." Jin sighs.
"Ah, hyung. Don't say that. She'll love it. You'll see." Hoseok put a hand on his hyung's shoulder.
"You really think so?"
They all nod and a smile spreads across Jin's face.
"It's her favorite color, too. Pink." Jimin said.
"Navya loves pink." Taehyung said.
They all nod and Jin looks at the necklace.
I know it was the perfect color when I first saw it. Let's hope she likes it.
End of Flashback
"Yeah. Jin-hyung looks more relaxed now that Navya likes her present." Hoseok teases. We all chuckle.
"Aish...let's head home."
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"Hey, hyung? I was wondering...how did you get Navya not to come downstairs?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh, I just said there was water on the floor and it was Jin-hyung's fault." Yoongi says.
"Yah, Yoongi! Why do you always have to use me as a cover up? We have the members, too!" Jin complained while pouting.
"You were the first member that popped in my mind, so I used you."
"Well, whoever Yoongi picked, I would've believed." I said.
"See, hyung? It doesn't matter who Yoongi picked." Namjoon said.
"I'm just saying." Jin shrugged. We all just shook our heads.
"Okay, enough chitchat. Let's head to bed." Hoseok said.
We headed upstairs to our rooms.
"Good night, guys!" I said.
"Happy birthday, Navya!" They say in unison.
I giggle. "You're supposed to say good night back, but thank you." I smile.
"Thought we say it before the day's fully over." Taehyung said.
I shake my head.
"Good night, Navya!" They say.
I laugh and close my bedroom door. I had such an amazing birthday today. It really was a surprise. I didn't even expect it. I walk to my mirror and glance at my necklace.
I will cherish this necklace forever. Thank you, Jin.
A few days later...
"Hey, guys! Let's check the photos we took on Navya's birthday!" Jimin said.
After my birthday, we decided to take some photos together to remember this moment. We all gathered around Jimin to see the pics.
"Hey, you even took photos of me and Jin!" I say. There was one where Jin and I were putting frosting on each other and laughing.
There were so many good photos that we took. Jimin kept scrolling until his eyes widened. He stood up.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked. Jimin motioned him to come over. Jungkook's eyes widened. "No way! You took that?!"
"Took what?!" Yoongi rushes over and does his dramatic surprised face after seeing the photo. The rest of the hyung line expect Jin run over to the others. They start bursting into laughter.
"We really took that one?! Wow!" Hoseok said, clapping.
"Yah, what is going on?! Just show us!" Jin walked over to the others, but Jimin blocked his phone.
"Hyung, I think it's best if you don't!" Taehyung said.
"Give it to me!" Jin tried to peek, but Jimin kept blocking his phone. I walked over to the others.
"Guys, I'm pretty sure it's not that bad! Just show us!" I said. Jin getting annoyed, so he snatched Jimin's phone out of his hand.
"No, hyung!" Jin gasped and looked at me with a shocked face, his eyes wide.
"Well, what is it?" I ask. He shows me and I cover my mouth up. It was a photo of me and Jin kissing on the beach. We both look at the other members, still in shock.
"We told you not to look!" Namjoon said.
"Yah, who took this one?!" Jin asked. Jimin raised his hand slowly with a guilty face.
"Yah, Jimin! I'm deleting this photo!" Before Jin could, Jimin snatches his phone out of Jin's hands. He was so surprised.
"Hey, come back here!" Jin started chasing Jimin around the house and we all just cracked up laughing and clapping.
"I'm gonna kill you!" We heard Jin yell.
"Just a photo can make him mad like that? Wow." Yoongi said.
"Navya, how do you feel about the photo?" Hoseok asked me.
"I'm still kind of shocked, but I'm fine with it. Jin, on the other hand is not." I chuckle.
Jin and Jimin come back exhausted and tired after all the chasing.
"Got it!" Jin held his phone up.
"Ah, hyung, why are so mean? Let's just keep the photo for a while and then we can delete it." Jimin said.
"What if you accidently send it to our parents? That would be so embarrassing."
"I don't think Jimin would do that, He's too cute and innocent." A blush creeps up on Jimin's cheeks and I giggle.
"I guess we can keep it for a while." Jin sighs. "It wouldn't hurt."
"Okay, it's settled! We'll keep it!" Jungkook said.
We all sit together on the sofa and I hug Jin and look up at him.
"Are you still mad?"
"A little, but I'm fine." He smiles.
I giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek. Jin wraps his arm around me and I snuggle in his chest.
"You know, I used to suffer from soap addiction, but I'm clean now." Jin starts laughing and I try not to.
"Hyung, seriously?" Taehyung said. "All of a sudden?"
"Do you know why I make puns?"
Oh, no. Here it comes...
"Because it's my respunsibility." Jin cracks up even more and I burst out laughing. His windshield wiper laugh makes me laugh even more.
All the members shake their head.
"Hey, guys. I would like to tell you a joke about construction."
"Just say it." Namjoon sighs.
"But, I'm still working on it." Jin and I both hold our stomachs from laughing so much and I push Jin to the side.
"Jin, stop! I can't breathe!" Tears were streaming out of our eyes.
"Thought I should lighten up the mood."
"Man, your jokes get me every single time. I can't."
"At least someone likes my jokes." Jin eyes the other members.
"Hyung, we like your jokes, but let us know when you're gonna say one." Hoseok said.
"But, it's not fun if I tell you guys. I want it to be a surprise." Jin pouted. He's so cute.
"Why are you so cute when you pout?" I giggle and his ears turn red.
"Why do you always have to make me turn red?" He asked.
"I'm sorry, I can't help myself. You are the most cutest and handsomest man I've ever met."
"No one can resist my good looks, not even me." I giggle and facepalm.
"You always bring that up whenever someone says "handsome." I shake my head.
"What? It's true." Then, he winked at me.
"This man, I swear to god..." The other members and chuckle and shake their heads.
We spent the rest of the evening watching a movie. It was really comfy and cozy sitting with everyone and laughing. We had a great time together and I couldn't wait for next time.
A/N: I was wondering what to do for my birthday when I came up with this idea where the members plan a party without me knowing! I really had fun writing this. As I was writing, it felt real, but then I realize it's just my imagination. Hope you enjoyed this story! 💜💜
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btsfan15 · 3 years
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A few hours later, we were all dressed up and in the limo, heading to the awards. Everyone looked amazing.
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I, too, was dressed pretty.
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"Wow, Navya! You look beautiful!" Namjoon says.
"Thank you! You guys look handsome as well!" I smile.
"Why am I so nervous?! I've performed in front of millions of people before!" Jin says.
"Hyung, that's normal for everyone. We all get nervous, too. It'll be gone before you know it." Yoongi says.
"Yoongi's right. It's okay to be nervous. I myself have gotten nervous about somethings too."
"Fighting, Jin-hyung!" Hoseok says.
We all laugh. Finally, we arrive and head inside. All the K-Pop stars were settling down. We found our seats and sit down and wait for the rest to come in.
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H"Bangtan, Bangtan, Bangbangtan!"
It was finally time for the members to perform on stage.
"Good luck, guys! Fighting!"
"Thanks, Navya! Fighting!" They say and head to the stage.
I could hear the fans cheering. They get in position and Save Me starts playing.
The lights kept changing colors and the background, too. It was so beautiful. The performance ends and we all cheer.
The members came backstage to take a quick break before the next performances. They were performing IDOL and I'm Fine.
"Great job out there, guys! You really nailed it!" I say, once they all come back.
"Thank you so much, Navya." Namjoon says. "It's not over yet! We still have 2 more songs!"
"Yes, and it will be amazing. Just like the previous one." I winked and laughed.
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"Oh-oh-owoah (Hey!) Oh-oh-owoah-owoah! Oh-oh-owoah! Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo! Eolssu! Oh-oh-owoah (Hey!) Oh-oh-owoah-owoah! Oh-oh-owoah! Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo! Eolssu!" I sing along.
The guys sit down and the performance ends. I applaud and cheer as loud as I can. The members come backstage again and get ready.
They all crack up laughing hard, even though they were exhausted.
"We're glad you enjoyed the performance. It was really fun to perform!" Jin says, wiping his sweat off his forehead and face.
"I know, right?! There was so much to see and hear that I had no idea where to look!" I laugh.
"Happens at every award show." Yoongi said.
"You got that right, hyung." Hoseok says, smiling.
The members freshen up for the rest of the awards. The staff was redoing their hair, makeup, and adjusting their clothes. I saw Jin and he was still wiping his sweat from his forehead. He was still breathing, too.
Just looking at him made me remember the dream I had last night. My eyes land on his lips. They were so plump...so red...so...juicy. I want those lips of his to suck on my skin. I want to feel them everywhere. I take a good look at his fingers. They were long and crooked. I want to feel them on my skin, everywhere. I want him to choke me with those and stick them up in me.
Hands all over my body, Jin's ravenous teeth bite down on my neck sharply as he thrusts into me again. My moan echoes through the room, loving the sweet taste of sex that burns through the air while his hands grab the sweltering flesh of my ass.
Body overwhelmed with his passionate touch, my nails dig into his shoulders and he increases his force, hitting every spot as he drives himself into you. His plump lips meet my loud mouth, caressing them deeply with a wet and hot kiss as he continues to strive inside me, making my body tense out of pleasure beneath him.
"Fuck, Jin." I moan out, voice ringing through the room.
"Have you learned your lesson, Navya?" his raspy voice prickles my ear as his finger slides down my bare stomach, teasing my clit while he pushes his long hard dick deeper into me, "Or do I need to teach you again?"
"Yes, Jin." I whimper, meeting his dark and lustful eyes, "Teach me more, Jin."
"Navya? Earth to Navya!"
I shake my head and see Jimin, with a worried face.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Zoned out there for a while."
"Okay. Well, let's get going."
We both smile and head to the other guys.
"Let's enjoy this award show while it lasts!" Taehyung says.
We head back and I couldn't believe that ENTIRE dream replayed again.
"Get a hold of yourself together, Navya. Just enjoy the show." I whisper to myself.
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Surprisingly, the awards the show went well. I was having a blast with the guys, enjoying each performance. I really didn't want it to end, but it did. It went by fast, just like that. We bowed to all the staff who helped us when we got backstage.
"What a great awards show that was!" Jungkook says. "We really enjoyed it."
"Too bad it had to end. I would've loved for it to be longer." Namjoon says.
"Yeah, but there'll be more in the future." Yoongi says.
"We'll help the staff put our things in the vans." Hoseok says.
"You guys can go. I'm tired after performing." Jin says.
They head out and the room is totally quiet. I look down and fiddle with my fingers. It's back. The thoughts are back. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't even wanna look up cause it might make things worse.
"Did you have fun?"
I look up and see him looking back at me.
"Yes. Did you?"
"Yep. The performance itself was fun."
I smile. "You guys picked some great songs."
"Yeah, Save Me, I'm Fine, and IDOL are really amazing songs to listen to."
Jin chuckles.
"They sure are."
Straightening himself, he puts his hands on his hips and blows out a breath. He runs a hand through his hair, baring his sweaty forehead even more as his soft locks move about. When he looks back at me, he finds my eyes fixated on him, an intense emotion amidst my gaze. But I can't help but stare, enjoying the view of him rather sweaty and hot.
"Hey, didn't you say you were tired?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?
"Sit down and chillax. I know how hard it is after performing."
He smiles. "You're so kind, you know that?"
I smile and chuckle. "I know."
Was it a terrible thing that I felt so much being in the same room as him? There are no thoughts in my head that are telling me to stop. Watching him settle himself down, all I can think about is the dream I had last night. I could even remember every single detail.
Jin takes his phone out and starts browsing through. Playing with my phone in my hands, my eyes drop to his lips, gazing at them. While scrolling through, he licks his lips and my tongue automatically licks mine. Watching him, his tongue sticks out for a minute and my throat starts to grow dry.
How? Why? Every little thing he does flusters my body. I grip my phone in my hands.
There's no denying that there's tension in the air, I just don't want to admit that there's sexual tension in the air.
Growing hot under his thoughts and my gaze, he fans himself. "It's a bit hot in here, isn't it?" he says, mostly to himself. Looking somewhere, he shrugs off his jacket and loosens his tie, unbuttoning the first few buttons while he airs his shirt.
My eyes immediately follow his actions, staring down his bare neck and the glimpse of his chest. Before I could stop it, I'm already imagining biting his collarbones and running my hands down his chest. It makes my legs clench together.
There's nothing wrong with having a little fun, right?
Finally, he looks up and his eyes meet mine. "What?"
"Nothing." I simply respond.
The two of us stare at each other. We don't say a word to each other. Is this a staring contest or what?
I take a deep breath.
"Can I sit next to you?"
I stand up from my chair and walk over to the couch, sitting next to Jin. My body slumps back and he returns to his phone, busy scrolling. Opening an article, I look at the words on the screen but don't read them, my mind taking me places elsewhere. Instead, my gaze soon flicks up to him again.
I clear my throat. The noise startles Jin a bit, making him jolt in his place a bit. This makes me smile. He watches as I place my hands on his thigh and slowly lean forward.
"Mhm?" I respond innocently.
"Is there something wrong?"
I smile at him seductively. "Well, I'm bored." I tell him in a suggestive voice. "And I need you to do something about that."
He furrows his eyebrows. "I'm afraid I have nothing to do."
Not satisfied with his answer, I scoot closer and he doesn't take his eyes off me for one second.
"I really love your hair today. Do you always style it like that?" I ask randomly, no interest in the answer whatsoever. I'm onto something else.
Confused, he replies with, "What do you mean?"
I'm very close to him now. "Like this."
Without hesitation, I dig my hands into his hair gently, nails softly scraping his scalp as I massage him. He can't help his eyes closing at the sensational feeling of my touch, his self-control slipping away. His lips part, unable to speak and I watch the handsome man unravel from my hand's movements.
Biting my lip, I grip his hair and a short moan escapes his throat. With that, his eyes shoot open and grabs my wrist harshly. The sudden movement makes me jump, stunning me. Hand tightly wound wrist, he looks up at me and his eyes don't have the same softness as before.
Swiftly, he rises from his seat and pushes me against the couch, his height towering over me.
The grip he has on my wrist is tight, dense. I can feel every finger of his wrapped around my skin, pressing onto it harshly. But there's not much room in my head to think about that when I'm so focused on the way he's looking at me.
His eyes are dominating. His gaze encaptures me, destroying every ounce of power I thought I had. It makes me submissive to his dark orbs that don't let me breathe for one second. There's barely any space between our bodies. The only contact is his hand around my wrist. His body is so close to mine...but not touching me. It kills me.
Maybe that's why every look, every little thing he did can turn me on so easily. Each thing is a step closer to becoming intimate with him. Each thing teases my core, burning my flesh and making me feel so hot because I'm dying to feel his body on mine, his lips on mine. I'm dying to be touched by him.
I don't want his hand to only be wrapped around my wrist. I want it to be wrapped around your throat, to caress my breasts, to grasp my ass, to pleasure my womanhood. I want it all. And by the way he's staring down at me right now, I know he can give it to me.
"Sir..." my voice is as weak as my knees. The word teases the frail silence.
"I know what you're doing." his voice lowers deeply, still gazing down at me through his fiery eyes. "I know what you're trying to do to me."
That's when he moves closer and finally, I can feel his chest against mine, his pelvis grazing me and his lips inching closer to my sizzling mouth. It makes my mouth part open, your throat close to moaning. Contact as simple as this between my lights my body, setting it ablaze. This is what you've been dying to feel. Alive.
"Do you not like it, sir?" I tease him, knowing that calling him 'sir' has a whole new meaning now. Lifting my free hand, I graze my thumb against his bottom lip while staring at it, provoking him while I caress his thick pillow. I look up at him again. "Do you not want it, sir?"
Jin can sense the growing feeling within his pants. In a flash, he grabs my other wrist harshly and pins it against the couch like the other one. This brings his face closer and I can feel his hot breath beating against my lips.
"Don't test me, Navya." he warns me, danger increasing in his eyes. "You don't know what I can do once I lose control."
As much dominance he protrudes, I disobey him.
"Lose it." I let the tempting words fall from my mouth. I bring my hips forward, grinding them into his while saying, "I want to see you lose control."
The action makes him hiss, pressing his body further into mine and gripping my wrists so tight that it starts to hurt. But all pain is dismissed to the feeling of pleasure.
The pressure of his chest against my breasts makes my nipples harden. I lean my head close to his, whispering in his ear, "Teach me, sir. Show me all the things you've learned."
At that moment, I know I have him and he knows I have him, too. He leans down and connects his lips to mine, first starting soft then hungry. I pull myself up against the couch, and he crawls on top of me.
Jin trails kisses down my neck and sucks a spot that makes me softly moan his name as I lightly tug his brown locks. He helps me pull my dress over my head. I never wore a bra under my dress which causes Jin to admire my body for a moment.
"I-Is everything alright?" I ask in embarrassment.
"Everything is perfect." He kisses my lips lovingly. "You're perfect."
His mouth goes straight for my nipple, as he gently massages my other breast. I pant as his tongue flicks over my hardened buds.
Jin continues his way down my body, leaving wet kisses behind. He bites his bottom lip as he sees my pink lace panties, my arousal making it stick to my skin.
"You don't have to-"
I don't have a chance to finish my sentence before I feel his soft, plump lips kiss my inner thigh. He looks up at me, enjoying the view and taking in every curve and every feature he finds so perfect.
Jin slowly slips off my panties and his eyes darken with lust. He licks his lips, his finger reaching out to touch my slit. I moan softly, wanting more. Jin smirks, his finger teasingly moving up and down my slit, teasing my wet entrance.
"Jin." I whine, sounding needier than I intend on. "Please."
After feeling like forever, he inserts two fingers into me, making me cry out from pleasure. The feeling itself brought what I thought was the perfect amount of pleasure, but Jin wanted me to receive more-more than the slight touching he was giving me. His plump lips attached to my clit, sucking on it lightly. The feeling was so different, so foreign. But, so perfect.
His tongue worked on my clit, drawing figure eights, and his fingers moved slowly in and out of me, hitting the spot that brought me massive pleasure.
"Jin." I moan, gripping the couch tightly.
Jin grabs my hands and intertwines his fingers with mine, letting me give him gentle squeezes when the sensations were too overwhelming.
My back arches at the pleasure, his tongue now doing slow circles on my clit. One of my hands leaves his and pulls at his hair, earning a groan from the man in between my thighs.
I moan his name loudly, not caring who hears me, as my first ever orgasm hits. My juices drip down his chin and coat his fingers as I breathe in and out heavily.
"Shit." He mutters as smirks in success.
Jin looks directly into my eyes, making sure I watch as he lewdly sucks my juices off his fingers one at a time.
He cleans his chin then pulls himself up and kisses me. I pull away and I take of his shirt, revealing his abs. I unbuckle his belt and throw it who knows where. I fumble with the button of his trousers and he pulls them off. Jin presses his clothed member against my core and I gasp. He takes off his boxers and I bit my lip at the sight of him fully naked.
Jin kisses me hungrily as I stick my hand in between my body and palm his member. Jin closes his eyes tightly and breathes out heavily against my lips. He enjoys the feeling for a moment before stopping me.
"No." He reaches for my hand and pins both above my head. "Not today."
"I want to please you."
"Today is about you. I please you. I take care of you." He replies.
Jin kisses me again and his free hand grabs his member, positioning himself at my entrance. I breathe in sharply as he pushes himself into me. Jin watches me carefully not wanting to hurt me.
"Ah, fuck." Jin murmurs as he feels me tightly around him.
He doesn't allow himself to move until I get used to him. It takes a few moments, but soon I'm ready for him to go ahead and move. Slow and gentle, scared to hurt me, he begins his steady pace. Every stroke is slow and filling, making sure you feel every inch of him. Jin's breathing grows heavier as he groans at how I feel around him.
"Jin." I moan. "Faster...p-please."
Jin obeys and thrusts harder and faster, wanting to make me come undone before him. He's hitting all the right spots-his thumb rubbing my clit, his mouth sucking at my neck.
My nails scratch across his muscular back and dig into his broad shoulders as moans of his name fall from my lips frequently. He feels so good and he fills me better than I could have ever imagined. Jin groans as he feels me clench around him, making his thrusts falter.
I arch my back, hands gripping the leather of the couch, as my second orgasm hits me. I clench around him over and over again.
"Fuck." He curses breathlessly as he watches my face full of pleasure.
Soon enough, Jin releases inside of me and he rides out both of our highs. With one final thrust and moan of his name, he pulls out and lays next to me.
"That was amazing." He says, chest heaving up and down.
"Yeah...it was." I bite my lip to hide my smile.
Jin's arm reaches for me, pulling me into his chest. His soft fingertips draw invisible patterns on my bare back.
"Oh, we better get dressed before the other members get back." I say, sitting up.
"I forgot all about them." Jin lets out a chuckle.
We both get dressed and just in the nick of time. The other members arrive.
"Okay, everything's in the van. Let's head home!" Hoseok says.
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I collapse on my bed. I can't believe that my dream came true. It happened just like that. I sigh and sit up. I hear a knock at the door.
"Come in!"
The door opens and it's Jin. He closes the door behind him and walks up to me.
"That sure was something back there." He smirks.
I smirk. "I bet you enjoyed it really well."
"I did and I bet you did, too."
"Of course."
Should I tell him about the dream I had last night? It wouldn't hurt, right? He'll understand. It's now or never, Navya.
I take a deep breath.
"Jin? There's something I need to tell you."
"I had a sex dream about you last night."
Jin's eyes widen.
"You did?"
I nod and look down.
"I know it's weird."
He chuckles. "No, it's not."
I look up at him.
"It's not?"
He shakes his head.
"Lots of people have sex dreams. It's normal."
"I furrow my brows. "It is?"
"So, you're not weirded out?"
"Not even a little?"
It got quiet. Really quiet. Jin clears his throat.
"Is it okay if I sleep here?"
I stare at him.
"That's fine, but don't you wanna sleep in your room?"
"Nah, I really don't feel like it."
"Is something wrong?"
"No, everything's fine. I just got kinda bored. Just for tonight."
"Well, okay. Make yourself at home."
I stand up and go to my side of the bed and Jin does, too. We both get under the covers.
"Good night, Navya."
"Good night, Jin."
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! I chose the 2018 MGA cause Jin was really hot and I knew it would be perfect for this story!
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Sex Dreams
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Hands all over my body, Jin's ravenous teeth bite down on my neck sharply as he thrusts into me again. My moan echoes through the room, loving the sweet taste of sex that burns through the air while his hands grab the sweltering flesh of my ass.
Body overwhelmed with his passionate touch, my nails dig into his shoulders and he increases his force, hitting every spot as he drives himself into you. His plump lips meet my loud mouth, caressing them deeply with a wet and hot kiss as he continues to strive inside me, making my body tense out of pleasure beneath him.
"Fuck, Jin." I moan out, voice ringing through the room.
"Have you learned your lesson, Navya?" his raspy voice prickles my ear as his finger slides down my bare stomach, teasing my clit while he pushes his long hard dick deeper into me, "Or do I need to teach you again?"
"Yes, Jin." I whimper, meeting his dark and lustful eyes, "Teach me more, Jin."
My eyes open and I bolt straight up, breathing hard. The alarm waking my senses in an instant, dragging me out of my lustful dream. Lips parting, my throat feels dry and is in a dire need for water. Lazily, I push the covers off myself, body feeling bothered by the heat expect the heat comes from nowhere but myself.
"Navya! Your alarm is going off!" PD-nim's voice rings from down the hall. With the house so small, I can hear him from anywhere in the house.
"Yes! I know!" I reply, annoyed. With a strong grimace, I switch my alarm off a lot angrier than I intend to.
The irritation doesn't come from waking me up because now I have to get ready for the day like it usually does. The irritation purely comes from the fact that I was interrupted in the middle of probably one of the most satisfying dreams of my life. The funny thing is that there's no anger about getting ready for the day. Knowing that I'll see him, it oddly excites something in me.
Sitting up, I place my head in my hands and rub my face, "Oh, Navya. Honestly, what the hell is going on with you?"
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Surprisingly, I get ready in time. I check one last look in the mirror and grab my phone and head out.
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I go downstairs and see the other members at the table, eating breakfast. They notice me and smile.
"Navya! You're awake!" Namjoon says.
I smile and take a seat.
"Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asks.
"Yeah, I did. You guys?"
"Yep! I got so many weird dreams like I was in a circus, floating in space, or in a random desert." Hoseok says.
We all laugh.
"That is pretty weird, hyung. What about you, Navya?" Jimin asks.
All the members look at me and I freeze. And the wild thoughts are back. Fuck.
"Don't think about it...don't think about it...don't think about it..."
I take a deep breath. "I did. It was about me performing with you guys."
"Oh, that's amazing! Performing together will be a blast!" Taehyung says.
"All of us jumping up and down to the music with ARMY!" Jungkook says.
"If only PD-nim lets me." I pout.
"I'm pretty sure he will, judging by your personality." Namjoon says.
I smile. "I'm so glad to have you all as friends."
"Us too. We love you!" Yoongi says.
We all laugh.
"I love you guys, too."
We finished eating breakfast and headed to the practice room. Today was the 2018 MGA awards and the members were working hard these past few weeks. I was really proud of them, putting in all their effort to make each performance better and better. We entered the room and the guys started practicing.
I sat down in a chair and watched. They were performing Save Me, IDOL and I'm Fine. I love all three songs. They're so good. First, they performed Idol and I know how difficult the choreography is. It takes a LOT of energy and I know how exhausted they are after performing it.
I lip sync along.
"Oh-oh-owoah (Hey!) Oh-oh-owoah-owoah! Oh-oh-owoah! Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo! Eolssu! Oh-oh-owoah (Hey!) Oh-oh-owoah-owoah! Oh-oh-owoah! Deonggideok kungdeoreoreo! Eolssu!"
I clapped and cheered once they finished. I could see them breathing hard.
"That was amazing! Lots of energy I saw!"
"Thank you, Navya. We all appreciate how much love and support you give us." Jin says, smiling.
I smile. "Of course. You guys deserve it. All of it. Not only from me, but from ARMY. You all mean so much to them and me. I don't know if I could live without BTS." I chuckle.
"And we don't think we could live without a girl named Navya." Yoongi laughs.
We all laugh. I'm so happy I have 7 wonderful and handsome friends in my life. I don't know what I could do without them. Anyway, the members moved on to I'm Fine. The choreography isn't as hard as IDOL but it's still tiring. I watch and lip sync to the lyrics. I even dance a little.
"I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine. Ijen neoui soneul noeulge. I know I'm all mine, mine, mine. Cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine. Deo isangeun seulpeuji aneullae. I could see the sunshine, shine, shine. Cuz I'm just fine, just fine."
The members finish once again and I cheer and clap.
"That was good! You guys are gonna rock this award performance tonight!"
"So much enthusiasm! I bet you're excited!" Hoseok says.
"I am! I can't wait to see the other K-Pop groups perform! It's gonna be a blast!"
"Who knows? Maybe we'll even win some awards!" Jimin says.
"What do you mean 'maybe', Jimin?! Of course you'll win awards!" I say. "BTS puts all their hard work and strength together in each performance to make ARMY happy and they put together the most awesome and amazing songs, MVs, and choreographies ever! That is proof right there!"
All the guys look at me, in shock. Looks like they've never seen me like this before.
"Wah, Navya sure is something! She's the best!" Taehyung says, giving a thumbs up.
"She's so positive about us! I love that about her!" Jungkook says.
I giggle. "I'm not that positive, but for this topic, I am!"
The members than move onto Save Me. Yes, it's hard but they can do it.
"Geu soneul naemireojwo, save me, save me, I need your love before I fall (Fall), fall (Fall). Geu soneul naemireojwo, save me, save me, I need your love before I fall, fall!" I lip-sync.
The song ends and I clap and cheer. They come over and wipe their sweat and rehydrate. Again, they were breathing hard.
"Okay, I'm way too pumped up for this awards show! I'm gonna explode!"
"The time will come. You gotta wait patiently." Namjoon says.
"With the music booming through the loud speakers and the colorful lights and enthusiasm from everyone, it's gonna be a party!" Jin says.
"That's exactly the reason! Every awards show we've been to has always been a blast and I get really excited when another one comes up and you guys perform!"
"That's a decent reason, Navya!" Yoongi laughs. "We're always excited when we hear that we get to perform!"
For the rest of the hour, the guys practiced over and over again. They wanted it to be perfect. I knew tonight was gonna be a blast for everyone and I can't wait to see their performance.
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btsfan15 · 3 years
Family Dinner
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A few days later, my family invited Jin over for dinner. We decided to go to Olive Garden. It was 6:30 in the evening and I was in my room, deciding what to wear.
I want to wear something that's comfy. It really is hard to pick something to wear. The perfect match. The perfect top, pants, and shoes. After a while, I finally decided.
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Next I needed to find a pair of shoes. I chose these.
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After that, I made sure my phone was charging and went downstairs. My parents were in the living room.
After that, I made sure my phone was charging and went downstairs. My parents were in the living room.
"Hi, honey." Mom says. "Did you find something to wear for tonight?"
"Yep. I'm so excited." I say. "I had so much fun with Jin at the party."
"Really?" Dad asks. "What happened?"
So, I sat down and told everything to my parents (yes, I left the part out where Jin and I did our business).
"Wow, that's amazing." Mom says.
"I know." I sigh dreamily. "He's so perfect and handsome."
My dad chuckles.
"Well, we better get dressed before Jin gets here."
I look at my dad.
"Wait, what do you mean 'here'?"
"Well, I called his manager to see if he was okay with Jin coming to dinner with us and he said yes. He gave me Jin's phone number and I told him our address. So, he's coming here."
"He's coming to our house?! Right now?!"
My dad nods.
"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were gonna meet him at the restaurant!"
"We wanted it to be a surprise for you, sweetheart, but not anymore." Mom says. "You should be excited."
"I am excited. It's just that I wasn't expecting Jin to come here."
"Okay, enough chitchat. Let's get dressed." Dad says.
We all agree and head upstairs to our room.
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"Can you both please promise not to embarrass me in front of him?"
"We promise." Dad says.
"You didn't keep it last time."
"Pumpkin, we forgot. It's okay if you get embarrassed. It happens all the time."
Me and my parents were all dressed up. I went to the bathroom and took one last look in the mirror.
It reminded me when I caught Jin checking himself out in the mirror back when I stayed at Hotel Mudrin.
I laugh just thinking about it. He was so cute. Just then, I heard the doorbell ring.
I rush out of the bathroom and head to the door. I open and see Jin, standing there all dressed up in a suit and tie.
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I smile.
"Hey, you made it!" I say. "Come in!"
Jin smiles and steps inside.
"It's so good to see you again." Jin says. "I'm so ready for this dinner with you and your parents."
I giggle and peck his lips.
"Me too."
I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. I couldn't stop hugging him. He was amazing. Then, my parents appear and my mom's face lightens up.
"Oh, so this is Jin!" Mom comes over to both of us. "Just like Navya described. Handsome."
Jin blushes at that.
"It's very nice to meet you, Ms. and Mr. Vivek." Jin says, bowing. "Navya has been a wonderful girlfriend."
"Yes, she is wonderful. We raised her well." Dad says. "You really are one handsome man, Jin."
Jin bows.
"Thank you."
"We should get going or we're gonna be late for our reservation." I say.
Everyone agrees and we head to the car. I put on my shoes
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and we all head to the car. Jin intertwines his fingers with mine and squeezes my hand. His hand was soft and I felt safe for some reason.
I smile and look at him. He smiles and looks back at me. We both walk to the car. I was about to open the door when Jin stops me.
"Please. Allow me."
"Why, thank you."
He opens and I take his hand and get inside.
"You're so sweet."
"Anything for you."
I smile and Jin closes the door. He comes the other way and opens the door and sits inside. He scoots closer to me and puts his arm around me.
Being in his arms was so cozy. I could fall asleep anytime. I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Don't fall asleep before eating." Jin says. "Then you won't be able to wake up."
"I won't. I hope." We both laugh. Then, our parents get in the car. My mom sits in the passenger seat and my dad sits in the driver's seat. He turns around to face me and Jin.
"You both ready?"
"Yes! Let's go!" I say.
We all laugh and head to the restaurant. The car ride was fun. Jin kept on telling his dad jokes and made us laugh. I couldn't breathe after laughing so hard.
Even Jin himself laughed so hard. We all had tears in our eyes when we arrived. Dad parked and we all got out. The sun was just setting behind the mountains.
"Wow, Jin. I didn't know you tell such hilarious jokes." Mom says. "He's like the jokester out of all of us."
Jin laughs.
"Something like that, I guess. I don't know."
We head in and the cashier brings us to a table.
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My parents sit together on one side and Jin and I sit on the other. The waitress gives us menus to choose our foods. She gives us glasses of water to start with.
"So...are you treating my daughter like a gentleman?" Dad asks.
"Yes, I am. I will always love her forever." Jin says. "She's the love of my life."
My heart flutters and I blush.
"Jin, that's so sweet." I say. "I'm so happy to have you in my life."
We both smile.
"Awww! My daughter is growing up so fast!" Mom says. Her eyes glisten.
"Mom..." I say.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's just that you're growing up to be a mature woman and now you got a boyfriend. I'm just wondering what will happen next."
"Ms. Vivek, I know what you mean, but we're not ready for that yet." Jin says. "Just for now, we'll be happy together."
"Jin's right. It's better to focus on what's happening now." I say. "Maybe later, we can discuss what's gonna happen."
Dad nods.
"That's a good plan." Dad says. "Isn't it, honey?"
"Oh, yes." Mom says. "Maybe I'm going too far. I'll worry about what's happening now."
We all smile. Then, our waiter comes and we choose our food. The waiter takes our menus and we wait for the food.
My stomach rumbles. Jin laughs.
"Was that your stomach?"
"Yeah, I'm starving!" I whine.
"You're so cute when you whine." Jin says.
I pout.
"I am not cute." I say. "Only as a baby, I was cute."
Jin chuckles.
"That doesn't mean you're cute now."
I sigh.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes, in annoyance.
"Navya gets annoyed when she's hungry." Dad says.
I cross my arms.
"Not that much." I say. "Just a little."
Jin and my parents laugh. I laugh along, too.
Finally, our food comes and the waitress puts each plate on the table.
I ordered the Chicken Parmigiana, Jin ordered the Steak Alfredo, mom ordered the Lasagna Classico, and dad ordered the Shrimp Scampi.
"Yah, everything looks so good!" Jin says.
"Yeah, let's dig in!" I say.
We start eating and Jin was right! Everything was delicious! I used to love coming here for dinner with my family. Every time we came here, I always leave with my stomach full. Now, I'm enjoying another amazing and delicious dinner with my wonderful family and loving boyfriend.
"How are things as a hotelier, Jin?" Mom asks.
"Pretty good." Jin says. "It's hard sometimes, but I manage."
"Tell me. What does a hotelier do?" Dad asks.
"Well, I'm responsible for hiring and managing staff and keeping things running smoothly." Jin says. "That's basically it."
"I've heard if you stay at a hotel, you never see the hotelier, but I did a lot." I say. "Maybe cause Jin wasn't that busy."
"That's how you got here, honey." Mom says. "Because Jin wasn't busy, you became friends with him and now you're dating him."
"I never thought of that." I say.
"Me neither." Jin turns and looks at me. "I guess we do make a pretty good team."
I smile. "Yes, we do."
"I also wanted to know if you both enjoyed the party at the hotel." Dad says.
'Oh, yes we did!" I say. "I had so much fun dancing with Jin!"
"Me too." Jin says. "It truly was an amazing experience."
"That's wonderful." Mom says. "Anything else happen?"
"No. All we did was dance and eat." I say.
"Oh come on, honey. There must be something that happened that you really enjoyed." Dad says.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think there's anything else." Jin says.
"You know, I heard some noises coming from the bathroom." Mom says.
"Really?" Dad says. "Come to think of it, I vaguely remember something like that."
Jin and I look at each other, confused. What were they talking about? All I remember was Jin and I dancing and singing. Then, we both realize and blush.
"You both know, don't you?" I ask.
"It's true, honey?" Mom asks. "Did you do it?"
"Yes." Jin says. "We're sorry."
Dad chuckles.
"Don't be sorry. You two are old enough to do whatever you want. As long as you're using protection and-"
I cover my face in embarrassment.
"Dad, please stop." I groan.
"We are very careful, sir." Jin says and jaw drops.
He basically outed us to my parents.
"Can we just finish dinner and go to dessert?" I ask. "I'm craving something sweet."
In spite of that awkward talk, we finish dinner and our waiter comes back and we order desserts. I love the desserts here. They're so good.
"Navya, do you have space in your stomach to eat dessert?" Jin asks. "I don't want you getting a tummy ache."
"Don't worry. I'll eat how much I want." I say. 'I won't force myself."
"Okay, then." Jin says. "If you say so."
Our waitress comes with the desserts and places them on the table.
I ordered the Chocolate Brownie Lasagna, Jin ordered Tiramisu, mom ordered the Warm Italian Doughnuts, and dad ordered the Dolcini cups.
"Wow, the presentation at this restaurant is very beautiful." Jin says.
"Yeah, but the taste is even better!" I say. "Dig in!"
We eat our desserts and enjoy them. They really were delicious.
"Nothing like a sweet dessert to finish off a very delicious dinner." Mom says.
"Yes, mom." I say. "Dinner and dessert."
"The two D's." Jin says.
I laugh.
"That's right, Jin." I say. "The two D's."
Finally, we finished our desserts and dad payed. We grab our stuff and head to the entrance.
"Have an amazing night!" The waitress said.
"You too!" We all say and smile. We head back to the car and get in.
I sigh.
"What an amazing dinner and night."
"Yeah, I'm stuffed." Jin says. "Although we had quite the awkwardness, it still was awesome."
I smile.
"It was." My parents get into the car.
"Jin, we'll drop you off at the hotel." Dad says. "I hope you enjoyed coming to dinner with us."
Jin bows his head.
"I did, and I would love to come another time."
"Of course! We would love to have you over again!" Mom says. "And, Navya will be missing you a lot."
I roll my eyes.
"Hey, Jin misses me, too."
"Well, you both miss each other a lot when you're apart." Dad says.
"Yes, that is true." Jin says.
"Alright, let's drop Jin off." Mom says.
Dad starts the engine and we drive back to Hotel Mudrin. Man, Seoul was so beautiful at night. All the lights and skyscrapers were gorgeous. It was simply...magical. I stared out the window in awe. It was like a dream, I should say.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" Jin says.
"Yeah. It's like a fantasy."
"It is pretty, but do you know who's more prettier?"
I turn and face Jin.
He smiles.
I blush and push his chest.
"Stop, you're making me all flustered." I look down.
"Hey, you make me flustered, too. It's fair that we both do it to each other."
"I guess you're right." Jin takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. I felt the warmth of his hand sink into mine. I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. I'm so glad to have Jin by my side.
"We're here!" Dad says.
"Navya, wake up." Jin says. "We're here."
I open my eyes and rub them. I must've fallen asleep. I look out and see the hotel in front of us. It was time for Jin to go.
"Ms. and Mr. Vivek, it was an honor to have dinner with you." Jin says. "I'm glad you expect me and Navya dating."
"Oh, of course!" Mom says. "Navya has been looking for someone that's perfect for her and now she did."
Jin smiles and opens the door. He gets out and closes the door. I watch him walk to the entrance. Is this 'deja vu'? I was sad again. I had another amazing time with Jin and now...he has to go.
I sigh and roll down my window.
"I had fun tonight." I say. "I hope I'll see you again."
"Me too." Jin says. "Goodbye, Navya."
My face droops.
"Goodbye, Jin."
My parents look at each other while Jin and I wave bye to each other. I roll back my window and lean my head against the seat.
Dad starts the car engine, but then my eyes wide to. I can't believe I forgot! I bolt straight up, open the door and run back to Jin.
"Jin, wait!"
He stops and turns to face me.
"What is it, Navya?" Jin asks. "Is something wrong?"
"Can you come closer?"
Jin takes a step closer.
He takes another step.
"Even closer."
He takes a huge step, leaving us inches away from our faces. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. Jin wraps his arms around my waist, squeezing me tight.
"I'm really gonna miss you." I say.
"Me too." Jin says. "But, I'll always be here for you."
I look at him right in the eyes. He really was a prince in real life. Then, Jin leans in and connects his plump lips to mine. It was a passionate kiss. Not too aggressive.
He breaks and looks at me again.
"I love you, Navya."
"I love you, too, Jin."
Then, we hear a honk.
I turn around and my parents, looking at us.
"Honey, we have to go!" Dad says. "It's bedtime!"
"Sweetheart, since you're upset about Jin leaving, he can stay with us for a few days." Mom says.
Both our eyes widen and I turn to face Jin.
"Wait, really?!" I ask. "Are you serious?!"
"Yeah." Dad says.
"Is it okay with you?" I ask Jin.
"Yeah, totally!"
I jump and down. Jin gets to stay at our house! I grab his hand and pull him to the car. We both get inside and I was ecstatic.
"Thank you so much!" I say to my parents.
"You're welcome, honey." Mom says. "Well, let's head home."
The car starts moving and we head back.
Once we get there, dad parks in the garage. I open the door and get out. Jin gets out after me.
"Come on!" I say. "Let's go to my room."
Jin smiles.
We head in and remove our shoes.
"Wow, your house is big." Jin says. "I wish I lived here."
I laugh. "It's not that big. It's pretty comfy."
"Well, let's head upstairs."
"You two have fun up there!" Dad says. Then, he winks.
"Not again, dad." I groan.
Jin laughs. "It's okay. We'll be careful."
We head upstairs to my room. I open the door and sit on the bed. Jin looks around my room,
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in awe.
"Your room is beautiful. I love the lights."
"Thanks. It's really cozy and comfy."
Jin sits on my bed.
"So, what do you wanna do now?"
"I don't know. I'm a little tired after eating."
"Wanna watch a movie together?"
"Sure! Let's get comfy under the covers."
Jin and I both make ourselves comfy under the blanket. I turn on the TV and head to Netflix.
"What movie do you wanna watch?" Jin asks.
"You should pick." I say. "You're the guest after all."
"Oh, come on. We should at least watch something that we both like."
"Hmmm...let's watch Tall Girl."
"Good choice."
Jin plays the movie and we get cozy. Jin wraps his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest. The movie was pretty funny and romantic. As the movie was playing, I was starting to get sleepy. Probably cause I was SUPER cozy underneath the blanket and Jin's arms was around me. I ignored it cause I wanted to get through the entire movie, snuggling with my wonderful boyfriend.
"Wow, what a great movie!" Jin says, sitting up.
"Yeah, perfect for us cause we're a couple." I say, stretching.
Jin checks his watch.
"Ah, we better get ready for bed. It's pretty late."
"Oh, but you don't have any pajamas to wear."
"That's okay. I'll sleep in this. I'll just remove my jacket and tie."
Jin removes his black jacket and tie. I could really see how broad his shoulders are.
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"I've never seen someone with such broad shoulders before."
Jin chuckles.
"Yeah, I have VERY broad shoulders." Jin says. "58 cm."
My eyes widen.
"58?! Wow, that's broad!"
Jin laughs.
"I know! Some jackets don't fit me that I have to remove them."
I laugh.
"Oh my god!" I say. "Well, on the other side, you look more stronger and muscular."
Jin's face gets red. He was so cute.
"T-thank you. Now, let's get to bed."
I giggle.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who's cute."
Jin rubs the back of his head.
"I guess not."
"Anyway, since you're not changing, I'm not changing." I say. "We'll sleep in these clothes."
"At least you can change! I'll be fine!" Jin says.
"Jin, we're in this together. I'm not changing cause I don't want you to be the only one who tosses and turns cause of their clothes." I say. "We'll both toss and turn tonight."
"Yah, Navya! You're so kind to me!" Jin says. "You deserve a reward."
"A reward? Just for not changing?" I say. "Well, okay. Let me just remove my jewelry and use the bathroom."
Jin nods and I head over to my jewelry box. I remove my earrings and necklace and put them in the box. Then, I head to use the bathroom. I peak my head through the door.
"I'll be right back." I smile.
Jin smiles back and I close the door. I do my business and come back. I walk over to Jin.
"So, what's this reward you have for me?"
"Oh, it's good. Really good." He says.
Then, Jin leans in and connects his plump lips to mine. He breaks and I look right into his eyes and blink.
"You're welcome." He says. "Now, let's get ready for be-"
I grab Jin's arms and pull him close to me. grab his face and reconnect my lips to his. Jin rests his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. I moan softly, brushing my tongue along his bottom lip.
Then, Jin's lips trail down to my jawline, then to my neck. He starts sucking, making me moan. He gets every spot. He was making me moan and groan loudly.
"Jin...my parents..they're gonna...hear."
He doesn't hear me. He really was into it. Then, we both a hear a knock at my door.
"Navya, is everything okay in there?"
Jin breaks from my neck just before mom opens the door.
"Honey, I heard some noises. Is everything okay?"
I plaster a fake smile.
"Yes, mom! Everything's fine!" I say. "Jin and I were both just talking about how much fun we had tonight."
She smiles.
"I'm glad you had fun, Jin. It's past your bedtime. Go to bed!"
"Don't worry, Ms. Vivek!" Jin plasters a fake smile, too. "We'll get right to it!"
Mom nods and closes the door. We both sigh of relief.
"Whew. That was close." I say. "I really don't need my parents to know about my sex life."
Jin chuckles.
"Yeah. Mine too. Sorry about what just happened."
"Hey, don't be! It's fine. I enjoyed it."
"Me too. I mean, I was the one who did it."
I laugh.
"Okay, now let's really get to bed."
We both brush our teeth after that dinner. I had a spare brush, so I gave it to Jin. After that, we headed back to bed. We both got under the covers and laid down. I move closer to Jin and cuddle against his chest.
I sigh.
"I still can't believe we're reunited again. After a month of not seeing you, it's back."
"I know, right? It's weird. Time flies." Jin says. "Well, good night."
"Good night." I say. "Oh, and Jin?"
"I love you."
Jin chuckles and kisses my head.
"I love you, too, Navya."
The End.
A/N: This story is so long, but it's worth it! I hope you guys enjoyed it! There will be more! Stay tuned! Saranghae! 💜💜💜💜
0 notes
btsfan15 · 3 years
Party Time
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A few months later, my family gets an invitation to a party.
"We're invited to a party?! Wow!" Mom says.
"It must be in an expensive place." Dad says.
"It should say on the card. Read it!"
"Right here!" Mom reads and gasps. Dad, too.
"What?! Where is it?!"
"Honey, you're one lucky girl." Mom says.
"Why?! Tell me!"
"The party is at Hotel Mudrin." Dad says.
I gasp and cover my mouth. Hotel Mudrin?!
"Are you serious?" I ask. "Like, the Hotel Mudrin?"
They both nod. I jump and down, ecstatic. That means I can see Jin again!
"What time?"
Mom reads the card. "Tonight at 7 PM."
"OMG, I'm gonna pick out an outfit!"
"Our daughter is gonna be so happy when she sees her true love." Dad says.
"Yep. I can't wait to see the look on her face tonight." Mom says.
Upstairs, I go through my closet to find a dress to wear. I had so many dresses that I couldn't choose.
"Ugh, how am I gonna choose? I have so many!" I groan. Then, my mom comes inside my room.
"Maybe I can help you find something."
I smile and she comes over to help me. It took a while cause all of them were so pretty and gorgeous, but we narrowed it down.
"This is the one, honey!" Mom says. "It's gonna look so pretty on you."
I smile. It was a sparkly black top with a skirt.
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"Thanks. Now, I have to find a pair of shoes that match, which is not going to be easy."
"I'll also help you with that, sweetheart."
So, me and my mom looked through my closet again to find the perfect shoes. I had a lot of shoes. I had a few heels, but I rarely wear them. I usually just wear Converse. It's my favorite brand.
"Pumpkin, this is it!"
She turns and has a pair of silver heels
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in her hand. I smile.
"it's perfect, mom! Thank you." I look closely and gasp. "They even have rhinestones on them."
"Mhm, I just found it laying in the back of your closet. Now, these can go to use."
I sigh. "Well, I found a dress to wear and some shoes to wear. I'm all set." I look at my dress. It was beautiful. I smile. "I think we should have a snack now."
"I agree with you, honey. Let's go downstairs."
We both head downstairs.
I couldn't wait to see the look on Jin's face tonight.
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"Honey?! Are you ready yet?! We have to go!" Dad yells from downstairs.
I check one last time in the mirror. Hair curled...makeup...jewelry...perfect. I was ready to go. I grab my phone and head downstairs. My mom gasps when she sees me.
"Sweetheart, you look beautiful."
"You look great, kiddo." Dad says.
"Thanks. Do you think Jin will love it?"
"Of course, he will. He's really lucky to have you." Mom says.
I smile at that.
"I know. He really is a one of a kind."
My dad checks his watch.
"Oh, we better get going. Don't want to be late."
We head to the car and get inside. I was kind of nervous. it's been a few months since I saw Jin. I don't know if he'll remember me cause he's been really busy with his job. The whole car ride to the hotel, I was a nervous wreck.
Finally, we arrive and my mouth drops open. The outside was decorated with streamers and balloons all over. I couldn't even recognize the hotel! We parked and got out.
We head to the entrance and there was a red carpet on the floor. I took a deep breath and headed inside. There were so many people laughing, talking, and chatting.
There was even a table with different foods and drinks, including desserts. I scanned the crowd for Jin, but didn't see him. Oh well, maybe he's busy. My parents wave to someone far away. "Honey, we found some of our friends. We're going to meet them." Mom says.
"Why don't you go and find Jin? I bet you're dying to see him again." Dad says. I wouldn't say dying. I would say...nervous. "Yeah, sure. Have fun." I say. They both smile at me then head off to join their friends. Well, now I'm alone and have nothing to do. Great.
I decided to explore upstairs, so I took the elevator. It's been a while since I saw my hotel room. I wanted to see if it changed. Hopefully, I could remember what room number it was. I did. When I got there, I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it. It was open. I pushed the door and remembered all the fun times I had in here.
I smiled and walked inside. I remember everything when I stayed here. I sighed and went to the window. I opened the curtains and saw the beautiful evening sky. It was simply magnificent. I stared out the window and took everything.
I snap back to reality. That voice. It sounds familiar. I turn around and saw Jin, standing there, staring at me.
He smiles. I grin and run towards him. I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight. Jin wraps his arms around my waist.
"I missed you so much!"
"I missed you, too, Navya."
I look at him right in the eyes.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you. You stuck to my head like glue."
Jin chuckles.
"Me too. All I could think of was you while working."
Then, Jin's eyes scan my body. He lets out the wolf whistle.
"Wow, you look gorgeous."
I blush and smile.
"Thank you and you look very handsome, if I do say so myself."
Jin smiles.
"Thank you. So, shall we head downstairs and have some fun?"
Jin shows me his hand.
I smile and take his hand.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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Once we're downstairs, we both decide to have a snack together. We head to the food table. Jin turns and looks at me.
"What're you in the mood for?"
"Hmmm...I'm in the mood for taco bites." I take one and pop in my mouth. I give a thumbs up to Jin and he chuckles.
"How about you?"
Jin thinks deeply. "I'm in the mood for chocolate dipped frozen banana bites." He takes one and pops it in his mouth. He gives a thumbs up to me.
"Now to wash it down with a drink. I'm going for some cola. It's my go-to drink." I pour myself a glass
“Well, my go-to drink is wine.”
I look at him, surprised. Jin can drink? Wow.
“I’m not allowed to drink alcohol.” Jin pours himself a glass. He raises his glass and smiles at me.
“Cheers to a happy relationship.”
I smile and raise my cup.
We clink glasses and drink.
“Don’t you ever get drunk?”
“No, not really. I’m very careful of how much I drink.”
“That’s good...”
“Yeah. Imagine all the ridiculous things I would say.”
“Yeah...” I really couldn’t help thinking. How would Jin act if he was drunk? Cute? Silly? I shake the thought away.
“Well, don’t drink too much tonight. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t.”
Then, we hear music playing.
“So, wanna dance?” I ask.
“I’m not really a good dancer. I think I’ll stay put.”
“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Trust me. Even I’m not a good dancer.” He didn’t look convinced. I pout.
“Please? For me?”
Jin sighs.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
I grin. “Yay! Come on!”
I grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor. Other people were dancing, too. I start dancing.
“Navya, I don’t know about this.”
“It’s okay, Jin. Just try.”
Jin starts dancing. I smile.
“Hey, I’m getting the hang of this!”
Then, he starts to get crazy. I laugh.
“See, I told you can dance!” I giggle. “Just dance like nobody’s watching!”
We both dance and have a blast. After the song ends, we decide to take a break.
“That was so much fun!” I say. “I can’t wait to do it again.”
“Yeah, but all that dancing made me exhausted and thirsty.” Jin says. “I’m gonna get another drink.”
“Okay. I’ll be back. I just have to use the bathroom.”
Jin nods. I sigh.
“Jin, if you drink wine, please don’t go overboard. Like I said before, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Navya, I’ll be fine. Just trust me. Now go and do your business.”
“Alright. I’m trusting you.”
I leave Jin alone and head to the bathroom. I touch up my makeup and fix my hair. It got kinda crazy when I was dancing. After checking one last time, I head to join Jin.
But, when I got there, he wasn’t there. Where did he go? Maybe he went to the bathroom? Oh well. He’ll turn up. I look outside and it’s dark. Fully dark. Even in the hotel it was dark.
At least there were lights. I took another drink and decided to dance again. Hopefully, Jin shows up. I go the dance floor and dance. Alone. It was pretty awkward dancing by myself, but besides that, it was fun.
As I was dancing, I feel someone tugging at my waist. “Dance with me.” Someone breathes into my ear. I turn my head and see Jin. I could tell he was drunk. I let him pull me to dance. His version of dancing was very different than everyone else's.
Instead of dancing like any other person, he was doing the sprinkler. I couldn't help but bust out into a fit of laughter at his actions.
"This is hot, isn't it?" Jin yells over the music.
"Jin, I really think you need to take a break from the drinking." I say.
"But, I'm just getting started!" Jin says as he throws himself onto me.
I have to hold my arms out to catch him and keep him upright.
"Did I mention you look beautiful tonight?" Jin says as his hands automatically go to my waist.
"You're drunk." I say.
"And, you're sexy." Jin says, with his head in his neck. Suddenly, I got this weird feeling in me. Oh no. No. It can't be that. Nuh-uh. I'm not ready for that. I try to wiggle out of Jin's arms, but he held onto me. Tight.
"I think you're even beautifier underneath." Jin says. Jin's hand slips underneath my dress, sending a shiver down my spine. I somehow managed to get out of Jin's grip. I run upstairs to my bedroom.
"Wait, Navya! Come back!"
Jin runs after me. It was really hard to run in heels, but somehow made it. I hid behind the bed, but I forgot to close the door. Crap. Jin came running in. He had to hold onto the wall so he wouldn't fall.
"Navya, I know you're in here!"
I didn't make a peep. I really didn't want Jin to do whatever he did downstairs again. I'm not ready for that yet. I heard his footsteps getting closer.
His head springs into my face, making me scream.
"There you are. Now, come here."
He comes to grab me, but I move and he falls onto the bed. I laugh. I thought he was gonna get up and try again, but he didn't. I walked to the side and saw why. I smiled.
He fell asleep.
All that dancing and drinking must've gotten to him. I knelt down on my knees and took in how handsome he looked while he slept. He was so cute.
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I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"Sleep tight...my handsome prince."
A little later, Jin woke up.
"Hey there, sleepyhead." I say.
Jin turns and sees me sitting on the bed.
"Navya. Did I fall asleep?"
"Yeah, you did."
"Sorry. All that drinking and dancing wore me out."
I crossed my arms together.
"I thought I said not to drink too much."
Jin runs his hands through his hair. He sits up.
"Yeah...I'm sorry." Then, he looks at me, wide eyed. "I didn't say or do anything embarrassing, did I?"
"Well..." I laugh and facepalm.
"I'm sorry for whatever I did."
"You don't have to apologize. Also, your sprinkler game is strong." I laugh.
"I embarrassed myself, didn't I?" Jin asks.
"A little." I reply with another laugh.
"What did I say?"
"You said I'm sexy." I giggle.
Jin groans.
"Anything else?"
Then, my face heats up. I look down.
"And you said I looked better underneath."
"Underneath what?"
I hesitate for a minute.
"My dress."
Immediately, Jin's face turns red. He looks down and fiddles with his fingers.
"I-I'm sorry."
"I-It's okay."
It's quiet again. The awkwardness is back. Jin clears his throat.
"So, uh...what do you wanna do now?" Jin asks.
"I don't know." I look out the window and it's dark. I take my phone out and check the time.
8:00 PM.
"Wanna head back downstairs and dance some more?"
The song changed. It's a slow song. Everyone's paired up.
"I wasn't expecting this." Jin says.
"Me neither." I say. "But, let's enjoy this moment while it lasts."
Jin intertwines his fingers with mine. We walk to the dance floor and find a spot.
I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands rest on my waist. We both sway to the music and get lost in each other's eyes.
"I'm so glad to have you by my side." Jin says, with a smile.
I smile back. "Me too. You're an amazing boyfriend."
"And, you're an amazing girlfriend."
That makes me smile even more. I hug him tightly and close my eyes. I really loved Jin. And he really loves me, too. He was so sweet from the day we met. I really wasn't expecting to meet a guy, become really good friends with him, and date him.
He was just a simple hotelier, working. Now he has found the love of his life. Me.
"That was so much fun." I say, sitting on the bed. "It really is nice to dance with someone who truly loves you."
We returned upstairs to my room to take a break.
Jin smiles. "Yeah. It is. It really is."
I look down at my feet.
"You know, I really wasn't expecting to see you again. After all the good times we had together while I stayed, I couldn't get over you."
I nod. Jin sighs.
"We had so much fun together. From showing you around, becoming friends with you, and most importantly, we confessed and started dating. All that stuck in my head, especially you."
I chuckle.
"I guess we really like each other, don't we?"
Jin chuckles.
Jin walks up to me and sits down besides me on the bed.
"We don't like each other. We LOVE each other."
I look up at him. I couldn't help but smile. I stand up.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"Do you remember the last time we kissed?"
"Oh, I know where you're going with this."
He stands up and looks right into my eyes.
"Of course I do. Before you left, right?"
"Mhm." I touch my lips. "Hmmm...I think my lips are dry."
"Ah, I can help with that."
Jin tilts his head and connects his soft lips to mine. His hands slide across my waist and my hands slide up to his neck. I bite his lip and he groans.
I lose my balance and fall on the bed, with Jin's lips still on mine. His lips trail down my neck.
"Jin, we should stop."
He looks at me.
"What's wrong?"
"What if someone hears?"
"How about the bathroom?"
"There's no way we're doing it there."
Jin gets off of me and sits. He pouts.
"We're never gonna be able to have sex like this."
I move over and peck his lips.
"It'll all work out."
"How?" Jin's eyebrow raises.
"I don't know. Night sex?" I say, my voice low.
"What if someone wakes up and we get caught?"
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." I say and Jin's eyebrows raise. He smirks.
"Let's do it."
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btsfan15 · 3 years
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Another day of shopping. I sigh. Literally just 2 days ago, we bought so many groceries and now we're out. Again. For the millionth time, I think. Whenever we buy something, we always think it's enough, but later we finish it and it's over. It's really frustrating for all of us to keep on coming back here to get more and more. But, hey. Life goes on.
The guys decided to split up like last time and yes, I ended up with Jin. I'm not saying I don't like it, it's just that there was some misunderstanding. I hope nothing like that happens today.
Oh, and one more thing.
Areum was with us this time. So far, nothing happened so that's a good sign. She was with the other members and I was relieved when I heard that. She's always embarrassing Jin and I, making us both red and flustered. The guys don't tease us cause they know how frustrating it is.
It's Areum. She blurts out stuff that's true and very inappropriate and one day, she's gonna blurt it out to our parents. Can't wait for that. I know that's gonna be about me and Jin cause she ships us. HARD. Yes, he is my bias, but that doesn't mean I like like him, just in a friendly way.
Jin and I were wandering around the store, trying to find any other stuff we need. There's something so oddly amusing about seeing him walking cheerfully through the aisles of the grocery store.
He looks right at home as he strolls slightly ahead of me, nudging the shopping cart along with him and whistling a playful tune as he scrutinizes the items on the shelves.
He is the picture of domesticity. Period.
I suddenly feel twelve years old again, as if I'm following my mother around the shop as she places items into the cart, ticking off her list as she goes along.
I smile to myself at the ridiculous thought, and I suddenly feel inexplicably playful. I skim my eyes over the shelves in the aisle Jin and I are walking down and swiftly grab the closest item to me; a small jar of jam. I skip ahead to the cart and drop it in ostentatiously. Jin looks at me with wild curiosity but says nothing and carries on walking.
This only fuels the impish mood I'm in and I stifle my giggles as he watches me snatch a pack of diapers off the shelf. His lips purse ever so slightly, but the light in his eyes is dancing. The next five minutes consist of me finding the most outlandish products to dump into our shopping cart, testing the limits of Jin's patience and somehow failing to get a reaction.
Soon, my eyes lock onto a subtle row of small boxes on shelf in the aisle we have just entered. My heart jumps in anticipation.
Do I dare?
I look quickly in Jin's direction. He's relieving a shelf of its deodorant, no doubt stocking up for the men at home. My eyes return to the boxes and my lips set into a determined smirk.
Yes, yes I do dare.
Secretly, I sneak over to the targeted shelf, my grin widening with every step. Quickly, my hand whips out, and then I'm walking back to the cart, box in hand, and using all of my willpower to not cackle out loud.
But as I reach out to sneakily drop the box into our trolley, a hand flashes out and grabs my wrist. The smile drops from my face and I let out a little squeak of surprise, looking up at Jin's face. His eyes are darker than usual, almost obsidian and there is an arrogant smile on his full lips.
"Condoms, Navya?" The tone of his voice is deeper, vibrating dangerously up from his chest, and I shudder involuntarily. My mind goes blank.
Gulping, I look away from his eyes, unable to hold his gaze, and peek over my shoulder for an escape route. His warm hand wrapped around my wrist reminds me that running won't actually work.
At this reminder, my eyes move down to his pale hand, elegantly encircling my wrist and then I see the small, provocative red box in my hand and the full weight of what I've done just crashes down on me. My jaw slackens and my mouth drops open.
What were you thinking, Navya?
"I-I...I uh...I w-was just...uh," I let my voice trail into nothingness, the embarrassment having reduced my vocabulary to that of a one year old.
Heat is creeping up my neck and blossoming in my cheeks and I feel utterly humiliated. A musical chuckle erupts from the tall man in front of me and my eyes snap back up to his. They are bright and amused, and there is a good natural lift to his lips.
"Looks like I beat you at your at your own game, Navya." he says, winking at me.
Then the hand around my wrist slowly, luxuriously, slides along over my knuckles, the movement of his skin against mine creating a delicious friction that shoots electricity up my arm and down my spine. I shudder again, my blush darkening even more.
His slender fingers run themselves over mine, and finally coming to rest on the box of condoms.
"Hmm...Extra large, huh?" His voice is dark and daring again, and my face scrunches up as I cringe.
"Shut up." I manage to mumble out. "It was a joke."
He plucks the box from my grip in one swift movement and strides over to the other side of the aisle to return to its place. When he returns, he has a cheeky grin on his face. He comes to a stop in front of me and leans forward so that there are only centimeters between our noses. My breath catches in my throat.
"I win, Navya." He whispers.
For some reason, his soft voice nearly sends me to my knees and my brain muddles up once again. And then he is suddenly at the other end of the aisle again, whistling as if nothing strange happened. I stand frozen in my spot, staring at the back of his glossy-locked head.
"C'mon, Navya! These groceries ain't gonna buy themselves!" He looks at me over his shoulder with a charming smile.
I don't even care about the blush on my face anymore and I nod, jogging slightly to catch up with him. While the embarrassment of my failed prank is fading, I stay silent for the rest of the shopping.
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"Ugh, why do we always have to go shopping?" Yoongi complains.
"Cause we finish everything in a day, hyung." Jimin said.
"Hopefully, this time, we have enough for all of us." Hoseok said.
"Yeah, there's no way we're going shopping the next day." Taehyung said.
"Well, we should at least put the groceries away." I head into the kitchen. "Who wants to help?"
"I want to!" Areum's hand goes up. "Pretty please?"
"Okay, you can help." I chuckle. She grins and runs over to me, waiting for my first instruction.
"Here. You can put these in the pantry first and I'll put the vegetables in the fridge."
So, we both finish putting the groceries away. For some things, Areum was too little to reach the top, so I had to pick her up.
"Whew, you're getting big!"
"I'm a big kid now!" She grins.
"Yes, you are." I shake my head.
We both put the last grocery in and do a high five.
"Great job, Areum!"
"You too, Navya! I really enjoyed helping you out!"
"I'm glad." I pat her head. "Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it."
"No problem!" Then she giggles and hugs me.
We head back to the living room where the other guys are and sit down.
"Thanks for that, you both." Jin said.
"You're welcome, Seokjin oppa!"
We all laugh and Areum giggles. For a while, we decided to watch some RUN BTS. It was really funny re-watching them. There were so many hilarious and memorable moments we had. One of them was a cooking one, where we were in teams and make a dish.
Suddenly, I popped up on the screen. I was cutting vegetables when I accidently cut my finger.
"Oh, yeah! I remember that!" I said.
"You cut your finger?" Areum asked.
"Yes, I did, but it wasn't deep, so it healed in a few days."
We both smiled and turned to the TV. Then, a blush forms on my cheeks. On the TV, was Jin looking at my cut finger. The guys all 'oh'.
"Hyung!" Namjoon said.
"H-hey! I just wanted to see if she was okay!" Jin exclaimed.
"Awwww, that's so precious! Seokjin-oppa is taking care of Navya!" Areum said. "He's so sweet, helping her out!"
Jin turns red and I bury my face in my hands, flushed with embarrassment while the other members crack out laughing and clapping.
Every time. She always gets a chance to embarrass the two of us.
"Yes, Jin-hyung is very nice. He will do anything for Navya." Jungkook giggles.
"Oh, yes. Even if she gets hurt the slightest, he will help her feel better." Jimin teases.
"Yah, shut up!" Jin yelled.
That made Areum laugh. After we all settled down, we watched a couple more episodes then chatted for a while. Suddenly, Areum whined.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I have to use the bathroom!"
"Oh, go ahead!"
She immediately dashed to the bathroom and locked the door.
"Kids these days and their whining." Yoongi said.
"It was urgent for her. That's why she whined." Namjoon said.
We all jump at Areum's loud voice. We turn and see her standing outside the bathroom, with a box in her hand.
"What's up, Areum?" Taehyung asked.
"I was doing my business when I found this box sitting on the bathtub."
"Well, what is it?" Jungkook asked.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Hmm..."
She thinks for a bit, leaving us curious. Then, her eyes widen.
"I got it! It's a condom box!"
We all blink, trying to process the words she just said.
"Wait, what?" I said.
"I said it's a condom box."
"A CONDOM BOX!?" I stand up and rush over to her side, snatching the box from her hand. I read the label and it definitely says 'condoms'. I gasp and look up at the other members.
"How did you figure it out?!"
"I've seen it at the grocery store, remember? When you left me with the members."
"I don't remember buying it, so how would it be there in the first place?" Jin asked.
We stayed in silent, not knowing the answer. Then, Areum speaks up.
"Maybe someone accidently put it in the cart."
"What?" I furrow my brows at her. "Who could've done that?"
"You, Navya. You were the one who was messing with Seokjin oppa by putting a box of condoms in the cart."
"You saw all that!?" Jin asked.
"Mhm. I could even see the darkness in his eyes and the arrogant smile from the other side of the store!"
My jaw dropped open and I could feel my cheeks burning. Jin, too was also shocked and red.
"Wow, Navya. So savage." Jimin giggled.
"Jimin, shut up! It was only a joke!"
"I put it back where it was. How could it just be in the cart like that? It doesn't have legs."
Then, Areum giggles.
"Why are you giggling?" Namjoon asked.
"Cause I was the one who put it in the cart." She looked at us with an innocent face.
"YOU DID!?" Hoseok exclaimed.
She nods vigorously, giggling.
"You little....oh, I can't curse at you cause you're too cute."
"She's so sneaky, wow." Taehyung said.
"We gotta watch out for her or she could end us up all in big trouble." Jungkook said.
"I ain't that innocent, you know." Areum smirks.
We all laugh and shake our heads at her. I was still holding the box of condoms.
"So, what should we do this?" I ask.
"Throw it out. We don't need it." Yoongi said.
"Or maybe Seokjin oppa and Navya can-" I put my hand over her mouth.
"Areum, could you please this throw in the trash?" I give her the box and she looks up at me.
"But, Navya, I-" I turn her around and push her to the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief and shake my head. I look at the other members and they were teasing Jin. I go to my bedroom fall back on my bed, sighing. I stare at straight at the ceiling, thousands of thoughts swirling in my head.
"Hey, you okay?"
I turn my head to the voice coming from the door. I smile and nod. Jin comes in and I sit up.
"So...she found out, huh?"
"Yeah..." I sigh. "I honestly don't care anymore at this point. She's gonna keep on embarrassing just two of us or all of us every day. What am I gonna do?"
"You don't. She will grow out of this phase once she grows up."
"And what if she doesn't?"
"Navya. Why are you always negative?"
I exhale and stand up and head to the door to leave but Jin's voice stops me.
"Navya, answer me. Why are you always negative about things?"
I turn around and see him looking at me for an answer. I bit my lip and walk to the middle of the room. Jin stands up and comes over to me and I turn and face him. I take a deep breath and open my mouth.
"It's because I'm worried about her. Like I said before, she's not supposed to know about this stuff until she's an adult, like us. But, we always happen to get in the most embarrassing situations ever and she gets a chance to use her knowledge of sex or whatever goes in that brain of hers."
I sigh and continue.
"She might even do something bizarre which can affect her and all of us. We just don't know when it's gonna happen. That's why I'm always thinking negative and not positive."
I look up at Jin and meet his eyes. I could tell he was digesting the words I said. I see a small smile appear on the corner of his lips and he chuckles.
"That's why you're negative? Oh, you don't have to worry."
"But-" Jin cups my face in his soft, warm hands and my eyes widen of how close he was to my face.
"I know how much you care about her, but you don't have to worry like that. Like I said before, she will grow out of it. We just have to be patient."
I was gonna say something, but I knew Jin would stop me, so I closed my mouth and smiled a little.
"You always give me the best advice." I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes.
"I know." He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist, squeezing me tight.
"Thank you for always being there for me. It's like you can sense how I'm feeling."
"I think so, too. But, when I get that sad thinking look from you, I know something's up."
"I wish I could sense your feelings."
"You will one day and you'll also give great advice."
"I hope." I chuckle.
We both break and smile at each other. Then, Jin pouts.
"What's wrong?"
"I feel like I need makeup on."
"Why? We're not going anywhere?" I giggle.
"I don't know...maybe I'm not handsome enough."
"Shut up." I gasp and smack him in the arm. "You are handsome. With or without makeup."
"Ah, it feels good to hear that from you." He puts a hand on his chest and steams his bread cheekies.
"Why are you so extra?" I laugh.
Then, we both laugh.
"If you want, you can use my makeup."
"I was kidding about that. I'm W-W-H, Worldwide Handsome." He winks at me and I roll my eyes.
"Hey, make in or make out-" I put my hand over my mouth and Jin's eyes widen.
"What did you just say?!"
"Uh, will you look at the time, I think I should go now..."
Before I could leave, Jin grabs my wrist and starts hammering out of my chest. I turn slowly and see Jin has that dark look in his eyes. He even has that arrogant smile spread across his lips.
Is this deju vu? Definitely.
He slowly pulls me towards him, my eyes widening and knees weak. His hands rest my waist and my hands grip his biceps.
"Did you just say 'make out'?" His voice was low and I gulp.
"N-no, I-I didn't. I-I said 'make in.'"
"You can't fool me that well." His chuckle was deep and it scared me.
He closed the gap between us and kissed me passionately. Suddenly, we heard the door banging, which made us break apart.
"Seokjin oppa! Navya! You two have been in there for so long! Come out and hang out with the rest of us!!!
Jin rushed to the door and opened it, seeing a very pouty Areum standing there with her arms crossed. We both smile.
"Sorry, Areum. Jin and I were just having a conversation."
"Oh." Her face turned into a surprised one. "Are you done chatting?"
"Yes, we are. Now, come on. Let's head to the other members." Jin smiled.
We headed back to the other guys, taking a seat. They were still sitting on the couch.
"You guys are still sitting down?!" I ask.
"Apparently." Jungkook said.
"We're too lazy to do anything." Yoongi said.
"Hyung, that's you." Hoseok laughed.
We all burst out laughing at Hoseok's words, Yoongi crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
"Navya, I have a question." Areum said.
How many questions does this kids have?
"Areum...is this about Jin and I?"
"Kind of. It includes him in the second part."
Second part? What is she up to?
"Okay...what's your question?"
"What's daddy? Not the father or dad. The other one."
"There is no other one, Areum." Namjoon answered.
"Yes, there is. It's your duality."
"What do you mean?" Jimin furrowed his brows.
"Like, you guys are all adorable and cute on stage, then boom! You turn into hot daddies."
We all just look at one another, speechless.
"Yes, that is...true. But, you're not supposed to know this. It's only for adult ARMYs. You're a little ARMY." I said.
"I know that, but I just can't stop thinking about it. When I see Seokjin oppa performing on MCountdown, he's hot and all daddy, making ARMYs die and scream, especially Navya."
I bury my face in my hands and groan loudly.
"Areum, be quiet!" Jin was flushed with embarrassment.
"I'm not kidding! It's true! Even your fans know about it! Here, I'll show you." She gets up and heads into my room, coming back with my phone. She goes through my camera roll and finds 2 photos of Jin; one cute and one hot."
She shows us both photos.
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"See, how Seokjin oppa is cute in this one and the other one, he's hot? That's what I mean by daddy!"
"Okay, you proved your point, now shut up." I said.
"Navya, I'm just curious! If I didn't know you all, I wouldn't be asking these questions, but since I do, I have to."
"You have to or you just wanna embarrass Jin-hyung and Navya?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
"A little bit of both." She shrugs.
"What am I gonna do with you?" I said.
"Nothing! I'm gonna be like this for a while, so you better get ready for some embarrassment! You too, Seokjin oppa!"
We all burst out laughing along with Areum at her words. After we settled down, we were exhausted, so we decided to get some rest. I headed up to my room and flopped on my bed, falling asleep.
Can't wait to see how Areum embarrasses Jin and I tomorrow.
0 notes
btsfan15 · 3 years
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"Where are the sandwiches?" Jungkook roars, frantically scrambling through the kitchen.
"How should I know?" Yoongi snaps back, his hand rummaging through one of the cupboards.
"How should yo-?" Jungkook throws his hands in exasperation.
"Hyung, you helped me make it!"
"That means nothing to me now!" Yoongi retaliates, and I have to step between the men before things get heated up.
It's chaos.
Namjoon decided that it was a wonderful idea to go on a picnic. All of eight of us.
Which sounds great in theory. In practice? Another story completely.
Areum had come over cause she really wanted to see me and the boys. Although things are embarrassing with her, we still have a great time together.
The kitchen is in pandemonium, with the men hastily gathering food and drinks together and stuffing them into two huge picnic baskets and a cooler box.
Taehyung darts through the living room with a giant blanket, laughing hysterically as a red-faced Jimin chases after him. Hoseok follows shortly thereafter, skipping through the lounge singing "Tae Tae's gonna get it~!" and waving a giant speaker on his head .
There's a thump from outside, a yelp, and a muffled "Ow! Jimin, what the heck?" which forces Jin to leave his position next to me and investigate whatever heinous crime has just happened outside.
And to think that Areum was a pain in the neck.
Namjoon snickers at the noise wafting in from outside and then heaves one of the picnic baskets into his arms. He lugs it outside, followed by Yoongi and Jungkook, who carry the last basket between them.
"Navya, would you mind bringing the cooler box?" Yoongi calls over his shoulder.
"Sure." I respond, and pick it up, grunting at the surprising weight of it, before a crooked-fingered hand reaches out to help me.
"Need some help?"
A magenta blush instantly sweeps across my cheeks at the sound of his voice and when I look up, his beautiful face is centimeters from my own.
By reflex, I straighten up and move backwards to allow for some space between us, my lower back jabbing straight into the counter, sending a sharp pain up my spine.
I grimace and groan softly and suddenly, Jin's hands are on the counter on either side of me, caging me in, a cheeky grin gracing his angular features.
"I believe I asked you a question, Navya." His breath tingles as it hits me and I stutter my words.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, please."
"That's better." He chuckles as he boops the tip of my nose.
We both jump and turn to the doorway, seeing Areum with a huge smile on her face.
Immediately, my cheeks turn even red and my breathe gets caught in my throat. I take a glance at Jin and his ENTIRE face was bright red. Areum jumps and down, squealing.
"I always knew my big sister would find her true love!"
Jin and I were both VERY embarrassed. Areum saw us do whatever we just did, which isn't appropriate for her age. She still had a big grin on plastered across her face.
"Well, let's go!" She runs back outside, leaving just the two of us in a flustered mess.
Jin takes the cooler box and heads to the doorway. I follow him and don't say a word.
Soon, we're all packed in and on our way and the men have dissolved into loud and boisterous singing and I resist the urge to cover my ears, not because they're bad, in fact, they're all incredibly talented, but because the sheer volume is enough to vibrate my bones.
"Hey, guys! I wanna tell you something about Navya!" Areum said.
Oh, no, no, no, no...
Everyone stops what they're doing and they give all ears to her.
"I went back inside the house to get her, but I saw Jin oppa with her!"
"OHHHHHHHHH!" The guys all exclaim.
"You know what else?! They were so close to each other!"
Jin sank into his seat, including me. We both cover our eyes.
"Areum-ah!" I whine. She giggles.
"He even booped her nose!"
The red tint on my cheeks were getting darker as seconds passed by. Jin thought it would be best to hide his face and settle with mentally cursing to himself cause he was too embarrassed to even say a word.
"No wonder you both took a little longer with the cooler box!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"Areum!!!" Jin yelled.
"I had to tell! Besides, it's sooooo cute seeing you two together!"
"Wow, Areum saw all of that!" Jimin said.
"Yes, I did and I'll tell you everything that Jin and Navya do together, even the most embarrassing ones!"
"Well, it looks like we can count on Areum to tell everything between Jin-hyung and Navya!" Jungkook laughed.
Note to self: Watch out for Areum.
The rest of the ride to the park was silent, expect for the maknae line arguing about something. Jin and I didn't say a word to each other. We were both still flustered that we didn't even make eye contact.
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We're lounging around on the huge blanket laid out over the lawn of the botanical gardens we've stopped at for the day. The food baskets are steadily emptying, along with the cooler box of drinks and everyone is immersed in their own lazy conversation. Areum was playing on the playground with other kids.
Rolling on his stomach and propping himself on his elbows, Jimin looks me.
"Did Jin-hyung kiss you?"
A ripple effect overtakes the men as they all stop what they're doing and turn to hear my answer. Jin's eyes widen a little and a blush appears on my cheeks.
"N-no. Why would you think that?"
"Well, maybe cause he-" Yoongi gets stopped by Jin.
"Yah, why do you guys always do this? This is a picnic and we're supposed to have fun, not talk about me and Navya." He complained while pouting.
"I was just wondering, hyung..." Jimin whispered.
"Yah, Jimin!"
"Okay, guys! Let's not fight. Jin's right. Namjoon said to have a picnic so we can spend some quality time together, not bicker, so let's just put whatever happened away and focus on having fun."
"Wah, Navya, you're like a mom teaching her kids how to behave." Hoseok laughed.
"Well, kind of. Only cause you guys keep on talking about me and Jin. Talk about each other, too! Not just us!"
At that moment, Areum comes over running.
"Navya, come play with me on the playground! You too, Seokjin oppa!"
We all laugh at her cuteness.
"But, we're too big for the playground. How can we fit?"
"It doesn't matter! Adults can have fun, too, so come on!"
I look at Jin and he smiles. I smile back.
"Alright. Let's go!" Jin stands up and helps me. Areum takes our hands and pulls us to the playground.
"Slow down, Areum!" Jin said.
"She's excited." I said.
Apparently, Jin and I fit cause the playground was huge. We played tag with Areum and chased her around the park. All three of us were laughing and giggling like crazy. It was so much fun.
Little did we know that the other members were watching.
"They look like a family." Taehyung said.
"I agree. No one would believe that's Navya's sister and Kim Seokjin of BTS." Namjoon chuckled.
"You know, I think Navya would be a great mom." Jungkook said.
"Yeah, she takes such great care of us and her family, so I think she would definitely pull it off." Hoseok said.
"What about Jin-hyung?" Jimin asks.
"I doubt it." Yoongi snorts. "He will always talk about how handsome he looks and that no one can resist it."
"Yes, but he's also very caring and is a very good cook, so he can make food for the whole family, hyung." Taehyung said.
"And he likes making dad jokes, blowing air kisses, playing video games, snowboarding, etc." Jungkook said.
"So, that pretty much sums up that hyung will be a great dad. Case closed." Jimin said.
Meanwhile, the three of us were still playing tag. I stop to catch my breathe and see Jin chasing Areum around. I smile at the sight. It's so cute seeing him playing with her. Then, they both run towards me.
"Navya, Seokjin oppa is it! Run!" Areum said.
"Oh no!" He chases me, with Areum following.
We were running on the beautiful green grass. Suddenly, I trip and fall to the ground. Jin and Areum both catch up and Jin gets on top of me, pinning my wrists to the ground.
"Gotcha!" Then, Areum falls on top of us. We couldn't stop laughing.
"Alright, alright. You got me."
Jin gets off me and helps me up. We all brush ourselves off.
"That was so much fun! Let's do it again!" Areum exclaimed.
"We would love to, but we're exhausted. How about a break then maybe we can play again?" Jin said.
"Hmmm....Okay!" She agreed.
We head back to the other members and sit down, taking a drink.
"Look who's back." Namjoon said.
"Did you all have fun?" Hoseok asked.
"Yes, but now we're worn out." I said.
"I had so much fun! Seokjin oppa kept chasing me and then he tagged Navya! It was so hilarious!" Areum said.
We all chuckle.
"Hey, I heard there was a butterfly garden here. Namjoon, why don't you take the other others there?" Jin suggested.
Namjoon's eyes lock on mine for a minute and nods in understanding, gesturing to the others to stand up. They stretch out their lethargic bodies, and give me a warm smile before following Namjoon, including Areum.
"Areum sure is a little bundle of joy, isn't she?" I ask.
"Yeah, but she has a very big imagination. Maybe a bit too big." Jin chuckles.
"That's what little kids are." I chuckle. "They have wide imaginations which are pretty crazy."
"And embarrassing. Don't forget that."
We both laugh.
"Besides that, she's very upgoing and excited whenever she comes over." I said.
"Of course she is. She loves all of us as much as you do." He smiles.
"She does. Sometimes, I think that she's my kid."
"Really?" Jin laughs.
"Mhm. But then I realize she isn't. She's my lil sis who knows a lot of things that she isn't supposed to know for her age."
Jin and I both laugh again. He moves closer to me that I can smell his scent.
"You know, sometimes I think she's my kid, too."
"Wait, really? How?"
"I don't know...it's like for a second it happens then I snap back to reality and realize."
"Hmmm...does that means you'll be a good dad and take good care of your own son or daughter?"
"Yes. And will you be a good mom and take care of your own son or daughter?"
"You bet." We both turn and realize how close we were.
"I think we'll be great parents." Jin smiles.
"Me too." I smile back.
We both lock eyes and lean closer and closer as we sit side-by-side on the picnic blanket. He's so close now that I could count each and every individual eyelash bordering his eyes, which are now dark and deep and limitless.
Jin reaches a hand up to gently cup my cheek and our lips are inches away.
We break immediately away from each other to see the others returning.
"Hyung! Navya!" Jimin calls to us, running towards us with an excited smile pushing his eyes into small crescents. "One of the butterflies landed on my-"
Jimin grunts and his head snaps forward, followed by the rest of his body as hurtles to the ground, a soccer ball bouncing away from the impact it made with his skull.
"Ha! Revenge!" Taehyung yells triumphantly, his hand reaching up to the angry red lump on his own head.
"Taehyung, you fuc-" Jimin's angry retort turns into a howl of pain as jumps on top of him.
"No swearing, especially in front of kids!" Hoseok hollers cheerfully, while Namjoon and Yoongi wheeze on all fours in the background.
Jin, Areum, and I both start wheezing. We were crying and clutching our stomachs.
"Are you guys okay?!" I was still laughing.
"Does it look like we're okay!?" Jimin yells.
That made me laugh even more. Once we stopped laughing and the boys had calmed down, we settled back on the blanket, Jin resting his head on my stomach. We chatted for a while before heading home.
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"What a fun day we all had today." Jungkook said.
"Yeah, great idea of a picnic, hyung." Taehyung said.
"Just thought we needed some fresh air and some fun in the park." Namjoon shrugs.
"Well, it sure worked cause I'm tired after a long day of running around." I said.
"We all are. Oh, wait. Who's gonna clean the dishes?" Hoseok asked.
"Don't worry. I will." Jin stood up.
"I'll help, too. Besides, it'll get the job done faster." I said.
They all smile and Jin and I head to the kitchen. We start washing the dishes while the other members play with Areum.
"I'll wash while you dry and put them in the dishwasher." Jin said.
"Okay." I smile.
We both work as a team to get everything done and not make a mess. I hear a squirting noise.
"Oh, we're out of soap. Could you go and get some?" Jin asked.
I nod and head to the closet to find one. Once I do, I come back and give it to Jin.
"Thank you." He gives me a small smile and I smile back.
"You're welcome."
We finish washing the dishes and I put the last one in the dishwasher.
"Nice work!" I raise my hand up and Jin gives me a high five.
"We do make quite the team, don't we?" Jin smirked.
"Of course." I smirked.
Suddenly, Jin steps on something and loses his balance, falling backwards. I try to grab him by the arm, but ended up falling on top of him, our lips crashing against each other. Both our eyes widen at the situation, but close and enjoy the kiss.
Jin's fingers tangle in my hair while my hands clutch on his shirt. We break and look at each other, still processing what happened. I snap back to reality.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I get off him and give him a hand. He takes my hand and I pull him off the floor.
"I guess that makes up for the kiss we didn't have earlier at the park." Jin chuckled, rubbing the back of his nape.
"Yeah, I guess so." I look down, a blush forming on my cheeks.
"Hey, you guys done yet?"
We both turn and look at the other members, looking at us.
"Yeah, we're done!" Jin said.
We head back to the living room.
"Now we don't have to the dishes until dinner. Thank god." Yoongi sighed.
"You're welcome." I said.
For the rest of the time, we played games with Areum. We always have a blast with her. Today was pretty crazy again, but at least I had fun with the guys and Areum.
0 notes
btsfan15 · 3 years
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"Good morning, my angels!" I say.
"Good morning, Navya!" Namjoon says.
"I'm gonna head out for a walk. Bye! Oh, and remember! Today’s a VERY special day!" I grin.
I head out the door and the members all stand up immediately.
"Okay, she's gone! Her birthday is today and we need to make it special!" Jin said.
"It has to be amazing and she has to be happy." Yoongi said.
"Remember that Navya likes chocolate cake, so we'll get a chocolate cake!" Hoseok says.
"We need balloons, streamers, banners, party blowers, hats, confetti, and everything else." Jimin says.
"Great! How about we get the cake and you guys can get the cake? I already ordered!" Taehyung said.
"Great! Let's go and hurry before Navya gets back!" Jungkook says.
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"Get everything they have!" Jimin said.
The maknae line was at the party store, getting decorations for the party. Taehyung and Jungkook got a handful of party stuff and put them in the cart.
"Is that enough?" Jungkook asks.
"We need more! We don't want to run out!"
The cart was getting full, so they put some more decorations in another. By the end, both carts were full till the top.
"I think that's everything! Let's check out!" Taehyung said.
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"Hmm...what kind of chocolate cake would Navya like?" Yoongi asks.
"It definitely has to be enough for all of us cause we eat like pigs and I think it should have rainbow sprinkles." Namjoon said.
"Perfect! Now, we just need to find one which is gonna be hard." Jin said.
The hyung line was at the bakery, picking out a cake for me. They had to be back at the house before I arrive from my walk.
"Oh, what about this one?" Hoseok asks, pointing.
The cake had chocolate icing and swirls on top. There was chocolate sauce dripping down the sides and sprinkles on the bottom and top.
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"I think she'll love it! Let's get it!" Namjoon said.
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The guys get home and immediately, they start unpacking the decorations. They were scrambling all over the place.
"Jimin, can you put up the streamers and balloons while Jungkook helps me with the plates and everything?" Jin said.
"On it, hyung!" Jimin said.
Jimin puts up the decorations on the wall and Jungkook and Jin head to the kitchen to set the cake. They both candles and spell out 'Happy Birthday, Navya!' with icing letters.
"Done! Now we just need to get the rest of the decorations!" Jin said.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"Hm. I wonder who that could be." Taehyung said.
"I'll get it." Hoseok walks to the door and looks through the hole. He froze.
"Guys, it's Navya! She's back!"
The members and freeze and look up with wide eyes.
"She can't see this! How are we gonna hide this?!" Yoongi asks.
"Just close her eyes and lead her to her bedroom!" Jungkook said.
Hoseok nods and opens the door. Immediately, he pulls my hand and blindfolds me. He leads me in the house and closes the door.
"Hobi, what are you doing?!"
"I, uh...have a surprise for you! In your room!"
"A surprise?! What is it?! Tell me!"
"You have to get there first to find out!"
Hoseok leads me to my room the members all sigh of relief.
He opens my door and leads me inside.
"So, where's the surprise?"
No answer.
I remove my blindfold and see that Hoseok disappeared. I furrow my brows.
I guess there wasn't any surprise. Huh.
I just shrugged and sat on my bed. I took my phone out and started watching YouTube videos.
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After a few hours, I started to get hungry. I got out of my bed and walked to my door. I wonder what the guys are doing. They've been awfully quiet ever since I came to my room.
I stepped out of my room and started heading downstairs.
"Navya, wait!"
I turn around and see Yoongi running towards me.
"Oh, Yoongi! Why can't I go down?"
"Because...the floor is slippery."
"The floor is slippery?" I raise a brow. "How did that happen?"
"It's Jin-hyung's fault. He was cooking and he spilled water all over."
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not. I'm serious."
"Navya, I'm not joking!"
I sigh. "How long is it gonna take to clean up?"
Yoongi purses his lips together.
"An hour, I guess." He shrugged.
"An hour?! Yoongi, I'm hungry! I can't wait that long!"
"Oh, you're hungry? Why didn't you just say so? I'll make you a sandwich."
"Thank you."
"No problem." He smiles and heads downstairs.
I head back into my room and wait for Yoongi to bring my sandwich. Then, I realize something.
Wait, Yoongi said the floor was slippery cause of the water Jin spilled, but he went down...something's fishy.
A few minutes later, I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in!"
The door opens and it's Jin.
"I thought it was Yoongi bringing me my food."
He walks up to me and smiles.
"Yeah, but then something came up so I brought it for you. Here you go."
I take the plate from him and Jin sits next to me.
"Thank you, I'm starving over here."
Jin chuckles.
I take a bite and chew.
“You know, everyone’s been acting weird today.”
“Yeah. It’s like they don’t want me to be there.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s a proper explanation. Whatever it is, they’ll tell you when it’s the right time.”
I turn and smile at Jin. He smiles back.
“Well, I gotta go. The other guys need me.” He stands up.
“No, don’t go.” I whine. “I don’t want to be alone.”
“If I don’t go, the members we’ll keep calling me.”
“Fine. I can’t come down, anyway.” I cross my arms.
I wonder how Yoongi convinced her to stay.
Jin heads out and I finish my sandwich. I sigh and collapse on my bed.
What is going on with everyone? Ever since I got back from my walk, they’ve been so…mysterious. First, Hobi covered my eyes with a blindfold, Yoongi said I can’t come down, and now the others want Jin?
What the fuck is going on?!
My eyes slowly shut and soon enough, I passed out.
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I groan and cover my ears to block the sound. I could still hear it.
I force myself up and rub my face.
“What?!” I yell.
“Open the door!”
“Ugh, coming!”
I get out of bed and brush my hair. I walk to the door and open it.
“Jungkook, what do you want? Can’t you see I’m taking a nap?”
“Sorry, Navya, to wake you up, but you can come down now.”
My eyebrows raise.
“I can?”
“Finally. Let’s go.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” Jungkook puts a hand up.
“What now?”
“I need to blindfold you.”
“Again? You’re not gonna leave me like Hobi, are you?”
“No, I’m not.”
I eye him for a bit and sigh.
“Alright, put it on.”
I turn around and Jungkook puts the blindfold on.
He takes my hand and guides me through the hallway to the stairs.
“Watch your step.”
We both carefully step down and reach the bottom.
“Are we there yet?”
“Almost.” He giggled.
“Why are you giggling?” I ask.
“You’ll see.”
We stop at what I think is the dining room.
“Okay, you can remove your blindfold.”
I start untying the blindfold.
“Jungkook, I really don’t see why I had to be-“
My eyes widen.
I gasp and cover my mouth. There were birthday decorations all over the wall and on the table was a chocolate cake saying ‘Happy Birthday, Navya!’
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NAVYA!” The members all say in unison.
All of them blow party blowers in sync.
I was still in shock. Taehyung comes over to me and puts a party hat on my head.
“I…I don’t know what to say! I’m speechless!”
“We planned this all for you! The second you went out, we immediately started preparing for your birthday!” Namjoon says.
“Is that why Hobi blindfolded me?!”
They nod.
“And is that why Yoongi didn’t let me come down?!”
They nod again.
“Oh my god! I had no idea!”
“We also you got a chocolate cake since you LOVE chocolate!” Jin said.
“I do! Thank you guys so much! I’m so glad to have you in my life!”
“We’re so glad to have you, too!” Yoongi said.
“Group hug, everyone!” Hoseok said.
We all gather around and with me in the middle, we do a group hug. I couldn’t help but giggle.
Once we parted, I couldn’t control my excitement. I was so happy to celebrate my birthday with my wonderful friends.
“Let’s cut the cake!” Jimin said.
We gather around the cake and the members sing the happy birthday song. They had really good vocals, so they sang in tune. They even harmonized!
“Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu!!!!!”
I laughed and blew the candles out. They clapped and cheered.
“Happy birthday, Navya!” They said again.
I took the knife and cut a slice. I put it on the plate and took a bite.
“Is it good?!” Taehyung asked.
“It’s delicious!” I took another bite. “You guys should have some, too!”
I cut pieces for the rest of the members and we all sat at the table. I sat next to Jin.
“Did you guys get me presents? A birthday isn’t good without presents!”
“Yep! It’s already here!” Jungkook said.
“Can I see them?!”
“Let’s finish cake first then we can open them!”
“Aw, okay.” I pout. “They better be good.”
“Oh, yes they are. Some of them are expensive.”
My eyes widen.
“No way! You don’t have to buy me expensive stuff!”
“We know, but you deserve it. All those memories we’ve been through proves it.”
“You guys are too sweet.”
They all smile at me.
“Navya, wait. There’s something on your face.” Jin said.
“There is?” I touch my face. “Where?”
“Right there!” Jin puts frosting on my face and his windshield wiper laugh echos.
“Jin! Two can play at that game!” I take frosting from my cake and smear it on Jin’s face. I laugh and point.
“Yah! Come here!”
I get up from my chair and run around the living room with Jin, chasing me around the living room.
“Jin, no!”
“I’m gonna get you back!”
“You already did!”
I trip on a pillow and fall on the couch. Jin catches up to me and tries to put frosting on my face. I grab his hands but he’s strong.
“No!” I giggle. “Bad Jin!”
“Yah, don’t call me that!”
“Then stop putting frosting on my face!”
I push him to the side and take his hand. I push his hand across his face, the frosting getting on his cheek.
“I got you!” I laugh.
He sighs.
“You got me.”
“Hey, you both done playing?! It’s time to open presents!” Namjoon said.
“Presents!” I hop of the couch go to the dining room, Jin following.
“Where are they?"
“Right there, behind the couch.” Yoongi said.
My mouth drops open.
"How did you hide them there?!"
"We have our ways." Hoseok winked.
I go to the couch and look behind. Sure enough, there were bags. I squeal and take them out.
"It looks like you all got me a lot!"
"Nah, just a few things." Jimin said.
I take the wrapping paper off and gasp. It was pairs of pajamas in different styles!
"Omg, pajamas! I've been needing some new ones!"
I look at the brand and my eyes widen.
"You got me Gucci!?"
They nod.
"Thank you so much!"
They smile at me.
I open the next present and squeal. It was a pair of ankle boots from the same brand.
"Gucci heels! I love them!"
I spent the rest of the time opening my presents.
0 notes
btsfan15 · 3 years
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It's been a few weeks since the incident with Areum, but we let it go. Areum was back home with mom and dad and The guys were hard at practicing for their comeback show in a few weeks. They would always come back home tired and exhausted. PD-nim let them have a day off today. We were all in the living room, relaxing.
"Man, am I glad that PD-nim gave a day off for us." Namjoon said.
"Yeah, we really needed this." Jin says.
"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" I ask.
"Hmmm...I don't know." Yoongi says.
"Do we need to buy groceries again?" Hoseok asks.
"I think so." Jimin says. "We're probably low."
"Okay, then. We'll go shopping later in the evening." Taehyung says.
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"Guys, I have some news to tell you." I say.
"What is it, Navya?" Jungkook asks.
"My mom just called and said that I have to watch Areum. Again."
"That means we have to bring her with us when we go shopping." Namjoon says.
"Ugh, she's gonna probably embarrass us again." Jin groans.
"I think she might've forgot about that." I say.
"Well, all I know that if it happens again, Navya is gonna whoop our asses again." Yoongi says.
I laugh. "I probably might not, but it was an accident last time and I forgive you for that."
Then, we hear the doorbell ring. I walk over and open the door.
My mom and Areum stand there. "NAVYA!" Areum wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me. I laugh.
"Hi, Areum. Hi, mom."
"Hello, boys! I'm so sorry to leave Areum again with you again. It's just that I'm really busy and I know Areum won't let me work." My mom says.
Hoseok bows. "That's okay. We can handle it." He smiles.
"Thank you all so much! I really appreciate it!"
Mom kneels down to Areum's level. "Okay, sweetie. Mommy will be gone for a couple of hours. Be good, okay?"
"Okay, mommy!" Areum smiles and gives her a hug.
"I'll pick her up later."
"Oh, no need. We'll drop her off." Jimin says.
"That's sweet of you. Alright, I'll see you later!"
We all wave goodbye to her.
"We better get going or else we'll be late." Taehyung says.
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"Can I sit in the cart?" Areum asks.
"Sure." I say. I pick her up and and put her in the cart.
"I think we should split up. That way we can get things done faster." Jungkook says.
"Good idea. Yoongi and I will get the vegetables, Hoseok and Jimin can get the sauce, Taehyung and Jungkook can get the utensils and Navya and Jin can get the ramen." Namjoon says.
"Ok, we'll meet you guys in a bit." Jin says.
We head to our destination. Jin and I start heading to the noodles area. I looked at Areum and smiled. She was playing with Fluffy.
"How many packs do we need?" I ask Jin.
"I don't know. I guess ten so we'll all have enough."
We arrive and start looking for ramen. I leave Areum in the cart and head over to Jin.
"What brand should we buy?" Jin asks.
"I think any brand would be fine." I say.
Jin reaches for the pack when we both hear a squeal.
"What a beautiful daughter you have!" a lady says next to us as she walks up to me and Jin. "I bet you raised her well!"
"Oh, she's not-" The lady interrupts me.
"I bet you made her well cause you both are so good looking!"
My face turns bright red. I turn to Jin and his ears turn red.
"I always dreamed of having a daughter! Well, I better let you two finish shopping. You seem pretty busy."
With that, she walks away. I just stare at her, zoned out.
What just happened?
"I-I think this brand will be good."
I snap out of my trance and turn to Jin.
"Y-yeah, that's fine. Let's get going. The other members will be waiting for us."
We grab ten packs and put them in the cart.
"Ooh, ramen! I can't wait!" Areum grins. We both smile and head back to the other guys.
As we're walking, I notice something on the ground that catches my eyes. I glance down at Jin's feet.
"Oh, your shoelaces are untied." I say indifferently, making him glance at them then bend down to tie it with an embarrassed chuckle.
I sigh. "I swear you would've tripped so badly on them and-" I start but when something from my peripheral vision catches my attention, I stop.
I see my favorite chocolate (the one that they usually don't sell in Korea) and gasp in shock. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I shout and Jin looks up, startled.
The people in the store, whose attention were now caught, turns to us and audibly squeal in surprise when they see Jin, who was still on his knees.
"Honey, oh my god, look! He's proposing to her! That's so sweet! Look at her face!" A lady coos, nudging her boyfriend.
"Wha-" I start off but then more people start crowding around, pointing and pulling out their phones.
Jin looks up at me in disbelief, on his one knee, shoelace forgotten, and I wince at the compromising position the two of us were in.
I shoot him an apologetic look while mouthing a quick 'sorry'.
Laughing uncomfortably, I face the crowd. "Guys, listen...this is just a big misu-" I began but then a chorus of gasps assault me.
"Wait, is she actually gonna to reject the poor guy?" A man exclaims and people 'boo' in response.
"I'LL MARRY YOU IF SHE DOESN'T!" A random woman shouts, and Jin smiles smugly at that.
I kick him softly.
"She's really not saying anything..." Someone exclaims in horror and my eyebrows twitch angrily. Jin gives me a stiff look but nudges me to go along with it as he cleared his throat.
Ah, screw this...it's not like anyone here knows us. Jin thinks and opens his mouth.
"Uh...b-babe, the love of my life and the most beautiful woman standing this room. This probably isn't the most romantic spot to propose on, but I couldn't wait any longer. I was supposed to do this when we got back home but that obviously didn't work out...so do you think you could make me the happiest man in the world and marry my dumbass?"
The audience 'awws' and I flush at all the attention that was directed at me. I gulp and feel my palms sweat, but I look down to the blushing Jin.
"I-I..." I start off, flustered, and everyone holds their breath.
I feel the heavy pressure of all the expectant looks and I force a smile on my face. "Y-yeah, okay Jin. I'll marry you..." I mumble and everyone cheers loudly.
Random men came up to pat him on his back for his brave attempt that paid off in the end and the women also did the same thing to me, congratulating the newly engaged.
All this happened because of Jin's shoelaces untied and I could only shake my head disbelievingly at how I always seemed to get caught up in the weirdest scenarios.
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We met back with the rest at the entrance of the store.
"So, did you guys get everything we needed?" Yoongi asks.
"Yep! Sauce, ramen, utensils, and vegetables." Hoseok says.
"Great! Let's check out and head back home." Jimin says.
We headed to the checkout counter and payed for our groceries. Jin and I didn't say anything. We both were still so flustered about what happened. I looked at Jin and he was fiddling with his fingers. He noticed and turned to me. We both locked eyes for a second and looked away with a blush.
So what if this entire town thought that we were engaged? Who cares?
With that, I exhale soothingly.
"Are you excited for ramen tonight?" I ask Jin.
"Yeah, I'm excited to cook." He says and concentrates even more. A knowing smile creeped up on his face and I sigh in relief when finally, everything went back to normal after that.
Nobody would remember this in a couple of days and plus no one we both knew would ever find out about this anyway.
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"Finally we got everything we need for dinner tonight." Taehyung says, sitting on the couch.
"Now we can all relax and have some time together." Jungkook says, falling face first on the couch.
Hoseok all of a sudden bursts out into laughter from the other end of the room and the two of us raise our brows at him.
"Guys! Oh my god. You need to watch this! Somebody recorded a video in the area we were in! Holy shit! This dude got on his knees and proposed!" He giggles and continues watching, not noticing the alarm that crosses my face when I processed his words.
"Did you guys see them? Haha, damn. I would've paid to watch that in person. Must've been quite the show!" He exclaims in amusement and Joon leans over to watch as well.
Jin turns pale.
Suddenly, Namjoon's brows furrow in confusion.
"Wait...but the girl kind of looks like you, Navya...and the guy...kinda looks...like..." he trails off and chokes on air when the faces of the two in the video becomes clearer.
Hoseok looks up from his screen and stares at the two of us studiously.
Then it clicks.
"NO FUCKING WAY!" He screams accusingly while pointing his finger at my red face as Jungkook roared in laughter.
So much for 'no one would find out'.
"Hyung, explain!" Yoongi says.
"It's a long story!" Jin said. "It's gonna take a while!"
"So?! We wanna know everything!" Namjoon said.
Jin looked at me and I shrugged. He turns back to the guys and explained.
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"Wow, that must've been embarrassing." Hoseok says.
"It was! There were so many people around us!" I cover my face in embarrassment.
"All because I didn't tie my shoelaces!" Jin groaned.
"And a lady thought Areum was my daughter and Jin was my husband." I said.
"What?! No way!" Taehyung says.
"I really think we shouldn't bring her with us when we grocery shopping or anywhere else for that matter." Jin runs his hand through his black hair.
Then, Jimin rests his hands on his chin and looks at us innocently.
"So...when's the wedding?"
I gasp and chuck a pillow at him.
"Shut up!"
"Yah, you know that I can't do that! PD-nim won't let me!" Jin says.
Jimin giggles.
"I was kidding."
"Wait, Navya and Jin are getting married?! Wow! I had no idea! Congratulations, sis!"
We all laugh.
"No, no, no. We're not getting married, Areum." I say to her.
"It was an accident." Jin says.
"Oh. Okay. Well, if you get married, then you'll kiss and make out with Jin in bed and Navya will get pregnant and have kids! Maybe twins! Or triplets! Or quadruplets!"
We all crack up laughing and Jin and I gasp.
"Areum! You're not supposed to know about that!" Yoongi says.
"What?! That's what I heard from you all last time, don't forget!" She smiled.
I facepalm.
"Oh my god. She's gonna embarrass us every chance she gets. Period."
Jin squeezes my shoulders and I look up at him and we both smile.
"Well, Areum better get home. It's pretty late." Hoseok says.
"I can drive you home." Jin says, standing up.
"That's nice of you, hyung. Areum, did you have fun today?" Jungkook asks.
"Mhm! I can't wait to come back tomorrow!" She beams.
We head to the front door and put our shoes on and head out to the car. I put Areum in her car seat and get in the front passenger seat. Jin gets in the driver seat and starts the engine.
"Bye, Areum!" Namjoon said, waving. "Come back soon!"
"I will!" She waves bye and we head to my parent's house.
It was dark and all the lights in Seoul were lit up. I looked out the window. It was so beautiful.
"I wasn't expecting to get married without dating." Jin says, laughing.
I turn to him and laugh.
"Don't go getting any ideas, Jin." I smirk.
"I'm not. I'm just saying." He sighs. "Today was crazy, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, it sure was. Thinking it was gonna be a regular shopping trip turned into chaos, that's for sure." I chuckle. "All because you didn't tie your laces."
"Yah, I didn't know! Only after you told me, I knew!" He whines in pout while keeping his eyes on the road.
I giggle.
"Remember to check if your shoelaces are tied before we leave next time."
Jin smiles.
"I will."
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Jin takes Areum out of her car seat and closes the door. We head up to the steps and I ring the doorbell. My mom opens the door.
"You're here! Come in!" She says.
We step in and remove our shoes.
"Jin, thank you so much for dropping her off. I'm really busy with work and I never have time to do anything."
"You're welcome, Ms. Vivek. Areum always has a blast with us and Navya. We'd be happy for her to come over again tomorrow." He smiles.
"That's so sweet! Areum would you like that?" She asks.
Areum nods her head in excitement and we laugh.
"I think that's a yes. Come to the dining room and let's have a talk."
We follow her and sit down at the table.
"So, I saw some video online about a little someone proposing to my daughter at a grocery store."
"Yeah...it was an accident. My shoes weren't tied. That's why." Jin says.
"I understand, but maybe you'll start thinking about it once you start dating, Navya."
"I would love that, but I don't have time since I'm touring all over the world."
"I know, but I'm just saying it might happen in the future." She turns to me.
"Honey, think about it. You'll get married and have kids. Really pretty kids, to be more specific." She winked at me and I groan.
"Mom...not in front of Jin."
"It's okay, Navya. She's right cause I'm handsome. WWH Jin." He winks.
I roll my eyes and laugh.
"I think we better get going. It's late and both of us haven't eaten dinner yet." I say.
We stand up and head to the front door.
"It was nice to talk with you, Ms. Vivek. Hopefully, we can do it again someday." He bows.
"I would love to. Bring your friends, too. I'm sure they'll enjoy the company."
"Will do. Bye, Areum." Areum runs to Jin and he picks her up, swinging her around.
I smile. I can't imagine what it would be like if we both got married.
We both put our shoes on and head to the car. We get in the car and wave goodbye to my mom and Areum.
"Bye, sis! Bye, Jin!" Areum grins.
"Bye! Good night!" I say.
Jin starts the engine and we drive off. I sigh.
"Now my mom is starting this family stuff."
"Maybe it won't be that bad. We just have to stay positive."
I turn and see Jin smiling at me. I smile back and nod.
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I open the front door and we both head inside.
"Why is it so dark in here?" Jin asks.
"I don't know. Has everyone gone to bed already?"
Suddenly, the lights flicker on and all the members spring out.
"Surprise!" They all said.
Jin and I both gasp, with our jaws wide open. There was a white carpet and flowers spread across the floor. Pinned to the top was a curtain with flowers.
"Guys, what is all this?" Jin asks, still in awe.
"It's a wedding! Well, a fake wedding!" Taehyung says.
"Yeah! After you both left, we decided to put a fake wedding!" Jungkook says.
"But, we're not ready for that ye-" Hoseok pulls both of our arms and makes us stand under the curtains.
Yoongi clears his throat and opens his mouth.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today (tonight) to join this man and this woman in (holy) matrimony."
"Wait, wait, wait! Guys!" Jin says.
Yoongi ignores him and continues. "Jin, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep herin sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Jin says, not in the mood.
"Navya, do you take this man to be your husband, to livetogether in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keephim in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
I sigh and cross my arms together.
"I do." I frown.
"Now, repeat after me." Yoongi turns to his hyung. "I, Kim Seokjin, take you Navya Vivek, to be my wife, to have and tohold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
Jin sighs.
"I, Kim Seokjin, take you Navya Vivek, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." He repeats.
Then, he turns to me.
"I, Navya Vivek, take you Kim Seokjin, to be my husband, to haveand to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, insickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
"I, Navya Vivek, take you Kim Seokjin, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." I repeat, in a sarcastic tone.
Jin and I both look at each other and roll our eyes. We were getting annoyed.
"I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love."
Namjoon gives Yoongi the rings. They were the rings that Jimin wears. Wow.
"By virtue of the authority vested inme under the laws of the State of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife."
"You may now kiss the bride!" Jimin yells.
"Wanna get some dinner?" Jin asks me.
"Yes. I'm starving."
We both go to the kitchen and leave the stunned members alone. Jin starts boiling the water while set up the table. I open the ramen packs and put them in the water. After a few minutes, Jin puts the seasoning in.
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"Ramen's ready!" I shout.
The others gather around the table and Jin sets the pot of ramen in the middle. We all sit down and dig in.
"You guys aren't mad, are you?" Taehyung asks.
"Maybe we're a little pissed off." I say.
"Just because you watched that video online, you thought on putting a wedding?" Jin asks.
"Hyung, it was only for fun." Jungkook says. "Don't take it like it's real."
"Imagine if Areum saw everything. She would've told everyone and make it a huge problem." I say.
"But, she wasn't here, so it's good, right?" Namjoon said.
"I guess so. You know, I really thought you all were already in bed." Jin says.
"Nope. Like Jungkook said, we were planning for your "wedding." Hoseok says.
Jin and I both rolled our eyes.
We finished our dinner and cleaned up. We all headed upstairs to our rooms.
"Good night, everyone." I say. "Hope you all have sweet dreams tonight."
"You too! Good night!" They all say in unison and smile.
I smile back and close the door. I sigh.
Man, what a day it has been. From getting "married" to coming back home and the members putting on a fake wedding. Wow.
I go to my closet and find a pair of pajamas. I go into the bathroom and change and brush my teeth. I get into bed and fall asleep.
0 notes