#btw Anushka straight = hetrosexual
day6andetcetera · 4 years
Tagged by: @magicalstellar
Name: Sharmistha (sure-mish-tha), Mishti, Sharmi, Neera, whatever you guys would like to call me as 😊
Gender: Female
Height: exactly 5ft
Sexuality: ???????? I just like people 🤷‍♀️. That's all I'll say about it I'm still too uncomfortable to just SAY IT OUT LOUD
Favorite animal: koala, red panda, actual panda, racoons, cats, dogs
Average hours of sleep: probably 5 hours :(
Cats or dogs: like both equally but my friends say that I freak out more when I see cats so like, it's probably cats heh
Current time: as I'm typing? 12:40 am
Dream job: genetic engineer or like something related to biotech 🤙🏼
When I made this blog: late December (2018) wow it's almost 2 years 😮
Why I made this blog: Originally I wanted to make a photography blog, but then idk why I changed my mind and just deleted all my photography stuff and turned this into a K-pop Stan account 🤷‍♀️😆 but tbh probably for the best cuz I made sooo many friends + I can rant about K-pop in peace 😌✌🏼
Reason for url: I love day6 and they're basically the reason I started listening to korean songs in general and later on I started listening to more songs by other k artists thus day6 and etc (etcetera)
I'm Tagging: @tingtongpingpong @tiernamente @bald-sungjin @wonpeeler @minniemao @cultivated-man @sungjinparkian @gwwbh-personal-blog @spook-ke @/anyone who wants to do it 💖
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