#btw I don't want to know shit about DA4
blind-alchemists · 11 months
do I have done all my pre-third draft preparations? no
do I have done anything for the third draft of the main fic? again, no
but did I think up not one but two prequels for the main-fic's sequel in the twenty minutes it took me to walk to work? yes
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felassan · 7 years
Who is fellassan? I don't read the books. He is someone people want as a companion in da4?
Felassan is
the Shit
Best Elf
the Hero Thedas Deserves
yes I do want him as a companion in DA4
serious answer: He is an elf character in the book The Masked Empire by Patrick Weekes. we get some more info on him in World of Thedas volume 2. how much do you care about book spoilers? I know you don’t read the books, but don’t want to spoil you inadvertently for the book by providing further details or explanations/discussions relating to the above bullet points in this post without checking first. :] shoot me another anon message with regards to that if you like? in the meantime, or if you don’t feel like doing so/don’t feel you need to, here are some links:
**SERIOUS** SPOILER WARNING for The Masked Empire at these links:
Felassan’s page on the DA Wiki [always a good first-stop and good port of call for informational overviews]
a fairly lengthy post I made a while ago in response to an ask from someone who was asking could I explain “the story about Felassan […]” because they didn’t want to read the book and wanted to know. this post glosses over non-Felassan/non-elven aspects and plotthreads in TME because they weren’t pertinent, and also focuses more on plot-details, rather than Felassan’s character/personality (which is 75% of what makes him awesome)
this post by another tumblr user is an excellent insight into the awesomeness; it’s a collection of photos of excerpts from the book that are shining gem Felassan™ moments
btw have i mentioned that i love him
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