#btw I'm on my last page in my (1.5 yo) sketchbook and I'm stalling send help
xovera-toz · 8 months
Universe where the Gravity Falls forest is loosely connected to The Unknown and when Bill tears into the dimension, Beast!Wirt, who senses that something is seriously amiss, is like.
"You. What are you doing."
"Ohhhhh look, a wild little demon, crawling out of underworld's bushes- Can't say I've met you before! Well well well, I'm Bill Chiper, the one and only ruler of this dimension~ You?"
"Um. The Pilgrim. At your service."
"You have manners! What a delight! I'd thought you were some feral midget. What with how you appeared from your little domain..."
"It's not- you know what, nothing. Nothing. But... Would you mind closing that big ahh rip in the sky? It's disturbing the frogs."
"Ha ha HA! The frogs...
"Fym nuh-uh."
And then after some back and forth, Wirt, visibly done with Bill's bull, treathens everyone with the watchful eyes of black turtles. Because that's literally the best, scariest thing he can come up with.
But the other demons have no idea what this means, that the turtles he's talking about are pint sized on a good day, and they come to the only conclusion-
The AXOLOTL has minions.
Cue a lot of hurried apologies, demons scrambling over eachother to disappear back into the darkness they had come from, and a confused Wirt.
"How'd you do that?"
Dipper would ask, his sense of danger knocked sideways for the time being. He just faced a three dimensional triangle for fairness' sake.
"Uh. Bye."
And that's the last the Pines family ever hears of The Pilgrim.
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