#btw following the instructions in the video you should start with the white side of the paper up
origami-fleur · 9 months
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Leaves instructions.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Omg. Requests are open. I'm so happy. Can I have rfa and minor trio helping their kid with math homework? Like these adult people vs. math. Thank you and have a nice day
RFA + Minor Trio helping their kid with Math 
Hello my love! I love these kind of requests and I was so happy to write it! I hope you enjoy it! Tell me your opinion!
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,,Mommy…?’’ a young boy called through the penthouse, getting out of his room and walking towards the door of his parent’s bedroom.
Just when he was about to open the door, the boy’s father quickly stepped out.
,,Mommy is sleeping. She’s not feeling well, did something happen?’’ Jumin asked his son and took him in his arms.
Usually, his son would play alone in the afternoon for half an hour or do his homework and then spend some time with his family, but today he was pretty long alone in his room.
,,I need mommy,’’ he repeated.
,,I don’t understand Math,’’ the boy whimpered, tears in his eyes.
,,Daddy will help you since Mommy needs to rest. You will be a big brother soon, that’s why Mommy needs to sleep a lot,’’ Jumin told him and took his son and went into his room.
Jumin looked at the worksheets.
,,So, Mommy is in one room and I join, how many people are there?’’ Jumin asked him.
His son looked at him with panic.
But then the young father had an idea.
He got up and returned a few seconds later with a few sweets in his hand.
,,Here, have one,’’ he said and saw how happily his son took the candy.
,,Do you want to have this candy too?’’ he asked him then.
,,How many candies would you have had then?’’ he kept asking his son.
Finally, the young student understood the question and with his father he kept working on his homework.
,,MOOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYYY!’’ a little white haired girl ran through the house, her book in her hands.
,,Baby, psssst…’’ Zen quickly caught his sunshine and kissed her.
,,Mommy is trying to get Hana to sleep,’’ he explained and kissed his ten year old.
He then asked her if she wanted to show him anything.
He was surprised when she proudly showed him her homework. However, everything was wrong.
,,Come, baby, let’s go over it together,’’ Zen said and carried his princess into her room and sat next to her.
He first erased her wrong answers and then slowly asked her, ,,Imagine you have to count the number five, five times… take a piece of paper and draw five circles,’’ he told her.
She followed his instructions and then looked at him.
,,So, now we have to count them five times,’’ he explained.
,,One… two… three… twenty… twenty-one… twenty-five…?’’ she asked him, looking at him.
,,Right! Twenty-five!’’ he smiled and patted on her head.
He thought that it was kind of cute that her solution was fifty-five.
And so, father and daughter tried to solve all the problems together.
Yoosung looked at his daughter’s worksheet.
Since when did children have such difficult questions? He asked himself and tried to look up a tutorial to help his fifteen year old son.
,,Okay,’’ he mumbled and paused the video.
His son was unmotivated, bored, and depressed that he couldn’t solve that one question.
,,I got it, son. Together, we can do it!’’ Yoosung tried to stay positive.
Indeed, Yoosung could explain the task and didn’t even fail at finding a solution. 
,,We have ten balls: two red, three white, and five blue. The probability of getting a blue ball is five to ten since we have ten balls in total and five balls which are blue,’’ he explained and drew a picture.
His son nodded as he began to understand what his father tried to tell him.
Half an hour later, they finally finished with the homework.
,,You were good! I will give you a cookie for your hard work!’’ Yoosung praised.
Since then, his son always asked his father for help when there was something that he didn’t understand in his homework.
,,I feel as if I am in school again,’’ he whined one night at you while you giggled.
,,Oh dear,’’ you sighted as you looked at the question over and over again.
You hated these kinds of questions.
You were just as depressed as your daughter.
Spending half an hour on a question with only three points, wasn’t the best start.
Luckily, Jaehee saw that both of you were helpless and quickly joined you on this beautiful Saturday afternoon.
,,So, you have these three lines and they are parallel, aren’t they?’’ she asked both of you and quickly could tell you what the task was about.
Indeed, this seemed to be pretty easy for Jaehee.
,,Okay, you will be in charge of math and I will take over everything else. Just don’t make me work on math ever again!’’ you laughed and got up, ready to go for a walk with your beautiful family after working on the hard question for such a long time.
You expected Saeyoung to be good in math.
But you never thought that he would be that good.
You just spend half an hour on a single task, reading and reading the same question over and over again.
However, you didn’t understand anything.
Your twin girls looked at you.
,,Yesterday you said that mom knows everything,’’ one of your red haired angels told you.
You didn’t want to disappoint them, but for god’s sake, this single question was making you nervous.
It was as if someone would tell you that the sun is yellow and the house is green and ask you how long they took to build up the city.
,,I am home!’’ Saeyoung said after coming home, kissing his girl’s heads and your soft lips.
With a glance, he looked at the topic of his children’s homework.
,,I love this topic! LOLOL, this answer here is wrong,’’
And with that, you demanded that he explain the task to you, his children, and at some point, friends of his daughters.
And you were really glad that Saeyoung was by your side, supporting you as a wonderful father.
This was the only thing Saeran felt when he looked at all the numbers of his daughter’s worksheet.
He gulped. 
He was good at hacking and he was good at math, but this was totally bullshit.
He looked at the clock. You were still away for a few more hours.
,,Daddy, you don’t need to if you don’t get it either,’’ his little girl mumbled and was about to close the book and put away her stuff.
,,Don’t worry, I will try it again,’’ he whispered and read the task over and over again.
He tried to write down the most important information of the question and wrote them down.
Step by step, he tried to solve the mystery until he succeeded.
Finally, the solution seemed to be logical.
,,Now, step by step, that’s their question and here is what they give you,’’ he began to explain.
The both of them began to work on the three pages his daughter had as homework.
When you came home, a big smile was on your face.
You softly brushed Saeran’s cheek and kissed your daughter’s head as their sleeping faces laid over their hard work.
,,I wanna go to mommy,’’ Lucy said. A few tears dripped down on her book as she held the pen with a trembling hand.
,,I know, Lucy,’’ Jihyun began.
,,But first, we need to work on these tasks and then I promise that we can go to mommy and your little brother in the hospital, yes?’’ he asked his adopted girl.
The girl looked at him and nodded.
Jihyun knew that the relationship between mother and daughter was different, but he never knew that there could be such a big difference.
And so, the mint haired man sat next to his daughter and observed his daughter’s studies.
,,Lucy, are you sure that 365 divided 5 is 74?’’ Jihyun asked her.
She looked at him and all over again she made the same mistake.  
,,Look,’’ he told her and took a pen in his hand and wrote down the question.
,,If you write down 365: 5, and you only take 36 : 5, you get the number…?’’ Jihyun waited.
,,Seven…?’’ she asked him.
Her father nodded.
,,So, we write down 365 : 5 = 7, but there isn’t a 36 in the multiplication of 5, right?’’
,,No, there’s just  5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and so on,’’ Lucy mumbled.
,,Perfect! So, below the 36 you write down 35. You subtract the numbers and take down the 15.
How often does 15 go into 5?’’ he asked.
Finally, Lucy understood what her father wanted to tell her and since then she calculated the problem his way.
Btw, it should look like that ( I sat 5 minutes at that question because I got confused)
365: 5 = 73
You rubbed your temples and stroked your belly as your son kept crying.
Suddenly your husband stepped in, asking the both of you what was happening.
,,I…I can’t help him anymore, Vanderwood,’’ you began to sob.
Vanderwood patted your head and told you to go to rest since you were already eight months pregnant.
,,The hero of the day will explain the question to him,’’ he told you, trying to make you feel better.
As soon as you stepped out, Vanderwood asked his son if crying would make him intelligent.
,,No? Then stop sobbing. I’m here to help you,’’ Vanderwood said, muting his son in lighting speed.
,,Look,’’ he began.
,,If you draw a point here, here, here, and there, and connect them, it gives you this curve right?
So now we need to use X to find out the calculation for this point,’’ he went on.
,,Let’s calm down and search for an easy walkthrough,’’ Vanderwood told him.
Indeed, the both of them found a way and could easily work on all the questions that were left.
Vanderwood tried his best to teach his son so that he would do well in the exam, which was around the corner.
And even though you couldn’t support them mentally, you decided to bring over some snacks and help them in your own way.
This was really funny, I used my mother as an example. My dad never successfully taught me maths XD I always began to cry with him, lol and I still do because I HATE MATH!
02.04.2020// 00:51 MEST
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losingluckynumbers · 6 years
Ok, buckle up guys cos’ this long rant is going to be one bumpy ride about job hunting, depression, anxiety, frustration, and how apparently everything I am and can do is just useless in the 21st century society.
Also, I’M A PERSON NOT A MF BRAND, so people really need to stop telling me to “market myself” and “build my professional brand” like fuck you Chad, I’m already on the brink of a nervous breakdown, all I want/need is a job that’ll pay the bills and create at least some sort of an illusion of self-worth.
Isn’t neoliberal capitalism fun?
So here’s a quick summary about what’s going on: I’ve been unemployed for almost a year now, I lost a loved one in an extremely traumatic way about three months ago, my old problems haven’t had the decency to simply disappear, and I can feel the depression crawling back into my brain and I’m scared as fuck - and now I’m supposed to magically transform myself from an introvert to a hyper-extrovert cos’ apparently that’s the only way to get a job. It’s all starting to feel a bit much.
The thing is, people at the employment office have been extremely helpful but can’t seem to understand the concept of empathy (or the words “ I literally cannot do the thing you want me to do). On top of that, we’re complete opposites when it comes to personality. I’ve been told  several times to my face, that there are no jobs available that would match my skillset, the recruiters are only interested in extroverts, and that they can’t understand why I can’t just pick up the phone and start calling random people if they’d hire me even though they’re not looking for new employees, or network with strangers on linkedin. To. My. Face. It hurts you know.
Side note: fuck linkedin, it’s the dumbest website ever. It reduces its users down to their potential market value, and is basically just a place for people to brag about their job (especially people in recruiting and business, does anyone else even use that hellsite?). It doesn’t make job seeking any easier, it’s just another dumb thing you have to have on top of everything else.
TALKING ABOUT DUMB THINGS, now they tell me I need a video introduction of myself so I can “stand out” cos’ apparently many people don’t have these yet. I have a lot of issues with this but the main thing is that it emphasizes looks in recruitment even more than just a cv photo, which makes discrimination even easier than it used to be (I’m a skinny white girl so I’m not really in the group that is likely to face this problem, but on principle I’m against this: employment should be about SKILLS and skills alone).
Now we’ve shot material for the video - the shoot itself was kinda fun but exhausting, I slept for three days after it. I have the material cos’ I’m a control freak and wanted to edit it myself. I’ve been watching the clips and... it’s awful. I was following their instructions about how to preform, which means I was acting like a over energetic tv-host on crack. I can’t recognize myself. The entire thing is fake and pretentious and complete bullshit. Just the idea of sending that to recruiters or, heaven forbid, upload it on linkedin for everyone to see is killing me. That’s not me, that’s not even the person I WANT to be. So what if that video gets me a job? And they expect me to be like that 24/7? I’ll have a burn-out in two weeks.
I spent years living in a situation where I was constantly told that everything I did/liked/was as a person or looked like was wrong, and I was desperately trying to change myself to match those expectations. It’s taken me a long time to re-build my identity and self-confidence with professional help after that hell. Yet once again I’m being told that I need to be different (aka fake it ‘till you make it, which is idiotic btw) and I really, really can’t handle it. Not again.
I have a master’s degree with top grades, a thesis with a top grade, relevant work experience, international experience both as a student and an intern, and I have a lot of potential to grow and learn fast in various fields. But NONE OF THIS MATTERS if I’m not an easygoing social butterfly who can build a network of people who can further my ambitions (cos’ that’s what networking really is, right, benefiting from people you don’t even like?). There’s a difference between learning new skills and doing something that is in conflict with your entire personality (sure you can learn to be more social, I know, I’ve been doing that, but it takes years).
With my life falling apart in pretty much every way possible, I really don’t have the energy to “be the best version of myself” (god I hate when people say that). Instead, I’m having major anxiety attacks (several in one day at worst) cos’ I feel like I’ve already fucked up my entire future by studying the wrong things (if I went back to uni I’d get zero benefits, and I haven’t won the lottery, so that’s not an option) and there just isn’t a place for me as me in this world.
I’m just so damn tired - and I really don’t want to publish that absurd video but I know I’ll get in trouble if I don’t. They keep telling me that I need to do this with “the taste of blood in my mouth” (I’m not sure how that translates in English, but it’s basically forcing you to do something you feel like you can’t do) but this is my LIFE, not a workout routine ffs.
I hate this world.
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