#btw i am absolutely always down to talk about my analysis relating to this concept of demigods embodying personality traits of their parents
aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i think there is a fundamental misunderstanding people make when approaching Jason’s character, but to explain it I must first go on a tangent -
One of the things that’s really interesting with the demigod characters is that, while they are independent personality-wise of their divine ancestors, and their personality is never fully reflective of their divine ancestors, demigods still always have personality traits that are strongly related to an aspect of their divine ancestor(s). For a lot of demigod character this is even the same trait that presents itself in different ways, particularly in CHB. Demeter kids tend to be rooted - usually presenting as them being stubborn and resistant to change or opposing opinions. Apollo kids tend to be self-focused. Hades kids tend to be driven by their relationships/bonds to others. Percy and Tyson are the only Poseidon kids, but Percy’s seems to be that outwardly he appears to be an unpredictable wildcard, when this is not necessarily true. The sea is not wholly unpredictable - if you learn it, you will learn the patterns that drive it, and that it is subject to many outside influences (the moon, the sun, winds, etc). It just looks unpredictable to those who do not bother to learn (which, btw, is a GREAT metaphor for ADHD imo).
Jason and Thalia represent two specific spheres for Zeus/Jupiter (and in Jason’s case, Hera/Juno as well). Thalia is Zeus as King of the gods. She is a natural leader. She works well in leadership positions and tends to lead logically. This is why she’s the lead Huntress of Artemis.
Jason does not represent Jove and Juno as King and Queen of the gods. Jason represents Juno and Jove as mother and father of the gods. This is why he tends to fall naturally into leadership positions in groups but simultaneously struggles in them in some scenarios but not others. He dislikes leading an army and being seen as perfect and above others because he is not acting from the perspective of a king, he is acting from the perspective of a member of a family unit. He is not the leader of an army, he is a wolf in a pack. He leads emotionally. He’s protective of his group. Yes, he is a bit of a dad-friend! But at the same time he is adverse to putting himself above the group! Yes, he falls into leadership positions, but only to a certain degree. He works best in a group he’s familiar with. He works better in smaller groups.
To Thalia those specifics don’t matter, because she’s not working from a more personal perspective like Jason does. Thalia could lead groups Jason is normally put in charge of, but Jason would not be able to lead Thalia’s groups. But also Thalia is not devoid of Zeus-as-a-father-god traits either! That was basically her entire dynamic with Annabeth (and Luke)! And Jason isn’t wholly devoid of Jupiter-and-Juno-as-rulers-of-the-gods either, he is capable of tapping into that- and he does so! But he is always primarily Jove-and-Juno-as-parents-of-the-gods first and foremost.
And that’s a really interesting character trait to play with! It’s so cool picking apart characters and seeing how they embody traits and aspects of their divine ancestors! And you can lean into that in so many things! If you’re writing meta/character analysis, if you’re writing a specific character for a fic or something, if you’re making a demigod OC - heck, I use this sort of analysis of what traits are common for demigods of specific divine ancestors for assigning cabins/etc to characters (and people, if I am requested to do so).
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extrology · 7 years
Get to Know Chanyeol
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Light Astrology Analysis
Chanyeol has a bowl chart with all planets located towards his interactions with others
Very Outgoing person
Is lacking inside, may have a lot of  internal struggles
Saturn is his Dominant planet but it gets almost completely negated by his tightest aspect (in other posts about that) and the 2nd most dominant planet - Jupiter
Jupiter also makes him optimistic, able to see the bigger picture
Jupiter dominants are usually tall, “extra” and lucky
As Capricorn dominant always has the internal conflict between public exposure with their great need for privacy
LOVES talking about the subjects of interest (mysterious, weird, taboo things, music, animu and whatever else he likes)
loves company of intelligent, well read and fun people
Jupiter dominants tend to be a bit lazy and all over the place
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with Mars Cancer he tends to play the victim in arguments
self-pitying himself
always thinking “why me?” inside
very emotional about conflicts,
takes them very poorly
long recovery period, hold grudges
usually is very sensitive about close friends'/family matters
internal anxieties
most conflicts tend to come from the past
wants security (in money, relationships, job... )
can’t deal being ignored
also doesn’t usually tell others what he wants and expects others to simply know what he wants
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Scorpio mind is definitely scary, especially in the 8th house (the dark house of secrets, sex, death) and plus that tight Pluto conjunction (planet of extremes and darkness)
his Pluto hides his geniusness from everybody
so you’ll see his actual brain VERY rarely
heretic, born strategist
he notices every tiny detail
loves playing detective in his mind (and he’s Hella good at it)
such a sharp mind, fearless about going where others fear to thread
literally human surveillance camera
but not so interested in school or the traditional concept of “intelligent”
tends to romanticize death, destruction and law breaking (gangs, crime, sinful mind overall)
often has weird, “dark” thoughts about sex
can we just talk about his dirty lyrics. Even with that hardcore censorship he manages to write dirty songs
seeks the Truth and he WILL find it
masks, lies and illusions don’t work on him
a born detective A Concept: Intelligence Agent/Hacker Chanyeol
don’t try to win an argument with him
also he’s not very tactful
stubborn, will hang onto a subject until satisfied
will do all he can to avoid an uninteresting subject
can be manipulative and very secretly controlling
likes to possess the ones he cares about (he feels it’s a way to protect them)
will be tempted to use his mind for evilish goals
I can see him loving monster concept
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SO this boy’s got Sagittarius sun (ego, character) and it’s made even stronger with Jupiter dominant 
he wishes to be respected and heard more than anything
but doesn’t care about what other people want
such an optimistic free spirit
loves independence and adventures
don’t suffocate him if you want a good relationship with him
faithful, if all needs met but his restlessness would probably create distance (both physically and mentally)
lucky in many aspects of life
needs constant action
wants to learn everything he can (especially with that sharp mind) (no wonder he knows how to play so many instruments)
loves to travel and to make friends while he’s at it (am I the only one being reminded of all those insta posts with different people every time)
his acceptance of everybody and optimism simply draw people in
although easy going as a fire sign has a quick and fierce temper
while usually accepting and positive
if you manage to make this boy angry
absolutely doesn’t sugar coat anything or tell white lies
honest, sometimes a little too honest
might come off as rude and insensitive because of it
sagittariuses usually swear a lot
likes people who join him in athletic as well as intellectual activities
an excellent organizer and usually successful at any project he takes on
lives for himself
but if you can keep up and follow along he’ll show you an exciting and cheerful side of life ~ 
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With Cap Moon emotional matters is just not his strong suit
actually frightened by his emotions and is not sure how do deal with them
needs to feel useful and productive
his own worst critic and can be really hard on himself
painfully aware of his weaknesses and tries very hard to compensate for them
wants to be respected in others eyes
finds it difficult to relate to people who have different values
witty and self-focused
wants to have realistic goals
loyal friend but awful at texting back
he doesn’t shit talk unless that person in REALLY REALLY shit
most cap moons are weebs or furries (if they say they’re not - they’re lying)
likes to get their way
pretty down to earth, knows his goals, looks at them realistically
he’s funnier than you
deal with it
hides sensitivity with jokes
hates dealing with emotions
but there’s always a point where they just pile up and explode (esp if includes close friends/ family Mars Cancer)
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venus cap makes him a very traditional boyfriend
neptune cap makes his dreams very realistic
the two aspects above explain why Chanyeol idealized Jongin from the very first days.
he’s attracted to both of these signs
as his ideal lover from dreams and fantasies (neptune) is capricorn and Jongin is Capricorn king if I’ve ever seen one
with Jupiter(abundance) quintile (talent) Mars (sex, manliness) this guy is DEFFINETLY packing down there and is especially talented in bed
I give you my word (btw, quintiles are actuary rare to have in a table, so to have one in this aspect... oh boy)
if it ends up wrong, I promise I’ll quit astrology
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