#btw i think cass's face is red ingame bc shes always drunk lol but i hc that she just has rosacea and is also a redhead in the mojave
plasma-packin-mama · 2 years
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i did a silly little chart of the relationships between the companions and delilah!!! (and benny is here). i know this isnt super interesting but sometimes u just make posts for yourself
some specific notes bc theres more nuance to their relationships and i like talking about my story LOL:
Boone and Arcade: they dont really agree on a lot, and they sort of grind each others gears. but theyre the two most important people in delilahs life so they've learned to respect one another. at the end of the day theyre not friends, but they know they can count on one another.
Boone and Lily: everyone on the team loves lily, but boone gets along with her best. he likes helping her cook and take care of the house, and listening to her talk about her life. Lily thinks that Craig is a nice, helpful young man :) during the postgame lily and boone are a common team to go on missions for New Vegas together!!
Arcade and Cass: Cass thinks arcade is pompous and judgemental. Arcade thinks Cass is rude and small minded. They're constantly sniping back and forth, and they're the only two on the team who seem to actually not like each other.
Raul and Veronica+Cass: they're the only two on the team who Raul can just chill and have a drink and a conversation with. (Delilah and Lily don't drink, Edie is a robot, Boone doesn't talk, and Arcade is somehow more annoying drunk than he is sober.) These three don't necessarily agree on everything, and they might not be friends in another world, but as it stands they all really enjoy each other's company.
Arcade and Veronica: they have so much in common I think everyone already agrees that they're besties forever. Veronica is friendly and sweet enough that she puts in the work to get over arcades awkwardness and break down his walls with her big power fist, and they just get along really well. Arcade sees his younger self in her, and wants to protect her (even tho he really doesn't feel qualified to be any kind of mentor or guide to anyone about anything). Veronica likes annoying arcade on purpose bc it's funny watching him get all >:0 grumpy. She's also the one who insists on including him when the group hangs out, much to Cass's chagrin.
Benny: if youre one of the people who has sent me asks about bennys role in delilahs story, i promise im GOING to explain. but not yet lol. its one of the most complicated dynamics in delilahs story and i want to show it through comics rather than just trying to explain awkwardly. i hope knowing that everyone but delilah wants to put him in a blender is somewhat satistying in the meantime. (thank you for asking about my story i ksis you on the forehead)
I love the characters in NV so much.. I have so many thoughts about them
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