#btw i'm gonna soon work at a hospital and it's the best hospital to have a job at in mexico
simonghostrileys · 1 year
i finally got the job at my dream place which is a hospital and today i finished the week-long training course. sorry if i haven't been online that much or at all this week i've been pretty busy with things about this new job but we're doing it fam we're almost there 💪🏻
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that-bajan-kid · 5 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 257 SPOILERS
(I have a bad feeling about this...)
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Yes! We finally get to learn about the other quirks.
So Izuku is asking about Black Whip. Apparently he can only use it for a few seconds and can only use it for support.
Oooooo Bakugou is reading the book.
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The fifth successor. He kinda reminds me of a British stereotype. Like what you would imagine a Brit that's into heavy metal to look like. Now that I think about it, Mic reminds me of that stereotype too. It doesn't help that he's also the English teacher.
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That makes sense. AFO wouldn't want an opponent that could actually put up a fight.
All Might goes on to say that the predecessors weren't chosen but rather entrusted. They were just random people that just so happened to be around when they were dying and ended up with the quirk. That means that All Might and Izuku were probably the only ones who actually chosen to be successors.
Apparently they all died young as well. Well isn't that just... lovely.
Katsuki, probably wanting to move the conversation to something less... grim, asks what's next on the lists of quirks Izuku has to master.
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So she could fly. Or I guess "float". That image of her and Gran Torino is really cool btw.
Katsuki's immediate reaction upon hearing this is to start laughing like a lunatic and bragging about how he can already do that with his quirk which makes him the winner of the 'who can one-up who better' competition.
An argument of who's better insues and All Might watches fondly as his two sons bicker back and forth. It reminds me of those moments when the parent figure has a moment with their child right before they go do something that will definitely kill them. It scares me.
The Disaster Duo goes back to the dorms where everyone is making food for a new year's party.
The kids are all talking about how they'll be second years next term and how the new first years will come to them for advice and all that jazz. While this is going on Izuku is thinking about how #blessed his life is right now and that he's happy. I'm very scared.
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Denki with his hair pinned back gives me life.
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All Might is telling Aizawa that he's decided to live but now he feels super useless because the kids are growing up and he feels like they don't need him anymore. He's retired from hero work and now he has all this free time that he doesn't know what to do with.
Also apparently he's supposed to have a meeting with Stain? Aizawa said Tsukauchi wants him to postpone it. Are they gonna use Toshi to get Stain to tell them about his brief encounter with Shigaraki? That makes sense. All Might is the only hero, besides Deku, that Stain is ok with. He's not gonna be much help tho but any info is use full info at this point.
Aizawa tells him that just by living he's inspiring people to keep going and do their best.
I'm very, very scared. If that doesn't scream "ALL MIGHT IS GONNA DIE SOON!" I don't know what does.
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Cherry blossoms are never a good sign in anime.
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Not only did we get a time skip but apparently all the heroes are MISSING?!?!? With no explanation whatsoever I-
And look at that bastard. Walking around all cheery like he isn't responsible for the world's immenant doom.
Since this is late March then I'm gonna say we have, like, a week (?) Until Shigaraki is complete Nomufied and wreaks havoc on Japan. All the heroes are missing but why? Are they on a mission to find the hospital Shiragiri told Erasermic about? But Dr. Ujiko wouldn't be so happy if that were the case.
Ugh! I need answers, damn it!
Until next time, I guess.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh bae grrr don't apologize!! I'm just glad your day was alright, and I hope you get some rest tonight!! My day was okay. I was just in front of my laptop since I had classes, and then I finally finished my slides, and had another leo meeting. My brother was a royal pain in the ass the whole day istg, but I'm fine now :) thanks for asking btw!!
Aww but that's so admirable! Gotta love teachers like that, haha. And I totally get that! That one uni I researched is probably the one I've set my eyes on. I've done EXTENSIVE research on it, so I don't want to set my sights on other places. What about you? Do you have any specifics for your future uni?
ikr?? He's just grandpa Kuroo to me istg. He's also an ENTP, and I vibe really well with ENTP's, so haha I think that'll also be cool.
I AGREE SOMUCH. Shōyō is just such a cute smol bean. He'd be the best little spoon, honestly. i agree thoo, they're all amazing characters, and probably would be so fun to hang out with 😭
that's actually pretty great!! I hope the cases come down to double or single digits soon!
oh nice!! And aaah I've heard A LOT about Russian food, it honestly sounds delicious. (I just love hearing people talk about food and culture. I could read/listen to them for hours istg). And aw that's such a cute story. I'm sure they were all really glad you introduced it to them. Confuzzled tho... Y-you don't like cottage cheese? :O
Yes you should be proud!! Today I was ready to kill my brother, then I saw your message(‼️) and I decided I could let him live a little longer, because I was busy reading it.
Ah yes!! Your country's flag colour too!! Tho the blue is such a pretty shade, it's like a teal? So pretty‼️💖💖💖. The Malaysian flag is just like an off-brand US one 😭🤚
and aw I'm glad I'm right! I only know one other person who has white as their favourite colour, and she's the best (Angel). So maybe both the cool people in my life like white xD my favourite colours are pink and yellow :>
Yes, why wouldn't they be? I cherish anything anyone makes for me, and especially you, because you're truly that special. Love you!! Sleep well, sweet dreams :))
—ari (gone back to signing my name with lame ol' Ari because I'm out of ideas. Also. I'm getting territorial over my nickname because at today's leo meeting there was this other guy also named Ari and we DID NOT vibe well grrr)
Hey hey!!! I know I answered like ... 24 hours late which sucks a lot, very sorry :(( I'm hoping your day went good today too!! Tell me about it?
Oh I'm glad you got the work done! Mind showing me a few slides? I'm curious hehe~ Also I'm going to have to detach your brother's ribs for bothering you, my apologies😁
Yeah!! They really make me feel like there is a reason to keep going. Like, at least to make them go "that's my student!!"😭
Well, since I got all the research done for me, I just mostly did research on what its actually like to be a translator, you know? I read through like 24 articles on both languages I know and I think I'm prepared xD I'm gonna look up the unis my teacher suggested soon though, and probably question some of the students because I'm desperate like that😝 Hopefully that'll pay off
Hehe, yea, the way he acts like he has seen life is adorable in a way. That's so cool though, imagine having the luck to have your personality match your favorite character's😭 I really wish I had an extroversion trait in my mbti xD I'd really need that ..
YES also you saying he'd be a little spoon made me want to cuddle him SO BAD I'm JSJDJWJDJ I want to give him a headpat and squish his little cheeks .....
Not gonna lie, I wish I could spend a year with one character each day. How cool would that be? You get a hang out and maybe learn something new. Then live in pain for the rest of your life because they wont be here anymore but that's nothing to worry about
I really hope so too!! Honestly this has been crazy. And the way everyone still refuses to cover up their nose... sometimes I wonder if it's ok to mock people who got COVID, cuz like, it's not always their fault, but when you saw that person without a mask before and now they're in the hospital, it's kinda funny, in a rude way. I'm an asshole, I know, I'm sorry😔
Yes yes, if you ever get the chance to try it, you should!!! I'm really sure you'll love it. You should try adding ketchup and mayo mix as well! It'll do magic
Oh no, I LOVE cottage cheese (mixed with sour cream and sugar..🥰🤤🤤), I just really hate it when its cooked or baked. Like ... that's it, its warm and so much soggier now. What have you done? You ruined it. Congratulations! You've lost my respect. Well, not you of course, anyone who cooks cottage cheese xD it's like water, it sucks when warm.
Awh what !!!!! That makes me so happy??!?!? I bring you that much joy you pass up on murder ?!?? That's a lethal strike ma'am were getting married again
Yeah!!! I also kinda like the symbolism. And the story. Which is an honor for this whole place because I really dont like this country xD dont ask why~ personal reasons. Though it's so much more peaceful than others, so that's also great hehe. The Malaysian flag is kinda funny now that you call it like that😭😭😭 I still think it looks cool though!! I'd call it "Asia's USA" but that would, uh, be more of an insult, considering the state (see what I did there? Haha states... haha) of the country right now😓
Welp, the purest people like the purest colors xD just kidding, we're all probably chaotic~ at least out of everyone I know, everyone with white as their favorite has done something no normal person would do (ex. One of the color-white-lovers I knew tried stealing 7 shopping carts😐 I really didnt believe him until he showed me the photo of the fine he got.) Pink and yellow are such a good combination🥺🥺 they're like peach and sunset and uhh... PB&J, if that counts? Peanut butter is now yellow, deal with it😔 Anyway they're really pretty, together or not !!! what's your favorite hue?
Daww... you're so sweet... I'm melting🥺🥺😭💕💕 just so you know I also created a separate album for the stuff you drew me <3
I hope you sleep well tonight!!! You deserve it after all♡♡♡
Dawwh😭😭 I know what it feels like. Sometimes people with your name embarrass themselves so much, it makes you embarrassing because you have the same name. It's not the situation you're in, but uh ... another example? xD I could change your tag to "Shortcake🍰💕" if you'd like😝
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mamichigo · 5 years
At this point I guess someone already asked for it but -- Modern AU headcanons for Pillar Day? I'm mostly curious about what kind of job they would have and what kind of bond they have with each other.
No one did before you, actually! :0 I’m gonna tell you their job in this ask, then post their bond in a separate post for organization’s sake (btw, the post on the bonds is about 1k words of Lore)
Rengoku: PE teacher at the same school as Giyuu. His students think of him as the “weird but cool” teacher. All the kids pretty much adore him and flock to him. He’s very good at motivating even the laziest of kids, but he also never forces students to do more than their body can take, or force them into activities they’re not interested in. He can bring any kid out of their shell.
Sanemi: A baker. Yes, that’s right. He was an office worker for a good few years to support Genya, but as soon a he could, Sanemi took the chance to do something he loved. So yeah, he loves food (more importantly, he loved the treats their mom would bake them whenever she had some extra money). Sanemi may not look like it, but he’s an amazing baker, and he’s very good at coming up with new, unique and delicious recipes.
Kanroji & Uzui: They’re both ballet dancers/teachers! They’re really good at what they do (have won prizes and danced in other countries kind of good), and though they can teach marvelously, their classes are merciless and will probably break your spine if you don’t watch out. (At least Kanroji gives everyone lollipops when they make progress, while Uzui yells at them to get fucking better)
Himejima: Head nurse at the hospital Shinobu’s works at. Though he is a bit hardened by all the tragedy he has seen in life, he does his best to help others, and seeing proof that he’s doing something good and meaningful (like seeing Shinobu grow up to become a wonderful nurse herself) makes it all worth it to him. His patients are grateful for how understanding and calming he is.
Iguro: A veterinarian and researcher (specialized in rescue and treatment of reptiles). Can tame the angriest of animals, he just has a natural knack for it. However, he’s the “gets along with animals better than with humans” kind of guy, he’s very bad at communicating and will use animals as replacement for actual conversation (he doesn’t need to talk if people are distracted by a snake).  
Tokitou: Middle school student on his last year, preparing himself to enter a good high school. He already has a school in mind, though if pressured he’ll admit it’s mostly because Tanjirou is there.
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fire-fanboy-trash · 5 years
... .... .- - - . .-. . -..
..-. .- -- .. .-.. -.-- chapter 5
I've haven't been the best mentally so I didn't write as much but enjoy! I will have a longer chapter soon!!
@meisamyth @sadcat5555 @thebluehearted @smol-bean-ashley @pma-girl @sharky-g @dead-golden @10th-no-name-person
Tw: abusive| drugs |crying sam
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Sam looked in the chamber and was startled! She fell back almost falling on the floor but google caught her. In front of them was a man sitting in a leather chair. He looked up. She gripped google's arm. "It's ok he's harmless,this is eric". He strolled over starring at the tile floor. "hh h ii" "But you told what Fatality meant, I don't wanna" "Dark only named this area Fatality chamber so other egos avoid it. This is where the Vounrable egos are kept to prevent them from serious harm or injuries. The dangerous egos avoid it because once an ego goes down here they never leave. It's a safety precaution." Sam blinked. "Oh but I don't wanna be here" "Darks orders prove you can protect yourself and you can be with the other ipliers"
[ ] anytime these are around words it mean talking through mind telepathically just in case someone forgot
[Get up here ] [affirmative]*slam*"no don't go" She felt a hand on hear shoulder and screamed. "i i t's ooK" The man was toned and missing feet, with black hair and a floral shirt. She was terrified the way Google described fatality freaked her out. Bang bang bang bang bang bang. She pounded her fists into the titanium door desperate to get out. "HELP"!! Tears streamed down her cheeks. "hhow ol d are u" She began kicking the door. "Hoow olD aRee u" She jerked her head back shaking at the sight of Eric. "7". "th aT maAkes s ense" He took a step towards Sam. "I don't know you"
[ Sky͡le̶r w͘è ̴t̡al҉ked͞ ab̨o͠ut͡ this ] [I still go by dat name?] [ YE͜Ş ] [ok] [ now̨ ̛sto͠p be͡i͝ng ̧a ba͞by ҉àn͝d͘ s̀h͜o͝w ̴NO F̡EAR̴ ]
She trembled and turned around to afraid to disobey Anti. "Hi sir I Skyler" "I m e ric" "Why you talk like dat?" He gripped his handkerchief. "A nn x iety " Sam starred at him blankly.
[w͛͟ḩ̈o͒ ͫcͪ́a̓r̴e̸s͒ ̴a̕b̡̈́oút̏ ̶h̢͑i̡̔m̧ ̢̚f̄́o̾c͗u̧ͦs ̸͒on̊̕ ̈́c҉ǫn̴vͨi̓͝n̶͑cȉn̉͟g ̿̀dark̽ ҉yͩou'̉rͪ́e̷̔ ̨a̵b́ļ̒eͮ ̸t̕oͨ ̚͡p̅rͯ͏o͢t̍eͭ͞c̃t̎ ͝yỡur̎͡s̓͝ëlf! ̉S̀TÓ̡Pͤ B̧ͣEIŃG̓͘ ͑͢SU͡C͟H̍́ ͬA̵ ͦS̨͛C̀A̎R͞DY̨̐ C̀AT͘!̂!̷ͬ ̈́] [but I wanna have fun ] his eyes filled with rage, he truly forgot about the fact that she is only 7. Although Sam is Anti's biological child he is not capable of raising her.
(I hc anti is gay btw so sam was born before he figured this out, now he knows)
... .- --
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.- ...
.-- .
- . .-.. .-..
-.-- --- ..-
.- -. -..
-.-- --- ..- .----. .-.. .-..
-... .
..-. .-. . .
..-. .-. --- --
- .... .. ...
Meanwhile with chase
Chase always wanted Sam every since they were born. Anti didn't especially since she is the result of a one night stand. After that he realized he was gay and despised their existence. He agreed to let chase raise Sam but them he saw it made him happy for once. He suddenly changed his mind. Not caring as chase cried. Chase had PTSD from watching his family be murdered in front of him and constantly blamed himself for it. After it had been a year since murders of Stacy and Luna and Steven the police said it was a cold case. Chase remembers watching Sam cry because the glitch screamed and hit him. He didn't like how Sam was gender fluid and literally became those genders. While chase loved them, little Sam.
Chase was feeling nauseous. He drank more and got high more. He was anxious!! "Where is Sam did anti murder them"he cried miserably. "Anti never loved them, he keeps them around for some reason." "Ooh gOshh *hiccup* the room is spinning" Thud.
Jackie walks through the door profusely sweating. Slam. "Ugh work was stressful as hell, chase are you even listening"?! Silence. He walked in the living room. Chase was passed out on the floor. Although something was different than a drunk pass out. "Holy fuck"! He rushed over swooped him up and bolted outside to the car. Chase was foaming at the mouth. He speeded to the hospital not caring if he got a ticket. Practically screaming about how his brother was passed out and had white foam coming out of his mouth. Doctors and nurses frantically rushing around."go in the waiting room sir" Jackie reluctantly goes in the waiting room. Extremely Desperate to know what happened!!Finally the doctors come out. "He is fine now he had an overdose"!! They went home! "Why didnt you tell me you took drugs!!"!! He glared at him!! "I knew you'd be upset"!! "Chase you could've died!!" "I'm sor-" "CHASE I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIE!! SCHNEEP AND MARVIN ARE DEAD, I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!! I CRIED IN THE WAITING ROOM!!" He stormed off filled with rage. Chase slumped"i never thought I would overdose". He face palmed and cried tell he physically couldn't. Then chugged alcohol tell he passed out! "Sam where are you? " Jackie cried himself to sleep. Jackie got depression when schneep died.
"They still don't know I caused all this. The fools trust me".He watched chase and Jackie from his many cameras. "Chase it's only gonna get worse from here"
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franeridart · 6 years
Oh man, I'm just imagining that there's so many close brushes with kiribaku almost realizing or almost being in positions to find out that the other is a vigilante-- an injury and no way to get into contact with Jack or Mina-- a rainstorm washing Kiri's dye away on the job. I think it'd be especially funny if he thought for a minute that Kiri was bleeding but then Kiri is like "UH GOTTA GO ITS NOT BLOOD" and he realizes it's red hair dye
Oh Kirishima sort of already suspects it’s Bakugou - more or less? He’s in the process of starting to suspect it, at least lol for being someone who really doesn’t want to be found out Bakugou’s more carefree in his disguise than Kirishima is (his hair is a pretty obvious giveaway, for example, thought Bakugou relies a lot on the ‘attacking and running’ strategy, so in his mind all he gotta do is just not be seen by anyone at all lol) compared to Kiri he gets bruised and beaten up way more too (Kiri’s hardening makes it easy for him to avoid that in general) - Kiri’s noticing Bakugou’s bruises and his vigilante friend’s bruises match up a whole damn lot, so he’s starting to figure that one out
Bakugou’s a dumbass tho (read: he doesn’t really look at people he isn’t particularly interested in) so for him it’s gonna take a while haha
Anon said: If in vigilantes au Bakugou and jirou are just friends why do they live together and hug like a couple?
They’re best friends, and sometimes when your best friend is going through a real rough heartbreak and he’s in literal tears over it, you might be nice enough to offer your back for him to hide his face in and let him pretend he isn’t currently breaking down on you. Sometimes, you like a person in a platonic way enough to emotionally support them as best as you can when they’re at their lowest. It. Sort of happens between best friends, now and again. You don’t really need to want in someone’s pants to care about them.
They live together cause they started working together as vigilantes when they were in high school, and once they moved up to college they found it a good idea to have someone back home who knew about what they were doing to treat eventual wounds, since they can’t go to the hospital! Also the rent is cheaper this way
Anon said:Can you draw more comics of childhood kiribaku? You’re art is sooo cute 💓
It’s something I’ve regularly kept on going back on for years by now, so sure, it’ll probably happen! And thank you!
Anon said:OH MY GOD. Please tell me you will make an official webcomic of your Vigilante AU. It’s so beautiful, cute and I definitely need more of this. It’s like a drug that I did not know I needed until I read your concept(????). BTW, your art is soooo pretty. Thank you so much for drawing KiriBaku ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh I’m really happy to hear you like it! For personal reasons I’ve decided that making a cohesive, coherent succession of comics isn’t something I want to do, but I think I’ll draw more of that AU soon enough, snapshots and things like that! I hope that’s good enogh for you~
Anon said:May I request a pissed kiri??
Didn’t I draw that less than 10 posts ago
Anon said:Hey, I rlly admire you! I wish we were friends, you seem rlly nice!!
Thank you!!! The few close friends I have might tell you I’m actually not that great at the whole friends thing, but I appreciate the feeling a lot! :D
Anon said:Were Kirishima’s eyes red in the last panel of the last comic??
Yep :( he really does like Bakugou, after all
Anon said:I saw you answering the other anon and if I may ask, why posting the gem au was a big mistake? Were pol rude with you? If it’s so, I’m sorry abt it
Anon said:You said that posting your SU AU stuff was the biggest mistake you ever made… is it because of something that we, as viewers and worshippers of your KiriBaku (damn, I’ll never stop telling you it’s cute and adorable and it hurts but it’s also sweet), can help NOT doing? Or is there anything we can do?
It’s okay, it just got in the hands of people who don’t particularly like Bakugou, and these people started talking about the AU in less than nice terms, which was honestly pretty ridiculous and made me wonder how people can survive being alive on this earth when they consider Steven Universe sensitive material but either way it brought around in my activities a bunch of people I would have preferred not to interact with ever, and that sort of took the fun out of the AU? Now every time I think about drawing for it those people come back up in my head and I get annoyed all over again, it’s no fun
Anon said:are you still doing the fusion au? id love to see kaminari and shinsou
I’m not, sorry! Though someone did ask about baku and mineta and I’ve been thinking about drawing that horrible monster since then, and I’ve also been wanting to redesign the krbk fusion, so maybe I might get back to it ??? I’ll add shin*kami to the list haha
Anon said:I really like the relationship Jack and Bakugou have, and the angst is nice too! I really like the vigilatne AU! I hope we can see more of it, only if you feel like it of course!
Thank you so much ;;;
Anon said:Silly question. If Kirishima activated his quirk being in water. Would he float like wood, or he’d drown like a rock? >//w//
Oh, I’m pretty sure he’d go down since his quirk makes him into a rock haha
Anon said:I think this is around the eighth anonymous ask I send you, but being a porn-making Tumblr user, it’s better if I don’t go public. I just wanted to say, once again, that I love your KiriBaku, it makes me both ache and feel so warm and fuzzy inside; but right now, the focus is that Bakugou’s crying face against Jack’s back is just so good, expressive and painful. I often hate his guts, but yours I can never hate. And the sheer intensity of that expression, and the environment too… so many feels
Aw, thank you!!! I’m glad I can make you enjoy my fav character, anon :D !!
Anon said:I have a question about the vigilante AU. What’s the relationship between jirou and bakugou? Because they don’t look like just friends
Why don’t they look like just friends tho
Anon said:Hypothetically. How would Bakugou react (or what would he do) if Kirishima stopped showing interest in him?
Are we talking about a specific AU or is this meant for the canon universe? Well, either way I’d say he’d be pretty hurt, but it’s not like he can force Kirishima to like him can he. Ah, in the vigilantes AU he’d probably think it’s for the best even if he’d hurt a lot over it, but in canon and most other AUs I like to think he’d try to fix it somehow? Unless he has other reasons to not act on his feelings for Kirishima… gosh this is a vague question, there are so many possibilities really!
Anon said:🧡Hi Fran! I’m pretty sure you’re the one who introduced this concept to me so I wanted to say thanks! Touch starved Bakugou and super cuddly Bakugou are totally my fave, especially when you have him all curled up with Jirou! Having them be Mina and Kiri level besties makes so much sense and I love you for introducing that thought to me!!!🧡
I’m!!!!!!!!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:in your vigilante au, Kiri has a scar, does Bakugo ever notice the scar?(curious if it reminds him of Red or nah, love yur art btw~~
When he’s not doing vigilantes work it’s actually hidden by the hair, so Bakugou never noticed! But if he were to notice he’d probably mark it down as a Kiri thing and leave it at that, as I said he’s not the most observant when he’s not particularly interested in someone so he hasn’t really registered it on Red’s face anyway haha
Anon said:I RLLY LOVE YOUR AU!! I haven’t found an AU in this fandom I’m rlly into but THIS IS SOCUTE??? will there be more?
Heck I sure hope so!! Thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:hey for the anon you were looking for an outrageous ship to draw to test out their theory, try Tokoyami and Link (legend of Zelda link) cuz I just saw cosplayers of them hardcore dancing at dragoncon and I die every time I think about it. You can find a video of it on quirk-registration-office​  
…………………..I’m probably never gonna draw that ngl LMAO BUT this ask made me wanna draw Tokoyami as a Rito so I guess that’s ???? something that might happen instead heck that’s a good concept I should have thought about earlier
Anon said:I absolutely love your art its soon amazing and I really like the vigilantly au but take care of yourself okay
I dunno what I did to make you worry about me but thank you so much for it? I’ll try my best !!!! And thank you for liking my doodles too!!! ;^;
Anon said:Do you know about any fanfics based in your art?? (Idk if that’s grammatically correct sorry 😅)
Hmmmmmmmmmm there are a few but the only one that comes to mind right now is such a funny pair !!! boy ellen’s fics are always so damn amazing, I still can’t believe she wrote for me ;^;
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ohsunggyu · 7 years
nooooo did you get sick?😭 are you feeling better now? this month is being so awful, why TT I got really sick too and had to go to the hospital ugh I hate hospitals... I came home yesterday and i'm getting better! this month is ending and idk what to think anymore... I hope good things will happen from now on🙌✨ oh and your assignment, did you finish it? I hope you can get some rest soon too❤+
+ and so much things happened while I was away omg I can't keep track hahah i'm lost, I see ppl listening to Air but I can't find it on spotify, or is it just me being dumb idk I have no clue how to use that, i'm new😅 but the photos gahhh why do they always look so good in their japanese stuff what is this I feel so lajsajsk there's so much things going on rn I can't even list all of them in one ask lmao help + btw i'm sorry, again TT I just don't know why this month is being so ugly😢 I hope things gets better for all of us from now on. please be safe and healthy and do what makes you happy. you're such a nice person and you deserve all the happiness in the world, really. i'm happy that I got to talk to you and I know I already said that but I wanted to say it again because it's the truth😊❤❤❤+ even if we don't talk for a while you're always here❤ so hahah am I being too greasy? omg woohyun what did you do to me lajsajsk i'm sorry but i'm like this these days idk why omg don't run away i'll stop😅 but hey how are you doing now? anything happening?⛄💜💜⛄
yeah i had a fever for a couple of days but i’m all better now!♡♡♡ oh my god if you had to go to the hospital it must have been pretty bad? are you alright? saaame i’m glad this month is over soon.. i did finish the assignment yes!! i sent it in yesterday:’’’’’’’))))) felt so good to finally get it over with..  kajdfhbsxjds i got my work schedule for the summer and when i saw it i was just like..... goodbye social life.... i’m working so much i’m gonna die... TT oh well $$$$$ at least😂 
Idk if its on spotify tbh, recently all infinite discography disappeared from there, only some albums are left idk... try youtube or something!! asdfghjk i knooooooow japanese albums always get the best hair and clothing..... did you buy the album? i thought about it but it’s really expensive and tbh i feel like jpn albums tend to be disappointments.. 
aaaaaahhh don’t apologise!! i’m crying why are you so cute:’) RIGHT BACK AT YOU💕💕💕💕💕 you are the cutest and you deserve the world💕 i’m always here and i get so so so happy when i see a new message from you:’) I LOVE YOU CUTE ANON NEVER LEAVE ME💕 the semester is ending in one week so that’s great but i’m working most of the summer so that sucks and nothing else new is happening lol. i’ll only be working until the first week of august so i have some weeks at the end of the summer to relax if i don’t die before that lol. oh and i’m going on a trip in two weeks!☀️ what about you? anything new happening? any plans for the summer?☀️💕
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