#buffy please just gimme a chance
dollscircus · 2 years
imperium buffy please gimme a chance!!! i just want one
No thoughts just Buffy finding someone trying to sneak in to the place she guarding. Having them pinned to the ground with a boot to their chest.
“Aw~ look at you squirm. How pathetic.”
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paradox-n-bedrock · 5 years
This or That: Fanfiction Edition
Tagged by @concreteangel1221 (Thanks, I like this one and I like finding out what people are into.)
Slow burn or love at first sight?: I'm all about that slow burn, even if I suck at writing it.
Fake dating or secretly dating: Fake dating. I live for the awkward tension. If it's "secretly dating" I need a good reason. Not just "so-and-so is afraid to tell their family... for seemingly no reason." I want institutional disapproval/danger and heavy internal conflict.
“Oh no, there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence: I LOVE "there's only one bed," especially with a fuck ton of tension and maybe an edge of antagonism to the existing relationship. Plus I struggle to enjoy first person and epistolary fiction.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia: Hurt/comfort all the way. I have only enjoyed amnesia fic when they're not already dating and it's a short term issue, because it's more likely to avoid an uncomfortable dynamic.
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers: Enemies to lovers, but I like friends to lovers, too.
Mutual pining or domestic bliss: Mutual pining x1000. I just want to see them get together over and over again in different ways. I'm not much for established relationship fic.
Smut or fluff: YES. CAOS is probably the first fandom where I'm into fluff for fluffs sake, because it's so desperately needed that I almost feel bad writing angst? But smut that really digs deep into character dynamics and motivations is the absolute best and I have no shame about saying so. I'm also trying to get comfortable writing smut again and posting it with my username attached, haha.
Fantasy au or modern au: Neither. Slight preference for modern, because even with fantasy I'm more into urban fantasy (gimme vampires and witches and turning down the wrong alley to discover a whole new world). I know it's blasphemy, but I'm just not very into traditional AUs. I prefer canon divergence or, like, canon but two degrees to the left so the characters lives are slightly different. AUs have to be by an amazing author, or there has to be something about the scenario that I'm obsessed with or lends itself particularly well to the source material for me to even give it a chance. I will say I'm weak for a good averted soulmate AU, where everything else is similar, but it becomes all about choice and misunderstanding and pining.
Alternative universe or future fic: I will take AU over future fic.
Kid fic or road trip fic: Road trip. It's basically a quest in disguise. Kid fic and pregnancy fic are a hard no from me.
Canon compliant/missing scenes or fix-it: Fix it! I like missing scenes too, though, and love multiple canon compliant scenes eventually spinning off into a new plot.
Reincarnation or character death: Character death, if it's an ill-advised quest to return them to life. Reincarnation, if it fits the very specific criteria of being like a Xena Uber fic where they are both reincarnated and figure it out, and is probably also a historical fiction piece. I have no explanation for that predilection other than being a canon thing heavily featured in the Xena fandom.
One-shot or multi chapter: Yes, please. I'm weak for long fic, but who isn't?
Time travel or isolated together: Both please. Nine times out of ten, I hate time travel in canon, but I'm weak for the very silly sci-fi trope where a future, gayer and more badass version of a character comes back to change a crucial event.
High school romance or middle aged romance: Middle-aged romance. I don't feel super inclined to read about teenage romance.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage: Accidental marriage for sure. Especially as a sci-fi nerd with all the "whoops, we messed up that first contact/cultural exchange" tropes. Or "oh shit, that spell wasn't what we intended and now we're magically bound."
Sci-fi au or magic au: Depends on the fandom and story, but magic in most cases. I'm usually down for a Star Trek AU, though.
Neighbours or roommates: Neighbors! I like awkward strangers bumping into each other in the elevator.
Body swap or gender-bend: Gender-bend, if it's one of the few hetero pairings I still read occasionally. Someone write that Lorelai Gilmore/butch!Luce Danes epic I've always wanted. I'm also always down for an AU where a character is trans or non-binary.
Angst or crack: Angst for days.
Apocalyptic or mundane: Neither? Depends on what fits the fandom, really. Buffy? Apocalyptic. The Closer or Criminal Minds? Probably mundane.
I tag @infernumlilith @queenology @apotrcpaiic @euphoricnyctophilia @softlilith @moon-rise @asterleaf @saturn-silk @dedkake
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gwen-of-myth · 7 years
These Hands Stained Red
My Secret Santa fic for @merwin-me! The second chapter is going up soon as well! Read it on AO3 here! (for some reason Tumblr won’t let me insert a Read More)
"Ready," Stiles asks Peter, bat in lap as he switches gears. Peter nods, teeth gleaming in the pale moonlight. "Ready."
Stiles calls what they're doing Operation Kick Some Ass, and while crude, the name encompasses their overall goal surprisingly well. Scott never allows them the freedom to deal with supernatural threats, regardless of how dangerous it actually is to allow them all to live. So, each time after Scott lets enemies go, Peter and Stiles go on an impromptu 'road trip' to 'check up' on them. "Scott knew that witch was lying when she said she wouldn't kill again, he had to, but he just lets her go," Stiles growls angrily, foot slamming down on the gas. "All of them did. It's stupid." "And dangerous," Peter adds, more than pleased with Stiles.
"Good thing we're here, right?" "Indeed." Peter is, for once, relieved that he never turned Stiles, because if he had Stiles would know that every time they take one of these trips, Peter falls a little harder--it's all in his scent. It's difficult not to, when they are trading witty remarks and sarcastic smiles so often. After the first couple trips, Peter began to make it a point to grab him curly fries before every Pack meeting. After a few more, he began dropping off Stiles's favorite snacks at the Stilinski house every week. A month later, and Peter is struck by the realization that he is providing for Stiles. Fuck, Peter loves him.
"Uh, Peter, we're here. Get your big boy ass-kicking pants on, and let's start the show." He rolls his eyes and opens the jeep door.
"Please," Peter snorts. "I refuse to be told that by a teenager wearing neon orange tights." Stiles laughs, a loud, cheerful chuckle, making Peter go light headed for a moment. "Touché."
Afterwards, it has become a tradition for Peter to treat Stiles to a night of fun ("After all," Peter always reasoned, "it wouldn't do if I didn't. Tonight it had been decided to be arcade night, and Stiles promises to show him no mercy on Mariokart (what Stiles does not know is that Peter is very experienced at that exact game, as he enjoyed beating his siblings at it countless times when he was younger). "Dude, look! Air hockey! C'mon, c'mon, I haven't played air hockey in forever because Scott's always doing mushy stuff with Allison," Stiles pesters, pulling on the sleeve of Peter's v-neck with a mischievous grin. Peter lets himself be dragged further into the arcade, handing over tokens with a fond look as Stiles's repeats "Gimme, gimme!". Peter is surprised to find that despite his super fast reflexes and inhuman speed, he loses every time. Until he smells the waves of magic coming off of him. "Cheater," Peter accuses, more amused than anything. "I have no idea what you're talking about. You're just being a sore loser and not accepting my skills for what they are, old man!" Peter bares his teeth and growls playfully, and is filled with contentment when Stiles does the same back. This is the same Stiles that lit Peter on fire with a Molotov cocktail, Peter thinks, as he watches him chug a Mountain Dew. Sweaty, grinning, and so pretty that Peter wants to lean in and lick the salt off his neck. Peter suddenly finds himself in terrible need of adjustment. "Hey, Peter," Stiles suddenly says, breaking him out of his lecherous mindset. "it's almost summer, and dad's told me that if I wanted to spend it with someone, I could, 'cause I'm eighteen and all. I was thinking..." He looks at Peter with a worried smile, and Peter knows he's expecting him to reject him. Hell, he probably should, because there's no way he'll be able to resist the temptation of kissing Stiles a whole summer. "You want to spend it with me?" He hates how unsure he sounds, and the reasoning behind it. But Stiles just nods quickly, sheepishly, like the words embarrass him. "Scott and I aren't that close anymore, and I don't think I'd want to be with him anyways. But, uh, if you don't want to--" "I do," Peter interrupts. How could he not want him? How can he say no to Stiles when he's like this? Peter finds himself unable to answer either of those questions, though he desperately wants to. It would be better for Stiles to never learn that Peter feels this way about him. "Trust me, I most certainly do." Stiles flushes. "Great. I guess I'll text you later, then?" Peter nods distractedly.
Want to come over, Stiles texts him a couple days later.
Would that be wise?
Nah. but Buffy is on Netflix and you always bring the good popcorn to pack meetings
Peter scoffs. It's not my fault Derek never stocks up on proper movie snacks
Just come over. Please?
As if Peter could say no to such a request.
That's how Peter finds himself eating horribly unhealthy popcorn with Stiles at two in the morning. "You have butter on your chin, you heathen." Stiles wipes at his face, missing it entirely. "Did I get it?" "Here, just let me," Peter mutters, leaning forwards and capturing his chin. Peter licks his thumb and wipes the sticky substance away. "Got it." He starts to lean back, then falters. Stiles's doe eyes are big, and capture Peter in the most willing way. This close, Peter can see the individual hues in his eyes, and see that they are not only brown, but also gold and shimmer when the light hits them. Peter wants to drown in them, and he has to have fallen hard because that is the sappiest thing he's ever thought. "I want to kiss you right now," Peter says, and almost immediately regrets the words. He likes Lydia. There's no way. Peter can't-- "I want you to too," Stiles whispers. When their lips meet, Stiles sinks into it with a sigh, closing his eyes and curling a hand around Peter's shoulder, almost like he's trying to ground himself. Peter has to stop himself from shifting, the taste of Stiles testing his control like nothing before. He tastes like sugar and blood, and like everything Peter's ever wanted but never had the chance to have. He doesn't deserve this, he knows he doesn't, but that doesn't matter when Stiles's tongue (the same one Peter follows wetting his lips every single day) enters Peter's mouth. When they part, they're gasping. Peter is a little dazed, especially when he sees Stiles's eyes half-lidded like they are. "About damn time," Stiles growls, pushing Peter against the couch so he can capture his lips into another kiss, this one forceful and desperate. There are so many things Peter wants to say to him, but for now he just laughs into Stiles's mouth and brings his hands up to hold his cheeks. They have time.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Brief Biography
I feel suuuper rude that this wasn’t my first post on this site? Like? Where are your manners, you weren’t raised in a barn? So lemme introduce myself!
Some things I’m being asked frequently and just some general little facts about me, I guess that this is the best place to put them., Since my profile is always being abused for updating-schedules and such things. Also, let’s be real, I’m incapable of ‘brief’ so get comfy guys.
First of all, I’m a girl. Woman. I think that with 25 - I’m 25, by the way, which probably makes me a grandma on the internet, doesn’t it? - I should probably start referring to myself as that. Meh. I’m a lady. There, so much better. Other titles I answer to include goddess, high priestess of Nicercy, queen or majesty. Really, I’m totally not picky.
I’m also a lesbian. Not sure why my sexuality matters, but I am being asked about it often. I’m also the kind of author who legitimately lays on her floor laughing whenever she gets anonymous flames about my stories “being sooo gay” and me being “sooo gay”. Like, lol, sure, those stories are literally two dudes kissing and fucking? Can’t get much gayer? And I’m a rainbow-wielding lesbian? Can’t get much gayer either? Was this stating of facts meant to insult me? I am confused?
My username means a lot to me. The magenta-colored fox on my avatar is Takara, my namesake. She is kind of my mascot. So you can find me under that username on all the sites I'm on - Takara-Phoenix on DeviantArt, Takara Phoenix on fanfiction.net, Takara_Phoenix on AO3.
I’m from Germany, as those of you who are more closely familiar with my stories probably already know becuase I like to slip some German into my stories when the opportunity comes up.
I’m a poor little college student on her way to become a “high school” teacher (air-quotes because German school DOES NOT RESSEMBLE HIGH SCHOOL. What the fuck is wrong with the American school system. When I was a kid in elementary school, I was fucking terrified about secondary education because of high school TV shows and movies with all the bullying and the separation into “cool” and “uncool” groups and the clubs and that cafeteria thing with the traumatizing food and jocks and cheerleaders! We also don’t have things like multiple choice tests and high school lasts 8 years here if you do it right, so there’s that too).
I’m neither a cat-person nor a dog-person. I’m a bunny-person. Seriously, show me pictures of your cat and dog, I will be bored and annoyed, but if you gimme a floppy-eared little ball of precious fluff with its wiggly nose and I will swoon and fawn over it for hours.
Literally everything I own is purple. From the paint on my walls to my curtains and chair and pillows and blankets and glasses and even my damn laptop. If it’s purple, chances are I’ll pick it up or buy it. I think that’s why I relate to Percy Jackson so well, because of his obsession with blue. I’m just a little more hardcore than him.
Let’s move on to random favorites of mine, just because I like listing those kinda things.
Top 5 favorite pairings:
Favorite gays: Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Shere Khan/Bagheera (Jungle Book), Hiccup Haddock/Jack Frost (How to Train Your Dragon/Rise of the Guardians), Roy Harper/Dick Grayson (everything DC-related, I’d also retcon Dick into the Arrow-verse), Kurt Hummel/Noah Puckerman (Glee)
Favorite lesbians: Elphaba Thropp/Galinda Upland (Wicked), Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Tenho Haruka/Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon), Cat Grant/Kara Danvers (Supergirl, Arrow-verse but honestly I’d take it everywhere DC-related), Shego/Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Favorite straights: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow-verse, but I’d retcon her into literally everything DC-related for the sake of Olicity), Hades/Persephone (everywhere; Percy Jackson, Disney, myths, Class of Titans), Discord/Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Clark Kent/Diana Prince (the DC animated movie universe, but really retconned into EVERYTHING DC), Ladybug/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Favorite threesomes: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland (Shadowhunters), Mick Rory/Leonard Snart/Barry Allen (Flash, Arrow-verse, but again everywhere DC please), Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (MCU, Avengers Assemble, but really everywhere Marvel), Shiro/Keith/Lance (Voltron: Legendary Defender), Hakuba Saguru/Kuroba Kaito/Kudou Shinichi (Detective Conan, Magic Kaitou)
Favorite characters:
Male: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who), Jace Wayland (Shadowhunters), Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Tony Stark (MCU, Avengers Assemble, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes)
Female: Elphaba Thropp (Wicked), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter), Felicity Smoak (Arrow), Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones), Janet van Dyne (Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, THE MCU WHERE SHE AND HANK SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN INSTEAD OF SCOTT LANG AND FUCKING USELESS HOPE VAN DYNE)
Favorite shows:
Life-action: Buffy, Relic Hunter, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time (the show ended with the season 6 finale though), Shadowhunters
Cartoon: Disney’s Jungle Cubs, Disney’s Recess, DreamWorks’ Dragons, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
Anime: Sailor Moon, Haikyuu!!, One Piece, Kekkai Sensen | Blood Blockade Battlefront, Magic Kaitou/all Detective Conan episodes with Kaitou KID
Favorite movies:
Anastasia, Rise of the Guardians, The Road to El Dorado, FernGully, Mulan
Favorite books:
literally everything Gregory Maguire writes, the Alice in Wonderland series (meaning the first two books by Lewis Carroll and the third book written by Gregory Maguire for the 150th anniversary of Alice), the Bartimaeus series (written by Jonathan Stroud), the Wicked-series (written by Gregory Maguire), the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (written by Rick Riordan, not including the sequels), and I swear I’ll get around to finishing The Mortal Instruments at some point too
I feel like that sums me up pretty well and I also feel like this is already way too long for a “brief” intro to who I am. I really need to learn how to keep things short. And if you read all the way up to this point, congratulations and damn I am concerned about how bored you must have been...
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