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Sex on the Beach (Not the drink) || Duke & Frannie
Who: Duke Wilde & Frannie Fabray.
When: The weekend of the Madison’s Hamptons party.
Where: The beach.
Notes: Already angry at each other for a misunderstanding, the two exes cross paths on the beach. As always, the two resolve the issue the best way they know how.
Warnings: Anger sex, smut, and more smut.
The hypnotic slush of gentle ocean waves were finally bringing a little bit of peace to Frannie. She had been especially overwhelmed as of late with not one, but two major photoshoots on her plate, as well as her own personal affairs. She’d always been one to plaster on a smile and pretend that she was just as perfectly happy as she appeared on the outside, and it seemed to fool everyone. Perhaps even Duke at times, and he knew her best. /Duke/. The name alone sparked contradictory feelings within the model. She missed him, and truthfully, not having him was a lot of what had her so depressed deep inside. Along with a hatred of herself, but that was a whole other story. Currently though, she was still steamed about him hanging out with Paige. She wanted to believe Duke that it was nothing more than business, but it seemed easier to deny it, just in case it became more. It was also easier to try and move on when they were fighting… or at least, that’s what she told herself. Skin kissed all afternoon from the sun was now a delectable shade of gold, and as the sunset faded Frannie remained there on the beach, finishing her last of several drinks before uncorking the bottle of her favorite wine that she had packed and kept chilled all afternoon. She had been saving it for a special occasion, but decided now was as good a time as any. What was better than sand, fireworks, and drinking away her cares? It was getting a little chilly now, so Frannie threw a sheer white cover-up over her matching string bikini as she settled back into the little cabana she had brought, enjoying the tranquility. Sure, guys had been checking her out all day, and there were some cute ones, but Frannie wasn’t in the mood. She was still pissed at Duke, even if she had no right to be. Forgoing a glass, the blonde brought the large bottle of wine directly to her lips, sucking down a couple of tingly swallows as she closed her eyes and tried to pretend she was escaping the real world for a while.
The Hamptons always seemed to hold a special sway over Duke whenever he made it out to the island. The Wildes owned a beach house of their own here, much like the bulk of the UES, but Duke didn’t use it all that often. Most of the time he preferred the city anyways, but whenever he did make the trip out it was always a good time. This was no exception, Madison and Mason had put on a great holiday party… there was just one thing keeping him from truly enjoying himself. Frannie was pissed at him, as usual, and keeping to herself. The latest drama between them had to do with a business date he had with a rival of hers, which despite assurances that it was strictly business she refused to believe it. Though Duke tried not to let it ruin his trip it was hard at times, and now as the night sky beckoned his thoughts were getting the better of him. Taking a walk away from the beach house, a freshly cracked IPA in hand, he roamed the beach and took in the rolling waves along the sandy shore as he took swigs of his drink. The fireworks wouldn’t be too much longer, but moody as he was he knew he couldn’t enjoy in the group anyways. As he happened upon a small cabana in the middle of the sand, curiosity got the better of him and he stopped for a look. That’s when he noticed it wasn’t actually empty, and before he knew it he was exchanging looks with the resident within… Frannie. Well this was bound to create fireworks of their own. “So this is where you’ve been hiding yourself. Who needs others, I can see you brought some friends of your own, Fran.” Gesturing to the bottle of wine and other scattered drinks inside the area. “Are you having fun?” There was a slightly biting tone to his words, ones he really didn’t even mean that much, but couldn’t help. As it usually was when it came to her.
The Hamptons never failed to give Frannie a nice time, and she was grateful to be there rather than stuck at home while everyone enjoyed their fourth of July together. Even so, she wasn’t having the best time. The quiet was nice and not too many people had bothered her, but her heart was still hung up on this thing with Duke. Even if they weren’t together anymore, she hated being on bad terms. He was the one person that truly got her, and now surrounded by empty drinks she was reminded just how alone she was. After taking some swigs of wine, it was a familiar voice that had blue eyes peeling back open, to be met with equally shocking ocean orbs. There /he/ was. Frannie had told Duke to stay away if they crossed paths this week, but the truth was, she didn’t want that. If anything, she hoped it might make him want her more. “Yeah, well. I didn’t want to spoil anyone’s party with my mood. Especially yours,” she snapped back, a bitter chuckle befalling the blonde. Downing another long swallow, Frannie then set the bottle aside, her eyebrow arching as she caught on to the sharp tone in his voice. It shot a chill up her spine, and yet, anything Duke said was somehow undeniably sexy. “Best friends I have,” she retorted as the light wind blew her cover up open. Frannie didn’t bother to fix it though. Duke looked incredible in the glow of the setting sun; enough that she couldn’t look away even if she wanted to. “Yes, I’m having such a blast. Can’t you tell?” she quipped sarcastically, steely eyes catching his fully. “How about you?” Of course, typical Frannie always had to get her shots in. “I’m surprised to see you alone still. Then again, the night is young. Will Paige be joining you or did you find someone else to keep your bed warm tonight?” Her own tone dripped with sourness as she reached for the wine and again tipped her head back for more. Her words were beginning to slur a little, but honestly, Frannie didn’t care how shitfaced she got. “Why are you talking to me? I thought we agreed not to.”
There was little doubt in his mind that running into Frannie was yet another example of the universe trying to keep them at odds, yet in each other’s orbit constantly. And the truth was seeing her only weakened his resolve a bit more towards the blonde. Duke hated to feel weak, and lashed out slightly with his tone dripping more with condescension. Frannie caught it immediately and didn’t hold back either, her reply short but obvious too. He was about to reply back again when her cover fell open thanks to a gust of wind off the water, and the momentary pause as Duke drank in Frannie’s to-die-for body had him stuck. Luckily she didn’t seem to notice too much, adding how much of a blast she was having. “Oh, the greatest time,” he answered sarcastically right back. His eyes narrowed again as she again brought up her rival as if she was some sort of fling instead of the business associate she actually was. “No Paige, nobody else, not that it’s any of your concern. I’m here on my own, to have a good time and celebrate the day.” Watching her reach for the wine again and take a chug of it, he matched her as he took a heavy slug of his beer as well. “You agreed not to talk. I just went along with it, but now I feel differently.” His vision narrowed again, focusing on Frannie’s face. Those eyes, the lips… it all still got under his skin no matter what he did. “And just how many guys have hit on you today, by the way? And don’t tell me none, that bikini’s not just the showing kind.” Taking a couple of steps forward, Duke reached out to brush his hand over the thin cover still hanging off of Frannie. “And this isn’t fooling anybody.
At least if they were fighting it meant there was something worth fighting /for/– right? Goosebumps scurried over her golden flesh with the wind, but Frannie was too engrossed by Duke’s eyes, and the clench of his strong, chiseled jaw to pay a bit of mind whether he even noticed or not. Apparently neither of them were enjoying themselves, but Frannie was still fighting him, sniping about her enemy or other potential hook-ups for the night. She was still guzzling more wine down, but daintily, and as Duke proceeded to match with his own beer, Frannie swallowed more. With the amount in her system already she was feeling a buzz now, her eyebrows cinching together at his retort. “You’re right, it’s not my business. But I don’t know why you would want to take time out of your precious evening to talk to me.” Feeling his gaze strong on her, Frannie lifted her eyes to catch Duke’s as she slowly, sexily licked a little wine from her plush lips. A small gasp tumbled from her as Duke approached and brushed his hand over the barely there cover-up, her eyes narrowing as she spat back his own words. Hopefully he didn’t catch the way she shivered under his touch. “It’s none of your business. Besides, if you didn’t notice, they aren’t here now.” Sitting up more from her towel, a tiny, coy smile curled at Frannie’s lips. She was slurring a little more now, eyes glazed from the alcohol. “Who said I was trying to fool anyone? And what else would a bikini /be/ for other than showing off?” The latter she asked more daringly. They were approaching dangerous territory, but that was part of the allure between them. Tugging Duke down to his knees by the hand, Frannie grabbed the beer from him and took a small sip, purposely leaving the imprint of her lipstick on the container. Now at eye level and much closer than she’d meant for them to be, the blonde pushed the bottle back into Duke’s hand. “You know I like to remind others what they can’t have,” she rasped, their noses nearly touching. Her turn to be condescending back, she gave his cheek a little pat with her hand. “Now, why don’t you go back to your admirers? I’m sure you have plenty to choose from tonight.”
Duke couldn’t help but feel like getting into a fight with Frannie at least meant there was still some sort of flame burning between them, even if it was with them on bad terms now. Neither one was really mincing their words now, drinks and a day in the sun left them both unwilling to hold their tongues. She wouldn’t let it go, the issue with Paige and it just kept his irritation level up, at odds with the way he was staring at her licking her lips now too. She was the root of a conflict in his brain as usual, and with his hand lightly against her arm to feel the soft material of her see through cover up. Her coy response sounded almost cocky, and asking him right back what else a bikini would be for had him smirking hard. “For balling up and throwing on the ground of course.” It was nothing new for them to alternate between threats, arguments and flirting with one another. Whatever burned hotter at any given moment. Before he knew it she was pulling on his arm until he was kneeling in front of her, and taking the bottle out of his hand. Cocky Frannie was something he’d seen before a handful of times and she knew that it pushed his buttons; leaving her lipstick print on his beer bottle was more of a parting shot as she quipped about reminding people what they couldn’t have. And with a little pat of cheek she tried to send him on his way, but the way she dismissed him left Duke’s blood boiling now. “You know I don’t deal well with being sent on my way, Fran.” Glancing at the bottle and the lipstick now adorning it, Duke set it down beside him on the ground. “And since you seem to be so damn good at being mouthy tonight, maybe what I really want is an apology.” Lifting his hand up, Duke placed two fingers against Frannie’s ruby red lips as if to quiet her. “Now be a good girl and tell me how sorry you are.” Leaning in closer to her again, Duke could practically feel the anger rising from within the blonde now… and he couldn’t lie, it was exactly what he wanted to bring out of her.
Frannie simply kept fueling the fire between them; if nothing else, it would keep Duke around for a bit until he got an apology from her. He was just as relentless as she. It also didn’t help that he was even sexier than usual when his temper flared up - a trait that Frannie had perfected pulling out of him through the years. She was absolutely being cocky more than anything else, especially after having noticed the way he watched her every move. It irked Duke to the extreme, but wasn’t that the point? The model swallowed heavily as he explained what else a swimsuit was good for, the words burning in her ears and making her hotter than she wanted to admit. “Well as you can see I still have mine on. So far.” Sure, her move bringing him to his knees and tinging the bottle of his beer with her lipstick had been a little demeaning, but it seemed to be her words that stung even harder. Duke was getting pissed; she sensed it as his blue eyes grew stormy and nostrils flared; the blonde female’s lips curled into another smirk, proud that she was pushing his buttons just the way she wanted as she dismissed him. “Oh, I /know/ you don’t,” she chirped back, still donning a look of confidence as her hand slipped from his cheek and she handed back the bottle of beer, now left with her mark. She nearly chuckled at the idea that he wanted an apology, but quickly the tables turned as Duke was the one closing more space between them, his fingers pressing almost threateningly against her plush lips. A mix of anger and arousal swarmed inside Frannie; he was talking down to her again, and yet something about the way he said it also had her desperate to get her hands on him. Usually by now they’d be jumping each other’s bones. Frannie tried to retain her poise, even if she had to swallow back a delicate groan. Her body was warm for more reason than one now; wide blue eyes trapped his gaze before narrowing as her own jaw clenched in frustration. Her features hardening and eyes darkening as they practically eye-fucked him, Frannie rasped against his digits, the dare slightly muffled still by his touch. “We both know I’m never a good girl.” Pausing, her eyes brimmed with a reckless glint. “/Make/ me.”
If there was one thing Duke was sure of it was that Frannie could push his buttons unlike anyone else, she knew exactly how to get him fired up every time. His muse about her bikini took things into more dangerous territory, and Frannie’s response only kept him staring at her. She really was hotter than was humanly possible, and being brought down to his knees by her only filled him with more anger. Leaving a kiss on his beer bottle and talking down to him certainly didn’t help either, but he wasn’t ready to concede this fight yet either. His fingers on her lips as he talked down to her again left her seemingly enraged right back, though he did take note of the way her eyes were darkening a shade or more. A comment about never being a good girl was what really landed for him, and a dare that Duke make her apologize finally broke whatever resolve he had within him. Clenching his jaw and swallowing back a hearty groan, Duke’s fingers left her lips as he reached out and pawed at Frannie’s thighs before him. “Oh I’ll make you, it’s what I’m best at,” he hissed, pulling Frannie towards him without warning and launching into a desperate, fiery kiss with the blonde supermodel. He wasn’t in a mood to give her the chance to disagree or fight back, whenever they got in a zone like this it meant all rationality was out the window. He knew her well enough to realize that she wouldn’t actually push him away; if ever she had he wasn’t the type to keep going but there was no sign forthcoming. Instead he only felt her pushing right back with the instant passion mixed with fury, Duke pulling Frannie closer to him and laying more on her back on the lounge chair. Pulling up so that he was on top of her, feeling her body beneath his gave Duke an immediate rush of adrenaline. Pulling his lips off hers for just a moment, “You had this all planned, didn’t you?” he accused her, pinning Frannie down beneath him and grinding against her. “Fuck” he spat out, practically tearing the see-through wrap off of her body and then moved his mouth to her bare shoulder, though he didn’t stop there and began to travel down to her ample cleavage.
Frannie and Duke were both fuming now; they’d taken their shots at each other, and knowing good and well that he wanted an apology, it was the last thing she intended to give him. At least, for a while. A devilish grin took over Frannie’s features at Duke’s response to her dare. That smoldering look had her yearning for much more of him, no matter how much her heart told her it wasn’t smart. This was usually how things wrapped up with her ex– fights, angry sex, and eventually, forgiveness. Although both were very forward about going for what they wanted, the model still emitted a shocked gasp as Duke’s fingers fled to her thighs, reeling her in closer as he promised to /make/ her. Now in a trance, locked onto his deep blue eyes and already wavering beneath his touch, Frannie couldn’t find the strength to threaten again; already his power was influencing her. As his lips heatedly mashed against her, Frannie whimpered, her lips immediately parting to allow his tongue room to explore and savor the familiar taste of her. He knew way too well that the instant they got started Frannie would be putty in his hands, and unable to stop herself from getting and giving all that she desired. Her tongue wrestled against his searingly, every so often parting for air she’d give his lip a hard nip back, still teeming with anger as well as obvious arousal. However, Frannie had Duke right where she wanted him– where she always loved him to be, and when he laid her back and made a point to take more control as he hovered atop her, the eldest Fabray whined loudly as his lips left hers to hiss more words. At first Frannie didn’t answer his accusations; she simply flashed him a harsh glare from below, her expression fading into one of pure ecstasy the very second Duke began grinding against her. “I really was pissed!” she pointed out in a pathetic, raspy tone, as Duke’s curse and heavy hips pressing into hers were only riling the blonde up further. “Oh my god,” she huffed as he ripped at her cover up, the shredded garment falling into the sand while Duke’s mouth began to travel the expanse of soft skin. Frannie’s thighs parted a little wider for him before wrapping about his waist, strengthening the friction between them as she moaned at his lips raining over her curvy breasts. “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of that,” Frannie quipped, dropping her fingers into Duke’s hair; they curled around his soft blonde locks tightly, her own hips swiveling up to roll firmly against his, taunting. Raking her nails along the back of his neck, Frannie grasped at the collar of Duke’s shirt, pulling it over his head and off. “But we /did/ agree we’d find better options here…” she trailed, rolling Duke off of her and then tackling him to the plush blanket under the cabana tent, protecting them from the sand. Hovering over him now, she smirked and stole a rough kiss as she moved to straddle his thighs. “We both know…” she continued husking, biting a little roughly at his lower lip and then jaw before softening to kiss a trail up to his ear. “There’s no one better than us.”  
Both of them knew full well that whenever things got this heated, it was only going to end up one way. Naked and writhing around with each other, indulging completely in the animalistic lust they shared. His hands gripped her thighs and slid her towards him, and as soon as he lay on top of her, lips pressing against soft skin he could feel her whimper as she relaxed, yet still managed to glare at him through darkened lids. But a slow grind of arousals even through swimsuits gave her a new, more pleased look even as she professed to have been pissed off. A slightly bemused smirk came upon his features, and tearing the barely-there coverup from her body had her sharply accusing him now. “You should still be pissed,” he muttered against sun kissed skin. “I still am.” Her fingers fleeing into blonde locks on his own scalp, soon she had his own shirt pulled up and off of him too. As his mouth left heated impressions on her chest she protested their goal to find better options before admitting what both already knew- there were none. A low chuckle escaped him at that, and seconds later it was Frannie taking over control as she pushed him off and to the covered ground in the cabana; her turn to straddle him now Duke found himself looking up at the desirable blonde as she began to kiss him just as fiercely as he had before. Moreso, biting his lip harshly at first as she mused directly into his ear that very same fact that nobody was better than them. Duke groaned in response, throbbing beneath his swimsuit and agitated hands roughly pawed at her body. “Damn right.” His words were at just above a whisper now. “Nobody better.” Both hands firmly on her ass now, he squeezed her roughly and gave Frannie a slap, then let one slip up the curve of her back to yank at the string ties of her bikini top. To delay the inevitable was just wasting time now, for what both of them were after and as he relieved her of the top portion of her bikini Duke smirked into another desperate, needy kiss between them. Her taste was on his tongue, something he craved always, and allowing himself to enjoy it came with a hand brushing through lustrous mane of blonde hair too. “Oh jesus,” he muttered against her lips, and his other hand snaked up between them to squeeze her breasts now. “I hope you know how much I intend to fuck you silly tonight, Frannie,” he growled, and soon his lips grazed at her exquisite jawline. “So I hope you don’t have plans to enjoy any other fireworks than these.” Tugging on her hair now, Duke pressed his hips upwards against hers, desperate to relive the pressure of grinding from before. “Now get on.”
Frannie couldn’t help but whimper as their hips built up the heat and his lips gave attention to her silky skin and cleavage. She didn’t even curse him for ripping her clothes; she was too turned on and happy that he seemed as equally eager to fulfill the addiction they both had. “Never said I wasn’t still,” she breathed back in a whispy tone, digits curling around his hair and pulling a little roughly as Duke’s magical mouth continued lavishing her with attention. “Mm, good. I like it when you’re angry and rough with me.” Frannie purred at his ministrations, and didn’t wait for his permission before yanking his own shirt off. She took back some control by tipping him back onto the ground and moving to straddle Duke, a sexy smile constantly playing at her lips as she started to warm his skin with a wake of kisses, between nips and bites. Frannie felt her heart beat more rapidly when Duke agreed with her express that there was nobody better than them; his own vocalization caused her stare to soften on him, albeit it briefly. The second his hands were clutching and then proceeded to slap her firm brought back that girlish groan and deep, ocean blue orbs. Biting her lower lip at the swat, she still managed to let a little cry slip from Duke’s actions. She could feel his fingers inching up her spine to tug the strings of her top free; Frannie shivered slightly at the breeze from the beach hitting her, along with the skimming of his fingers over her skin. She kissed him harder, attempting to muffle her moans with his mouth, but instead they simply echoed between them, growing louder as his hand flew into her hair and began running through golden tousled waves. She hated how much power he had over her, and yet, loved it all the same. Duke was undeniably the most stunning, gorgeous man she’d ever known and being with him like this she knew was a luxury. “Mmph, you better,” she whined against his lips as Duke groped her breasts and voiced his in intentions to fuck her silly that night, nipples perking in reaction. Her nails skated over his scalp before continuing a trail along his perfect torso, her head lolling back as she felt rough lips brushing along her angelic jaw. “These were the only fireworks I was hoping to see tonight,” Frannie confessed raspily, the yank of her hair driving her forward again so that her nose was practically nudging his, and she tried to match his hips with her own. “Like I’m going to do what /you/ say,” she teased, grinding her hips down against his a little harder before shimmying low enough to tug Duke’s swimsuit down to his knees. She didn’t give a damn if anyone saw them. At least it would be tattooed then that Duke was forever hers. Dipping her face between his thighs, Frannie let her tongue trail languidly over the tip of his cock, smirking as it twitched with the work of her mouth. Her eyes sought his again as her lips fully engulfed his thickness, not giving him any time at all to adjust. Enveloped completely by her mouth, Frannie gave Duke’s cock a few firm suckles as she hummed against him, wetting his length. Slivering back up his body to her former position, she dropped her lips to Duke’s neck, sinking her teeth gently into his flesh as she sucked at his pulse point, ensuring to leave a mark. Her wrist wrapped around his cock, giving it diligent strokes as she taunted the tip of it with her soaking wet folds. “Tell me how badly you want me.”
Hearing her admit to still being pissed off with him strangely made Duke happier, if only because an angry Frannie could be that much more reckless when it came to sex and right now, simple and sweet wasn’t what either one of them were looking for. She admitted to the same thought process now, happy he was being a little rougher too now. His shirt came off next and once he found himself on the ground she was there on top of him, toned thighs holding him down as she showered him with kisses and bites of skin, and not even when they both added how there was nobody better than the two of them did it calm things down. A slap of her ass had Frannie purring, their kisses intensely fierce now and as he untied her top and relieved her of it Duke’s hands began to rub her down now. Declaring his intentions brought about a demand from Frannie, agreeing that the fireworks between them tonight would be the hottest and only ones needed. “Good, that’s all we’re going to get.” Pulling her hair to bring her close to his face, she resisted the temptation to do what he ordered her to, almost playfully. Instead, she pressed against him harder giving a jolt of electricity, and Frannie sexily managed to wriggle down his body low enough to pull on his swimsuit, dragging it down low enough to expose him to her. Her mouth sought him out and without any buildup she took him within her mouth, the familiar but tantalizing warmth surrounding him now and causing Duke to gasp in ultimate pleasure. “Oh fuck!” His startled groan lasted a few moments as she released him though, ultimately just teasing him as she pulled herself back up his body further and gave him another little bite on the neck, then switched to marking him. Duke’s body rippled with anticipation again, and as he felt her hand wrapped around his manhood again and gave it a few deliberate strokes she began to press the tip against her sex. She demanded to know how bad he wanted her, and in this moment Duke knew he was bested by his ex. “Jesus, this is blackmail, Frannie. God I want you, I want you more than anything right now,” he growled. She started to ease him inside of her, but Duke wasn’t having the wait. Sliding right inside of her, it was the elder Wilde that filled the supermodel right away. Fully sheathed inside of her, their bodies took a moment to adjust to the sudden jolt but just as quickly Duke started to move his hips against Frannie. The deliriously amazing feeling that this gave him led to Duke roughly taking another kiss from his ex-girlfriend, their tongues pressing heatedly to one another as he slid in and out of her with quick bursts. Digits kept her bikini bottoms pushed aside as they screwed one another right there on the ground, Duke’s pulse racing as his other hand held to the slope of her back. “This doesn’t change anything between us,” he huffed as he thrust inside of her sharply again.
While sex of any sort with Duke was mind-blowing, there was nothing better than unleashing that pent up energy so recklessly. As clothes began falling to the ground, both of the blondes’ mouths explored their ex’s skin without awaiting permission. Frannie had managed to take back some control and pin Duke down; strong thighs and firm hips kept him cemented beneath her, but once D began pawing and squeezing at her chest and threw more roughness into the mix as he smacked her ass, she could feel her power fading. Gentle cries and groans filled the small cabana tent, and the model nodded in agreement. “/Our/ finales are much better anyway,” she husked, though the express pitched into a piercing whimper as Duke tugged her down to his face since she resisted his order. She was partly being playful, but all the same trying to rile him up further; working her hips against his, it wasn’t long before the blonde was down on her knees, unleashing Duke’s thick cock and drinking in the sight with darker eyes than before. Immediately she sank his length between her lips after a few swipes of tongue, gauging his reaction. The curse he emitted and the way sheathed shaft hardened even more in her mouth left Frannie grinning around his manhood as she performed taunting suckles. As much as she loved teasing him, Frannie too was soaked now and vying to have some sort of stimulation, so she wiggled back atop him, teasing them both with long drags over her warm sex. Of /course/ she’d leave a mark on him… possibly more by the time they were done. Ordering Duke to answer her request, his response drew a small smirk to kiss-swollen pout. “It’s not blackmail… you have a choice.” Her expression rose to a mischievous smile when Duke admitted he wanted nothing more than to fuck her; however, a gentle guidance inside of her was quickly expedited as Duke rammed inside of her sharply. “Fuck, D! Oh fuckkk!” she whined desperately, clamping blue eyes shut as he plowed inside of her; Frannie tried to catch her breath, but she didn’t have enough time and gasped the second his hips started to jut, impaling her in deft drives. It was an incredible, indescribable– starry-eyed connection, and as silky tongues rolled against each other, all Frannie could do was moan and breathe into his mouth with each collision. Her hands had wandered into Duke’s hair and the sides of his neck, her back arching into his hand spooning her closely. However, Duke’s words shot straight through the heart, and not necessarily in a good way. She wasn’t sure if he was talking about this not changing the boiling anger between them, or that this wouldn’t bring them back together. For a brief second she faltered, biting the inside of her cheek in case he meant the latter. She wanted to remind Duke what he was missing though - that no one would be better for him no matter how hard he tried. “Got it,” she huffed coldly and began to meet his thrusts. Sinking and bouncing on his cock in rapid motions, Frannie kept her eyes squeezed shut to avoid him reading her. Now she was livid. And a little hurt. Nails dug crescent shapes into his shoulder blades while glorious breasts bounced with each ride, which came rougher with each drop. “I better be the only one you still fuck like this,” she hissed, referring to the fact that there wasn’t anything separating skin from skin.
Their combined prowess at getting physical had always made it extra special when they got together, from young teenagers to the adults they were today some things may have changed but this was the one constant- nobody could make one another feel as good as they could. Letting himself be a little rougher with her right now was encouraged, Frannie’s gasps and mewls echoing in Duke’s brain as she agreed that their fireworks beat the real ones any day. Pulling her into another heated kiss, her hand searching out thick manhood and teasing him with slow drags through wet folds; Frannie began to sink onto him but with a sharp thrust he was in her faster, enough to elicit a loud string of curses before drawing in a deep breath. All at once the pleasure came at them both, the rhythm of his thrusts causing her impeccable body to shudder. Kissing her again fiercely, the familiar taste of Frannie Fabray left Duke reeling just a little bit. Despite their breakup some three years ago they’d continued to find themselves falling into bed with each other now and then, like a junkie needing that fix. With a hand on her back she arched into him, and in a breathless voice he pointedly told her that it changed nothing… her cold reply was still a bit shocking to him, yet the way it spurred her on to more heated collisions and starting to bounce on top of him felt incredible. “Good,” he barked back, trying to catch his breath for just a moment but her movements were too perfect. He’d really only been talking about their current fight, the truth was he had no idea what the future held for them but as far as he was concerned things were anything but decided for them. “Oh god,” he mumbled as he watched her continue to rise and fall on his thickness harshly, while the warning that spilled from her mouth had him tilting his head back and shutting his eyes for a moment. “Who else would deserve this but you?” he gasped, knowing full well she was referring to sex without protection. Not that there was very much of a history that didn’t involve Frannie but he wasn’t naïve enough to believe that they were each other’s only conquests either. She was the only one he’d even consider this with, however. “Fucking you is like breathing, I need it to survive,” he snarled, gripping her tighter at the waist and encouraging her to speed up each plunge onto him, before his hand slipped to Frannie’s ass and he gave it another smack. “And I better be the only one you fuck like this.” Duke’s jealousy didn’t even want to think about any other man putting his hands on her, and certainly not without barrier like he could. Though their furious assault on one another had him throbbing like mad, keeping this going for longer than just a few minutes would require a little planning ahead. He struggled slowly to get into a sitting position, Frannie still sitting on his lap impaled but their bodies now able to press right against each other as their mouths came alive again, roughly battling each other for control. “I may have to rip those bottoms off of you just like your wrap.”
Frannie now was a mix of emotions as she sunk onto Duke’s cock and whimpered as he pushed inside of her abruptly. She was still angry, but this was also her safe place– her haven. Being with him no matter how good or bad the circumstances or fights might be, counted for something. Or so she told herself. Both cursed in extreme pleasure with their connection, their lips and tongues seeking each other as if they’d been in a drought for years. Frannie poured every ounce of passion into her bounces as she rode Duke’s generous thickness with expertise; her own lips suckled on his– nipped, bit… tongue curled among his own wet muscle, seeking every last breath from him. Her nails skated through tufts of now messy blonde hair, her spine shivering with the touch of his fingertips holding her into place and so flushed as they could manage. His words struck a chord with Frannie though, and she wasn’t sure whether he was speaking generally, or of their latest blow-up. Assuming the worst (as always), her eyes blazed with a new hardness to them, and biting her lip harshly, Frannie supplied him with a steely reply as she started to glide up and down his shaft with firmer falls. Her nails curled viciously into Duke’s shoulder blades, leaving crescent imprints that would keep her mark on him for days… much like the bruise she’d already given on his neck. Duke’s pleased retort only drove her to become even rougher; Frannie mewled slightly at his stinging words, her hips began working overtime, as each collision drew groans from the girl. She spat a warning about being the only one he shared such a deep, /bare/ connection with; Frannie’s eyes fluttered open through heavy lashes as she watched his contorting features, continuing her stride. His answer had her heart racing even faster– it wasn’t a complete shock, but hearing it from his lips secured Frannie at least for a while. Her pout tilted into a tiny smile; she knew neither were completely abstinent, but their history still remained strong and influencing. “Fuck!” she cried sharply as Duke swatted her ass and clutched her more wantonly, his strong grip and sexy snarl provoking raspy moans from his ex. “You’re right, I am the only one that deserves it.” Trapping his upper lip between both of hers, Frannie gave it a hard suckle as she panted against his mouth. “You aren’t the only one that needs their fix.” She /loved/ whenever Duke got jealous; usually she was more vocal about her emotions, but it was always clear and present when he felt challenged. Gazing deeply into his piercing blue eyes from above as she rode him at an expedited pace, a bemused expression took her over and her hands rose a little, just enough to wrap about his neck. She wasn’t going to actually choke him, of course, but the two were known to get quite rough especially when they were pissed off. “Are you going to punish me if you’re not?” Frannie tempted, her fingers slightly curling a little more into the sides of his strong neck, using his body to propel herself on his cock furiously. As much as she loved this control, she was glad when Duke shifted their positions. She wasn’t yet ready for this to end, and it proved he wasn’t either. Now they could be a little more intimate– bodies flush, her ample chest melded to his athletic one as Frannie slowed her hips to drag things out. Instead she gave languid swivels against him, her hands releasing Duke’s neck finally and finding purchase at his back instead. “Mm,” she moaned as their mouths again collided, not wasting a single breath that couldn’t be shared to savor the taste of each other. “Of course you’re the only one,” she was sure to chime in breathlessly between thorough swipes of supple tongue, referring to her remark. “And if I have it my way, you’ll always be the only one to fuck me like this.” Frannie’s nails dragged slowly down Duke’s spine, leaving even more marks in their wake. She was claiming him any way that she could. One hand flew into his soft hair, tugging Duke’s lips away from hers and to her own neck, enticing him to make his claim as well. “They do have strings, you know,” she half-giggled, running fingers through his hair as her hips continued steady rolls. “Ripping is way sexier though, and suits you. So long as you don’t mind me strutting back to the beach house naked.”
When they were getting along, the sex between them was beyond incredible. But the inevitable times that a fight was the cause of an angry tryst, it usually led to something else entirely. No less incredible, but with more fury and primal lust as Duke and Frannie tried to quell the fire. This was no different, their days-long arguments leading to lots of pent up tension that could only be sated with angry sex. Not giving her the chance to prepare as he entered Frannie roughly, the gasps coming from her as he filled her so suddenly brought the blonde supermodel to a whimper at first. It wasn’t long though before she was at a full ride, swiveling hips pushing back against every thrust of the male Wilde’s body. With each and every impalement their bodies shook, racked with pleasure as she stole kisses from him, tongues moving against each other for domination. Duke groaned with pleasure as her hands slipped through his hair, grazing scalp and with a few extra words shared between them, mostly to keep up the furious tone between them than anything Frannie began to bounce even harder on him, her nails also biting into his skin. She was mad, he was mad, and it was glorious. Duke knew he’d be wearing signs of this evening for days of course, which was nothing knew in the UES, although the source would likely be of some debate once the paparazzi got a good look at them. Demanding to know that she was the only one he’d dare do this with sans protection, he at least owed it to her to admit that was the case. Frannie had been part of his life for so long that it didn’t seem to be an issue for them; a thought he’d never take lightly with anyone else… were there anyone else. A slap to her ass left her cursing out in pleasure, and the pleasure she took in knowing it was only a privilege allowed her was obvious. Both needing their fix of each other she kissed him again, hard, and as waves of jealousy overtook Duke again Frannie upped the ante just a little and placed her hands around his throat, looking down at him with heavy-lidded lust and something close to a grin. She knew his jealousy could be as potent as her own. “You’re damn right I am,” he spat out between deep breaths; “Right after I remind you why I’m the best.” She was using the leverage gained by her grip of his neck to slam harder and harder down onto him, pushing him deeper inside of her now, but Duke knew to make this last they’d need to change things up a little bit soon. Pulling up to more of a seated position now, she remained seated on his lap as they pressed together, faces barely an inch from each other as her hands lifted and moved to his back instead while she slowly ground against him, allowing a bit of a break from the rough stuff. His lips were back to a smirk when she admitted that he too was the only one allowed such a privilege. He liked the answer, kissing her back and groaning as her nails dragged against his skin. “Good, and how often do you not get your way?” His comment about ripping the bottoms of her bikini off of her had her giggling, hips not ceasing their movements. “If the day ever comes that I do mind you being naked, consider this permission to shoot me.” Duke’s arms wrapped around Frannie fully, embracing her tightly as nipples pressed hard against his own chest, and again he started to move as he lifted her up enough to lay Frannie down on the towel. Withdrawing from her reluctantly, Duke hovered over the gorgeous blonde and gave a little tug to loosen the bikini ties, then ripped them fully off of her with a harder smirk. “It does suit me better, you’re right.” Tossing them aside, Duke lowered himself to between Frannie’s thighs, spreading them apart for full access and began to use his tongue against sensitive folds, collecting a taste of her that had him groaning. Slipping inside of her again, Duke’s mouth began to tease her with quick intrusions, going down on his ex-girlfriend and causing her breath to hitch with his movements. All that time, his eyes never leaving hers.
Frannie didn’t know what their future held, and Duke’s words were still ringing in her ear that this wouldn’t change anything, resulting in a more erratic than usual supermodel fucking him with hard bounces and heated nails carving their way into his flesh. They did always manage to wind up together again at some point though, so it was the little bit of hope she had left to hold on to. They were practically stealing breath from each other with their kisses and Frannie knew good and well that Duke would be marked up with her claim before they were done. She couldn’t ignore the way her heart fluttered though at the very idea that she was still the only one he’d be so… connected to this deeply, but she also couldn’t resist drawing out his own jealousy by at first not confirming it worked both ways. Frannie hissed as he slapped her ass, her grip firm but not enough to choke him as she used his neck and chest for leverage to pummel his cock deep and quick inside of her. He was undoubtedly the sexiest man she’d ever know, but the anger burning in his eyes at the mere thought of another guy being with her like this only egged Frannie on. She still wanted to be that girl he desired above all else, just as she felt about him. A wicked green covered her lips, blue eyes nearly black as she remained sought on his gaze and rode his length with reckless abandon. “Maybe I /want/ you to punish me. We’ve already established I’m never a good girl,” Frannie growled in response, a twinkle in her stare. She knew good and well that Duke was the best, yet, in a hurried whine she gasped that he “Prove it.” Her legs were starting to shake a little, stomach tightening as well as her muscles surrounding his shaft, signaling that it wouldn’t be long before she came undone. Duke took note and switched things up; still atop his lap, Frannie slowed her motions, allowing her hips to swivel more slowly against his as she tried to collect her breath. Her heart beat rapidly against Duke’s chest and she could feel his almost in sync; a tiny sigh tumbled from the blonde as his arms fully engulfed her frame, holding Frannie close as if he wasn’t ready to let go. Revealing that he was the only one that got her this way caused her smile to soften as Duke’s lifted into a smoldering smirk; her nails continued tracing up and down his back, this time leaving light lesions as a faint reminder that in a sense, he still belonged to her. As much as she loved the unabashed rough and tumble with him, Frannie has also missed their banter - the few lighthearted moments - and an intoxicated, rare giggle came from her as Duke threatened to rip off the rest of her swimsuit. “Duly noted,” she mumbled, pressing her lips to his again when Duke gave permission should he ever not want her naked around him. Assuming things were about to get rough once again, Frannie gasped as Duke pulled from her heat and instead laid her down to begin messing with the ties of her bikini bottoms. She moaned as he tore them from her sun-kissed skin, nodding in agreement as Duke finished her thought. “Definitelyyy,” she purred, hips jutting slightly the instant she felt his tongue swipe along wet folds. Truth be told, the few instances of hook-ups that weren’t with Duke were a quick fuck and that was that. He was still the only one she allowed to explore her this way or this much, so it shook her to the core as his wet muscles stirred up sensitivities in a new way. “F-Fuck, Duke,” she stammered softly, a hand immediately flying into his hair, her digits twisting and running over his scalp as her breath hitched with every motion of his mouth. Lifting to her elbows so that she could watch him tease her to the extreme, dark blue eyes kept firm on his, save from stealing glances at his mouth in action as her head lolled back in delight. The more his tongue taunted, Frannie’s knees bent in reflex, her toes curling and her entire body shuddered with whimper after mewl spilling from her. “S-Still the only one I want to see buried between my thighs,” she managed to hum, Frannie’s grasp of Duke’s hair clenching as she started to hold him a bit more firmly and needfully against her heat. Again her body began to tense up, his tongue darting in and out and flicking over her clit close to sending her over the edge. “I-If you don’t stop I’m gonna cum…” she warned, walls fluttering fervently as her thighs trembled.
The boldness of their every action wasn’t lost between them, both Duke and Frannie were acting a little rougher than normal with each other but it only further instigated the heat between them. Repeated slaps across her backside had Frannie riding Duke harder, atop him and bouncing with extra force as every kiss between them was a battle. Her hands were firm around his throat, enough to give her the leverage to keep pounding on top of him without actually choking him, though there were no doubt times where she probably had wanted to before. It brought him to begin slamming into her harder and faster again too, and with both gleefully demanding of the other that nobody else got to be as close to them as one another was it became a topic of Frannie wanting to be punished for being a bad girl, adding that she was never the good girl type. A challenge to prove it had Duke sitting more upright, taking Frannie into his lap and though still buried inside of her they were mashed together far more closely, tongues battling as usual as they made out. Her naked form pressed against his left Duke feeling primal, with a threat to rip off the rest of her bikini… which he did once he had her down on the ground lying on her back again. His darkened eyes gazed at her fully nude form, which he was already an expert on but nevertheless thrilled him every damn time he was in its presence. The moan that left her lips only encouraged him further, and quickly he ducked his head between open inviting thighs to take teasing licks against her before his tongue travelled deeper inside. Feeling the shake of her body as he explored her slowly, running along her walls and diving beneath the surface had her breathier than normal. His eyes didn’t deviate from her, once she propped herself up a little to watch him with eager intent Duke doubled down on the intensity, gripping thighs while he had his way with her and feeling her knees bend in response, he was smirking right into her skin to have her in such a state. Hearing her admit that he was the only one she wanted down there made Duke feel like a million bucks now, the shorter thrusts of tongue bringing the sounds from her still. He loved how she tugged on his hair while he worked upon her, to the point that she warned of how close she was to coming. As intense as it could be and as much as he wanted her to have that feeling, he wasn’t yet ready to give it to her. Lifting his head from her now he crept back up her body, pressing down with his on top of hers to try and quell the aches for the moment with a deep grind body to body. It had to be agonizing for her and he knew it, but the ultimate high would be so rewarding that he knew she’d forgive him… eventually. “Can’t have that… yet.” Catching her with another fiery kiss, he slipped next to her, spooning the blonde and lifted a thigh back against his own. Slowly he guided back into Frannie, and began anew thrusting inside of her at this new angle as his arms wrapped around her body and Duke buried his face into her neck. His warm breath was on her skin now as he repeatedly pulled her back against him, bracing her as hands roughly pawed over her breasts again and he slid in and out. Guttural moans came from his own throat now, trying again to build Frannie up to her high as the butterflies built in his own stomach too. “Can’t rush perfection.”
Their primal, rough fucking definitely didn’t do anything but encourage Frannie to keep picking fights with Duke. If it always led to incredible, mind-blowing angry sex, then who on earth was she to stop that. Even between breathy banter and harsh hips though, one thing was clear– that they both definitely had the hots for each other. Often Frannie worried that flame Duke held for her might fizzle out the longer they were broken up, but the way they always found each other again proved otherwise. Soon they were switching positions to drag things out a bit longer. Fully seated on his lap, Duke’s thickness was completely sheathed by her heat, but that didn’t stop Frannie from having her way with him over and over again, each bounce a bit harder than the last. With her encouragement Duke ripped off her bikini bottoms as he lay her back and started assaulting her with his tongue. Immediately her body spasmed in reflex; her stomach tensed, muscles tightened– toes curled as Duke explore her heat with wet muscle. She was on cloud nine, enjoying a slight break with a little more tenderness, as he rained her with attention unselfishly. Anyone could have just banged it out and walked away, but Duke was always thorough in his escapades with Frannie, and she showed him the same care and attentiveness. Her nails lightly skimmed his scalp, brushing hair from his face as he continued to rile her up with his mouth, and the heiress admitted that he was the only one she wanted to see buried there. This seemed to spark his actions as immediately Duke’s tongue doubled its efforts. Plunging in and out of her in quick, almost violent bursts, Frannie tugged harder on his hair as she felt strong, chiseled jaw grinding against her thigh while he dined on her. She could have greedily just let herself go without warning him, but Duke knew her body almost better than she did. Walls fluttered and her thighs shook as the blonde warned that she was close. Duke withdrew which immediately threw Frannie’s body into a fit. A whine poured from her as her center yearned for that high, but she should have expected him to keep teasing a bit longer. Her blue eyes blazed as she glared at Duke as he slithered back up and started to grind heavily and quickly against her aching warmth. “You’re suck a fucking tease,” she spat back more pathetically than angrily, her tongue fully welcoming Duke’s as it pried her lips apart and she could taste herself on his tongue. She only ever wanted /her/ taste to be on there, and possessively Frannie clutched him even closer, again curling her nails into his back. She was still trying to compose herself from that near climax, her voice lower and raspier than before. Rolled onto her side she squeaked from sensitivity, but as Duke grasped her thigh, bending her back as he buried his cock back inside of her, Frannie’s groan practically fell in sync with his. “Oh my god, D… fuck,” she growled, loving this position the most as it was more intimate. Her thigh draped over his, and Duke’s hands on sensitive nipples caused them to harden once again as ample breasts bounced in his palms. A little happy sign escaped Frannie’s lips as she shivered with Duke’s warm breath on the back of her neck. She arched it, allowing her head to tip back a little more against his affectionately, and one of her hands came to rest over his on her breast, Frannie helping him squeeze harder as he pushed into her precisely over and over again. Little grunts and whimpers sounded from her with every thrust now, and Frannie guided Duke’s other hand back behind her knee, allowing him complete charge of their bodies so that he could thrust into her in sharp, rapid fire bursts. “Mm, if anyone’s perfection, it’s us together.” She could feel her body shaking again, muscles clamping about him, but wanted to hold out as long as he could. “Mark me,” she directed through gritted teeth, moving her hair out of the way so that his mouth already resting along her neck could do so. “D-Duke…” she stammered, no need to even strum her clit as his pounds into her now were so deep and perfect that they were brushing against sensitive bud with every rock. “I-I’m close,” she warned again, her knee bending more harshly within his grasp. “But don’t stop until you cum too.” With that, Frannie lost all control as she convulsed, coming hard. A shriek of “Duke!” flew from her kiss-swollen lips, likely alerting anyone close who was giving it to her so mind-blowingly. Frannie’s entire form shuddered as she engulfed his shaft with her warm essence, but still, the blonde tried to extend Duke’s own climax as she rode hers out loudly.
The fury behind their activities was damn close to sweeping both of them up into a blissful state, with every straining muscle and tightening, squirming action. Duke craved every inch of Frannie, and in pulling the last vestiges of clothing from her body to expose a carefully sculpted, goddess-like body had him gasping like he always did. His mouth descended upon his ex, soon bringing her close to the edge again with Frannie’s fingers clutching his hair in encouragement. Rapidly flicking his tongue against her sensitivities and diving within, Duke happily used his mouth to wear her down, and hearing her warn him that she was close was the only thing that slowed his onslaught. As he crawled back up over her she proclaimed him a tease, only drawing even more of a smirk out of the blonde male before he stole another kiss from her roughly. She was encouraged by her own taste on his lips, and it didn’t go unnoticed as she pulled him down even tighter on top of her now, limbs tangled as he ground against her to partially quell that need again. His own wanton desires climbing back up now Duke rolled Frannie over and fit snugly against her, holding her to spoon and grasping her thigh, letting it hang over his own as he slipped back inside of her again, determined to finish the job and bring both of them that sweet release now. They were both utterly vocal at this point too, and as the blonde supermodel pressed back into his body with her own his arms wrapped around her, hands firmly holding onto Frannie’s breasts now as he thrust relentlessly within her again. His lips pressed against heated skin drawing a small sigh, the signs of intimacy even in the middle of this still there between them. As she gave up complete control, guiding his free hand behind her knee to aid in pumping into her. He mused that perfection couldn’t be rushed, and in agreement that they were just that Frannie spoke in shallow breaths. A demand that he mark her now too was like music to Duke’s ears, “With pleasure,” he spat out as he began to press his lips to the back of her shoulder once again, expertly suckling on her skin to turn it a purplish color and giving Frannie the mark she so desired. Adding a little love bite to it too, she warned again that she was close and this time Duke wasn’t about to stop what he was doing for anything. “I won’t, I won’t stop,” he answered, the short and rapid thrusts into her bringing him up so close to a high of his own too. She made it known that she wanted him to join her in finishing, and like their usual intimacy she wanted him to cum inside of her. There wasn’t anybody else that Duke would do this for, but their history gave them much more of a connection and desire for that ultimate in intimacy. Moments later she screamed his name out loud and Frannie’s body spasmed as she came hard around him. The spreading warmth immediately caused Duke to grunt in pleasure, and with another couple of hard thrusts he found his own release. “FUCK! FRANNIE!” Duke came just as hard as she had, filling Frannie up with his essence now as it was his body spasming just as hard now, flooding into her. They both kept up the grinding movements a little longer to ride out their twin highs, Duke’s arms grasping Frannie even tighter as his chin tucked in against her shoulder and his gasping breaths tickled the shell of her ear. “Oh fuck, you’re good,” he whispered to her, though by now anyone even remotely close by would have heard the commotion and known what was up between the two. Just holding Frannie in his arms felt right to Duke, in a way it never did with anybody else. Relaxing a little for now, their connection remained as he enjoyed the few quiet moments between them when neither were snarking at one another. He’d missed the way their bodies fit together like this.
Just like everything else was between them, Frannie knew that when she did finally hit that high it would be dramatic and tumultuous. While she ached to let go, she also fought to last as long as she possibly could. Duke’s tongue was a treasure; it knew every crevice of her body– exactly where to flick or swipe against to stir up her sensitivities, and with dainty fingers clutched into his blonde locks desperately, he knew exactly what he was doing to her. Mewls and cries spilled sweetly off her tongue, alerting anyone in close distance to what they were doing, but she was too wrapped up in the bliss overtaking her to even care. The deeper he dove and hungrier wet muscle sucked and dipped - the groans teeming from him that vibrated against her core had the model close. She was clenching about him, hips giving a little convulse, but he was edging her. Just as she neared that peak he pulled away, attacking her mouth instead to keep her from climaxing just yet. Frannie whined, but accepted the kiss happily, her own tongue winding around his, pleased that it was her taste on him, and her thighs spread apart, welcoming his hardness to rub against her wet center in an effort to assuage yearning at least for a few more moments. “I only ever want /my/ taste on your tongue,” she rasped possessively between hard suckles, her nails again cinching into Duke’s back, until he twisted them around and inched behind Frannie, spooning her backside. His warm, large palms pawed at her chest as he reeled her in as tightly as possible, cock filling her up only the way he could and instantly Frannie let out a squeak. His lips on the back of her neck startled goosebumps and a content sigh from her. Giving up all control she once had to him, her hands rested over his, encouraging him to squeeze her ample breasts harder. The deeper he dove into her though, it was clear both were seeking such completion now, and Frannie directed Duke’s hand to her knee so that he could propel into her more quickly. After dictating that he mark her and pushing golden tresses out of the way, those seemed to be the last complete words Frannie managed to piece together, as everything else that followed were cries, whines, strings of curses… and the occasional broken speech in pleasure. Her body shook as she felt hot lips suckle at her shoulder, certainly leaving his claim and she groaned gently at the bite that followed, happy that he was still proud to leave proof on her for anyone else to see. The pressure was building up within her again; meeting his thrusts with her own tandem rocking of her ass, stealing each of their breaths with every collision. She barely managed to warn that she was about to lose it; Duke’s encouragement that he wouldn’t stop as she had insisted he not even if she beat him to the finish line egged her on to finally let go– one last rapid burst into her making the blonde unravel harshly, her entire body shuddering against his as warmth evaded. She cried out his name loudly enough to be heard across the beach, and emphasized to Duke the desire to feel him let go within her, something she never ever would allow another soul to do. Just seconds later Duke followed; she felt a heavy flood that left her moaning in satisfaction, her body again shuddering with the intrusion of him coming just as hard as she had, hips swinging in unison as each clung to the other best they could and rode it out as one. Her name toppling from his lips so loudly made her feel proud and happy, because she wasn’t the only one that had been knocked out of the park by their performance. Frannie’s racing heart skipped as she felt Duke’s chiseled chin tuck against her, his shallow breaths strumming her ear and provoking more goosebumps over her glistening body. “You mean I’m /amazing/,” she corrected his praise with a little hum, a smile peering on her lips. “Takes one to know one.” Their voices were low now– quiet. Almost as if they didn’t want anyone to know that they actually still cared about each other. Things between them were still more than just a hook-up; if they were, he’d be long gone by now, instead of still buried within her and holding the model closer than ever. Frannie relaxed, sinking back into Duke as her hands fell over his. Her fingers feathered over his forearms, tenderly ghosting his skin. It felt so wonderful to be together and not fighting. Another sigh left her - this one even more joyful than the last. “I’m sorry,” she finally apologized, sincerity in her voice. Twisting her face just enough to meet his eyes but not startle their connection, soft blue eyes locked onto his. “For not believing you before. But, I do now.” From her chair beside them she managed to reach out and grasp her towel, which she draped over them as the mix of sweat and summer breeze were starting to get chilly now. Snuggling right back into him again, Frannie’s fingers took Duke’s, playing with them a little as she leaned over to press a tender kiss to his lips. In that moment, she felt utterly complete. She’d missed this– missed him. “Can we just stay like this for a little while? I’m not ready to move anytime soon.”
Bringing Frannie so close to orgasm was more of a pleasure for Duke than almost anything else. He was as selfish anyone else most of the time and had been accused of such time and time again, but when he could be the one to take Frannie as far as possible he knew he was afforded a luxury nobody else was. Letting his tongue probe through her folds had her breathing shallow, fingers knotting up in his hair, and just as he’d heard her warning him how close she was Duke withdrew and slithered back up her body to steal another kiss. Her body was his addiction, pressing against it with his own was like a full body sensation, soon settling in against her pressing against her back and positioning her thigh against his own as he entered her once more, opting to slide back in and out of Frannie at such a position that allowed him maximum depth and had her gasping as his arms pulled her in tighter. Duke’s hands gleefully covered her breasts, his face pressing into her shoulder and alternating with little bites against her skin, soon the supermodel had a marking as she demanded from him. It wasn’t long this time that the pressure built up, and as Frannie fluttered around him she insisted again how close she was, her ass thrown back against him meeting every thrust with one of her own and with her crying out to let go and finish inside of her was all the temptation Duke still needed… every time they were together they were free to let down their guard. As Frannie finally broke she screamed his name out loud, gushing around him as she came and again demanded he do the same, Duke coming just seconds later with another sharp thrust as he pumped into his ex girlfriend. Grunting and returning the scream of her name, he clutched her harder than ever as their bodies slowed, settling against Frannie as he buried his chin against her shoulder again. Smirking at her response, “Indeed you are, my dear.” Amazing wasn’t even enough of a word to describe her, but Frannie had the same healthy ego he did and feeding it too much could be dangerous. With their voices lowering now as if discretion was something they finally wanted after being more public than usual here on the beach, she proclaimed him just as amazing, in her own way. “If anyone would know, it’s you.” He wasn’t eager to leave right away, staying wrapped up like this a little bit longer allowed him the pretense that things weren’t complicated between them. Sure, they could fuck like rabbits whenever the pressure got to them, but it was these moments that proved there was still more of a romantic spark between them too. For now at least they weren’t fighting with each other, proven as her hands settled over his own. Reveling still in her firm, beautiful body against his, he was nonetheless surprised to hear her apologize. She twisted her face to turn and glance back at him, adding that the apology was for not believing him before. “It’s okay,” he responded softly, smiling gently as she covered them partially with a towel. Slowly she let herself kiss him on the lips, and Duke happily returned it. “Of course we can, I’ve got nowhere else to be and nowhere else I want to.” Kissing her back, he added a little suckle of her bottom lip. “We’ve got all night, babe.”
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notjustbacon · 7 years
Lessons from Campervan Living
We recently flew from Auckland, NZ to Queenstown, NZ and were ready for our campervan experience... SO we thought. We are two young Americans who felt ready to take on the challenges of limited space and possessions... Why not just see how it plays out with the campervan? After much research about transportation, finances, and plans to drive up the whole west coast, we decided it was time to get a campervan. Then we needed to pick a company. In this article you will find a Jucy Review, Lessons We Learned, and Stuff We Learned about New Zealand... Plus a ton of photos!
Jucy Review:
We rented Jucy's cabana campervan: Perfect for two. The amenities included a mini kitchen (sink, stove, dishes, fridge), sleeping for two (including bedding), and transportation for less than $100/day USD (factoring in gas, camping spots, and showers). Other companies just couldn't compare. Either they were twice as expensive or they didn't include all of the same amenities. So of course, we moved forward with Jucy.
We signed up for the liability insurance package, camper chairs, and snow tire chains (since we were going through a glacier pass in the cold season) - these were extras. Turns out we didn't even need two of these extras. Never fear, Jucy was cool and flexible about it all.
We found out that our credit card (along with most major credit cards) automatically offers rental insurance on car rentals booked using their card... so we really didn't need Jucy's insurance. Also, we were totally speculating about needing snow tire chains. The Jucy employee actually asked, "Did you realize you booked snow tire chains?" We admitted our ignorance, we all shared a laugh, and then she immediately offered to take it off our tab. This leads into my two biggest compliments for Jucy: they really want to make sure their customers have a great experience... and they're honest. They didn't give us the whole bait and switch like most chain companies.
In terms of the bad, well... there were a few things:
Our stove had exactly one setting: barely lit. In fact, we had to hold it in the ignition to get our water to boil. It did boil every morning and we had enough propane for our whole trip.
Our fridge didn't work - whatsoever... so meats and dairies did not hold... We wasted some food because of this malfunction. Bleh.
Our Jucy had a particular locking procedure. While picking up our Jucy, a stark-raving-mad lady came flying up to the front of the line and yelled, "EXCUSE ME!! Did you HEAR about our BREAK-IN??!" She then proceeded to proclaim her story (to everyone at the airport) of how her Jucy was broken into due to a failure in the locking mechanism. Shit - we were checking out and didn't have a backup plan for our drive up the west coast... But what if we hadn't been made keenly aware of the necessity to know our vehicle (in case of a break-in)? We wouldn't have known to check every door (every time) or to figure out exactly how to lock things up. But we did, so there's nothing really bad to report except that our vehicle was... Unique.
The "air conditioning" and "heat" were dismal. It took over 30 minutes to see any effects of our defroster happen on our trip. Note: There was no ice or frost anywhere. This could have stolen hours over our ten day trip being parked and waiting... Hence, we used towels every morning. Giving the windows a daily 10 minute spa treatment. Yes... First world problems, but ugh... I must add it to the review.
Onto the Campervan living: 
When started our Jucy adventure, we were SO thankful to be in good health with good hearts... Driving on the opposite side of the road will help you with these realizations (both in fears and in what you have to be thankful for).
There were several things to be thankful for in our experience: Waking up to beautiful surroundings, having our own schedule: choosing where/when/how long to pull over, and being able to see our strengths step right up to the plate of life. YEAH - we are awesome!! We are geniuses. We are humans. We are so fortunate to be part of this world. 
Lessons We Learned: 
1) There are so many phenomenal people out there. If you didn't get to read about our first WorkAway hosts Catherine and Greig, you should read about them here - they are just two of dozens of people we have met who are phenomenal. Let me give you a few other short examples of amazing humans we've already met:
- Daniel and Joe are a couple we kept running into. They offered great conversation and hot water one morning (I'm assuming they saw how much work we needed to put into the whole shebang and then felt bad). How kind is that?
- The guy that parked a few rows away from us in Buxton Square, Nelson. He walked over and offered us sleeping mats that he no longer needed. We didn't need them either, but what a rad dude.
- The couple we met at Rabbit Island who shared an impromptu 30 minute chat. Sharing their excitement in our travels and showing us how to be decent and friendly human beings. How wonderful is it to just start up a conversation with strangers and to brighten their day? It was fantastic for us.
2) You can see a lot in 10 days, but you will still want to have more (like 14). There's a balance that we consistently need to recognize between slow traveling and seeing it all. In slow traveling, you stay in one spot for weeks and months, rather than hours and days. It's how we've planned to take most of our trip. We value growing into a place rather than slipping through the beautiful towns and people that we meet. Plus, you will never EVER be able to see it all. Alex and I have lived in NW Oregon for over 30 years and there are still about a million places, restaurants, and hikes that we have yet to experience.
3) You don't always need luxurious things like coffee, space, or hot showers. It's important to go without sometimes. Think of it as a consumer cleanse. One of our favorite nights we spent wrapped up in the camper van battling mozzies. Have we gone insane? Maybe a little, but the truth is when you are with someone you love all your other needs just sort of wilt away. We laughed so hard that night, and maybe it was because we won that battle too.
4) Everything seems to get better with time. The first day of driving felt like we were running away from the cops and we're bound to die in the chase. By the third day, our hearts we're back into typical rhythm. By the 10th day, I needed to get Alex a pimp can for his skills in one-handed driving. It came as easy as butter melting on a hot day. Our bug bites have also gotten better throughout our trip - for your information. At one point I had thirty mosquito bites JUST on my legs. It was so dayyyyyyum hard to sleep. One night I discovered if I put a cold damp wash cloth on my bites that they calmed down and that I could finally sink into dreamy land. There are times you think you will never be able to get through something, but you will. You wake up the next day and the sun still rises. Just give it time.
5) Sometimes your campsite bathroom will be used as a rest stop for a tour bus. The bigger lesson here is that sometimes people will work the system so that it works for them, not necessarily so that they can do what's right. 
Stuff We Learned About New Zealand:
1) The bulk section does not seem advantageous. Items are measured in grams, not pounds.
2) Get a DOC (Department of Conservation) pass for $40, you'll save heaps. In NZ, you pay per person to camp onsite, not per vehicle. Our first night we paid $26.
3) It's against NZ law to buy liquor on most holidays. We saw caution tape blocking off the whole wine and beer section on Easter Sunday. The caveat is you can go to a restaurant and buy a beverage with a full meal. Also - SIDE NOTE - New Zealand does Easter big. The kids have two weeks off after Easter!!! Maybe it's when their "spring break" is.
4) Everything on your drive has a name: culverts, creeks, bridges. A few of the creek names include Dismal, Dispair, Ikea, Stinky, and Raging Billy. Throughout our trip, we saw a few doubles and triples of the same name like Stony.
5) Bales of hay are wrapped in different colors: White, green, blue and purple. Why the different colors? According to Forage for Horses, "The colour of the plastic film can actually affect the temperature of the silage/haylage bale. The sun warms up the bale and white film reflects the sunlight and thereby keeps the temperature down. Darker film on the other hand absorbs sunlight and gives a higher temperature inside the bale." I also believe that the colors vary depending on the type of hay that is wrapped. The more you know.
I have a ton more, but only had an hour to edit and upload this article... SO there will be more... or you can look below for some other options!
 Want more?? Check out my flicker albums! Here's a link to my album from Wanaka and Roy's Peak!!
Next article up will talk about our SECOND WORKAWAY experience! Expect that in about a week or so. Much love my friends.
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oasistowels · 4 years
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oasistowels · 6 years
Wholesale Beach Towels, round beach towels, sand free towels, customized, Cabana stripe, Turkish, microfiber, cotton beach towels at Oasis Towels, leading bulk beach towel manufacturer.
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oasistowels · 6 years
Wholesale Beach Towels, round beach towels, sand free towels, customized, Cabana stripe, Turkish, microfiber, cotton beach towels at Oasis Towels, leading bulk beach towel manufacturer from USA.
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oasistowels · 7 years
Wholesale Beach Towels, round beach towels, sand free towels, customized, Cabana stripe, Turkish, microfiber, cotton beach towels at Oasis Towels, leading bulk beach towel manufacturer from USA.
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oasistowels · 7 years
Wholesale Beach Towels, round beach towels, sand free towels, customized, Cabana stripe, Turkish, microfiber, cotton beach towels at Oasis Towels, leading bulk beach towel manufacturer from USA.
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