#bur he doesnt say anything bc he doesnt wanna assume anything and its none of his business anyway and he knows theyre older than like jett a
kaliuchisdaughter · 2 years
sova and sage :))))
#theyre married#sova fell first and he told sage of his feelings right away bc hes a very open and honest person and sage was hesitant but she accepted his#feelings and spent as much time together as they could discreetly ofc#they get into a relationship and its a secret because valorant protocol yada yada yadaaaa but cypher knows bc ofc he knows#and then sova gets murked one mission and sage brings him back and she really cant hold herself together and brimstone noticed even if it wa#was extremely subtle#like she would be trying to revive his body and shes all calm and collected when she speaks but her hands cannot stop trembling and brims li#brims like ayo. what#bur he doesnt say anything bc he doesnt wanna assume anything and its none of his business anyway and he knows theyre older than like jett a#and nix so hes not concerend abt their relationship affecting work cuz both r super professional ppl yk yk#and when sage does bring him back eventually shes all like welcome back :)))))) but shes shaking and sovas like. sage. sage lets get married#and they get married and they tell brim and hes like sighhhhj cypher how long have u known abt this and cyph’s like oh like 3 years now jaha#they dont have a ceremony or anything. literally just got the legal docs and boom married#no one but the actual quote on quote adults know and the younger ones dont know at all because sovasage r so professional and they NEVER do#pda or show any like romantic affection when theyre working so imagine their suprise when after a successful mission sage smiles so tenderly#at sova and is like good work :) and sova looks back at her with these ADORING eyes like you did amazing as well im so glad ur on our side#and jett and phoenix are like ???? ARE YOU GUYS. SEEING THIS ARE WE TRIPPING#but they dare not assume anything either so theyre just like confused bc they dont know if theyre like together or if it was just a moment o#of friendship and theyre like HSHDHWSV?1?!2#valorant
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