#burnt orange and white ftw
youcanleaveurhaton · 4 months
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Just read the fluffy ask—Aww, Dark and Space bonding! LOVE that Dark can’t cook, but he tries darn it! Turkey sandwiches (w/ mustard) ftw.
Pls consider–
Father-son bonding—Trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich.
Space turns on the gas stove (which is like an ancient artifact to him, but I digress), “Okay, so, we got our heat-source.” He chimes, putting a clean pan on top of the burner.
Dark stands right beside Space. His eyes squint at the pan as he attempts to focus on Space’s commentary, “Heat-source, understood.” Focus drifting, he takes a glance at the other ingredients lined up on the counter. Obviously, the next step would be—
“Butter,” Space says matter-of-factly. He uses the appropriate knife (*ahem* Wilford and Yancy) to slice off a piece from a butter stick. It goes into the pan, “See, the butter is going to tell you when it’s time to put the bread on. It’ll start to sizzle—If the butter smokes, you need to turn down your heat.” Space had picked this recipe specifically, because it was mainly visual. You just need a little clue here and there to get a grilled cheese right. Dark couldn’t be /that/ bad.
The pair watch the butter begin to heat up and bubble in the pan. Pleased, Space gives a nod as he moves onto his next step, “Now, the bread.”
Dark takes initiative by getting the slices of white bread out from the packaging by the counter. Wonder-bread. If he could even call it bread, it was so full of sugar. However, Space insisted that a /classic/ grilled cheese held a certain level of continuity. Apparently, this way of making one still holds out even in Space’s time. Nevertheless, Dark couldn’t help but miss the simplicity of food preparation of his time. Bread was bread. Orange juice was orange juice. Even the cocaine seltzers that Benjamin served, they were exactly as told. Nothing more or less…
Space interrupts Dark’s internal monologging, “Now, the bread goes directly on top of the butter. It’ll begin to caramelize on contact, so we’re going to pay close attention to make sure it doesn’t burn.” He emphasizes the last part, remembering a few glimpses of Dark trying to cook. It’s a wonder how Dark is allowed in the kitchen unsupervised.
Hopefully, he isn’t going to regret trying to teach a few centuries-old, 3-in-1 glitch man how to cook…Maybe.
There might be plenty of grilled cheese (attempts) in Space’s future.
—Melody anon
It takes so many attempts lol. Somehow the timing, when he lets Dark take over, is always just off enough to burn it. Maybe not always severely, maybe sometimes just mildly. But always burnt. It's almost impressive.
(They figure out its sort of caused by Darkstar aura, a-la the grass burning under his boot at the end of DAMIEN, and spandex some time working around that. Now the bonding includes testing gadgets that neutralize that affect!)
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ghostpajamas · 3 years
Ayo did i hear highly specific headcanons??? Please tell?? Please??
grian (and also wilbur soot by extension) with black eyeballs. bc their minecraft skins. untapped potential here. *gives grian a 3rd eyelid bc bird* as a treat
spider wilbur is a hc i will hold onto until i die. tarantula wilbur with blue blood. soot tags look like spider webs but they r the result of fires. hello.
when i draw revivebur he has orange-red eyeballs sometimes bc revival magic (like how i make tommy glow neon green/blue)
i like to make their veins glow too. especially in the arms.
jack manifold 3d glasses and irises r the same color so i like the idea of his eyes looking pure white with his glasses on. like a ghost (also jack with skeleton showing thru his skin ftw)
niki who glows neon orange and pink like when my house burnt down. matching cape with techno but hers is black
cant even list all the shit i draw tubbos going on with. haha jk i will. kaleidoscope exploded eye, devil horns (dragon horns ? but red.) dragonfly wings, devil tail (he deserves it)
FUNDY MOON SYMBOLISM. full moon eyes (large white pupils) in his nightmares, symbolic of realization and truth and mystery and the pasts ghosts. black slit pupils for denial and daylight. give him floaty ghosty hair like a muppet in baby oil
pig selkie techno. pure white suit, hooved boots. i think its hilarious to do this to him
unicorn phil. with one of those little tails that unicorns have. uses big long wing feathers as arrows and eyespots on wings of COURSE
the face scar that i draw not-the-irl-human-guy gtwScar with is to look like his cannula. i think he got it from hitting his face on a block edge. i also draw a more serious, tragic backstory scar over his heart.
i have no detailed rendog design hcs he is perfect as he is. dogboy
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