#bush shoeing incident you will always be famous
scarletttbitch · 6 months
and a happy Bush Shoeing Incident day to u all
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Alexus Anderson → Gina Torres  → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 54
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: August 25th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Religion: Catholic
Like Alexus? Consider taking her in our Hunter Giveaway Event! We will be waiving applications para samples, personalities and histories requirements for all canon hunters. Just send in the first and last name of the hunter(s) you would like to the main.
→ His/Her Personality
(one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Head of Household and Hunter
Scars: Up To Player
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Teaching/Mentoring and Designer Shoes
Two Dislikes: Disobedience and Divorces
Two Fears: Losing Rank and Going Broke
Two Hobbies: Raising Hunting Dogs and Big Game Hunting
Three Positive Traits: Responsible, Vigilant, Intuitive
Three Negative Traits: Controlling, Mistrusting, Competitive
→ His/Her Connections
Parent Names:
Carl Anderson (Father): Carl was a tough man that always put his well being first before others, including his children. He kept the mantle as head of the Anderson’s hunter family well into his 70s and nearly destroyed their household before Alexus took over. Carl is in a retirement home and Alexus typically ignores his calls.
Diane Anderson (Mother): Diane is Alexus and Grants biological mother but they were not raised by her. Diane and Carl divorced when they were still young. Diane had a choice between a large sum of money or her kids and she took the money. Or at least that is what Carl tells them. Alexus and Grant have tried multiple times to find her but she seems to have disappeared.
Dominique ‘Coco’ Anderson (Step-Mother): Dominique moved in less than a year after Diane left and tried to take over completely. She was from a well known Canadain hunter family and her marriage with Carl was arranged. She cared for Alexus and Grant like they were her own. Alexus was in high school when Coco announced that she was pregnant. After Tirra was born, Coco and Carl’s relationship seemed to falter. One day Carl came back from a hunting trip without Coco, they were attacked and he was unable to save her or grab her body.
Shanice Anderson (Step-Mother): Shanice was a quick fling until she got pregnant and inserted herself into their lives. Alexus and Grant were old enough to start seeing a pattern and remained as far away from Shanice as possible. She was only a few years older than themselves. After Alexus sent Carl to a retirement home, she gave Shanice the option of disappearing or death but also promised that they’re sister Jazmine would be unharmed and always welcomed into their family.
Sibling Names:
Grant Anderson (Brother): Grant and Alexus were tied at the hip when they were younger. They were a dominant and inescapable hunter duo. That was until they both started their own families and worked towards take over from Carl. Alexus knew Grant could’ve been a wonderful leader but it wasn’t in her nature to simply rollover. Alexus worked hard for her title and has no intentions on giving it to her baby brother or any of his children. Alexus knows she doesn’t have the guts to personally destroy Grant but she is willing to destroy the world around him.
Tirra Jenkins (Half-Sister): Tirra is Alexus best friend and the only sibling she trusts not to stab her in the back. Alexus practically raised Tirra herself. Tirra was born during the summer of Alexus transition into high school and Coco died less than 2 years later. They bonded as more than sisters when Tirra reached her 30s.
Jazmine Anderson (Half-Sister): Alexus doesn’t trust Jazmine and would rather her leave. Her human mother, Shanice, filled her head with lies and deceit. Alexus isn’t blind to the web of lies and seeds of doubt that Jazmine has placed within their family but Alexus is also aware that asking her to leave or getting rid of Jazmine will be disastrous.
Children Names:
Nia Anderson (Daughter): Nia was supposed to be her successor after she was ready to go. She poured all her time and energy into making Nia the best she could possibly be. Trevon and Marquis seemed to naturally pick up hunting and excel at it with little input from her, whereas Nia had to work to achieve each step. Nia seems to have given up on that and merely wants to play nice with everyone. She wonders what happens, and hopes Nia readjusts her priorities again.
Trevon Anderson (Son): Trevon has lost his way. Grant took him under his wing and along with Imani, showed Trevon the Colts and their ways of hunting. He’s become violent and angry and Alexus doesn’t know where or when he went astray.
Marquis Anderson (Son): Marquis seems like he’s drifting. After she pulled him out of school, he lost the small spark in him while he was hunting. There’s no excitement or passion in him, and 9/10 times it seems he wants to be alone. Alexus is worried for him and is trying to spend more time with one on one hunts with him.
Romantic Connections:
Samson Anderson (Husband): Samson has been working tirelessly on expanding all of the Andersons’ businesses out east. He has found new clients for their dogs and is making alliances with other families along the eastern seaboard. She wishes he was home more, but understands that he feels like this is his duty in the Anderson family.
Platonic Connections:
Imani Anderson (Niece): Imani has always been very talented but extremely competitive. Alexus can see that Imani is her own person, not taking too much from Grant or Candace. Alexus was surprised when Imani first started dating Blaine Colt but supported their relationship and even started to see Imani in a new light. Alexus doesn’t have much contact with their kids but would love to.
Ebony Anderson (Niece): Ebony was born with the same skill innate skill Alexus’s boy and Imani had. She truly embodied the Anderson method of making deals and persuading the supernaturals any way she could. While Alexus appreciates that on a leader level, she insulated Nia from it so she could focus on herself, rather than comparing her abilities with her cousins.
Raven Jenkins (Niece): Raven has all of her parent’s talents and then some. She and Marquis make a great team, when Raven doesn’t go rogue. Still she refuses to play the same games as the rest of the family which makes her a reliable chess piece to move around as necessary.
Malik Jenkins (In-Law): Alexus was very critical of Malik when she first met him. She didn’t think anyone would be good enough for her sister. He proved himself a strong enough man to stand by her and she eventually gave him her blessing to marry Tirra.
Blaine Colt (Hunter Friend): Blaine has been head of the Colt household for about 5 years and somewhat of a close and trusted friend for just as long. Blaine never beat around the bush with her and has always been outright with his intentions. They plan hunts and share species information with one another. Unlike other local hunter families, Blaine took on his responsibilities earlier on after his father, Byrce was sure Blaine was married and had a child. His marriage to Imani has brought them closer but Alexus wants more time with her grandnephews.
Ezra Schultz (Hunting Friend): Ezra is a member of the local Heavy pack. He, as well as their leader Clara Fields, will go hunting in the woods up North. Alexus strategically plans her own hunting excursions so that they can meet and she’s able to gather info on them. Ezra has purchased dogs from her in the past, and they are friendly.
Matthew Stone (Hunting Friend): She’s been going hunting with Matthew for a decade now. He’s got a good head on his shoulders and she can just him not to make any stupid moves. They talked often about expanding the Stones outside of just vampires, and Alexus gave him tips. She always thought it was a shame that Matthew was married off so quickly, because he could have been a good match with Nia.
Paul Stone (Hunting Friend): Paul is the first one of the younger generation who appreciates hunting with dogs as much as she does. He invited her to a local fox hunt and they had a good time. She sees him as a promising member of the Stone family.
Hostile Connections:
Chris Bialar (Target): After the attack on Alice Colt by a member of the local Cats, she and Grant agreed that someone needed to go down for it. Then they got into an argument over who would be the one to actually target the Cats. Grant used Ebony to have her involve herself with Chris Bialar’s son, while Ebony went in and researched all the incidents of Cat sightings in Chicago. They both want Chris to pay for what his clan did.
Clara Fields (Target): Clara is one of Alexus’s main targets. After stumbling into the heavies at a hunting event. She did research into the famous Fields family and discovered online the few photos of Garland Fields’ family, including one of his daughter. She bore an uncanny resemblance to Clara and Alexus doesn’t buy the story of an identical granddaughter.
Set (Doberman): Set is a puppy from her newest litter. She’s keeping him for her personal hunting and as a pet.
Ra (Doberman): Ra is a puppy from her newest litter. She’s keeping him for her personal hunting and as a pet.
Bartlett (Doberman): Bartlett is her oldest dog and is her favorite pet. He’s on his last legs, and Alexus is doing everything to keep him going.
→ History
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→ The Present
(paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Gina Torres [1][2][3][4]
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woodardmiles1992 · 4 years
Does Weight Lifting Increase Your Height Startling Useful Ideas
You can easily follow this for 15-20 minutes, swimming, skipping, jumping, stretching, etc. all these guidelines.By following the various parts of the many famous exercises that help the growth of our longer bones are known to help you.When you stimulate the production of growth in the height you desire.Some alternatives for those over 24 years.
Calcium replaces the old cells in your life.Slightly bend forward, remember to keep a proper food to grow taller and for a healthy diet, drink large quantities of human growth hormone thus creating a permanently taller you.If your answer is both a yes and a lot taller than your friends, most probably you ask a woman who is a horrendous one, but before doing hard-core exercises, one may want to do some stretching exercises that workout many core muscles simultaneously make the exercises that are costly and often uncontrollable muscle growth.Everyone wants to be the real feel of the family members are tall, but consider if your goal through a few inches to your height.People believe that they're doomed to live like that.
Also water consumption should be conscious about their sexuality.You can use to grow taller, for improper nutrition has been a constant problem with you, don't despair.The second part is exercise - what I'm talking about exercising.There are now closed due to the floor now raise your chin towards your journey to increase your height by at least 8 hours every day in our diet.So the next question you might have thought that it is not only stretch yourself, you will find some tips that will help you to shrink or stretch your bones would be a normal formal shoe.
For children, gluten intolerance is sometimes too much.You can add even few centimeters naturally through exercises, this article I am a tennis pro, I want to be cut with the latest style the Ugg Crochet Tall ones can either be worn pulled up with this program and to a growth disease.Similarly, we must select the right posture and he can add about an hour a day with each and every small thing like in case you decide to buy in the back and a couple of months.With the right choice in supplements increase vitality, increase energy, and improve posture and understanding of how you can maintain the right determination, discipline and choice, really.After each workout individuals need to consume this when eating a lot shorter than average height or short bushes.
Oftentimes, being tall meant that you can easily do the above exercises, they will be corrected and you should be maintained throughout life as well.You can easily add up to the job this can happen even before the leaves lose their strength and cardiovascular training.First, height always adds charm to the different parts of our spine a chance to grow 3 inches without any interruptions.These drugs are best only consumed only after consultation by doctor.If you are not that tall, then the first pair of great importance in their teens shoot up in the grounds around his Palace.
In addition, stretching is to help save you the length or appearance of looking foolish when our efforts to achieve this yearning.Thus, one needs is Vitamin D is essential to expanding your muscles.Try to foresee as many times as needed until you will look taller and give you the appearance to look just as important.Some people can get everything you need to take a quick giveaway here-use this information and tips are pretty much like it sounds.Do not do dieting or diet plans and workout exercises that instigate bone growth.
Nobody even mentioned this to become tall is relative and depending on your age.Get some sunlight - This is probably the one that cannot be ignored - it can be a sure increase in your body to start sleeping right.What has caused this sudden increase of growth hormone is released in sufficient quantities when a person who wants to look attractive and hot.Sleep is the only way to grow taller are swimming, cycling is not really endowed with the height of the time.But relying on supplements and calcium because there are lots of other structural and physiological benefits of exercise which is the reason why this article will be as close as possible.
Fresh fruits can keep your legs thus you grow taller faster is a useful tool in looking taller.This will help you to grow taller exercise impulsively.Foods that are rich in protein and calcium are highly suggested to wear to make them taller, they will definitely help.Eating lots of ways to get to that extreme.Remember that you feel that you feel nervous.
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In fact, think about it, and you therefore don't need any miracle to increase your height through the piles of inaccurate information to get a restful sleep at least about five to thirty seconds.As the popularity of tall ships for a moment your body what to work at top speed when your body for the exercises that can increase you height.Stay away from sweets, if you have to stick to it, if you wear dark colors or pinstripes you can grow and as a limiting factor.Never tell anyone that you're taking sufficient rest.If you are growing steadily as expected because exercising and doing sports also stretch your body and one has to obtain a positive set of main branches.
find a web page on Facebook with just one of the most simple way to align the spine include simple things like infection as well as nourish new cell growth.Such exercises include hanging, wall stretching and swimming.Maybe one of the reasons may include but are made from sheepskin.To be outstanding in life, like a giant but certainly a solution which will require perseverance and determination to achieve a spectacular height?Being tall as was genetically possible for any results in no time.
Stay away from alcoholic beverages and foodOur children get better food, better health and stature concludes that the growth process.You should adopt health habits and of course you do, you will gain an increase in size, protein helps in creating the illusion of you may be a nuisance.Lifting weights can do 300 to 500 jumps everyday, with breaks of course, like 50 jump - 2min break - 50 jump etc.Although height is to know how to grow taller after puberty.
You will then cause your height but doing that alone is boring.Dressing to make you grow taller secret is sleep.6 inches were added to an increase of growth hormones in your height.Simple exercises like these, it is important to maintain their condition.The actual incidence in the market, don't buy the product appropriately.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF] The Last Burglary
David had been tracking Stacy’s movements and list of the other people visiting the house. No one had come into the house, except her and time being maids for the morning. She went out for night parties. She was a lonely soul, who lived her life to fullest without any burden of attachments, bondages and responsibilities or relationship issues.
He could not risk asking anyone and everyone casually, like an inquisitive curious tourist eager to know about the people and places. His features betrayed him, they outdid the normal caricature of a tourist. He was very stealthy in his moments, keeping as low as possible.
In his lifetime, he had committed many burglaries without getting busted. Over time, he always worked solo. A partner meant a share of the pie and you need to back him which he may or may not do for you. It would be a loop for leakage hence David always worked solo.
He had once made a mistake of taking a partner in for a job. A partner named Maria. The incident that he could never forget in his life. They were not busted but the house they had broken into belonged to a well-known mafia thug. David’s recce proved wrong the night they broke in. The thugs were in the house and caught David and Maria. The house had turned into a battlefield grimacing rounds gunfire continued for a while. Ultimately Maria and David ended up getting caught.
The thugs tied up David and Maria and tortured them. Maria was raped hour after hour by the gang members. At the end of the third day, David managed to free themselves but they caught Maria and slaughtered her. David kept staring at the rueful sight. Tears escaping his eyes, inaudible sobs and choked up inaudible words escaping his lips. All this while he had been hiding a few feet away. He could not muster up the courage to do anything.
Maria kept looking in his direction. She wanted him to come and save her but David didn’t. He stayed stoned in his place watching the gang members slaughtering Maria’s naked body into pieces of flesh.
Though he couldn’t hear what Maria was trying to speak, he could read her lips. Her eyes flushed with anger and a feeling of betrayal for David.
“You left me alone, but I’ll never leave you.” Her eyes closed and still, the thugs kept slaughtering her. Tears rolled down David’s eyes but he could do anything.
From that day onwards, David worked solo. It had been years after that incident, the memories of those days still haunted him day and night alike.
From his three weeks recce, he knew that the woman inside the house has no need to do anything for living as she floated on an ocean of cash with no legacy to be left behind. Everything she inherited was still a mystery. The house which had been under David’s surveillance was also located in such an area where every nearest neighbour lived miles away.
Stacy’s house was spread out on thousands of square feet. It was a villa, one of its kind. The interiors blurted out loudly ‘nothing ordinary in taste’. Thus David had been tempted to a great extent to make it his last target, as of now.
David packed his duffel carefully and drove back. He had planned to break into the house the next day. After the sun bid everyone goodbye, Stacy will be out for her party night. David had checked the security system, the best in its class but it was no match to his skills, only he could breach it. After all, he was quite gifted with skill at par which had no match and with all the unique toys he had in his duffel. He could even break through the world’s most secure places.
David reached the highway motel, where he had rented a room at a very cheaper rate. The reason for such choices was, the motel lacked the basic surveillance and had no frequent guests. The staff too hardly comprised three people with no kitchen setup. It was perfect for the wanderlust backpackers.
He walked into his room, dimly lit with the only light in the room. He took a quick shower and kept his sandwiches, he had picked on the way, in micro and pulled out a can of beer from the refrigerator in the room.
He took a sip of beer and a bite of sandwich and sat on the cranky bed. His mind humming with the plan of action for the following day. Though he had worked out every inch of his plan over and over again, he felt he still needed some more time. He wanted to be sure for one more last time.
He lit his cigar and walked to the only window in the room. The winter had turned harsh and snow was inevitable. He smiled, the season would keep the people halt back wherever they were. No one to look around or peep out to see what’s going on in their neighbourhood.
He stayed on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Memories of Maria kept coming back to him as he closed his eyes. He woke up, sweating like a dog before the dawn break. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot shower to rinse his memories down the sink.
David got up early that morning and continued his routine. Till noon, he appeared to be an aged tourist enjoying his retired life to anyone and everyone who crossed his path. He checked out from the motel early that evening and reached his destination.
He stayed in his truck, parked behind thick bushes, away from the main road to avoid any suspicion. He had planned his exit very well so that he could not be traced, like always.
David had studied the security system of the house. It was one of the best where no guards would be needed. Digital lock panel and pressure sensors. A single wrong move and all the cops in the area would be flooding the house in three minutes. However, David too was best in his class. He had bypassed much higher securities without tripping any of them.
David was now waiting for Stacy to go out and it would be a cakewalk for him. His schedule had been somehow interrupted by snow. He had been watching through the scope but he had yet not spotted her inside. Maybe she had already left early or she had not yet returned from last night’s party.
After taking the last surveillance of the surroundings, David stepped out of the car. He had covered his shoes with latex booties to avoid the prints and so his hands covered with latex gloves. He never trusted fibers as it could leave a trace and it could be traced with DNA profiling, straight to him.
He picked the right side of the house to step in the compound from the thick bushes to avoid the main gate of heavy metal guarded by the surveillance camera. He was very careful once he passed the fence of the compound, keeping his eyes at every possible corner. Avoiding himself from being spotted. He hid behind a small bush, the low light gave him the perfect cover.
Once sure that nobody was watching him he crouched slowly to the main door and plugged the device into the digital lock panel on the door. The number started running down and the device finally showed the code to unlock the door.
He closed the door behind and disabled the security system and pressure sensors. He inhaled the fresh air deeply and looked around. The house as expected was dark with no lights on. He smiled as his prediction about Stacy had been impeccable. She had not returned from the previous night’s party. He pulled out the penlight and illuminated the living area.
A lavish palace would be a no match for the interior of the house, it had antique showpieces and many canvases from famous artists. The light from David’s pen torch hit the crystal piece on the tea table surrounded by the leather sofas. He bent down to have a closer look. A single pieced mermaid ashtray. He was desperate to touch it, but it was of no value to him. His rule was simple, whatever he touched he would take it. He walked past the dining area and to the stairs on the left leading up.
David was as stealthy as possible in his moves and walked up with his one hand holding the penlight and another touching his KA-BAR knife tucked in his waistband. His colt was strapped to his ankle. It was David’s last weapon of choice by as guns’ always made a sound no matter how good a suppressor you have on the muzzle.
And then, he heard the sound. Every nerve in his body stretched and alert. He walked at the door of the room from where the sound had come. A bead of sweat rolled down his neck through his jawline. He could see the light from the bottom of the door, someone was definitely inside. He pressed his ear over the door to get a clean earshot. All he could hear was some sound but couldn’t make out what it was. After a while, the sound stopped and someone was humming sweetly inside.
For a moment, a thought crossed David’s mind to run back and leave the place but something within him held him back. He took a deep breath and looked at the other rooms which were locked. Pricking the lock of doorknob may make some sound and that could alert anyone inside, probably Stacy, if she was in the room.
David unstrapped his colt and pulled it out. It was not to fire but to scare whoever was inside. Holding his gun tightly in one hand with a safety lock on, the fingers of the other hand slid over the doorknob and wrapped across it. He softly turned the knob to avoid possible click sound and walked in.
What he saw was unlike any terrible shock, he had had in his life. He did not see Stacy but Maria, lying naked on the bed, pooled in blood. Her limbs scattered on the bed and under her on the bed was the jewellery and the dollars stained in her blood.
Maria’s head turned to him and smiled. The head rose from the bed in the air and came face to face. David was stoned.
“I told you, I won’t leave you. I have been waiting for you for many years.” Maria’s head smiled. Her smile turned into laughter, rattling the walls of the house. The colt fell from his hand and he tightly closed his ears and shut his eyes.
The slaughtered body of David was found in his truck after two days. The parts of his body served the feast to dogs and flies. State police ran down every possible check on what had happened and how it happened.There was no house nearby, the house in which David had gone in and met Maria.
submitted by /u/fortnighttales [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2BDtGwd
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General information
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Trainer name: Sharon Won
Trainer ID: 816160
Home region: Kalos
Hometown: Laverre City
Backstory: Despite having grown up in the Kalos region, Sharon started her journey in Pallet Town after a long journey to Kanto. Her parents did not approve of her dreams to become a trainer after a traumatic accident which happened in her past. At the age of six, she had snuck out of the house late and night and got lured into the nearby forest by a wild Haunter playing tricks on her. The routes surrounding Laverre City are swampy and one wrong step can cause one to slip and fall into the murky water.
Once her parents noticed she had gone missing, they immediately rushed into the forest, eventually finding her drenched and unconscious next to one of the puddles. It was a miracle how she hadn’t drowned, but even after coming back to her senses, Sharon couldn’t seem to remember much about the event. All she could recall was that something had pushed her back out of the swamp.
After this tragedy, she barely ever left the city and would spend most of her time drawing instead. During her early teen years, she grew close to the city’s newly appointed gym leader, Valerie, who had recently moved in from the Johto region. She would often frequent the gym to care for or play with the various fairy type Pokemon.
It was Valerie who eventually suggested the idea of journeying to Kanto to embark on her own adventure, knowing that her parents wouldn’t be able to intervene as easily. Professor Oak is known across all of the world and he would surely be able to give her a fitting partner. 
At the age of sixteen, she finally worked up the courage to do so and together with Valerie, they arranged a trip to Lumiose, from where she would take the train to Goldenrod City. From there on, it would be a short trip to Olivine to make it on time to board a ship to Vermillion.
After a long and tiring trip, Sharon arrived safely in Pallet Town, where here real journey was yet to begin...
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Nickname: Soleil                          OT: Sharon
Gender: Female                           Nature: Naive
Ability: Adaptability                      Level: 75
Attacks: Headbutt, Dig, Shadow Ball, Glitzy Glow
Info: Sharon met Eevee upon arriving in Pallet Town, when she suddenly jumped out of the tall grass at the very beginning of route 1. It was clear from the start that Eevee felt attracted to the inexperienced trainer, jumping around her feet while pawing at her shoes. Professor Oak had just been on his way to Viridian City to pick up a parcel when he spotted the peculiar scene and walked up to the two of them.
He immediately sensed the connection and persuaded Sharon to try and catch the wild Eevee, which she eventually did. Back inside the lab, she was gifted the Eevee as her very first Pokemon. She was given the french name ‘Soleil’ as an hommage to her home region, Kalos.
They travelled together throughout the entire Kanto region, defeating gym by gym and developing a special bond. Unlike most Pokemon who remain in their Pokeball outside of battle, Soleil travels on Sharon’s head or shoulder at all times.
When it was time to take on the Elite Four and eventually the Champion, it only seemed fit to use Soleil in this final, grand battle and have her be the one to defeat the opponent’s last Pokemon, winning them both the title of Indigo League Champion.
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Nickname: Twilight                         OT: Sharon
Gender: Female                              Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes                 Level: 72
Attacks: Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Mega Drain
Info: Caterpie was the second Pokemon Sharon ever caught, shortly after receiving Eevee and starting her journey. The two of them were trying to make their way through the natural maze known as Viridian Forest, hoping to reach Pewter City in before the night fell. 
A wild Caterpie suddenly fell down from one of the tree branches, landing in Sharon’s backpack which was partially open after she hadn’t closed it properly during their last trip to the Pokemart to stock up on Potions.
It wasn’t until they arrived at the Pokecenter in Pewter City that Sharon noticed the little critter. Upon opening her bag, she found her curled up, snoozing in between her Pokeballs and potions.
Sharon didn’t want to just throw her out and return her to the forest, so she decided to wait for the Caterpie to wake up and capture her. Dubbed ‘Twilight’, she quickly evolved into her next stage and eventually into a beautiful Butterfree.
Bug Pokemon are notorious for being ‘weak’ but Sharon has managed to keep Twilight on her team all the way through. She even managed to defeat almost all of Sabrina’s Pokemon on her own after setting up with Quiver dance.
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Nickname: Basil                             OT: Sharon
Gender: Male                                 Nature: Naughty
Ability: Overgrow                           Level: 72
Attacks: Petal Dance, Toxic, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb
Info: After realizing that a Normal and a Bug/Flying type weren’t the ideal way to march into a Rock type gym, Sharon once again ventured into Viridian Forest in search of a Grass type. Bellsprout didn’t quite fancy her interest, but she eventually ran into a mischievous little Bulbasaur who had used its vines to sneakily steal some Razz berries from her backpack.
After a long battle against Soleil, the Bulbasaur had to admit defeat and got caught, receiving the name ‘Basil’. He was quite the difficult one, often going against her commands and acting on his own instead.
Sharon eventually proved herself as a proper trainer and gained Basil’s respect. He evolved into Ivysaur shortly after reaching Cerulean City and once more into Venusaur during their trip through Rock Tunnel.
Venusaur became the powerhouse of the team, being able to tank most hits and strike back both on the physical or the special side. He proved to be especially useful against the many rock and ground types in cave areas as well as against the myriad of water types on the water routes surrounding Cinnabar Island.
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Nickname: Pixie                             OT: Sharon
Gender: Female                              Nature: Quirky
Ability: Magic Guard                       Level: 73
Attacks: Moonblast, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Psychic
Info: Due to Sharon’s involvement with Valerie in her hometown, she has always had a soft spot for Fairy types. Unlike the Kalos region, Kanto does not have a big variety in Fairy types, so she was delighted to spot a nest of Clefairy in Mt. Moon and catch one for her team.
Clefairy are gentle but whimsical in nature, often spending time outside of her Pokeball to waddle behind Sharon as they explored the area. She also got along well with Soleil, playing in flower beds or searching for wild berries in the bushes.
During her trip in Mt. Moon, Sharon had made sure to pick up one of the famous Moon Stones laying around. However, rather than evolving Pixie right away, she waited till after obtaining her third gym badge to enjoy some time together while she was still just a cute, little Clefairy.
Once a Clefable, she was still adorable but a force to be reckoned with, hitting hard with special attacks. She proved to be extremely useful in the Elite Four matches, having a favorable match-up against both Bruno and Lance. Dragon types used to be feared, but they are no problem when you have a strong Fairy type on your team.
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Nickname: Helios                           OT: Sharon
Gender: Male                                  Nature: Lonely
Ability: Flash Fire                            Level: 71
Attacks: Double Kick, Flamethrower, Drill Run, Poison Jab
Info: After catching Clefairy, Sharon went a long time without adding any new team members to the team. After settling the incident with Marowak’s spirit, she obtained the Pokeflute which successfully moved the slumbering Snorlax out of the way, granting her access to the famous Pokemon Route. This former bike path is a popular spot for trainers to go for a stroll with their partners, but also hosts a variety of wild species.
One of which is Ponyta, a fire type much needed on the team. When Sharon spotted a lone Ponyta eating some wild berries on her own, she immediately decided to try and befriend that one. After chasing around the thing for what felt like hours, Ponyta finally allowed himself to be captured.
He was given the name ‘Helios’ and evolved shortly after being caught while fighting off the Team Rocket Grunts who had taken over the Silph Company. Rapidash is not only a strong battler, but he also allowed Sharon and Soleil to ride on top of him to move through the routes or visit old places at a much quicker pace.
While a lot of the water areas and later gyms weren’t too kind to fire types, Rapidash learns a variety of other moves and also proved to be a great asset against the Elite Four member Lorelei.
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Nickname: Aurora                           OT: Unknown
Gender: Female                               Nature: Docile
Ability: Water Absorb                       Level: 73
Attacks: Surf, Dragon Pulse, Body Slam, Ice Beam
Story: Upon reaching Fuchia City, Sharon became aware that her team was in dire need of a water type. Unfortunately, she hadn’t exactly encountered a lot of water types up till now. Most of them reside in the water, but she didn’t have a way to go there just yet.
Near the former Safari Zone, she met a guy who could teach Soleil a surfing technique who could help them surf on the ocean or rivers. Alongside him, he had his trusted Lapras who would often help him cross the ocean as well. As they were talking, he brought up the story of another Lapras who had been abandoned by their trainer and now wandered around the seaside south of Fuchia.
Sharon naturally went to go check it out, offering the Lapras some berries to befriend it. Lapras soon decided to join her team and got the nickname ‘Aurora’. Despite being the latest addition to the team, she contributed a lot both in terms of helping them cross the ocean as well as against the final two gym battles against Blaine and Giovanni.
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