blubushie · 10 months
Taking Job Applications for BushCO
Employee #7 has left the company after I killed his Dubious Creature.
Must be ok with me killing any Dubious Creatures you find. Must not be vegan or a hippie or you will be shot. Must not be French, Canadian, or French-Canadian (you know what you did). Must not cycle to work--if you cycle to work a car will be provided for you. Must be ok with working late hours disposing of corpses. Must not be squeamish. Must not be a coward.
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blusbushco · 9 months
Asks are under #inquiry.
Submissions are under #feedback.
Reblogs are #bushco.
Don't bring up Blu's relationship or lack thereof with Employee #7.
Lore so far:
Blu is Saxton Hale's second cousin (and apparently resents him for this).
BushCo sells hunting products.
Seven has left the company once (because Blu ordered the death of a Dubious Creature that Seven found) and returned recently.
BushCo headquarters are in Undoolya, NT. Blu seems to resent Saxton Hale for owning a company in America as an Aussie.
Blu has an EXTREME vendetta against vegans, hippies, and cyclists, in that order.
Blu has fired someone for the mere act of touching the alcohol in his private bar.
We are hiring!
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lioninsunheart · 3 years
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“The Hippies Were Right! / Green homes? Organic food? Nature is good? Time to give the ol' tie-dyers some respect.”
-Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist-
“Go ahead, name your movement. Name something good and positive and pro-environment and eco-friendly that's happening right now in the newly "greening" America and don't say more guns in Texas or fewer reproductive choices for women or endless vile unwinnable BushCo wars in the Middle East lasting until roughly 2075 because that would defeat the whole point of this little column and destroy its naive tone of happy rose-colored sardonic optimism. OK?.........”
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....Look around: we have entire industries devoted to recycled paper, a new generation of cheap solar-power technology and an Oscar for "An Inconvenient Truth" and even the soulless corporate monsters over at famously heartless joints like Wal-Mart are now claiming that they really, really care about saving the environment because, well, "it's the right thing to do" (read: It's purely economic and all about their bottom line because if they don't start caring they'll soon be totally screwed on manufacturing and shipping costs at/from all their brutal Chinese sweatshops).......
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.....There is but one conclusion you can draw from the astonishing (albeit fitful, bittersweet) pro-environment sea change now happening in the culture and (reluctantly, nervously) in the halls of power in D.C., one thing we must all acknowledge in our wary, jaded, globally warmed universe: The hippies had it right all along (Stop calling them ‘Boomers’ they still have feelings-it’s an insult and always has been). Oh yes they had it right!....
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....Here's a suggestion, from one of my more astute ex-hippie readers: Instead of issuing carbon credits so industrial polluters can clear their collective corporate conscience, maybe, to help offset all the savage damage they've done to the soul of the planet all these years, these commercial cretins should instead buy some karma credits from the former hippies themselves. You know, from those who've been working for the health of the planet, quite thanklessly, for the past 50 years and who have, as a result, built up quite a storehouse of good karma. You think?.....
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......Of course, you can easily argue that much of the "authentic" hippie ethos -- the anti-corporate ideology, the sexual liberation, the anarchy, the push for civil rights, the experimentation -- has been totally leeched out of all these new movements, that corporations have forcibly co-opted and diluted every single technology and humble pro-environment idea and Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone and Odwalla smoothie to make them both palatable and profitable. But does this somehow make the organic oils in that body lotion any more harmful? Verily, it does not......
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......You might also just as easily claim that much of the nation's reluctant turn toward environmental health has little to do with the hippies per se, that it's taking the threat of global meltdown combined with the notion of really, really expensive ski tickets to slap the nation's incredibly obese ass into gear and force consumers to begin to wake up to the savage gluttony and wastefulness of American culture as everyone starts wondering, oh my God, what's going to happen to swimming pools and NASCAR and free shipping from Amazon? Of course, without the '60s groundwork, without all the radical ideas and seeds of change planted nearly five decades ago, what we'd be turning to in our time of need would be a great deal more hopeless indeed......
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....But if you're really bitter and shortsighted, you could say the entire hippie movement overall was just incredibly overrated, gets far too much cultural credit for far too little actual impact, was pretty much a giant excuse to slack off and enjoy dirty lazy responsibility-free sex romps and do a ton of drugs and avoid Vietnam and not bathe for a month and name your child Sunflower or Shiva Moon or Chakra Lennon Sapphire Bumblebee. This is what's called the reactionary simpleton's view. It blithely ignores history, perspective, the evolution of culture as a whole. You know, just like America......
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.....But, you know, whatever. The proofs are easy enough to trace. The core values and environmental groundwork laid by the '60s counterculture are still so intact and potent even the stiffest and hateful Republican has to acknowledge their extant power. It's all right there: Treehugger.com is the new '60s underground hippy zine. Ecstasy is the new LSD. Visible tattoos are the new longhairs. And bands as diverse as Pearl Jam to Bright Eyes to NIN to the Foo Fighters are writing savage anti-war songs for a new, ultra-jaded generation.....
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And oh yes, speaking of good ol' MDMA (Ecstasy), even drug culture is getting some new respect. Staid old Time mag just ran a rather snide little story about the new studies being conducted by Harvard and the National Institute of Mental Health into the astonishing psychospiritual benefits of goodly entheogens such as LSD, psilocybin and MDMA. Unfortunately, the piece basically backhands Timothy Leary and the entire "excessive," "naive" drug culture of yore in favor of much more "sane" and "careful" scientific analysis happening now, as if the only valid methods for attaining knowledge and an understanding of spirit were through control groups and clinical, mysticism-free examination. Please.!........
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.......Still, the fact that serious scientific research into entheogens is being conducted even in the face of the most anti-science, pro-pharmaceutical, ultra-conservative presidential regime in recent history is proof enough that all the hoary old hippie mantras about expanding the mind and touching God through drugs were onto something after all (yes, duh). Tim Leary is probably smiling wildly right now -- though that might be due to all the mushrooms he's been sharing with Kerouac and Einstein and Mary Magdalene. Mmm, heaven.......
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....Of course, true hippie values mean you're not really supposed to care about or attach to any of this, you don't give a damn for the hollow ego stroke of being right all along, for slapping the culture upside the head and saying, See? Do you see? It was never about the long hair and the folk music and Woodstock and taking so much acid you see Jesus and Shiva and Buddha tongue kissing in a hammock on the Dog Star, idiots!....
....It was, always and forever, about connectedness. It was about how we are all in this together. It was about resisting the status quo and fighting tyrannical corporate/political power and it was about opening your consciousness and seeing new possibilities of how we can all live with something resembling actual respect for the planet, for alternative cultures, for each other. You know, all that typical hippie crap no one believes in anymore. Right?”
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vagabondretired · 7 years
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Plausible theory du jour: As the next ME war unfolds right on schedule, exactly according to the same plan the Republicans used to get us into Iraq (genocidal maniac who gassed his own people, must be stopped, cheerleading done by a totally complicit mass media), it kind of brings clarity to the those secret Russian meetings by nearly every member of Trumpsky's staff. And why our SoS of Oil is denying press access to his upcoming trip to said Administration's friend-turned-adversary; they were simply holding strategy meetings. Setting the stage the ultimate lifting of the Russian sanctions so that $500,000,000,000 worth of oil could start flowing to Exxon/Mobil and Putin again. Only a fool didn't see this coming. The BushCo era Neocons didn't just pack up and go home. We The People are being skillfully manipulated by a massive corporate geo-political Oil con. That crazy black man got in the way, but it gave them eight years to solidify their plans. Trumpsky is the perfect Useful Idiot to help them get the plan back on track. And once again, the media is going along nicely.
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luv-engineering · 6 years
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Not bad, but padded like a bra on prom night It's definitely worth a read, but it seriously needs the assistance of a professional editor before the next revision. The message is in there, buried under layers of redundancy so thick you'd swear they had a target word count they were aiming for. I can sum it up thusly: "You can't understand why an accident occurred until you discover why the actions taken that led up to it made sense at the time. Pointing out mistakes made along the path to disaster is nowhere near as useful as figuring out why the people who made them didn't know they were mistakes". Go to Amazon
I am an airline pilot and i have been greatly ... I am an airline pilot and i have been greatly influenced by the work of Tony Kern. The Field Guide closed a gap on my knowledge about discipline and compliance. Five stars. Go to Amazon
Completely mind blowing This book plus Dr. Conklin's pre accident investigations has completely altered my thinking. I've been in the safety field for 15+ years.. my thinking of human error was misaligned.. I strongly recommend this book to anyone in HSE or operations or businesses that hurt people Go to Amazon
First book on safety This was an easy read. Excellent intro to old and new view on safety. I read it as part of a masters program on human factors and systems safety. It touches upon many central topics and the it is easy to follow the language (English is not my first language) . I would recommend this to anyone interested in safety. Go to Amazon
More light shed on The New View! Thank you for returning to this critically important book to help many more people understand the New View in different ways. This edition's approach will resonate with many that need this transformation. An insightful and helpful reorganization of foundational content with many additional perspectives, this edition will help me communicate New View alternatives to those with ears to hear this good news! Go to Amazon
This version is better organized than revision 2 Found the book interesting and helpful. In am in Process Safety and it made me think about how I do HAZOPs and PHAs. This version is better organized than revision 2. Go to Amazon
Field Guide to Understanding Human Error I read this book as part of preparation for a three day course on Human Performance Fundamentals, which was provided by Shane Bush from BushCo. The book was very informative and helped me a lot during the course, which was excellent. Go to Amazon
One of the best books out there As a firefighter/emt, I am very interested in safety, and why mistakes are made. One of the best books out there. Go to Amazon
I like Five Stars Five Stars there are better books on Just Culture Two Stars
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blubushie · 10 months
I ate all the bushco rats do I get a reward
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Uh... Have a... BushCo brand... jumper. Yeah...
<Seven, those are a thing, right? What? What do you mean they're not a thing?!>
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luv-engineering · 7 years
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Not bad, but padded like a bra on prom night It's definitely worth a read, but it seriously needs the assistance of a professional editor before the next revision. The message is in there, buried under layers of redundancy so thick you'd swear they had a target word count they were aiming for. I can sum it up thusly: "You can't understand why an accident occurred until you discover why the actions taken that led up to it made sense at the time. Pointing out mistakes made along the path to disaster is nowhere near as useful as figuring out why the people who made them didn't know they were mistakes". Go to Amazon
I am an airline pilot and i have been greatly ... I am an airline pilot and i have been greatly influenced by the work of Tony Kern. The Field Guide closed a gap on my knowledge about discipline and compliance. Five stars. Go to Amazon
First book on safety This was an easy read. Excellent intro to old and new view on safety. I read it as part of a masters program on human factors and systems safety. It touches upon many central topics and the it is easy to follow the language (English is not my first language) . I would recommend this to anyone interested in safety. Go to Amazon
More light shed on The New View! Thank you for returning to this critically important book to help many more people understand the New View in different ways. This edition's approach will resonate with many that need this transformation. An insightful and helpful reorganization of foundational content with many additional perspectives, this edition will help me communicate New View alternatives to those with ears to hear this good news! Go to Amazon
This version is better organized than revision 2 Found the book interesting and helpful. In am in Process Safety and it made me think about how I do HAZOPs and PHAs. This version is better organized than revision 2. Go to Amazon
Field Guide to Understanding Human Error I read this book as part of preparation for a three day course on Human Performance Fundamentals, which was provided by Shane Bush from BushCo. The book was very informative and helped me a lot during the course, which was excellent. Go to Amazon
One of the best books out there As a firefighter/emt, I am very interested in safety, and why mistakes are made. One of the best books out there. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Very interesting and insightful, every Health and Safety Professional should read this book. Go to Amazon
Five Stars there are better books on Just Culture Two Stars
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blubushie · 10 months
Less piss means higher profits, higher profits means bigger armoury, bigger armoury means better than Saxton, better than Saxton means more money for piss.
....Fiiiiiine. But I'm not selling my piss! I just won't buy more.
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blubushie · 10 months
have you considered that having someone who speaks french at bushco might be an advantage ? keep your enemies close and so on
No. Every time I hear the language I cringe. If I hear one more "Monsieur" I'm nuking France as a mercy to the rest of the planet.
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blubushie · 10 months
Oh my...
Boss what the fuck?!
Which is this in referral to?
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blubushie · 10 months
oh well. I'm keeping his teeth
That's fine. Good luck pulling the molars, though. You can borrow my chisel if needed.
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blubushie · 10 months
is saxton hale ur cousin
Second cousin, yeah. And he might be taller than me, and stronger than me, and more attractive than me, and be able to grow a better moustache than me, and have thicker chest hair than me, and have more money than me, and be better in a fight than me, but BY GOD I'll kill more hippies and vegans than that cunt!
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blubushie · 10 months
If I properly design an inescapable vegan glue trap will that get me hired? ( I need a job so bad please kind sir)
Yes. Bonus points for a drone-mounted flamethrower. I need to outperform my second-cousin's firebombing of Woodstock from a helicopter.
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blubushie · 10 months
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You mean I've been restocking this thing entirely for you the entire time? I thought everyone was using it...
Hahahaha. No. I fired a bloke for touching my booze. There's a reason it's in my office instead of the mess hall.
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blubushie · 10 months
walks away suspiciously hippie shaped
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blubushie · 10 months
do I need to go eat the vegans
No. I'm not hiring cannibals on account of that's competition.
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