#but! that's fundamentally impossible! everyone's vision of the world is so fantastically different
fstbmp-a · 2 years
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A friend inspired me with smth so I'm finally going to pop off and sound like the pretentious art college grad I secretly am
Writing canon characters is a farce. You're writing your character.
"Mirth what do you mean"
Thank you, strawman, allow me to elaborate. The second an author picks up a character, it is instantly their own. People put too much stake into fitting the mold, when really, you have ceased being a proper canon character the nanosecond you have initiated writing. You are writing your interpretation and, arguably, that cannot be considered the same.
You are INSPIRED. That's marvelous. That's fantastic, even. Your mind is fundamentally different from everyone else's, meaning this character, inspired by whatever take you enjoy most, is going to be irreplaceably unique. No matter what or who changes, that is a constant!
You're allowed to change and develop your character, unbound by whatever canon says or does. Roleplaying is a collaborative front and, frankly, you should be allowed to be as free with your muse as you wish. Get inspired by works, allow your characters to change and grow-- heck, if you get so inspired that it's so fucking different from canon it has to become an OC? THAT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!! GO FOR IT!!!
You're a WRITER! Your work is irreplaceable because there will NEVER be another you and that's so freeing! You aren't held down by anything save yourself! If inspiration strikes, go for it! The entire purpose of this artform is to INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED! So fuck around! Find out! That's the point! That's SICK AS FUCK!!!
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Anyways, that's all! Have a good one, everybody!
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : Alice Longbottom RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Founding Member ( active - duty ) AGE / BIRTHDATE : 39 Years Old / January 10, 1940 7:51PM ZODIAC SIGN : Capricorn ( sun ), Aquarius ( moon ) + Leo ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Slytherin House ) BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood
✧     Lily Evans ( platonic ) ✧     Gideon Prewett ( antagonistic ) ✧     Remus Lupin ( player’s choice ) ✧     Frank Longbottom ( husband + partner )
In Hogsmeade, assisting the ongoing evacuation following the Battle of Hogwarts.  She is not operating in a professional capacity.
CHARACTER NOTES : Alice is currently maintaining full - time employment in the Ministry of Magic as an Auror, alongside her husband, Frank.
PLAYER : Jinx FACECLAIM : Amanda Seyfried URL : @legatvm
Alice the revolutionary, Alice the girl, Alice the Auror. She wears them differently and wears them well. Perhaps it’s Alice the Auror that is the most duplicitous but she excuses it because it’s for the greater good and Alice would do just about anything for the Greater Good. Alice the martyr, maybe sometimes appropriate, though she resents it.
It’s not that Alice went into being an Auror thinking she would have to do all this lying, it’s that she went into it wanting to make the world a better place. Sacrificing the integrity of her job was a necessary sacrifice, she felt, when it was for the Order. Being an Auror had always been the dream since she was young, she wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps. But when the Ministry refused to do anything that Alice thought was appropriate to help the increasingly tense political climate, she did what had to be done.
But it wasn’t enough. It never felt like enough.
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac and rules the back, the spine, and the heart. Positive traits include CREATIVITY, CHARISMA, GENEROSITY, WARMTH, ENTHUSIASM, A NATURAL TALENT FOR LEADERSHIP, AND A GREAT DEAL OF INNER POWER; negative traits are haughtiness, snobbery, an expectation that one is the centre of attention and should be waited on by everyone else, PROFLIGACY, lack of realism, dominance that can lead to bullying, and A REFUSAL TO CHANGE ONE’S MIND EVEN IN THE FACE OF SOLID FACTS.
Slytherin Leos can be either very good, or very bad. At their best, they exemplify all that “nobility” is made of: confidence, openness, charm, initiative, generosity of spirit, wisdom, judgment, and poise. At their worst, they become elitist, bullying bigots. How they end up depends on the company they keep, and how they are encouraged to act early in life. Either way, they never lack attention - it’s hard to ignore a Slytherin born under this sign. These Slytherins usually end up in positions of responsibility and leadership, because of their charisma and natural ability. Their creativity and drive also makes them very resourceful.
Leo as a rising sign is perfect for Alice, because what she displays and shows people is vast  while also being warm. Not only does the name Alice mean ‘noble’ but it lends to her being charming, friendly, enthusiastic, confident – she shows such openness, it almost feels impossible not to trust her. It also works because had Alice grown up around bigots, around a father who trained her to be a weapon & not to help people, a mother who didn’t instill altruistic beliefs into her – she would’ve easily fallen into being on the bad side of being a Leo.
Alice is open-minded person, something she’s been since she was younger, something she will never grow out of. She believes the impossible as much as the possible, she believes in it and because she’s not rigid or thinks she knows EVERYTHING, she’s often got an edge during dueling when it comes to figuring out her opponent’s strategies. It adds to her being resourceful. Alice isn’t always the most creative in a traditional sense – her being a fantastic dueler and was able to navigate herself in  Slytherin house was due the fact that not only is she cunning, but is also so resourceful. She’s able to see other people’s side of things while having the ability to manipulate people’s perception of her to work in her favor. She knows how she’s seen, she uses it to her advantage, often taking mental ( and physical ) notes of the people around her.
Alice sees the world so openly and vast, she thinks, why not? Facts are only facts because they haven’t yet been proven otherwise, and Alice believes it only takes a little bit of doubt to undermine a fact – something easy to do. I bolded ‘profligacy’ because Alice has grown up never having to worry about money, and is the type to spend it on people she loves, buy them thing after thing, anything they need. Alice always has the latest record and few extra to give away to friends, she’s there to cover your bus fair or even a train ticket if needed. She comes off mothering and maternal, especially as she gets older, she wants to take care of anyone who needs to be taken care of and give back in any way she can – which is where the dominance can come in. Sometimes overbearing, when Alice believes something is best for someone, it’s hard for her to change her mind about it – this oftentimes comes off as extremely controlling even though she means well. She’s the type of person to check up on you if you even mention that you’re having a slightly off week, and ask if there’s anything she can do to make it better. This is definitely due to her generous and hospitable nature, but it is excessive and always has been – not something she would ever change as long as she lived.
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and governs the bones, joints, and knees. Positive traits include PRAGMATISM, MATURITY, PATIENCE, DETERMINATION, AWARENESS, A STRONG WORK ETHIC, realism, DISCIPLINE, money management, THE WILLINGNESS TO OVERCOME HARD LUCK, LEADERSHIP, INITIATIVE, OPPORTUNISM, prudence, and CUNNING. Negative traits include pessimism, MELANCHOLY, EMOTIONAL COLDNESS, MANIPULATION, OBSESSION WITH WORK AND AMBITIONS TO THE DETRIMENT OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, REMOTENESS, and materialistic snobbery.
The traits emphasized here will be ambition, determination, discipline, and pragmatism. You can’t make that castle in the sky if you don’t build a solid foundation under it, and Capricorns excel at building foundations. (Actually, they excel at planning the foundations and directing others to do the grunt labour. It’s not that they’re afraid to get their hands dirty, but large work usually requires delegation and a staff, and Capricorns are managers more often than not.) While not flamboyant or showy about it, Capricorns still tend to be obsessive overachievers, a common trait in House Slytherin. Too, wizards born under the sign of Capricorn are good at being discreet, secretive, and diplomatic; whereas the Libra’s diplomacy is based on charm and a desire for harmony, THE CAPRICORN’S DIPLOMACY IS BASED ON THE KNOWLEDGE THAT BEING ON GOOD TERMS WITH PEOPLE IS EXTREMELY USEFUL IN GETTING ONE’S WAY OR FINDING OUT SENSITIVE INFORMATION. These also are traits commonly associated with House Slytherin. They might not be sexy traits, but they’re very handy.
The biggest trait about Alice that drives me to her is the way she deals with people, the way she knows how to read them and understand them. How she’s able to manipulate those around her, as both a negative and positive trait. Like the description says, Alice knows it’s better to be on good terms with people because it’s useful in many respects as opposed to her wanting to be on good terms because of personal feel-good reasons.
Alice craves power over situations she can control and even more so over those she can’t, it’s a weakness but it’s also a driving force that propels her to push. There’s an obsessive side to Alice’s personality that only gets more pronounced with age, though she tries to contain it, it comes out in the things she does. Whether it’s being extra thorough at work or being particularly persnickety over her own dueling technique ( or the other Order members who are learning proper dueling technique from Alice because she’ll be damned if they don’t learn some while she’s partly in charge ), Alice is always obsessing over something.
While Alice can come off as all warmth and sunshine, the part of her that is more often than not what comes out when push comes to shove is that pragmatic leader. She knows what needs to be done to keep the Order going and does it, even at the detriment of her own personal health & needs. To her own morality and ethics at times, as well. Alice is the first to suggest something that is not typically done or the proper protocol. Though, for the Greater Good, or what she believes is the Greater Good, Alice is always willing to bend the rules for.
Her need to protect The Vision™, her vision, of what the future could be for the generations after them, is steadfast. She wants so badly to make the world better than it is, to fight for the future and the generations before her, to make it a better place, that she can be one track minded and have complete tunnel vision. Alice wants the power because she believes she could wield it the right way, she’s ambitious because as much as she’s been told no, she’s been told ‘yes’ and doesn’t know when to stop.
This doesn’t negate the fact that Alice has indeed built a beautiful life for herself in the midst of a war, she’s got a husband who she loves, a career, she’s a founding member of the Order, she still has her uncle Florean and Fortescue’s. Her foundation has cracks in it, like the loss of her father, her mother being emotionally absent after the stillborn birth of her brother, but they’ve been filled with new life experiences and a lot of love all around. Alice has worked to make her life what she wants it to be and though her mind betrays her to make her feel like she needs more, to do more, to be more, she’s got plenty in her life to be proud of.
But still, it never felt like enough.
Green. Your second favorite color to dye her hair during spring. Your favorite color since you were 13 years old and decided that bubblegum pink was cute, but green was a classic. The color of your mother’s overgrowing garden that she still tends to when you go to visit her. A greenhouse, engulfed in green, though other colors illuminate the space it’s lush greenery you see. Rebirth, for every time you decide to try a new hairstyle or get a new tattoo.
Anger and Love. Anger feeds into love, love feeds into anger. Anger for when a case goes unsolved and she’s told to just drop it ( she never does ). Anger for when another person dies on Alice’s watch, another family suffers because Alice couldn’t do enough to dispell their worries. Anger is Alice throwing a hex too hard during a practice, running too much til she’s past being out of breath, dueling til the wand varnish comes off the blisters start to accumulate.
Love for the people around her. For the young Order members who have so bravely given themselves to the cause, for her husband, for her uncle and his shop, a gleaming place of sanctuary in this war. Love, imagining what the world could be without a war, Alice ready to rebuild and grow after it, if she makes it through. Love for a world ravaged by the political climate, love when you have reasons to be angry.
Some children are put in ballet, some in tap, but Alice had dueling lessons. At least, she did what she could do without a proper wand. Her father taught her good form, different dueling techniques, strategies, everything you could know about what Alice considers a sport, she learned. The history, the customs, those of other cultures, she learned. Being Dueling Club captain for her house was an honor and an accomplishment while she was in school, something Alice feels extremely proud of even to this day. Though as an Auror she never wants it to escalate to having to get into a Duel with someone she’s pursuing, it can be exhilarating dueling at that caliber.
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marypsue · 6 years
Imbalance, 10 / ?
Well, tumblr disappeared my original post, so let’s try this one again. 
Previous chapters can be found on AO3 under MaryPSue!
Liliana can't breathe.
She feels pretty stupid about it, actually. She knew there was probably some kind of evil wossname from beyond their plane of existence on the loose, using the circle she herself had broken to get in and eat the universe. She smelled smoke as soon as she set foot in Storm's apartment - hell, she'd taken the batteries out of his smoke detector when it had started going off - but saw no sign of candles or incense or anything that might be causing it. And now she's choking to death on evil smoke from somewhere beyond her plane of existence. Who could possibly have seen this coming.
Well, serves her right. She just hopes the others don't find out how she got killed, she'll die of embarrassment.
"It's all right," Storm says, somewhere in the whispering haze, his voice friendly and comforting, smooth and even and easy to listen to. For the first time, Liliana understands why other people waste their time watching Storm play video games. "You never really had a chance. None of us did."
"Don't...patronise me...you little asshole," Liliana coughs out. She knows as soon as she does that she's made her fatal mistake. Should have saved her breath instead of trying to be a smartass one last time. Her lungs burn, her throat is on fire, her vision blurry either from the tears stinging her eyes or the clouds of billowing, soft grey smoke tracing hypnotic swirls through the air. Her knees, then her shoulder, smart as she hits the ground, but even that's muted, muffled somehow by the smoke.
"It's useless trying," Storm says, sympathetically. "I understand now. No matter how hard you fight, no matter how many battles you win, there's always something bigger and worse waiting in the wings. You can fight and fight your whole life, and any ground you might gain will just be taken back after your death. It means nothing." His smile is bitter and aching. "All you're doing is wearing yourself out, trying to fight the inevitable. You can rest. It'll all be over soon."
Liliana sucks in one final breath, preparing to curse Storm out, but all she gets is a lungful of bitter smoke. Distantly, she thinks she hears Storm say something about endings or silence or some edgelord crap, but it's impossible to make out over the rising whispers. The edges of her vision are darkening, tunneling away into pinpricks of grey as the smoke steals her oxygen. Her last, fleeting thought is to hope somebody will figure out something happened to her and check up on Mavis and Mookie before they both get so hungry they try to eat each other.
And then there is light.
The Plane of Thought is home to all kinds of fantastic inventions. Its inhabitants have shaped metal and lightning around ideas that, on other planes, would have been accomplished with advanced spellwork.
And they've managed to come up with things that the other planes would never dream of. Stones of Farspeech are a complicated enchantment capable of incredible communication across continents. But no one, yet, has thought to connect them all together so that the same messages can reach everyone, all over the world, at nearly the speed of light. And no one, yet, has engineered a twenty-four-hour news cycle to make sure those messages get hammered, repeatedly, into every mind around the world. Over, and over, and over again.
"...new report indicates that, without dramatic policy and industry changes, global temperatures will rise enough to render the Earth uninhabitable within the next thirty years..."
"...despite widespread protest, the unpopular piece of legislation was passed on Friday. Legal challenges are expected..."
"... natural disasters compounded by extreme weather..."
"...allegations of sexual misconduct dating back to the early nineteen-seventies..."
"...will walk free..."
"...unable to afford the necessities of life..."
"...human rights violations..."
"...hate crime rising..."
"...unexpected cancellation of hit series Ray Donovan..."
"Yes," the man at the door deadpans. "This is a bad time."
"Oh," Rowan says. "Sucks to suck, huh?"
"Yeah," the man at the door says, and shuts it in Rowan's face.
Rowan stares at the door. The door does not stare back at Rowan, because it's an inanimate object. That should mean it can't laugh at him, either, and yet, somehow, that's exactly what it seems to be doing.
From somewhere behind the impossibly smug door, Rowan can hear another voice - familiar, but in the way the voice of a teacher you had in elementary school is familiar - complain, "What'd you do that for?"
"He can come back with a warrant," the guy who opened the door snaps, and then the conversation veers into Spanish that's a little more advanced than what Rowan vaguely remembers from eighth grade.
Rowan stands on the doorstep for another moment or two, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment creeping up the back of his neck. The door does not reopen.
"Okay," Rowan mutters to himself, turning away from the door. He does not add, "Now what?". He's uncomfortably aware that no one else is going to answer that question for him. "Well, shit."
He starts down the walk, vaguely considering whether Liliana will be upset if he shows up early to pick her up. He doesn't like to admit it, but something about that Storm guy she hangs around with makes him indefinably but distinctly uncomfortable. Nothing personal, just...Rowan gets the strong impression that the guy's watched The Craft one time more than is strictly healthy.
Maybe Indigo's home. Maybe all that reading she - or he, or maybe they, Rowan hasn't checked in yet today - did on the D&D planar system will give him some clue. Rowan's still not sure if Gary Gygax was just plugged in to some fundamental truth of the universe, or if something about the Story and Song somehow made D&D-like shit real, but the end result is the same. Rowan's extensive knowledge of the Wiccan and neopagan traditions is less useful, practically, than some nerd with a 5e Monster Manual.
He has to admit, it does sting a little.
He's halfway down the walk when the door behind him swings open and a voice - familiar, but in the way that a celebrity's voice is familiar - calls, "Hey, do you really know anything about magic?"
Rowan turns. Joaquin Terrero waves one red-sparking hand at him.
“Sorry about that,” he says, looking at his own hand. “I can’t, uh, make it stop.”
"Well, shit," Rowan says.
"Hey, Griffin. Question."
"Are we...are we going to get to...fight something, at some point?"
The alarm on Marial's implant cuts out abruptly as she and Dead Guy Gary reach the third floor.
Gary gives her a hopeful look, but Marial shakes her head. "It'll keep going off. Every four hours." She's exhausted, and her left arm is starting to ache, her fingers numb and tingly. She keeps jumping at little noises, thinking it's either Barry or one of Gary's zombies, and she's shaking so badly that it takes her three tries to turn the handle on the door out of the stairwell. This is really too much excitement for one lifetime.
"Yes, you are. In fact, you're going to get to fight something very, very soon."
Lup gives her scythe a sweeping stroke through the air. There's a noise like paper tearing, and a burst of stinging grey smoke billows out of the hole she's cut into the Astral Plane. It disperses quickly, but leaves a bitter smell lingering in its wake.
"Well, that's probably not a great sign," Lup mutters, under her breath, and then ducks through the opening in the air.
Taako turns to Magnus, but Magnus isn't there. Taako just sees the soles of his boots following Lup through the hole in the air. His voice drifts back through the planes. "Taako! Are you coming?"
"Let me just - let me ask you something. What part of 'Taako's good out here' keeps giving you all so much trouble?"
Magnus doesn't answer, just leans back through the hole in the air, grabs Taako by the collar, and yanks him through.
The hole in the air closes seamlessly behind them.
"Okay, but Griffin, how soon is 'very, very soon'?"
"What is all this commotion?" someone asks, pleasantly, as Marial slips out of the stairwell. "I thought we dealt with the fire alarm. I've lost two appointments already."
Marial mutters a curse under her breath. She’d really hoped the alarms would have cleared everybody out, but the professionally-(if garishly-)dressed woman with her dark hair in a sleek coil at the back of her neck leaning against the reception desk is standing between her and the cardiac clinic. And doesn't look like she's about to evacuate anytime soon.
On the other hand, Marial's a patient here, and she has a legitimate medical concern. And whoever this is doesn't seem like she wants to stop doing her job and leave until she can personally see flames licking out of the walls around her. Maybe Marial can use this to her advantage.
She takes a step forward, already working up a sheepish smile and a story about a mispulled fire alarm, and the woman standing by the reception desk turns to meet her eyes.
Marial stops in her tracks.
There's nothing immediately and obviously wrong with this picture, which makes it worse. Marial finds herself searching the woman's expression of detached, professional curiosity as it fades into concern, her carefully-applied makeup and enormous eighties Jem and the Holograms earrings, the hall around the reception desk, the friendly but confused smile from the guy behind it, for something to explain the sudden wave of sickening dread that crashes over her. Marial ends up studying the helpful sign listing directions to the different departments so that she doesn't have to meet the woman's kind grey eyes. She's never noticed before that psych and cardiac are on the same floor.
"Can I help you?" the woman asks, and the hall seems to bounce it back to Marial strangely, giving it a mocking, sarcastic tone.
"I - I don't think you can, actually," Marial stammers. She can feel the way Dead Guy Gary's gone tense beside her, prickling like a wall of static shock. She wants to ask him if he can tell what's got his back up, but something tells her that talking to thin air in front of this woman would be a bad idea. "I need the cardiac device clinic."
The woman smiles, broadly, stepping away from the reception desk and towards Marial. Marial takes another step backwards.
"I think what you need is a little dose of perspective," the woman says, still smiling, still friendly. That strange mocking echo in her voice seems to be growing stronger, picking up harmonics from somewhere. Marial takes a third step backwards and finds herself backed up against the stairwell door.
"Well, uh, right about - right about now, actually."
The Astral Plane is spooky.
Well, okay, so a place where dead people go to their eternal rest is always gonna be spooky, but the Astral Plane is spookier than necessary. The last time Magnus saw this place, it was through an enormous gemstone mirror, but it had seemed...peaceful. With the whispering ocean of souls, even a little bit...tropical? Of course, your umbrella and swim trunks would have to be black, but - yeah, he could imagine taking a beach vacation there. A very, very creepy beach vacation.
But this time, as he follows Lup across the dark, formless ground and waits as she chooses where to slice open another portal, Magnus can't imagine the pina colada that would make this palatable. It's just so quiet. The shifting sea seems to be still for once, and he doesn't think it's his imagination that the ethereal blue light it casts is getting dimmer and dimmer. If Magnus squints, he thinks he can make out a faint grey haze casting a pall over it and soaking up its light. He's willing to bet actual human currency that, up close, it smells strongly of smoke.
"Hey, uh, Lulu?" Taako asks, and though his voice is deliberately nonchalant, Magnus can hear the tightness in it. "You done something new with the place? Really working the, the old, 'abandon hope all ye who enter here' vibe."
There's a little frown creasing the space between Lup's eyebrows as she glances distractedly back at them.
"Look, I've been a reaper for less time than you've been dating one," she says. "But no. I don't think any of this is right."
Magnus rests a hand on the head of his axe as he looks around, just in case.
There's another burst of smoke that leaves them all coughing when Lup opens the portal to the Plane of Thought. It still dissipates quickly, but the smell seems to linger longer this time.
They're in a wide, airy, square hall, its walls painted a pale yellow, a huge plate-glass window overtop of a desk just beside them. There are printed signs labeling everything and offering directions down the hall, and all put together, it reminds Magnus of the Halls of Healing back in Neverwinter.
"This better not take too long," Taako complains. "I have an, uh, a guest appearance on, uh, uh, uh, Beat Bobby Mindflayer booked for tonight -"
"It's gonna have to wait," Lup says, warningly.
Magnus follows her line of sight.
The three people standing by the heavy metal door don't seem to have noticed them yet. As Magnus watches, though, the figure to the left - the skeletal figure, flickering in and out of visibility and crackling with red lightning - slowly, slowly turns, and stares directly at him. He's unmistakably a lich, but instead of the red robes Magnus is used to, or even the traditional necromancer's black, he seems to be wearing an extremely ugly neon tracksuit.
The woman standing beside him, in the day-glo suit and enormous earrings, also turns in their direction, and Magnus stumbles backwards. She's got to be the female lich Lup had mentioned, the one who still had her body. There's just something about her eyes -
The girl standing between the two neon horrors half-turns, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes wide and frightened. That's all Magnus needs to see. He pulls his axe free, and, ignoring Lup's shout of "Magnus, wait -", rushes in.
The frightened girl, the one Magnus had pegged as a helpless captive, throws up both hands. And then she throws a fireball the size of a basketball down the hallway at Magnus' head.
"I'm gonna need you boys to roll initiative."
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theliterateape · 7 years
Why "Three Billboards…" is a Far Better Film Than You Thought it Was
By Don Hall
Any article that starts with the phrase “In this day and age…” is automatically suspect.
“In this day and age…” we have been so bombarded with information and opinions (both real and fake, scientific and spun) that society craves nothing more than a simplistic narrative.
We want good guys and bad guys. We want a definitive sense of a moral high ground. We want to be told that we're correct in assuming that anyone who voted for Trump is a racist mouth breather. That anyone who voted for Hillary betrayed Bernie. That it is impossible for a senator to both fight aggressively for women's rights to equality and make a tasteless boob-grabbing joke.
Our popular culture reflects that desire.
Fans of the simplistic Good vs. Evil narrative balked at the complexity of the latest Star Wars. The Pit of Forced Stupidity and Dumbed Down Asshattery known as social media practically requires the propaganda of WWII (when the Japanese were routinely portrayed as rats) effectively boiling every issue down to the reductive language of the Puritans. #BlackLivesMatters is taken so literally that people feel the need to create another hashtag #AllLivesMatter because they can't handle the nuance and complexity of the argument. #MeToo suddenly devolves into an argument that men are predators and women are victims without pausing for a moment to reflect on  shades of gray.
When Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri came out, it was immediately lambasted on certain segments of Twitter as being about a racist cop who suffers no consequences for his actions and is redeemed in the end. I read this and wondered and, to be frank, was put off on seeing the film for a while.
Instead, in the pantheon of films available that were contenders for the Oscar (keeping in mind that the nominees and the winners, like so much in our religiously monied village, is bought and paid for in campaigns and perks), I caught Get Out and The Shape of Water.
I loved both films. Prior to seeing Three Billboards… I had decided that Get Out was perhaps the most culturally significant film of 2017 in that it was not only tremendously entertaining but also provided an excellent allegory for what it feels like to be a black millennial in the Age of #BlackLivesMatter.
Then I saw Three Billboards...
Written by Martin McDonagh (a playwright and screenwriter known for dark satires like The Cripple of Inishmaan, The Pillowman, and films like In Bruges and Seven Psychopaths) Three Billboards… eschews the easy answers of a Good vs. Evil narrative and presents a comic tale of complicated humans doing complicated things for complicated reasons. Of course, it's "problematic."
Notably, the emphasis on morality plays as the most popular form of narrative is relatively recent. The fables of Aesop do not pit good against evil — the tortoise is not innately representative of a moral center and the hare is not an avatar for depravity, they both simply represent different approaches to the same problem. The moral is not so much moral but instructive. The American legends of Paul Bunyan and John Henry are not biblical tales of decency and piety but rather tales of less strident and Puritanical visions of ethical behavior.
Stories from an oral tradition never have a modern good guy or bad guy, despite their reputation for being moralizing. In Jack and the Beanstalk or Sleeping Beauty, who is the good guy? Jack is the protagonist yet he has no ethical justification for stealing the giant’s treasures. Does Sleeping Beauty care about goodness? Does anyone fight injustice?
Even tales that can be made to seem like they are about good versus evil do not hinge on so simple a moral dichotomy. In traditional versions, Cinderella merely needs to be hot to make the story work. In the Three Little Pigs, neither pigs nor wolf deploy strategies that the other wouldn’t stoop to. It’s just a question of who gets to eat, not good versus evil.
Arguably, the propaganda of war combined with the lectures of religion set the table for our infantile attraction to the morality tale. Complexity in a world with over seven billion people is discouraged because that shit don't sell Tide. Once the idea of national values entered our storytelling, the peculiar moral physics underlying the phenomenon of good guys versus bad guys has been remarkably consistent.
The Shape of Water is a beautiful tale and a grandly lush film with extremely simplistic characters who never deviate from who they are morally from frame one. Del Torro tells us at each step how we are supposed to feel and which side everyone is on. It's comforting to not have to think about it.
Get Out is likewise a propaganda. In Peele's movie, all blacks are good and all whites are evil. It's a great ride, a fantastic horror film and a brilliant allegory for the current perspective on race relations in America today.
Three Billboards… is complicated. The characters are flawed. Mildred Hayes is filled with rage at what she sees as negligence on the police chief's part and uses McDonagh's metaphor for the callout culture of the internet to openly shame him into action. Chief Willoughby, however, isn't the cartoon bad guy he's supposed to be and that's confusing. The deeply racist Officer Dixon is not merely defined by his racism but by his anger, low intelligence and issues with his even more deeply racist mother.
Mildred does not get what she wants in the end. She wants to catch her daughter's rapist and, like Willoughby, fails. Dixon does not get his comeuppance for his brutality nor is he redeemed — he loses everything (his job, his status, his face) and is poised for redemption but, in the end, both he and Hayes set out to wreak vengeance on someone they believe is guilty of crime but not the crime that has touched their lives.
McDonagh's characters are frustratingly human.
In this day and age, with the embrace of these simple-minded techniques of creating a fantasy of Good (victims of police brutality, victims of sexual harassment, undocumented immigrants) and Evil (police, men, Donald Trump), it is advisable that we all pull away from these narratives some. These fantasies are perfect for hobbits, wizards and superheroes but not so much for modern people set in modern stories. While entertaining on a fundamental level, these narratives do not address the very complicated truths of humanity. That we all are good and we all are evil and that we all are capable of complex reasons for doing both.
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Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
mumbaipunetaxi-blog · 7 years
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
marypsue · 6 years
Imbalance, 10 / ?
Previous chapters can be found on AO3 under MaryPSue!
Liliana can't breathe.
She feels pretty stupid about it, actually. She knew there was probably some kind of evil wossname from beyond their plane of existence on the loose, using the circle she herself had broken to get in and eat the universe. She smelled smoke as soon as she set foot in Storm's apartment - hell, she'd taken the batteries out of his smoke detector when it had started going off - but saw no sign of candles or incense or anything that might be causing it. And now she's choking to death on evil smoke from somewhere beyond her plane of existence. Who could possibly have seen this coming.
Well, serves her right. She just hopes the others don't find out how she got killed, she'll die of embarrassment.
"It's all right," Storm says, somewhere in the whispering haze, his voice friendly and comforting, smooth and even and easy to listen to. For the first time, Liliana understands why other people waste their time watching Storm play video games. "You never really had a chance. None of us did."
"Don't...patronise me...you little asshole," Liliana coughs out. She knows as soon as she does that she's made her fatal mistake. Should have saved her breath instead of trying to be a smartass one last time. Her lungs burn, her throat is on fire, her vision blurry either from the tears stinging her eyes or the clouds of billowing, soft grey smoke tracing hypnotic swirls through the air. Her knees, then her shoulder, smart as she hits the ground, but even that's muted, muffled somehow by the smoke.
"It's useless trying," Storm says, sympathetically. "I understand now. No matter how hard you fight, no matter how many battles you win, there's always something bigger and worse waiting in the wings. You can fight and fight your whole life, and any ground you might gain will just be taken back after your death. It means nothing." His smile is bitter and aching. "All you're doing is wearing yourself out, trying to fight the inevitable. You can rest. It'll all be over soon."
Liliana sucks in one final breath, preparing to curse Storm out, but all she gets is a lungful of bitter smoke. Distantly, she thinks she hears Storm say something about endings or silence or some edgelord crap, but it's impossible to make out over the rising whispers. The edges of her vision are darkening, tunneling away into pinpricks of grey as the smoke steals her oxygen. Her last, fleeting thought is to hope somebody will figure out something happened to her and check up on Mavis and Mookie before they both get so hungry they try to eat each other.
And then there is light.
The Plane of Thought is home to all kinds of fantastic inventions. Its inhabitants have shaped metal and lightning around ideas that, on other planes, would have been accomplished with advanced spellwork.
And they've managed to come up with things that the other planes would never dream of. Stones of Farspeech are a complicated enchantment capable of incredible communication across continents. But no one, yet, has thought to connect them all together so that the same messages can reach everyone, all over the world, at nearly the speed of light. And no one, yet, has engineered a twenty-four-hour news cycle to make sure those messages get hammered, repeatedly, into every mind around the world. Over, and over, and over again.
"...new report indicates that, without dramatic policy and industry changes, global temperatures will rise enough to render the Earth uninhabitable within the next thirty years..."
"...despite widespread protest, the unpopular piece of legislation was passed on Friday. Legal challenges are expected..."
"... natural disasters compounded by extreme weather..."
"...allegations of sexual misconduct dating back to the early nineteen-seventies..."
"...will walk free..."
"...unable to afford the necessities of life..."
"...human rights violations..."
"...hate crime rising..."
"...unexpected cancellation of hit series Ray Donovan..."
"Yes," the man at the door deadpans. "This is a bad time."
"Oh," Rowan says. "Sucks to suck, huh?"
"Yeah," the man at the door says, and shuts it in Rowan's face.
Rowan stares at the door. The door does not stare back at Rowan, because it's an inanimate object. That should mean it can't laugh at him, either, and yet, somehow, that's exactly what it seems to be doing. 
From somewhere behind the impossibly smug door, Rowan can hear another voice - familiar, but in the way the voice of a teacher you had in elementary school is familiar - complain, "What'd you do that for?"
"He can come back with a warrant," the guy who opened the door snaps, and then the conversation veers into Spanish that's a little more advanced than what Rowan vaguely remembers from eighth grade. 
Rowan stands on the doorstep for another moment or two, feeling the hot flush of embarrassment creeping up the back of his neck. The door does not reopen.
"Okay," Rowan mutters to himself, turning away from the door. He does not add, "Now what?". He's uncomfortably aware that no one else is going to answer that question for him. "Well, shit."
He starts down the walk, vaguely considering whether Liliana will be upset if he shows up early to pick her up. He doesn't like to admit it, but something about that Storm guy she hangs around with makes him indefinably but distinctly uncomfortable. Nothing personal, just...Rowan gets the strong impression that the guy's watched The Craft one time more than is strictly healthy.
Maybe Indigo's home. Maybe all that reading she - or he, or maybe they, Rowan hasn't checked in yet today - did on the D&D planar system will give him some clue. Rowan's still not sure if Gary Gygax was just plugged in to some fundamental truth of the universe, or if something about the Story and Song somehow made D&D-like shit real, but the end result is the same. Rowan's extensive knowledge of the Wiccan and neopagan traditions is less useful, practically, than some nerd with a 5e Monster Manual.
He has to admit, it does sting a little.
He's halfway down the walk when the door behind him swings open and a voice - familiar, but in the way that a celebrity's voice is familiar - calls, "Hey, do you really know anything about magic?"
Rowan turns. Joaquin Terrero waves one red-sparking hand at him.
“Sorry about that,” he says, looking at his own hand. “I can’t, uh, make it stop.”
"Well, shit," Rowan says.
"Hey, Griffin. Question."
"Are we...are we going to get to...fight something, at some point?"
The alarm on Marial's implant cuts out abruptly as she and Dead Guy Gary reach the third floor. 
Gary gives her a hopeful look, but Marial shakes her head. "It'll keep going off. Every four hours." She's exhausted, and her left arm is starting to ache, her fingers numb and tingly. She keeps jumping at little noises, thinking it's either Barry or one of Gary's zombies, and she's shaking so badly that it takes her three tries to turn the handle on the door out of the stairwell. This is really too much excitement for one lifetime. 
"Yes, you are. In fact, you're going to get to fight something very, very soon."
Lup gives her scythe a sweeping stroke through the air. There's a noise like paper tearing, and a burst of stinging grey smoke billows out of the hole she's cut into the Astral Plane. It disperses quickly, but leaves a bitter smell lingering in its wake.
"Well, that's probably not a great sign," Lup mutters, under her breath, and then ducks through the opening in the air.
Taako turns to Magnus, but Magnus isn't there. Taako just sees the soles of his boots following Lup through the hole in the air. His voice drifts back through the planes. "Taako! Are you coming?"
"Let me just - let me ask you something. What part of 'Taako's good out here' keeps giving you all so much trouble?"
Magnus doesn't answer, just leans back through the hole in the air, grabs Taako by the collar, and yanks him through.
The hole in the air closes seamlessly behind them.
"Okay, but Griffin, how soon is 'very, very soon'?"
"What is all this commotion?" someone asks, pleasantly, as Marial slips out of the stairwell. "I thought we dealt with the fire alarm. I've lost two appointments already."
Marial mutters a curse under her breath. She’d really hoped the alarms would have cleared everybody out, but the professionally-(if garishly-)dressed woman with her dark hair in a sleek coil at the back of her neck leaning against the reception desk is standing between her and the cardiac clinic. And doesn't look like she's about to evacuate anytime soon.
On the other hand, Marial's a patient here, and she has a legitimate medical concern. And whoever this is doesn't seem like she wants to stop doing her job and leave until she can personally see flames licking out of the walls around her. Maybe Marial can use this to her advantage.
She takes a step forward, already working up a sheepish smile and a story about a mispulled fire alarm, and the woman standing by the reception desk turns to meet her eyes.
Marial stops in her tracks.
There's nothing immediately and obviously wrong with this picture, which makes it worse. Marial finds herself searching the woman's expression of detached, professional curiosity as it fades into concern, her carefully-applied makeup and enormous eighties Jem and the Holograms earrings, the hall around the reception desk, the friendly but confused smile from the guy behind it, for something to explain the sudden wave of sickening dread that crashes over her. Marial ends up studying the helpful sign listing directions to the different departments so that she doesn't have to meet the woman's kind grey eyes. She's never noticed before that psych and cardiac are on the same floor.
"Can I help you?" the woman asks, and the hall seems to bounce it back to Marial strangely, giving it a mocking, sarcastic tone.
"I - I don't think you can, actually," Marial stammers. She can feel the way Dead Guy Gary's gone tense beside her, prickling like a wall of static shock. She wants to ask him if he can tell what's got his back up, but something tells her that talking to thin air in front of this woman would be a bad idea. "I need the cardiac device clinic."
The woman smiles, broadly, stepping away from the reception desk and towards Marial. Marial takes another step backwards.
"I think what you need is a little dose of perspective," the woman says, still smiling, still friendly. That strange mocking echo in her voice seems to be growing stronger, picking up harmonics from somewhere. Marial takes a third step backwards and finds herself backed up against the stairwell door.
"Well, uh, right about - right about now, actually."
The Astral Plane is spooky.
Well, okay, so a place where dead people go to their eternal rest is always gonna be spooky, but the Astral Plane is spookier than necessary. The last time Magnus saw this place, it was through an enormous gemstone mirror, but it had seemed...peaceful. With the whispering ocean of souls, even a little bit...tropical? Of course, your umbrella and swim trunks would have to be black, but - yeah, he could imagine taking a beach vacation there. A very, very creepy beach vacation.
But this time, as he follows Lup across the dark, formless ground and waits as she chooses where to slice open another portal, Magnus can't imagine the pina colada that would make this palatable. It's just so quiet. The shifting sea seems to be still for once, and he doesn't think it's his imagination that the ethereal blue light it casts is getting dimmer and dimmer. If Magnus squints, he thinks he can make out a faint grey haze casting a pall over it and soaking up its light. He's willing to bet actual human currency that, up close, it smells strongly of smoke.
"Hey, uh, Lulu?" Taako asks, and though his voice is deliberately nonchalant, Magnus can hear the tightness in it. "You done something new with the place? Really working the, the old, 'abandon hope all ye who enter here' vibe."
There's a little frown creasing the space between Lup's eyebrows as she glances distractedly back at them.
"Look, I've been a reaper for less time than you've been dating one," she says. "But no. I don't think any of this is right."
Magnus rests a hand on the head of his axe as he looks around, just in case.
There's another burst of smoke that leaves them all coughing when Lup opens the portal to the Plane of Thought. It still dissipates quickly, but the smell seems to linger longer this time.
They're in a wide, airy, square hall, its walls painted a pale yellow, a huge plate-glass window overtop of a desk just beside them. There are printed signs labeling everything and offering directions down the hall, and all put together, it reminds Magnus of the Halls of Healing back in Neverwinter.
"This better not take too long," Taako complains. "I have an, uh, a guest appearance on, uh, uh, uh, Beat Bobby Mindflayer booked for tonight -"
"It's gonna have to wait," Lup says, warningly.
Magnus follows her line of sight. 
The three people standing by the heavy metal door don't seem to have noticed them yet. As Magnus watches, though, the figure to the left - the skeletal figure, flickering in and out of visibility and crackling with red lightning - slowly, slowly turns, and stares directly at him. He's unmistakably a lich, but instead of the red robes Magnus is used to, or even the traditional necromancer's black, he seems to be wearing an extremely ugly neon tracksuit.
The woman standing beside him, in the day-glo suit and enormous earrings, also turns in their direction, and Magnus stumbles backwards. She's got to be the female lich Lup had mentioned, the one who still had her body. There's just something about her eyes -
The girl standing between the two neon horrors half-turns, her breath catching in her throat, her eyes wide and frightened. That's all Magnus needs to see. He pulls his axe free, and, ignoring Lup's shout of "Magnus, wait -", rushes in.
The frightened girl, the one Magnus had pegged as a helpless captive, throws up both hands. And then she throws a fireball the size of a basketball down the hallway at Magnus' head.
"I'm gonna need you boys to roll initiative."
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Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
puneshirditaxi-blog · 7 years
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
0 notes
Build a site like BigBasket
we provide a full range of services and accompany you through the whole process online brand building. Our creative designers bring to life your fantastic web design ideas and make them resonate. Whether you need a website, e-commerce or mobile design, our team is skilled enough to deliver you great results including work with Logo and homepage design and branding. We can help you with web and mobile development. Wide range of Mobile Solutions for Your Business We focus on your success and create applications with lean, user-friendly interface. Our experts provide solutions that meet their diverse business needs. Our unmatched mobile application development services will definitely give you a head start in the competitive marketplace. As a prominent app creator company, we believe in enabling our clients on the web & mobile space An App Maker Company with the Right Skills and Talents Our biggest asset is our team of ground-breakingengineers, analysts, designers and developers. Our professionals can work across a wide lineup of platforms and programming languages. They will customize the services to suit your needs, ultimately benefitting your business in the best way.We have also proved our excellence in developing great websites for our clients. We will create a website that suits your goals and your budget.
A website is the common interface between you and your customers, hence it is essential that they be user friendly and pro users. The first thing that you must remember before appointing a website designing company is that they should understand the purpose of your website and do complete justice to your project. Defined below are some important roles that your website designing company will play in getting your website ranked.
Your website is your virtual office, and it is the role of a website designing company to design it in such a manner that it is beneficial to your organization. It is not always that you create a website. A site is created once, and the first time it appears before the user is when all the impact is created. It is hence necessary that the initial design of your website be attractive and interesting.
Apart from creating the framework and the structure of your website, web designing is also responsible for including search engine optimization features in your website. These are important features which eventually help in the better ranking of the websites in the search engines.
Websites are normally constructed in HTML, CSS, Java Scripts etc. There are a number of pages in a website that are unique from one another. These are placed by the web designers in styles and techniques that best suit the website design.
In the current times more and more business owners are paying attention to online business because in the competitive market of the current times it is impossible to ignore the value of a good business website. The world is suing the internet for everything almost and especially for buying and selling. There is no dearth of things that can be found online and people nowadays find it more convenient to search and buy a thing from online rather than visit the physical shops which take up a lot of time as well as energy.
With the various products and services available online it is easier for people to search and buy products online as they can do it from anywhere, be it from their office or the comfort of their home. Hence it is no surprise that the business owners have woken up to the fact that the current market competition demands a business website that is designed as per the business requirements and which is attractive and trendy enough to draw the attention of the right kind of customers.
Therefore it makes sense to invest in creating a good website and that is exactly what most businessmen are doing nowadays. But it has to be kept in mind that it is not possible for any and everyone to create a business website that can be effective when it comes to generating revenue. This is where the website designing service comes into play, as a professional website design and development company has the expertise and knowledge about the various tools that are being used and therefore, can really build a website that will be best for the business.
There are many reputed and professional website designing companies and you can easily pick one that meets your requirement, timeline, and budget, and would attract more online visitors. If the website is really well designed then there is a good chance that these visitors will turn into potential customers. The various designing services, which are offered by the professionals, ranges from the creation of the template for the website, maintenance and web solutions, and mapping. The experts also lend an ear to what the customer has to say and what his vision is regarding the website, and accordingly, they make their own suggestions so that the website designs could be adjusted and altered and truly reflect the fundamental nature of the customer's business and meet his business needs in an efficient way.
Be it any kind of customer needs the companies which are truly professional can provide various kinds of business solutions and offer technologies that are current and up-to-date. The client does not have to worry about the quality of his website when he is seeking the services of a professional website design company. The various areas where these website services offer their expertise are customer website design and e-commerce website building. Flash and graphic designs, search engine optimization, database integration and organization, corporate identity building and even multimedia presentations. The companies that provide website designing services are careful about their client's needs and demands, and can be flexible in their ideas and services, hence they can build anything from a simple to a very professional looking, sleek and trendy website, but it all depends on what is the customer need and for what purpose the business owner is building the website.
Web Design Company
There are many people on internet who call themselves as web designers and web design companies. Many people do it for fun, as a hobby or part-time. Web design companies full-time operations are way to go.. Web design companies doing it for living will take your project seriously. Make sure your web design company has done enough research on internet technologies.
5 firm steps for finding the right Web design company for you
1. Assess your needs:
A professional Web design company will work with you rather than for you. It will help you in defining your organization's requirements. Still, you should have a basic idea of what your web site can do for you. Will it serve as an informative catalog? Will it grab new clients? Will it strengthen relationship with your existing clients? Will it serve the needs of your workers?
There are few initial requirements your organization should aware of:
The intended audience for the Web site
The intended goal of the project
Anticipated budget for the Web site
How the project will fit into a larger marketing/corporate scheme
The individuals/departments within your organization responsible for the project
These initial requirements will help you finding web design firm best suited for your project. You should document them and use them as a basis for evaluating each web design firm. This document will serve as your benchmark to measure each web design firm.
During this stage, your organization should make contact with the potential Web design firms that are on your shortlist.
4. Get Quote/Proposals
Good web design firm will always be ready to submit a proposal for your website along with defined timeline, deliverables and terms & conditions. When evaluating proposal, look how they communicate with you using their website and digital documents.
Maintain a list for each proposal, consisting of its strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of the respective Web design firm based on its other materials (Web site, portfolio, brochure, case studies, etc.).
5. Evaluate Proposals
After your organization has received all proposals, review and compare them with each other. How do they fare in terms of presentation? Do they present upgrade paths for your project, going beyond the needs of the immediate goals outlined?
6. Think ahead.
Over the past year, many of web design companies of different sizes have emerged, closed their operations or cut back. It's important to ask web design company about long-term relationship.
A good web design has a potential to engage the visitors & convert them to potential buyers. A website is said to be serving its purpose if it has the potential to generate online leads. Nowadays, it has become mandatory for the business houses to have an online portfolio in the form of websites. The webs provide them the flexibility to reach the targeted audience. But converting targeted audience into potential buyers & customers is certainly a challenging task. Your website plays a crucial role in this. If your web has a good design, then it can easily serve that purpose. The most pertinent question is how to design a good web. Presented below are some of the points that will help you in this.
Attractive Theme: The theme or the webpage design of any website is very important. It is recommended to use the theme which perfectly manifests your business. For example, if you are selling natural products, then you can select any of the themes which match with your products. If you are into the fashion industry, then colorful themes would be considered as appropriate for your business.
User-friendly Navigation: The user-friendly navigation is very important to enhance your conversion rates. Too many links in the menu bar and side bar create confusion. Avoid providing too many links there. It is recommended to put only important links in the menu or sidebar. These will help in the easy navigation of the website.
Go Mobile Friendly: It is mandatory to have the mobile friendly responsive website. The reason being most of the internet users are using mobile phones to access information. If you have the mobile compatible website, then it ensures s better browsing experience which eventually results in conversion.
The design of your company website plays a critical role in determining the overall growth and thus success. Would you then want any visitor to get irritated after seeing your website or would you want to face a situation where visitors hardly spend a few seconds scanning the web pages. Perhaps not and thus when it comes to hiring a website design company, you leave no stone unturned. Well this certainly is a good move, but at the same time it is suggested that all through the designing stages you be closely involved with the design company and make sure your web outlook is in line with the objectives. When it comes to website designing, the domain is huge. Basically there are too many features to pay attention to. However, a professional and experienced web designing company wouldn't essentially go all wrong. A well selected firm would know its job well and thus will pay attention to the execution. In best interests of your company, thus you can narrow down the work and pay attention to the 3C's of website design - Creativity, Content and Cross browser Compatibility.
Cross browser compatibility
With so many browser options available you cannot restrict a viewer to view your website across a particular browser or a set of those. Neither is it practical to attempt design modification, every now and then, to suit the requirements of browser gaining user popularity. A sensible alternative will be to ensure that the website design company conceptualizes a website which is compatibility or looks great and functions well, irrespective of the browser. Again a completely flash website design will not be cross browser compatible. Many handhold devices miss out on flash support and a number of users opt not to install plug-ins. In the name of an interesting website design, would you want your company to miss out?
One of the best and the most successful invention of all times has been the internet or one may say Web. It started as a means of connection between some space agencies and military programs, but has eventually increased its use and popularity in a very short number of years.
This very well helped us change the world we live in by helping access the world's information in just a click away. But this search engine attained popularity due to certain reasons. The reasons are many, but some of them are more vastly encountered such as fast connectivity, worldwide approach and its designing.
One tends to appreciate the designs, the graphics being used in the website as an outlook. We also tend to have more emphasis on the websites which appeal more to the users visually.
Their reach is not only fixed to websites but to pages and many more sites. They have re-revolutionized the way we look at our computer screens and their appearance, making them from black and white to colorful and pretty much attractive.
Websites need to be much more attractive and more explainable towards the audience, which we tend to target. They are in a huge demand in today's world as they tend to change our perspective towards the outlook of the world.
Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra
102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058  
  Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai
107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064  
  Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East
4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099  
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