#but 1. itll take me 2 hours round trip to get there
haunthouse · 11 months
vyvanse shortage is literally going to be the death of me lmao
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #3: "i told him i loved sicko mode( which i dont)" - bryce
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Today no one has been online so our tribe has been quiet. But we have our alliance together so thats good.
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John is gone? Good. I don't want to work with anyone who chooses Boston Rob as an avatar. No thank you.
Okay so this challenge is interesting...it really could be anybody's game. Luckily I know Brian is really good with music so I'm hoping that will come in handy for us. Other than that who tf knows. I just hope we stay safe.
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This music video challenge is really hard. Hopefully we could pull another win and stay safe again. It would really suck if we would lose this challenge.
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so I just woke up. like ~ 6-7 hours after the challenge announcement. AND THESE FREAKS ARE ALREADY DONE. WTF LET ME HELP.
no no. For real. I am so happy, I am not used to a tribe working this well together in challenges. I am SO SO HAPPY
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We actually just murdered the challenge. We finished it in like less than 12 hours. We are beasts at these challenges. I just really hope that we got them all right because that gives us a great shot at winning. Even if we lose I'm in a great spot with Four of a Kind and Nicole is an obvious first boot. But I would still love to keep this win streak going for a little while.
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I swear, I go offline for one night... I come back and literally EVERY song is done... I mean go on carry me to immunity thats fine.
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So the last couple of days has been quiet since we did win immunity again, but I do have some tea to spill in here, and I love spilling tea hehe...
So I got nothing from my trip to Wonderland, but that's OK!  I'd rather get nothing then get something bad for my game.  In addition to that, though, the more juicy ish is that Sharky told me that Maynor is trying to get a group together of the 4 men not including me (or Nicole, obviously).  He probably already succeeded in that, but I do know, based on what Sharky said, that their first target would be Nicole followed up by me.  "It's not that Maynor doesn't like you, because he does, but he just thinks this is the group."  Maynor better hope that I don't swap with him because I do not mind having to flip on his ass and send him home at this point.  I'd love to stick to tribal lines and think I could find comfort in them if we swap, but I also literally don't care if I wasn't included in an alliance.
So while I know I have Sharky with my back and Maynor not with it at all, that still leaves Charlie, Nicole, and Dennis.  Nicole doesn't really talk much to anyone, so I'm kinda just gonna sneak in over the next 24 hours and make sure to solidify something with her so that I could work with her if need be.  Dennis and I talk from time to time, but I think if I can play on the fact that we both play League more, then I can solidify something with him... and Charlie and I talked about something between the two of us already, so I feel good there, but he didn't warn me about the Maynor alliance thing, so I know he doesn't trust me fully yet (which, might I add, just shows how I have to keep him at a distance).  I feel like if we can win this challenge and potentially swap next round, I will so amazing... because I might swap onto a tribe with a bunch of amazing people that will help me kill some of these annoying hoes on my current tribe (I'm looking @ you, Maynor).  My tribe's kinda hard to talk to, so I really need this... I need Marie... Godt... help me tf out because I am DYINNNGGG.....
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I worked on videos 2 and 3 last night and almost finished it except like missing 2 songs. When i woke this morning, tribe finished all of video 1 and the 2 that i was missing. I really like our tribe, its really active and they work hard on the challenges. Going to be sad when there is a tribe swap, hopefully i get some of my alliance with me or Brian. Atleast someone i could work with.
Our spreasheets is being locked. I hope that we have the right answers. I really want to win again so hopefully we win immunity again.
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Soooo I woke up and the tribe had finished our challenge before I even got to contribute....annoying because now if we lose I’ll be booted for not helping. Still I’m having fun even though I really only talk to Dennis and Charlie.
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We won. Again. I wish I had something more interesting to say but I'm in a majority alliance, on a physically dominant tribe, I know who has the idol, and I'm feeling super comfortable. The only thing that worries me is an impending swap. In that situation idk what I would do…
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O M G. We won by 1 point. I literally died and came back. Im so happy that we are safe again. Only thing is I’m nervous about us being ‘recommended’ to be online tomorrow. Maybe its nothing and I’m looking into it too much. Lets hope the swap is after one more vote. But who knows cuz it could be swapped into 3 tribes of 5.
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okay so i forgot to mention but nathan has vote spy so wooh. also so i found a potion today and instead of being loyal and smart and gifting it to nathan since he hadnt guessed yet. i took it for myself and now have to wait another day to see if i get sth new. maybe itll work out maybe not. but we won tribal so um wooh. i kind of carried but im pretty sure i also put the wrong ellie goulding song so uh give and take NNN. still love nathan, nick is fun when hes on, annabelle talks for like 1 minute at a time but shes busy so hope we connect more, jayden... ignores me also i told him i loved sicko mode( which i dont) but his pfp was astroworld.. close enough. they were talking about rap in the chat so i changed my picture to amine and kevin abstract to try to get their attention but did not succeed KDAJFHKAJD one day ill bond…
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YAY WE WON!!! I hate selfie scavenger hunt. Ill get more in depth when there's you know... actual depth to get into... safety is fun but I dont have confessional material right now. Also HAHA KEATON YOU GOT A VOTE TOO (sticks tongue out)
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I didn't even do the challenge and I feel like I'm going home because I've been really busy and barely active so I'm really sad. Hopefully I can get people like Matt or BC to save me.
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Our tribe are such kings, yet another win!! Despite the happiness of being safe, I am kinda worried. If our entire tribe makes the merge it just makes us targets, and honestly I don't see the point. Nicole isn't really online much and from what I can gather it doesn't seem like anyone is closely allied with her.
Yes, what I'm saying is that we're considering, let's say, "Not putting our best effort" into this challenge. Dennis and I have talked about it already, and I do think it's for the best. You only have to look at the healers in HvHvH to see why it's not a good idea to always win!
I hope it's not a live trivia challenge. Cos I love those and it will suck if I have to not try my best on it.
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One point... really? I had to log off because I needed to be up early in the morning. There are two people that did absolutely nothing for the challenge. They had 24 hours to do at least SOMETHING, and then we would have won. But no.
tbh the complete lack of giving a fuck on my tribe has left me super demotivated. I'm sick of staying up until 1am every night for this while others do fuck all. we're voting Marie because she's never around and hasn't contributed significantly to any challenge yet. sorry if you were expecting something more exciting than that.
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so we lost the challenge. BY ONE FUCKING POINT. Like what is the point?? i slaved for ages looking for those videos, doing both videos 1 and 2 and some of 3. like hello tribe? please pull your weight? or like? I want you all gone? This vote thankfully should have a straightforward result, like marie is basically non existent and doesn't really try. The transcontinental trio have basically come to that consensus that it'll be Marie, so like it should be because we have a majority. Im praying for a swap HONESTLY.
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I was driving home from Maine so I’m super glad the guys pulled through and won this one since I fell on ice and I’m in a stupid amount of pain and I didn’t want to potentially be voted out when I’m hurting this bad so whenever these are released seriously seriously thank you to the 4 of you that got all of it done you’re all amazing
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Im a little nervous tonight for the semi-live challenge after tribal tonight but also more nervouse that it isnt a challenge by a possible 3 tribe swap
BC quits.
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