#but Aegon is dead so who else will carry the mantle if not his bastard brother?
It’s about the second sons finishing what the elder sons couldn’t. It’s about the unlikely candidate rising from the uncertainty that comes with a young heir’s death and destruction. And look how that’s reflected with Jon and Bran, two characters who put a spin on king Arthur’s tale. Sure they’re going to be kings, but they weren’t meant to be. Not initially. Their older brothers were. Aegon was meant to be the king, he was meant to be the promised prince. Yet he was cut down before he could even live. Robb was the honorable king, the valiant hero destined to save House Stark. Yet, like Prince Aegon, he was cut down before his prime - a sixteen year old boy. In any other tale, Aegon would live and Robb would win. But not in this one. Aegon died, and Robb died after him. But their legacies and the hope they carried remained, to be picked up by their younger brothers - their unlikely heirs. Aegon can’t be the promised prince because he died, but Jon can. Robb can’t rebuild House Stark, but Bran will. Aegon and Robb were born to be destined for greatness, but Jon and Bran had greatness thrust upon them. And see how they rise to the occasion!
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