#but Elora doesn’t die in Immemorial City
knight-princess · 2 years
Given that the battlefield in Willow’s vision is also the one Graydon wakes up in in the Wyrm’s illusion, is it possible that Willow’s vision of Elora dying, and by extension of terrible things befalling his family and village were visions sent by the Crone and the Wyrm to dissuade him from the quest and the training of Elora?
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starjane312 · 2 years
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 27
The next day, we’re surprised. Miles slept through the whole night. It’s extremely Foggy. We are both looking at each other. Miles bound to my Chest.
K: What are we going to do with the Name thing ?
I look at her.
J: Well… We’ll let him figure that out once he’s old enough ?
She looks at me with a face that says ‘Really ?’. I lift my hands.
J: Ok, sorry.
I think.
J: How bout we both just pick one ?
She sighs.
K: Thought about that too but what if we choose the same thing ?
J: I want Mama.
K: Good, I picked Mom.
J: See, it worked.
We both chuckle and look at Miles. 
B: Don’t you understand. You’ve killed us !
G: I had to do it. I didn’t have a choice.
We walk to them.
Ja: What did he do ?
B: He set Kenneth free.
G: He was Sick.
J: He would have Died. 
B: You’re on his side ?
J: Yes. Kenneth would have died if he went further. He was getting weaker the Further we went. 
B: Yeah ? Well, now we’re gonna die. Hundreds of leagues from anywhere. There’s no way to go forward, there’s no way to go Backwards. And nothing, nothing has gone the way it was supposed to !
E: We have to walk. It’s what you said. We walk across it.
B: For how long ? Till we starve ?
E: It’s not long now. We’re close. 
We start walking.
J: You wanna know what I’m thinking about.
K: What ?
J: What are we going to do with Miles during the Fight ?
She looks at me.
K: Oh shit.
W: I can put a force field around him.
J: You can ?
W: Yes.
J: Good. That’s good.
E: We’re almost there.
W: I didn’t know how far we’d have to go.
I hold Kit’s hand as we walk.
Ja: Your mother told me before we left that you’d never give up. And there Might come a Time where I’d have to bring you Home.
K: You think this is it ?
We both look at her.
Ja: No. I think you’re gonna make that Decision on your own.
K: What did she tell you ?
I look at her.
J: Me ?
She nods.
J: She asked me if I really loved you. And then told me to protect both of you.
She squeezes my Hand. A giant  skeleton can be seen through the fog.
B: Hey do you see that ? 
G: What ? The Giant skull ?
B: Yeah. Just checking. I’m not who I thought I was Gray. 
G: Who are you ?
B: I’m nobody.
We keep walking. I give Boorman a look. I don’t know how long we were walking, but Miles needed Three new Diapers and was fed four times. When Boorman stops Elora from walking. We see a cliff with no end and nothing ahead of us. 
K: Oh my God. 
J: That is not good.
E: Impossible. 
G: Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere.
J: Really we walked straight ahead. What Turns did we Take ?
B: Yeah, should've gone left. 
E: We crossed the sea. We passed the Test. The city is Supposed to be here. 
W: It isn’t.
E: It has to be !
W: I’m turning back. 
B: Yeah me too.
Ja: We went as far as we could Elora. 
E: No. This isn’t how it ends. 
K: How does it end ?
She lets go of my Hand and walks to Elora.
E: In the Immemorial City. With the wand Broken, and me … Dead.
K: What ? 
E: It’s what Willow saw in his Vision all those years ago. The reason Sorsha didn’t want him to Train me. Tried to hide me away. ‘Cause if I face the Crone, that’s how it’ll end. Isn’t it ?
We all look at Willow. 
W: How did you know ?
E: She showed me.
J: The Crone ?
Ja: You’ve been, what, communing with her ?
B: Great. Just Great. She led us right here.
W: I thought I could Change it. But I’m not a great sorcerer. I’m just a Farmer who got lucky. 
Crying Elora falls to her knees. 
W: And I can’t keep pretending. 
E: Neither can I. I don’t wanna be Elora Danan. I just wanna go home.
I look at her with a sad face. I can understand her. It’s a heavy burden resting on her shoulders. Kit looks at me and Miles.
K: Well, tough.
She goes to kneel in front of her.
K: You’re afraid. So am I. But you know what ? My fear, it doesn’t get to decide. It doesn’t get to, to define me. I’m not giving it the Power. I’m giving it to you. I have never believed in anything my whole life. I believe in you. 
E: I don’t know … I don’t know what to do. 
K: Yes, you do. We both do.
They get up.
B: Look around. It’s over. There is nowhere to gop but back
Kit takes a look at me and Miles. My breath gets stuck in my chest and I shake my head. She hugs Elora.
K: You ready ?
E: Yes.
J: No wait.
K: We’ll do it together.
J: Kit !
They both fall backwards. Jade holds me back. I cry and scream Kit’s name and Miles starts crying too. I fall to my Knees pressing Miles against my Chest. I feel someone hugging me.
B: I’m here.
I fall into Boorman and sob in his chest. 
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