#but Hye is so shameless he ttly would
lia-snow · 7 years
Pls tell us you're headcanons about bilingual licht! There are people who know German who can help you with that if you want to!
Well… when I said “Licht bilingual headcanons” I actually meant “LawLicht headcanons with German included” (?). Ahahahahajhasd is that still ok for you Anon-chan? xD Welp, here they go anyway lol:
1. Licht starting to trash-talk in German to Hyde, thiking he wouldn’t understand, but then Hyde responds in German and Licht is shocked xD And… maybe a little turned on(?)
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2. Licht being used to English so much (or Japanese) that he only talks in German when feeling homesick/sentimental. 3. That said, if Hyde sees him somewhat down, he goes and talks to him in German so he can relax.
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4. Sometimes when Licht is practicing piano, Hyde starts singing in German to accompany Licht’s music. Licht secretly enjoys it.
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5. I mentioned in a post some time ago that I like the idea of Hyde’s humming or singing calms Licht down. Well, Licht feels specially comfy when Hyde sings in German.6. When abroad, Licht and Hyde like taking walks while talking in German, even if they know the local language of the place they’re in. Surpisingly, Licht feels more comfortable and expresses himself more openly when he’s talking in his mother tongue. 7. Licht’s speech becomes slightly different and becomes more talktative with Hyde in German. Not because of the language itself, but because of the type of message he’s saying. Some things he find it less embarrassing to say in German -wink wink-8. Licht gives Hyde German nicknames. Sometimes, sweet nicknames that the rest can’t understand (“the rest,” referring to Mahiru and the other Eves www)9. Hyde dirty talks to Licht in German 8) Successfully(?)10. ^He actually says kinky stuff in German to Licht in front of everyone cause he has no shame knows no one will understand. Except they actually do, since his Servamp siblings probably know a bunch of languages too ww.
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Pretty sure I’m missing one or two headcanons, but there you go xD
Btw, that was sweet to say that people might want to help me out with the German, Anon-chan( ´ ▽ ` )I haven’t actually written any story yet regarding this, but I’d like to ask, how abouy you, people? I’d love to hear more headcanons about this :pp Specially from the German fandom, who can actually think of some better ideas, I’m sure xd It’s your time to shine ☆ (?)
-Thanks a lot to my friend Dave who helped me with the German!! And to Faun for singing in German(?) hahaha
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