#but I am well aware that the dated mechanics might be a dealbreaker
dare-to-dm · 9 months
Hi Dare,
I saw your recent posts about Baldur's Gate 3 (which I also love but I haven't had nearly the playtime in yet!). I have only dabbled in Baldur's Gate 2 though but frankly it is a very VERY different game. And at this point extraordinarily dated.
However, Larian's other big property: Divinity Original Sin and especially Divinity Original Sin 2 are much more in keeping with how BG3 flows both narratively and mechanically. The only issue is it's not a D&D world and it's not the story of Baldur's Gate you may be looking for. But I highly highly recommend trying the Divinity Original Sin games if you like BG3 and after you've given BG1-2 a chance (I look forward to hearing how you like them!)
I tried playing Divinity Original Sin once and had a strong visceral reaction of hatred, lol.
I played through the tutorial, which featured stilted combat and clunky UI. But the turning point for me came immediately when I got out of the first cave and found myself in front of some town guards. At which point my two characters got into an argument about what to do. One of my characters (the one I was currently controlling) wanted to go with the guardsmen to talk to the wizard.  The other wanted to kill the guardsmen for being kind of annoying. 
So mechanically what happened was that my two characters played Rock Paper Scissors and I fucking lost (to myself? technically?) so we ended up doing what the Other Character wanted and murdering the guys. 
Then the characters had a conversation and apparently decided that that was Pretty Fucked Up and Not Really Necessary.  Immediately following that dialogue, the words “+1 compassion” flashed over both character’s heads."  
Like, I got no time for an RPG that presents you with decisions and then doesn't even let you make them. And then acts like the decisions you didn't even choose had meaningful consequences in the most asinine way possible.
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