#but I can’t paint my apartment 😡
freakylilnutjob · 2 years
Tagged by @canonsunkmyships, thank you!!
Fav color: it tends to change every few months or so but right now mostly loving purple, liking orange a lot recently tho
Currently reading: rereading and annotating I Was Born For This (it’s taking me forever cause I can’t find any time for it 😭)
Last song: THE LONELIEST by Måneskin
Sweet/spicy/savory: savory for like in general but atm sweet
Fav alcoholic drink: I love a good mai tai or an amaretto sour
Currently working on: finding a different job and some drawing and writing
Traditional or modern: really depends but mostly modern
Fav writer: Alice Oseman
Fav dessert: crème brûlée
Fav rapper: I don’t listen to rap on a regular basis enough to have a fav but I like Mac Miller, Post Malone, and Tyler, The Creator
Fav soccer/hockey/tennis player: does Roy Kent count? lol
Color of your bedroom: in my apartment it’s beige 🥲 but my room at my parents is black and white with red accents
Fav politician: I don’t really like any enough to have a favorite but I support the ideas of Beto, AOC, and Bernie Sanders
Loyalty or lust: loyalty
Pizza or pasta: pasta
Are you vegan/veggie: no but I’m open to it, I’ll eat that way sometimes but I def need do research if I want to make a complete switch
Favorite time period: 1980’s tbh
Love or hate: love
Last series watched: newest season of The Crown, but the last series I watched from start to finish (that’s more than one season) is The Vampire Diaries, I think
Classical or rock music: rock 1000000%, rock music is part of the fabric of my being, can’t imagine my life without it
Fairy or dragon: fairy!!
I tag: @asxitxis @hamhammoody @wafflethecat @potato-jem @songonthewind @planetsoupo @sapphofyre @newtness532 @lgbtreader @damdams if y’all want to do it, no pressure!
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hualianff · 2 years
Thinking about modern au artist HC who excels at various traditional art forms including ceramics, painting, and sculpting. Soon enough, the time comes for HC to learn the witchcraft that is digital art.
And man is it a phat STRUGGLE.
In general, HC talks out loud to himself during his artistic process - a quirk that XL (the husband) can’t help but find endearing.
(HC waiting for his shit to render: “anytime now…preferably within the next century…” 🙄
HC shading: “what if we make you a little darker? just like that…hmm, I don’t hate it-??”
HC, confused: *aggressively scribbles on the screen* “HELLO?? WHY ARENT YOU BLENDING!?”
HC trying to find the layer where the stoopid random black dot is: “I WILL find you. I MUST…”
HC undoing one stroke a thousand times: “nope” *undos* “nope” *undos* “fuck you” *undos*)
Cue HC internally crying every month because “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH MY STYLE??” 😭😭
HC bent over his desk like shrimp. 🦐
XL insists HC takes breaks, for food and general rest. He massages HC’s neck, shoulders, back, and hands - HC naturally melts back into his beloved’s hands.
HC has a folder on his desktop titled “gege’s masterpieces” which are all of XL’s drawings for HC.
SQX: “ohmygod can you draw me!?”
HC: “nu”
HC goes back to drawing portraits of XL.
HC watching the piece he spent days drawing get surpassed in likes by a dumb doodle of his pets he did when battling artblock: “make it make sense” 😡
XL: “it’s because you made e’ming and ruoye so cute!” 🥰
Imagine HC mindlessly twirling his apple pen between his long fingers, even while he’s pacing around their apartment.
He also tends to play with the cap of the charging plug, resulting in him constantly losing it!! It’s such a tiny, white thing - it could be anywhere…
Somehow, XL magically finds the cap in the most unassuming places and puts it somewhere safe so he can hand it back when HC’s already pulling his hair out.
XL hangs his favorite pieces of HC’s artwork around their apartment !!
When guests come over for the first time, they’ll stare at the beautifully framed art pieces in awe.
And XL will proudly say,” oh, this is actually all of San Lang’s work! Isn’t he amazing?” 😊
Many people think HC’s signature is a distinct symbol, shape, or even an obscure drawing with a hidden message. In turn, this has caused HUGE debates on Twitter about what the signature actually means.
One popular stan account had successfully gathered clues over the years. After comparing a lot of pics, lives, doodles, etc., they come to the conclusion that the signature is actually a word.
But what exactly does it say?
Still unknown.
And when some indie magazine goes and interviews HC, THEY HAVE TO ASK.
Interviewer: “Crimson Rain, you must tell us, we’re begging, what does your signature mean? It’s been a topic of WAR for years amongst your fans!”
HC: “oh, it’s just my name”
Everyone: ☠️🤡☠️🤡☠️
Interviewer: “would you mind demonstrating for us?”
HC, shrugging: “sure”
HC, messing up the second stroke of his name: “wait no, let me restart”
Twitter trending tags:
W/ @no-one-says-hi
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todorokiaimee · 3 years
Dopamine Chapter 9
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Previous chapter
Dimples: You never told me what we’re doing on this date.
Bakugou: You’ll see when you get here.
Dimples: Last time you said that you had me climb a cliff and I twisted my ankle.
Bakugou: It’s not my fault you’re a fucking klutz.
Dimples: 😡
Bakugou: No cliffs. But wear something comfortable that you don’t mind getting dirty. I’ll pick you up in 30.
Dimples: Fine. See you in a bit.
Stepping outside of her apartment, Jada’s green eyes instantly fell upon her date for the afternoon, Bakugou Katsuki. He leaned against his Suzuki motorcycle as it rested on the curb, his trademark smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. He cocked his head to the side as the tall woman approached him, shamelessly checking him out.
“I’m not gonna lie, this is a sexy ass bike.”
“Heh,” He chuckled as he looked her up and down. “Hop on and I’ll show you what she can do.”
“Nah that’s ok. I’m not trying to die today.”
“Tch. You know you love it.” He smirked as he walked over to the back of his bike, opening up the rear container. “Here,” he tossed Jada his helmet which she only slightly fumbled as Bakugou took a black backpack off of his broad shoulders, holding it out to her as well. “Put this on too. I can’t wear it while you’re riding.”
The ravenette only shook her head as she took in her date. Thankfully she still found his gruff attitude charming. She chuckled to herself as she pulled the helmet over her head after donning the backpack, wondering how long that sentiment would last. Sitting on the bike behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, taking in the subtle scent of his mahogany cologne.
“Hold on tight.” With that, Bakugou sped out into traffic, laughing as Jada screamed behind him. After a short time, the hero finally pulled off into a quiet downtown neighborhood lined with Mom and Pop storefronts and boutiques. Parking his bike against the curb, the pair dismounted, Bakugou leading Jada down an empty alley.
“I know I said this on our last date but…” the woman paused as she looked around the tight space lined with empty boxes and trash. “I swear if I didn’t know better I’d think you were leading me away to my death.”
“Good thing you know better then,” Bakugou huffed as he pushed open a tall wood gate, ushering her inside.
Once on the other side, Jada’s eyes were met with a tall brick wall, the beginnings of an ocean mural graced upon it. All sorts of sea life were present towards the top of the building, thinning out as it reached the bottom, some of the red bricks still exposed. The ravenette couldn’t disguise her awe as she whistled, taking in each and every detail. “Wow… This mural is going to look great once it’s finished.”
“Thanks,” Bakugou hummed as he gently pulled the black backpack off of her shoulders, taking a knee to pull out its contents.
“What are you saying thank you for?” She questioned, staring at him as if he had three heads.
The hero scoffed, taking out a bandana before covering his nose and mouth. “Because I painted it, dumbass.”
Jada stared at Bakugou dumbfounded as she watched him put on a pair of rubber gloves before taking out several cans of spray paint from his bag. There was no way this cocky hot-tempered behemoth had the skill or the patience to create such a work of art. “First, You a lie. Second, call me dumbass again and I’ll put you to sleep.”
Heh. I picked a lively one. “First, it’s true. Second, I’d like to see you try. Anyway...” He paused as he moved his chin in the direction of the mural. “You’re going to help me finish this thing.”
“I’m what now?”
“You’re in charge of finishing the ocean water.”
He must have lost his goddamn mind. “I don’t know how to paint the fucking ocean! I’m not an artist!”
“Relax, you’re just doing the base color. He’s a free tip:” Bakugou paused as he tossed Jada a can of spray paint. “It’s blue.”
The dark-skinned beauty rolled her eyes as she watched the hero stand up before hooking himself up to a harness. He must be going to tackle the ocean life near the top of the wall. She couldn’t deny the fact that he looked incredibly hot in his makeshift mask, watching as his large biceps bulged in his black tank top as he tightened his harness knots.
“Before you get started you should grab a bandana from my backpack and some gloves.” He mumbled before scaling the wall, pulling himself up. “Don’t want you getting high or staining your fingers.”
How considerate. Jada clicked her tongue before doing as she was told, putting on the protective gear. The pair went to work in silence, as music played from Bakugou’s phone. The hero took his time painting an orca onto his seascape, Jada watching from down below. She still couldn’t believe he had an artistic side even with the evidence right in front of her. He took his time painting and shading every detail. It was beautiful to watch.
Before the blonde could catch her staring, Jada got back to work painting the water on the bottom portion of the mural. Even though her task wasn’t Rembrandt worthy, she felt quite proud of her work, calling Bakugou to inspect her progress.
“Not bad,” He hummed, wiping sweat from his brow. “Now try doing some marine life.”
Marine life? Jada slapped her thighs in frustration as she gawked at him. “I don’t know who lied to you, but once again: I. AM. NOT. AN. ARTIST!” She clapped her hands between syllables for added effect.
“I wanna see you try!” Bakugou barked as he continued to paint before continuing in a much softer voice. “Do a jellyfish. It’s shapeless anyway.” He shrugged as a smirk formed underneath his bandana. “Unless you’re not up for the challenge.”
The taunt silently hung in the air between them for a moment, Jada mulling over her response. “When it turns out shit, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The pair continued their work in silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other as they painted. Jada hummed along to the music pouring from Bakugou’s phone. The blonde smiled to himself as he listened. She couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket but it still somehow warmed his heart. She was entertaining to say the least. Finally, Jada broke the silence, her curiosity getting the best of her.
“I’m surprised you're into this stuff. I didn’t peg you as the artsy-fartsy type.”
The hero let out a deep sigh, contemplating his answer. “My therapist said I needed a creative outlet,” Bakugou mumbled, his eyes never leaving his task. “Turns out I’m actually decent at it.”
“Huh.” Jada paused, mulling over that statement. Being a hero can’t be all sunshine and roses. I’m sure he’s seen his fair share of fucked up shit too. “Well at least one of us is going to therapy. We can’t both be crazy.”
Bakugou chuckled as he painted broad strokes against the brick, “Jury’s still out on that one.”
“Done!” The ravenette exclaimed before taking a step back, admiring her work.
Bakugou pulled at the ropes of this harness as he slowly made his way back down to the ground. Pulling his bandana down to expose his face, he leaned down to take a good look at her artwork, “Well, let’s see what you got.” As his eyes locked onto the piece, the corners of his mouth slowly turned into a smile.
Wait, did I actually do something? Jada thought until she saw his broad shoulders begin to shake.
Just as she was about to speak, Bakugou burst out into a deep belly laugh, doubling over as he covered his mouth in an attempt to stop it.
“What?!” Jada hollered confused.
“What the fuck is that, Dimples?” the hero laughed, not bothering to hide it anymore.
“You told me to paint a jellyfish!”
“That looks like a potato with hair!” he cackled, easily blocking a punch to his arm.
“Stop it! I told you I’m not an artist!” Jada pouted as she feebly punched and swatted at the hero as he continued to tease her. It wasn’t until they heard another voice that the pair noticed they were no longer alone.
“Hey! What are you guys doing over there?!”
The two turned their heads toward the sound, Bakugou instantly groaning under his breath as he made out a man in uniform. “Shit.”
“Is that the fucking police?” Jada asked in a hushed voice, taking note of Bakugou’s change in demeanor as the man slowly walked closer.
“Yeah,” He hummed, quickly grabbing his backpack as he pulled his bandana back over his mouth and nose. “So let’s make ourselves scarce.”
Before she could question him, Bakugou grabbed the woman by the wrist as he ran off deeper into the alley, pulling her behind him.
“Wait!” She yelled as she struggled to keep up, almost tripping over her own feet. She turned her head to see the police officer chasing behind them, cursing as he ran.
The ash-blonde let an exasperated sigh before slowing down just enough to tuck her tightly into his side. “So goddamn slow…” Before Jada could realize what was happening, she heard an explosion followed by intense heat. She screamed only to be hushed by the hero, as they were propelled upward, the air whipping through her long black locs.
“What the---” the ravenette exclaimed until Bakugou easily hoisted them up onto a fire escape. Pulling her by the arm, he brought her behind the staircase. With her back against the cold metal, the man caged her in with his strong arms. Confused, she began to protest, why would a hero have to run from the police? It was then that the blonde placed a hand over her mouth, effectively stopping her in her tracks.
Jada’s heart rate began to quicken, her breathing becoming shallow as she instantly grabbed for his hand, trying to fight the panic sweeping over her. Images of that night flooded her senses. His dark soulless brown eyes looming over her. Her lungs emptying at his hands. Desperately, she looked up at the hero, his ruby red eyes the only visible part of his face.
Bakugou looked into her green eyes and saw nothing but unbridled fear. His eyes visibly softened as he took a step back, taking his hands from her. He watched her carefully as she panted, ripping her bandana from her face as she tried to catch her breath. The fuck just happened?
“Hey! Show yourself!”
The shouts of the police officer pulled them back to the present as Bakugou softly put a finger to his lips, his body still hovering over hers.
With her breathing beginning to steady, Jada’s heartbeat began to race for an entirely different reason. Once again she was in close quarters with one of the nation’s top heroes. Even though he was only a few inches taller than her, his body felt massive next to hers. She looked silently as she watched his chest softly rise and fall only inches away from her face, beads of sweat forming along his collar bone.
Bakugou. It’s just Bakugou, she thought as she swallowed hard, instantly relaxing at the thought. Despite the storm brewing in her head, she felt so safe with him. She hadn’t felt that comfort in years. Even with him so close, somehow she longed to have him closer. His strong arms wrapped around her. His warm lips pressed against hers.
What is happening to me?
“Looks like we lost them. Extras never think to look up.” Bakugou’s voice broke through her inner thoughts as he tentatively placed a calloused hand onto her elbow, gaining her attention. “You good?”
“Yeah…” She nodded absent-mindedly before returning his gaze. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good. Let's go back to our spot then.”
Jada blinked in surprise. She must not have heard him right. “Wait, you’re going back?”
“Yeah,” Bakugou said matter of factly as he carefully maneuvered himself to the outside of the fire escape railing. “It’s not finished and I don’t half-ass anything.”
“Even though the cops just chased us?” She asked with a quirked brow.
Instead of answering the ravenette, the hero only stood in silence as he offered her an outstretched hand, waiting expectantly.
She stared at him for a moment as she sat into her hip. All of her street smarts told her they should get out of dodge after a close call but something about this rough around the edges man told her to trust him. “I mean, I guess.” She rolled her eyes playfully as she finally took his hand.
With a dry chuckle, Bakugou once again tucked her into his side as he used his quirk to help them back down before returning back to the mural.
The pair quickly went back to work, painting in the hot summer sun. Bakugou finally took mercy on the woman, offering his assistance with the bottom portion of the scene. They chatted about nothing and everything as the hero displayed his skills, Jada handing him his supplies at the ready until the job was finally completed. With a smug smile, Bakugou took a step back to admire his work when a soft voice gained their attention.
“Ground Zero! Thank you so much for agreeing to do the mural,” a short older gentleman approached the couple, wiping his hands on his humble white apron. He had a soft smile on his face and looked to be in his seventies. “It’s just what my sushi shop needs. My daughter said it will make us more ‘instagramable’ whatever that means.”
“Wait…” Jada paused, turning her head to the blonde hero. “You had permission to do this? So you had me running all over creation for nothing?!”
Bakugou clicked his tongue before placing his hands in his pockets, looking the woman up and down.
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise,” The restaurant owner chuckled as he backed away. “I’ll come back later.”
Bakugou smirked underneath this bandana as waited for the old man to disappear back inside his shop before slowly walking closer to the ravenette. “Dimples, it wasn’t for nothing,” he cooed, placing a large calloused hand on the small of her back before leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You’re so cute when you’re blushy and winded.” With that, the hero placed a hard slap to her beautifully round behind.
He laughed as a gasp ripped from her throat, surprised by his actions. She fought her own laugh as she playfully pushed against his full pectorals, a familiar heat rising in her cheeks. “Oh, so you just chose violence!”
“Hush up and come here.” He said as he led her back over to his harness. “We gotta put the finishing touches on this thing.”
“And that would be what? Looks pretty done to me.” Jada watched as Bakugou got back into his harness, testing the ropes before turning back to her.
“It needs a signature.” The hero hoisted himself up so that he was sitting in the harness just a few inches off the ground. “Here.” He patted his lap, signaling for her to have a seat.
Jada hesitated for only a moment before having a seat, draping her arm around his neck for support. Bakugou smiled to himself as he handed her a black spray paint can, instructing her to hold onto it as they ascended up the building.
As Bakugou pulled on the ropes to bring them higher into the air, he stole short glances at Jada’s face. She had since ditched her protective bandana covering, and he could see her in all her glory. Her emerald green eyes were now much calmer than before, albeit still a little nervous, but her plump lips now curved into a gentle smile. He chuckled to himself as he felt her grip his shirt tighter, with each pull of the rope. She’s holding onto me like a scared little kid. Cute.
Once at the top of the mural, Bakugou asked for the spray can back before simply tagging his art with “Ground Zero.” Content with his work, he offered the can back to the ravenette with a grunt, “Your turn.”
“What?” She said confused, looking at the paint in his hand. “I barely did anything.”
“You did the ocean and that sorry excuse for a jellyfish.”
“It’s not that bad!” She laughed, giving his shoulder a light swat.
“Oh, it is,” He laughed in return before nodding toward the finished mural. “But you should sign your name and own that shit.”
“Ugh, give me that.” With a roll of her eyes, she took the can of spray paint from him before signing her name underneath his.
The hero quirked a blonde brow, humming at the sight. “Huh. I’m surprised you went with ‘Nubia.’”
Jada only flashed her trademark confident smile before handing him back the spray can. “You used your hero name, why shouldn’t I use mine?”
Bakugou stared at the dark skin beauty as the sun started to set around them. Her emerald green eyes sparkled in a way he had never seen before. Somehow time seemed to stop as he could feel himself being pulled closer to her, as her grip on his shirt slowly began to loosen. He remembered what she had confessed that day in his cabin, how she wanted to take things slow. He knew he should obey but every cell of his being wanted her and the way her eyes were pouring into his was not helping his endeavor.
Just as he was about to turn away, Jada’s small hand lifted from his shirt. He stared in awe as she silently and gently pulled down this bandana, exposing his full face. The tiniest of gasps fell from her lips as she took him in. There was no scowl but a serene look. His ruby red eyes trained onto hers like it was the last thing he would ever see.
Her lips began to part to speak, but to her surprise, the hero slowly and carefully leaned in. His large rough fingers ghosted over her soft cheek before dipping underneath her chin. Looking for any resistance, his eyes flickered from hers to her plump lips and back again before he finally closed his eyes, leaning forward to place the softest kiss to her lips.
Never in her wildest dreams did she think this brute of a man could be so gentle. She sighed against his mouth as she deepened the kiss, wrapping both her long arms around his neck. The couple continued to kiss each other sweetly, lost in their pink cloud until a familiar voice called out to them from below.
“Excuse me!” The old sushi shop owner hollered. “Would you two love birds care for some yellowtail? I caught it fresh this morning!”
Bakugou reluctantly pulled away from the woman, smirking as his thumb lightly brushed across her pink bottom lip. “You hungry?”
Jada could only return with a smirk of her own while she ran her long stiletto nails through his wild blonde hair, a shiver running down his spine. “I could eat.”
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pinkfey · 4 years
HONEY oh my where do i begin. let’s start with her appearance. she has really pretty honey blonde hair (see what. did u. did u see what i. what i did th—) and almost grayish teal colored eyes?? like a super light mix of blue and green. she has a rlly round face and soft jawline, very much like renaissance paintings!!! and she has DIMPLES too and when she smiles her eyes squint almost all the way shut and SHES SO PRETTY AND CUTE I CAN’T GET OVER IT
now here r the fax
her version of unit bravo is adam, nate, felix, and mason. all m!ub babeyyyyy
and her bestie is mason which is…. genuinely funny because standing next to each other they look like 😁🌻🌞💛 and ⛓😡🚬🖤
rook named her!!! rebecca wanted a more sophisticated name, but rook just really liked honey. he wanted a name as sweet as her
unlike my other detectives who were raised by nannies or went to boarding school, honey was looked after by a couple that were friends with rook and rebecca!! this couple had six kids, and only two of which were older than honey, so she did a LOT to help take care of the little ones and she really loves all of them like family
also!! she has adhd
you already know about her flower allergy and how she, despite that, is in love with flowers. floral prints on all her clothes, fake plants EVERYWHERE in her apartment, flower scented shampoos and soaps….. she’s obsessed
she’s very unapologetic!! in that she’s just… herself. she’s weird sometimes!! or awkward!!! and instead of stewing in that she just laughs at it and moves on nd just….. does whatever she wants and feels however she feels!!!! icon honestly..
her favorite fruits are strawberries 🍓 and she likes to make smoothies with them HOWMVERVER her favorite thing to eat is french fries dipped in a milkshake and she will die on that hill
she loves all musicals no matter how campy they are and her favorite is moulin rouge (because she has extremely good taste)
adding to that ! i make jokes about her wanting to be a judge on the voice a lot but she actually can sing and she has a very prominent soulful voice. she used to sing lullabies to get the kids to sleep 🥺
all in all she’s silly and sweet and genuine and FUNNIE and everyone either thinks she’s odd or is hopelessly in love with her and i for one am hopelessly in love with her
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ok but a 'text sent late at night' & a 'text that wasn’t meant for the  receiver' for their younger days and thennnn a 'text sent from across the room' & an 'affectionate text' for them now ..... YEA x
'text sent late at night'
( devon ) : hey you ( devon ) : i know you’re up right now because i’m up right now and you’re the only person i know that stays up as late as i do which works out fantastically for me because you’re the only person i ever wanna talk to this late anyway ( devon ) : anyway… can i ask you something? (too bad if not i’m not waiting for an answer) ( devon ) : are you just like… terrified of everything, sometimes? like, i feel so fucking overwhelmed any time i think about life after we graduate… what am i supposed to do? be an adult? get whatever job my parents say i’m supposed to? miller… we’re not cut out for this ( devon ) : maybe instead of doing that we should just book a ticket to fly to some random place and then we’ll just never come back… i’ll paint and you can write and we’ll probably live in a cardboard box but i think i’d be content with that tbh ( devon ): (yes i’m laying on the floor but i’m fine i swear)
‘text that wasn’t meant for the receiver’
( devon ) : ok yes he’s attractive erica i’m not BLIND but still there’s no way, it’s not like that ( devon ) : oh…………… that wasn’t meant for you obviously ( devon ) : she’s just trying to set me up with our uber driver from last night 🤪
‘a text sent from across the room’
( devon ) : hey……………… i’m a lil drunk and finding it VERY HARD not to come over there and kiss you rn ( devon ) : so stop being cute 😡😡😡 it makes me sick 😡😡😡 ( devon ) : GOD ur not listening!!! MEET ME BY THE BATHROOM IN 2 MINS
‘an affectionate text’
( devon ) : so i was cleaning up today and realized you’ve left a lot of books at my place which 1) i love and think is the cutest thing i’ve ever fucking seen but 2) eventually we’re gonna run out of surface area so………… i bought you your own little book shelf just for here!!! ( devon ) : it’s nothing fancy but i put it together already (i think) and i’m gonna paint it i just can’t decide what color so maybe you can help with that??  ( devon ) : i’ve never bought anyone their own personal book shelf to keep in my apartment so like... ig i love you or whatever... 🤧
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