#but I can’t think about it too much because thinking about fnl too much rn will make me even more emotional than I already am
thatsouthernstate · 1 year
July 18-19, 2023
If I keep holdin' out
Will the light shine through?
Under this broken roof
It's only rain that I feel
I've been wishing out the days
Oh, oh, oh, come back
I have been planning out
All that I'd say to you
Since you slipped away
Know that I still remain true
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I've been wishing out the days
Please say, that if you hadn'ta gone now
I wouldn't have lost you another way
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From wherever you are
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Oh, oh, come back
And these days, they linger on
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And in the night, I been waitin' for
The real possibility that I may meet you in my dreams
I go to sleep
If I don't fall apart
Will my memories stay clear?
So you had to go
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And I had to remain here
But the strangest thing today
So far away and yet you feel so close
And I'm not gonna question it any other way
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There must be an open door for you
To come back
And the days, they linger on
And every night, what I'm waitin' for
Is the real possibility I may meet you in my dream
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Sometimes you're there and you're talking back to me
Come the morning, I could swear that you're next to me
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And it's okay
It's okay
It’s okay
I'll be here, come back, come back
I'll be here, come back, come back
I'll be here, come back, come back
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triplevarsity · 7 years
Send 💞 to ask Mun their Shipping Properties! They will answer all below!
What’s your OTP for your Muse?: FORWOOD. I love Forwood with every ounce on my being. Like they were so perfect and I can’t get enough Forwood in my life.What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?: Forwood, obvs. Tylena is another big ship of mine. Parkwood. I am willing to ship with OCs or crossovers or other characters if the chemistry and plot is right.I DO NOT ship Katherine/Tyler or Hayley/Tyler unless the plot is really really really right and there is a lot of chemistry ic and occ between the other mun and myself.How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: Depends. Tyler does have a thing for Milfs, I mean he made out with Kelly Donovan. But I wouldn’t ship with any much younger than Tyler. Sixteen would be the lowest I would be willing to go.Are you selective when shipping?: Yes and no. I am always down for some Forwood. Am am totally open to other ships (As stated above, Tylena/Parkwood/whatever else) but again, I need chemistry. If you are an OC or a blog from another fandom, or a canon character that I don’t automatically ship Tyler with, I do like some building (more on that in the how to ship thingy).How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?: It depends on how I feel with the partner and the thread. I don’t smut all that often, but if I am comfortable with the partner and it’s not smut without a plot, I will be willing too.Who are other Muses you ship your Muse with?: Elena and Liv. Also if I could ever find any blogs there I would love any muses from OTH (Brooke, Haley, or Peyton) or Lyla from FNL. I think it would be cool to try to do something with Spencer from PLL. Does one have to ask to ship with you?: Unless it’s a canon ship, I would prefer you ask.Even Tylena, that i’m a huge fan of, I’d still like to talk ooc first so we can figure out where they are at in their relationship, and how things have happened, ect.How often do you like to ship?: Uhhh, idk I guess a lot. I do a lot of Forwood and Tylena on here. But i’ve been dying for some BroTp lately too. I have some cool threads with some Jeremys and Stefans that are awesome RN. I really wanna do some kind of FNL inspired OTP (I think Tyler and Tim interacting would be hilarious and amazing). But TBH, I do post a lotta shippy threads with Carolines and Elenas.Are you multiship?: Yes. Please don’t be turned off because I do alotta Forwood and Tylena. Like I said I can ship, just prefer to talk OOC before we start.Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?: I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH FORWOOD AND HAVE NO SHAME ABOUT IT. But again, I love BroTps, and frenemies, and enemies and everything.What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?: FORWOOD RULES ALL AND OWNS MY BROKEN HEAR.Finally, how does one ship with you?: It’s super simple, just IM or message me ooc. So canon ships like Forwood or Parkwood I can do automatically because they already have on screen chemistry. But anything else, I really don’t like our first interaction to be shippy. It just kinda turns me off if we have never talked OOC or IC before. But seriously, just shoot me and ask or IM, and we can talk about it. See what plots we can do or if our characters have chemistry. TBH, I am much more likely to ship if we talk a bit OOC, and then i’ll probably never leave alone with headcanons and feels.
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