#but I digress and we shall see😅 There is always the chance it'll turn out much better than I am expecting‚ of course!
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Last year Ian Flynn said that Sega gave him an answer on Silver's time travel. So it might get explained in the next two issues but if it was said at that point then it seems they really are going with the involuntary time travel.
Any explanation is better than none, though with the comics it is clear previously-established things can change on a dime... Silver's involuntary time travel directly contradicts earlier issues from the Metal Madness (is that Beeg Metal Sonic's name? I can never remember) saga, after all. I do however feel that the proposed setting of the coming two issues does not entirely lend itself to deep dives into Silver's time travel, considering the whole Silver Is Going To Accuse Duo/Mimic Of Sussiness While Being Cringefail (And No-one Will Listen To Him) plot that the two solicitations tell us is going to happen. I'm not sure how any deep, actual exploration of Silver's time travel abilities fit in there, assuming they will give us something more substantial than the two or three throwaway lines we've had about that topic so far. Though on the other hand, since the solicit for #64 also says "Then, Blaze comforts Silver as they bond over being away from home and in Sonic's world.", maybe they could talk about it there?
Honestly, I just want answers, and then preferably something that also makes the tiniest bit of sense. I don't like the idea that Silver cannot control his time travel, but I can make more peace with it if we have any idea how it works and what does control it.
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