#but I haven't been able to do anything creative the whole week except for these cyberpunk moodboards
drugsforaddicts 7 months
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whenyourlightdims 7 months
I think the only people who follow me are the ones knowing me from my other blogs.
Except that this place is pretty much my void to shout my feelings, but I don't want to make anyones day sad, so I put it under the cut. Just keep scrolling.
I do think about leaving Tumblr. Like, not just a quick thought, I have been thinking that for a few weeks.
Tldr.: Blogs will probably be queue powered, and I only look occasionally in here to check if a mutual posted something cool or contacted me.
Before anything, it's nobodies fault, not the anons or open blogs that sidestabbed me out of the corner.
What drew me back here in the first place was the social aspect I had so many people to talk to! But within a month, many got burned out or had no time to anymore. Then those who still were there moved on to other fandoms. Of course, for something to be that long in everyones mind, Larian sure did a great job!
So yeah. I feel lonely. That's the gist of the whole post here.
The BG3 roleplay community is something I am not able to fit in. I really hoped, I really enjoyed it, I loved drawing little silly comics to what was written. That was what actually got me into drawing comics, and for that, I will be forever grateful. But yes, I really tried and kept successfully failing at it. So either it's my English (not native tongue, so my writing could be horrendous and I don't know it.) Or Ceres (and Tae) are just not someone that fits (everyone I approached) the general taste, which is... unlucky. I don't know. But it is me who is the problem, sadly I will never find out what it is.
In the end, it is nobody's fault. It's a me problem. I am not sure how to tackle it anymore.
Then there is the Galemancer community I adore. The tags and comments on my little switch-aroo Gale videos were genuinely wonderful. Addictive! I was laughing at them loudly and had to explain to my partner, which tags or comments it were this time that made me cackle. Outside of Tumblr, I barely found people who liked him, so it was a wind of fresh air! However, I am out of content for videos I could create, and there are better gif and screenshot makers out there for Gale content. I haven't seen anyone who has yet made the videos, but I am sure that will come too since his popularity is now rising!
But I did pretty much everything I could with the Content Larian gave us, and with me running out of it, the interactions there pretty much died down. I keep reblogging, of course! After all thats what my blog was created in the first place, for me to shout into a void how much I love the wizard, so Gale art, fics, and creations of all kinds are filled in my queue!
Now to the most depressing topic. Art. Well... Art is sadly a thing that never worked on me on any platform. For an artist to be fed the good chemicals, art needs to be seen, and to be seen, it needs to be reblogged or retweeted or whatever the term on each side is. I know my art is not good, nor will it be ever good enough to be considered worth sharing. For that, I am not creative enough.
I love my friends reaction to the art I draw, so I will keep drawing, but sharing it immediately on Tumblr? I don't really feel like it anymore. Especially since I gathered mostly Galemancer and Art that's not Gale or horny Gale related gets ignored. (It really hurts)
Again. Nobodys fault except mine. It was my little Dom!Gale who gave me most followers! They came for the smut I barely provided.
I did get a few Patreons, which is amazing. For someone with disability it made a huge impact, not money wise - of course the money is nice - but more about having people out there who say "your art is worth 3usd a month" does give you a really nice feeling. Like... I am allowed to exist: I am contributing to society. It's hard to explain, but maybe someone out there understands what I am talking about.
Anyway, on Bsky, I cultivated a very small following of people who genuinely follow me for my art and ideas, not for Gale exclusive things.
And yet, I am still here. I am writing this and feel really dumb why I am even writing it. It's clear Tumblr is not my space. Not that any social media ever was. But I guess Bsky is the thing that comes the closest for me.
So yeah. If I am suddenly stopping or the blogs die down. At least 5 followers here can check this blog if they remember, and find this post.
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ahiddenpath 10 months
Life Talk
Tone summary:
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I'm lowkey a wreck???? Is that a thing? I think you know what I mean. I get up and do the things, but emotionally everything is like AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
First World Problems
So I've been saving for a bathroom reno for... I don't even know how long, years and years. We have a sum that I thought was pretty substantial??? We went to a showroom and I picked a bunch of stuff I didn't like bc that is what they had. My inspiration for my bathroom is sea glass, and the showroom had neutrals only. Like, the kind of bathroom reno you do to flip a house, but on a much nicer scale.
Anyway, we had y money. Our estimate was y + (y*46%). I mentioned that our estimate made sense about 3 years ago, and the designer said, "Yes, 3 years ago your estimate would be about 6% higher than your budget of y." Meaning there has been a roughly 40% inflation of their services/materials over the last 3 years.
Okay, so like, I get it. I have a home, this is a first world problem. But it also isn't? Because like... What if your pipes burst, and you need to redo your bathroom? Now it's 40% more expensive than it was 3 years ago, through no fault of your own.
It's like everything I was saving for, everything I tried to do... The goal post dramatically leaped in a short timeframe. I'm so frustrated. I'd put it off, but apparently the forecast for this type of goods/services is further unprecedented inflation next year, of course.
I've also spent the whole damned weekend on this, because today, my husband made a 3D model of our bathroom, and I picked stuff I actually like. So like- I haven't done any chores or creative stuff or relaxing. My husband just asked me to get on a call with our two closest friends from out of state to plan a meet up, and I just about burst into tears. I just can't handle more mental load. I don't want to be the person who turns down doing things (that I can reasonably afford) because I'm so overwhelmed, but that's where I am.
It's weird because lately, work has been... A bit better? I take lunches. I leave on time, or even half an hour early. But I'm so beyond burnt out from those few months where I worked closely with someone and did my work plus half of his, or more.
This is a weird thing to say, I know, but I had an epiphany when I was talking to my hairdresser yesterday, lmao! I was telling her all the stuff I did this year at work, and she was like- um, that sounds like a lot? Like really amazing?
And it's true. This year, I generated a type of protein that no one in my company has been able to make. I closed out a project my senior has been trying to do for almost the whole year- I did it in two weeks. I've been taking on and wrapping up lingering projects, all of which I had no clue how to do. My boss calls me The Closer.
And through all of this, I've felt like an underperforming idiot, because I didn't know the skills needed for anything and I struggled and asked a million qs and was anxious all the time. But the people who did have the skills and background couldn't (wouldn't?) do it, and I did.
The place itself is still a massive dumpster fire of chaos. But I'm doing well, except... I'm always given tasks I don't know how to do, and often, no one in my group knows, either. It's all brand new stuff or finishing stuff other people couldn't get done. That is so much extra mental load and stress compared to doing tasks I know how to do.
Creative Life
I've been doing Nanowrimo. Until yesterday, I was doing and feeling great. I wrote all of 83 words yesterday, and 0 so far today, lmao! I'll... try.
I still feel weird/unsure about sharing my work. I'm trying not to focus on that, and instead focus on enjoying creating. Right now, I'm really overwhelmed in general, though.
Fearing for the Future
I'm at the age where if I want to have biological kids, it's uhhhh it's at that "clock is ticking" point. But I'm barely handling myself as I am, without a kid, and stuff keeps getting wildly more expensive. I try to remind myself that I have an anxiety disorder, so my fears are augmented, but...
It really feels like, at this moment, this world isn't fit to bring a kid into. It feels like a lot of the stuff considered normal for a middle class person like twenty years ago is just... Off the table now.
Despair doesn't help anyone, you know? No point languishing on it. But also, uh, it feels very real? I'm sure people think about this a lot lately, so I don't want to catastrophize at length. I guess I'm just sharing that it's on my mind.
I hope you're all well and hanging in there. Please try to take care of yourselves <3
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Unlike last year I don't really know what to Say about 2022..
In 2021 my creative drive started up again (everyone say Thank You Karl) but in 2022 I.. it.. well I didn't Loose it, I can still feel it (muted perhaps but burning hot as ever) but like.. everything Around it ran out of the energy needed to keep it going.. like.. i'm exhausted. I've been burned to a crisp and the world still keeps trying to light me to roast a whole chicken over. It's tough.
Still; I'm making more than I have previously, I have enough to fill one of these up! But it's slow going. It takes weeks to months to finish everything and nothing comes out as quick or as clean as i'd hope.. (except Lazarus, while it was a Battle, i'm still beyond thrilled with his character sheets, steuggling to believe that was Also This Year)
and truly the reason i've been able to finish anything at all much of the time is dependent on just How Much of my output this year was Made For Other People. I may be in a personal down swing with my art going into 2023 but the consistent positive reaction from my followers and the patience to wait between every far-between peice has been astounding.
Especially the patience of my commissioners. Your happiness with the end result and willingness to just Wait despit the Catastrophic time frames has really kept me afloat. I am not a fast artist at the best of times and this year was Really not the best of times. But there was a month or two were i literally Could Not Have Made Rent Or Bought Groceries Without You.
So thank you.
Thank you to Everyone for finding me and sticking around all this year too, for continuing to find me and share my work and interact with my Nasty Little Guys.. and supporting me in spirit and and material, ya'll are an amazing audience, 馃槶
Things have started to Level Out in the meatspace, I have a steady full time real-person job that I actual enjoy quiet a bit. It covers the bills and that's a Tremendous weight off the old shoulders...
and while that does mean I don't have days and hours and weeks of time to just Draw like i did in lockdown 2021 I think I can get a good rythmn going, and at least get things out on a better timescale in 2023.
I'm hopeful anyway.
I'm also hoping I can get back to drawing Laz in 2023 I haven't been able to do Shit with him since fucking JUNE and i Miss my Boy!!!!! I miss him!!!! And I have a bunch of other Nasty Little Dudes I wanna draw now too!!!!
-ratteling the bars of my cage- Lemme introduce Bartholomews Nasty Gentleman's Club!!! Free Meeeeeee!!!!!
Happy New Year everyone, may 2023 treat you with kindness and gentility, as much as you deserve, and may you treat yourself in equal measure in this year and ever onwards
Much love,
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