#but I like answering these so jgkjjwjsk
animation-is-my-jam · 9 months
Do you reaelly believe in Liz breens interpretations of which ships are canon? Or other things they said when the show ended? Cause I like Ms. Question and Brent but Ms, Question and LRW 😢
Ooh this is a interesting one. And hey thanks for the question (forgo to say it for the other asks oops).
For context: If you don't know who Liz Breen is, she was one of the writers/associate producers of Wordgirl that interacted with fans back in 2014-15 on Tumblr. She allowed for fans back then to ask her things, mostly about characters and insight about the latest episodes. She confirmed some ships and gives her own thoughts about character interpretation. Of course since the show ended she hasn't been active, but some ppl (me) do remember those post and they're probably archived somewhere. Before the resurgences of the fandom, most in the old times have seen her posts as good insight into what ships are technically considered canon--since she did give the full confirmation about TJ and Johnson being a couple and how it was intentional rep, but of course very low-key. Other ships she said are together were (Brent/Ms.Question) and (Hunter/Victoria).
So. Do I personally take what she says as gospel? Hmm no, not really. And I think that's the point. Yes she was a writer and of course she's going to give her very two-cents about ships and characters and it's going to sound more canon from her, but the thing is, is that Liz always encouraged others to only see it as her interpretation and not the end all be all. Plus this is information said on a Tumblr blog and she even has her own Headcanons that is all her having harmless thoughts on the characters she writes, because yes ppl who even work on a show can do that. And for something like Wordgirl I think canon is something very malleable, I mean some people even have popular OCS that are technically not canon and ppl don't care. I always said Liz's posts are never really supposed to be taken seriously, it's her own thoughts and ideas and one piece of a part fans can have if they want to interpret certain aspects of the show.
As for me like, I will die on the hill that gay TJ is real and so is Tjohnson, since I think not only is that obvious in the show but also c'mon you have to admit it makes his character in the long run make a lot of sense and even saves it. Like I will take that on what Liz said about them, but on other things? Like how DTB is in his 50s or that TJ and Johnson won't last until adulthood? Definitely not(/lh), and again that's the point. You can take one thing but also not at all. Like with Question and Brent, I mean... I personally ship them and I like that they're probably considered canon, but I know a lot don't and that's perfectly fine. Plus at this point with the show being off the air for 8 years (like Undertale's bday lol) I think us fans can like do or create things that don't have to follow canon or ideas said by writers/producers. I mean look at the tobecky community, almost every writer in the crew agrees that there's no way it would happen and hey the community is still alive...I mean we're extremely delusional BUT y'know/lhjjj
So it's really up to anyone and me on what we really want to take as a writer's interpretation, especially one that was doing it for fun.
(Unless you say TJ x Johnson isn't real then I'll get you./JJJJ)
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