#but I saw an old comic i saved of yu and........ maybe he's just what I need now
narxkami · 2 years
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I miss..... him
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stormyweaver · 4 years
Borrowed Time || Chp. 1
So my latest hyperfixation has been this show on Netflix called ‘Swee/t Home’. It’s a live-action South Korean adaption of a webtoon comic, and seriously if you’ve never heard of it before, at least watch the first episode. If you aren’t hooked, gosh, I don’t know what could make a person want more! But you don’t have to have seen the show to enjoy this I think, but again I’d highly reccommend checking the series out. I adore every single character and I’ll probably be writing more about them all, but for now I’m focusing on Pyeon San/g-wook because h-he’s my fave... He’s basically a mysterious drifter who dolls out justice in his own badass way, and he’s amazing and a super complex character. 
This is after Sang-wook kills the pedophile he was hired to find, and then drags his body outside while bringing two other victims who had died to a monster inside the apartment building. It was pouring raining and my brain instantly went: how can you have a out-in-the-rain scene without sickness? BLASPHEMY! Anyway hope y’all enjoy!
The timing might have been slightly comical if he didn't have a splitting headache. Or, was it a concussion? That... nurse had mentioned something similar, but he truly hadn't paid her any mind. Why would he give someone so prying the time of day in the first place? He hated being touched without his permission, no matter the reason; maybe she had simply been trying to help, but there was absolutely no way in hell he was going to let her continue treating him as if he was some weakling.
No, he only... felt weak, due to all of the stress. He would bounce back eventually - he inevitably did. Though he could never fully comprehend why, his body had an uncanny ability to heal faster than most, and bestowed him with a strength that most people only ever imagined themselves possessing. It had served him well over the years, made him capable of surviving on his own for as long as he'd needed to, aided him in carrying out the tasks others simply didn't have the stomach for. It had of course, had it's downsides - there were injuries and ailments he simply couldn't knock in a matter of hours, and those instances where he'd been forced to finally allow his body to rest were intensely irritating.
A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he staggered through the dirtied hallway and, sensing that he was finally alone, allowed himself to lean bodily against a flyer-littered wall. His breath was coming in short, harsh pants, almost bordering on wheezing, though his teeth instantly grit at the idea. He wasn't weak-- damn it, if Jae-heon had just left him out there to die, he wouldn't be feeling like utter, completely useless shit right now. The zealot likely loathed him just like the rest, if not fear then at the very least an intense dislike. Only his 'vows' or whatever meaningless word of God had made him keep the gate open. He swallowed- or rather, made an attempt to, and was unsurprised to find that the action was mildly painful. Pair that was the throbbing near his sinuses, the malaise, and the general feeling of being lethargic, it wouldn't take a medical professional to inform him that he was unwell. What was that old saying? Something about only fools catching a chill from standing out in the rain? Nonsense. But... well, he wasn't about to start pondering old proverbs with a pounding headache. At least he wasn't getting a nose bleed. Just a stuffy one. It took Sang-wook longer than he would have preferred to stand up straight again and continue limping down the walkway, but eventually he did, coming to a stop on the corner of a vacant room. He could practically hear his limbs creak as he perched himself on the edge of a step, and one hand automatically slipped into his jacket pocket. Some habits were harder to break than others. And if ever there a time he truly needed a smoke... With the lit cigarette between his lips, he began to ponder what his next move would be. He had technically finished his business there; no other reason to remain other than the fact that fucking monsters were roaming the city. Of all the positively inconvenient bullshit - monsters. Not that he had any real plans after taking care of matters. He never did. Being a drifter meant not making attachments, not allowing himself to get roped into anything unless it was related to his main task. And yet there he was, with an apartment full of people who either saw him as a thug or a threat or, for some irritatingly insane reason, a person to be pardoned. A laughable concept at best. He didn't even want to be pardoned - he didn't regret the things he had done, to begin with. And wasn't that one of the key steps to getting into heaven? Being repentant for your sins? Well, that was already one big strike against him. Just how did that damned nosey priest expect him to continue on, then? Why had he been so adamant about "saving" him? Why? A trail of smoke filtered past his nostrils, nose absently wrinkling as the thoughts only served to frustrate him all the more. What the hell was he going to do... He brought the stick to his lips again, but his breath caught pre-inhale, mouth forming a deeper frown than normal. A small pin-prick had been stinging the back of his nose ever since he'd woken up, but so far he'd been able to ignore it. Until now. He sniffed harshly, once, twice and, thinking that was that, but the moment he closed his lips around the cigarette, he inhaled harshly through his nose. "hH'KGSHHh!" The sneeze jerked his head down sharply, though he managed to keep it relatively quiet. The last thing he needed was some passerby hearing and having the guts to try and approach him. Though containing it hadn't done his headache any favors, and his teeth had nearly snapped the cigarette in half. Hell, he couldn't even smoke in peace. What was the point of still being alive, again? "You shouldn't be smoking," Ah, there it was. Sang-wook didn't need to glance up in order to place the voice - he could smell the self-righteousness from a mile away. Or, he would have, had he been able to smell anything at the moment.
Resisting the urge to sniffle, he made no attempt at offering even a semblance of acknowledgement towards the other. Not that it would stop him from poking his nose where it didn't belong, so it came as no surprise when Jae-heon stood directly in front of him, gradually lowering himself until he was seated similarly to the other with a soft grunt. Sighing, Sang-wook plucked the useless cigarette from his lips and tossed it to the floor, swiftly crunching it beneath his boot. "I'm not,"
Jae-heon hummed in acknowledgement. "I don't say it to judge," Sang-wook wasn't sure why he felt the need to clarify, but his gaze did flit over to the other's general direction for a moment. He could see the glint his blade gave off out of the corner of his eye. Curious. Although he didn't doubt the other's skill, he just didn't see a point in taking it with him everywhere. But that was ultimately his choice, and he didn't have the mental capacity to bother pondering why he did so. "How are you feeling?" The scarred man barely lifted his eyes to Jae-heon, who gestured with his chin towards the direction Sang-wook had originally walked from. "Yu-ri took a look at your head injury, right? Is it serious?"
The only response he gave was a meager shrug. Sang-wook wouldn't willingly give information about how he was feeling when it didn't matter in the long run. Whether he was fine or slowly bleeding out, what difference would it make? You shouldn't be alive in the first place; why does he care? God, thinking made his head throb. Couldn't he just be alone in this god forsaken complex for more than a solid minute?
He heard Jae-heon sigh, noted him shift slightly, but still kept his gaze glued to the floor. "What you did... I can't agree with your actions," Sang-wook almost scoffed aloud. Was he really expected to listen to a lecture about right and wrong? His attention was already split, anyway. The itch sparked in his sinuses still burned, not having been satisfied with the weak excuse for a sneeze, and every facial muscle was tensed as he worked to smother the sensation into submission. At least he always happened to look stoic, so he doubted the other would notice. Still, hearing Jae-heon gear up for a sermon of sorts didn't bode well for his waning resolve. "But I do understand why you did what you did. The others might not - they might still see you as something that you're not-" "What would you know about what I am?" Sang-wook interjected sharply, a scowl evident on his features. Admittedly, it hurt to talk, and he internally cringed at the trace of hoarseness in his voice. But he didn't like anyone thinking of him as some misunderstood wretch worthy of some kind of redemption. He wasn't a hero, he wasn't a villain, not good or evil - he simply was, and he never needed to be more or less than that, didn't need to satisfy anyone's opinion of him. Jae-heon glanced down momentarily, looking as if he were trying to gather his thoughts. Speaking could come as easily as breathing at certain times, and yet there were moments were every point of diction managed to fail him. "I'm not here to pity you. And I wouldn't claim to understand you. Every person has their reasons for what they do - and every person has to stand with those reasons before the almighty. I'm not here to judge," The scarred skin beneath Sang-wook's eye jumped slightly. "Then what are you here to do? Whatever it is, you're wasting your..." He had to pause, throat constricting momentarily before he sighed unevenly through his nose, "... breath. You should be more concerned about yourself," Jae-heon couldn't help but quirk a miniscule smile at that. "That isn't God's way. Besides, I wouldn't still be alive if I had decided to be selfish," His thoughts shifted to Hyun-su, Mr. Han, Ms. Im and Ji-su - he had all of them to thank for his life, for making it this far. People who, while they may not have shared the same faith as himself, had believed that sticking together and looking after each other was the way to survive - was the right path. No matter their differences, they chose to be selfless, and that was what had led them to finding the other survivors. Sang-wook didn't reply, mainly due to the fact that he wasn't sure he could safely do so without breaking his concentration. Though it didn't matter - Jae-heon continued anyway. "You didn't have to bring back Min-Ju and Su-ung. I won't ask you why, because to me, what matters is that you did. That means something," When Sang-wook didn't respond again, Jae-heon opened his mouth to continue, only to be silenced when the other opposite him took in a sharp inhale and twisted off to the side. "hH'GKxnt! h'HCHGnt!" Jae-heon blinked for a moment, not really startled by the sneezes but seeming to examine Sang-wook with a little more scrutiny, to which the the other flashed him a glare. Unfazed, he continued to gaze at the other. "You look pale. You should be resting," Sang-wook simply scoffed, cringing at the phlegm lining his throat. He desperately needed to sniff back the moisture threatening to breach his nostrils, but his pride held the action back as Jae-heon continued to press the issue. "You're up and about after having passed out - and you were in the rain for a good while. You might be getting sick," And if he was? What the hell did it matter? Sang-wook wanted to press both heels of his palms against his eyes and grind until the pressure behind them lessened at least a little. He was exhausted, and fatigue suddenly swept over him like the storm clouds still raging outside. Everything felt heavy and sluggish which, for someone with normally such sharp senses, was more than off-putting. It felt wrong. He felt wrong. Why was the good Christian wasting time worrying about whether or not he was ill when there were literal monsters still roaming the apartment? As if sensing his turmoil, Jae-heon finally moved to stand back up, katana blade resting by his side. "You should go see Yu-ri - at the very least she can give you something for your head," He began to turn away, paused, then uttered something that made the skin on the back of Song-wook's neck prickle uncomfortably.
"Take care of yourself," Jae-heon’s retreating footsteps seemed to echo unusually loud, and it wasn't until he could no longer hear them any longer that Sang-wook finally indulged in a thick, pitiful sniffle and allowed his head to drop into his waiting hands.
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lcngview · 4 years
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✈️ — ⌜park jimin, cismale, cis male⌟  ↝  have you heard ? it seems like the heir of the HAE was very close to Liam Yu too. they go by ISAAC and they were Liam's MUSE. their network is of 87M and they’re only TWENTY FOUR … what a burden it must be. i heard they can be very ENERGETIC and LIGHT-HEARTED but these last few months, their RESTLESS and EMOTIONAL personality has been showing more. the media is sure having a filled day with them! i hope this road trip with friends will help them. did you know that LATE NIGHTS AT THE DANCE STUDIO, NEW TATTOOS THAT HIS PARENTS CAN’T SEE,  A GRILLED CHEESE WITH TRUFFLE OIL AND HANGING OUT WITH THE FAMILY DOG DURING DINNER PARTIES really show their true persona ? maybe Liam was the only one who knew that.
hello my darlings!! i’m lis and this is my cinnamon roll isaac. he’s a old muse of mine that i’ve decided to repurpose so there’s still some random holes in his backstory i still have to figure out so pls excuse me. i’m kind of a hot mess all the time honestly but ily all already and im v excited to start writing with you! you can find me on discord ( *𝙡𝙞𝙨.#2158 ) or we can just chat on tumblr <3
oh also you can find isaac’s pinterest here! its not totally finished but u know.
name: isaac hae gender: cis male. age: twenty-four ( 24 ) sexuality: homosexual. birthday: december 14th. zodiac: sagittarius hometown: new york, ny.
faceclaim: park jimin. hair: naturally black, currently dyed and styled like this. eyes: brown. build: despite his small stature he has an athletic build with strong legs from dancing.
tattoos: [he has a few artsy ones mostly on his back and ribs where his parents can’t see them but i'm too lazy to list them rn, i’ll get to it eventually jfkjsbjk] height: 5′7″
languages: english, korean
+ traits: energetic, light-hearted - traits:  restless, emotional
↳ isaac hae was born and raised in new york ctiy as the only child to two real estate developers turned luxury hotel owners in december 1996.
↳ his parents weren’t around much when he was growing up so he was raised mostly by the families butler Simon; as a result, isaac isn’t really all that close to his parents. to this day, despite having lived on his own for the past 6 years he still makes it a point to go to the family estate to see Simon when he can.
↳ isaac was around five when his parents began enrolling him in various afterschool activities; soccer, piano, tennis, archery, but he knew he had no interest in doing any of those things. he wanted to dance. after a few months of begging his mother gave in and enrolled him in a contemporary dance school. while his father was never silent about his dislike for his only son being interested in dance isaac never really cared, he barely saw his dad anyways.
↳ it didn’t take long after he started dancing for his teacher to notice his natural talent and isaac quickly became the most skilled dancer in his year, the competition trophies and metals quickly filling up the bookshelf in his bedroom.
↳ when isaac was around twelve his mom was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer almost out of the blue. this dropped a bomb on his relatively normal life up until that point. the next nine months were spent in and out of hospitals as his mom got treatment from the best doctors in the world. despite the fact that he was never all that close to her the fact that she was sick and not getting better made him rethink their relationship, she was his mom after all. 
↳ after his mom passed isaac spent the next few years throwing himself into dance more than usual while the relationship with his father quickly deteriorated. the only time his father made it a point to talk to his son was to ask about school and how the college search was going, only interested in the future reputation of the company his son would take over. 
↳ isaac eventually graduated high school and ran off to college, wanting to escape being under his father's thumb as quickly as possible. this was where he met liam. the older boy had wandered into the dance studio one day while isaac practiced for an upcoming showcase asking if he could watch and while he was confused at first he eventually agreed. 
↳ the first few times all liam did was sit in the corner and watch isaac while he practiced, only asking a few questions but not really speaking much beyond a greeting and saying goodbye. by the third or fourth time liam showed up at the studio he didn’t come empty-handed like normal, instead he had a sketchbook which he had immediately opened once isaac started dancing.
↳ it wasn’t until a few weeks had passed that isaac learned what liam had been doing, why he had continued coming to the studio even after that first time and was now sketching him. he had been painting isaac... and not just once either. after some coaxing liam eventually showed isaac the paintings.
↳ it was from that point on that liam and isaac developed an interesting relationship, anytime the older boy was feeling particularly uninspired he would come watch the younger one dance. isaac wasn’t totally sure what it was about his dancing that inspired liam but he didn’t ask, genuinely enjoying the company as he was usually alone in the studio at night. eventually the two became actual friends, keeping in touch even after liam had graduated. 
↳ the next few years isaac spent dancing and working towards his business degree (to appease his father and the board of directors) before eventually graduating and moving into one of the penthouse apartments owned by his father's company in downtown new york city. 
↳ despite being in the same city as liam (most of the time), with their crazy schedules it was difficult to see each other as often as either one of them would have liked. but liam still made a point to come to the studio to watch him dance when he had time. 
↳ currently isaac works for his dad and dances at a nearby studio whenever he’s not at work. 
tldr; isaac is just a dancing cinnamon with some parental issues spurring from his moms death and father just not being around. 
isaac can be a sassy little shit when he wants to be, typically always joking around and always in a good mood. it’s very rare to see this boy have an off day. despite this isaac has the most insane worth ethic which is why he is either practicing at the studio or working, rarely letting himself have any sort of off time (he prefers it this way tbh). at the end of the day isaac is really just a giant ball of sunshine wrapped up in a cinnamon roll. all he wants is to be your friend and make sure you feel loved. (he doesn’t always save a lot of that love for himself though asfjhg)
↳ third generation korean-american, his grandparents moved to the states in the early 1960′s.
↳ despite being comfortable with his sexuality he hasn’t totally come out of the closet to his family and doesn’t see that happening anytime soon. outside of his friends, he tries to keep his sexual preferences on the down-low, not wanting the media to get wind of it. 
↳ is NOT a morning person, never was and probably never will be. the only time isaac doesn’t have his sunshine personality on full display is in the first couple hours after he wakes up so he makes it a point to avoid everyone until he feels more like himself.
↳ isaac is absolutely terrible about his phone. it’s always dead or broken (despite being able to buy a brand new one) and he almost prefers it that way. this boy always has at least 17 unread texts and 9 missed calls at all times. if you are trying to get in contact with him it’s best to just give up.
↳ while in college he did his best to keep his family's wealth a secret, not wanting people to look at him differently just because he had a large trust fund waiting for him. 
↳ it wasn’t until a couple years ago that isaac realized he had a crush on liam and it scared the crap out of him. almost immediately after he came to the realization he knew liam could never find out and shoved the feelings deep down. isaac valued their friendship too much to ruin it but now kind of regrets not saying anything now.
↳ the duality this boy possesses is almost comical. day to day he is just isaac, the ball of sunshine and happiness most people know him to be but the moment he steps into that dance studio he turns into a different person. he becomes the type of person you probably wouldn’t want to bring home to your parents. isaac can turn this side of him on and off like a switch though most of the time he doesn’t realize that he is even doing it in the first place.
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crepuscular-gloom · 5 years
Poptropica Island Ratings
okay I saw a post on here a while ago and someone rated the Poptropica islands. I remember agreeing with a lot of them, but they only went so far so a lot of the newer islands were missed out. I came across it again recently and got hit by a wave of nostalgia so I’m gonna do my own now. Unoriginal content very good. i’ll put a keep reading link to stop it from taking up too much space
Early Poptropica - mega nostalgia but kinda boring. I like the original Poptropicans being pixely and there is a goth gf in the sewers however the giant green spider scared the shit out of me as a kid and the idea of an aircraft graveyard made me sad so 6/10
Shark Tooth Island - also nostalgic but I didn’t complete it for a long time for some reason.. very short. it has a story but its there is nasty shark and people stuck on an island so make a calming potion. the medicine man looks like he is from viva pinata so 6/10
Time Tangled Island - VERY GOOD AND FUN AND HISTORICAL FUCK THAT AZTEC THO DICKHEAD. quite lengthy for an island but this is good because that means more time periods to explore. it’s also educational but i just care about restoring time. very legendary the iconic just jumped out - 10/10
24 Carrot Island - stupid pun point taken off. introduces Dr Hare and people are THIRSTY. you can dye your hair with milkshakes. i thought it was creepy as a kid honestly. i think its mind control or something. but i like it, it still has nostalgia value 8/10
Super Power Island - very legend like. i loooove the antagonists, especially copy cat but i think i had to look up a guide to beat her because i was dumb af. you need a licence to be a superhero but you are a superhero!!! very fun i like this one a lot 10/10
Spy Island - i remember sucking at this one as well as a kid.  i think it fucks with peoples hair and i only remember because my character looks fresh 100% of the time and this island fucked it up i think. i don't really remember it tho. 5/10
Nabooti Island - it’s based on a Choose Your Own Adventure book so good premise. go around the world is also good. you have to get jewels i think. ngl i didn’t finish this one because i sucked at it so i’m just going off the wiki and how far i got into it. fuck the animal puzzle 7/10
Big Nate Island - who the fuck is Big Nate. i only remember the school climbing frame and a stink bomb. fuck you big nate we don’t have your comics in England 1/10
Astro-Knights Island - medieval knights.... IN SPACE?!?! COUNT ME IN. crazy jester bard guy antagonist. people are thirsty for him too. i’m pretty sure you end up in another dimension or something. cyborgs and shit 9/10
Counterfeit Island - bruh i loved this island. pretty sure antagonist is also making people thirsty. you have to go back to Early Poptropica Island to complete it, very cool. investigating crime is cool idea it’s l.a. noire in poptropica. the wiki says there is a glitch called anti-social clown and i have to say relatable 9/10
Reality TV Island - i think i completed this like twice and i remember jackshit. you get to see past characters tho so very good. it’s just doing challenges. 4/10
Mythology Island - VERY GOOD. LEARN ABOUT MYTHOLOGY. you can fight hydra and other creatures, you meet Zeus you meet Hades, Aphrodite is a bitch. 9/10
Skullduggery Island - pirates are always good no matter what. apparently it is one of the hardest islands which explains why i never completed it but you fight other pirates and sea monsters for doubloons or some shit sounds cool to me 8/10
Steamworks Island - steampunk is good. i remember completing this and thinking it was interesting and weird to look at. i think the atmosphere is was lonely tho. there’s a boss battle against a plant i think. otherwise i don’t fuckin remember 7/10
Great Pumpkin Island - it’s Peanuts so it’s nice. very nice and simple. it’s just about the great pumpkin except you’re there. 6/10
Cryptids Island - GOD TIER. CRYPTIDS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA. some of it is scary tho. the jersey devil just fucking staring at you from the window was a shit the bed moment for a kids game. also before the islands got rebooted, it was one of the only islands to have sound effects, i.e. when the chupacabra bursts out the box. honestly because of the balls on this kids game to scare children and also being good island 10/10
Wild West Island - the only thing better than pirates is cowboys. i don’t really remember it but you do go against an outlaw gang. i like cowboys 10/10
Wimpy Wonderland Island - Jeff I know you made doawk and poptropica but did you have to show it. ngl i liked it because i like doawk. but it’s kinda... creatively bankrupt i guess. 3/10 2 points because Rodrick is there
Red Dragon Island - i think more time travel but just to old Japan. you have to save a girl. that’s all i remember. also i think there is a nasty samurai guy. but also evil dragon. i can’t remember because for the longest time this was a premium account only island so i never got to finish it for the longest time. that was a dick move 7/10 for that alone.
Shrink Ray Island - cool premise but this island expects me to learn morse code 3/10
Mystery Train Island - detectives? on a train? very nice. basically murder on the orient express except no murder and thomas edison is there and also various other 1700/1800 nerds
Game Show Island - basically Reality TV except it’s to save the world from robots. 5/10
Ghost Story Island - wow iconic. this is the only island with voice acting and it’s to fucking jumpscare you i shat myself.  ghost hunting, very cool 10/10
S.O.S Island - it’s basically Titanic mixed with Moby Dick. it’s ok 6/10
Vampire’s Curse Island - i reaaaally like this one. i like vampires. it has a vampire daddy in it so. he kidnaps a teenage girl tho because he thinks its the love of his life who is dead. kinda weird. he does stop being insane at the end tho and says sorry and dies. the girls bf is a dickhead tho. 9/10
Twisted Thicket Island - i think you’re saving a forest from becoming housing. i really like it because it introduces various folkloric creatures like the nokken. i only remember the nokken because i went on akinator to see if he knew what it was and i don’t think he did so i added it and it’s photo to his database. or maybe it was just his photo but i remember uploading something to akinator. 8/10
Poptropolis Games Island - i don’t think i liked this one 3/10
Wimpy Boardwalk Island - Jeff. 2/10 1 point added because Rodrick is also there
Lunar Colony Island - space is good. do i remember this island tho? no. i think theres aliens tho. 5/10 because i like space and aliens.
Super Villain Island - it brings back the most memorable villains like binary bard and black widow. you find out why they are evil. pretty chill 8/10
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Island - what do you expect 5/10
Zomberry Island - the last of us except i think people are just eating nasty berries really. i like it it’s spooky 7/10
Night Watch Island - Paul Blart Mall Cop 6/10
Back Lot Island - you make a film. i can’t remeber it like at all. 6/10 because it sounds ok
Poptropolis Games Island Part 2 - fuck off 2/10
Virus Hunter Island - i don’t think i completed this one either. however it is one of those inside the human body things which is always cool if cliche. 8/10
Mocktropica Island - very satirical what if about if poptropica was run by assholes. ironic since a bunch of islands were made premium only for a while. pretty sure the bonus missions still are too which is why i’m not mentioning them. funny tho 7/10
Monster Carnival Island - spooky yes. people thirst over the ringmaster raven guy too. theres a spooky clown on the ferris wheel. i don’t remember much other than i liked it because it was about monsters in a theme park. 9/10 i remember it was surprisingly short tho
Survival Island - castaway except it’s you. i don’t remember it either lmao. i got out of touch with old poptropica real bad by this time so my next ratings might be unfair sorry. pretty sure it also becomes the most dangerous game tho and some guy wants to actually fucking kill you. ballsy. 7/10 because it sounds ok i should maybe play it.
Mission Atlantis Island - i like atlantis but i didn’t play this one either. you see deepsea creatures which are spooky so extra points 8/10
PoptropiCon Island - poptropica’s answer to comicon. now i did play this one for some reason but i don’t remember it too well either. i was 14 when it came out so. sounds like yu-gi-oh so good. 7/10
Arabian Nights Island - didn’t play it i think it’s just telling the story. it’s a cool story so 7/10
Galactic Hotdogs Island - what the fuck 1/10
Mystery of The Map Island - vikings are cool. island seems very short tho. 5/10
Timmy Failure Island - who the fuck. this would be more impactful if i read these fucking things but i don’t. who the fuck are you timmy. i guess it’s called failure for a reason. (that was mean sorry) 1/10
Escape from Pelican Rock Island - prison break, nice idea. you have like a twin in this one. seems a bit repetitive sometimes tho. theres like 7 days of doing similar things. 6/10
Monkey Wrench Island - it was created to be the new tutorial, i.e. an actual tutorial rather than Early Poptropica. very fast and boring, especially if you already know everything. 2/10
Crisis Caverns Island - i know nothing about this. even the wiki is incomplete. maybe that means its shit then. 1/10 the wiki doesn’t even care too much about this one.
Greek Sea Odyssey - more ancient greece is always good. you get to beat the shit out of zeus this time 8/10
Snagglemast Island - all you do is collect coins. another tutorial one. 1/10.
bonus: home island. legit just a hub. points added because you can do a lot of customisation here and pick up a pet that doesn’t cost credits. 4/10
DOUBLE BONUS: the little haunted house mini thing. very good because spooky costumes, spooky house fun little monster party. 10/10
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Nostalgia Rewatch: Yu Yu Hakusho S01E01
I've been thinking a lot about some of the shows that I grew up watching. I think that there's this resurgence going on about going back to the things you used to love as a child... a return to better times, I think is what's sparking it. (But that's the psychologist in me...)
As such, I keep thinking about Yu Yu Hakusho, which was my first anime*. I'm curious if it'll stand up to the test of time, or if it's just going to be another cherished childhood memory that adulthood has ruined.
*it was technically Sailor Moon, but I was ~4, and I had no idea what this funny looking cartoon with bad lip syncing was. I just thought that it was interesting. I only saw a few episodes before daylight savings time kicked in, which at the time, I had zero concept of. I forgot about it until I was well into my anime phase in junior high.
Episode one starts off with a boy being hit by a car as he saves a younger child from being hit instead. Then, after this shock, we're introduced to our main character: Yusuke Urameshi. He mulls back on what happened that day, and we go back to see along with him.
He's a deliquent, who'd missed the past ten days of school (TEN DAY!!) And even when he does show up, he skips class. His friend and class president, Keiko Yukimura, goes to chide him about this. Later, when she leaves the roof where she found him, she's approached by some of their classmates, who express fear over Yusuke. They seem to think that he's the head of some huge 1k+ gang, which makes Keiko laugh, because she knows Yusuke, and knows that he's more bark than bite.
Yusuke then is walking around the campus when he finds some of his classmates, chortling about how they stole a wallet by claiming to be Yusuke's cousin. Yusuke confronts them, but in that moment, one of the teachers comes over, sees Yusuke pushing them up against the wall, and the dropped wallet, and assumes that Yusuke is mugging them. He tells Yusuke to leave campus if he's not going to take anything seriously. He goes, but as he's leaving, he's approached by another teacher, who's been paging him over the intercom system. He clearly believes in Yusuke, but Yusuke doesn't want anything to do with school or people who push him to be better.
He goes home, where we see where a lot of his problems stem from: his mother. She's barely waking up even though it's past noon. And when Yusuke comes in, she demands that he make her coffee. He comments about why he's home from school so early, and she says that maybe he should just quit, that school's expensive, and that maybe he should just leave home, too, while he's at it.
Angry, he leaves home and stomps around, until he runs into his rival, Kuwabara Kazuma. He quickly beats Kuwabara up, and he and his friends lament about how Kuwabara has never been able to defeat Yusuke.
Then, as Yusuke's walking along, he catches the ball that we saw from the opening of the episode. He chides the young boy and says not to play so near traffic. He makes silly faces at the boy for a moment before he reminds the kid not to play near the street and goes on his way. Across the street, Yusuke watches as the ball is kicked out into the street, and then the car approaches.
As Yusuke watches his body being loaded into an abulence, he puzzles out what's happening, and guesses that he's a ghost. A girl exclaims “BINGO!” and introduces herself as Botan, a grim reaper. She takes Yusuke to the hospital, where they see that the boy escaped with only a few scrapes and bruises. But, she goes on to say that if Yusuke hadn't pushed the boy out of the way, that the boy would have been 100% unscathed. Ergo, Yusuke's death is in vain. She's there because Yusuke wasn't supposed to die, and he has an opportunity to undergo a trail to go back to earth, since there's no place for him in paradise or hell. Yusuke thinks that people would be better off without him, so he doesn't want to. But Botan insists that he at least go see his own wake and make up his mind on what he wants to do after.
So he goes, where he's angry to find some of his classmates laughing and having a good time outside. But then he sees Kieko who's so besides herself with grief that she literally can't even stand upright. Then, Kuwabara shows up, being held back by two of his friends. Kuwabara is as upset over Keiko, but filled with rage that he won't be able to defeat Yusuke fair and square in a fight. As his friends drag Kuwabara away, the same teacher from earlier scoffs over what a scene, and how can anybody be upset that he's dead? Then, they laugh about how he'd clearly been kicking the boy around, and how the stocks for the school have gone up. Then, the nice teacher confronts them about how fucking tacky can you be? This is a fucking funeral! A boy is dead! Yusuke watches his mother, who doesn't appear to be handling it very well.
Finally, the mother of the boy who Yusuke saved comes in with the little boy. They pay their respects to Yusuke and his mom, before they leave. As they're walking back home, Yusuke follows after them. The little boy asks his mom why “big brother” was in the box. And when Yusuke gets out from the box, can we go see him again? He was very silly. And honestly? I've read and watched a lot of death scenes, and I feel like... this. This properly tugged on my heartstrings. After one episode! And I know what's going to happen to Yusuke! I was pretty teary-eyed during the funeral, but the mom's tears just kind of broke me. But like... it's something that a lot of other series fail to grasp. You can't just kill off characters for shock value and expect people to be sad...
Anyway, Botan approaches Yusuke and says that they're going to the spirit realm, where somebody will explain about the trial that Yusuke has to undergo in order to go back to his body.
I will say this about the series: the artwork might be showing its age, but I love the reactions of everybody. It's something that I had forgotten about as style tends to trend towards more serious and “realistic” most of the time. I like mixing more serious topics like the death of a 14 year old boy in with those comically oversized lumps on the head, of the over-exaggerated walk that Kuwabara does, of sweatdrops! Oh, I love sweatdrops in anime!
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mazarinrouge · 7 years
Let’s Read The Promise: Part 1
Everyone hears that the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics are bad. And they super fucking are. I tried to give it a chance, and I found that The Promise is probably the worst of them that I’ve skimmed. The Search is eh. But OHHH MANNN The Promise. It’s perhaps one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read, and is in general a complete trainwreck. I’m not posting each page as an image because that’s tedious and you can go look them up on your own, but there will be some snippets here and there. Without further ado, a play by play of ATLA: The Promise.
In brief, this comic is about Aang and Zuko working together to remove the Fire Nation’s colonies and their culture from the Earth Kingdom shore. Surprisingly, it handles this sort of situation in a really dumb way. /s You would think Aang and Zuko together would be able to come to some reasonable conclusions, but you know. I’ll get to that later. It opens with the same intro from the shows narrated by Katara, except this time it’s different. Because it’s after the war and all.
But I believed Aang could save the world. And you know what? I was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the hundred year war. Zuko, Ozai’s son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together, with Earth King Kuei, Aang and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to harmony.
Except didn’t he run away to travel the world with his bear? If he did go back to Ba Sing Se after the war, we’d have to assume he didn’t die out in the wilderness or get captured at any point in time. We’d also have to assume that the people saw him and just LET him back into power, despite being the puppet for the Dai Li. And do the Dai Li still exist? They do in Korra, but I can’t see them here. Inconsistencies, oh well, who cares?
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There are about eight fire nation colonies on the shore. Zuko decides to help Kuei “remove those colonies by doing whatever it takes”. This is very vague and already sounds like a bad idea. Cough cough. Sokka names the movement to remove them the Harmony Restoration Movement while Toph suddenly learns Invisibility Bending.
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Then they go to Iroh’s shop cause why not. And we suddenly travel ~back in time~ to the Season 3 finale and see Katara and Aang smooching. Which apparently Sokka steps in on. It feels sort of like a sitcom. And Sokka’s like blehhh kissing! Katara and Sokka fight about it and you can really feel the tension in their dialogue. Gotta give mad credit to the writers here. /s/s/s/s
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Then they’re on their way to a festival right after the war ended, and it’s going to be great it’s got fireworks and everything and
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Oh my god. This is the angstiest thing I have ever seen. First off, why would Zuko be asking Aang this? Why not ask Katara? She clearly hated you (lol). Aang’s whole thing was how much he didn’t want to kill Ozai. Even IF Zuko started “becoming” his father, how would he expect Aang to be the one to murder him?
I also understand this is a natural emotion for people. Like, if you had an abusive father you probably wouldn’t want to turn out like him. But I imagine it’s somewhat different if your father and all his fathers before him committed mass genocide. If you’re raised to think that’s pretty wrong, hell, he even thought it intrinsically as a lil boy, then you probably won’t kill a lot of people. I don’t know just food for thought .And as an added fact, all the Fire Lords had their dads alive when they were conditioned to kill everyone. So I really don’t think Zuko would make any decisions as bad as his father’s. Maybe bad decisions, he’s hotheaded, but he’s not a murder. He wouldn’t even touch Zhao because it reminded him TOO MUCH of what Zuko’s dad did to him. It just seems out of character. But not as out of character as Aang KILLING Zuko.
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Katara seems to be cool with it, though.
It timeskips to a year later and we see that Zuko is worried about rebel Fire Nation peoples to try to assassinate him. This I can agree with. There would have to be some people who oppose Ozai’s imprisonment. And it’s very sudden for a 16-17-ish year old boy to become your new ruler. He wakes up one night thinking someone will assassinate him, and guess what he was right. And would you guess who it is???
A teenage girl! Got to keep all the cast the same age. Wouldn’t want a hired hitman or anything. This teenage girl is so rebellious. She came all the way from the west coast of the Earth Kingdom to kill Zuko. She’s from the oldest Fire Nation colony and she’s here to take revenge, because apparently....the Restoration Movement is going to destroy all the colonies?
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There was never any indication as to what this “movement” would consist of until now besides “remove them”. I didn’t imagine removing them would mean removing the culture or the people? You see, the rational thing to do would be to remove the government so the Earth Kingdom could control the land. There could be an intermingling of cultures and it may be interesting, but definitely not bothersome. That’s why some of France looks like Germany. They moved in and then the land went back to France and now they just all hang out there. There’s no concrete explanation to the reader of what this movement does. So really I still can’t say it would really destroy all the buildings and evac. all the people but Hell. It might.
Isn’t vague writing cool?
So Zuko sends this girl back to her home colony in cuffs. Her dad finds her and it turns out her dad is the mayor. Now I can understand their trouble. He may worry he might not have any position of power in the colony anymore, but hey, that might not happen. It’d be ridiculous to install an Earth Kingdom specific mayor, maybe even a little racist? It could happen though, so you understand your distress--
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except NO! It’s not about that at all. Apparently the Restoration Movement is now Confirmed to Remove All Fire Nation People. Great. This went downhill fast.
Then this guy says hey your father wouldn’t be proud of your actions and Zuko attacks him.
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Then it cuts to Aang forcibly removing everyone from their homes and putting them into a new and confusing country. Cool. But suddenly when they get there a soldier tells them that they all need to leave! Because Zuko has stopped supporting the Restoration Movement! So that means that all Fire Nation Colonials are barred from entering the country??????
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I don’t think i have to even explain why this is one of the worst ideas ever. Why forcibly remove or never allow in? Why not the middleground? The gray area? That whole part of the damn original show that was toted around so gloriously. How extremes are bad and not everything should be taken far this way or the other. But whatever. Fuck the show. Let’s do this instead.
It cuts to Toph’s metalbending academy and we learn that Zuko has holed himself up in Yu Dao. No one is allowed in or out. Toph says he’s becoming like Ozai. Aang is meditating and talking to Roku, who thinks Aang will be a good guy if he kills Zuko. This could just be a dumb rehash of the show where none of the other Avatars give Aang the answers he wants. Maybe the Lion Turtle will come back too and give Aang some Complacency Bending to fix Zuko.
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I like this though. Aang is set on his own motivations and protecting Zuko as his friend. He’s not even looking Roku in the eye. Their worldviews are so different. Neat.
They arrive at Yu Dao to confront Zuko. The walls are barred and Aang and Katara decide to go in themselves, scaling up the wall to get past the gaurds. This comic site has custom annotations like old Youtube videos by the way, and I just thought I’d show you this.
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Typically the rule with pet names is if your partner says one you don’t immediately say it back. But OK. I guess ‘babe’ was too adult for the demographic. I just can’t see these two really using pet names at all. Like Aang would respect his girlfriend so much he’d probably be happy enough just getting to say her real name so often.
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We also learn here when he gets inside the walls that “Flameo, Hotman” is actually spelled “Flamio Hotmen”. I cannot accept this.
Aang enters and bows to the General and they start attacking him and Katara.
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If they’re both trespassers why are they only attacking Aang and not Katara? How is Aang that close to the fire and he’s not got a Zuko burn yet? These important questions and more brought to you by me.
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Katara gets fed up with these people burning Aang and does a Dr. Crocker-esque panel by panel of her saying
“Stop. Trying. To. Set. My.
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Reminds me of something else....something....even more awkward to say while attacking people....hm...
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“Stay away from my dad’s ex-girlfriend!”
Oh well. I must have forgotten what it was. (coughKorraDoesntExistcough)
Then Zuko comes in and grabs Katara in a weird and compromising position. She says stop you’re hurting me oh no. And Zuko says not until you stop hurting my guards. Which she didn’t really hurt any of them. She demobilized them like Aang would, but they’re all still ok. She did throw ice shards, like pointy ones, Not sure what happened to that poor guy.
Aang gets mad at Zuko and they start fighting. Aang tries to talk to him while they are fighting and it’s kind of like a Naruto battle. And then....
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God dammit.
But it’s ok because Katara does what she always does and just walks inside Aang’s killer air puncture ball no problem and touches his face to bring him out of the Avatar State. Which is sweet and I always like it when she did that. But how did she get inside the Aang ball?
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Then Zuko says ok fine we can all calm down and talk. By the way, Zuko is growing incredibly weird cheekbones here. I think it’s a part of Bryke’s direction, because if you look at Korra almost every single male (except Bolin) has killer cheekbones. Like really really skinny face cheekbones. And now Zuko has them here.
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Maybe they’re trying to represent Zuko becoming his father. Because Ozai had cheekbones too. But how does one get cheekbones like this in a year? Earlier in the comics, he didn’t have a face like this. He looks like a little skeleton man. Maybe it’s supposed to portray his aging due to stress like Lincoln or something. But man. It just doesn’t look like Zuko anymore. It looks like cheekbonko. That’s his new name.
Zuko had a change of heart after talking to the family in Yu Dao he met.
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(gee maybe you should let the government be in control of the towns but let the people stay there because it is an old colony. Or let the colony stay so long as they don’t harass the Earth people. Or set up a joint government sort of thing with a council to rule these specific colony towns. Or anything but this dumb plot. ALSO LOOK AT ZUKO’S WEIRDASS HEXAGON FACE CHEEKBONES FUKC)
Also Katara doesn’t say anything she just stands there looking sad and confused. But just to make sure she does say something she says maybe Yu Dao should be the exception and only they can stay. Why is no one smart in this universe. But anyway, she decides to have another meeting with the Earth king.
It cuts to Zuko. The Kyoshi Warriors are his new bodygaurds. He gets up in the night to get water, but really he goes to see his father and DUN DUN DUN.
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Well that was anticlimactic. Just seventy pages of UGH....THIS IS SO INFURIATING. But you know that’s fine.
This has been Part 1 of The Promise.
My predictions are Aang will not kill Zuko. (hes in the other comics) And they will remove everyone from their homes. Everyone will be happy despite that fact and Aang will get a kiss from his ‘sweetie’ the end.
But who knows?
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aion-rsa · 8 years
X-POSITION: IvX’s Soule Explores Mutant and Inhuman Perspectives
After a year of tense interactions and major losses, the Inhumans and X-Men have finally engaged in combat over the future of their respective races. With the Terrigen cloud — a mist that has become deadly to mutants that breathe it in — on the verge of saturating all of Earth’s atmosphere, the X-Men have taken drastic measures. Their opening attack on the Inhumans’ home in New Attilan left many of the group’s most powerful members in limbo — literally. With a line-wide revamp for both the Inhumans and X-Men coming in the form of ResurrXion, major developments lie ahead in the pages of Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule and Leinil Yu’s “IvX.”
RELATED: IvX Takes A Hellish Turn As Some X-Men Give In To Their Demons
This week in X-POSITION, “IvX” co-writer Charles Soule joins us and answers all of your questions about the massive event series currently rolling through two comic book lines.
CBR News: Welcome back to X-POSITION, Charles! Let’s kick things off with a question about Emma Frost from Diammandis.
I know you can’t really can’t answer this but who knows: will there be any resolution with Emma over Cyke’s death? Will Emma get the closure she needs during this event? Also when are you writing a Emma solo series?
Now, come on. You said it yourself — you know I can’t really answer those! Keep reading!
Hey, we still have to try! Next up, YeahX3 has a question about certain comic book numbers.
A lot of series now have #0 issues before #1 issues,and since you wrote one for “IvX,” I was wondering what your thoughts are about them, and what purpose they serve, and how you prepared to write one. What keeps a #0 issue, which is still the first issue, from being a #1 issue?
The goal of a #0 issue is to allow readers who haven’t been reading the respective series leading up to #1 to catch up quickly — it’s like a primer. The story proper starts in #1, and you can get all of it if you read #1 to the end. If you’re one of those readers who’s read every series that’s been building to a given event, maybe you can give the #0 a miss — but maybe not. It’s just added depth to the main event. “IvX” #0 was a blast — I’ll write Emma and Beast any chance I get, and working with Kenneth Rocafort was amazing.
“IvX” #4 interior art by Javier Garron
Last week’s batch of “IvX” books featured a cool use of action and reaction, and MiddlePegasus wants to know more about how moments like that come about.
It was really cool reading “IvX” #2 and then following it with “Uncanny X-Men” and seeing the after effects of the Inhumans’ detainment in Limbo. How did you coordinate that with Cullen Bunn and the tie-in writers? Or do they take ideas and run with them?
Cullen, Dennis Hopeless, Jeff Lemire and I all got together a few times to talk over the way the books would all line up. So, they all knew the majority of what we were planning, and could set things up in their books accordingly. I agree — fun stuff!
With so many characters to potentially include in “IvX,” Pedro wants to know how you decided on the ones in the book.
I’ve been going back and reading old Inhuman volumes and I have to ask this: where are all the Inhuman heavy-hitters from the past? The Inhumans have the New Inhuman Elite, the Crimson Cadre, the Royal Guard which are all more experiences than the NuHumans, yet we only see the Royal Family and the NuHumans appearing defending the city. They could have balanced the odds a lot more.
Agreed! First of all, it’s possible some of them are around, living quietly in New Attilan. However, during the fall of the original Attilan in the “Infinity” event, you’ll remember that Eldrac opened up and sent Inhumans all over the place — wherever they were needed. So, it’s hard to say where every single Inhuman ended up. For all we know some were sent halfway across the universe.
“IvX” #4 interior art by Javier Garron
Speaking of the Inhumans, here’s a quick Q from Jaunty.
The first few issues of “IvX” have been really X-heavy, seeing things from their point of view. Will that switch some, and will we get to see more of the Inhumans, like what’s going on in Limbo?
That seems fair, doesn’t it?
A balance must be kept! Continuing on with Inhumans talk, Sam Robards, Comic Fan wants to know more about the state of Black Bolt.
As the one who detonated the Terrigen bomb and released the mists into the atmosphere, how come we’ve never seen how Black Bolt feels regarding the mutant plight he created? Or, for that matter, how he feels about killing “Cyclops.”
I think we have seen it — but since Black Bolt doesn’t talk, you don’t know what he’s thinking when he takes action. I think his renunciation of the New Attilan throne back in my “Inhuman” series with Ryan Stegman was a direct acknowledgment that some of the choices he’d made were perhaps a little dicey, and if you look at “Uncanny Inhumans” #17 you’ll see more.
Here’s another question from Sam about Cyclops’ importance to “Uncanny Inhumans.”
Was Cyclops originally going to play a much larger (or even active) role in “Uncanny Inhumans”? I ask because the “Things to Come” image from issue #0 seemed to imply (based on the fact that he takes up almost a third of it) that he was going to be a big part of the series. If so, how did those plans change into what we eventually got in “Death of X”? I know that’s probably inside baseball, but you can’t blame a guy for trying.
Cyclops’ shadow looms large over “Uncanny Inhumans,” because of the events of “Death of X.” Everything I did in that series (along with [Steve] McNiven and all my other amazing collaborators) was, in some way, done under the shadow of what was to come in “IvX.”
It’s all connected! Circling back to an earlier point about all the other Inhumans wandering around the Marvel U, ţh€ €жţяą-๏яďɨɲąя¥ Tycon wonders how some of them will react to what’s going on in “IvX.”
Rogue, in “Uncanny Avengers,” has been shown to be staunchly anti-Terrigen Mist and even referred to it as “Inhuman poison.” Even some Inhumans like Moon Girl and Synapse would love to get rid of the cloud. Will we ever see them join up with the X-Men to end the poisonous, genocidal cloud?
There are so many points of view about the Terrigen cloud — it’s great to see it all spinning out into “IvX.” Jeff Lemire and I worked hard to make sure we saw many different perspectives on the mist, not just a global “Mutants hate it, Inhumans love it” thing. It’s more complex than that, just like it would be in real life.
Also, clouds aren’t genocidal — genocide is a crime, and crimes require intent, or reasonable anticipation of harm. The cloud itself had neither — it’s a cloud. The Inhumans aren’t “genocidal” either. Not Medusa or any of the others — remember, they had no idea the cloud would be released at all. The only ones who knew were Black Bolt and his brother Maximus, since they did it at the end of “Infinity” — but even they had no idea it would hurt anyone. But as we’ve seen with “IvX,” and as it often happens in real life, it’s easier to blame a group than a person, and things can spiral out of control quickly.
EXCLUSIVE: “IvX” #4 interior art by Javier Garron
Stepping back to look at the bigger picture, here’s an ask from Askani’s Flame.
How fun, and difficult, has it been to write this event? And what was your favorite scene (if you can share) to write? Who is your favorite character in the event to write?
It’s been pretty tough, but very fun, too. There are so many scenes with so many characters, all of whom need to feel unique within that scene, consistent across the story, and serve the narrative in the way you need them to. It was a tricky thing to pull off. My favorite scene comes in issue #5, I think, so you’ll have a bit to wait, but it takes place in Limbo. As far as my favorite character — pretty hard to beat Emma Frost.
Lastly, looking ahead, a number of new Inhuman books are being launched this spring, including “Royals” written by Al Ewing with art by Jonboy Meyers. Agronac919 is curious if you’ve had any impact on that series.
Seeing how you still have some hanging plot threats with the Inhumans, have you left Al Ewing and the other Inhuman writers notes on your plans or are you just saving that for if you ever return?
I’ve talked to Al and the other Inhuman folks, but they’re off having their own adventures for the moment. We’ll see if I ever get back to the I-verse — I do love it, and I already miss writing some of my favorites… who knows?
Special thanks to Charles Soule for taking on this week’s questions!
Stay tuned to CBR for information about the next installment of X-POSITION.
The post X-POSITION: IvX’s Soule Explores Mutant and Inhuman Perspectives appeared first on CBR.com.
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