#but I still pulled for Watanabe and Douman cause I enjoy using them
whalehouse1 · 2 years
“We have to address that Nasu really wants us to fight ORT in LB7 so it has to be in Brazil so we have to remember that when we talk about it.”
Uhm, no, no we don’t. The Lostbelts have been planned for years and even the smallest cursory research on Aztec and Mayan and heck I’ll even throw in Incan due to them being the well-known ones, would tell you that they are nowhere near Brazil. These LBs have been planned and even if we just go off from the planning of them starting at the invasion of Chaldea, there has been almost five years to decide on the servant rooster and to pick a name out for the LB that isn’t the name of one of the Mexican underworlds and not to describe it with terms that apply to it.
Nasu can want us to fight ORT, that’s fine but don’t excuse crap planning for being intentionally ignorant because he has a boner for all his works being pushed into FGO.
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