#but I think JB was aware him and Selena weren’t good for each other though
tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Any truth to the rumor JB proposed to Hailey after Selena turned him down?
Not from what I heard
Idk JB seems like a different person depending on the women. All the major playboy moves and cheating came from when he was dating Selena. When he first started dating Hailey, my friends thought he was a different person cause he was talking marriage and family and talked about being careful with Hailey. Years later and it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Idk but a lot of my guy friends said it makes sense cause they said there are women you meet and date and you’re thinking yeah you I see us together with a family and a home. And there are women no matter how long you date you always see a deadline no matter what.
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