#but I think a kirin is a good compromise for her especially since they have the eastern dragon's water powers
sidhedust · 9 months
BEFORE I do a Year of the Dragon piece...
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rahorak · 3 years
chemistry questions! which ship has the most brutal arguments, and which ship argues over the most inconsequential things?
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Oh, this is a good one. Allow me to go down the list of the ships I have for Leona who do occasionally argue.
@rosebloodiied’s Kayle and my Leona do fight every so often. Especially in the build up to their relationship and in the beginning, although it does subside a little over the years as they mold around each other more if that makes sense? The root of most of their fights is / was mostly that their views on a lot of topics are polar opposites. Kayle’s ( Insane. ) views on justice are just something Leona could never agree with, and though she loved her with all of her flaws, she would slowly try to show Kayle that justice can be more than just penance and so on. Not so much try to change her fundamental views as it is trying to broaden her horizons. Leona simply wishes for Kayle to see the full picture, and then for her to make decisions based on that. Kayle, on the other hand, has probably scolded Leona a number of times for being so careless with her own life  ━  seeing as she is always the one to save her from the brink of death, and has done so no small number of times. Leona, much like Kayle, comes to eventually compromise her own lifestyle so that they can coexist much better.
@arrowdeft’s Ashe and my Leona have probably the most explosive arguments out of all of my ships for Leo. And that’s not even to say that they’re particularly bad. Since they are both so set in their ways and set in their, uh, chosen path in life it’s hard for them to agree on what their future is going to look like ( Spoiler alert: Leona does eventually leave Targon and her life there behind to settle down with Ashe in the Freljord, but it takes them many years to get to that point. ) And even in their Bodyguard AU, which you can read on my AO3 by the way, it is much the same. They both have things in life they just want, but it always end with Leona sacrificing her career to settle with Ashe, probably involving a few small redheaded children and a comfortable life all around. Actually, that is a lie. That it’s always Leona who budges, that is  ━  I vaguely remember Kirin talking to me about Ashe in Targon at some point, and it sounds like an interesting idea to me. Regardless, the two of them have many obstacles that lead to arguments, big or small, but they always overcome them and I think that that is pretty beautiful.
My Caelia and Leona often argue because Leona has a martyr complex and since Caelia gets to see Leona’s many cuts and bruises, and the way she just. . . Sacrifices herself for other people all the time, she has a hard time dealing with it. If there is a chance that Leona can make someone’s life better, or save someone, she is willing to put her own health, and yes, even her own life at risk. Even if the person is a complete stranger. Caelia loves this about her, it is one of the reasons she is so in love with Leona, but she also fears that it will indeed kill her one day. Caelia often picks a fight with Leona when she’s been particularly reckless, but Leona knows full well that it comes from a place of fear, so she does her best to calmly explain herself to Caelia and a couple of kisses usually go a long way.
And here’s some honorable mentions because honestly? Every relationship, romantic or platonic, experiences some bumps.
@theirlegacies’ Beau and my Leona have disagreements over whether Beau should explore the rest of Runeterra beyond Targon. This is because the Solari priests really want Beau to stay in their sights, as they see her as a sign from the Aspects. And Leona has a hard time explaining her existence in Runeterra herself, so she is like hmm. . . Maybe should wait a bit with exploring. But Beau is like no I wanna explore now!
@vulpesse’s Ahri and my Leona also have the potential to argue sometimes, mostly because of Ahri’s lifestyle. However I feel like their arguments never last long because they both feel so bad if they upset the other sdjfkhshfdksdf ???
@goetiya’s Evelynn and my Leona also probably argue sometimes. Leona grew very attached to Evelynn very fast, so there is a lot of angst there. Besides, I can just see them being the type of couple who argue over trivial things like. . . Leona: You left the milk out of the fridge. Evelynn: We’ll just buy more. Leona: That’s not the point!
@moonaspect’s Diana and my Leona would sometimes argue because they both have such different ways of leading their lives. Diana worked a lot, and slept very little, which Leona disagreed with. Leona wanted to put their relationship before their duties ( Kind of. ) and Diana disagreed wildly with that. Their dynamic was rather complex, actually, more so than what you’d think.
That about sums up what I have of active ships right now. I love ships that have some flesh to them. This includes rough patches and everything like that. I also love throwing Leona into ships with people who’re “ bad for her ” because 1.) they’re quite simply her type, 2.) it creates such interesting dynamics with her for me to explore, since Leona herself is very soft and good.
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