#but I want my first wc fic on there to be the multichap that I'm working on
Opposite of an Intellectual
“The opposite of an intellectual… you really think you could do that, Caffrey?” Jones asked, reading through the cover description.
“Do what?” Neal responded, blinking at them in confusion. Instead of the overly innocent smile that would usually accompany a question like that from Neal, his face was just blank curiosity. It seemed that for once the con man wasn’t messing with them; he just hadn’t been paying attention. 
“Be the opposite of an intellectual,” Diana repeated for him with an incredulous chuckle. 
Neal’s brows furrowed lightly in confusion. ‘What’s an… intellectual?” he asked, seeming to struggle to recall the word. 
Diana scrutinized him, but despite all the years she had spent working with Neal Caffrey, she couldn’t find a single tell that he was lying. By all appearances, Neal Caffrey genuinely did not know the word ‘intellectual.’
“On second thought, that’s kinda scary,” Jones decided, taking an unconscious step backwards. “Please stop.” 
Neal finally broke, giving them a devious grin and a theatrical bow. Diana had to admit, seeing firsthand how convincingly Neal could become someone diametrically opposed to his actual self was a bit terrifying. The short demonstration had left her heart pounding and breathing slightly shallow. 
“Remember this the next time you doubt me,” Neal warned cheerfully, winking at them before sauntering away. Diana and Jones looked at each other once he was gone.
“That was scary, right?” Jones asked.
“Yeah,” Diana confirmed, “that was definitely scary.” 
Then an idea hit her. “I wanna see Peter’s reaction!”
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sashi-ya · 3 years
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NSFW ~ Demon! Zoro x Angel! F! Reader Against Heaven and Hell - Chapter 1: To The Earth, Kids.
Hi babes! so, here I bring to you a new multichap fic! It is based on @undercoverweeeb request for SWE2 (I asked before if I was allowed to turn her request into a longest fic & she kindly accepted. Love u babe!).
The request was:
After hours of staring at this amazing event I finally came up w an ask 😭 Romantic but rough sex w demon Zoro x angel f!reader and the kinks humiliation + getting caught (+maybe kidnapping ? if you want idk) . I trust your judgment, tbh just have fun 🤣💕 and thanks in advance!!
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Chapters: Ch1; Ch2; Final
Tw: no smut in this first chap I'm sorry, but get ready for next chap. Mentions of death and violence. AU: Demon/Angel - Canon divergence Wano Kuni.
A/N: For this fic, Zoro has long hair. I got inspired by this AMAZING artist.
I strongly suggest to read "Wanted" Oda's canon comic. Specially "Monsters" chapter about Shimotsuki Ryuma's story. My story involves not only Zoro but also Ryuma, so in case you don't remember who is he, is the zombie samurai that gave Zoro the Shusui katana on Thriller Bark.
Wc: 2.2K (Made it shorter so you don't get annoyed reading long ass chapters)
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From time to time, a special event occurs for every angel; the time where they are sent to experience life on earth. Each month, when they turn a certain age and are able to hide their wings, it’s time for them to go down…
“Are you ready, (Name)?” asks the man that is about to open the gates of heaven for you. “I am, Sir” you say, firmly, yet trembling inside. “Please, before you go I need to make sure you remember the basic rules, all right?”. “Yes, sir. The three basic rules that I’m obliged to follow are:
I will not reveal my nature to anyone.
I will not get involved in any relationship.
If I ever commit at least one sin in the three earth days I’ll be spending there, I will lose my right to be an angel and so my entrance to heaven would be forbidden, forever. I will be punished by living like a human being for what’s left of my human years”
“Very good, (Name). Remember this has been requested by the guides of a special land, you can’t fail. Now, get ready… close your eyes, hide your wings and be reborn in the land of Wano…”
“Zoro, that’s not the exit!”.
“Follow me, please…”
Zoro is an oni, to be precise, a demon. Today, he is turning 21. Because of that, each demon has the privilege to be sent to earth to do whatever they please, as long as their actions satisfy the ruler of hell, for three days. The young demon reborn in hell after a samurai, Ryuma, lost his way to heaven -and frankly, after committing way more homicides than someone could count-. As a natural consequence of it, Zoro has a special love for blades. He loves them so much, that he has managed to master the art of “santoryuu”, making him to be able to use three katanas at the same time.
“Hide the horns, turn your skin like a human and close that eye for the love of the Devil” says Robin, a.k.a “The Devil Child”. She is in charge of sending the mischievous onis to earth. “Because you have insisted on bringing the katanas, the guardians of the entrance to hell from the Land of Wano requested us to send you there. Now, repeat the rules for me” she says.
Zoro sighs, but he repeats them:
I will not reveal my nature to anyone.
I will not get involved in any relationship.
If I don’t commit at least one sin in the three earth days I’ll be spending there, I will lose my privilege to serve the Dark Sir and the entrance to hell will be forbidden, forever. I will be punished by living like a human being for what’s left of my human years.
“Very good, now have fun and commit as many sins as you want…” she says, and pushes the tanned skin demon through the big doors of hell…
Both Angel and Demon open their eyes. You, the angel, covered in a silky light blue kimono, look around. Nothing looks like something you know. The land is brown and dry, but there is also water. Water that forms waves that crash into the land. “This must be a beach” you whisper, remembering the several times you read some books about “Earth”.
Zoro, the Demon, wakes up inside a wooden cabin. He is wearing a green cape, a white kimono, and luckily his three katanas. He needs nothing more, but they insisted on him wearing clothes… “tsk, how annoying”. “I want sake, I can smell it from here” he says, relishing and leaves the place. He is driven by pure pleasure. Zoro only thinks about his own needs… and now he needs some alcohol. The place he can devise from a far with a big three in the middle seems a perfect place to find the much-needed booze.
The sand, or at least that’s what you think is called, gradually turns into land when you walk through a path surrounded by trees. A flowery smell drives you to a city. Pink flowers rain from brown trees. There are people shouting, they seem to offer stuff to others. There are little kids playing, beautiful women wearing precious attires. Everything seems so new, and yet you still have some kind of memories of being there before…
You are mesmerized by the beauty of the place; you walk looking at the marvelous wooden houses of the city. Until you feel something special. You can sense a violet aura, something you could swear you have been able to feel before, something that surely catches your attention.
Turning around, the aura leads to a man with long green hair, tanned skin, a closed eye, a scar crossing his chest and three katanas standing in front of you. Wind blows your hairs, and for an instant you swear you could see how the man’s eye turns to red as it fixes on yours.
“Are you lost or something?” he asks, so irreverently. “Uhm… not really… but I don’t know where to go” you say, because you are not allowed to lie, and frankly you don’t know how to either. The man smirks at you. A devilish smile with fangs a little too prominent showing.
“I never know where to go, but I'm looking for some sake, wanna come with me?” he says. And because you are so innocent, you simply nod and follow him. He walks so sure of himself through those busy streets. “Uhm.. sir? Are you from this land?” you ask, probably knowing he would say yes. “Uhm… not really” he says, scanning you from head to toe.
“That’s a pretty mark you have there” he points at your shoulder. “Oh… yes it is!” you say, amazed because he noticed even though the light blue cloth is covering it. “I have the same one, look” he shows you a moon mark on his ankle. “Oh… that’s an inverted half-moon!” you inform him. “A… moon?” he asks, he has no idea what a moon is. “You don’t know what a moon is?” you ask, giggling.
How come a man does not know what a moon is? Has he been living under the earth or something?. “You will be able to see it at night. I will show you” you promise, smiling at him. “Ok…” he says, all confused.
Sun shines all over your skin, like it always does. That sparkly glow you can’t hide. Yet, Zoro seems not to be able to shine under the sun, but only the three golden rings he has, do. You wonder if those have any special meaning. And while walking you get lost in the shine they hold, just to realize that the skin behind them starts to attract you in a special way.
“What is this feeling? Is this… no. It can’t be…” you shake your head; you are not allowed to commit any sin. “Oi, do you find something interesting on my neck?” the green haired man asks you all of a sudden, grazing his own skin with his huge hand, wiping little drops of sweat away. “I… I didn’t. I was just looking at your earrings” as you confess, your insides get a little torn.
“Hah?” he says and stops walking. “Oh, these? Have them since I was born. I decided to manage the art of “Santoryuu” style because of them. Wanna see?” he offers showing you something even though you don’t really know what he is talking about… The man suddenly unsheathes his katanas, violently. A white one on his mouth, the other two on each hand. Again, a purple aura around him, past images of something you’ve never lived… you forgot to breathe, there is something special around this man.
Even if the rest of the people around you run away scared, you don't. You simply get yourself hooked into the divine image of that swordsman. “Wow, now I see what you mean with Santoryuu! Three swords!” you chime, all so excited. The green haired man smirks with the white katana on his lips. He can’t help but feel so amazed by you not being scared of him… And oh, she has also decided for you to be one of his sins.
He suddenly smells something. “Sake…” he says, taking the katana off his mouth. “Sake? Is that your name?” you ask. The demon laughs so gracefully, an attractive laugh, so enticing. A shiver runs through your spine.
“No, I’m not <Sake>. My name is Zoro. I’m a de…” he stops himself. “A de…?” you ask. “Forget it, come here” he tells you, snatching your arm and pulling towards him. You run to keep up with his pace, strands of green hair flowing with the air, a wide back, something telling you you should be let go off, but that calloused hand around your wrist is all you want to feel now.
“Where are we going, Zoro-san?” you ask while running. “Here we are!!” he suddenly stops at the entrance of a place called “bar”. You bump into his back. It feels like a sacred electricity, the touch of your bodies, electricity, and something divine. He smells like a mix of steel and sweat. You also can sense hints of another smell…
What's that scent? Is that… is that blood?. That’s the first scent you smell when you were reborn in heaven. Blood. Death.
You take a step back, in between the crowd. The place is full of people drinking, shouting, dancing. A pretty melody played by women in fox masks floods the room. That man, Zoro, smells like blood. Smells like sin. Smells like everything you should run away from… “Oi! Where are you going?! Come back!” he shouts. But you don’t stop, and instead you run away.
And you keep running, out of the city, yet without a destiny… people scare you, the sun is going down, your feet hurt. You feel hungry, so hungry… they have warned you you were going to need food, even if angels don’t eat, humans do. And you are now a human.
Driven by the smell of something you believe must be edible, you walk into a red shrine. The place looks so pretty, it’s all red, all red like blood. “Zoro-san…” you sigh. You have promised the man you were going to show him the moon, and you ran away. Is that considered a sin? Lying?.
The inside of the shrine has an altar full of candles, incense, bottles of sake and bowls with rice. You look around, no one is nearby. You take the bowl in your hands and dig in. The rice fills your stomach, you feel better instantly. Of course, you completely ignore the fact that what you’ve done was rob, a sin…
Something on the walls of the shrine catches your attention, a painting, a mural with people fighting against a gigantic blue creature. “Ah… that’s a dragon. A sky dragon… We have been told to stay away from them whenever we decide to jump from cloud to cloud. Didn’t know they were here too” you whisper, inspecting the painting named “The Downfall of Our Hero, Shimotsuki Ryuma”.
You keep looking all around the sacred place, all of the walls seem to tell a story, a war. There are also people fighting one against the other. One of the walls represents a man, a green haired man holding a katana in his hands. He is cutting the dragon’s head. The man looks exactly like Zoro-san. “Why does he…. why does he look exactly like him?” you ask yourself, surprised and keep looking at the drawn history.
Next paint shows the samurai being acclaimed by the people of the city. A city that looks pretty similar to the one you are in now. But the samurai is shown walking towards a little village, crestfallen and bleeding. And there she is, lying on the ground, covered in blood, beaten up. She is dead, eyes closed, throat sliced from side to side. Three golden earrings hang from her left ear. And she looks exactly like you.
But the last mural, the last painting looks as if it has been ripped off from the wall… what happened?. And it frankly doesn’t matter… a tear runs from your eye to your cheek. What is all of this? What is this place?. Why is Zoro-san holding me? Why am I dead?. The earrings…
You feel your head full of flashes, full of memories, full of things you have never lived. You feel dizzy, so dizzy. You hear whispers. “(Name), we are the guardians of Wano. We owe you everything. Rest in here for the night, your beloved is coming soon to protect you”. Soon, you feel at peace and slowly pass out on the red carpet of that sacred place.
“Ah… I finally found you”
[ Chapter 2 ]
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