#but the idea for this came to me while brushing my teeth and I thought might as well write it you know?
watermelonlovershigh · 22 hours
A Trip to the ER {part. 16} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
Aftercare {part. 15} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
AN: this took me so long to write. one because i didn't even know what to write for this chapter for a while until one day this idea came to me and i thought it would be a perfect filler chapter between all the smutty chapters. i hope you enjoy. make sure to leave your feedback and feel free to send in your ideas.
This story contains: mentions of sex (sexual acts), crying, distress, comfort, vulnerability, mentions of vomit, mild angst, fluff
{ housemate!harry - boyfriendrry - soft!harry - teacher!harry - au!harry }
word count- 3,118
You accidently fall in the shower and end up breaking your foot, which results in Harry having to leave work early and come home to help you get ready for a trip to the ER.
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This was not how you envisioned your week going. It was supposed to be the week you went on a date with Harry and he makes you wear those vibrating panties you purchased on Amazon. Teasing and edging you all night until you get home where he can fuck you senseless. But that all changed when you had an accident that landed you in the emergency room.
It's Monday morning, and you ultimately decided to leave the comfort of your bed. Harry left for work roughly an hour earlier, and you needed to get up to start the work you do from your laptop. However, after the activities you and Harry did the night before, the idea of a shower was quite inviting first and foremost.
While your shower was heating up, you stand at the sink and brush your teeth. Once your mouth is feeling and smelling fresh, you hop in the shower and begin your normal shower routine. Everything's going smoothly until your foot slips on a glob of shampoo you dropped a minute prior, causing your whole body to fall down.
Immediately, you feel a sharp pain radiating from your ankle to your toes on your right foot. Tears well up in your eyes as you attempt to stand, only to realize that's impossible for you to do. You can't put any weight on your foot. Great, you've likely fractured your foot, and in the shower, no less. How embarrassing.
Sitting on the shower floor, you're overwhelmed with pain and tears, praying that the next seven hours will not stretch on until Harry returns. As you look to your left, just outside the shower curtain, you notice your phone lying on the closed toilet seat. A sense of gratitude fills you. Your phone is conveniently within reach. Once you turn off the shower, you gather your strength to stretch your arm out and grasp your phone.
With wet hands and tear stricken cheeks, you dial Harry's number. You truly hate to bother him at work but this is sort of an emergency. It rings approximately three times before you hear a quiet, "Hello." You're sure if he wasn't in class he would have said 'hello baby', but opted not to say that in front of his students.
"Harry," you cry helplessly over the phone, "I..... I'm sorry.... to bother..... you. But, but, I fell.....in the shower and, and my foot. I think it's broke. It hurts so bad." As soon as Harry hears the real distress in your voice, he steps out in the hallway to have more privacy.
"Baby, slow down f'me. You fell in the shower?"
You nod but realize he can't see you, so you mutter in a weak voice, "Yeah."
With his phone to his ear, Harry reassures you in the most calming voice he can muster in this moment of internal panic for your wellbeing, "S' gonna be okay, baby. Gimme twenty minutes and I'll be home. Think you'll be okay until I get there? If not, you should call 999 f'me."
Still crying, you answer back, "I'll....I'll wait for you. It just hurrrts."
"I know, baby. I'll be there as soon as possible."
The call ends and Harry steps inside his classroom to tell his students, "Class, v' got to run to the office for a second, be on your best behavior, alright." All twenty-five students nod their heads and continue on with their worksheets. Harry books it down the hall until he reaches the schools office.
"Mr. Styles, everything alright?" the older secretary asks as a frantic Harry bursts through the double doors.
"Um, actually, is there anyone who can watch my class for the rest of the day? M' girlfriend is in a bit of an emergency and I need to leave school."
The secretary gives Harry an apologetic look and assures, "I'm sure we can find someone. Go gather your things and I'll send someone down to your classroom."
With relief, Harry replies, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Mabel." He marches back down to his classroom and once inside, hurries to pack all of his things that he normally takes home each day.
"Mr. Styles," one of Harry's students begin curiously, "you're leaving?"
Taking a brief pause, he raises his gaze to address the class, explaining the situation. "M' girlfriend is experiencing an emergency, and I need to leave for the rest of the day. A staff member will be comin' to supervise you until school ends. I expect you all to behave appropriately in their presence, understood?" The students nod in acknowledgment, though some show their disappointment at the fact he has a girlfriend. Like their prepubescent selves had a chance with their hot, much older teacher anyways. He rarely talks about his private life with them because they are still very much kids, so it's understandable that they didn't even know he has a girlfriend.
As Harry steps out the classroom with his satchel slung over his shoulder and an empty coffee cup in hand, a member of office staff arrives to take over the class for the day. He hurriedly approaches his car, and the moment he's inside and starts the engine, he speeds off in the direction of his home. The knowledge that you're suffering alone fills his stomach with nausea and his chest with worry.
He manages to reach home in half the time it typically requires, clearly driving above the speed limit. When he nears his street, Harry calls you to notify you that he's almost there. "Harry......" he hears you cry through the phone and it's breaking his heart.
"M' here, m'love. Pullin' in our driveway now."
With a voice hoarse from your sobbing, you manage to whisper a quiet, "Okay," before hanging up the phone. Just then, the front door opens and you hear hurried footsteps making their way to the bathroom where you are. Harry, not pausing to knock as he occasionally would out of respect, enters without hesitation to assist you. The moment you catch sight of your boyfriend, you're engulfed by another surge of tears—tears of relief that he's actually here, tears of embarrassment over this entire ordeal, and tears resulting from the actual pain in your foot.
As soon as Harry catches sight of you, his eyes become misty with his own tears. He's pained to see you in such distress. He rushes over to the tub to see exactly the situation he's dealing with. He first notices you're soaked, likely due to your inability to grab your towel, and unclothed, clearly from your recent shower. He takes your towel that's hanging up beside the shower and kneels down beside you. "Shhh, everythin' will be alright. M' gonna take you to hospital. You'll be okay."
He drapes the towel over your shoulders to provide you with warmth and then rises to his feet while lifting you. Harry gently scoops you up in his arms bridal style before placing you on the closed toilet seat. "It hurts, ouch, ouch," you cry when your foot lightly touches the floor.
Once you're comfortably seated on the toilet, Harry initiates the drying process to prepare you for clothes. He positions himself beside you and gently runs a towel through your dripping hair. Luckily, you had rinsed all the soap out prior to your fall. He then kneels down in front of you and continues to dry your body. When he reaches your injured foot, he opts to not drying it, recognizing that it will air dry on its own, eventually. The swelling in your foot is quite pronounced, indicating how serious your fall was, which encourages him to move quickly in getting you the help you require.
"Alright, all dry. Do you want me to carry you to your bedroom to get dressed? Or do you want me to bring your clothes in here?"
You respond softly, "In here." Following your words, Harry steps away to fetch you a set of clothes, leaving you feeling particularly exposed while seated on the closed toilet. Although you're aware that Harry's your boyfriend now and you've witnessed his vulnerability on numerous occasions throughout your relationship, even recalling a time when he saw you in a vulnerable state before you became an official couple, when your period caused you such distress. However, him coming to your aid while you're naked after injuring your foot in the shower is quite embarrassing at present, though you're certain that in the years to come, you'll find humor in this incident.
A minute later, a distressed Harry comes in with clothes for you to wear. He places them by the sink and reaches for your bra first, but you stop him. "No bra, we're just going to the hospital. Plus, I'm already in pain and I don't want to add to that."
"Understood, no bra then." He hangs your bra on the hook located behind the bathroom door for your convenience the next time it's needed, and then retrieves your shirt. This shirt is one of his t-shirts that you've made your own. Despite the urgency of getting you to the hospital, he takes his time to assist you in dressing. With care, Harry places the shirt over your head and helps you maneuver your arms through the sleeves. He then kneels down to pull your panties up your legs until they're positioned mid-thigh. He selected a pair of shorts, believing they would be the most practical choice for your injured foot, and you appreciate his thoughtful approach.
Harry attentively helps you rise on your good foot, taking hold of the waistbands of your underwear and shorts to pull them up until they provide full coverage over your bottom. Him doing this evokes the feeling of being a small child that's having help getting dressed by a parent. Once you're seated again and fully dressed, minus shoes, Harry verifies that he has his keys and both of your phones in his pockets before lifting you into his arms once more to carry you to his car. As he exits the bathroom, he ensures that your potentially broken foot doesn't strike the doorframe.
Right as Harry steps outside with you cradled in his hold, your arms looped around his neck, you moan, "I feel sick."
Harry stops dead in his tracks to question, "Are you gonna throw up?" If you were, he'd much prefer you to puke outside in the grass before you got in his car.
"I don't knowww. It just really hurts, H.... The pain is making me nauseous." He chooses to help you into his vehicle anyways, ensuring that your injured foot remains undisturbed as he helps fasten your seatbelt. He then hurries to the driver's seat to begin the journey.
Before departing for the hospital though, Harry opens the glove compartment and retrieves a hospital-grade vomit bag, commonly referred to as an emesis bag. Due to his previous experiences with motion sickness and passengers with motion sickness, as well as drunk friends, he keeps a supply of these bags for emergency situations.
Harry hands you the blue barf bag and says softly, "If you feel like you're gonna be sick, use this alright." You take it from him and he speeds off in the direction of the closest hospital.
Thankfully, you reach the hospital without getting sick, despite feeling queasy during the entire trip due to the pain in your foot. Harry parks the car near the emergency entrance and swiftly enters the building to obtain a wheelchair. He emerges quickly with the wheelchair and goes around his vehicle to opens your door, followed by helping you sit inside the wheelchair and pushes you towards the entrance.
Upon entering the Emergency Room, Harry approaches the receptionist and explains your circumstances. She provides him with the necessary paperwork and informs him of the estimated waiting time. Fortunately, the wait is shorter than you anticipated it would be for an ER to have.
Because you're in a considerable amount of pain and unable to concentrate, Harry takes the initiative to fill out the papers himself, although he does ask you a few questions that he's not 100% certain on. You just sit beside him in your wheelchair, clutching the emesis bag, trying not to get sick in front of the few people also sat and waiting to be seen for their injuries and illnesses.
After completing and submitting the required paperwork, you find yourself waiting for an agonizing forty-five minutes until a nurse calls you into room number four. Harry helps by pushing your wheelchair into the room, where the nurse begins to take your vitals and poses relevant questions to determine the cause of your injury. "I observe that your foot seems to be a bit swollen. Can you tell me how you injured it today?"
Breathing deeply through the pain, you respond, "I was... taking a shower. I must have slipped on some shampoo that had collected on the tub floor. I didn't hear a crack or anything, but the pain is unbearable. I think it's broken. I can't apply any weight to it."
The nurse listens closely before glancing up at Harry. "And you are?" she directs at him.
"Oh, um, m' Harry. Y/n's boyfriend. We also live together. But um, I was at work when this happened. She called me at the school where I teach, and was cryin' and distraught, tellin' me she fell in the shower and asked me to come home. Which, of course I did. Then helped her change and brought her here."
"Okay, well let's get some x-rays of your foot and from there we'll determine what needs to be done next."
You and Harry spend an additional ten minutes in room four of the emergency room before the nurse arrives back to escort you to the radiology department for an x-ray of your foot. The entire time, Harry remains by your side. It's evident that he's making an effort to appear strong for your benefit, yet it's clear that he's quite shaken up by the situation. His reaction is entirely reasonable; if you were to receive a call from Harry saying he had been involved in an accident, regardless of its severity, you would likely feel just as distressed, if not more so.
Once you finish getting the x-ray, you're placed back in room four to wait for an actual doctor to show up with the x-ray's results. "Harry, why aren't the going faster? We've been here forever. I'm in so much pain!" you groan with your head leaning on Harry's shoulders as he stands beside the tall bed that's wrapped in white paper, which you're currently laying on.
"I know, baby. M' sure they're goin' as fast as they can. There's a lot of people with emergencies in London." You whine at his words because they don't make you feel any better. Luckily, the next thing you know, a doctor knocks on the door and steps inside with photocopies of the x-rays of your foot.
"Ah, Ms, Y/L/N, how are we today?" Dr. Smitts questions as he comes in the room cheerfully.
Giving him a moody look, you rebuttal, "I'm in the emergency room. How do you think my day's going?!? Just tell me if my foot is broken or not!" Dr. Smitts and even Harry are taken back by your biting tone, though they both understand you're in tons of pain, which explains your sour mood.
"Alright, Ms. Y/L/N, from looking at your x-rays today, it looks like you did fracture your fifth metatarsal bone. The good news is, it looks to be a clean break, so no surgery is needed. The bad news is, you'll need to wear a cast for six to eight weeks for it to heal correctly."
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Although you're unhappy about the prospect of wearing a cast for two months, you're grateful to have received a clear diagnosis of your injury. The doctor takes you to another room, where he carefully places the cast on, with Harry present for support of course. You select a black cast to ensure it wouldn't draw too much attention.
When the cast is secured around your foot and lower leg, the doctor prescribes you pain medication for the first few days to help manage your discomfort. He makes sure to ask if there's any history of addiction in your family, to which you reply with, "No." Nonetheless, he cautions you to use the medication sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.
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(^ photo not mine!!)
The hospital provides you with a set of crutches, yet allows you to use a wheelchair until you reach Harry's vehicle. Harry assists you in getting inside, carefully positioning the crutches on the back seat, and then proceeds to drive to the pharmacy to collect your medication.
On the drive to the pharmacy, you speak up, "This sucks! How am I gonna do anything for myself. Oh God, even worse, how are we gonna have sex."
Harry glances over to see you actually have tears in your eyes and laughs. "Y/n, you just broke your foot and your first thought is how we're gonna have sex?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, I'm sure I'll still get horny but you won't be able to fuck me with the ginormous cast on my foot and leg. Oh my God, what are we gonna do. I guess I can always use one of my vibrators to rub one out. Or..."
Harry interrupts you, "There's still options, baby. I can always finger you. Or eat you out. I love doin' that for you. We don't always have to have intercourse to be intimate."
Looking over as he drives, you fight back, "Yeah, but what about you? You'll get hard sometimes and.... and, we won't be able to have sex."
"Y/n, you didn't break your hand or your mouth did you?" His words shut you up real quick, realizing he's right. You could always use your hands or mouth to pleasure him while your foot is healing.
The remainder of the car ride is silent, besides your low groans from the pain that's still present. When you arrive at the pharmacy, Harry goes inside to pick up your prescription and purchases you a bottle of water so you can take a pill in the car.
Upon his return to the vehicle, you swiftly open the bottle of pills, extract one, and place it in your mouth, hoping to alleviate your pain, even if only temporarily. As Harry drives back home, your thoughts are consumed by your exhaustion of today's events and the apprehension you feel regarding the recovery period for your foot.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo // @lunabai // @ppleasingg // @harryscherrysugar
My Masterlist Masterpost
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kradogsrats · 8 months
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You say you're a king prince, eh? Then where's your crown?
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Opposite of an Intellectual
“The opposite of an intellectual… you really think you could do that, Caffrey?” Jones asked, reading through the cover description.
“Do what?” Neal responded, blinking at them in confusion. Instead of the overly innocent smile that would usually accompany a question like that from Neal, his face was just blank curiosity. It seemed that for once the con man wasn’t messing with them; he just hadn’t been paying attention. 
“Be the opposite of an intellectual,” Diana repeated for him with an incredulous chuckle. 
Neal’s brows furrowed lightly in confusion. ‘What’s an… intellectual?” he asked, seeming to struggle to recall the word. 
Diana scrutinized him, but despite all the years she had spent working with Neal Caffrey, she couldn’t find a single tell that he was lying. By all appearances, Neal Caffrey genuinely did not know the word ‘intellectual.’
“On second thought, that’s kinda scary,” Jones decided, taking an unconscious step backwards. “Please stop.” 
Neal finally broke, giving them a devious grin and a theatrical bow. Diana had to admit, seeing firsthand how convincingly Neal could become someone diametrically opposed to his actual self was a bit terrifying. The short demonstration had left her heart pounding and breathing slightly shallow. 
“Remember this the next time you doubt me,” Neal warned cheerfully, winking at them before sauntering away. Diana and Jones looked at each other once he was gone.
“That was scary, right?” Jones asked.
“Yeah,” Diana confirmed, “that was definitely scary.” 
Then an idea hit her. “I wanna see Peter’s reaction!”
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dizzybizz · 2 months
kuroo is transmasc to me and i literally have no explanation
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coastalcowgirl35 · 2 months
Just Us- Tyler Owens x Reader
Note: I accidentally wrote this in first person, then had to go back and fix it and I'm very mad.
Also I'm horrible at titles, mb guys
Also I went to go see Twisters again last night and let's just say I've reaffirmed that Glen Powell is going to be my entire personality for quite some time.
Also listened to the soundtrack while writing this, 10/10 Too Easy is literally the most motivational song ever.
Also apparently Y/N really likes murmuring against Tyler's lips when they kiss, once again mb
Warning: pretty hot and heavy at the end guys, idk what came over me
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"Y/N... Y/N" You blink my eyes open slowly revealing your boyfriend Tyler's grin in your face. "Hey baby, come on get up, we've got a big one coming." His excitement is palpable as he plants a kiss on your lips.
"Wait what?" You mumble, confused.
"Time to get up hon, we got a storm to chase." He kisses you again then pulls away so you can sit up. You quickly brush your teeth, change into cargo pants and a tank top, and pull your hair back to keep it off your neck in the Oklahoma heat.
"Okay Ty, I'm ready!" You say as you slip on your boots. He's looking up at you from where he sits on the edge of the bed with a grin on his face. "What?" He stands up and wraps his arms around you.
"You're just so damn cute." He says, tilting your chin up to give you yet another kiss.
"Mhmm I thought we had to go." You murmur against his lips as your kisses become more passionate and his hands find their way to your waist.
"We do." He agrees and you reluctantly pull apart. You open the door and he grabs his keys.
"Who's coming with today?" You ask over your shoulder as he ensures that the door is locked.
"Just us today sweetheart, that okay?" He says, grinning again. You nod and he puts an arm around your waist as you walk into the parking lot and up to his giant red truck.
As soon as you are both in your seats he places a hand on your thigh, you're dying internally but he acts as if it is the most casual thing in the world. You clear your throat and shake your head, trying to think of anything else.
"Do you see it?" Tyler asks quietly. His green eyes are fixed on something up ahead on the red dirt road and you follow his gaze. A dark mass of clouds are forming and you can see it too, the way they are swirling towards each other slightly, the way the wind is brushing over the grasses in that direction, in a way you both know will add fuel to the fire and hopefully cause a storm.
"God it's beautiful." You whisper.
"Not as beautiful as my girl." Tyler responds, eyes fixed on you now, a wide grin on his face.
"You're so fucking cheesy." You say, as if your cheeks aren't flaring a bright red and your heart didn't skip a beat at his words. He simply laughs and looks back at the road, with his hand still on your thigh.
You fall into a comfortable silence as you watch the clouds. They seem almost as if they are dancing, their movements so perfect and fluid. Tyler's driving matches the storm and as it begins to grow faster he speeds up, soaring down the open road as the sun just barely begins to peek over the horizon next to you.
The sight is truly breathtaking. The orange light spills across the acres of land sprawling out before you and is heavily contrasted by the dark clouds floating menacingly above, miles away.
As you get closer light rain begins to tatter against the top and sides of the truck. You watch, transfixed by the storm, when suddenly an idea hits you. You roll down your window and unbuckle your seatbelt.
"What are you doing?" Tyler asks, but he clearly can guess because he slows down slightly. You slip away from his hand that is still resting on your thigh and hoist yourself up so that your entire torso is outside the window. You tilt your head back, enjoying the gentle shower of droplets and reach one arm out, feeling the wind. You stay like that for a few minutes before Tyler calls up to you.
"Get back in Y/N/N, the rains about to get harder." He says gently. You nod and slide back inside, resuming your previous position and rolling the window back up. Tyler doesn't miss a beat and his hand is already on your thigh again before you can re-buckle your seatbelt. You smile and blush but don't say anything.
As Tyler predicted, the rain gets harder almost instantly and you can feel the atmosphere changing as you venture away from the orange sunrise and towards the gray storm.
You peel your eyes away from the storm and turn to look at your boyfriend. His beautiful green eyes are fixed on what's ahead, his jaw set determinedly.
"Whatcha looking at pretty girl?" He asks, caressing your thigh with his thumb. You blush and he turns to look at you, grinning.
"Eyes on the road Tyler." You say, blushing harder.
"What so you're allowed to stare at me but I can't look at you?" He teases.
"Just drive." You groan, attempting and failing to not laugh at his comment.
"Alright, alright." He says, still grinning. "Hey look" He points out the windshield. The clouds are swirling closer together and beginning to form a tight tendril that reaches towards the ground.
"Come on baby." You urge in a whisper, willing it to touch down. Tylers grip on your thigh tightens slightly. It reaches closer and closer then finally touches the ground, instantly causing a swirling cloud of dust to explode into the air. "Fuck yeah!" You shout, clapping your hands together triumphantly.
Tyler laughs raucously at your reaction but can't hide the excitement on his face.
"Happy are you?" He asks with a grin.
"You're lucky you're I love you Ty or I would absolutely hate you." You scoff. He laughs harder at that.
"Whatever you say babygirl."
You sigh dramatically at his teasing but can't help the permanent grin on your face. You're really in love with the stupid Tornado Wrangler. The wind and rain both get harder and louder as you both pull on your harnesses.
Tyler is going at nearly full speed now. Your heart is pounding, adrenaline pumping through your veins. The cyclone is growing and hurtling towards you faster than you are hurtling towards it.
"Ready Y/N/N?" Tyler asks, almost shouting so that you can hear him.
"Hell yeah!" You shout back. He slams his foot on the break, pulling you to an unnecessarily rough stop. You give him a look and he smiles apologetically as he deploys the augers.
"Here she comes baby!" He yells. You curse under your breath and wrap your hand around his wrist tightly as he squeezes your thigh again.
The cyclone slams into the truck, throwing both you and Tyler harshly against your harnesses. The swirling cloud of dirt and leaves and who knows what else obscures your vision on all sides. The truck rocks violently and you squeeze Tyler's wrist so hard you wonder if it will bruise.
As fast as it started, it ends. The howling wind pulls past you and dust begins to settle on everything that was torn apart in its path. You laugh in astonishment, no matter how many times you chase you'll never get over that feeling. You and Tyler both jump out of the truck, turning to watch the twister get further and further.
You don't hear him walk around the truck but suddenly Tyler is next to you. You turn to him, beaming at his handsome face.
"You have fun babe?" He asks, endearingly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You nod and stand up on your toes slightly to press a kiss against his lips. He tangles his fingers into your hair instantaneously as the other hand finds its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. "God I love you Tyler." You murmur against his lips.
"I love you too Y/N." He walks you backwards until he has you pinned against the truck. You whimper quietly as his hands start to roam your body and his kisses become more passionate. He suddenly breaks away and tilts your head upwards gently so his can kiss your neck. "You. Drive. Me. Fucking. Crazy." He pants out as he sucks on your soft skin harshly.
You moan breathily at his words and unconsciously buck your hips towards him, desperately searching for relief. He reads your mind and, while still passionately marking up your neck, slots one of his legs between yours so that you can rub up against his thigh.
"Fuck baby, I need you so bad." He groans, pulling his head back. His eyes are filled with lust and longing and his beautiful lips look swollen from your kisses.
You place a hand on the side of his face, peering straight into his perfect green eyes.
"Well it's a good thing it's just us today." You say with a smile. "The backseat is wide open."
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0mg-bird · 1 month
Caught In The Rain ~ Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your date with Tyler gets spoiled when a storm rolls in, but there’s an upside to getting caught in the rain.
Warnings: Smut! And cursing
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This was only your second date, but Tyler has been pining for you for a while. Sitting in the same booth in your section, he’d order the same thing and hang around the diner where you worked for too long. At first, you wanted nothing to do with his conceited energy, but after you finally got to know him a little better, you came around to the idea of having dinner with him.
The first date went well, the night was fun and romantic, and now as he picks you up to spend the day on his family property, you imagine it will be the same. He had everything planned, it would just be the two of you. You’d have lunch on the deck, you’d go horseback riding down to the creek and maybe have a few drinks.
So far, everything was going perfectly, it wasn’t until the two of you sat on the creek bed that trouble started to arise.
Tyler sat with his back against a tree, you laid between his long legs with your back to his chest. The two of you drank your beers while he told you a story from his bull riding days.
“I hit the mud pretty hard, I honestly thought I broke my back.” He said, letting his fingers brush through your hair.
A shiver ran through you at the intimate touch. “Wow, you have to be some kind of crazy in order to willingly get on an animal who wants to stomp you into the ground.” You say, trying not to focus on the heat flushing through you.
Tyler chuckles, the shake of his chest vibrates you. “You aren’t the first person to tell me that. My mama thought that when I gave up rodeo, she’d finally not have to worry about me, but then I told her I was gonna be a storm chaser and she about had a heart attack.”
You laugh as you bring the can to your lips, about to tell him something when the rumble of thunder in the distance catches your attention. The two of you look up to the once clear sky to see the way dark clouds roll in.
“Well, Mr Weatherman, that doesn’t look good to me.” You say, making him sigh.
“No, it doesn’t.”
You stand, immediately he misses your touch. “I don’t have my degree in meteorology or anything but it looks like we better head back.”
He follows suit. “There goes the day I had planned.”
He can’t help but feel utterly disappointed as the first few drops of rain come. You look to him in guidance.
“I take it you didn’t have ‘rain soaked evening’ on your list, huh?”
He shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t exactly on my agenda.” Then, he urges the horse he was on to go a little faster. “Let’s go before we melt out here.”
Despite the two of you racing each other back to the barn, by the time you got there, the light drizzle had become a full on downpour. The two of you quickly untack the horses and put them back in their stalls. You stand at the large barn door and look at each other.
“Ready?” He asks you, taking in the way your wet hair falls in a perfectly messy way.
You bite your lip, then nod. “I’m ready when you are.”
He slowly reaches to grasp your hand, a spark goes through him as he sees the way it fits in his. “Alright, let’s hope we don’t drown on the way back to the house.”
You laugh, then tug him along with you as you brave the storm. Cold and thick water droplets pummel the two of you as you race back to shelter, thunder claps, making you shake in surprise. You can’t stop your giggle as you become soaked to the bone, Tyler quickly pulls open the screen door and urges you inside.
You shiver, dripping onto the hardwood floors. “That was brutal.” You say as your teeth chatter.
He pulls you into his arms, embracing you. “Jesus, you’re freezing, sweetheart.”
You nod feverishly, laying your head against his chest. “I feel you shaking too, cowboy, you aren’t fooling me.”
He pulls away, only to guide you up the stairs.
“Tyler, we’re dripping water everywhere.” You fuss.
“I’ll clean it up later, c’mon.”
In his bathroom, he hands you a fluffy towel. You take it gratefully and soak up the water caught in your hair. Your cheeks are flushed and you’re slightly out of breath still, too focused on drying your skin to notice the way Tyler is looking at you.
As he runs his own towel over his head, he takes in your form. Still shaking, eyes wide, clothes soggy, you look absolutely beautiful.
���I’m sorry the night’s ruined.” He tells you, making you look up at him finally.
His white t shirt is practically transparent now and it clings to his upper body deliciously. His hair looks darker and it lays against his forehead.
“The night isn’t ruined, I had a great time.” You smile.
The two of you stand in silence for a moment, staring deeply at each other before Tyler clears his throat. “You can let your boots dry in here.” He says, kicking off his own boots.
“Oh.” You blush at the way he moves past the moment so quickly. “Thanks.”
Once you’re out of your soggy shoes, he brings you into his bedroom as he searches for some clothes you can wear. The large window is covered in rain and flashes of lightning light up the room every once in a while.
“Here you go, you’ll warm up once you’re out of your wet stuff.” He hands you one of his t shirts and a pair of boxers, you take them with gratitude.
“Thank you.”
You look at the clothes in your hand, then to him, then to the door. When he gets the hint, he scrambles. “Right, sorry, sorry.”
He leaves the room, you hide your smile as you slowly shut the door. Tyler stands, trying not to be too perverted but he can’t help himself, he watches through the crack the door left when you didn’t shut it all the way. You peel your soaked shirt off and drop it to the floor, then un button your jeans. As you pull them down your legs, he takes in a deep breath.
There you stood, half naked in his bedroom.
The sight of you sent a rush of attraction through his body, his skin buzzed. He sees you pick up the shirt, then pause.
You turn, facing the door before stopping.
You knew he was right there on the other side of it, looking utterly perfect. Would he reject you? Would he tell you it’s too soon?
Your chest pumps up and down as you try to talk yourself out of it, but you can’t. You stalk to the door, pulling it open and there he was, already looking at you.
Without a word, he’s embracing you, one hand on your cheek, the other on your bare waist as he bruises his lips onto yours. You breathe him in, pulling him closer as he backs you into the room.
Kissing him was something you can’t believe you ever missed out on. He meets your motions perfectly, tilting his head to slot his mouth with yours. You groan, hands pulling at his wet t shirt. He pulls back, letting you take it off.
“Do you want this?” He asks, watching you look over his toned upper body.
You meet his starving eyes and nod. “I do.”
Immediately, he pulls his belt loose and unzips his jeans. You pull him back to you, lightly gasping as the backs of your knees hit the edge of his bed. With light pressure, he pushes you to sit. Your greedy hands tug his jeans down his thighs, you continue to shake as you stare at him in just a pair of boxers.
“Are you shaking cause of the rain or because of me?” He asks, his hand burying in your hair.
“Both.” You look up at him with round eyes.
His thumb strokes your cheek. “We don’t have to.”
“No.” You shake your head. “I want it, Ty. I’m just a little…nervous.”
His brows furrow. “I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
Looking down at you, asking for him, it makes his brain short circuit. He leans down, hands on either side of you, pressed into his mattress, his body movement urges you to scoot up the bed before he’s laying you flat. Hands in his hair, you get lost in the feeling of his tongue pressing against yours. Your eyes are heavy, but as he separates your thighs and slots himself between them, you’re on high alert.
Your knees cage his hips in, when he deepens the kiss further, you can feel the brush of his hard on against the growing heat between your legs. You lightly gasp, you didn’t want to admit it but the feel of him was intimidating.
Tyler pulls away, staring down at you with deep eyes. “I’m kind of grateful for the rain now, I wouldn’t have been able to get this close without it.” He says in a heavy tone. You sit up just a touch so he can unclasp your bra, then he’s pulling it off to join the other soggy clothes on the floor.
“How do you know that it’s all the rains fault?” You question, trying to sound coy but as his large hand palms your breast, your voice wavers and you fall back against the pillows.
Tyler grins at the reaction. “Would you have let me touch you like this if it had turned out to be a calm evening?” His mouth takes a moment to work down your neck.
“I’m sure the storm helps.” You groan, a strike of lightning illuminating the shape of him.
You watch his head as he dips to kiss over your breasts, hot and open mouthed kisses that have your skin aflame. He trails down your stomach, kissing just below your naval as he pulls at the lace of your underwear. He looks up at you, making sure what he’s doing is okay before he does it.
You watch his back flex, the low light painting him in such an artistic way. You squirm with anticipation, and when his fingers collect the arousal of your core, you can’t help but whimper. He curls his two fingers up your center, swiping perfectly at the bundle of nerves that longs for affection.
“Do you like this?” He asks, slowly pressing into your entrance.
“Yes.” You shutter. Clenching around his fingers, you can feel precisely the way he pumps his pointer and middle finger in and out of you, slowly at first. The action has you taking shallow breaths. “Don’t act like you’re going to break me.” You say, digging your heels into the mattress. “Show me what you want to do, Ty.”
He looks at you, searching your face for any doubt before curling his fingers with no warning. The noise you let out is shrewd and entirely a whine. He’s addicted, figuring out that he wants you to keep making those sounds. He does it again, hitting a perfect spot inside of you that makes you feel warm and your stomach fuzzy.
You grasp onto his wrist, keeping his hand in the position it’s in. “Keep doing it, it feels so good.”
Your eyes shut, your teeth sink into your bottom lip, making your moans come out muffled.
“Is it this easy for you to get unwound? Just a couple minutes of my fingers inside of you and you already want to cum?” He asks, leaning down to your ear. “I could listen to you pant all day, I wonder what it’ll sound like when I’m fully inside of you?”
His filthy words put an image in your head and immediately, there’s a knot forming in your stomach.
A loud clap of thunder echos around you, rumbling the room and you yelp at the shock of it, your hand grasps the back of his neck and your head turns to watch the window.
“Shhh, don’t be scared, pretty girl. Focus on me instead, how good my fingers are fucking you.” He coos to you, lightly kissing your temple and your cheek.
The mewls and moans are getting closer and heavier as you feel your peak form. When he pulls his soaked fingers from you, you don’t even have time to process before he’s focusing back on your clit.
Slow and with tasteful pressure, he runs the pads of his fingers in a circle over you. His mouth waters at the sight, it has him considering if the second date is too early to pin your hips down as he eats you out. He wants to see the look on your face as you drip down his chin, wants to fight for air as your thighs suffocate him.
That’ll have to come later because your chest heaves up and down and you dig your head into the pillow. “Tyler, wait, I’m going to finish.” You warn.
“Good, I want you to. C’mon, cum for me, show me how good this is making you feel.”
Your mouth hangs open. “So good, you’re making me feel so, so good.”
Fingers digging into the sheets, you feel your body clench, then his name is falling from your lips as relief floods you. Tyler watches in awe, seeing the glow you have as you whimper, processing the pleasure you just went through.
“You did so good.” He praises, kissing your lips. “You warming up now?”
You nod. “Trust me, I’m warm.”
He chuckles, pulling your thighs forward to close any space between your dripping center and his boxers. Cautiously, he pulls the material down, a wet spot already on them from the precum that dripped from him. He sees the way your eyes widen, then he feels your warm grip on him as you stroke him up and down. The touch of your palm against his erected length makes his vision blurry for a moment.
“Make me yours, Ty.” You beg, eyes wide and still blown from the orgasm you just went through.
He groans, getting lost in the chills of pleasure. When he gains his composure, he’s pulling your grip from him and kissing you in a sweltering heat. You moan into his mouth.
“I’ll grab a condom.” He mutters, going to pull away.
You protest immediately. “No, I don’t want the condom. I’m on the pill, and I can trust you, right,” You say, desperate for his lips again.
“Of course you can, but are you sure?” He asks.
You nod, pulling him back towards you. “I want all of you, please.”
Your voice was so needy and it was just for him. Tyler nods, kissing your neck as he grips himself and guides to your entrance. At the first feeling of his tip brushing against your wetness, your thighs lock around his hips.
“Just breathe.” He coaches you, briefly looking at the storm outside before pushing his hips forward.
You lose your breath as he slowly enters your walls, he keeps going until he’s bottomed out and you feel the intrusion of him in an almost stinging way.
You groan, head falling back and you startle again at the thunder.
“Fuck, it feels so good.” Tyler states, slack jawed. He looks down at your expression. “You’re okay, take as long as you need, sweetheart.”
Your hands slide along his shoulders, you adjust and stretch around him perfectly. Swallowing thickly, you softly nod. “Okay, just start slow.”
He focuses on control, as he gently pulls out a few inches and lightly thrusts back in, your walls are welcoming him too well. It makes him feel intoxicated and it’s just getting started.
Your finger tips press into his skin, you slowly becoming more comfortable with the rhythm. Your little huffs tell Tyler you’re ready for more, so his hips adjust and he speeds up his movement.
“This is good, fuck, this is better than good.” You whine, hand slipping up into his hair.
“I’m trying not to cum too fast but you’re making it pretty hard, sweetheart.” He tells you before he hikes on of your legs up to wrap around his hips. You do the same with the other and at the slight change of position, you inhale sharply and grip his hair.
“Fuck, you’re so deep. Go harder, I want it.”
Your dirty words spin his mind dizzy, he does just what you say. Grunts leave him as he fucks into you, he kisses your sweet lips passionately. He wanted to give you it all, wanted to give you pleasure in any way you asked for it. The white lightening coming through the window paints your skin perfectly, as your chest heaves up off the mattress, he watches you like you’re in art form.
“You’re gorgeous.” He praises, sliding out of your dripping core.
Before you can protest or even miss him filling you up, he’s gripping your hip and instructing you to roll over. You hide your smirk, hungry for something new. You turn onto your stomach, then feel the way he pulls at your hips, pulling your ass up.
“You want it harder? Deeper? I’ll give it to you, darlin’. Whatever you want.” He says through bared teeth as he kneels behind you.
You gasp as he slips right back in, jerking into you.
The feeling of him deeply fucking you from behind is what has you heaving into the pillow. The change of angle is making your toes curl, he’s brushing against a spot inside of you that makes your skin feel hir, it starts a knot inside of you.
“You’re even gorgeous like this. Shit, I love the way you look, taking me so good.” He says, biting his bottom lip.
You turn, looking back at him as his big hands pull you back into him, trying to push you further to your downfall. The sounds the two of you make are crude and wet, you can barely even form sentences. Your breath quickens, your legs begin to wobble at the waves of pleasure crashing over you as he hits it perfectly and over and over. You haven’t been with many people, but by far, the way Tyler is making you feel is better than anything you’ve previously experienced. Your open mouthed moans are entirely whiny.
“I’m so close.” You hum out, gripping the pillow your face is pressed against to ground yourself.
Tyler curses behind you, suddenly burying himself deep inside you. “I’m right there too, sweetheart.” He huffs.
Your eyes screw shut, muscles contracting as the tip of your second orgasm comes. “Fuck, Tyler!” You cry, over stimulated by the way stutters in his movements and pushes deep inside of you.
His head falls back, you pulse around him as you finally reach your finish. Tyler grunts once more and moans as he finishes inside of you.
You let yourself collapse fully onto the bed, taking Tyler down with you. His weight is comforting on top of you as he catches his breath. After a moment, he slowly pushes off of you and slides out of you. You cry out quietly as pulls out.
“Shh, you’re alright.” He says, laying beside you.
He pushes your hair off your shoulder, then gently leans to kiss your warm skin. You turn onto your back, chest fluttering up and down. You gently reach to touch his face and smile wide.
“Kiss me.” You tell him.
“Yes ma’am.” He grins, closing the close proximity and gently kisses you, slow and sweet.
He tucks loose hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead when he pulls back. “I’ll be right back.”
You watch out the window, seeing the rain continue to fall. After a moment, Tyler returns with a warm, wet towel. You watch him with affection as he gently cleans the mess between your legs. He kisses your knee and then moves to pull his boxers back on.
Lying on his chest, your fingertips dance over his skin. “I’d say the rain made the date better.” You declare.
He lightly laughs. “Yeah, nothing ruined after all.”
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U My Everything; Part² - p.b
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‣ paige x reader
‣ wc: 1891
‣‣ synopsis: a smutty part two of u my everything; after bitching out your girlfriend earlier that day, the two of you made up after a heartfelt apology. yet, you feel like there's still a little bit more you could do to truly make it up to paige.
‣‣‣ a/n: it's finally done y'all! only took me FOREVER, but somehow i got through it 🫡
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Getting ready for bed that night, you felt a certain sense of peace while going through your nightly ritual. Just this morning, just brushing your teeth had brought you such aggravation that you took it out on your poor girlfriend, who was trying so hard to cheer you up.
You knew it didn't matter now, you had already apologized a few hours ago and Paige was one of the most understanding people you knew, but you still felt like there was something more you should do to convey how truly sorry you were for lashing out.
And an idea just so happened to formulate as you walked into Paige's bedroom, shutting the door as you took in the sight in front of you. Paige was sitting back against the headboard scrolling on her phone in a small one shoulder white bra, her lower body covered only by a very short pair of pajama shorts and her purple comforter.
Her effortless attractiveness was something you always admired: how her hair looked good no matter how she styled it, how her bare skin always seemed to glow, and of course, how your heart sped up at any glimpse of her toned, tan muscles and curves.
And tonight was no different, as Paige contently smiled at you from her relaxed position in bed, putting her phone down so she could beckon you next to her, fully expecting you to cuddle up into her under the warmth and comfort of her bed.
You could tell she wasn't expecting anything to happen tonight between the two of you due to your rough day, but if anything, the thought of watching her get off underneath you sounded like the perfect way to reconcile the past fifteen hours.
You grinned at your unsuspecting girlfriend, making your way over to her, crawling on the bed until you reached her lap, swinging your legs over to straddle her waist. Her eyes widened in surprise, but her hands came up to rest at your waist nonetheless.
"Hi there," she smiled up at you, one eyebrow raised as she waited to see what you would do from your current position, hands gently rubbing up and down your waist.
"Hi," you murmer back slyly, leaning in to capture her lips in a soft kiss. You lay a few chaste kisses onto her lips, cradling her face as you snaked one hand down to the exposed skin of her stomach.
"You know I was thinking about it," pulling away from Paige's lips to playfully gaze at her parted lips and confused expression, "I know I said I'm sorry for today, but don't you think it would be better if I showed you just how apologetic I really feel?"
You teasingly ran your fingers in small circles on her abdomen, feeling it contract at the ticklish sensation, combined with her growing desire for you.
"Hmm," she pretended to contemplate for a moment, brushing you hair back behind your ears.
"Well it would have to depend what you have in mind baby, don't you think?" She smirked back at you, pressing her hand firmly into your back to bring you in for another round of heated kisses.
You felt Paige whimper into your mouth as you slid your tongue between her lips, deepening the kiss as you ran your fingers down from her jaw to lightly tracing over the outline of her nipples now prominent through her thin bra.
You detached your mouth from hers, pressing wet kisses along her jaw to the sweet spot underneath her ear, suckling the skin between your teeth the way you knew she liked. She was never the type of person to be loud in bed, but you could tell you were breaking down her resolve as her breaths quickened, small sighs escaping from her lips as you nipped at the expanse of her neck, unbothered by the thought of the others seeing the hickeys left behind.
"Y/n don't tease like that, you said you were gonna make it up to me right ma?" Paige mumbled, her fingers intertwining in your hair to gently guide you off her neck.
"Whatever you want P," you smiled sweetly at her, shuffling off her lap and down the bed so you could make space for Paige to lay down against the pillows.
You eagerly pushed the hem of her bra top up and off her body as she finally made her way into the position you wanted, stretching yourself over your body so you could attach your mouth to her hardened nipple, using your hand to tug at the other one and alternating between sides.
Paige arched her chest into you at your ministrations, using her hand in your hair as an anchor to keep you in place, rolling her hips into yours as she felt the throbbing in her core deepen from the flicking of your tongue and the soft scrapes of your teeth against her sensitive peaks.
"Need more baby, please," she whimpered out, and who were you to deny such a polite request?
You popped your lips off her chest, leaning back on your knees as you undressed quickly, leaving you in just a cropped tank top and a pair of panties as you pulled back Paige's shorts with you, leaving her naked and sprawled out in front of you.
You pry her thighs open, peering down at the slick that had collected in between her folds, darting your tongue out to lick over your bottom lip.
"So wet for me baby, haven't even touched you properly yet P," you teased, lowering yourself down to your stomach so you were eye-level with her pussy.
"I swear bro, please just shut up and eat me," she groaned desperately. Glancing up at Paige's voice, husky with desire for you.
"My poor girl, so needy huh?" Despite your slight mocking, you gave in anyways, starting off gently with soft kitten licks on her clit, before sucking her clit into your mouth.
"Oh fuck," she moaned out quietly, her hips lifting off the mattress to meet your mouth.
You knew her restlessness meant that she needed more simulation, and you were more than happy to provide it to her. Running your fingers through her folds, you collected some of her slick as you eased your middle finger into her hole, moaning into her clit as you felt her clench around your finger.
"Just like that ma, fuck baby, doing so good for me," you curled another finger into her at this, appreciating the throaty moan you coaxed out of her as you massaged her g-spot.
"God y/n, I'm so fucking close, don't stop I swear to God, right there fuck, please," even without the steady stream of mindless babble that flowed openly from her mouth, the way her hand gripped your hair, pushing your face closer into her and her clenching around your fingers was a clear indicator she was close, and you knew just what she needed to push her over the edge.
"Play with your tits for me Paige, let go for me, just wanna see your pretty face when you come," the vibrations your mouth provided sent shivers up her spine, and the timing of your teeth grazing her clit, your fingers curling into her at just the right angle, and her harshly pinching her nipples lined up perfectly, the stimulation sending her flying over the edge with a loud moan.
You eased the speed of your fingers and mouth, providing just enough to let her ride the aftershocks of her orgasm before she melted into the bed, pulling your fingers out of her gently and sucking them clean as you took in her thoroughly fucked appearance.
"Fuck, I should really let you do that more often," Paige joked, eyes hooded as she holds back a laugh at your disheveled hair.
"Yeah you really should, don't know why you're so annoying about letting me fuck you as much as you do me," you complained, using your clean hand to smooth back some of your hair.
"Cause I like getting you off, which I really wanna do right now but I don't know if I can even get up again."
"Who said you need to get up?" The mischievous glint in your eyes sparked curiosity from Paige, before she realized what you were referring to.
"Then strip and get up here baby," Paige smirked at you, watching intently as you finally rid yourself of your panties and tank, throwing them on the floor mindlessly with the rest of yours and Paige's clothes before crawling your way up Paige, stopping around her tits first.
"You sure I'm not gonna suffocate you right?"
"I could not give less of a fuck about that baby, I just wanna taste you right now," she deadpanned, grabbing your ass cheeks to scoot you up further up to her face.
You hovered over her mouth slightly before lowering yourself down, sighing as her tongue massaged your leaking hole. You never had a problem prioritizing Paige's pleasure, since making her come only ever added to yours, and by the time you got her to finish, you were more than halfway to an orgasm already.
Which was apparent by the way you were rocking against Paige's mouth, a moan tearing it's way out of your throat when her nose nudged your clit at the perfect angle, shooting sparks through your core.
You grabbed onto her bed frame for stability, allowing yourself to ride her face fully as she hummed into your core, the vibrations tightening the coil threatening to snap at any given moment with the friction Paige was providing.
She snaked one of her hands up your body as she continued eating you out, rolling your nipple in between her fingers harshly as you whimpered, before latching onto your clit firmly, the pressure being just what you needed for your orgasm to crash into you, a long cascade of high-pitched moans and curses flowing from your mouth as you rode out your orgasm on Paige's tongue.
"Holy fuck," you panted, legs shaking as you lifted off of Paige's face and collapsed next to her, chest heaving as you attempted to catch your breath from the mindblowing orgasm she had just given you.
"Dude that was like eleven out of ten sex, that's crazy," Paige rolled over on her side, laughing at the incredulous expression you had on from her out of pocket statement.
"Out of all the things you could say, that's what you come up with?" You asked, shaking your head in mock disapproval, but you couldn't contain the grin that broke out at the way she went from fucking you dumb to cracking jokes in point five seconds.
"What can I say, you fucked the wit out of me."
"As if you had any in the first place."
"Hey! Take that back," she insisted, acting offended as she propped herself up on her elbow to peer down at you.
"Nope," you popped you lips, stretching your arms out above your head, smirking as you saw Paige's eyes momentarily drop down to your arched chest.
"Cheater," she mumbled, wrapping an arm around your back to pull you flush against her, meeting your lips in a soft kiss.
"Yeah well, you love it,"
"Yeah, I really do,"
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a/n: hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading all the way through and supporting my work!
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yourelliewillms · 7 months
are you in love with me or
ellie williams x reader
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summary: you and ellie are friends but there's some (a lot of) tension between you two when you're alone in her car.
hiii, this is my first time writing something AND ALSO in english which is not my first language so there may be poor vocabulary or grammar mistakes, if you find one feel free to correct me <3
no smut !!
a while ago i saw a tiktok like this and i loved it, i needed to write it as ellie x reader that's to say that the idea is not completely mine but i tried to continue the story.
she put one of her fingers between your teeth and don't get this wrong, you two were just playing. you made one of those funny faces that you usually do to her while softly biting her index finger.
"so cute..." ellie said quickly removing her finger out of your mouth and looking away from you.
"what?" you asked as you saw her facing the window, the car in almost completely darkness if that red light from the parking lot wouldn't be shinning on your faces just enough to admire her facial expressions and a bit of the pink blush on her face.
"what?" she replied looking back at you.
"why did you do that?"
"what did i do?"
"look away" you said leaving her in complete silence for a few seconds as you feel the tension between you two growing up by every second passing.
"it's just... you're so pretty" she moved one of her hands back to your face, brushing it against your cheek gently. You could feel your face getting warmer and warmer, almost burning, she could feel it too.
"you're pretty" you replied in a whisper looking at her eyes from which you couldn't admire the beautiful green color due to the red light coming from the window but you could still see them shining.
seconds of silence again that felt like an eternity. this could have been awkward for any other person, but you... oh, you're head over heels for her. you could just look at her face in silence for hours, days, even weeks, and it wouldn't be awkward for you at all.
the same happened to her, but she wasn't relaxed. she could feel her heart beating so fast and loud that you could almost hear it.
her fingers moved to your lips now, oh you were about to faint in that second. she caressed them so carefully, it seemed like she was touching a weak flower that could die in any second. she was looking at them too, so tempted to kiss them but she wasn't brave enough to do it, although that really was the perfect time to kiss you (or make out with you.)
"are you in love with me or something?" she asked, her voice shaking even though she was trying to sound cool, she thought she was acting like a loser.
"hm?" was the only sound you could produce with a smirk on your face. you really didn't hear what she said? or you just want to see if she had the balls to say it again?
"are you in love with me or something?" there. she said it again. it was what you wanted, but you really needed a confirmation since you think this couldn't be true, no, it couldn't be. you should've been dreaming.
"am i in love with you?" you asked her
she nodded, now your doubts a
were confirmed.
"no" you answer. but you two know you're not being honest, she knows it. the smile on her face doesn't fade and her eyes don't leave your lips, not even for a second.
"you want me to be?" you asked again.
"just looks like you are" she whispered. and now your body leaned closer to her. you could feel the butterflies on your stomach tickling all over it, and the imaginary fireworks around you two started shinning beautiful colors when you were about to kiss her. you could appreciate every single detail on her face, her freckles, the pink blush on her cheeks and nose, her green eyer half closed and her lips waiting for yours to touch them. but then a sudden sound came from the back of the car breaking all that romantic atmosphere you two have built with so much effort, you've never experienced something like that, such tension that could be felt in the air, and now jesse and dina were the ones who ruined it by opening the car door shouting and laughing at probably some joke they were telling.
ellie and you sigh and quickly separate from each other. you were about to kiss her and now you don't know how much you have to wait for your next opportunity. the anger on your face and voice tone can't be hidden from jesse and dina.
"are you guys okay? are we interrupting something?" dina asked. your ears were burning and you don't know if it was because of what happened earlier of because of the anger you're feeling. couldn't they wait for just one second before getting into the car? why ruin your best experience with ellie so far?
"we're fine. i'll drive you guys home first, and then i'll drive y/n to her house"
there was ellie, trying so hard to make a move on you and you were so glad. you knew your house was way nearer so she could have driven you home first and then jesse and dina but it was obvious that ellie wanted some more time alone with you with no disruptions this time.
jesse and dina waved goodbye at you and then Ellie drove you home.
or at least that's what you thought but then Ellie parked the car some blocks before arriving to your house.
you looked at her just a bit confused because you already knew what her plan was. your eyes met hers, the green in her eyes could barely be seen because of the darkness in the car.
you've been in silence during the last few minutes and it felt like an eternity. You exchanged around five words since jesse and dina interrupted your almost-make-out-session.
her hand brushed against yours and then she held it while caressing it with both hands. you could feel the warm of her hands on yours travel all over your body reaching your cheeks which immediately turned a dark red color.
one of her hands took yours and lifted it up near to her face and she started leaving little kisses on the back of your hand. she kissed the five fingers of your hand while you were all dizzy just by the sight and the feeling of her soft lips on your skin.
"i am in love with you" she whispered once she finished kissing your hand.
"i know" you replied in a whisper too. "i'm in love with you too" this time your voice was louder.
just a second after that, ellie took your face gently and kissed your lips soft and slowly so you could taste every single inch of her mouth.
the car was in silence, just the sound of your lips kissing each other and some sighs and heavy breathing could be heard and that was enough to make your heart jump fast inside your chest.
i know it's short but it was all my mind could do !! please judge I'd like to get better on this <3
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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— game synopsis: your boyfriend has been quite neglectful when it comes to your needs. not particularly being the best book boyfriend similar to the books you've read. but the one demon that visits you in your dreams seem to give you everything you need.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, mentions of reader having a boyfriend, doggystyle, unprotected sex, dirty talk (simon calls reader a slut), mentions of wet dreams, pillow humping, infidelity, kinda monsterfucking, mentions of simon having horns, gaslighting, i changed the ending like 5 times omg
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ kinktober masterlist / previous playthrough
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You planned the whole night out for you and your boyfriend—a Halloween tradition that you two always did every year. Binge-watch some Halloween movies, give out candy to children who knocked on your shared apartment door, and have wonderful sex as Jason Vorhees kills his next victim playing in the background. But tonight, you sat alone on the cream-colored sofa with a half bowl of candy (because trick-and-treaters didn’t stop coming despite your boyfriend did). You felt embarrassed, the running thought that you should have let this relationship go sooner flashing through your mind similar to a light bulb flickering on when someone has a wonderful idea. 
You were grasping onto a dead relationship and yearning for a happy ever after that wasn’t even there. You turned the television off and decided to clean up for the evening. Putting away the snacks you laid out and the pizza that grew cold as minutes went by. Pure disappointment sat at the pit of your stomach while cleaning up and eventually finding yourself in bed a little earlier than usual. You quickly did your evening routine of skincare and brushing your teeth before letting your feet guide you to your bed. The sound of late-night partygoers was heard outside and you can only tune out the squeals of excitement as you drift off into a deep slumber. 
But as your body finally fell into the comfort of getting some rest, you soon felt your body jerk up suddenly at the sound of your wooden floors creaking. You wanted to be excited that your boyfriend actually came home and maybe you could do the activities you had planned. Expecting to see him tugging off his button-down shirt and complaining about his supervisor being up his ass during the eight-hour work shift—but instead, you were met with a large figure staring at you. His burly arms crossed over his chest causing the tight black t-shirt to clench upon his upper body. You blinked a couple of times assuming you were dreaming. You even reached to your wrist to pop at the beaded bracelet your boyfriend got you at this carnival you guys went to. The beads sting your wrist after you do that action and you still don’t jolt up in a completely cold sweat.
“You’re not dreaming, love.” His deep voice erupted your thoughts that were racing with questions. “Actually, kinda in the middle. Not dreaming, but actually dreaming. Hard to explain,” He points out before tilting his head at you.
Now you wanted to scream. A large man with a black mask that had a skull imprinted on it was standing just inches away from your bed and your body shook with fear as you inched away from him but was met with your cream-colored headboard.
“It’s no need to panic, you summoned me here. Well, kinda.”  He explains. “Fuck.” He utters before clearing his throat and trying again.
“Every Halloween, some lonely single person's guilt and hurt is so strong that it summons me or one of my peers. A mere incubus that they can have for just one night,” The masked man explained, and when he saw you look at him as if he’s grown an extra pair of arms (which he could do if he put his mind to it, he was fuckin’ demon after all). “You’re actually the first person I’ve been assigned to in a while.”
“I’m so fucking confused right now.” You swing your feet over the ledge of your bed, sliding into your slippers, and walking over to the mysterious man. When you got closer, you immediately poked at his arm and were met with hardness. 
He was real. He wasn’t like some ghost and maybe you had gone crazy.
“But I’m not single…” you pointed out as you circled around his large frame to get a good look at him. If he wasn’t a ghost, he still was here, and if anything went to shit to the point that you had to call the cops—at least you had a visual of his stature. 
You couldn’t tell if his face scrunched up in a confused manner, but his eyes told the rather confused feeling he possessed. You stood in front of him crossing your arms over your chest. “I’m actually taken…” Your voice trails off and for some reason saying that left a bad taste in your mouth. 
It didn’t feel like you were taken. Especially when you went to sleep alone tonight. 
“Hm, that’s interesting. It doesn’t seem like that. So if you’re not taken…you’re hurt. Did the little boyfriend and yourself have an argument?” The stranger waltzed over to the small loveseat in your room and sat down. It was as if he was a therapist questioning you about life. 
“No.” You quickly admit. “We didn’t…he just didn’t show up tonight when I planned something for us. He hasn’t answered his phone, nothing. So, I’m just confused about what I should do because this has happened before.” 
“I see.” His voice trails off and he rubs at his clothed chin before standing up. “Let’s go have some fun, love.” The mysterious man whose eyes you were hypnotized with extended his large hand for you to take. 
“What? I’m still in my pajamas.” You pointed it out. “I need to go change, maybe fix my hair.” You motion to the silk scarf that was tied upon your head.
“Eh, don’t worry about that. I’m a fuckin’ demon. I have it all figured out.” He says. 
You met his gaze and you saw this twinkle in his light-colored eyes. It was a similar twinkle and glint that your boyfriend had when you two were in your cupcake phase during the relationship. “What’s your name? I can’t just go out with a stranger that claims he’s a demon.” 
You heard him kiss his teeth, “You’ll figure it out soon.” And with that, he grabs your hand and in a blink of a moment, you’re both in a crowded bar.
You knew exactly what bar you were at because it was one that your boyfriend frequented a lot with his friends and co-workers. You had to pick him up countless times when his alcohol intake had hit its limit. But as you stood in the middle of the bar, you noticed that no one didn’t notice you. A person walked by you and you were expecting to feel their shoulder roughly bump into you—but instead, their body went through yours as if you merely were a ghost. No one in this bar knew you two were here, which sucked considering your attire.
Your hands roamed your body as you wore a blood-red leather corset and a black leather mini-skirt that hugged your lower half perfectly. On your head was a headband that was decorated with two sparkly red devil horns. Of course, he would ensure you were dressed up as a demon. Your eyes searched in the crowd for him and you saw him behind the bar looking at the massive choice of alcohol. You walked towards the bar and watched him closely, “Why are we here?” You asked. 
“To have a good time.” The man’s fingers tapped at his masked face before grabbing a random bottle and some shot glasses. “So, drink this and let loose.” 
You took the shot off the bar and drank it quickly just in time to hear a loud cheer from the back of the bar. Your head turns to follow the commotion of people dressed up for Halloween while playing what seems to be an intense game of pool. When you saw the familiar figure with a football jersey on, your heart sank immediately. There your boyfriend was playing pool with a huge grin on his face while his friends cheered him on. The shot you took, immediately helped your stomach form the most horrendous knots and you wanted to go home. 
“No.” The demon behind the bar said before filling your shot glass up again. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say.” Your eyes stared at the liquor in your glass and you then watched him lift the mask just a bit so he could down his own shot. “You brought me here on purpose.” Your eyes narrow at him. 
“I did. To see that you’re all sad for that.” His fingers motion to your boyfriend. “He has seen your text messages by the way and five missed calls.” He adds and you didn’t even want to question him he knew that you had blown up your boyfriend’s phone. 
“It’s really no point to be here. I’ll just talk to him when I get home.” You adjusted the headband on your head. “So, can you please teleport me back home Mr. Demon?”
“No.” He adds before walking around the bar so that he is sitting on the barstool next to you. His large callous hands grab the end of the stool you were comfortably sitting in and bring it closer to him. “We’re going to make your lovely boyfriend so paranoid that he’ll be groveling at your feet.” 
“And how the hell are we going to do that if he can’t see us?” Your eyes met with the mysterious demon and you felt hot under his gaze. Maybe it was because you couldn’t see his face and since it was Halloween, no one was going to question why he wore a mask.
“Who said he can’t see us?” His head tilts just a bit before he snaps his finger and suddenly when he snaps his finger and moves your stool just a bit—your boyfriend glances in your direction quickly. So quickly he did a double take at how close you were with the demon who popped up in your life this evening.
Your boyfriend’s eyes enlarged at the sight of you and what you were wearing and soon the demon snaps his fingers again. You watched as your boyfriend still glanced in your direction, but it was as if he simply was imagining things. He shook his head and went back to sipping his alcohol.
“He’s going to lose his mind by the end of the night.” The demon adds with confidence oozing from his tone. 
“I guess, this will work. But, I must ask. Why’d the mask? Also, where are your horns? Don’t demons have horns?” You took it upon yourself to take the cocktail that the bartender just put on the bar since no one could see you two. 
“I do have horns, just think the horns give everyone a good spook.” He points out. “Last time, a lady threw a glass at me. So, I settled with the mask and no horns.” He takes a sip from the beer bottle that the bartender sat in front of a talking customer next to him. 
“Hm,” was the only thing you said. “Are you ugly? A lot of horror stories perceive demons as ugly.” 
“Quite the opposite.” He backfires. “Can’t really haunt people's dreams to have sex with them and solve their problems if we’re ugly.” He jokes.
“Then can I see your face?” You asked, your fingers twirling the straw in your cocktail and you gave him a grin. 
“After you stop being so uptight and help me…help you.” He finishes his beer and he stands up motioning for you to follow.
With a quickness, you’re downing your cocktail and following the man in the crowd. The music was so loud that you had to practically yell out anything you wanted him to hear. “What about your name? Do you have a name?” 
“Simon, or Ghost. Whichever you prefer.” He walks over to the pool table, and leans against the pool table adjacent to the one your boyfriend and his friends were at. 
You watched as some random woman dressed as a cheerleader placed her arms around your boyfriend's waist as he was trying to hit the pool ball. You felt jealousy, anger, and betrayal seeing this. He ditched your plans to be out with her. That douche. 
“Don’t have such a down face.” Simon nudges your side before grabbing the pool table. “Like I said, we are going to make him lose his mind by the end of the night.” He grabs a hold of your waist after grabbing a pool stick. “Just go with the flow, love.” He whispered in your ear and you felt your skin decorated with goosebumps. 
Simon helped guide your hand towards breaking the balls in the middle of the table. Despite the bar being fairly cool, you felt hot with how close he was to you. His crotch pressing against the fatness of your butt in the skin-tight mini skirt. His breath itching at the shell of your ear. Just as you are about to hit the ball, he snaps his fingers again making you two noticeable in the crowd of people. The sound of wolf whistles could be heard seeing your figure bent over—if Simon wasn’t here, strangers would have been to see what your momma gave you. There as Simon helps you break the group of balls perfectly, you squeal in excitement gaining the attention of your boyfriend’s friend and soon your boyfriend again. His face goes red at the sight of Simon’s hands all on you and you watch as he scrambles to remove the pretty woman off him. He made his way to the pool table, but Simon snapped his fingers again causing your boyfriend to be confused once again. Your eyes scan over his face while he shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath. 
“And now he’s going to call you. But you’re going to ignore his call because that’s exactly what he’s been doing to you.” Simon leans against the pool table and the two of you watch as your boyfriend pulls out his phone to call you. 
You were astonished at what you were viewing, he was panicking. The mere thought of you being with another man had him about to explode. You watch as your boyfriend runs his fingers through his hair, a thing he does when he’s overthinking his ass off. You knew for a fact that he was overthinking the fact that you were probably out having just as much fun as him. 
“So, Simon. Do you have sex with all the women whose lives and dreams you hop into?” 
“Not all of them. Some just want someone to talk to.” He shrugs. “You on the other hand just need someone to teach your nitwit of a boyfriend to appreciate what he has.” He adds. 
“So, you wouldn’t have sex with me? Just put my boyfriend in check.” You playfully nudged his side and you were met with hardness. 
“Do you want to have sex with me?” His eyes met yours and you were forced to swallow the large lump in your throat. “Because I may have known your boyfriend is an idiot, but I also know he hasn’t touched you in weeks…a month and a half to be exact.” He adds as he turns to face you. This time, he’s caging you from leaving since you were still resting on the pool table. 
“I could have gone the sex route, but that wouldn’t solve your shitty boyfriend situation which would mean I would be stuck with you until you’re no longer miserable.” He says. “But, you and I know that you’re a good girl.” His hand adjusts the red devil horn headband on your head. “You wouldn’t cheat on him, even though..he’s probably going to cheat on you with her.” He motions to the brunette cheerleader who is still by your boyfriend's side even as he is attempting to call your phone.
“You don’t know me, Simon.” You pointed it out. “Only what you observe about my life.” 
“Then do you want to prove me wrong, love?” His hand rests on your waist tugging you closer to him. 
“I’m sure that’s what you’ll want.” 
“It is, I’m not going to deny it. But, I’m not going to force it out of you. You’re a grown woman, use your words and make your own decision.” He drops his hands from your waist and walks away from you, disappearing in the crowd and towards the bathroom. 
Like the touch-deprived woman you were, you followed before him. But just as you were walking to follow him in the bathroom, you bumped into your boyfriend. You expected your body to go right through his since Simon did snap his fingers, but you collided with your boyfriend’s shoulder gaining his attention. When he saw you, that look of shock appeared again and his lips parted to speak, but just as his hands reached out for you—your boyfriend's confused expression returned and his hand that went to grab at you, went right through you. You started to feel bad, but as you walked further away—seeing the woman clutch on your boyfriend made all the guilt that was bubbling inside of you burst. 
You walked into the bathroom and it was filled with many girls fixing their makeup and drunkenly complimenting each other. Bit by bit they scattered out the bathroom when they heard some generic pop song come on. Simon was leaning against the pink-colored tile walls waiting. 
“So, you’ve made your decision?” He asked with his arms crossed over his shoulders. 
“I wouldn’t be in here if I didn’t.” 
Simon chuckles at your words before he brings his hands to the fabric of the black mask. You were preparing yourself for what you were about to see. You knew he was attractive behind the mask, his whole demeanor screamed it. The way he carried himself. His confidence. You can go on and still be naming many other attributes. 
He pulls the mask out and you have to catch yourself from letting your jaw drop. Despite his face being decorated with scars, you had questions about—he still looked like he could have the face of an angel. His dirty blonde colored strands were ruffled due to the mask and his eyes—you’d stared upon them all night but finally putting a face to them made your knees go weak.
You walked closer towards him, “Will they see us?” You asked as you glanced back at the door. 
“Only if you want.” He closes the gap between you two. 
You mentally were weighing out the pros and cons of this. Frankly, the pros benefit you much more than the cons. So you took that leap and kissed Simon immediately. The sound of the bathroom door swung open, and someone walked in to grab a paper towel. Because of Simon and his silly demon powers, they didn’t even know you two were there. The drunken stranger walked right through you and Simon as you were making out. His hands roamed your body as if you were a precious gem he had just found. Your body attempted to guide him into one of the stalls, but he didn’t budge. You weren’t sure if it was because he had other plans in mind or if it was because of his huge stature. 
“It’s not like anyone could see us.” Simon's words mumble against your skin as he places kisses on your neck. His body guides you towards the bathroom sink before he twirls you around.
You were forced to stare at yourself in the mirror at your reflection. The clear lip gloss that formerly stained your lips was smudged across your face. Your eyes were glossy of anticipation and need for a demon you had just met. The feeling of his bulge pressing against your butt causes you to close your eyes and inhale sharply. 
“That’s true, but—one mere snap could make them see us.” You spoke out.
“They’ll be too intoxicated to notice.” His eyes met yours in the mirror before he rolled the skirt that left practically nothing for imagination up around your waist. The coolness of the bathroom causes your skin to be garnished with little goosebumps and your hair to stand up on your limbs, you clutch upon the porcelain sink. 
You only hum at Simon’s words while he pulls your panties to the side and begins to line himself to insert you after removing his cock from his bottoms. The tip of his cock rubs against your wet folds collecting the essence that stains the inside of your thighs. Each push forward into your pussy, the grip on your waist grew tighter. The sound of his cries of pleasure was like music to your ears. Completely distracting you from the fact that his cock was stretching you out bit by bit. 
“Just give me the go and I’ll keep going, love.” He professes. His eyes once more meeting yours and seeing the way your lips part apart to let out a broken moan, gave him the answer he ached to hear. His hips push forward being met with the cushion of your ass and he just wondered with not being touched in so long, how do you like to be fucked. 
“How’d you want, Y/N?” Simon questions, his hips rolling in a slow and sensational way causing you to moan some more. “Slow.” He adds before pulling himself fully out of your cunt. “Or.” His voice trails off as he’s lining himself back up to slam inside your addicting pussy again. “Hard.” 
Your brain couldn’t comprehend his question quickly enough because he soon gave you a mixture of both. Slow strokes to have you crying out his name as if the people entering and exiting the bathroom could hear you. Fast and hard strokes to have your breath hitch in your throat and for you to hold onto the surface tighter.
The vulgar sound of skin slapping against each other begins to ring in your ears like a sweet jazz tune. Your hand reaches back behind you to slow down Simon’s movement, but he swats your hand away as if it were a mere inconvenience to him. Simon lifts the shirt he wore to bring it up to his mouth. Despite the two of your bodies already crossing a boundary, he needed you to be closer. His teeth held up the ends of his shirt as he thrust forward inside you. Simon has pleasured many people in the world, but nothing was like this. No one has ever clutched around his hardened cock like this. Sweat beads form on his forehead and he felt completely pussy drunk for you. 
Your knees were growing weak but, Simon assured you that you don’t fall. With each stroke and thrust, he held you closer to make sure his motion didn’t get interrupted. Tears decorate your lashline causing your mascara to smudge. 
“Fuck.” You moaned out. “I’m so clos-” Your words were interrupted by the bathroom door swinging open and your boyfriend walked in making out with the brunette who seemed to be attached by his hip all evening. 
“Don’t pay attention to him, only me.” His fingers coil into your hair tugging you up so that your back is pressed against his chest. His eyes never broke eye contact with you in the mirror. “It’s just me and you in here, right?” He questions as he thrusts inside of you. 
Your eyes averted to your boyfriend as he was making out with the girl, but he broke the kiss quickly. “I just need to call her, ensure she’s okay. She hasn’t answered my calls and that’s not like her.” 
“Hmm, wonder what she’s doing.” Simon teasingly whispers in your ear. “Is she home watching her silly little Halloween movies or is she getting fucked like a slut in a bathroom?” With each word, he thrusts inside you.
“She’s probably just sleeping.” The brunette pecks your boyfriend’s lips. “Or getting fucked.” She jokes and your boyfriend pushes her away.
“That’s not funny.” He says before he tries to leave the bathroom and through the sound of your heated flesh slapping against Simon’s toned thighs, his finger snaps just in time for your boyfriend to see a glimpse of his pretty girlfriend (who he assumed was home) getting fucked a stranger he didn’t know. 
Your boyfriend’s eyes enlarged at the sight but before he could fully react, Simon snapped his fingers once more causing the two of you to be merely an illusion once more. Your boyfriend ran his hand over his face finally coming to terms that he had to get out of here. He had to ensure that you were home right where he assumed you were. As Simon continued to fuck you until you were seeing stars, your paranoid boyfriend rushed out of the bathroom calling your phone that was still home. Each second, your phone went to voice mail causing your boyfriend to spiral even more at the thought that a handsome stranger had you bent over in the bar he frequently goes to. 
“And my work here is done, love. Sweets dreams.” Simon kisses the side of your temple just in time for you to finally orgasm all over his cock—but eventually, jolt up in your bedroom in a cold sweat and your panties soaked. 
Instantly, your hands run over your body where Simon formerly touched. Your fingertips dance upon your lips that he once kissed trying to process everything that just happened. He did say you were dreaming, but it felt so real. The demon costume hugging your body like a latex glove felt real. Simon’s cock being inside you felt real. 
But your suspicions were deemed true as your boyfriend burst through the room in a panic. Sweat droplets embellish his forehead as if he ran all the way home to you. 
“Y/N, did you go out tonight?” Your boyfriend asked.
With false confusion plastered on your face, you blinked a couple of times.
“No, is everything okay? Maybe you’re being just a bit paranoid, babe.”
And in his own realm which was the home of incubus demons around the world, Simon viewed the conversation unfold with a smirk.
“That’s my girl.” 
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⸻ TAGS // @syndrlla97 @leoyayzies @salaciousdoll @xintothewoodswegox @bxrbie1 @lilvampirina @wiinterz @dvafoxxystrashcan
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
Hey bunny! Pretty pretty please could Konig serve me a croissant, also some crepes and millet-feuille? Oh and some champagne would be lovely with that 🙏💖✨
the bakery menu
there are still tons of items on the menu! feel free to submit your own! i'm happily accepting requests! as for this one, i am so happy to get a könig request! i always feel like i focus so much on price or ghost that i always forget the mountain of a man. and the prompts are very good as well! i did change croissant a little bit, still the same vibe of a prompt, just switched up the language a little! thank you for the request!
croissant ("i wonder if your father knows what happens during the off hours. if he knows you're here with me.") + crepe ("pretty girl.") + mille-feuille (“that’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl.”) + champagne (sugar daddy) served by könig (call of duty!)
cw: smut/pwp, sugar daddy-adjacent, daddy issues, size kink/difference (it's könig ofc), könig in love, dirty talk, cockwarming that turns into lap sex, unprotected sex
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könig never imagined himself with another person. he simply thought that his line of work and his anxiety would scare too many people off. but you were not like most people, where most were scared by the mountain of a man with a few too many facial scars, you saw a helpful boyfriend to help you move your stuff into his apartment.
you were a total go-getter. nothing could stop you, you were brave and kind. most of all sweet and könig thought that he'd die happy in between your thighs. he hated that he had to be gone for so long.
that was where the money came in. he wouldn't call it a sugar daddy situation, that would imply there was no real emotional connection. and there was, you were already pointing out engagment rings when you were out together.
there was a definite strong emotional connection.
könig just wanted to make sure that you were taken care of when he was away. because his time away from you could be a few days or a few months, and he wanted to make sure his little schatzi was alright. yes, yes, yes, he knew you had a career, but a little (read: a lot) extra was what he wanted to give to his darling.
the other issue was your father. he was high up in the chain of command for kortac. which meant that you were off limits, but you honestly didn't care. you were a grown woman. your father agreed through grit teeth when you told him you were moving in with könig. your father couldn't stop you, and at least you wanted to live with someone who could protect you. könig was huge.
despite it all you were a happy couple, könig was in love with you. his precious little flower. he'd do anything to keep you happy. and where he took care of you financially (despite your protests), you took care of him in every other way.
one of those ways was being such a good girl for him. his hand was currently in your hair, made your skull seem small in its grasp. you knew that the 6'10 man probably had crushed someone's skull with his bare hands. but his grip on you was loose, the idea of him hurting you made his skin crawl.
you were softly licking his cock while he watched the football game. originally it was supposed to help you beloved relax after two weeks away on a mission. but it was hard to focus on his beer and the game when your pink tongue was brushed against the underside of his cock.
you were great a lot of things sexually, but you were terrible at cockwarming. anyway you tried to do it, you'd just get too excited and do more than just warm him.
"meine liebe." he said softly, "please."
you looked up at him, his cock pressed against your nose. you said, "sorry, honey. i just can't help myself."
"pretty girl." he said, "such a pretty girl."
you giggled as you gave his heavy balls a kiss, "thank you, my love." but made a small yelp noise when könig picked you up from under the shoulders and got you on his lap. you felt his erection against your clothed pussy.
"i want to feel your pussy." he said, "you look better in my lap then on your knees." his voice was such a hot rumble but it carried such a sweetness to it, you couldn't help but eagerly peel off your sleeping shorts and underwear.
you got in his lap properly, knees on either side of his large thighs and sank onto his cock like you had done a million times. you wrapped your arms around your lover and rested against his broad chest. his cock nudged against the back of your pussy and you felt content.
one of the few things that would calm you down was the heft of your lover's cock snug in your damp pussy. it was a far cry from when you first got together and he wouldn't fit in you.
könig put the beer down on the side table before it tumbled out of his hand. your pussy was a familiar presence for him. the tight fit felt good, "that’s it, fuck, that’s a good girl"
you kissed the scar by his mouth and said softly, "thank you, my love."
he cupped your behind and held you while he continued watching the game. austria was getting their asses kicked but the sensation of you seated in his lap made him honestly not care. usually he was an avid football fan, but to have his sweet girl curled up on him felt good.
you mumbled sweet nothings into his ear. he felt the pleasure grow in his gut which meant that you were getting excited too. you started to roll your hips a little, you impatient little thing.
no wonder, the austrian loved you so much.
"mmm, honey." you whimpered.
"i thought you were meant to warm me?" he chuckled softly as he held you.
you replied, "i can't help it. it feels so good. it makes me want more, more, more!" you were soaked and it drove könig crazy as well. two forces that came together.
"alright, meine liebe. i got you." he kissed the apple of your cheek. such a precious little thing."
the more you got cock-drunk the looser your lips became. it was a good thing you weren't a spy, or else a little pressure on your pussy would have you spilling international secrets!
"i wonder what my father knows what happens in the off time. what you and i do together in this little house." you giggled as you rolled your hips. your nails dug into his shoulders.
he groaned, "meine liebe." he hated being teased, but he didn't want to push you too hard and bruise your cervix. something he had done a few times already.
your thrusts were almost cute, little humps as you kept his cock inside of you. you were a far cry from cockwarming. but your boyfriend could never deny you a single thing. so he placed a hand on your hip and the other on the arm of the sofa and let his precious little flower ride him.
he held you steady as you rode him. his cock pressed against your softest areas and earned sweet little moans. your airy little moans, the wetness between your legs, the heat in your face. he lucked out, whatever god was out there blessed him with his cute little flower.
"please, honey."
"i've got you, meine liebe. my pretty girl." he purred as he knew you were getting close. you didn't last too long, he could tell by the stagger in your thrusts and how desperate your moans were.
he softly rubbed up against you as you rode him. a counter thrust to you erratic movements. you were just so painfully cute like this. you peppered his face with kisses and his heart swelled.
it wouldn't be much longer before you dug your pretty nails into his shoulders and clenched around his cock. you were trying to milk him as you slowed down. you slumped against your lover.
his cock was still painfully hard inside of you, it took him a good while to finish off. but you were out of comission for at least twenty minutes. orgasms hit you fast and hard.
but that was fine, he kept your face against his chest as you calmed down and he then grabbed his beer and took a hearty sip of the drink. he rubbed your soft hair and relaxed.
after the game he'd take you to the bedroom and wring two more orgasms out of you before he shoved all his cum into your sweet cunt. you told him once jokingly that you literally had 0% austrian genes in you, but he thought with the amount of cum in you that number was at least at 5%. <3
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mbsneur · 2 months
Last Room Pt.5
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: you hate Alexia but your best friend Salma wants you to get along well with her
Warnings: Fluff,Smut
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please read this text before going to the story
please don't be so strict with me but rather write to me what I can do better or what you wished were different. also tell me if you find the story too long or too short.. Also write to me if you liked it. My requests are always open (and English is not my first language so don't be mad at me) and if you have any ideas for the future about who I should write please tell me… the topics I will choose by myself unless you have a request for one or two people I will Read everything.. in the next survey I will take a few ideas from the old survey and new ones…. now read and I hope you like it <33
The next morning you woke up first thing. You opened your eyes slightly. You saw Alexia sleeping peacefully next to you, one of her arms lying lazily on your stomach you need a moment to fully wake up and reflect on the last night a slight smile nestles on your lips and butterflies gather in your stomach. You wanted to check what time it was so that it wouldn't be noticeable and you'd still show up for breakfast on time
You try to pull away from Alexia's arm slightly and she lets out a loud grunt. You feel her slowly waking up and she pulls her arm from your stomach to turn to the other side. You hear her smack her lips softly. You reach for your cell phone 8:05am Luckily it wasn't too late, you thought, since you didn't set an alarm last night
You turn back to Alexia and press yourself tightly against her back. You slowly kiss her hairline
"ale we have to get up, we'll be picked up soon and we still have to have breakfast" you whisper between small kisses
She turns completely towards you in your arms and presses her face against your neck
"We'll get up in 5 minutes please" She says in a moaning tone
The next few minutes you spent scratching Alexia's entire back and head and simply enjoying her closeness
“Alexia, come on now, we really have to get up,” you say, slightly crying, and try to push yourself away from her strong arms
Alexia grunts and lets go of you. You climb over her and out of bed. You go to your suitcase to pick out some fresh underwear and clothes. You feel Alexia literally undressing you with her eyes
“Why are you staring at my ass” you say with a laughing voice and turn around to Alexia
Alexia just shrugs her shoulders and pretends she wasn't looking
“It’s just that your ass fits perfectly in my hand and I have thoughts about it” she winks at you
You roll your eyes playfully and disappear into the bathroom. You brush your teeth, wash your face and tie your hair into a loose ponytail. You have chosen black sweatpants and a basic shirt
When you came out of the bathroom, Alexia was already getting dressed. She was wearing shorts and a black shirt. She smiled at you and came closer to you to stroke your cheek
you bless it with a small smile and shortly afterwards she disappears into the bathroom
You sit down on the bed to take a quick look at your phone
*3 messages from salma*
fuck 9:00am
Salma: where are you?!?!
Salma: did you kill each other or why don't you answer me
Salma: I understand, it was a hot night ;) just hurry up
you answer salma
y/n: Salma, we're almost ready, she just needed a while in the bathroom just wait in front of the door xx
5 minutes later Alexia came out of the bathroom, slightly stressed. She quickly packed the rest of her things into her suitcase to get things in order
"Alexia can you listen to me for a moment"
You say, trying not to stress her out more
“What’s wrong” she says looking directly in your direction and watching how perfectly your lips move
"You have to promise me that you'll behave and we have to act like we still hate each other okay?"
Alexia meets you with a small pout and pulls you close to her by your hips and starts kissing the side of your neck
"I'll behave"
She says laughing because you know full well that Alexia can't behave
You give her a quick kiss and pull away as you scurry past her and she slap you on your ass
“Alexia Putellas Segura behave stop touching me I’m serious” you roll your eyes and let out a small laugh
She trots behind you and you take the room card. When you open the door you are met with the familiar smile of Salma
“Have you had a good night?” Salma jokes lightly
"No, I'm still mad at you, it was sheer horror, I made her sleep on the floor, she's so stressful, she tried to talk to me the whole time."
Salma laughs at you, you playfully hit her on the shoulder. You know full well that she's going to tease you about it for the next few weeks and you're already dreading it
You all have arrived at the elevator and Salma presses the button. Alexia is standing almost next to you and watching you. You look slightly to the side and when Salma looks away you give her a small smile. Alexia is impressed by how well you can lie. Alexia didn't even have to comment
When you reach the bottom floor and go to the buffet, Alexia takes a plate and walks past you. Her fingertips gently stroke your ass. You flinch because you didn't expect the sudden and risky touch
You gently slap her hand away to put her in her place and look at her angrily. She gives you an evil smile. She would have liked to stay in bed with you much longer
You put your breakfast together and just decided on porridge with banana and strawberries and made yourself a cafe. You sit down at the table where Salma and Alexia are sitting
"So we'll be picked up soon and have our make-up put on and our clothes on then we'll go to the event and then we'll fly back this evening" Salma says and looks in your direction. She probably already told Alexia when you were gone
Alexia kicks and pokes you with her feet the whole time and her foot keeps wandering up to your middle. You inconspicuously close your legs. Alexia looks at you with a playful dark look. She just doesn't have enough of you
Alexia looks innocently at her hands as if her foot wouldn't wander between your legs
"I'm going to get a new cafe"
Salma says and goes towards the Buffet
1 second after Salma left, Alexia's hand is under the table between your legs as you blink, her bottom lip is laughing between her teeth
you fidget with your legs and protest against her hand, she pinches you lightly and hits your clitoris
"Alexia, stop it, you really have to behave"
She rolls her eyes in annoyance and removes her hand. She acts like a horny teenager
Salma came back with her cafe and the three of you finished breakfast. About 30 minutes later you were picked up and driven to the location
The trip was relaxed, everyone was busy with themselves and doing their own thing, Alexia was listening to music, Salma was studying for university and you were just swiping around on your phone
After a 40 minute drive you finally arrived. You were warmly welcomed with a glass of champagne and three nice ladies who would do your make-up and dress you
You were shown your clothes. You had a dark blue long dress with a deep neckline that had glitter particles in some places and black heels. You knew that Alexia would fight not to look at you with her mouth open
You were given a long, thick bathrobe over your outfit that you chose this morning
"hey I'm camilla and I'll take care of you, you're y/n right?" The tall blonde woman said to you, meeting you with a friendly smile
“Yes, that’s right I’m pleased to meet you” you smiled back
She placed a large bowl of fruit in front of you to snack on
"Do you have any specific ideas about what I could do or do you want to leave it to me?" she asked
"No I'll leave it to you, I think you know what you're doing" you said
So she started to put make-up on you, not so heavily but still beautifully. She worked with a little concealer, bronzer, blush and highlighter. She did an eye look that highlighted your eye color perfectly. She put a light red tone on your lips with gloss
She made light waves in your hair
After 1:30 hours you were ready and all you had to do was put on your dress. Camilla helped you with that. When you looked at yourself in the mirror you couldn't help but be amazed, the dress fit your figure perfectly and framed the shape of your breasts perfectly
"Woah thanks Camilla, I've never looked so good before" you said, pleased with her work
She smiled slightly at your compliment
You took your handbag, put the most important things in it and wanted to leave the room to check on Salma and Alexia. Alexia was already standing in the hallway. You saw her and your jaw dropped. You fought to get your eyes in order before someone saw you Sees she was wearing a white halterneck dress and her hair was tied in a perfect bun
When she saw your figure, her eyes immediately began to sparkle. She came towards you and you looked around to see that there was no one around
"Do you want to kill me, you look so good oh my-mierda"
You laugh, slightly embarrassed at her, her eyes wandering all over your body, admiring every inch
"Ale you also look amaz-" you were interrupted by a door banging open loudly
You take a step back in shock
"Alexia, my god, how many times have I told you to leave me alone, you're incredibly annoying," you say loudly and annoyed in a way that Salma could hardly miss
Salma laughed as always at your childish behavior
"Chicas let's finally go then we'll have it behind us and stop fighting" said Salma, slightly annoyed and laughing, and went ahead
Alexia walks past you "your tits look good too baby" she whispers to you with a smug smile
These words make your legs go weak and your thoughts become confused. You take a deep breath and run after them. The way to the festival was a short walk that you took with two security men
When you got there you walked over a red carpet, took photos and gave a few interviews. The afternoon was quiet. You had a lot to do with standing on stage and saying something small about the Nike company and talking to friends that you had for a long time you haven't seen anymore
When the food came you looked for your name that was on the tables. Alexia's name was on the sign next to your sign what a coincidence
salma and alexia‘s friends were sitting opposite you like Lucía García and Mariona Caldentey
They talked throughout the meal about football and stuff that Mariona is now playing in London and general things.
"How come you and y/n are sitting together? Was there something you agreed on?" Mariona asked laughing
You pretend you didn’t hear Mariona’s question and Lucia’s laugh
"I don't know she'll probably always be mad at me but unfortunately we couldn't choose our seat so I'll have to sit here" Alexia said and you felt a big hand squeeze your thigh tightly
You didn't want to look over. You couldn't even confront Alexia and tell her to stop
Alexia's hand goes to you. You're glad that she doesn't have a chance to get under your dress. She continued talking to Mariona and Lucia as if her hand wasn't almost on your pussy
“y/n hello, are you even listening to me” Salma interrupts you from your thoughts
"y-yes" you stutter and want to pull your leg away from alexia's hand but she grabs it hard and pulls it back
Salma continues to tell you about Spain's World Cup celebration. You hope that this evening will be over soon
Alexia's hand just lightly strokes your thigh and after about an hour and a few wine glasses, a brown-haired man comes onto the stage
"I would like to thank you for turning up in such large numbers this evening and getting to know more about Nike and their athletes. I would like to end the evening with this. The bar is still open for those who want to stay a while and I wish the rest of you one Have a nice evening," said the man in a friendly manner and the room began to clap
It was now evening and Salma looked at the clock
"Unfortunately we have to go, our flight is coming soon and we would like to go home today" Salma said, looking at you and Alexia
Alexia removed her hand from your thigh and looked over at you briefly to take in your beauty. Alexia stood up first to say goodbye to the rest
Salma and you did the same. You all hugged and made your way back to the place where your makeup was done because you had to get your bags and wanted to wear something comfortable. You put on your sweatpants from this morning and a fresh shirt
You hurried because it was a 50 minute drive to the airport. You got in the car and were driven. You didn't talk much to each other because you were slightly drunk and just tired
At the airport you checked in your luggage and took a short detour to a shop where you could buy water
When your flight was called you made your way to board
It was a plane where there were only two seats and an aisle in between
Salma offered to sit with you so you didn't have to sit with Alexia but you protested and wanted to give Salma the seat to sit with Alexia. Salma found it a bit strange since yesterday you didn't even want to sleep in the same bed with her and now even wanted to sit next to her
Salma didn't want to discuss any further because she was tired herself and so she just sat down on the 2 seats alone. You sat down on the other 2 seats by the window and Alexia next to you
You got blankets from the flight attendants because it was a bit cold on the plane. Alexia put the blanket over your legs
You tried to relax and actually wanted to sleep a little. A few minutes passed. You had already been in the air for 30 minutes
You suddenly noticed Alexia's hand on your leg again. You immediately looked over to her to give her a warning look
"pshh baby you've been teasing me so much all day today and I'm not allowed to touch you"
She says quietly, sliding further and further towards your waistband You looked at Salma, luckily she fell asleep
Alexia's hand continued to run along the waistband of your pants and you let out a small, heavy noise. You didn't take your eyes off Alexia
“you have to be quiet you understand y/n just trust me”
Alexia says and breathes against your lips that are so desperate for her kisses. Her hand slowly slips into your pants and you whimper. You press your face into the side of the seat to suppress the noises that Alexia elicits from you
You grab Alexia's arm to push it further into your pants. She moves over your underwear and caresses your whole pussy
Your mouth is open and Alexia looks forward so as not to show anything. She now starts to make precise circles around your clitoris. You whimper and nibble on one of your fingers to suppress it as much as possible. Alexia stays in this position until she herself What's certain is that you can stay quiet
Alexia stopped to push your underwear to the side to have more access to you. With her other hand she pulled the blanket a little higher and held it tight
She strokes along your folds and spreads your wetness all over your clitoris
“Alexia please I need more” you said quietly suppressing any noise you made
Alexia went further down with her middle finger and slowly ran it between your folds. She dipped her finger into you, eliciting a small moan from you
She started pumping slowly into you. Your breathing became more irregular and Alexia slowly came closer to you
"You're doing so well just be a little quiet“
you looked at her and watched her lips closely as she said all the good things to you while pumping her finger into you
"You looked so good in your dress, you know that actually, I would have loved to drag you into the nearest toilet and fuck you"
"Mmm did you like it you made me so wet at the table" You say quietly, stuttering because you're afraid you could moan at any moment
Alexia's chin carefully rests on your shoulder
“I need another finger,” you said sheepishly, embarrassed by how common you were on a plane next to the woman you were supposed to hate
Alexia accepted your request and slowly ran her ring finger through your folds and added it to her other finger. You gripped the armrest slightly and stood up briefly
Your head falls deeper into the seat. You take in every feeling, even more intense than last night. Alexia's hot breath close to your skin makes you weak
"You're so wet is that all for me?" she whispers to you
you try to look at her you start to whimper desperately you are so desperate for Alexia's touch
"Just for you, everything you do turns me on you kept my nipples hard all evening ale“
You moan softly and now put your hand on your mouth. Alexia starts curling her fingers and becomes a little faster
"Do you want it like that mh?"
"my clitoris Alexia I beg you" You say with your hand in front of your mouth
"did you really want me to fuck you today or why did you choose this dress" She says in your ear in a rough voice
"I didn't want to upset you I'm just desperate for you please touch my clitoris"
After that sentence Alexia pressed her thumb hard against your clitoris which made you twitch violently. She pressed large circles on it
"fuck alexia just keep going" You whisper quietly afraid that anyone will hear
Alexia gets faster and you're a mess. Alexia knows how to make you come she did it enough times last night
Your eyes roll tightly into the back of your head. You find it hard to suppress the moan. You whisper quietly. Alexia's lips are tight and her circles around your clit become more precise, causing your hips to sway slightly
Your walls cling tightly around Alexia's thick fingers. She fucks deep into your tight pussy. You're afraid that someone might hear the sound of your wet pussy because Alexia doesn't stop going faster
"You're driving me crazy Bebita the way you hold back your moans is driving me crazy" she tells you and you just nod because you don't know how to deal with all these feelings your breath is stuck all that comes out of you is a soft moan
Your stomach walls contract and your pussy becomes tighter. Your hips slam into Alexia's hands and she pushes them down again
"Stay calm Bebita you'll be too loud" Alexia says with a bit of fear in her voice
After a few minutes and strong thrusts, you nervously tap Alexia on the arm
she looks directly at you "ale- l'm close"
She wants to see you when you come, she doesn't stop looking at you, she pushes deeper into you
you let out silent moans and your legs start to shake slightly. you grab her arm that is inside you so that she doesn't have a chance to stop pumping into you
You start to tense up and come hard on Alexia's fingers. You scratch deep into her arm. The orgasm shakes your whole body
"psh psh stay quiet please" alexia says nervous
her fingers slow down and your body begins to relax
you breathe hard and she slowly removes her hand from you and comes up from the ceiling her entire hand is glistening with your juices she knowingly puts her fingers in her mouth and rolls her eyes until you hear the sound telling you to buckle up
fuck. You're glad the flight is over.
i hope you liked it <3
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jhdyuiee · 7 months
Can’t Wait
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* ˚ ✦ pairing: HUSBAND!jaehyun x WIFE!y/n
* ˚ ✦ warnings/tags: smut!, fluff, unprotected sex, pet names (baby, wife, darling), breeding (jaehyun & reader want to have another child), kissing/making out, multiple orgasms, spanking, dirty talk, breast play, cursing
* ˚ ✦ w.c: 1.6k
* ˚ ✦ a.n: HAPPY ONE YEAR TO THIS BLOG ☺️☺️. i didn’t know it’d been a year alrdy, so i wrote this one as a celebration! hope u enjoy 🤍 jiji
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“I’m home,” Jaehyun said softly, as he came through our shared bedroom door.
“Long day?” I asked, as he unbuttoned his white collared shirt.
“Mmm,” he mumbled, coming closer to where I sat on our bed. He placed both of his arms on either side of me and leaned in to peck my forehead. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too,” I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck. “The little one sleeping?” he asked.
“Yeah, I put him down a while ago.” It’d been almost a year since I given birth to our first child, but part of me has been aching to have another one lately. I don’t know whether to blame it on my hormones or not, but whatever it was it wouldn’t go away.
I wanted Jaehyun, I wanted to feel him in me, feel his hot white seeds filling me up.
‘Shit. Calm down Y/N.’
“Everything fine?” he asked, looking at me worried. “H-Huh? Ye-Yeah, just lost in thought,” I said, lowly.
I hadn’t expressed to Jaehyun this new desire of mine. In truth I was afraid, afraid he’d feel forced to say yes or something of the sort. The last thing I needed was for him to not love me anymore. I felt selfish. It felt ugly.
“It doesn’t seem like you’re fine Y/N,” he said, stroking my cheek. “I know when something’s up, so tell me,” he pleaded. “Please.”
I sighed, “Jae, what if we-“ I paused. “What if we have another child,” I blurted out.
His stoking stopped, replaced with an unreadable expression. ‘I knew it, maybe he didn’t like the idea-‘
“Really!” he said, rather surprised.
I shyly nodded. “Are you serious right now Y/N? You do know what you’re asking for right now.”
“Yes, I'm aware. Yes I want another child, I want to have another one of your children jae,” I said, placing my hands on his shoulders.
“But if you do-“ I was cut off by Jaehyun when he slammed his lips against mine. He kissed me with intensity, passion, and love. I melted into his kiss, into him. “You taste so good, smell so good,” he muttered as his lips tugged on my bottom lip. Then traveling down to my jaw, neck, shoulders, collarbone, nipping and sucking on my skin. I let out soft moans whenever he’d sink his teeth into my skin, so good.
“Tell me wife, tell me you want me to make you a mommy again,” he said against my skin.
“God- yes please. I want you.”
Before I knew it my nightgown was thrown somewhere in the room along with his clothes and our underwear. He sat me against his chest, opening my legs up. He slid his right hand down my body, tugging my nipple, tracing against my stomach, and brushing against my wet cunt.
“Already so wet, baby,” he chuckled against my neck. His fingers slowly rubbed my cunt, until one finger intruded inside me. The wet squelching sound could be heard as it bounced off the walls.
“So good,” I moaned.
Later another finger dipped inside, then another. I was squirming under his touch, the rapid pace of his fingers, the sounds coming out of me, and his small grunts. Fuck. It was all too good.
I tightened around his fingers. “Cum around my fingers,” he whispered in my ear and with one pinch to my clit, I came.
Resting my head against his shoulder, my chest heaving trying to regain some oxygen.
“Fucked already,” he smirked. He laid me on our bed, coming closer and his cock already hard and oozing with precum, as it rested against his stomach.
He dove down, taking my breast into his mouth, flicking his tongue on my nipple. “Can’t wait to see your breast all nice and swollen again,” he said, pinching my other nipple. He continued licking and sucking my breast, alternating between the two. “Have em’ leaking with milk,” he bit down on my nipple. “Ah-“ I quietly screamed. I couldn’t ignore the aching in cunt anymore, I wanted him in me now.
“Fuck… me… please,” I whimpered.
He chuckled, pulling away from my breast. “Anything for you my wife.”
He opened my legs, rubbing himself against my wetness, coating it. His tip pushed past my slick at a slow pace, yet stretching me out nicely.
“Fuck. How are you still so tight?” He grunted. The more his cock went in, the more moans slipped out of me. “You take me so well don’t you? Made for me darling,” he said, throwing his head back and strongly gripping my hips.
“J-Jae,” I yelled, but he clamped a hand over my mouth. “Shh, quite now baby, the little one’s asleep remember.”
I mumbled an incoherent, “okay” against his hand. Once it was fully inside, he began thrusting inside me at an unbearably slow pace, I wanted more, more rough.
Taking my hand against the one against my mouth, I moved it. “Fa-Faster please Jae,” I pleaded with the man above. He smirked down at me, grabbing my leg and holding it against his shoulder. He was deeper, hitting my g-spot more. Yes. I chanted his name like it was the only word I knew.
His thrusts more erratic and rough. I could feel as the knot in my stomach threatened to release. I unconsciously tightened around him, causing a soft moan to erupt from him.
“Shit. Cummin’ already?” He teased, bringing his thumb to vigorously rub my clit. “Yes. Just like that Jae… Fuck.”
With a slight adjustment in angle, I came. My eyes shut and my back arched, Jaehyun didn’t stop though. He kept going at it—perhaps with even more intensity—fucking me through my orgasm.
“Fuck. So tight, you’ll have me cumming in no time.” One thrust, then two, three, four, and five until he came inside me. His hot white seeds filling me up.
“Take it all, you wanted it after all,” he said, still thrusting as he stuffed me full of his cum.
“Ye-Yes, give it to me,” I mumbled, already so tired when he finally slipped out of me.
His eyes looked down at me, “Oh wife, don’t think we’re done here. You know I won’t stop until I’m sure I leave you nice and stuffed with my cum.” He swiftly flipped me over, my ass on full display. Slap. His hand collided against my ass. Slap. Another one and then another. Each slap eliciting a moan or his name from my mouth.
When he finally stopped, he gently caressed where he’d slapped me and started pushing himself into me again. His hands rested on my ass as he thrusted in me, not slowing down. “Gonna take it all again, right baby.”
“Y-Yes I’ll be nice and full with your baby,” I replied, earning a satisfied groan. With another slap to my ass, and an involuntary clench to his cock, we came. White painting my walls again, but I knew now it was far from over yet.
Jaehyun continued fucking me until dawn, stopping only to catch our breaths. If I wasn’t pregnant by the end of this I would burn the world.
He patted my stomach, “Now you’re nice and full aren’t you my precious wife.”
I grumbled, “You got too carried away, Jae.” He laughed, pulling me into his chest. He stroked my hair, his touch so soft and warm, a complete opposite of how he was earlier.
“I love you,” he said, pecking the top of my head.
“I love you too,” I muttered before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
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1 month later.
I sat on top of the toilet seat, shaking my leg uncontrollably. I was nervous, nervous at the result of the pregnancy test in my hands.
After missing my menstrual cycle and feeling awfully sick as of late, I decided to take a test. No one was home, Jaehyun was off at work and our child, Yejun, was off with his grandparents.
Endless useless thoughts flowed through my head, like ‘What if I’m not pregnant?’ As the 3 minutes approached I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer.
“I-I’m pregnant…” I muttered, resting my hand over my lips. Tears erupting from my eyes, I’m pregnant I’m pregnant I’m pregnant.
“Wife?” yelled out Jaehyun’s voice. My eyes widened, ‘Why was he home so early…’
I quickly got up from the seat, unlocking the bathroom door and stuffing the test under some towels.
“Jae? Home already,” I said, walking towards him.
“Mm, I just had a meeting and then was let go,” he said, resting himself on my shoulder.
“Something wrong?” I asked. “No, I just missed you,” he said, nipping at my neck. “You smell good Y/N.” He traveled his mouth more up, until he reached my mouth.
I was lost in our kiss, I’d forgotten about the elephant in the room. “Mmm- wai-wait Jae,” I pulled away.
He groaned. “We can’t Jae.”
“Why not?” he asked.
I hesitated a bit, ‘Should I tell him, Should I not?- Ugh, whatever he’d come to find out sooner or later.’
I backed away, walking back towards the bathroom, I grabbed the test from the towels and walked back to Jaehyun.
“Close your eyes,” I said, and he looked at me suspiciously yet complied. “This probably isn’t the best way to announce this, but… well first open your eyes.”
He fluttered his eyes open, pregnancy test resting on my palms. His eyes widened, surprise and shock plastered all over his face.
“Yo-You’re pregnant…” he said, coming out a whisper.
I nodded my head, holding back more tears. “You’re gonna be a dad again,” I said, embracing my arms around him. He wasted no time pulling me in closer.
It felt as though time had stopped, it was just the two of us. The two of us in each other’s warm embrace, celebrating the new life coming into our lives.
“Thank you Y/N,” he whispered into my ear. “I love you my wife.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: hii!! jiji back, this fic was a quick write and a commemoration for the one year of this blog! i didn’t know it’d been a year alrdy, time sure does fly. anyways i gotta admit i had writers block the whole week, but my writing it starting to flow back, so don’t worry everyone! mouth to a flame pt. 2 will be out hopefully soon, but with school being a pain in the ass it might get delayed by a week or two :(( . anyhow, let’s brighten up && be happy! have a wonderful weekend and week!! i love u all && stay safe out there, jiji out 🤍
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roosterforme · 7 months
Always Ever Only You Part 32 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You try to keep it together as much as you can in Annapolis, but that's easier said than done. Bradley realizes that while this week feels unbearable, a deployment would be much worse. And you cautiously tell Bradley there are two people you think should be the first ones to know about the baby.
Warnings: Swearing, adult language, pregnancy topics, angst, fluff
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Always Ever Only You masterlist. Gorgeous banner by @mak-32
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Monday morning came way too early on the east coast, especially when you barely slept and couldn't stop throwing up. "Why?" you groaned from your spot on the floor next to the toilet. You had exactly three hours until you had to give your presentation at 10:00, but Cat was already texting you from her hotel room across the hallway about getting breakfast. You'd be lucky if you could stomach a single peanut butter cracker and squeeze yourself into your uniform on time. 
You crawled back out to the bedroom and rummaged in your suitcase for one of the ginger candies Bradley packed for you. It couldn't hurt at this point, so you shoved it in your mouth and pulled yourself up onto the bed. It was amazing that you could possibly feel this shitty. Your ribs and back hurt from constantly throwing up, and you were starting to feel dehydrated, but the idea of drinking something was too taxing to even consider.
"Why are you so mean?" you moaned as you rolled onto your side, letting your hand rest on your belly. "I actually love you, and you're being so mean to me all the time. Why?" You sucked on the candy and laughed. "You'll prefer your dad, I can already tell." 
You kind of wanted to call him, but you didn't want to wake him up at four in the morning, so you settled on trying to get dressed instead. It was amazing that you did nothing but throw up, yet you were still all bloated and puffy. Your khaki pants were a little too snug for comfort, but you had no other option at the moment. When you looked at your butt in the mirror, you shrugged. 
"Whatever," you whispered, buttoning your shirt as your stomach growled angrily. "Please, make up your mind," you begged your body as you heard a knock at your door. You pasted on a fake smile and opened it to reveal Cat Coleman looking like a million fucking dollars while you looked like a sewer rat. "Morning," you rasped.
Her eyes went a little wide as she pushed your door open. "Did you not get any sleep? You look awful."
You huffed out a breath, realizing you buttoned your shirt up wrong. "I'm fine," you muttered as you fixed it. "I'm just not quite ready to go yet."
"Yes, I gathered that much," she replied, eying you up and down. "Are you going to be able to present today? Because I can't do this without you."
You shot her a scathing look. "Of course I can present today. I'm fine. Great. Golden." You were in all honesty on the verge of throwing up again.
"Okay," she said with zero conviction. "Well, just knock on my door when you want to grab some breakfast and head over to the Naval Academy."
"Will do," you promised her. As soon as she was gone, you gagged into the toilet one more time before brushing your teeth and putting on enough makeup to hide the fact that it looked like you were going to fall over. 
You felt weak as you tried to eat a pack of crackers so your stomach had something in it. This was a lot easier when Bradley was with you, rubbing your back and holding a glass of cold water for you to take sips from. You moaned softly and fought against the tears. If you thought about him too long, you were going to cry. Or worse... start to get turned on. 
"I don't have time for this," you whined as you checked your phone. How was it already 8:00? Fuck, it was still too early to call Bradley, but now your mom and dad were both texting you to see if you were coming for dinner on Thursday. You knew you were going to have to invite Cat to come with you, since you only had one rental car. The idea of trying to get through the night with all of them was too much to consider at the moment. 
Ignore it. Ignore everything. That was all you could do. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Focus on the presentation. Focus on not throwing up. That was the key.
You knocked on Cat's door, and she opened it immediately, dragging the tub of equipment out into the hallway with her. "It's late, so I figured we would eat breakfast and then head right to the conference?"
"Sure," you replied, picking up one end of the tub. But it really was heavy, and you struggled to get it to the elevator with her. "I'm actually not that hungry, so we can just get whatever you want on the way."
Cat scoffed. "I wanted to eat at Waffle House. I miss Annapolis so much."
Just thinking about the sticky floors and smell of maple syrup was turning your stomach at the moment. "Maybe we can do that tomorrow morning instead? Since we don't have our second presentation until Wednesday?"
"Fine," Cat agreed, and the two of you took the bin out to the rental car. She offered to drive, and you let her. Apparently you fell asleep on the ten minute ride, and she had to wake you up to go through security. "They want your ID card to get through the gate," she said, shaking your shoulder. 
"Oh," you groaned, digging it out of your pocket and handing it to her. 
"Seriously, are you sure you're okay?" she whispered as the guards inspected the car.
"Just jetlag," you promised, resisting the urge to roll down the window and barf. "I'm totally fine. Let's get this show on the road."
Bradley poked at his burrito bowl in the cafeteria. Even the green hot sauce wasn't helping his mood since you couldn't actually eat it right now. It was just making him sad. He'd written five pages in the notebook for the baby, but it just made him miss you more. He wondered what you were doing right now. Surely your presentation must be over, but he hadn't heard from you. Maybe you had already checked in with Bickel. Maybe he should go up and talk to your boss and see?
"Wow," Nat said, snapping her fingers in front of his face. "Focus, Rooster."
"I'm sorry," he replied, trying to give her his full attention. "What did you say?"
"I asked you three times if you wanted to go see the new Tom Cruise movie with me tonight. I have a coupon for a free large popcorn that's about to expire."
"Yes. Absolutely." He'd do anything to keep himself busy this week. "What time?"
"6:30. I'll pick you up so you can call your wife from the car and talk to her before she goes to sleep east coast time."
"Sounds good," he agreed, taking his phone out to let you know about his plans. After work, when he was eating a bowl of cereal for dinner, you finally wrote back. 
Baby Girl Bradshaw: The first presentation went pretty well. Have fun at the movie. I love you.
"That's it?" he asked Tramp after reading the message twice. Nat knocked on the door at the same time he called you. 
When you answered with a soft, "Roo," followed by a groan, he had to take a deep breath.
"You okay, Sweetheart?" he asked as he headed for the front door to let his friend in.
"No," you moaned. "I had a rough day. I feel disgusting, and now your voice is making me horny."
This was admittedly not the best time for phone sex. He paused as he said, "Nat just got here, but if you need me to cancel the movie plans, I can do that."
"No," you gasped, "don't cancel your plans. Go have fun. We can talk tomorrow."
He shook his head as he said, "I'd rather talk to you now. I'll cancel."
"No! We can talk now. Put me on speaker so I can say hi to Nat."
"Fine," he agreed, unlocking and opening his front door. Tramp made a run for Nat as Bradley tapped the icon for speakerphone and said, "My wife wants to say hi to you."
His best friend took the phone right out of his hand and had a full conversation with you while she rummaged through the refrigerator and helped herself to a seltzer. Bradley stood there as patiently as he could, simultaneously feeling annoyed that you were telling Nat all about your presentation while also feeling relieved that he remembered to hide the ultrasound photos. You and his friend laughed and laughed together, and then he started tapping his wrist to get her to move things along.
"We'll be late," he told Nat, and she rolled her eyes at him.
"Here's your husband back," she told you. "Have fun in Annapolis. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone less annoying."
"Don't tell her that," Bradley said as he turned off speakerphone. "Don't listen to her, Sweetheart."
But you were just laughing now as he held the phone to his ear and followed Nat out to the driveway. He had to kick aside so much trash to get in her car, he was about to offer to drive instead, but she was already starting the engine. "This is fucking disgusting," he told her, covering the mouthpiece of his phone. "Clean your shit."
She just tore out of the driveway and said, "Talk to your wife before we get to the theater."
"Are you in the car?" you asked softly.
"Yeah. Unfortunately," he grunted. "Can you tell me about your presentation?"
"I nailed it even though I threw up so much this morning," you told him, but then you moaned. "Am I on speakerphone?" 
"Bradley! I am so fucking horny, Daddy!" Your voice was extra whiny, and the last thing Bradley wanted was an erection in front of his best friend, but he could hear in your voice how badly you needed him. "I was talking to Commander Patterson after my presentation, and I swear Roo, he asked me if Top Gun aviation was a good fit for me, and all I could think about was your cock the whole time. I even told him that things from Top Gun aviation are a really snug fit for me!"
Bradley felt his cheeks warm up. He had no idea who Commander Patterson was, but he said, "I think Top Gun aviation is the place for you, Sweetheart. Nothing else is gonna fit you quite right."
"Bradley!" you whined, and the sound went straight to his cock as Nat adjusted the air conditioner settings. "Fuck, you remember that time you fucked me in the back of our Bronco after I texted you dirty photos at dinner?"
"Yeah," he grunted, closing his eyes and actually trying not to think about it.
"Remember on our honeymoon when you finger fucked your cum into my pussy and then traced my tattoo?"
He growled out your first name. "I absolutely do, but I think perhaps we should talk about that later?"
"Yes, yes, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm going to get my vibrators out and listen to old voicemail messages you left for me so I can get off, okay? Have fun at the movie. I love you."
The call went dead right as Nat pulled into the parking lot, and the trash at Bradley's feet shifted as she went careening over a speed bump. He was trying to catch his breath. All he really wanted was a little more information about your presentation and to make sure you and the nugget were okay, but what he got was a semi that he was trying to keep at bay.
"If I get nachos and a soft pretzel and popcorn will you eat some?" she asked as she parked. 
"Yeah," he grunted as he unbuckled his seatbelt. 
"Listen," Nat said as she fixed her hair in the mirror. "I know you miss her, and rightfully so since she's way cooler than you, but if you just give me one word answers all night, it's going to piss me off."
"Sorry," he added, trying to remember how to talk. Right now you were possibly getting off while listening to old voicemail messages that you kept? Of him just talking to you? Jesus, why was that making him so hot?
Nat was glaring at him now. He needed to focus.
"I'm sorry. No more one word answers. Let's go. It's time for Tom Cruise."
When you woke up on Tuesday, you were snuggled up and so warm, you reached for Bradley. "Roo?" But when you opened your eyes, you were met with the sterile looking hotel room through your blurry vision. Now you remembered talking to Nat and Bradley on the phone before masturbating and falling asleep. When you sat up in bed, you definitely didn't feel as awful as you expected. And when you eased yourself to standing, you were surprised that your stomach didn't lurch. 
You had one text message from your husband, and when you put your glasses on to read it, you laughed. 
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw <3 <3 <3: baby girl, i'm going to need you to describe in detail for me exactly how you got off. while listening to my voicemails? please, as much detail as you can. i hope you came hard thinking about me. i love you. the movie was good. i'll take you next week if you want.
You wrote back to tell him that you did in fact come while you listened to a long rambling voicemail he left you a few months ago about how he left the house without his shopping list and made it all the way to Costco before he realized it. "Your Daddy has a nice voice, little nugget," you whispered, pressing one gentle palm to your belly. 
It was 8:30, and you didn't have too much planned for the day other than breakfast at Waffle House with Cat. You had to give another presentation tomorrow, and you were excited to talk to some more superior officers afterwards. You were also supposed to make it to a cocktail hour this evening, but you were planning on ditching it and hoping Cat could network for both of you. It would be nearly impossible to avoid drinking without drawing attention to yourself when there were waiters walking around with flutes of champagne. 
You took a quick shower and got yourself ready, and you tapped on Cat's door. When she opened it, she eyed you skeptically. "You look so much better today. Everything okay?"
"I think it was just the jetlag," you told her smoothly. "Wanna go to Waffle House?"
"Hell yes," she replied, turning to grab her bag. "Hopefully we don't run into my ex or anyone I used to work with."
In all your morning sickness and preparation back in San Diego, you had forgotten that Cat also had roots in Maryland. "If we run into Mike, point him out to me. I'll punch him in the face."
She laughed. "I would personally love to see that."
You drove the rental car through the familiar town to the diner you'd been to many times with Cam when you were at the Naval Academy together. You snapped a picture to send to him before walking inside. Sure enough, the floors were sticky, but it smelled like strong coffee, and your stomach started growling. You silently prayed that whatever you ate managed to stay down, at least until you were alone again. 
"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Cat asked you as you glanced at the menu, a little disappointed that they didn't have avocado toast. 
"I thought maybe I would take a nap at some point."
"Oh, that's actually a great idea. I might do that as well. I never get a full night of sleep when I'm home with Jeremiah."
You ordered a stack of pancakes and some bacon and then listened to Cat order the signature waffle. When the waitress wandered away, you asked, "Is Jake watching him this week?" with a little smirk. You already knew he was. Well, him and Hondo both were.
She played with the container of sugar and didn't meet your eyes as she said, "I think this week will make or break my relationship with Jake."
"Why?" you gasped. 
She was quiet for a moment as she glanced out the window. "He practically begged me to let him help watch Jeremiah. So he and Uncle Bernie are sharing duties. I just... know how my uncle feels about Jake. They clash, and none of it is really Jake's fault. I just need to make some decisions when we get back."
Your stomach lurched. "What kind of decisions?"
She shrugged and poked her silverware. "If they can't get along, then I'll have to decide if I can reasonably keep putting everyone through this. I'll likely never be able to afford my own place, and Bernie is the only family I still talk to. But Jake...." She had a dreamy look in her eyes as she said, "I wasn't expecting to ever fall in love again."
The only thing you could think to say was, "He loves Jeremiah."
She didn't humor you with a response. Instead she asked, "Are you planning on seeing your parents while we're here?"
"Yeah," you answered as the food arrived. "About that... you mind if I use the car on Thursday evening? You're more than welcome to join me, but they want me to have dinner with them at home."
"You can use the car all you want," she replied. "And I'll think about it. Thanks." As you were coating your food in syrup, she asked, "Weren't Bradley's parents from Maryland as well?"
"Virginia," you replied immediately. "They were both from the Norfolk area. Nick grew up closer to the beach, and Carole grew up in the city." As you took a bite of pancake, your stomach growled awkwardly, but a warm thought lit up in your mind. "Hey, so you wouldn't mind too much if I actually used the car today?"
Bradley was in the air all day on Tuesday, and he kept looking at his little collection of photos longingly. He had one of you from when the two of you were dating. You were mid laugh, face lit up, looking right at him. And then he had a wedding photo as well. It was the one the photographer took where the sun was just hitting the horizon behind you. And now he also had a little stack of ultrasound pictures to look at.
When his comms crackled to life, he tucked the photos away and got himself in position for some tactical dog fighting with Nat and Bob. Bradley loved flying, but more and more he had been considering what might come next for him. One day he could get injured or fail an eye exam. Then what? Other than being home with you and the nugget at that point, he didn't know what else the Navy could offer him.
"Tally, tally!" Bob called out, and Bradley easily dodged the attack. He knew he was good. He knew he was the right mix of cautious and impulsive. He had to be. But there also needed to be more, because if this week was teaching him anything, it was that too many long deployments away from his family would be unbearable. 
When he finally touched down on the runway at 2:30, he was hungry and thirsty, and Maverick dismissed him to the rec room along with Nat and Bob. When he checked his phone, he had a bunch of missed calls and texts from you. 
"Hey, you go ahead," he told them. "I'll be there in a minute."
"Alright," Bob replied, and Bradley watched them walk inside the tower while he read your most recent message. 
Baby Girl Bradshaw: I have a little surprise for you. Any chance you can facetime?
He had no idea what you could have in mind for him. A little surprise could be anything. Shit, it could be dirty. He glanced around before tucking himself up against the side of the building with his aviators perched on his nose. He dropped his helmet gently to the ground and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair as he called you. 
Your gorgeous face filled his phone screen, and he smiled immediately. "Hey, Sweetheart. You look pretty."
"Thank you. I feel good today."
"How's the nugget?"
You laughed. "As finicky as ever."
You were obviously outside somewhere, and the sky was cloudy behind you as you walked past some trees. "Where are you? And what's my surprise?"
You bit your lip and looked between the phone screen and something else before you knelt down on the ground. "I just had this silly idea earlier when I was eating breakfast." You tilted the phone away from your face, and then Bradley knew exactly where you were. "But I thought we could tell them the news together? Let them be the first to know?"
He pulled his sunglasses from his face and stared at his phone screen as tears blurred his vision. "Baby Girl," he gasped as he looked at his parents' gravesite. Both headstones were decorated with fresh flowers which you must have just placed there today, and you had tucked an ultrasound photo underneath a few pebbles as well.
"Do you want to tell them?" you asked, your voice just the softest whisper that made him ache even more. 
"Yeah," he managed to say as he fought to keep his composure as a tear slid down his cheek. "Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. That's not just my perfect wife sitting there with you. That's your grandchild, too."
He could hear you laughing and crying at the same time as you rearranged the pebbles. "Still just a nugget right now, but we'll bring him or her back again someday. Right, Roo?" you asked, turning the phone back to your gorgeous face. 
Bradley nodded as he sobbed. "Yeah," he rasped as you smiled at him and swiped at your own tears. "Of course. The three of us will come back together. We can have a picnic. Let the kiddo meet Grandma Carole and Grampy Goose."
"That sounds perfect."
"Hey, Sweetheart?" he managed as he cried. "I fucking love you so much. You know that, right?"
Your voice was still soft, and Bradley wanted to melt into it. "Yeah. I know."
He wiped his cheeks with the rough sleeve of his flight suit as he asked, "You really drove three and a half hours from Annapolis to the cemetery?"
You curled up on your side next to the ultrasound photo as you said, "Yeah. It seemed like a no-brainer. I thought they should be the first ones to know."
"Fuck." He had to fight for composure. "I would marry you a hundred times. A thousand times. I would marry you a million fucking times, Sweetheart."
You laughed softly. "I'd let you."
Those were some of the sweetest words Bradley had ever heard in his life, and you said them as you and the baby were curled up there with the memory of his mom and dad. He would literally never get over how perfect you really were. 
Then you popped up and groaned, "Oh no." And Bradley was treated to the vivid facetime experience of watching you run a few feet to your left before you threw up in the shrubs. 
"Take some deep breaths," he coaxed, just like he would if you were in the bathroom at home. "Do you have some water and the ginger candy with you?"
"In the rental car," you told him as you set your phone on the ground. "I was doing so well today, too."
He didn't want to say it, but he knew this meant the baby was nice and healthy. "Why don't you curl up with Carole again, Baby Girl. She told me she threw up non-stop when she was pregnant. I'm sure she can commiserate."
"Actually, I think I will," you told him when you picked up the phone once again. "I'm going to hang out with my in-laws a little longer. Have a chat about how much I adore their son. Maybe get their opinion on some baby names."
He laughed. "Don't let them talk you into Bradley Junior."
You shook your head adamantly. "I'd sooner allow you to name the nugget Bronco."
"Hell yes!" he cheered. "Bronco Bradshaw is still on the table."
You cradled your forehead in your hand, but you were smiling. "Get back to work while the nugget and I spend some time with your mom and dad."
"I love you more than life itself, Baby Girl."
She treats him so well. Fuck, this even made me tear up a little bit. Grandma Carole and Grampy Goose would have been the best. Next we will find out what kind of trouble awaits in Maryland. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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messylustt · 1 year
I just finished the Miguel fic and its not bested YET my standers are HIGH. With that being said i have a hobie blurb/fic idea
goody reader! who hobie swear he cant stand (he's obssessed)
you angelllll and this scenario for hobie—ugh it lives rent free now THANK YOU my sweet anon
GOODY-TWO-SHOES AND BRITISH PUNK — hobie brown + reader: just hobie pushing away the fact that he’s obsessed with you, by finding your goody nature “annoying”.
marks no warnings. just a bit of banter. wc 1.6k.
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When you joined the spider society, everyone thought of you as ‘sweet’ and an all in all ‘do gooder’. Many found it endearing, while Hobie claimed to think the complete opposite.
Even though his mouth was saying things like “ya could ‘ave aimed that web better.” And “maybe try catchin’ the evil guy next time…ay?” His body had always stayed close to you.
He said things regarding your ‘sweetness’, pinning it as ‘no good’, it won’t help being overly sweet while fighting bad guys. And god did you being a little ‘do gooder’ and following the rules piss him off the most.
But even after all those confirmations in his head he found himself looking for you, standing next to you in de-briefs or when a few of you would just hang out. It was always when you were in a group—Hobie was near.
And right now as you listened to Jess speak on the new ‘villain of the week’, you felt a presence beside you. As you glanced to the left you saw Hobie, standing, hands in pockets, as he acted oblivious to his own body’s movements.
He had moved closer to you. In his head he brushed it off as him just making sure you were listening and paying attention to Jess’s words so that you wouldn’t fuck anything up this time. (Not that Hobie ever does pay that much attention himself).
Hobie had never been a nitpicker, but when it came to you he noticed all the details. He could almost tell you your own body’s habits before you even realised them yourself. Like the little nose scrunch you’d do when you were bored. Or the tilt of your head, signalling that you were really trying to listen. Or even the press of your lips, showing that you were just…thinking.
He didn’t pay much attention to his reasons for taking such close notice though. No. Because he's sure that the sole reason (only one) is because you've always annoyed him.
“So please….” Jess is saying. “Please don’t touch any of the guy’s gadgets.”
Then the debrief is over, and you’re getting to your feet, having jumped up onto a ledge. Hobie can’t help but watch as you began to walk towards a portal. “Careful there luv…woul’n’t want you to get ahead of yourself. Maybe ya should stay back this round?” Hobie walks backwards, leaning his head slightly to the side as he moves to the portal.
You press your lips together, eyeing him. What is she thinking about?—Hobie thought to himself, eyeing you back, as he continues to speak. “To be good at ya job, ya gotta loosen up on those rules, ya do know that…right?”
“You say that like you think I’m wound tight.” You say, slowly walking with him—his feet still walking backwards as you walked forward.
He raises a brow. “Aren’t you, luv?” He tongue began to absentmindedly play with his lip ring, dragging it slightly between his teeth as he neared the portal. Then he’s leaning back, and falling through it, you not far behind.
The portal had opened up over a high sky, resulting in you both falling. Hobie tilted his head, watching as you faced each other, skyrocketing down. You spare him a tilt of your head, before your web is attaching to a building as you slip away from his line of sight. And Hobie doesn’t know why but his lips had began to twitch up.
Shooting his own web out, he swung to a stop on the building, where everyone else resided. And of course, he yet again moved closer to you.
Directions were given by Jess as the spider variants all went their separate ways. "Nah, you're comin' with me." Hobie says, grabbing your arm as he pulls you towards the edge of the building. "I thought I bothered you too much..." you mutter more to yourself.
"What was that?" Hobie asks, but you just spare him a "Hm?" before you're web slinging to the next building. Hobie scoffs, copying the action.
Soon you're both swinging past buildings, and when Hobie attaches his web to where yours was gonna go, your face actually displays a slight scowl. Hobie raises his brows—effortlessly swinging backwards. "See...I knew ya were fakin' ya sweetness." Hobie comments through the wind.
"And when were you paying so much attention to me for you to know that?" You call back, slipping past him as your hand slightly brushes his guitar strap. He doesn't like the feeling that crawled up his neck when you brushed so close. He was the one who initiated the closeness, and you having barely touched him made him quickly follow you.
Then you're both swinging almost together, Hobie's gaze stuck on your relaxed posture. "Ya did learn from last time right, luv?" Hobie asks, to which you lazily glance at him.
"That wasn't my fault." You say, slipping through a narrow gap. Hobie went over so as not to scratch his guitar. "Ya can't be that blind...can ya?"
"You know, I've never understood why you act like this." You say, coming to a stop on a lower building and gazing down, spotting the gadget wearing anomaly. Hobie fluidly stops beside you as you both crouched down. But as you stared at the anomaly, Hobie stared at you.
"Act like what?" He asks, feeling a strange urge to pull your mask off. Why did he want to see your expressions when he was talking to you?
You glance at him. "Act like you hate me. Maybe you do...but I just can't pinpoint an exact reason why."
"Aw..." Hobie coos. "Scared not everyone is fallin' for ya goody-two-shoes act?"
"It's not an act. And I am not a goody-two-shoes." You slightly huff out.
"Yeah ya are..." Hobie hums out, almost sounding amused. "You always follow the rules, being a dottin' little helper to Miguel."
You look back to the anomaly. Jess had said to wait, as backup, so you do, trying your best to ignore a now closer hobie. "And you always do that...can't find a reason for it either." You mutter.
"Do what?" Hobie shifts closer. You turn your head, eyeing him. "That. Coming close."
"Maybe I'm scared you might do something overly heroic, just to get into Miguel's good books."
"Hobie being scared? Now that's a first." Hobie's surprised to hear the clear sarcasm in your voice. "And what makes you think I'm trying so hard to get into Miguel's 'good books'?" You ask.
"Ya are always the first to accept missions." Hobie says, and he hopes you don't notice his slight jealous tone. "And Miguel seems rather pleased with that."
"Maybe because I'm doing my job?" You ask, finally glancing at him again. And Hobie can't help but swiftly grab your mask. He wanted to know if you were bored, thinking, or actually listening to him.
"Hobie..." You say, reaching for your mask again. "I need that."
But Hobie just pockets it in his jacket. "Nah, Jess won't need us. She's too prideful and...usually completes missions..." He eyes you like he's hinting at something.
"I'm sorry—but when have I ever not completed a mission?" You have a slight frown on your face. And Hobie grins under his mask, liking seeing your expressions. Especially because he's been able to get new ones, like a frown and a scowl.
"Last week." He answers, fiddling with your mask material in his pocket.
You groan. "I told you, that wasn't my fault."
"Hm..." Hobie's eyes had begun to grow distracted in your moving mouth, noticing the details...yet again. The way they would slightly part when you were confused. You were confused now, so Hobie got a chance to see a fraction of your teeth. Why was he focusing so hard? And maybe if his mask was off, you would see exactly where his gaze was trapped.
"Hobie." You say, noticing he had stayed silent for a little too long. "Hobie." You shuffle closer to knock his shoulder. "Can I have my mask back?"
But he just began to shake his head. "Nah...I think I'll keep it." He then stands, looking down at you. You quickly get to your feet also, eyes narrowed. "Why? I do actually need it."
Hobie just shrugs, feeling thoroughly amused with the whole situation. You go to reach for his pocket, but he easily dodges. "This is really not the time." You mutter, trying again. But Hobie just moves around you.
You then swiftly shoot a web, aiming for the inside of his pocket, but hobie snatches the end, yanking you towards him, making tumble to a stop against his chest. And you can feel the slight rumble of a chuckle, making you quickly stand straight, only for your breath to hitch.
Because now his mask is off, and he's extremely close. Now you can see his eyes dart, fully absorbing your details, and you actually grow to feel a tad nervous. "Can I please have it back?"
"Back to the fake sweetness, are we?" He asks, his gaze now stopping on your lips.
"It's not fake." You mutter out, moving to step back, but Hobie tightens his hold on your web, keeping you still. "What are you doing?" You ask, a slight groan of annoyance edging your tone.
Hobie tilts his head, acting as if he isn't doing anything, as his finger comes out to just brush your collarbone through your suit. You don't know what to do, as you stare at him. He'd never been this close, facing you, at least. He's always been behind you or beside you. And now as his tongue comes out to lick his full lips, you find your gaze getting caught up in the action.
"I'm not a goody-two-shoes..." You choose to say, still slightly hung up on the nickname.
"Yeah...ya are." Hobie repeats, this time quieter. "...but it's..." You narrow your eyes on him. 'It's' what? "It's kinda cute, luv."
Your eyes widen. "W-what?"
"Hm?" He quickly hums, before he's webbing away, making you spin to gaze after him. "Hobie!" You call, as you quickly web after him.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
a lesson in happiness.
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Kabukimono did not know the day of his creation.
It was already a sad thing, you thought, to not have been given a name at birth. Much less to not know the day you were first brought into this world. To not have a birthday. Though Kabukimono initially didn’t care, due to having no knowledge of the concepts of birthdays at first, seeing other villagers celebrate their own caused him to be excited about his birthday, and then be crushed by the realization that he didn’t have one.
He acted like it didn’t hurt him. But it did. And it hurt you too. Though, you had an idea.
January third. That was the day Katsuragi and the others found the puppet lying inside Shakkei Pavilion. It wasn’t his day of birth, but still an important day. A day when he was found. Seen. And you wanted Kabukimono to feel special, just like every human does, on a day of the year. So you devised a little plan. It wasn’t anything grand of course, no, you didn’t have the Mora for that. But to Kabukimono, he would probably think you may have just given him a five-star course anyway. You hadn’t told him about this yet, as you wanted it to be a surprise.
The first step was baking a cake, which wasn’t as simple as one would think.
Kabukimono was always open to trying new human foods, but surprisingly, he did not enjoy sweets. You’ll never forget the screwed-up expression on his face when you introduced him to dango. He tried to speak while eating it but it sounded all jumbled up because his teeth were stuck together. It was quite adorable.
So therefore, you had to make sure that the cake wasn’t too sweet and also tasted good at the same time. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy, and it took you a good amount of tries. Not to mention Kabukimono was constantly glued at your hip so it was hard to find time to do it so he wouldn’t find out about the surprise. But at last, you had done it. It was light, fluffy, and yummy, with not too much sugar so you hoped Kabukimono would find it delicious.
The second thing was to acquire a gift. It was hard to think of something to get your lover. It felt like, no matter what you gave him, it wouldn’t be enough. No matter how much it was (not that you had the money for that anyway.) But you had settled on something simple but pretty - you had commissioned someone in the village to produce a lovely, handmade comb for you. It was beautiful, sturdy and practical, and the best part it had your and Kabukimono’s initials carved into it with a plus sign.
Kabukimono always loved it when you brushed his hair. It had become a nightly and morning routine actually. Every night you’d brush out the knots that may have accumulated during the day. And in the morning you’d brush out any tangles he may have gotten in his sleep. You took care of his silky princessy hair better than your own. So you think he’d appreciate this comb especially, for when he had to brush his hair when you weren’t around. 
Regardless, you were set and prepared to make Kabukimono’s first birthday with you a success. The night before, you were trying to hide your giddiness, but it seemed like you weren’t the only one. Kabukimono kept looking at you with shy eyes, to which you smiled and came to hug him from behind, wrapping your arms around him.
“Something you want to say, love?” You asked, nuzzling your face into his neck. He blushed a little bit.
“I was just thinking a bit.”
“About? Perhaps little old me?”
“Yes,” he said honestly. “But also about tomorrow. It was the day I…” The puppet’s memory was always sharp, you noticed. Of course he wouldn’t forget about such a notable day.
“The day Katsuragi and the others found you,” you finished. “And the day I met you,” you softly pressed a kiss against his cheek. 
“You remembered!” Kabukimono beamed.
“Of course I did,” you chuckled. “How could I forget about the love of my life?” You squeezed him tighter and pulled him down, both of you falling together onto the futon as giggles filled the air. “I can’t believe it’s already been a year,” you sighed nostalgically. To think time would pass so fast.
“I remember it so clearly. Like it was yesterday…” The puppet drifted off as he buried his face in your chest. “So many things have happened since then. Sometimes I can’t believe it.”
“Me either,” you agreed, stroking his hair. “I’m quite happy to have been able to be with you for this long though.”
“Me too, [Name]! You’ve always made my days so much better,” he reached up to kiss your cheek and you grinned, cupping his face and pulling him in for another. Intimate moments like this were always lovely.
… But you knew for Kabukimono, this would eventually become nothing but a drop in the eternity that would stretch on endlessly for him.
It was Kabukimono’s birthday today.
That was the first thing you thought when you cracked your eyes open. You turned to face your lover and there he was, sleeping peacefully, snuggled into your shoulder. Stunning, as usual. For someone who didn’t need to sleep, he sure seemed to enjoy it. Though you hoped that today he’d stay asleep by himself for a while now. He always seemed to know when you left the futon and would soon follow you. So this time you placed a pillow for him to snuggle into instead. Hopefully, that’d keep him at bay for a bit until you finished baking the cake. You already knew the process like the back of your hand so it wouldn’t be too long.
… Unfortunately, Kabukimono was awake and pouting at you in the kitchen before you finished, the baked cake lying on the counter to cool while you had just finished whisking the icing.
“[Name], what are you doing up so early?” He whined, rubbing his eyes and sleepily making his way over to you. As he got closer he squinted at the stuff on the cupboard. “Are you making a cake? Is it someone’s birthday?”
Looks like the jig was up. “Yes, indeed. It’s for someone very important,” you hummed, as you began to spread the frosting over the layers of cake. Kabukimono blinked at you, trying to figure out who it could be. January third… January third. Not Niwa, nor Katsuragi… Kinjirou? No, not him either.
“You, silly.” There was a pause after your words as your lover stared at you blankly, processing your words.
“What? I-I don’t understand, [Name],” the puppet looked at you with a perplexed expression. You merely smiled back in response.
“A year ago today, when we all found you, you became part of this village’s family. You became irreplaceable to all of us. Especially me,” you uttered softly, looking straight into his eyes. “It may not have been the day you were brought into this world, but instead a day you were introduced to the world. A fitting day for a birthday, no? And I’d love to celebrate it with you… as long as it’s okay with you, dear.”
Kabukimono was stunned into near silence. “Is that… really possible? Can I really do that?”
“Of course you can. There are no rules.” Within seconds, a large smile appeared on Kabukimono’s face.
“January third… my birthday. My birthday! I actually have one now!” He looked so joyful, that it would make anyone smile. The puppet felt as though he was a little bit more human now.
“Indeed you do! Now, go get ready. We’re going out soon. There’s a really pretty spot I want to take you.” At this point, Kabukimono was practically jumping in excitement.
“Thank you so much [Name]! I love you so much!” He threw his hands around you quickly and then released you to go off and get changed.
“Love you… too.” Before you could even finish your sentence he was already out of the room. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself as you retrieved a basket to place the cake and other small foods in.
Today was going to be an excellent day.
Kabukimono was too thrilled to walk at a normal pace, so the two of you were virtually running to the spot you had picked out. Thankfully the food was okay. Once the two of you had settled down at the scenic spot, the puppet marveled at the snacks and most importantly, the cake. It had been a hit with him, considering how he gobbled it down before you even finished your first slice. You made a mental note to make more non-sweet pastries for him. 
Not to mention how over the moon he was when you finally presented his gift, the comb. He couldn’t stop staring and fiddling with it, despite the fact there was really not much to see after a few minutes. Regardless, he asked you to comb his hair with it while he played with the finches and squirrels that had somehow shown up in his lap.
It really was a beautiful day, a birthday well celebrated. Now, it was going to be the evening time soon, so you two began to make it back to your home. Kabukimono wanted to cuddle in bed with you and read some stories. But when you arrived, you had one more surprise for your lover.
“There’s one last thing for you.”
“There’s even more?” Kabukimono looked at you with pure awe and adoration, making your heart squeeze.
“Yup! Though this one… it’s something for both of us, kind of. You’ll see. Wait here!” And with that you were running off, leaving the puppet confused and intrigued. But in no time you were back, carrying something.
It was… a tree? With the bottom of it contained in a bag with soil.
“[Name], you got us a tree?”
“Not just any tree, love. A Lavender Melon tree,” you grinned, setting the plant down with a huff. “You know what that means?”
“… We’re going to grow our own Lavender Melons!” The boy launched himself at you and you almost toppled over, but you gladly accepted his affection. “Oh but, how do we take care of it? I’ve never done something like this before!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it step by step. It’s not easy, but it’ll be rewarding and fun! Here, would you help me plant it now?” The puppet eagerly agreed and you two got to work finding a nice spot for your new tree and shoveling the ground (which Kabukimono insisted on doing himself despite it being his birthday.) Soon enough, the fruit tree was tucked firmly into the ground and watered. Kabukimono looked rather proud.
“I’ve never seen a tree this short. So this is how they look before they’re all grown up.” 
“This one isn’t even that tiny. I’ve seen saplings much smaller. Though, maybe if you sing to it, it’ll grow faster.”
“Really? Is that true?!” Kabukimono was now staring at you with wide, impressed eyes. Before you could even respond, he spoke again. “Well, I’ll sing as much as it wants every day.” Your eyes softened at his declaration. You couldn’t wait to hear that.
“But [Name], how long will it take to bear some Lavender Melons?”
“Well, it’s going to be a long journey. We might see some in a few years from now.”
“Oh, that isn’t too far away! How juicy do you think our melons will be? I can’t wait!”
Your heart felt a prick of pain at his words. A few years, a blink of an eye for Kabukimono, but ages for you. His perception of time was so different from yours, the more time you spent with him, the more it hurt you badly to think of how it would scar him in the future.
“But [Name], why did you get this tree in the first place? We can always buy Lavender Melons from the market.” His innocent voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Today was a happy day for both of you. It was rude to think such things today of all days.
“You’re right, we can. But I just thought it would be nice to raise something together.”
“Raise something?”
“Yes. Human life is beautiful, but so is the life of nature, animals, and things around us. It’s a nice feeling to be able to nourish and take care of something. Perhaps later on we can get a cat too. What do you think?” You expected a response but you received nothing.
“Kabuki-” You froze mid-sentence when you saw your lover’s face.
Kabukimono was crying.
“Oh Kabukimono, what’s wrong?” You immediately went to embrace and comfort him. “You can talk to me.” The only problem was that Kabukimono himself did not know where these tears came from. This whole day had been so incredible and joyous, so why was he crying?
The only experience he had with tears were moments when it felt like his chest had been pierced and left with a gaping hole. When he was abandoned. When he sat alone in Shakkei Pavilion, his whole body ached as he believed himself to be tossed out like trash. So why…? Why was he crying when you were being so kind to him…?
“I- I don’t know,” he croaked. “It just came out of nowhere,” he wept into your chest. You were silent for a bit, stroking his hair before you spoke.
“Tears are not only a sign of sadness, Kabukimono. They are also for anger, surprise, jealousy, fear… but most importantly, happiness. If I may take a little guess here… you are feeling so much happiness, you became a bit overwhelmed,” you gently explained, wiping his tears with your fingers and sleeves. Kabukimono looked at you with teary eyes. “Am I right, love?”
The puppet looked down, contemplating your words and trying to understand his own emotions. You were right. Though there was a tinge of sadness in his chest, all he could think about was how grateful he was to have you. His light, his support. The one who gave him a second chance after he thought he was useless, the one who gave him worth and meaning to himself and this world.
“Happy birthday, Kabukimono. May we spend many more together.”
The puppet’s heart felt oddly at ease at your words, and he slowly nodded as he enjoyed the homely warmth your embrace provided.
He thought you would be right.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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Last Friday Night - n.m
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‣ nika muhl x reader!
‣ paige version of this fic
‣ wc: 1953; sorry this is so short and lowkey not that good?
‣‣ synopsis: you and nika have kept your relationship on the dl for a while now, but what happens when your inebriated selves slip up on kk’s live? pretend the ncaa's lift on cannabis for athletes happens before the start of the 23-24 season! (so sorry for the inactivity but I just got back from camp and am ready to feed y'all)
‣‣‣ a/n: so i actually thought of this fic idea when i tried a weed pen for the first time (it's legal in ca) and i passed out with half my clothes on, no fan, forgot to brush my teeth and take my makeup off, and accidentally left a small heater on in my room that ran for four hours and turned my room into a furnace before my mom came in and turned it off and woke me up to yell at me 😊!
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8:42 am
To say that you and Nika were in trouble by the events of last night was a little bit of an understatement. Both of your phones were blowing up by your respective coaches, teammates, close friends, and all of your social media accounts.
As you scrolled through your tiktok, text messages, instagram tags, and just about everything else on your phone while laying next to Nika's sleeping figure in her bed, it only reaffirmed one thing in your head.
You and Nika majorly fucked up.
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12:07 am; where it all went wrong
With your volleyball season and Nika's basketball season being in their respective peaks during this time of year, you had barely gotten a chance to spend time with your girlfriend alone. The two of you were either travelling for away games, at practice, in class, hanging out with your friends or teammates, or busy studying. Needless to say, you missed Nika. A lot.
Which, combined with the weed pen you were hitting periodically, loosened your inhibitions to a whole new level inside of Ted's fairly crowded bar.
It wasn't jam-packed, but there was a decent crowd of older college students for a Friday night in October, especially since Halloween was soon to be approaching in two weeks.
Normally, you and Nika weren’t big on PDA, at most you would hold hands or give small pecks around the team, considering the fact that the two of you kept your relationship very much on the down low, not so much a secret as very private. You never denied any allegations but basically never posted together on your own, unless the two of you ended up in the background of someone else’s pictures.
Social media had a lot of speculation, edits, rumors, etc, surrounding the two of you, as you had no connection to the team as a volleyball player yet still hung out with them regularly. But either way, you and Nika always just minded your own business and kept everything very hush hush. Except for tonight.
Nika was sort of sober, she had done two shots with some of the other girls while you mostly just smoked a few times, not wanting to get super high, but just enough to let the tingly sense of giggly euphoria wash over you.
Yet one thing you failed to consider when choosing weed over alcohol for tonight was the fact that it made you incredibly horny. That, combined with the fact that you and Nika hadn’t spent any time together in the last three weeks, let alone have sex, were the leading factors of tonight.
The rest of the basketball team was spread throughout the bar, some were at a table not far from the two of you, messing around on KK's live, while others were dancing, drinking, or mingling with their other friends.
Which left you and Nika alone, squished together in the corner of the bar top. You were leaning with your back against the wall, standing in between Nika's spread legs from her position facing you atop the stool. Her hands were holding onto your bare thighs, occasionally removing her left to take a small sip of her drink before dutifully returning to your legs.
"I'm just saying Niks, we could definitely sneak out without anyone noticing, everyone's too busy doing their own thing," you attempted to convince your stubborn girlfriend, sweetening the notion by rubbing your hands up and down her jean-clad thighs.
As D1 athletes, it was obvious that the two of you had toned and muscular bodies, but one of Nika's features you found most attractive were her muscular thighs she built from her time in the gym and on the court, especially the way they would wrap around your head while eating her out.
"We'll leave soon bebo don't worry. Besides," Nika leaned into your ear, her warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "I already promised I would make up the last three weeks to you tonight yeah? What's another hour ljubavi?"
You bit your bottom lip as Nika pulled back, thudding your head on the wall behind you as your eyes trailed over the small smirk Nika held, now using her fingers to draw small circles on your thigh.
"Fuck, you're driving me crazy like this Nika," you reached your right hand over to the bar top, desperate to take another hit of your pen to ease the influx of horny thoughts running through your mind.
Before you could bring the vape up to your mouth, Nika grabbed your waist and pulled you into her, and despite her sitting position, you still only had a good two inches over her.
"You're not gonna share bebo?" Her teasing eyes gleamed up at you as she licked her lips in anticipation.
You immediately knew what she meant by that, the two of you doing it all the time whenever you're smoking or vaping together (y'all have seen the watermelon pic of her and let's be frl, they're college students, it's NORMAL).
You smirked at her suggestion, leaning into her before taking a deep inhale of the weed, allowing as much of the smoke to enter your lungs as possible before using your left hand to grab Nika's jaw, pressing your open lips against hers to shotgun the smoke into her mouth.
You didn't even wait to finish exhaling all of the smoke and taking another breath before enveloping Nika's lips into yours hungrily, eagerily gripping her waist with the hand still holding the vape.
You kissed her passionately, deepening the kiss as you slipped your tongue into her mouth, the mixture of the rum and coke she was drinking earlier and the earthy taste of weed making your head spin.
You continued to make out for a few minutes, gently pulling away while tugging her bottom lip with your teeth, gazing down at her closed eyes and blissful expression.
"You finally ready to go home Niks?" You teased, licking your swollen lips at her finally needy expression.
"We're getting the fuck out of here, right now," she rushed out, flagging down the bartender to pay off her tab and the second she got her credit card in hand, interlocked her fingers with yours to drag you out of the bar.
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Completely unbeknownst to the two of you, KK and her live had been at the table diagonal to you the whole time, and while her body covered the two of you behind her while sitting, the only shield you had quickly disappeared when she stood up, leaning over the table to steal some of Ice's food when it had been set down, completely exposing you to her two thousand viewers, who were no doubt screen-recording.
The camera clearly caught your lips against Nika's blowing smoke into her mouth before leaning in to kiss her, and despite the two of you being on screen for less than a minute, it was enough to cause an internet commotion.
KK's eyes scanned over the comments as she sat back down, blocking your frames as she shoved a few fries in her mouth. Her eyes widened at the sudden influx of comments about you and Nika, leaning in to figure out what was going on.
"I, what? There's no way y'all," she whispered to the table of Paige, Ice, Carol, and Jana. Paige leaned in from KK's right side, trying to figure out what had happened.
Covering the camera slightly, KK, and everyone else, turned around to witness you and Nika's little makeout session ending and the flirty whispers exchanged.
"Unfortunately tonight's live is gonna have to end here girly pops, and if you think you saw something, no you didn't!" KK exclaimed as she quickly turned off the live, the table erupting with laughter at the situation. The whole team had placed bets on how long it would take you and Nika to fumble, and half of them had just lost a hundred dollars at your shennagains.
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The walk back to Nika's apartment was brief, filled with flirty touches and short pecks to tide the two of you over until you finally entered home, Nika immediately pushing you up against the front door, moving her lips down your neck and around your collarbones with gentle grazes of her teeth and soothing licks.
"Niks please, stop teasing," you breathed out, grasping Nika's hair tightly from her scalp with your hand, pulling her face up to yours to gaze down at her with a pleading expression.
"Aw, my poor bebo," she cooed, mocking your horny desperation for her, but thankfully Nika wasn't that cruel.
She led you over to her bedroom, slamming her bedroom door behind her as she pulled your shirt over your head, unfastening the bra clipped behind your back all while reconnecting your lips as she laid you down onto the bed.
You moaned into her mouth as her long fingers bunched your skirt up by your waist, rubbing gentle circles on your clit through your panties.
Before you even had the chance to ask for more, she slid the fabric to the side, running her fingers through your slick before inserting two of her fingers, curling them up into you as you let go of her lips to throw your head back, moaning loudly at her ministrations.
"Oh my god Nika, right there baby, fuck," your leg wrapped around her waist tightly as you clenched around her fingers, bucking your hips up to match her movements. Your hands making their way around her neck and back, pressing her body firmly up against yours.
Normally you wouldn't be so close to finishing within a few minutes, but the weed from earlier created a delirious fog that clouded your brain and with the way Nika's fingers were both pressing into your g-spot and rubbing your clit, your orgasm was quickly approaching.
"Fuck I'm so close Niks, please just need a little more," you whimpered into her ear, moving your lips down to nip at the sweet spot under her ear.
Her other hand responded quickly to your begs, twisting and tugging firmly at your nipple as she mindlessly muttered every dirty thought that crossed her mind, knowing how deeply her praises affected you.
"Doing so good for me bebo, always such a good girl. You gonna be my good girl and come for me? Just let go for me ljubavi."
Her words were the final thing to push you over the edge, the tight coil in your stomach snapping as you immediately arched your back into Nika, an endless string of moans and curses falling from your mouth as you let your orgasm wash over you fully.
"God Nika, I don't think I can even feel my legs right now," you giggled in her embrace as she slowly eased her fingers out of you, sucking the remnants of your orgasm off them before wrapping them around your waist, laying you over her as she laid onto her back.
"Hm, fucked you that good huh?" She smirked, using her clean(ish) hand to brush the slightly sweaty strands of hair that had fallen in front of your flushed face.
"I don't know why you're getting so cocky Mühl, haven't even had my turn with you yet," you teased, running your fingers over her stomach, tugging at the remaining fabric on her body.
"Thought you just said you can't even feel your legs bebo?"
"Good thing I don't need them to fuck you then yeah? Don't you think my fingers and mouth will be enough for you Niks," you retorted, shuffling your body down the mattress so you could finally have your way with Nika.
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9:13 am
y/n l/n posted a story
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