#but I'm joking I love target. I got all my storage from them and also a big wooden bowl and some moss balls to put in them
llycaons · 2 years
friendship ended with target now [impractically expensive designer store] is my new best friend
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okayyyy it's 3 am so let's go. today was decent, mostly meh but a good evening. I woke up actually on time since I was on for clinic, and spent most of the day doing stuff for that. I ONCE AGAIN ended up waiting 2+ hours for an EOP in the same damn courtroom that I had twice before this week, and being that I've never had to wait that long before this week, that's really fucking absurd. sigh. at least the EOP got granted today and I got to joke with the judge a bit about the day being over by the time I made it into the courtroom all week lol. I was considering running up to the Evanston hospital to get my blood drawn again, because my psychiatrist wants to retest it after I stopped taking the one med for a while, because it could higher the levels of the one we thought was too high. The EKG came out fine which was the main concern, so I'm not too worried about it but still need to get it done. they close at 6 though and it generally takes like 25-30 minutes to get there (it's the suburb that sits right on top of the north end of Chicago) and I didn't get done till like 5:10, so I figured that wasn't worth trying. I was thinking I could go tomorrow, but at this point I can just tell I'm not going to have the willpower to get out of bed when I could keep sleeping, so I'll have to sneak out at some point this week and get it done. I ended up making plans with friend to help her move stuff to her storage unit prepping for us moving in July, and we went to mcdonald's and had to order the BTS meal, because of course we did, which ended up just being an amusing experience. We went to the storage facility and unloaded all the stuff from her trunk to put it in there. after that we went on an obligatory Target run, because we have to go to Target of course, and I got a cute pair of sleep shorts that I'm currently wearing, a thing of cherries (I love summer fruit being in stores again!), and a pair of socks with rainbow hearts on them from the cheap section (one of their pride items of course). Went home from there, then started with watching this week's episode of Superman and Lois, which I had mostly forgot was on this week, and then I ended up rewatching episodes 1-3 of The Nevers because I'm not ready to give up on the series yet, even if the season's only 6 dang episodes. I'll move onto something else soon though, I actually just started a disney plus subscription split with my sister, so I have plenty of stuff to catch up with on there. I'm also probably canceling my HBO Max subscription after In The Heights comes out (because of course) because pretty much all the shows I watch from there are available on amazon prime video, so it's kind of a waste. but yeah, after 3 episodes I showered and got ready for bed, then clearly wasted a ton of time being that it's almost now 3:30 am and I need sleep very badly, so I will finish this here. Goodnight loves. Happy weekend.
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