#but Jade was a big part of my gay awakening so it’s only fair
twinkleomorashi · 11 months
What’s your favorite wetting story you’ve ever read / video you’ve watched
My fave omo story is probably this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24810520
My favorite video is probably the one by pissqu33n where she’s locked out? Don’t have a link bc it’s paid content but I love her work.
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theorynexus · 5 years
Time to Continue with part 83!
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Dave is correct. Such matters are never simple. The ways of the heart are extremely complex, and while it wants what it wants, whether it has the heart to actually go through with whatever that is is an entirely different matter altogether. But that, and the wonderful weird silliness aside, I believe Dave was suggesting that there was more to it insofar as there are other factors than just his own “gay awakening” involved with the current difficulties. We shall see just what they are, and how much they have to do with Jade... now.
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100% on the money. I am not sure that technically qualifies as incestuous, though, my man.   I am also not 100% sure that you are correct in this matter, other than the fact that it may make her rambunctious and more confident that she is playing a successful role as whatever strange matchmaking hate girlfriend she envisions herself as.  (Not that I don’t think that humans could successfully play the part of a kismesis; rather, I am simply nooot sure Jade is actually doing well at it, or that she has quite the “stuff” for it, at this point. We’ll see.)
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***laughs hysterically at this wonderful awkwardness***
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That she has.  And honestly, from a Trollish lens, it would seem that she’s had the “hots” for Karkat’s black concupiscent quadrant for quite some time, as well.  (Man, that is sortof weird of her, to go out of her way to exclaim that to John... .    Especially with the distance between her and accomplishing that goal. You’d think she’d at least want to get them to show some interest before doing that.  Does seem very puppy-like of her, though. Hmm~)
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Honestly, John is right in that thought.  Mind you, trying might not be the worst idea in ideal circumstances (because at least he could say he tried, and it wasn’t working out for him; thus hopefully become able to get Jade not to push further, and salvage the friendships of everyone involved), but at this point, it’s honestly a great big gamble for Dave. He doesn’t have much romantic experience, and he’s not really sure 100% what he wants.  Not only that, he clearly feels pressured and uncertain with regards to the matter, and that is not a good point to embark on any relationship.  It leaves the door open for all kinds of potential abuse, because things aren’t starting out with firmly established boundaries and the necessary mutual respect for the desires of each person involved upon which all healthy romances are founded.  If it were me, I would most certainly advise against Dave bending to the pressure from Jade like this. If she wanted to make a potential situation between the three of them work out, Jade needs to understand that patience will need to be involved. She’s immortal, Dave’s immortal, and while Karkat may not be, they do have quite a bit of time before they’ll have to worry about him aging too much to make it work, I’m sure.  This is simply a horrible mistake from all parties involved, if it’s going to swing into effect as things are now.   Of course, mistakes do not have to be totally damning, and learning from them is necessary for growth, so... we’ll see how things work out.
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...  I guess Megalodon MIGHT have technically been classified as a paleolithic megafauna, technically, though its existence mostly extended much further back.   I do appreciate his continued enthusiasm about paleontology, though, and I understand that his metaphors can get convoluted and distracted, though.  On that note?:   Is that reference to the Meg supposed to be an association with Karkat’s mouth, and how his teeth are apparently quite disorganized, sometimes sticking out of said mouth when it’s supposed to be shut?   I mean, that DOES give a bit of a shark-like image.  To be fair, though: no. It was to eat whales, not other sharks. Big Game Hunter. (I really do appreciate the double meaning of his last line of the above quote.  His uncertainty and circuitous path through the conversation really does show how anxious love can make a person, especially when things are rocky.)
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I don’t necessarily think that that is correct---   that is to say, I am not sure that e actually was “leading her on” by dodging the issue for so long.  This would require him to imply he did in fact have that same sort of desires as her, or at least that he was willing to reciprocate.  Based on what we’ve seen, at the very least, I am not sure that he has actually done that. (Man, it must have been weird for Game Over Continuity!Dave to see Davepeta once they joined the fight--- to know on some level that he could sense something familiar, there, but to have no idea what the heck was going on with them~) That said... no. I’m not certain that even if he had been leading her on (that is to say, showing interest, but never committing), he would actually owe it to her unless he had been using that to exploit her in some way.  Particularly, if this was done because he was uncertain if he’d be able to go through with anything, and then he then decided/will have decided to just tell her he’s not interested, I don’t think that this would be wrong at all.  Certainly, she’d have good reason to be upset, but while she’d have lost a significant deal of time, at least he’d be being true to himself instead of potentially doing her, himself, and Karkat greater harm by forcing himself into something that has a good chance of failure+painful consequences. Sorry if this seems overly negative. It’s just... these are not the ideal circumstances, and honestly it’s sortof making me uncomfortable.
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(H3H3H3~)    Dangit, that “ghosted” business is sortof painful, given the natural association with John’s death in the Meat Epilogue. @w@ I am not 100% sure John’s mind is fully realizing the implied 3 person relationship that is being talked about as a potential possibility, by the way. With the way he’s talking, it makes it sound like he’s saying to use the coin to choose Karkat or Jade, rather than yea or nay to a situation with both of them.   Particularly with the reference to his logic, and the “same chance” business. Either that, or John is sortof wishy-washy and weird, and is in fact not keeping a constant goal/argument/side as he proceeds in this conversation.
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It’s beautiful to see Dave suddenly becoming confident, now that it’s in his wheelhouse.   And sortof awkward and sad, seeing John flail about like this.  But he’s always been that sort of silly jokester, so I will embrace this and accept it.
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It’s funny how one can get these intuitions about things, yet be unable to properly explain them, at times.   Of course, this rarely happens to me, because I’m a bit of a windbag (joke at Egbert’s expense), and am willing to look up words that may or may not fit in order to help me organize my thoughts, but it *is* certainly a phenomenon which I am familiar with.  Particularly, in the context of attempting to make connections with others, by which they may or may not latch onto and be able to infer the true meaning you’re trying to get at.
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... Yeah, that is definitely one of the things being a friend is all about.  And sadly... I think Dave is right.  He probably does need to talk to Dirk.  Not that it is likely to do all that much good. Dirk’s not all that great, as far as Heart players go, and as a brother, he’s been remarkably distant with Dave, but... well, it somehow seems right, even if it’s something dreadful and somewhat repulsive.  Given that Dave is having a hard time figuring this matter out, and he’s not able to properly latch on to John’s nonsense, this is probably the best option.
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I mean, it got Caliborn out of a particularly nasty bind, one time.  ;D
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Yeah...  I wouldn’t necessarily suggest that “cracked” will apply to all situations, but having someone who knows and understands you-- how vibrates on the same wave-length, you might say --is absolutely necessary for some issues.
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This is incredibly silly. I don’t think that is appropriate on the part of the proprietor, all things considered.  Moreover, it strikes me as curious insofar as I don’t think anyone ever came to try and help them order?    I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t understand how the fanciest restaurants work.  Or something might have happened while John was gone.  Them noticing he was gone probably had something to do with it, but... still pretty ridiculous, regardless.  I mean, who even kicks out a pair of gods? XD
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(Super cute.)
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How very true.   Time is something difficult to properly hold onto even in the best of times. That one is unequipped to do something that might make a difference does not necessarily mean it’s your fault that bad things happened. For example: one should not blame terrified bystanders for not mobbing a lone gunman in a mass shooting and forcibly stopping them before anything can happen, or at least partway through.  At times, life will present you with barriers of that sort that are almost impossible to overcome, and one has to think of what can be done for the future, rather than dwelling on the past. Of course, the cataclysm is in Dave’s future at this moment, and John could technically do a whole lot of other things to make events work out; yet as the narrative subtly suggests, while the possibility technically exists, it may not be something that is feasible--- for not only is Gamzee’s presence passively screwing with everything, now (and in particular, messing with characters’ abilities to make important choices well, probably), but there is the issue of the narrator potentially manipulating things, as well.   If they are being subtle enough, rather than trying to force certain actions like Dirk did at certain points, it is difficult to oppose such a being’s control. Man, I wish I knew for certain who was doing said narration, right now.
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greensungnostic · 4 years
Breakfast in Bed
Now it’s your turn to do something nice for Rose for her birthday! She was so sweet as to wake you up at the crack of the Skaian ‘dawn’ to start your celebration off early with starlight, but you choose to let her sleep in a little bit. With the tiniest application of First-Guardian power to keep the static and crackling down, you warp yourself out of bed so as not to disturb Rose’s slumber. Over to the kitchen of your own tower, to try and prepare one of Rose’s favourite snacks as a little breakfast-in-bed, without the help of Nannasprite this time. You mix the flour and salt and sugar and yeast and butter and just a little honey to sweeten it up, then begin working it all out into a nice thin rectangle of dough. Next comes lots of butter formed into a layer right on top, then the folding of the dough like a trifold board. You roll it out again and again, laminating layers of butter into the dough and working up a little bit of a sweat in the process; you may work out plenty, but this is a weird set of muscles to work in this way!
You repeat the process something like 5 times, giving you - by your calculations - 729 layers of butter in there, if they’re even still distinct anymore. Then you cut and shape them, doing your best to make dainty, light little crescent shapes that you pop into the oven to do their thing. Thankfully the next part isn’t too hard - just melting some chocolate, getting out some jam you made recently from the garden, and softening a fresh stick of butter for easy slicing, for good measure. A pot of tea - an Earl Grey with a hint of lavender to it - goes onto your serving tray, opposite a little vase of freshly-cut lilies. Finally the croissants are ready to come out of the oven, and you load them up the rest of the way. Carefully you float back across the field, into the house, and up the stairs - to return to Rose in her bedroom. She’s cuddled up to one of your pillows, clutching onto it so tightly that her sleeping self seems to think it’s still you. You float down and press a soft kiss on her brow to awaken her, settling the tray on the bedside table. She grunts quietly, sluggish to start this morning -  
JADE: rooooose, wakey wakey! ROSE: Bwah...? I’ll beat you both apart, I’ll take you both togeth- Oh, Jade. What is - how did you even do this without me hearing...? JADE: i cooked over at the tower of course!!! you were sleeping so cutely i almost couldnt drag myself away, but... JADE: ...happy birthday, love!! you made mine so fun and special i couldnt not do something special for you, too! you didnt peek ahead to see what it was, did you??
Rose rubs the sleep from her eyes and sits up, blearily looking around in the mid-morning light until her gaze falls upon the platter you’ve laid out. Dainty little croissants with honey butter, molten chocolate, and jam to dip them into. Nothing fancy, but with how fast you’re waggling your tail it’s obvious you’re proud. Your big gay heart all but bursts when she leans up and kisses you softly on both cheeks, then your brow, then your lips.
ROSE: It would be remiss of me to lie and say I didn’t peek a little, but I know you love your surprises and only Saw enough to know you would be doing mis-en-place last night before bed after escaping Dovesprite’s party/mix-tape premiere. ROSE: Thank you, Jade.
You snicker quietly and nod, leaning softly against the Seer to just relish her closeness. She takes a bite of one of the croissants and the little pleasant sigh she lets out is enough to bring a fresh smile to your face. It may not be as fancy or perfect as an accomplished patissier like Nannasprite could pull off, but you feel proud of your handiwork! You let her eat a couple (and steal one for yourself) before sliding a little wrapped gift into her lap. She glances down and arches a brow.
ROSE: While I’m never one to complain about gifts - you do dote delightfully upon me as it is - were my favorite flowers and pastries and - is that lavender in the tea? - not my gift today? JADE: noooo! thats just breakfast in bed, jeeeeez!!! >:0 ROSE: Alright, alright, relax love. Let’s see what you’ve plied me with on this, the Holiday of Lalondes. Holalondiday? No, that doesn’t work.
She peels the paper away to find your gift - a puzzle/fidget gadget that you’ve figured out how to mess with in such a way that attempting to peek forward while holding it to cheat will re-shuffle the solution subtly. You grin brightly up at her as she inspects the device, tinkering with it while she gives you a look.
ROSE: A new invention, I take it? Just a toy to play with, or some devastating challenge to my prowess, intended to sharpen my powers of foresight without tapping into the Light, whittling my mind into the most lethal of shivs? JADE: oh my god rose its just a silly thing i made that i thought you might enjoy and that its harder to accidentally cheat than most puzzle games are for you! ROSE: ...Oh. Fair enough, then. Thank you, my love, for this thoughtfully cruel gift, I’ll be sure to cherish it even as I curse at it deep into the night.
You roll your eyes and lean against her as she starts to tinker with the thing, eager to spend the whole day with her making it as special as possible as you can.
You also don’t mention that she could just set the thing down and peek forward if she really wants to cheat. She can figure that out on her own.
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