#but a little bit of messiah complex and martyrdom slipped in anyway
storms-path · 2 years
Day 1 - Cross
“You’re upset, aren’t you?”
“Well of course I am! What were you thinking? You could have been-”
“Killed? Oh, like that’s ever stopped you from doing it anyway! I’m just following in your footsteps, that’s all.”
“That’s different. I can take it. I’ve been through hell and come out the other side. You haven’t.”
“Haven’t I? You abandoned me for five years in enemy territory with nothing but a few coins and my wits. Does that not count? Is that not good enough?”
“I never meant to-”
“But you did. You did and then you threw yourself at the most dangerous things you could find so you could get yourself killed just like mother.”
“What else was I supposed to do? Father died by my hands, you were lost in the Calamity, I could never go back home! What was left but to end it?”
“You could have tried. You could have come after me. You could have done anything, anything at all to find out the truth and you chose to be a coward. If you hadn’t been found in Gridania-”
“I’m sorry, alright? I wasn’t thinking straight! If I had any idea you were still… Forget it. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, that much is clear.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t martyr yourself because you’re too afraid to accept a hard truth. You’re better than that.”
“Am I? I killed our father. I left you for dead. I wandered around getting drunk and picking fights I shouldn’t have won because I couldn’t handle the voice in my head telling me I was destined for better. All I’m good for is putting myself in harm’s way so that other people don’t get hurt. At least that way they can keep moving on, even if I don’t.”
“...How long?”
“How long have you been carrying all this?”
“You know when. You were there.”
“I see. You need to put that sword down.”
“What do you mean? I’m not holding it.”
“Put it away. Leave it behind. Tataru and I-”
“You know I can’t do that. It weighs as it should.”
“I’m not saying forever. But it’s clear you need time away. Time to forget the world. Take your wife and go. Let me worry about the others.”
“I can’t do that. I still-”
“You can and you will. The ship is leaving Moraby Docks at the next bell. You’re expected to be prompt.”
“...How long have you had this planned?”
“Long enough. Go.”
“And Arashi?”
“Leave the linkpearl and the crystal here too. I’ll know where to find you if we desperately need you.”
“...Fine. But don’t you dare do anything stupid while I’m gone, alright?”
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