#but a lot of asks for COWton so i wanted to give my best attempt at trash boy
Since the cow thing is actually a really cool idea how about a little cow transformation with Keaton and some weight gain mixed in pretty please!
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Keaton was well known among the Wolfskins as being a kleptomaniac -- anything that he liked the look or smell of, you’d better believe he was taking it with him to stash away with the rest of his treasures. It was less of a Wolfskin thing and more of a...Keaton-ism, but the pack didn’t mind too much since he kept his collection away from where they all lived.
However, Keaton was soon going to find out that some things simply shouldn’t be picked up from where they’d been left behind…
The echoing sound of a howl rent the thick air of the forest, Keaton listening intently for a returning howl, ears at alert and tail wagging idly behind him.
He’d gotten lost again, but at least this time he had gone into a different section of forest, and the playful teasing of the pack wouldn’t be too bad. It was always a little embarrassing to get turned around so close to their village. But, it was worth it for the new treasures he always found in areas they didn’t go to very often; people and animals would come and go, leaving all sorts of treats behind for him to inspect.
But, today, the fog had really come in quick, and the damp was messing with his sense of smell and direction. Hence the howling to reconnect with the others! They always had his back, and he’d always have theirs!
Only...he’d been waiting for a reply howl for so long already now...Had he really gone that far off from the rest of the pack that they couldn’t hear him?
“Man, this really blows…,” Keaton harrumphed to himself, tail low and ears down. He’d either have to wait longer, or try to make his way back on his own. Kicking up some dirt in frustration, the Wolfskin chooses the latter option; he’d have to get closer to the pack eventually, right? Just had to keep moving and howling every now and then to check in--
His boot connected with something as he started off in a randomly chosen direction, the tinny sound of a cowbell making his ears perk up in interest. Searching around in the dirt for a brief moment, Keaton whooped in delight at the treasure he’d just stumbled upon. It was beaten up and dented, no shine to it at all, and there was mud and dirt caked into every bit of it! Jangling it around, it produced the most discordant noise he’d ever heard in his life, and Keaton loved it. Grinning to himself, he jostled the old bell around again for the fun of it as he walked off, hardly noticing the odd echo the sound seemed to have now.
Trekking through the woods wasn’t a difficult thing for Wolfskin, but after hours of directionless wandering, even Keaton got tired. Plopping down in the damp grass, back resting against a fallen tree, Keaton let out another howl. Ears tuned in for any sort of response, he whined low in his throat when he didn’t hear anything. This was really getting old, and outside of just being tired and lost, he was getting incredibly bored.
Sitting back against the tree roughly, Keaton’s attention is once again drawn to the rusted old cowbell he’d picked up. It still had the strap attached to it -- as weird as that was, as that probably should have rotted away already -- and just staring at it gave him the strangest feeling that he should put it on. Not the type of person to really think anything through before he committed, Keaton shrugged and went ahead to put the bell on. It settled around his neck rather comfortably, and it made noise whenever he moved around.
“Maybe I should make this a permanent look, huh? Baha, well, maybe not around the others...Dressin’ up like a cow when I’m a Wolfskin is kinda funny,” Keaton laughs to himself, poking at the bell to create more jangling, tinny notes.
It’s after one such poke that Keaton winces, feeling an odd pinch in his chest. He presses a hand to the area, yelping in surprise when his hand meets the wet material of his shirt.
“What the…?!”
Bringing his hand up to his nose, he sniffs, blinking in shock when he smells milk. The Wolfskin doesn’t have much time to process this, however, when the ache in his chest spikes -- Keaton’s eyes widening at the sight before him.
His chest is...puffing up? Getting bigger? He was mostly lean muscle when outside of his Beast form, so it was easy to see the difference, especially when it happened so fast. He could only sit, stunned, watching as his pecs rounded out and enlarged. It wasn’t like he was getting bigger with muscle, though, his chest quickly transforming into something soft and squishable to the touch -- milk slowly trickling from his puffy nipples as they grew larger. By the time his milky man boobs were big enough to be cupped in his hands, Keaton started to notice other changes to his body.
His stomach gurgled ominously underneath his bombastic tits, Keaton whimpering as he felt his middle bloat out in a similar fashion to his chest. It was uncomfortable at first, like his skin was being stretched far enough to split, but the feeling soon dulled away into a soft warmth. His trim abdomen was soon replaced with a fat, pillowy gut, that overflowed onto his lap; chunky love handles causing his belly to divide into upper and lower folds of fat. His thighs had piled on with fat so fast, his pants didn’t stand a chance, busting at the seams and oozing out soft flesh. His ass was also exploding with growth, wobbling as the weight piled on and cushioned Keaton’s bloating form against the ground.
Finally snapping out of it a bit, Keaton let out a desperate howl for help -- trying to project it as far and as loud as he could, praying that any of his pack members heard him and came to help. His howl was cut short, however, partway shifting into the droning call of a cow. The shock of his howl not being...well, a howl anymore had Keaton jolting -- which sent his blubbery body jiggling -- the cowbell clanging around his swelling neck. His neck was getting so fat, topped off by his face getting all puffed out and chubby as well, that he feared for a second that the strap from the cowbell would choke him if he kept getting bigger. He tried to pry it off, struggling to get fat fingers around the leather. After a frantic moment of flailing around, the Wolfskin realized that the strap was adjusting to his size.
It was a small relief, as the massive amount of milk building up in his overflowing moobs was driving him absolutely wild. He was pawing at the overfull mounds of fat as best he could, but his arms were getting so weighed down, he just couldn’t keep it up long enough to get any satisfaction from it. He squirmed and panted, his bulging fat making quick work of his tight clothes and busting open anything that was still fighting to hold back the onslaught of chub.
His whines for help had now fully lowered into the simple lowing of a cow, terrified eyes dulling into a dazed look as he grew. Small, stubby horns popped up by his temples, and the trademark black and white fur of the Wolfskin shifted just a little to look more akin to the spotted hide of a dairy cow; the pattern even spreading to his skin in patches, making his massive figure seem even more rounded out.
By the time other Wolfskins from his pack had tracked him down, Keaton was barely recognizable aside from his scent. Massive body reclined against a fallen tree, the creak of wood beneath the amount of weight being leant against it, Keaton looked like a well and truly spoiled cow. Fat face sunk into his soft neck, the other Wolfskins could hardly even see his face passed the incredible swells of his milk-filled udders-for-tits. His belly was wide and flabby, almost reaching the fold of his knees; most of his weight seemed to settle into a pear shape, giving him juicy thighs and an ass that could kill.
It took a little bit to catch the massive Wolfskin’s attention, a dreamy look in his eyes as he smiled at them.
“Hey, guys, wanna taste?” Keaton mooed out lazily, tail swishing above his globular ass cheeks as he teased milk from his nipples.
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