#but a lot of library workers are also car less lmao. like half of them like me could never afford it so we never got a license
thewingedwolf · 1 year
when u tell someone who hasn’t had to apply for a job in a while “the interview process is like 6 weeks atp” they don’t believe you but a lot of employers will wait like 2 weeks to follow up, and they always need to do multiple rounds of interviews which takes a week for each round, and then there’s two more weeks of dead silence before you hear back. sometimes you’ll apply for something in january and they will call you up in the summer like “hey you still want the job” it’s crazy. they’re out here putting desk clerks through two phone interviews and two in persons at two different locations. they make the pages interview TWICE and they also have to do TWO sorting tests!! that job pays well below minimum wage, it’s a job meant for retirees and high school students why do you interview them like it requires a mlis
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