#but akldjflkdjf look at this. whoops all twewy!!!! 🤪
denizenhardwick · 1 year
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I posted 5,707 times in 2022
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,255 of my posts in 2022
#twewy - 524 posts
#dusty plays final remix - 286 posts
#joshua kiryu - 240 posts
#neku sakuraba - 194 posts
#cats - 134 posts
#neo twewy - 115 posts
#shiki misaki - 113 posts
#personal - 97 posts
#princess tutu - 95 posts
#joshneku - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#bruh my dumb ass misread this as 'why is shooting ur friend (friendship edition) so much harder than shooting ur friend (romantic edition)'
My Top Posts in 2022:
my favorite thing in sky is when you become friends with someone and then they take your hand and just start taking you somewhere. where are we going? idk, but this is my bestie now, and i trust them. if we run into a dark dragon and get attacked, well, at least we're doing it together!
138 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
it’s about being bitter and alone for years, isolating yourself form the world and other people because you’ve learned that friendship hurts, connection hurts, and no one would understand you anyways, right? so why bother? no one gets it.
and then! then you meet someone who does understand you. who does get it. and you fucking hate him. he is the most callous, selfish, insufferable asshole you’ve ever met but he fucking understands you better than anyone else ever has and you hate it. you hate that you see yourself in him because you don’t want to be like that anymore. you’ve grown, you’ve changed, is that really who you are? or who you were? because underneath all of that cruelness, you hold similar ideas about the world, but where you’ve started to look up and see the good in that world, he’s firmly stuck in the opposite direction.
this is what you could have become, and you realize it’s not what you want to be.
hnnnnn i’m going to shred a log between my teeth like i’m a woodchipper.
220 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
for a game from 2007 with no explicit rep, twewy sure is queer as hell. one of the main characters is heavily gay-coded and literally every other mc can easily be read as queer in some way, from rhyme being referred to as “gender non-specific or something in the middle” during an interview, beat having a deadname and being considered a disappointment to his family, shiki’s insecurity manifesting in her inhabiting a body that literally isn’t hers, neku... okay, i actually can’t explain why he comes across so strongly as bi, but he does. and i think that’s all really, really cool.
also the fact that joshua’s character still holds up, even in 2022, is pretty fucking incredible. like, "gay-coded villain who constantly hits on the main character” is just straight-up a homophobic trope, but he’s not a homophobic caricature somehow. despite being very enigmatic, his character is handled with the same respect as everyone else’s and, importantly, he’s never portrayed as creepy or predatory. not even when we find out that he is the villain and he did kill neku.
idk. i guess i’m just glad that i can still enjoy twewy in 2022 without a blatant homophobic elephant in the room knocking shit over.
247 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
it’s me boy i’m the ps5
403 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
don’t you hate it when that happens
464 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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