#but also give Lizzie the respect and remorse her character deserves
pearlescent-poppies · 10 months
“I died as I lived, embarrassingly”
She did the thing guys!!!!
It is the exact same cadence as how she ended Last Life. Which is such a good callback!
“So I left this world just as I had entered it, confused”
Also, justice for Lizzie!! I was so hoping for her placing high this season, she is the epitome of tragedy in my opinion.
Her first season: Plagued by the biggest betrayal the Life Series has ever witnessed. Her downfall was the fault of her allies. She was even permanently taken out by a fellow red name in a play for a life which never came to fruition. Her death was a senseless sacrifice.
In Secret Life: While it may have been a ploy to complete her task, no one showed up to Lizzie’s Birthday. NO ONE WAS EVEN DOING ANYTHING! They still didn’t come. Lizzie was never shown true loyalty by anyone. Except her Husband. And because of that loyalty, she took on something silly in order to help him. Despite telling Cleo multiple times to wear a pumpkin in the last episode, despite her LITERALLY LIVING IN A PUMPKIN PATCH, she still died to an Enderman. She was so close to killing Scott to, she just needed another well placed hit, or anything really! It was so accidental. Everything that could have gone wrong did. She even had an enderpearl, but she didn’t react quick enough. And isn’t that just Lizzie’s life series definer? She needed to react to Bdubs quicker, she needed to push Scott on that edge, she needed to throw the enderpearl, and so much more.
Small tragic accidents have always been Lizzie’s downfall.
It’s not a curse, not really anyways. Not for a player like Lizzie. Because here’s the thing, she is so good at this game. She has a hand in all of the skills that make a winner. Style, social, strategy, build, PvP, Redstone, etc. she has it all. She set’s herself apart and yet can’t help but lean into chaos. She can’t help but lean to much into the chaos. She’s erratic instead of calculated. She’s as Chaotic Good as they come and that’s why it’s not a curse. It’s just her nature.
With all that being said, please don’t make Lizzie’s death about the Canary Curse. She is more than that. Don’t forget.
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Unpopular opinion: Lydia Bennett got what she deserved when she married Wickham and I don't feel bad for her future life because she never felt remorse for running away, causing worry, wasting $$$, never listened to her sisters anyway (she never wouldve listened about him even if Lizzy told her family so idk why Lizzy put that on herself), and even though Wickham's affection for her cooled first, hers cooled too. Everyone was waaaay too generous with Lydia AND Wickham
Lydia is barely 16 years old. Whatever her era and society would make of her being thought a grown woman, she’s honestly still a child by many estimations. Elizabeth admits to Lady Catherine that, at then-fifteen, Lydia is too young to be out much, socially, but that with all the elder sisters out enjoying themselves, in quieter country society the kinder thing to do is relax the rules and let a younger girl have some fun. And, of course, as long as they’re in Meryton, and close to home, this really isn’t a problem. It’s when Lydia is allowed to go away with an incompetent chaperone that she gets in over her head and is easily led astray by a man who must be at least ten years older than her.
Also consider where she learned to waste money and be frivolous. Mr. Bennet hasn’t set any money aside to help out his daughters when he’s dead. He hasn’t bothered to correct Lydia’s behaviour. He openly acknowledges Lizzie to be his favourite, Jane to at least be good and sensible in her way, and his younger three daughters he calls silly to their faces and pretty much treats them as worthless. For all he’s a comical character in many respects, and because he loves Lizzie and Lizzie is the protagonist it’s far easier to take his side than Mrs. Bennet’s much of the time, he’s a terrible father and in many ways the worst parent these girls have. In a society where a man is the head of the family, Mr. Bennet at the head of a family full of women evidently has no clue how to properly Be a Dad, or if he does, he doesn’t give enough of a shit to try until it’s too late.
And then there’s Mrs. Bennet. She IS silly, but her concerns are valid. She wants her daughters married to men who will provide for them. Rich is good, but even just a gentleman works, too. Her own brothers have professions in trade and the law, so they’re less genteel, but even an officer is a step above that in terms of gentility, so Wickham, by rank, is not a BAD match for Lydia, even if he would be poor in terms of income.
So a high-spirited girl of fifteen, encouraged by her mother to be vivacious and good-humoured (which are both things Lizzie is, as well,) and only swatted away by her father as being silly...well, at this point it feels inevitable that Lydia WOULD run away to marry an officer. While Wickham later has to be persuaded to marry Lydia, she was honestly in love enough to run away with the fullest faith of their being married as soon as possible. With her mother’s general insistence on Marriage Above All Else and Mr. Bennet’s TOTAL UNINVOLVMENT IN ANYTHING, Lydia did Her Best. Which turned into a shitshow, but how was she to know? It’s all a joke to her because EVERYTHING has been a joke to her, and no-one has ever attempted to correct her before. Elizabeth certainly doesn’t get involved--and it’s not her place to. She briefly encourages her father to TRY PARENTING but to no avail--and that’s on Mr. Bennet, and not Lizzie. Lizzie CAN’T just expose Wickham’s behaviour to her family, seeing as Miss Darcy’s reputation would be ruined if it got out. Which it would--Mrs. Bennet and the younger girls WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP THAT SECRET. Darcy divulged that information only as necessary, and with faith in Elizabeth, that her discretion would not allow her to spread such a ruinous tale about a young girl who she’s never met, and who has been hurt enough already by Wickham.
I think, much as some may want Lizzie to step in and Fix Everything, there are good reasons why she can’t, and most of those reasons are to do with Mr. & Mrs. Bennet and their failures as parents. Why should Lydia listen to her sister? I sure as fuck don’t listen to MY big sister when she tries to boss me around. It’s not Elizabeth’s job to raise Lydia right, and she’s never really tried to. The problem is, it IS essentially Mr. Bennet’s job (and to a lesser extent, Mrs. Bennet’s,) and he’s never tried to, either.
So blame Lydia for whatever unhappiness she experiences, if you want, but bear in mind she’s a naive, impulsive teenager who has a mother with a one-track mind about marriage (which--Mission Accomplished!) and a father who either fails to notice her at all, or verbally abuses her when he does.
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