#but also hope it's the last time as I think fusebox really needs to move on
ariendiel · 3 years
Murder mystery thoughts... so far
Overall I think it's super fun, the story is actually worth playing and I have high hopes for the mystery part. It was honestly great seeing these characters again, and it's miles better than the dreaded Boat Party. The humour is there, the writing is decent, so I'm generally really happy! Sad about just how many characters were left out, and really hope they (or at least your chosen LI, no matter who) show up later. Having some of your choices actually matter is great though, so fingers crossed!
- Noah in his knitted jumper and his Jurassic Park costume is the best dressed there. Priya and her lumpy coat just make me sad, I expected her and Lucas to kill it
- Speaking of which, Priya is suddenly so horny for MC, but also won't join in an open relationship with her? She'd be so down, but mostly because she'd think she could steal the man... (I love her, and I'm sorry, but she would)
- Fusebox really said "we'll take Gary's banter away, he's now just dumb"
- Basically I agree with everything here in this post by Anne about which characters are OOC
- Rahim?? I love him and that he's there, but since when was he "unpredictable" and "spontaneous"? Sorry, but no. Also why couldn't they just give him the costume add-ons when they got changed instead of having him show up as a polo player?
- Same for Lucas' moustache... could've been added on for his costume. OR just make it an option "did you allow Lucas to grow a 'stache?"
- Chelsea doesn't know how to cook. Good to know. But also like @hopeshoodie has pointed out it's kind of sad how she's never managed to let go of the Villa? I mean, she's decorated her home to look like it...
- I hate that I have to be mean to Chelsea if I don't want to pay gems for most stuff. Fusebox really knows that we don't want to hurt our bra and is making us pay not to lol
- You wanna do bits or have romantic moments with your LI, but your LI is anyone but Bobby and Gary? Sucks to be you!
I have ideas for specific things I'd have changed or have liked to see, but will save those for when the whole thing is done! Love seeing everyone play it though and hearing your thoughts on it 💋
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ravenadottir · 3 years
one last time, because i hope i never have to talk about this again. wanna know how tragic it was to wake up in the morning and spend a solid thirty minutes on today's episodes?
i'll tell you... through bullet points... SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT.
sooooooo... episode 9, filler. @bobby-mckenzie called it yesterday, and yes, oh, yes it was. not even a good filler, 'cause if episode 9 was a snack, it would be yogurt. (shout out to elladine for this reference).
next we have the confirmations fusebox thought it was important to address, such as:
- gary bleaches his hair. my whole trauma is clear, thank you so much for the observation. i would've died of curiosity if you hadn't confirmed it. except WE ALL KNEW IT, and it was the one fun thing to banter about, so thanks ? no "good effort" medals for you.
- rocco has a big dick. i don't know what to tell you except... yay? for chelsea? my mc is not bouncing on that so why should i care??? what do you want me to do with this information? next time i replay s2, look him up and down and go "rocco... NICE COCK." ?? that's... weird that they felt the need to put this out there.
- lucas actually planning a van/bike trip with rocco. I'M REALLY GLAD THIS IS THE LAST TIME I SEE LUCAS NOT BEING LUCAS.
- gary misspelling a word that's so fucking obvious and common? really going out of your way and reinforcing the working class stereotype here, fusebox. they really grabbed gary by the tiddies and said "you're not gary, you're his dumb cousin, barry."
- rahim in fact brought the horse for his chad character, and you know what?? WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SEE THE DAMN HORSE. i repeat, THEY COULDN'T DRAW THE HORSE! do i understand how he knew about the murder mystery? no, i do not. am i gonna play it back to remember? NO ❤, I SIMPLY DO NOT CARE. CONSISTENCY LEFT THE BUILDING OVER A YEAR AGO, and i'm about to as well.
- "love on the prairie", by hannah GODDAMN griffiths??? can you be more obvious? IT'S A MIRACLE HOMEGIRL GOT TO WRITE A WHOLE GODDMAN BOOK OVER WHAT... 5 HOURS SHE WAS IN THERE? moving on.
- hannah got a surname but not... noah? carl? henrik? kassam? ibrahim? hope? priya? lottie? marisol? like- THANKS, I'LL MAKE SURE TO MAKE A FULL-ON FANFIC AND MOODBOARD WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT INFORMATION. i'm sorry, i'm getting aggressive again, but it really tickles the pits of hell inside of me that we got her surname and not anyone else's. good for the... 3 hannah stans that are with her i guess??? 🗣 AND SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE!!!!!
- oh yeah, marisol was the killer in mine. i really tricked myself into believing this wasn't gonna be a "BLUE'S CLUES" children's detective club, and the nail thing was gonna be a ✨MISDIRECT✨. my bad. i will bring zero expectations with me next time.
- again. if this whole special was to finalize some plotlines the players needed to be unvailed, why didn't all the characters get surnames? THERE'S NO REASON FOR THAT.
did i leave something untouched? i think so, because married mc's get some consequences if they cheated?
not if you're single tho. nothing interesting happens if you chose to bed someone. which is weird that i banged gary but didn't get a scene with him ?? like, nothing ??
besides that, that's all it happened. which means this whole special could've been resumed within FIVE episodes. not ten! five was more than enough.
did the single mc get a cool scene with chelsea at the end? one that i actually pictured it could be chelsea and mc in the finale of season 2 if mc is single? yes, i did. was it worth it? NO. it was the only consistent thing on chelsea so far, and for that, i... thank ... you? I DON'T. THE WHOLE THING WAS A WASTE OF MY TIME AND ENERGY.
but if you wanna see it, here it is. they laugh a lot and made me think there was some funny oregano in the drinks, but eventually they got to tell each other how special they are to one another. it was actually nice, but that's the only cumpliment i have.
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this would've been perfect on afterparty if mc stole the money and was single. here? "you can always count on chelsea" should've happened back then, when mc needed a shoulder to lean on, but i digress!
i was also disappointed thinking these creepy pictures could mean something, and they were the house owner's, which would turn out to be someone importnat, but hey, I GUESS I SET MYSELF TO FAILURE EXPECTING THE BARE MINIMUM.
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the only thing i truly thought about chelsea and how she's treated by men was confirmed but i can't give props to them because... RANDOM? OBVIOUS? HAS BEEN SAID BEFORE?
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i'm honestly sad that they felt the need to ruin all these characters for us, just so they would have a small money grab. like-
milking this season just so you wouldn't do them justice?? no one asked for this. no one asked for yet another piece, if you can call it that, that just doesn't bring anything to the table. they ruined a good thing and for what?
this is the type of thing people remember hating but can't remember the reasoning behind said hatred. you know why? THE WHOLE THING WAS BUSTED.
and the fact that they had zero care for female li's?? henrik? carl? hope? the actual history about the others? the whole mystery was so forced and unfunny how obvious it was.
no other new layers on anything except for disgusting foods chelsea made??
fusebox really out here saying they put some effort into this.
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kidnappedbycartoons · 3 years
Thoughts about Bobby
I want to talk about Bobby. I did this with Hannah and now I’m doing the other freckle-faced person in the season. Despite his route being bland, I feel like there is a lot to say about Bobby.
The First Week:
We didn’t know much about Bobby. And from what Rahim/Rocco says during the Mean Tweets challenge, looks like the guys don’t either. He didn’t tell MC a lot about himself during this time. Even during Day Two when MC asks him to tell her something she doesn’t know about him, he jokes about it instead of saying something, unlike the other guys. It makes me wonder what he could be hiding. We know he’s been burned before and wants someone loyal, but why is he so closed off compared to the other guys? I agree with Marisol, he uses humor as a defense mechanism, but why? I’m going to divert away from the player theory and just use what we have in the game.
Operation Nope:
He encourages it. He and Priya use the excuse that Noah and Hope might be faking it and that either her or MC have to try and turn Noah’s head. Ignoring that, the thing that gets me is that if he is coupled up with MC, he even suggests that she could try it because he tries not to be a jealous guy and “For science”. Is he that dumb to not see how weird and offensive that could be? No. A part of me feels like he suggested it to MC to test her loyalty to him. I feel like he was hurt before the villa. Like the person he thought he was going to spend the rest of his life with cheated on him with one of his best friends type hurt. So he’s closed off not only to MC but to the guys because of this. This could also explain why Bobby didn’t care much about encouraging Priya and MC to try and turn Noah’s head. He didn’t really care about the other people in the villa that much. Yeah, he tried to keep the peace a few times, but that could’ve also been for his comfort.
But then he goes on to tell the guys about Operation Nope and why? Priya said that no one should know about it and then he goes and tells not one but a few of the guys about it? And how are we supposed to know he told them about his part in it? Hope seems to be cool with him after it, despite him saying that he told Hope about his role in it. But what did he tell her? I think Bobby tries to avoid being in the middle of the drama. He knows his part in it and knows that if the others knew about it that would put him on a few people’s bad sides. I don’t think Rahim told the others about it and considering that he doesn’t like conflict himself, he probably didn’t tell anyone about Bobby’s role in it either. But I NEED to talk about him and Priya after the operation.
Him and Priya:
Bobby was the only person in the villa Priya considered a friend. He was the only one she opened up with and the main one that she hung out with. But did Bobby consider Priya a friend? Honestly, I don’t think he did. Going off of what I said before about how he didn’t really care about the other people in the villa. After Operation Nope, he let Priya take the fall. Yes, she made the move on Noah, but he did encourage it and kept it a secret from Noah and Hope while telling others about it in the villa. We don’t know if he came clean about his real role in it and from what we see, it’s safe to say he didn’t. 
After Operation Nope, he’s comforting Priya on the roof and when MC comes up, he says that Priya has been through enough already. As if MC is going to curse her out or something. And that makes sense if that’s your kind of MC, but if she isn’t, and especially if he’s coupled up with her, that shouldn’t have come out of his mouth. But why did he say that? I think he said it to let Priya know that he has her back, even in front of the peacemaker of the villa, MC. Something else that catches my attention is when MC says Hope and Noah have been fighting all day and he says “Isn’t it convenient, they can blame it on us” and that just rubbed me the wrong way completely. It’s like he knows Nope is toxic, but before and after the operation, he acts like their biggest shipper. At least to their face. The reason for that is because he doesn’t want to be in the middle of the drama. It’s fake, but that’s that.
Now, we know that Bobby saves Hope over Priya at the dumping. Did he feel bad for Operation Nope? Probably. I think he felt bad for the aftermath of it. Noah was probably a mess during Casa Amor and he had to see that. Priya didn’t appear worried before it. She probably thought Bobby was going to save her just for him not to. Did Bobby tell her he was going to? We don’t know. But after this, we don’t see them interact during her leaving. And he doesn’t speak about her after she leaves despite them supposedly being so close, so I think that their friendship was more just a process of elimination on Priya’s part and Bobby just going with the flow, not caring.
Him and MC:
So, as I said, his route is the blandest out of all the LIs. There’s no drama, so it’s up to the MC to make it more interesting. Forgetting the player theory, I do think that he only thought of MC as a friend at first. A friend he wanted to bang, but still. The way he interacted with her gave me best friends vibes and I think this has to do with both his past experience and his insecurity.
Honestly, I think that a lot of Bobby’s jokes in the villa were just to stand out. On Day Four, he asks MC why she picked him and has she seen the other guys in here. He’s clearly insecure about his looks and when standing next to Noah or Ibrahim who is clearly more muscular than him, he probably knew the other girls wouldn’t go for him. If MC goes for Noah on Day One, Bobby is the last one left and MC ends up coupling with him because Hope steals Noah. You know he noticed that. When doing the Mr. Love Island, if you tell Bobby that you think he’s the fittest guy he gets uncomfortable. Because he thinks it’s a lie? I believe so. Bobby seems to have it in his mind that his jokes are the one thing he has over the other guys, but because of that and his fear of opening up because of his past, it stops him from forming connections with any other girls but MC. 
I know a lot of Bobby stans complain about he treats the other girls better than MC. I see it in two ways. Number one, he doesn’t think she needs it. When I say that, I mean that MC is running around being the peacemaker in the villa, seemingly on good terms with mostly everyone, confident, outgoing, etc. So he doesn’t see why she would need his comfort or reassurance. Number two, distance. Bobby doesn’t want to get too close to MC because he thinks she’s going to hurt him in the future. So he focuses on the other girls to take his mind off of her. 
After Operation Nope, he tries to make it work if you’re coupled up with him and I think the reason why is because he believes that it’s partly his fault for pushing her to do it. At least, he’s hoping it is. Up to this point, I think he’s starting to fall for MC. Even if MC brings a guy back from Casa Amor, he’ll still try to make his move. And I think that’s because he just realized his true feelings for MC during Casa Amor, so he’s trying to push for it. However, when MC cheats on him with R!Lurik, he’ll end it. Because of his past and also because up to this point, it’s been like what? Three weeks? At this point, he’s fully committed and he’s hoping MC is too. So when she isn’t, that’s the final straw. Now I want to play a route where my MC does Operation Nope and brings a guy back from Casa Amor.
Final Thoughts:
Bobby, at least in my opinion, is a more complex character than the shell that Fusebox gave him after Casa Amor. I think he has trust issues that cause him to close himself off from pursuing real and genuine connections with both women and men. Which is why, I say, that he didn’t really care much for the other people in the villa. He couldn’t bring himself to open up to them. He avoids putting himself in the middle of drama by either omitting certain things or by being fraudulent. But he’s also very insecure about his looks and ability to keep someone interested. Especially when put in a dating competition. All in all, I still like the character. And I think I might do another one of this but on Priya.
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