#but also i enjoy this art everyone say good job evie *applause*
bloodmoonblitz · 1 year
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peace and love on planet cleradin
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weshallc · 4 years
Easter Bernie.
(Call the Midwife AU/ Crown Jewels Easter Special/ Also available on A03 & FF)
Bit longer chapter today. Village meeting, Mount Busby, The Crown, Patrixie tension and flirty Bernie! What more could you want on an Easter Saturday! I know that stereotypical Easter animal... an Alpaca 🦙
Thanks for reading. I had forgotten so much of this even I am enjoying it.
I hear footsteps creeping up behind me. Saying "You don't have to be alone, you know." (Come Home, Cattle & Cane)
Paddy stood with his back against a familiar barn door. He swished his Bottle It Ale. His eyes were fixed on the thirty-something in smart dark jeans and a long white shirt with butterflies and light reflecting sequins embroidered into it. Her hair was loose, catching the spring sunshine. She was laughing with her friends. Damn, he thought, no wonder he was feeling so insecure.
A hand touched his arm, the long pale fingers with the scarlet nail varnish, signalled to him it wasn’t Inspector Chummy. Trixie stood beside him, nursing a mug of tea,
“I think the crisis is over, she seems to be enjoying herself today,” she brightly attempted to reassure him.
Paddy turned towards Trixie, he was surprised at the edge in his own voice, “Why didn’t you tell me about those sods at the Mission, instead of waffling on about the cookie monster.”
Trixie held on tighter to Paddy’s arm. “I tried too, you were the one fixated on pink bleedin’ wafers.”
Paddy went to bite back, but suddenly saw a glint in his opponent's eye and started to laugh.
“She seemed OK about it when I told her Paddy, it wasn’t until much later I realized it had eaten away at her,” Trixie wasn’t great at apologies, but she knew she had handled the situation badly, “I should have known, you are right.”
“Well, as you say she seems OK today, probably because she knows she can have a biscuit tomorrow,” he joked weakly.
“Don’t find me rude, but I do have my own problems today.”
Paddy looked at her with surprise and maybe a hint of disdain, “What, modelling a few scarfs and mittens?”
“Paddy have you any idea why I am here?” She shook her head.
“Mmm, nope can’t say I have, but then I am not sure what any of these people are doing here, who are they all?”
Paddy looked at the sea of faces milling about the Mount Busby lawn. Bernie was in the middle of them now, brandishing a silver tray of partially full champagne flutes. Paddy would rather she was stood next to him drinking champagne, but she did seem to be enjoying herself. What made him more vexed was another young woman, also dressed in smart jeans and attractive white blouse, holding a similar tray.
“More to the point Trixie, what am I doing here? And more importantly, why also are my bar staff here on a Bank Holiday weekend?” If Trixie thought she had been forgiven, Paddy’s tone made her doubt.
“Paddy I have no idea what you are doing here, I didn't invite you. I did invite everyone else, these are my contacts.” she retorted back, giving no quarter. Paddy looked at her, confused.
She continued with a smattering of arrogance, “And Bernie and Val are working for me this afternoon.”
Paddy scoffed, “You can’t afford them.”
Straight back, “Patsy can, anyway they are doing it as a favour.”
“So why are the great and good of Tweavenside gathered here today,” he huffed.
“I told you, I invited them,” she gave back.
“You only got here two days ago, how did you manage that?” Paddy was suddenly interested.
“Oh, you philistine! I sent carrier pigeons to them all from London,” the laugh was hard.
“Is that Lucille? You have got Lucille handing out drinks. Do you have no shame?”
“Val says she is a natural, you should think about hiring her, isn’t that where you usually find your bar staff, at the church.” She was gone before he could reply.
“Can I interest you in a glass of bubbly, Inspector Chummy?”
“Well, it would be rude not to, as I am off duty and just Chummy. Thank you, Bernie.”
“Can I be so bold to ask who is running the Crown?”
“Oh shush! Paddy is not happy. Evie, Violet and Jack are holding the fort and Tim helps more when his dad isn’t there.”
“Well, the match was yesterday, so at least you don’t have to worry about the football crowd. Barring them, the whole of Tweavenside appear to be here. So they might not be too stretched.”
Bernie looked around at the invited guests. Trixie had done very well. She recognized a few well known faces. For someone based in London and only putting a foot in Poplar once, her friend had done a good job of seeking out the local money. She glanced at Trixie who was looking rather pale, her house guest had ran through the planned afternoon's events and read her pitch to Bernie several times. Bernie had always been good with numbers, and checked out all Trixie’s estimated figures. Val, Lucille and herself had come over early to help her set up. They had spent Good Friday putting together Mount Busby Alpaca Bags full of freebees, Trixie had somehow managed to beg, borrow or steal.
“Can I go now?” the vibration of his breath on her neck made her almost drop her tray.
“Evie will phone if she needs you. Trixie is doing her spiel next and then it’s going to get busy when people start spending and discussing possible future contracts.”
“What has any of this got to do with me? I am not going to order alpaca wool beer mats, am I?”
“Paddy this is important Trixie is on trial here, a lot depends on how well she does today.” Bernie frowned.
“But it’s Patsy and Delia, not Dragons Den.” Paddy really didn’t get it.
“You know you are always going on about us doing stuff together, does that just mean things you want to do? This is my friend, and this is a big deal for her. We are here to support her.”
Paddy thought better of bringing up his recent church visit and the elaborate plans they were making for Easter Sunday.
Bernie flounced off with her tray. He looked at Trixie talking to Patsy and Delia, maybe he had fallen for her bravado too easily and missed something. Yes, the Two Loves may have been drawing their pension for a few years now, but they still ran a good business from the farm. They had for many years, always adapting with age and the times. Now they were setting out on this new venture, an extension of the alpaca walks. Patsy was still producing art, maybe not at the rate she once did, but her name still sold well. He looked at Delia Busby’s face in deep conversation with a nervous looking Trixie. Patsy had a big heart and may want to help Trixie, but the former Welsh Nursing Sister, was now a shrewd businesswoman and she wasn’t about to dispense any handouts.
“Afternoon Doc.”
Paddy was dragged out of his reverie, “Pete what are you doing here, alpaca socks is it?”
Paddy grinned, “Don’t tell me, favour to Trixie. The woman has been in Poplar for five minutes and seems to have everyone wrapped around her little finger.”
“Well Camilla asked, we have a soft spot for the farm, our first date and all that.” Peter explained. Paddy looked confused.
“Don’t you remember Doc, last time Ms Franklin was here, the alpaca walk.”
Paddy smiled at Pete’s professionalism towards his employer, even though she probably wasn’t paying him. “But you had been seeing each other for years.”
“Yes, but it was the first time we had attended a social occasion on our own doorstep, together. It felt like a proper date, Camilla said as much. She looked at the Two Loves, the vicar and his missus and you and Berns and I could tell she wanted that and so did I.”
Paddy glanced over at the barn remembering the bust up he and Bernie had that night, choosing to dwell on the making up.
“So that was when I decided to jack it all in and hand in my badge. So Camilla could progress in the Force, but also so we could stop messing about and make a commitment.”
“You decided that looking at me and Bernie?” laughed Paddy ironically.
Paddy moved aimlessly to the outdoor seating area and took a chair at the back. Peter's words were playing through his mind. Bernie, minus tray, made him shuffle in one place and took his chair. Her eyes were on Trixie, who was stood on a small platform holding a microphone. Bernie gave her a thumbs up and then to his surprise grabbed his hand and squeezed it without looking at him. She looked as nervous as the speaker. Her face reminded Paddy of Marianne, the day of Tim’s first nativity play. He used his other hand to encase Bernie’s and settled them on his lap.
“She will be great,” he whispered.
Bernie turned to him for the first time since she sat down, “I said a wee prayer.”
“Well there you go, the job’s a good'un.”
Bernie smiled and leaned into his shoulder as Trixie advised everyone that all the details from the talk were contained in the documentation in the freebee bags.
Paddy had no idea what Trixie talked about, she lost him at “Alpaca”. He gathered from the frequent laughter and Bernie’s release in the tension on his hand, that it had gone well. The applause at the end sealed this thought, the smile on Delia’s face and the amount of air kissing going on confirmed this. Bernie was soon up and to the front, in the midst of all things woolen.
Val handed Paddy another bottle of Buckle’s Brewery beer,
“Don’t think this gets you out of working tonight, we have a meeting remember.”
Val pulled a face and added, “She did well.” Paddy nodded.
Val went on, “Although the alpacas and the lambs went a long way, I think they won everyone over.”
Paddy nodded and took a sip of his beer and then stopped, “Lambs? Mount Busby doesn't have any sheep.”
Val looked up and pursed her lips, “Farm next door does.”
“That’s quite a walk, Val.”
“Trixie brought the lambs here, well Reggie and Fred did technically.”
“That’s illegal, that's sheep rustling and highly irresponsible, didn’t you tell her?”
“Paddy calm down the ewes came too.” Paddy shook his head. Val continued, “They were a big hit. Plus the couple of orphans that needed feeding, they sealed the deal.”
Paddy shook his head in disbelief again.
Val, Lucille, Bernie and Paddy walked into the Crown. Evie behind the bar asked how it all had gone? They replied in the order they entered,
“Alright.” “Lovely.” “She was fabulous.” “How’s everything been here?”
Evie smiled, “It’s been fairly quiet, but that’s Bank Holidays for you, can go either way.”
“You managed though?” Paddy needed more.
“Mr Turner, I have been pulling pints, before you pulled your first girlfriend.”
Paddy took no notice. Lucille made an embarrassed squeak as Val chuckled at Paddy being put in his place, she did enjoy Evie’s retorts.
“Get yourself away Evie,” she said taking her place behind the bar.
“I thought we were having this meeting, see if we all know what we are doing tomorrow.”
Val made a face, “Forgot about that.”
Most of Poplar-on-Tweaven were assembled in the Crown snug, Val had offered to tend the bar. Phyllis, Evie and Vi were deep in conversation in a corner seat. Fred balanced on a stumpy stool. Lucille sat next to Paddy, who was on a chair at the end. Bernie was perched on his knee unable to settle waiting for Trixie’s return, she had stayed behind to be debriefed by Delia.
“They do know the time,” said Evie in a loud whisper looking at her watch.
At that Reverend Julia entered the snug, apologising profusely for being late.Tom and Bobby Hereward following behind. Bernie jumped off Paddy’s knee and everyone eventually got seated.
Val followed in the God Squad as Jack called them, mainly to annoy Bernie and Lucille. She made sure everyone had drinks and pushed a few bags of crisps and nuts on the table. Fred asked if she had any pork scratchings and was hushed by Vi.
“Shall we make a start,” Phyllis cleared her throat.
“Do I need to take minutes?” asked a nervous Bobby. Paddy and Julia both shook their heads.
“It’s just an informal meeting lass, to see if everyone knows what they are doing tomorrow.”
“Still wouldn't be a miss,” cut in Tom, he gestured at his wife's bag. Bobby quickly took out a pen and notebook and started scribbling. Phyllis and Evie shared a look.
Bernie was now stood behind Paddy’s chair and in her nervous tension, waiting for news of Trixie, was scratching his neck every time she found something funny. Which he was finding very distracting.
“So this is the first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Crown and Church, Easter Festival,” Phyllis began again.
“Didn't we agree it was Church and Crown,” interrupted Tom.
Everyone looked at each other, Bernie dug her nails into the back of Paddy's neck.
“What do the posters say,” enquired Vi.
“They just say Poplar Easter Festival and then times and venues,” responded Julia.
“OK, but I think with it being a religious festival, Church should come first.” Tom continued. “Paddy is that all right with you?” in a tone that didn’t sound like a question.
Paddy just shrugged his shoulders, trying to shake Bernie off at the same time.
“Right,” said Phyllis, “The first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Church and Crown, Easter Festival.”
Bernie grabbed the back of Paddy’s neck just as Bobby asked, “Sorry, are they any apologies for absence.”
Bernie dug in her fingers, and Paddy hid a yelp in a cough.
“I was absent, but I am here now,” Trixie stood at the snug door.
“Sorry,” said Tom, “this is a private meeting for those who reside or work in Poplar.”
Bernie was now pulling on Paddy’s ear.
“Well, that is me then, I am now a Poplar resident and employee. I qualify on both accounts.”
Everyone stared at the newcomer, “That is if Mount Busby is classed as Poplar.”
“It certainly is,” cleared up Phyllis.
To Paddy’s relief, Bernie moved from behind him and hugged Trixie’s neck instead.
“I've signed a years contract and here is the best bit, I will be based in Poplar and commute to London when necessary.”
Val had joined them. “Oh Trixie, that is wonderful.”
“Well Done kid!” smiled Phyllis, then everyone started talking at once.
“Where will you live?” asked Paddy.
Berne suddenly stopped hugging Trixie, who said, “That’s the best bit.”
“Is it?” Bernie asked.
“I have been given a room at Mount Busby, I was shown it today. Its adorable and the views are to die for.”
“Oh, Trixie!” Bernie was back around her friend’s neck.
“This calls for champagne, Paddy! Or at least a bottle of Prosecco.” Evie realized as soon as she had said it, she had made a mistake; this was her first meeting with the engaging stranger.
Trixie was the one to rescue the situation, “Please do, I have been surrounded by champagne all day, one more bottle won't make a difference.”
“That is a good point chick, me, Berns and Luce would probably be sick if we had to pour another glass of bubbles.” Val chipped in.
“I know what we do have,” Vi piped up, “too many cakes for tomorrow.”
“How can you have too many cakes?” asked Fred.
“I am sure we can cut into one now,” Vi continued.
“Brilliant idea I am on it,” Val was off, but called back by Vi.
“Valerie, while you're in there, can you check I have done enough hard-boiled eggs? I have another dozen in the larder, if you're not sure.”
Evie interrupted, “It was like a sauna in there earlier, you must have boiled six dozen.”
Vi folded her arms and shuffled her ample bosom, “What with decorating, rolling, hunting and jarping, you mark my words, you will be glad I did.”
Val laughed at Vi’s indignation and commitment, “Look if we have over catered they are eggs, I am sure they won’t go to waste.”
“Couldn’t you pickle any surplus and sell them behind the bar?” Everyone’s attention was now on Reverend Julia, “My father always brought pickled eggs home from the pub on a Friday night, one each for me and my brothers and sisters and a bottle of ginger beer.”
“That is an Egg-cellent idea, Vicar,” agreed Fred.
The collective groan ended the great boiled egg debate. Phyllis was watching Mrs Hereward still writing and just hoped she hadn’t recorded the last ten minutes of conversation.
Paddy thought that Bernie must be genuinely pleased at Trixies news, because she seemed to forget where she was, and plonked herself down on his knee again. While everyone was discussing the many uses for a hard-boiled egg, Paddy wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into him.
“Happy?” he whispered.
Bernie paused for a moment, tilted her head and gave a little smile meant just for him and nodded.
Phyllis cleared his throat, “So if we ever get this meeting started, the first Poplar-on-Tweaven, Church and Crown, Easter Festival, takes place tomorrow.”
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